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This means that the license validity is leased from the AMS - always only for the next 21 days. Please see the ADNM Administrator's Guide for more info.PAavast! version 7.0Task StatisticsNumber of opened files:Number of tested files:Number of tested folders:Number of infected files:+Number of files not tested due to an error:Start of testing:<not specified> <unknown>End of testing:Virus Database: Date/Time File/ObjectPAStatusCavast! Copyright (c) 1988-2012 AVAST Software. All rights reserved.is OKw* * avast! Scan Report * This file is generated automatically * * Scan name: %s * Started on: %s * VPS: %s * 1 * * Scan stopped: %s * Run-time was %s * %d day(s) %d hour(s) %d minute(s) %d second(s)avast! warning: Do not forget to remove floppy disks. You can avoid boot virus infection. Remove the disk now and press any key...|avast! warning: ATTENTION!!! Floppy disk boot sector has been modified!!! It is probably a boot virus, already activated!!!QInfected files: %I64d Total files: %I64d Total folders: %I64d Total size: %s l* * avast! Real-time Shield Scan Report * This file is generated automatically * * Started on: %s * 3 * * Shield stopped: %s * Run-time was %s * PAWindows NT, version %d.%d (%s)Windows 2000 %s (%s) Windows 95Windows 95 OSR2Windows 95 OSR2.1 (USB patch) Windows 98Windows 98 Second Edition16 bit Windows with Win32s <unknown>Windows Millennium EditionWindows XP %s (%s)Windows Vista %s (%s)Windows 7 %s (%s)Windows 8 %s (%s)PA WorkstationServerWindows 2003 %s (%s)bavast! [%5]: File "%1" is infected by "%2" virus. "%3" task used Version of current VPS file is %4PA8The file %s already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?'Cannot copy %s to %s. Error code is %d.avast!PA Today at Yesterday at BKBMBGBTBPADisk %d Master Boot RecordDisk %s Boot RecordOperating memory:Process %u [%s], memory block 0x%016I64X, block size %I64uPAavast! Emergency avast! Alertavast! Critical avast! Erroravast! Warning avast! Notice avast! InfoPA Screen saverSimple user interfaceExplorer extension Program start Program end Virus found$Simple user interface button pressed+Mouse over the simple user interface buttonPA Task doneStartup memory testDetection of suspicious messageAutomatic VPS updateOther malware found Virus Warning avast! ReportWarning: The number of notifications exceeded the defined threshold. Current settings are: max. %d messages in %d minutes. No notifications will be sent during the next %d minutes. avast! AntispamSpamNot spam Blacklist WhitelistBavast! Antispam encountered an error no. %08X. Returned code: %08X Mark as spamUnmark as spamAdd sender to blacklistAdd sender to whitelistPACThe message body contained a virus and was removed for your safety.AThe attachment contained a virus and was removed for your safety.FThe message body could not be scanned and was removed for your safety.DThe attachment could not be scanned and was removed for your safety. avast! Antivirus - scan complete7avast! Antivirus %s detected! File name: %s Threat: %s2avast! Antivirus No threat was found. Scanned: %sPA%d day%d days%d days%d daysPA%d days%d days%d day%d days%d days%d days%d days%d days%d day%d days%d days%d days%d days%d days%d hour%d hours%d hours%d hours%d hours%d hours%d hour%d hours%d hours%d hours%d hours%d hours%d hour%d hours%d hours%d hoursPA%d hours%d hours %d minute %d minutes %d minutes %d minutes %d minutes %d minutes %d minute %d minutes %d minutes %d minutes %d minutes %d minutes %d minute %d minutes %d minutes %d minutes %d minutes %d minutes %d second %d seconds %d seconds %d seconds %d seconds %d seconds %d second %d secondsPA %d seconds %d seconds %d seconds %d seconds %d second %d seconds %d seconds %d seconds %d seconds %d seconds$D$dh$H$hm$M$ms$S$D$dh$H$hm$M$ms$S agoin $D$dh$H$hm$M$ms$SPA, , ,  and  and  and PA Quick scanLPerforms a quick scan of your computer's system volume and operating memory.Full system scan>Performs an in-depth scan of the system (thorough but slower).Removable media scan=Scans all removable media currently attached to the computer.Select folder to scanRPerforms a full scan of a custom folder (to be selected when the scan is started).Scan from Windows Explorer9Configures the Scan command from Explorer's context menu.Screen saver scan(Configures the avast! screen saver scan.Boot-time scan%The operation completed successfully.!Unspecified error in AAVM module.Not enough memory.