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BREAK [[=] ON|OFF] /H|/? gives this screen ON turns break checking on (default) OFF turns break checking off none no parameters displays the state of break ON or OFF Examples: BREAK OFF BREAKCALL Used in batch files, this command will call another batch file and return when it has finished executing it. Syntax: CALL /H|/? CALL [d:][path]file[.BAT] [params[...]] /H|/? gives this screen d: drive where batch file resides path path where batch file resides file name of batch file to call .BAT optional filename extension params parameter list read by called batch file as %%1 %%2 ... etc. Examples: CALL doit.bat CALL setdate 5 Nov 90CHDIR Shows the path, or changes the current directory. Can be abbreviated to CD. In a displayed path, a changed SwitChar is indicated by a slash instead of the first backslash. Syntax: CHDIR /H|/? CHDIR /A [/B] CHDIR [d:] [/B] CHDIR [[d:]dirpath] [/B] /H|/? gives this screen /A scans and lists current drives and directories of all drives /B displays in batch mode syntax d: switch to given drive and display its current dirpath dirpath directory to change to none no parameters displays the current drive and directory Examples: CHDIR c:\homedir CD .. CDCLS Clears the display screen. With ANSI installed it sends the contents of the %%$CLS%% variable to the console. Syntax: CLS /H|/? CLS /H|/? gives this screen none no parameters clear the screen Example: CLSCOPY Copies or combines files Syntax: COPY /H COPY device|wildspec[+wildspec...][switches] [device|filespec[switches]] COPY filespec+,, (to TOUCH filespec) device is CON,LPTn,PRN,NUL,COMn or AUX wildspec source device, file or list of files to be included filespec destination file or device switches /H|/? gives this screen /A treat file as ASCII /B treat source file as binary (ignore Ctrl+Z in file) /V verify source and destination match /S include system or hidden files in copy /C prompt for confirmation by user before copying /Y don't confirm before overwrite (ignored since default) /Z zeros top bit of every byte in destination Examples: COPY file1+file2 file3 COPY *.txt c:dir1 COPY file+,, (to TOUCH file)DATE Displays and changes the date. Syntax: DATE /H|/? DATE [mm-dd-yy] (US format) DATE [dd-mm-yy] (European format) DATE [yy-mm-dd] (Japanese format) /H|/? gives this screen mm month 1 to 12 dd day 1 to 31 yy 2 or 4 digit year none no parameters displays date then prompts for new date Examples: DATE 16-11-90 DATEDEL Erases files. Syntax: DEL /H|/? DEL wildspec [/C|/P] [/S] /H|/? gives this screen /C|/P prompt before deletion /S include system files wildspec file to be deleted (wildcards allowed) Examples: DEL *.EXE /CS DEL MYFILE.TXTDELQ Erases files but queries you before doing so. Syntax: DELQ /H|/? DELQ wildspec [/S] /H|/? gives this screen /S include system files wildspec file to be deleted (wildcards allowed) Examples: DELQ *.EXE /S DELQ MYFILE.TXTDIR Displays the files in a directory. Syntax: DIR /H|/? DIR [wildspec] [/L|/2|/W] [/P|/N] [/A|/D|/S] [/C|/R] /H|/? gives this screen wildspec files to be displayed (wildcards allowed) /A displays all files /C or /R make other switches default for next time (/C) or now (/R) /D displays files without system attribute set (default) /L long format. Include size, date and time (default) /2 as above except files are displayed in two columns /N return to default paging switch /P pause at end of full page. Default is no paging /S displays files with system attribute set /W wide format. Displays file and directory names only none no parameters displays all files using current default switches Example: DIR /C /WECHO Used in batch files, this command is used to display a message to the screen. Can also be used to control the prompt display. Syntax: ECHO /H|/? ECHO [[=] ON|OFF] ECHO string