unit ConstantValues; interface const // Elements in array of window-active states. WINSYSTEM = 0; // System tables editing window. WINALLBILL = 1; // All Bills window. WINSERVICE = 2; // Service types window. WINCFG = 3; // Configuration window. WINMANUAL = 4; // TEC window. WINPAY = 5; // Pay types window. WINDIV = 6; // Division window. WINTELSTRA = 7; // Import Telstra accounts. WINSERV = 8; // Service Providers window. WINTEMP = 9; // Review Temp table window. WINSUNDRY = 10; // Sundry window. WINOPTUS = 11; // Import Optus Billing window. WINCASH = 12; // Show cash flow summary to screen. WINCASHREP = 13; // Show cash flow summary to print. WINPTC = 14; // Import PTC phone accounts. WINSACC = 15; // Import PTC SACC accounts. WINPTCREV = 16; // Review PTC phone accounts. WINOPTREV = 17; // Review Optus phone accounts. WINSACCREV = 18; // Review PTC SACC accounts. WINTELSTRAREV= 19; // Review Telstra rejects. WINCABLE = 20; // Import cable services for billing. WINCABLEREVW = 21; // Review cable service rejects. WINCABLERATES= 22; // Telstra rates table for billing cable services. WINEBSCODES = 23; // Telstra EBS codes, for importing billing data. WINBILLADDRS = 24; // Import Billing Addresses window. WINCUSTPAY = 25; // Customer Pay Dates window. WINPENDREVW = 26; // Review Sundries Pending for later printing. WINVODA = 27; // Import Vodafone accounts. WINVODAREVW = 28; // Review Vodafone accounts. WINAAPT = 29; // Import AAPT accounts. WINAAPTREVW = 30; // Review AAPT accounts. WINDELAYCODE = 31; // Review codes for delayed customer billing. WINBATCH = 32; // Batch window for all new bills to be entered. WINADMIN = 33; // Batch window for all new bills to be entered. // WINNUM = 34; // Number of elements in this (aWin) array. // Array elements for Security (0..15 only): IMPORTMANUAL = 0; // PP-view Manual Imports. IMPORTKEYED = 1; // PP-view Keyed Imports. IMPORTAUTO = 2; // PP-view Automtic Imports. BATCHREVIEW = 3; // PP and TBIMS. TBSREVENUE = 4; // TBIMS only, NOT PP. TBSEXPENSE = 5; // TBIMS only, NOT PP. REFDATA = 6; // PP and TBIMS. REFDATAVIEW = 7; // PP and TBIMS. AUDIT = 8; // PP and TBIMS. PROCESSIMPORT = 9; // PP-Import buttons enabled on Initiate tab. VIEWDATA = 10; // TBIMS only, NOT PP. INVOICE = 11; // TBIMS only, NOT PP. CREDITNOTES = 12; // TBIMS only, NOT PP. USERMAINT = 13; // PP and TBIMS. DEVELOPER = 14; // PP and TBIMS. PAYABLES = 15; // TBIMS only, NOT PP. // Program BatchType selections. PMIN_SEMIAUTOMATIC_INVOICE = 1000; // Range 1xxx: Semi-Automatic=Import File. PMAX_SEMIAUTOMATIC_INVOICE = 1999; PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_OPTUS_FIXED_ORIGINAL = 1001; // Original version. PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_OPTUS_FIXED_LONG = 1002; // original+ an empty field. PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_OPTUS_MOBILE = 1003; PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_OPTUS_MOBILEDATA = 1004; PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_TELSTRA_FIXED_EBS = 1101; // Landline, EBS bill format. PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_TELSTRA_DATA_GPRSSMARTBUS = 1102; // Wireless data. PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_TELSTRA_DATA_GPRS = 1103; // Wireless data. PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_TELSTRA_DATA_SMARTBUSINCLUDEDRATE = 1104; // 2nd invoice // type for Smartbus data. PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_TELSTRA_OBS_FIXED = 1105; // Landline Services. PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_TELSTRA_OBS_MOBILE = 1106; // Mobile Phone Services. PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_TELSTRA_OBS_DATA_GPRSSMARTBUS = 1107; // Wireless data. PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_TELSTRA_OBS_DATA_GPRS = 1108; // Wireless data. PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_TELSTRA_OBS_DATA_SMARTBUSINCLUDEDRATE = 1109; // 2nd invoice // type for Smartbus data. PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_TELSTRA_MOBILE = 1110; // Mobile phone, old EBS bill. PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_TELSTRA_OBS_PABX = 1111; // PABX Phone Services CSV Bill. PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_TELSTRA_ORIG_EBS_FIXED= 1112; // Landline, old EBS bill. PIMPORTBILLINGFILE_TELSTRA_EBS_PABX = 1113; // PABX Phone Services EBS Bill. IMPORTBILLINGFILE_VODAFONE = 1201; PMIN_AUTOMATIC_INVOICE = 2000; // Range 2xxx: Automatic or Calculated. PMAX_AUTOMATIC_INVOICE = 2999; PMIN_AUTOMATIC_ANNUAL = 2000; // Range 2xxx: Automatic or Calculated. PMAX_AUTOMATIC_ANNUAL = 2099; PAUTOMATIC_ANNUAL = 2001; PAUTOMATIC_ANNUAL_SMARTBUS = 2002; PAUTOMATIC_ANNUAL_CAMS = 2003; PAUTOMATIC_ANNUAL_KAMCO = 2004; PAUTOMATIC_TELMAX_RENT_CALLS = 2101; PAUTOMATIC_TELMAX_DIVERSIONS = 2102; PAUTOMATIC_QUETZAL_FAULTS = 2201; PAUTOMATIC_QUETZAL_FAULTS_RADIO = 2202; PAUTOMATIC_QUETZAL_TAXI = 2203; PAUTOMATIC_QUOTE_INSTALL = 2301; PAUTOMATIC_QUOTE_PURCHASE = 2302; PAUTOMATIC_TELMAX_UNICOMMS = 2103; PAUTOMATIC_SECURITY = 2401; PAUTOMATIC_SERVICE = 2402; PMIN_MANUAL_INVOICE = 3000; // Range 3xxx: Manual Entry to Database. PMAX_MANUAL_INVOICE = 3999; PMANUAL_MANUAL = 3001; // Manual invoice entry. // Ini file directory location. // INIFILEDIRECTORY = 'C:\Docume~1\alluse~1\applic~1\ppsystem\'; INIFILEDIRECTORY = 'C:\Progra~3\ppsystem\'; implementation end.