+Invalid parameter was passed to a function.Access is denied.%The specified provider was not found.PA*The specified provider is already running.&The specified provider is not running.%The specified provider is not paused.The specified provider failed.1The provider cannot communicate with a subsystem.+The specified provider was not initialized. Invalid data was passed to AAVM./The AAVM subsystem is not properly initialized.1The AAVM subsystem cannot find its device driver.)The AAVM subsystem cannot load resources.(The AAVM subsystem detected a RPC error.The object was not scanned.5The requested resident task is currently not running./The requested resident task is already running.*The requested resident task was not found.RThe requested resident task was started but not all of its providers could be run.PA<Initializing engine ...><Testing finished>File:Number of files:avast! Screen Saver<Can't initialize scanner><Virus scanning is off>)Found virus %s, testing is interrupted!!!Found viruses: <Waiting for the next scan (%s)>PA Mail Shield IM Shield P2P ShieldNetwork Shield Script ShieldFile System Shield Web ShieldAntispamBehavior ShieldExchange SharePointFirewall AutoSandboxPA Scanning %s%s contains sample of '%s'!Disk %c: Boot SectorWrite access to file %s denied.'Write access to registry key %s denied. Write file: Delete file: Rename file: Format TrackBehavior Blocker8Remove floppy disk from drive A: and press OK to reboot.6avast!, Standard Shield detected suspicious operation.=Choose Ignore to allow this operation in the DOS application.PAOKCancelReset Allow all&Connection to malware site %s blocked.)Attempt to load kernel driver %s blocked.<Network Shield: blocked "%s" - attack from %d.%d.%d.%d:%d/%s3Network Shield: blocked access to malicious site %sNumber of scanned files:Number of scanned folders:Number of infected files:Total size of scanned files:PA#Final statistics for the last scan: Tested files:Virus infects executables.Virus infects documents.7Virus infects executables and system parts of the disk.'Virus infects system parts of the disk.$Virus could stay resident in memory.+It is part of the 'In The Wild' virus list.@Be careful while cleaning your system. The virus is dangerous!!!PA8There are too many identical e-mails in appointed time Suspicious subject of message PA*There are too many recipients of message 'Suspicious extension(s) of attachment )Very suspicious extension of attachment =Content-Type doesn't correspond with attachment's extension Suspicious whitespace sequence )<iframe> tag found, it may be dangerous Sender: Recipient: Subject: !avast! cannot delete the message.PA'avast! Command-line Scanner, version %s)(c) Copyright 1988 - 2012, AVAST Software !! Following task is not known: $!! Scan was interrupted with error: !! Storage cannot be loaded.!! Keyboard thread error. String for parameter @ is empty.PAInitializing engine...Virus database:Dir: 0, Files: 0 Directory => Tested files:!Boot sector is infected by virus:Boot sector is OK. Status:allPA : is OK. : contains pattern of %s.NProgram is able to find large amount of known computer viruses. Messages aboutOthe viruses are informative only, all tagged files should be handled with care!Help - list of all parameters:Unknown parameters:Type /h for help...List of all known viruses:Press any key to continue.3The avast! Command-line Scanner has been aborted...*Help. Short description of all parameters.Scan entire files.Ignore virus sets.Program doesn't wait for user input (/p). Automatic action with infected file: /p=[1234] 1:delete file, 2:move to chest, 3:repair, 4:stop when virus is detected.e=[*~][file] Create report file. * means OK results are included. ~ means SKIPPED files are included. No sounds.+Application will be ready for STDIN/STDOUT.==[JZIMXRSTGCBWOEQHFVKPY7D6U4123AN] J:ARJ, Z:ZIP, I:MIME, M:MAPI, X:DosExec, R:RAR, S:Streams, T:TAR, G:GZ, C:CAB, B:BZIP2, W:WinExec, O:ZOO, E:ACE, Q:ARC, H:LHA, F:TNEF, V:CPIO, K:CHM, P:RPM, Y:ISO, 7:7ZIP, D:DBX, 6:SIS, U:OLE, 4:Mac, 1:Installer, 2:Dropper, 3:Emulator, A:All, N:none --- Default option is: /t=XSW2PA Store time?