ECHO. /H|/? gives this screen ON turn batch echoing or prompt display on (default) OFF turn batch echoing or prompt display off string display "string" . (no whitechars) emits an empty line none no parameters displays the current setting. Examples: ECHO OFF ECHO You are running the %%OS%% operating system.ECHOS/ECHOSERR Similar to ECHO respectively ECHOERR these commands are used to display messages to the screen, but without a trailing CR/LF. (Enter ECHO /? or ECHOERR /? for more information.) Syntax: ECHOS /H|/? ECHOS string ECHOSERR /H|/? ECHOSERR string /H|/? gives this screen string display "string" without CR/LF Example: ECHOS You are > filename ECHO still in the same line! >> filename TYPE filenameECHOERR Used in batch files, this command is used to display a message to the Standard Error device rather than to the default output device. The main use of this command is to print messages to the screen from a batch file, when output has been redirected to another device. Syntax: ECHOERR /H|/? ECHOERR [[=] ON|OFF] ECHOERR string ECHOERR. /H|/? gives this screen ON turn echoing on (same as ECHO ON) OFF turn echoing off (same as ECHO OFF) string display "string" to Standard Error Examples: ECHOERR OFF ECHOERR Please insert the next diskette to complete the installation.ERAQ Erases files but queries you before doing so. Syntax: ERAQ /H|/? ERAQ wildspec [/S] /H|/? gives this screen /S include system files wildspec file to be deleted (wildcards allowed) Examples: ERAQ *.EXE /S ERAQ MYFILE.TXTERASE Erases files. Can be abbreviated to ERA. Syntax: ERASE /H|/? ERASE wildspec [/C|/P] [/S] /H|/? gives this screen /C|/P prompt before deletion /S include system files wildspec file to be deleted (wildcards allowed) Examples: ERASE *.EXE /CS ERA MYFILE.TXTEXIT Terminates a batch file and/or secondary command processor, and optionally returns an errorlevel. You cannot EXIT a permanent master copy of the command processor. (Enter COMMAND /? and IF /? for more information.) Syntax: EXIT /H|/? EXIT [errlvl] /H|/? gives this screen errlvl return specified errorlevel 0..255 none no parameters exits with either errorlevel 0 or the current errorlevel of a batch file started via COMMAND /C Example: EXIT COMMAND.COM /C EXIT 100FOR Most commonly used in batch files, this command is used to repeat a sequence of commands substituting a filename from a list with each iteration of the loop. Syntax: FOR /H|/? FOR %%[%%]var IN (fileset|list) DO command /H|/? gives this screen %%%%var variable used to reference a filename in a batch file %%var variable used to reference a filename at the command line fileset list of files to perform operation upon list list of strings to perform operation upon (no wildcards) command operation to be performed Example: FOR %%%%f IN (myprog.asm acct.bas acct2.bas) DO TYPE %%%%f FOR %%f IN (myprog.asm acct.bas acct2.bas) DO TYPE %%fGOTO Used in batch files, this command causes execution of commands to alter to a specified point in the batch file. Syntax: GOTO /H|/? GOTO label /H|/? gives this screen label label to jump to Example: :start type myfile.txt goto startGOSUB/RETURN The GOSUB command causes execution to jump to a specified point in a batch file. When a RETURN command is encountered, execution will continue from the line after the GOSUB. Syntax: GOSUB label Example: GOSUB myfunc GOTO finished :myfunc ECHO Hello RETURN :finishedSWITCH This command allows the user to select an entry from a menu in a batch file. The keys 1 - 9 and 0 will select the appropriate label from the command line. A RETURN command returns execution to the line after the SWITCH command. An alias for SWITCH is DRSWITCH. Syntax: SWITCH label [,label..] Example: SWITCH label1,label2,label3,label4 GOTO finished :label1 ECHO Hello RETURN :label2 ECHO World RETURN ...IDLE Turns