=<address> Send message about found virus to selected address.value is not read expect string expect number expect byte expect 0 or 10Area for virus testing. There can be many areas.Local hard drives. Remote disks.TParameter contains name of task which will be started. Other parameters are ignored. <area name>6"C:\Program files" /p /t=ZJIX --soundoff /v="key kapt"CPaging the lines if program is not in STDOUT mode ( parameter /_ ).Parameters sample:F1 = More actions Esc = ExitNumber of scanned files:Number of scanned folders:Number of infected files:Total size of scanned files:#Final statistics for the last scan:Test of all files.-Test boot sectors and whole operating memory.executable and documents whole filesignore virus sets1 = delete infected file 2 = move file to chest 3 = repair infected file 4 = stop current scan 5 = don't interrupt current scan File name Virus nameWhat version to use for repair?Total scan time:U!!! This file may contain your e-mails. Do you really want to delete it? (n=no/y=yes)3Don't switch to "panic mode" when a virus is found.=[BPSW] Additional configuration for actions on infected files: B ... allow delayed actions (after reboot) for locked files. P ... if a file can't be removed from an archive, try to remove its parent(s) instead. S ... don't remove associated auto-start references when removing a file. W ... when an infected file is found in an archive, perform the action with the whole archive - not just the file inside.,Stop on clean files and wait for user input.H=[0|1] Check digital signatures of infected files (and ignore genuine)._=<value> Set the heuristic sensitivity: 0 = no heuristics, 100 = maximum possible sensitivity.r=[P] Detect specific malware types (that are not detected by default): P ... PUPs (potentially unwanted programs)PA,During the file delete, error occurred: %s "File was successfully deleted... ,During the file repair, error occurred: %s #File was successfully repaired... PA1During the file rename/move, error occurred: %s (File was successfully renamed/moved... 0While moving file to chest, error occurred: %s )File was successfully moved to chest... 6File will be deleted during the next system start... <File will be renamed/moved during the next system start... 7File will be repaired during the next system start... =File will be moved to chest during the next system start... 8File was successfully repaired... (not an exact match) LFile will be repaired during the next system start... (not an exact match) DFile was marked to be deleted during the following system start... BFile was marked to be moved during the following system start... EFile was marked to be repaired during the following system start... KFile was marked to be moved to chest during the following system start... ZFile was marked to be repaired during the following system start... (not an exact match) 'Operation was canceled by the user... PANOT FOR RESALE (NFR) licenseEDUCATIONAL (EDU) licenseGOVERNMENT (GOV) licenseHEALTHCARE INSTITUTION licenseNON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION license"%s" parameter, message 0x%08X.gProgram engine cannot be started because its initialization failed. See the event log for more details.]Program engine has stopped because an error has occurred. See the event log for more details.Program menu cannot be showed.GCannot show "About program" dialog. See the event log for more details.Cannot show help.2File "%1" is infected by %2 virus. Task "%3" used.PACannot start avast! server on local machine (see event log for more details). Do you want to connect to the next specified server?jIf you stop the avast! engine, your computer will not be protected. Do you really want to stop the engine?}If you stop Network Manager server, it will be impossible to manage avast! engines on network. Do you really want to stop it?PA)Scans selected items for known viruses... &Scan selected items for viruses&Scan %skAvast UI process (AvastUI.exe) is currently not running. Please run the application before starting a scan.