dynamic idle detection on or off. Syntax: IDLE /H|/? IDLE [[=] ON|OFF] /H|/? gives this screen ON enables idle detection OFF disables idle detection none no parameters displays the state ON or OFF Example: IDLE = ON IDLE OFFIF Used in batch files, this command allows conditional execution of commands based upon specified conditions. (Enter EXIT /? for more information concerning IF ERRORLEVEL.) Syntax: IF /H|/? IF [NOT] condition [AND [NOT] condition] [OR [NOT] condition] command /H|/? gives this screen condition ERRORLEVEL [==|=] number EXIST [==|=] filespec EXIST [==|=] dirpath\nul DIREXIST [==|=] dirpath ISDIR [==|=] dirpath string1 ==|=|!=|>|>=|<|<=|<> string2 #value1 ==|=|!=|>|>=|<|<=|<> #value2 Examples: IF EXIST c:\bin\editor.exe c:\bin\editor %%1 IF NOT "%%1" == "english" ECHO Invalid Language Specified IF #%%mem%% < #540 ECHO Not Enough MemoryAND Used with the IF command. Enter IF /? for more information.OR Used with the IF command. Enter IF /? for more information.MKDIR Creates a subdirectory. Can be abbreviated to MD. Syntax: MKDIR /H|/? MKDIR [d:]dirpath /H|/? gives this screen d: drive dirpath subdirectory to create (may contain whitechars) Examples: MKDIR \USERS\ROGER MD ..\USERS\LESLEYPATH Sets or displays a search path for commands or batch files. The setting is also represented in the %%PATH%% variable. Syntax: PATH /H|/? PATH [[d:]dirpath[;[d:]dirpath...]] /H|/? gives this screen d: drive on which dirpath resides dirpath subdirectory path ; path separator, or on its own, sets PATH to nothing none no parameters displays current path Examples: PATH PATH c:\osutils;c:\bin;d:\users\roger PATH;PAUSE Used in batch files, this command halts execution of the batch file until a key is pressed. Syntax: PAUSE /H|/? PAUSE [comment] /H|/? gives this screen comment displays "comment" if echo is on none no parameters displays default pause message Examples: PAUSE Strike a key when ready . . . PAUSE Put disk number 2 in drive A: Strike a key when ready . . .PAUSEERR Used in batch files, this command halts execution of the batch file until a key is pressed. Similar to the PAUSE command, this variant displays the default pause message to the Standard Error device (the screen) regardless of any redirection in operation. Syntax: PAUSEERR /H|/? PAUSEERR [comment] /H|/? gives this screen comment displays "comment" if echo is on none no parameters displays default pause message to Standard Error device Examples: PAUSEERR Put disk number 2 in drive A: Strike a key when ready . . .PROMPT Modifies the command prompt. The setting is also represented in the %%PROMPT%% variable. With $p a changed SwitChar is indicated by a slash instead of the first backslash in the displayed path. (Enter ECHO /? and CD /? for more information.) Syntax: PROMPT /H|/? or PROMPT [$list] Where list can be (default is $n$g): $ $ character t time d date p current directory v OS version %%VER%% / signon n drive letter g the ">" character l the "<" character b the "|" character q the "=" character h backspace e the escape character (ASCII 27) _ next line u login name (%%LOGINNAME%%) x run the program defined in the %%PEXEC%% environment variable - turns the prompt off (if sole parameter) Example: PROMPT $p$g ==> C:\DIR>REM Used in batch files, this command causes the remainder of the line to be ignored. Syntax: REM /H|/? REM [comment] /H|/? gives this screen comment comment text Examples: REM Ignore the rest of this line REM XDEL \*.