#Initializing engine, please wait...Scanning finished...avast! Quickscan Tested file:Number of tested files:OKCancelavast! Quick Scanner%Program cannot load Storage. Error: Error message&Program cannot load storage functions.Program cannot get storage!'Scan was completed with error. Error: )Virus has been found! (s_pResult == NULL)+Program cannot create "Object" in "Storage"Program cannot find help file. ,Error: Default task for ashQuick is not set!PA Tested files:Infected files:9avast!: Cannot scan the message body. Error code is %08X.Cavast!: Cannot attach note to the message body. Error code is %08X.Zavast!: Cannot perform the specified action with the infected message. Error code is %08X.Havast!: Cannot discard the infected inbound message. Error code is %08X.avast!: Unable to open the specified folder for infected inbound messages. Please make sure that the folder name is valid. The message cannot be moved. Error code is %08X._avast!: Unable to move the infected message body to the folder specified in configuration data.Javast!: Cannot get the current virus database (VPS) date. File is corrupt?Ravast!: Cannot delete an infected attachment from the message. Error code is %08X.Savast!: Cannot reattach the repaired attachment to the message. Error code is %08X.avast!: Out of memory!>avast!: Unable to open message attachment. Error code is %08X.8avast!: Invalid or unknown format of message attachment!qavast!: Unable to move the infected attachment to the folder specified in configuration data. Error code is %08X.\avast!: Unable to build the attachment list. The message may be corrupt. Error code is %08X.zavast!: Unable to get information about the message. The message cannot be scanned and may be corrupt. Error code is %08X.@avast!: Unable to move the infected message. Error code is %08X.PAYavast!: Unable to connect to the avast! engine. avast! mail protection cannot be started.=avast!: Cannot scan a message attachment. Error code is %08X.\<Message Body> Mail\Outbox Mail\InboxMail Error 0x%08X.PAUnknown error.Unsupported operating system.Operation not implemented.Registry keys are invalid.Cannot create storage.Cannot create event. Program shutdown is in progress.Entry point not found.!Specified time string is invalid.-Operation failed because of program settings.#Operation was canceled by the user.!Program BETA version has expired.Engine data file is invalid.Supplied license is invalid.)Cannot load aswRes.dll (messages module)..Cannot convert Engine.dat (program data file).Invalid command line parameter.3Module is not initialized (internal program error). Program DEMO version is expired.New default task is missing.Old default task. Invalid key.PACannot open engine data file..Specified address of avast! server is invalid.Cannot start scheduler thread.0Received message has unsupported version number.$Size of received message is invalid.DRead/write error occurred during manipulation with engine data file.!Cannot query the TCP/IP protocol.)Cannot obtain DNS name of local computer.+Cannot obtain IP address of local computer.<Virus chest server is not running. RPC communication failed.Cannot load avast! server.Cannot create server socket.8Cannot bind listen socket to specified address and port.,Cannot create listen socket for version 3.0.DCannot bind version 3.0 listen socket to specified port and address.Cannot start listen thread.;Message is unknown to the current version of avast! server. Specified object does not exist.=Cannot load AvSer30.dll (version 3.0 engines support module).-Specified string cannot be used as user name..Specified string cannot be used as group name.Specified task does not exist.!Specified session does not exist.Cannot create client socket.8Cannot bind client socket to specified address and port./Cannot put client socket into the listen state.1Operation failed due restrictions of version 3.0.:Cannot load storage module (StorAvst.dll or StorODBC.dll).)Specified scheduler event does not exist.No server license is installed.Unknown engine.6Column type mismatch (module StorAvst internal error).(Local engine version 3.0 is not running. Cannot create connection socket.Cannot bind connection socket. Cannot connect to avast! server.+Cannot load aswEngin.dll (scanning engine).PA6System library COMCTL32.DLL is old and cannot be used.3System library MFC70.DLL is old and cannot be used.5Cannot load aswUInt.dll (main user interface module).3Cannot load Lang.dll from selected language folder.PAUnknown error.Invalid engine license.Expired engine license.Internal program error./Cannot create folder, some file already exists.'Error occurred during data compression.0File is offline - it is currently not available.%Object is unknown in current context."File is too small to be processed."Installation of avast! is invalid.File is not packed.Operation was stopped.-File was skipped because of scanner settings.License string is not valid.#Skipped due to exclusions settings.PAUnknown scanner error.Unknown internal object type.PAVPS file was destroyed.VPS file was updated illegally.Unknown packer error.Unknown packer version.Archive is corrupted.Unknown compression format.Archive is probably damaged.Compression failed.PAArchive is password protected.+Compressed file is too big to be processed.?Not enough disk space in TEMP directory to uncompress the file.The file was not repaired. The file may have been repaired.4MAPI attachment skipped due to unknown store method.4MAPI attachment skipped due to unresolved reference.5MAPI attachment skipped (it contains reference only).0MAPI attachment skipped due to embedded message.MAPI attachment is OLE.-MAPI attachment skipped due to unknown error.PA$Exception in polymorph viruses code. Error in polymorph viruses code. Exception in macro viruses code.Probably damaged OLE document.#Exception in standard viruses code.Error in standard viruses code.!The file is a decompression bomb.8The operation is not supported for this type of archive.PAARJ archive is corrupted.EXE archive is corrupted. MAPI (PST) archive is corrupted.MIME archive is corrupted.Streams archive is corrupted.ZIP archive is corrupted.RAR archive is corrupted.CAB archive is corrupted.TAR archive is corrupted.GZIP archive is corrupted.BZIP2 archive is corrupted.ACE archive is corrupted.UPX archive is corrupted.ARC archive is corrupted.ZOO archive is corrupted.LHA archive is corrupted.PACHM archive is corrupted.CPIO archive is corrupted.RPM archive is corrupted.7ZIP archive is corrupted.ISO archive is corrupted.DBX archive is corrupted.SIS archive is corrupted.Notes database is corrupted.OLE archive is corrupted.Installer archive is corrupted.&Executable file is probably corrupted.DMG archive is corrupted.XAR archive is corrupted.PADThe signature is invalid. The license file is corrupted or modified./The license file is signed by a demo signature.1The license can be used only in a server edition./The license cannot be used in a server edition.The license is obsolete.The license has expired.4The license file does not contain any valid license.This is a demo/trial license.The license is banned.*The license is not valid for this product.The license is disabled.(Shows information about avast! engine...Stops avast! engine...Always run in sandboxAlways run outside sandboxRun in sandboxRun outside sandbox@avast!: Message body was removed because it contained a virus. Incoming emailOutgoing email Incoming news Outgoing newsFrom:To:Groups:PA[avast! heuristic - WARNING] PA5 Minute Totals30 Minute Totals 2 Hour Totals 1 Day Totals Scanned itemsInfected itemsBytes in Bytes out'%s: %s%s total, %s%s max, %s%s averageWeek %uShow all Copy of %sNo data for the selected periodPAD4VS_VERSION_INFO? StringFileInfo040904b0>CompanyNameAVAST Software`FileDescriptionavast! English Basic Module: FileVersion7.0.1474.7652 InternalNameBase1033h"LegalCopyrightCopyright (c) 2012 AVAST Software: OriginalFilenameBase.dllBProductNameavast! Antivirus> ProductVersion7.0.1474.7650SpecialBuildfeb2012DVarFileInfo$Translation  PAPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING 0#߉Ôϣ]4lj2Q T."ASWSignd8#0#( *H #0#1 0 +0  +70 0 +70Ρմ$fڎ`10 +711xJK× *JC":4#֝ 6*uj_ RNznubWt򫇽/> mM&7&scliP&yLlt86 {ܫaH A3&OMFf4\nc4sJ;jV"CcÉ#LVq2"fCTV?[wZz"u-}v*_SN@af{bG(&{ Y[Z`+}>M8=Q=q0%_~tX%kD&v[I9@aC_A ۡom 18ٰ]T0!0 +aGͲ/&wLנ00yBٸ>0  *H 0S1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1+0)U"VeriSign Time Stamping Services CA0 120501000000Z 121231235959Z0b1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation1402U+Symantec Time Stamping Services Signer - G300  *H 0Yft=}zD{GjUNPG 8Oix vg f-̵sY{3nfZ^R7bђY5EYM$hBr:hk"-NƯ䠫<(#rSgwQ00 U003U,0*0(&$"http://crl.verisign.com/tss-ca.crl0U% 0 +04+(0&0$+0http://ocsp.verisign.com0U0U0010 UTSA1-30UI&`es8ͿWo0  *H 'xrm5ĈmK-盋?9 f\TNoeg |RkzȬB|,=fsr֏Q Ѝ1RO^}JuN+)+]~n'{#b)f,ν'x1"ijGC_^|}bM "Vͮv M٠h;004+(0&0$+0http://ocsp.verisign.com0U00AU:0806420http://crl.verisign.com/ThawteTimestampingCA.crl0U% 0 +0U0$U0010U TSA2048-1-530  *H JkXD1y+LͰXn)^ʓR G'/8ɓN"b?7!Op18UN$ҩ'NzaA*^ݻ+>W~ +;R8'?J009% 0a.+M|0  *H 0_1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1705U .Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority0 061108000000Z 211107235959Z01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1:08U 1(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only1E0CUU%705+++ `HB `HE0  *H Z YbNY8Nfӭ m>J c^.