* /sdrn THIS IS SAFE SINCE IT WONT GET EXECUTEDRENAME Renames files, or moves files between subdirectories on the same disk. Can be abbreviated to REN. Syntax: RENAME /H|/? RENAME oldwildspec newwildspec [/C] /H|/? gives this screen /C prompt for confirmation before renaming oldwildspec full path and filename of source file(s) newwildspec full path and filename of destination file(s) Examples: RENAME *.TXT *.DOC REN AUTOEXEC.BAT *.SAV REN \MYFILE.BAT \ARCHIVE\MYFILE.BATRMDIR Removes specified subdirectory. Can be abbreviated to RD. Syntax: RMDIR /H|/? RMDIR [d:]dirpath /H|/? gives this screen d: drive upon which dirpath resides dirpath subdirectory to remove (may contain whitechars) Examples: RMDIR \users\ian RD \work\testSET Inserts strings into the command processor's environment. Syntax: SET /H|/? SET [name=[string]] /H|/? gives this screen name= environment variable name to be assigned string string to assign to name none no parameters displays all environment strings Examples: SET archive=c:\archive\ SET flags=-b-t$r SET backup=SHIFT Used in batch files, this command allows you to change the position of command line parameters to access more than 10 (%%0 through %%9) replacement variables. Before usage of SHIFT %%1 through %%9 represent the given parameters, and %%0 represents the batchjob's name itself. Syntax: SHIFT /H|/? SHIFT /H|/? gives this screen Example: :loop if "%%1" == "" goto done copy %%1 c:\archive shift goto loop :doneTIME Displays and changes the time of day. Syntax: TIME /H|/? TIME [hh[:mm[:ss][a|p]] [/C] /H|/? gives this screen hh hours 0 to 23 (24 hour clock) or 1 to 12 if a or p specified mm minutes 0 to 59 ss seconds 0 to 59 a|p am|pm /C displays time continuously none no parameters displays the current time, then prompts for a new time. Press RETURN to leave the time unchanged Examples: TIME 5:23:8 TIME 7:32 TIMETYPE Displays the contents of a text file on screen. With ANSI installed or when redirecting the output to a printer, you can control wildcard highlighting and formating/pagination by %%$ON%%, %%$OFF%%, %%$HEADER%%, and %%$FOOTER%% variables. Syntax: TYPE /H|/? TYPE wildspec [/P] /H|/? gives this screen wildspec file to be displayed (wildcards allowed) /P pause when screen full Examples: TYPE *.TXT /P TYPE C:\AUTOEXEC.BATVER Displays the version number of the operating system in use. Retrieves the version number from the %%VER%% variable. Syntax: VER /H|/? VER /H|/? gives this screen none no parameters displays the OS version Example: VERVERIFY Switches the Verify option on or off, which causes the operating system to check that data is correctly written to disk after each disk write operation. Syntax: VERIFY /H|/? VERIFY [[=] ON|OFF] /H|/? gives this screen ON turns VERIFY on OFF turns VERIFY off (default) none no parameters displays the current VERIFY state, on or off Examples: VERIFY ON VERIFYVOL Displays the disk volume label. Syntax: VOL /H|/? VOL [d:] /H|/? gives this screen d: drive to display volume label none no parameters displays the volume label of the default drive Example: VOLCHCP Change the active Code Page. Syntax: CHCP /H|/? CHCP [cp] /H|/? gives this screen cp new active Code Page none no parameters displays the current active Code Page Example: CHCP 850CTTY Redirect console input and output to a port. Relates to COMMAND [port] parameter. (Enter COMMAND /? for more information.) Syntax: CTTY /H|/? CTTY port /H|/? gives this screen port port to redirect to Example: CTTY COM1:HILOAD Load and execute a program in upper memory. LOADHIGH and LH can be used instead of HILOAD. Syntax: HILOAD /H|/? HILOAD [/L:reg1[,minsize1][;reg2[,minsize2][;...]] [/S] fname [params] /H|/? gives this screen /S temporarily shrink block to minimum size reg specifies memory region where to load the program minsize use a region if at least this much memory available in there fname filename of program to load params the program's parameters HILOAD only has an effect if MemoryMAX software is present and there is upper memory available. If this is not so then the program will load and execute in conventional memory. Example: HILOAD CURSOR %9[<D= _ S C6.'. >x!o"%a%&F()+.01245%m7)9:;3àt