*g3 *׉V#:YE5[fPmWxWKɎ~ƽ00 a 0  *H 01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1)0'U Microsoft Code Verification Root0 060523170129Z 160523171129Z0_1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1705U .Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority00  *H 0\Y@WjE@ 3X%*Dx#}֬cEr'Luq9OBu Ǝ o#_p)6Ɇ籚 S=}$E3vqdLe.hE#00U  00U 06 +7)0'+7щNלӿn0 U0U00U{wߞ ?.iw0 +7CrossCA0U#0b ![Cn TPkҖq0UUN0L0JHFDhttp://crl.microsoft.com/pki/crl/products/MicrosoftCodeVerifRoot.crl0  *H F;Eu~_CFˊGAt9QG{W2|?B!JCJo\KџLUn %qNg˂׎U7>n.aAHu,(I$s%<̈ (LeT^,Q:G<5ITJK}yϿ5\9QDD4*\;)N7~uմ nl#qgqNt LX^m9ˆ?2mב6Gx'*hONg?-@aH1s FVI) ڣ`TY(TfLۦg.Q{49AŒh&$ 灎 -/HoSIdx] U&ﺍѥ/Zka3b$v/C|4$(UuN1+gc׫s Y?*Eb[/9_sG*CbU==&}bU֔4Me0^0F qd;c!1A~{?0  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)101.0,U%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA0 110131000000Z 140130235959Z01 0 UCZ10 UPraha10UPraha 410U AVAST Software1>0<U 5Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v210UAVAST Software0"0  *H 0 q״-78):i_sH+imݘOhmAŊ2vxMnUK0j+eZ|o,6%g f5#"}WASz9/P"KA&7C{yt=sh{Bvzn%4(@A2$~K=i\sR6W'0| m𩷦w>x ||)ǰd1DP^k*A{0w0 U00U0@U9070531/http://csc3-2010-crl.verisign.com/CSC3-2010.crl0DU =0;09 `HE0*0(+https://www.verisign.com/rpa0U% 0 +0q+e0c0$+0http://ocsp.verisign.com0;+0/http://csc3-2010-aia.verisign.com/CSC3-2010.cer0U#0ϙ{&KɎ&ҧ0 `HB0 +700  *H UUQ?ԃ۬9ۂݕI3iH:Pִmhmɉz!6T6㒔Ϩbَ8yAۇsm/֟%|)w+=ͷFxM.Gd8T&
s5l }%3iINC H# ll-D:.'"O@ٚd;!bՏ^bI  i9ӌ!ձ`u=3'(f&~+a0 0R%VK30  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1:08U 1(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only1E0CUߖqU&J@<& m%{Ͽ?/wƵVz;T0Sb4Z(LN~[uGr.4L~O =W0֦6րv.~4-00U00pU i0g0e `HE0V0(+https://www.verisign.com/cps0*+0https://www.verisign.com/rpa0U0m+ a0_][0Y0W0U image/gif0!00+kπjH,{.0%#http://logo.verisign.com/vslogo.gif04U-0+0)'%#http://crl.verisign.com/pca3-g5.crl04+(0&0$+0http://ocsp.verisign.com0U%0++0(U!0010UVeriSignMPKI-2-80Uϙ{&KɎ&ҧ0U#0e0 C93130  *H V"4aHVdٌĻ z"G8J-lq|pO S^tI$&GLc4E &sЩdmqE`YQ9XkԤyk Ar7" #?Da̱\=ҍB=e6Դ=@(#&K ː]L4<7o 4&ٮ Ś!3oX%|tXuc?1|Sv[퓺]!S‚Sc P=TR,=.ǓH1#0001 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)101.0,U%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA qd;c!1A~{?0 +0 *H  1  +70 +7 10  +70# *H  1=A.$ZF}QP)d @:0L +7 1>0<" avast! Antivirushttp://www.avast.com0  *H ZG!3q 3>@;#& 5!s/}/Y&MqNB^g3#PF$;&0 ]d lCcѕp )=|tH"#R j ƪtPCF%5hyP^9|9\G|^'$KԊp4>p酃C/x#G^ ޒ҅c]}}r ˡ0{ *H  1l0h0g0S1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1+0)U"VeriSign Time Stamping Services CAyBٸ>0 +]0 *H  1  *H 0 *H  1 121030225115Z0# *H  1BqPy.Eb+E0  *H XM8Œ; .;3O Xb!ͽbcs0G4&&S/jix-忇2Dg^(2ggy{u>#$Y @aBMZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ѵѵѵ ҵԵѵ׵ӵееRichѵPELWP!  @@0:0DX"p .rdatam@@.data( @.rsrc:0<@@.relocpB@BWPI$$ RSDSETD @cd:\Avast700\src\BUILDS\Release\x86\1033\Boot.pdb(STUZ`afm X                      ^`:<vxTT24ttrt$$VX^`TTVPress Esc to bypass scanningScan of all local drivesScan of Scanning%s:Fileis infected byPress 1 to Delete 2 Delete all 3 Move to Chest 4 Move all to Chest 5 Repair 6 Repair all 7 Ignore 8 Ignore all Esc Exit : 12345678ErrorScanning aborted(Scanning complete - continuing with boot Report file:Number of searched folders:Number of tested files:Number of infected files:DeleteMove Move to chestRepairDeletedMovedMoved to chestRepaired(File is in Windows folder, are you sure?wYou are going to delete a file that may contain important data - such as your mail box. Do you really want to continue?#1-Yes, 2-Yes all, 3-No, Esc-Exit : 1230Select one of the records according to the date: C - Cancel Esc - Exit : C MM/DD/YYYYThe scan cannot be aborted [%u%%]+Scanning complete - restarting the computerVirus infects executables.Virus infects documents.7Virus infects executables and system parts of the disk.'Virus infects system parts of the disk.$Virus could stay resident in memory.+It is part of the 'In The Wild' virus list.@Be careful while cleaning your system. The virus is dangerous!!!PA Error 0x%08X.PAUnknown error.Unsupported operating system.Operation not implemented.Registry keys are invalid.Cannot create storage.Cannot create event. Program shutdown is in progress.Entry point not found.!Specified time string is invalid.-Operation failed because of program settings.#Operation was canceled by the user.!Program BETA version has expired.Engine data file is invalid.Supplied license is invalid.)Cannot load aswRes.dll (messages module)..Cannot convert Engine.dat (program data file).Invalid command line parameter.3Module is not initialized (internal program error). Program DEMO version is expired.New default task is missing.Old default task. Invalid key.PACannot open engine data file..Specified address of avast! server is invalid.Cannot start scheduler thread.0Received message has unsupported version number.$Size of received message is invalid.DRead/write error occurred during manipulation with engine data file.!Cannot query the TCP/IP protocol.)Cannot obtain DNS name of local computer.+Cannot obtain IP address of local computer.<Virus chest server is not running. RPC communication failed.Cannot load avast! server.Cannot create server socket.8Cannot bind listen socket to specified address and port.,Cannot create listen socket for version 3.0.DCannot bind version 3.0 listen socket to specified port and address.Cannot start listen thread.;Message is unknown to the current version of avast! server. Specified object does not exist.=Cannot load AvSer30.dll (version 3.0 engines support module).-Specified string cannot be used as user name..Specified string cannot be used as group name.Specified task does not exist.!Specified session does not exist.Cannot create client socket.8Cannot bind client socket to specified address and port./Cannot put client socket into the listen state.1Operation failed due restrictions of version 3.0.:Cannot load storage module (StorAvst.dll or StorODBC.dll).)Specified scheduler event does not exist.No server license is installed.Unknown engine.6Column type mismatch (module StorAvst internal error).(Local engine version 3.0 is not running. Cannot create connection socket.Cannot bind connection socket. Cannot connect to avast! server.+Cannot load aswEngin.dll (scanning engine).PA6System library COMCTL32.DLL is old and cannot be used.3System library MFC70.DLL is old and cannot be used.5Cannot load aswUInt.dll (main user interface module).3Cannot load Lang.dll from selected language folder.PAUnknown error.Invalid engine license.Expired engine license.Internal program error./Cannot create folder, some file already exists.'Error occurred during data compression.0File is offline - it is currently not available.%Object is unknown in current context."File is too small to be processed."Installation of avast! is invalid.File is not packed.Operation was stopped.-File was skipped because of scanner settings.License string is not valid.#Skipped due to exclusions settings.PAUnknown scanner error.Unknown internal object type.PAVPS file was destroyed.VPS file was updated illegally.Unknown packer error.Unknown packer version.Archive is corrupted.Unknown compression format.Archive is probably damaged.Compression failed.PAArchive is password protected.+Compressed file is too big to be processed.?Not enough disk space in TEMP directory to uncompress the file.The file was not repaired. The file may have been repaired.4MAPI attachment skipped due to unknown store method.4MAPI attachment skipped due to unresolved reference.5MAPI attachment skipped (it contains reference only).0MAPI attachment skipped due to embedded message.MAPI attachment is OLE.-MAPI attachment skipped due to unknown error.PA$Exception in polymorph viruses code. Error in polymorph viruses code. Exception in macro viruses code.Probably damaged OLE document.#Exception in standard viruses code.Error in standard viruses code.!The file is a decompression bomb.8The operation is not supported for this type of archive.PAARJ archive is corrupted.EXE archive is corrupted. MAPI (PST) archive is corrupted.MIME archive is corrupted.Streams archive is corrupted.ZIP archive is corrupted.RAR archive is corrupted.CAB archive is corrupted.TAR archive is corrupted.GZIP archive is corrupted.BZIP2 archive is corrupted.ACE archive is corrupted.UPX archive is corrupted.ARC archive is corrupted.ZOO archive is corrupted.LHA archive is corrupted.PACHM archive is corrupted.CPIO archive is corrupted.RPM archive is corrupted.7ZIP archive is corrupted.ISO archive is corrupted.DBX archive is corrupted.SIS archive is corrupted.Notes database is corrupted.OLE archive is corrupted.Installer archive is corrupted.&Executable file is probably corrupted.DMG archive is corrupted.XAR archive is corrupted.PAT4VS_VERSION_INFO? StringFileInfo040904b0>CompanyNameAVAST Softwaren#FileDescriptionavast! English Boot Scanner Module: FileVersion7.0.1474.7652 InternalNameBoot0409h"LegalCopyrightCopyright (c) 2012 AVAST Software: OriginalFilenameBoot.dllBProductNameavast! Antivirus> ProductVersion7.0.1474.7650SpecialBuildfeb2012DVarFileInfo$Translation  PAPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD 0#߉Ôϣ]4lj},-) |[ASWSigndX"0"H *H "90"51 0 +0@ +700,0 +70մ$fڎ`10 +71}DF=+vo 1^NkPu@dz_6Y%xbH'%uVJP&U ZܐcP)q6C QNԶ =mBۡom 18ٰ]TD0!0 +bIq6r0V<ٸx00yBٸ>0  *H 0S1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1+0)U"VeriSign Time Stamping Services CA0 120501000000Z 121231235959Z0b1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation1402U+Symantec Time Stamping Services Signer - G300  *H 0Yft=}zD{GjUNPG 8Oix vg f-̵sY{3nfZ^R7bђY5EYM$hBr:hk"-NƯ䠫<(#rSgwQ00 U003U,0*0(&$"http://crl.verisign.com/tss-ca.crl0U% 0 +04+(0&0$+0http://ocsp.verisign.com0U0U0010 UTSA1-30UI&`es8ͿWo0  *H 'xrm5ĈmK-盋?9 f\TNoeg |RkzȬB|,=fsr֏Q Ѝ1RO^}JuN+)+]~n'{#b)f,ν'x1"ijGC_^|}bM "Vͮv M٠h;004+(0&0$+0http://ocsp.verisign.com0U00AU:0806420http://crl.verisign.com/ThawteTimestampingCA.crl0U% 0 +0U0$U0010U TSA2048-1-530  *H JkXD1y+LͰXn)^ʓR G'/8ɓN"b?7!Op18UN$ҩ'NzaA*^ݻ+>W~ +;R8'?J009% 0a.+M|0  *H 0_1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1705U .Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority0 061108000000Z 211107235959Z01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1:08U 1(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only1E0CUU%705+++ `HB `HE0  *H Z YbNY8Nfӭ m>J c^.*g3 *׉V#:YE5[fPmWxWKɎ~ƽ00 a 0  *H 01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1)0'U Microsoft Code Verification Root0 060523170129Z 160523171129Z0_1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1705U .Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority00  *H 0\Y@WjE@ 3X%*Dx#}֬cEr'Luq9OBu Ǝ o#_p)6Ɇ籚 S=}$E3vqdLe.hE#00U  00U 06 +7)0'+7щNלӿn0 U0U00U{wߞ ?.iw0 +7CrossCA0U#0b ![Cn TPkҖq0UUN0L0JHFDhttp://crl.microsoft.com/pki/crl/products/MicrosoftCodeVerifRoot.crl0  *H F;Eu~_CFˊGAt9QG{W2|?B!JCJo\KџLUn %qNg˂׎U7>n.aAHu,(I$s%<̈ (LeT^,Q:G<5ITJK}yϿ5\9QDD4*\;)N7~uմ nl#qgqNt LX^m9ˆ?2mב6Gx'*hONg?-@aH1s FVI) ڣ`TY(TfLۦg.Q{49AŒh&$ 灎 -/HoSIdx] U&ﺍѥ/Zka3b$v/C|4$(UuN1+gc׫s Y?*Eb[/9_sG*CbU==&}bU֔4Me0^0F qd;c!1A~{?0  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)101.0,U%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA0 110131000000Z 140130235959Z01 0 UCZ10 UPraha10UPraha 410U AVAST Software1>0<U 5Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v210UAVAST Software0"0  *H 0 q״-78):i_sH+imݘOhmAŊ2vxMnUK0j+eZ|o,6%g f5#"}WASz9/P"KA&7C{yt=sh{Bvzn%4(@A2$~K=i\sR6W'0| m𩷦w>x ||)ǰd1DP^k*A{0w0 U00U0@U9070531/http://csc3-2010-crl.verisign.com/CSC3-2010.crl0DU =0;09 `HE0*0(+https://www.verisign.com/rpa0U% 0 +0q+e0c0$+0http://ocsp.verisign.com0;+0/http://csc3-2010-aia.verisign.com/CSC3-2010.cer0U#0ϙ{&KɎ&ҧ0 `HB0 +700  *H UUQ?ԃ۬9ۂݕI3iH:Pִmhmɉz!6T6㒔Ϩbَ8yAۇsm/֟%|)w+=ͷFxM.Gd8T&
s5l }%3iINC H# ll-D:.'"O@ٚd;!bՏ^bI  i9ӌ!ձ`u=3'(f&~+a0 0R%VK30  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1:08U 1(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only1E0CUߖqU&J@<& m%{Ͽ?/wƵVz;T0Sb4Z(LN~[uGr.4L~O =W0֦6րv.~4-00U00pU i0g0e `HE0V0(+https://www.verisign.com/cps0*+0https://www.verisign.com/rpa0U0m+ a0_][0Y0W0U image/gif0!00+kπjH,{.0%#http://logo.verisign.com/vslogo.gif04U-0+0)'%#http://crl.verisign.com/pca3-g5.crl04+(0&0$+0http://ocsp.verisign.com0U%0++0(U!0010UVeriSignMPKI-2-80Uϙ{&KɎ&ҧ0U#0e0 C93130  *H V"4aHVdٌĻ z"G8J-lq|pO S^tI$&GLc4E &sЩdmqE`YQ9XkԤyk Ar7" #?Da̱\=ҍB=e6Դ=@(#&K ː]L4<7o 4&ٮ Ś!3oX%|tXuc?1|Sv[퓺]!S‚Sc P=TR,=.ǓH1#0001 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)101.0,U%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA qd;c!1A~{?0 +0 *H  1  +70 +7 10  +70# *H  1hZ +kEz,Z0L +7 1>0<" avast! Antivirushttp://www.avast.com0  *H p&;܀`=ϱ xT[! ȓA)ͷ `* /#뮒Bϸ~Tm'?(?U %'>#iOT(ڲ4"JtDZw5oY#-bf$nБ%0 +]0 *H  1  *H 0 *H  1 121030225115Z0# *H  1PحC0  *H o`[2 bRg4a$W }BCZr۾ vxj &dC.k;!>o "*z6D:`iMZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $X~IX~IX~IIY~IQIY~IQIU~IQI^~IQIQ~IXIp~IQIZ~IQIY~IQIY~IXIY~IQIY~IRichX~IPELWP!  F fP@&Q"P@40&@T !@ .text0   `.rdataa @@.data0@.rsrc4@@@.reloc@@B|$uH P,H3ɉP(H H, ̃|$u#D$PhT3 fuh f f3  j@tjh# f% f% f% f% f% f; 0 fuVh fV fYYx3 f fu3@^Ã&.h) f$o fY3^ËUQQ39E u90 f~< 0 f}  7 f SVW % fd y5( fE Pp3 f3;th fjWSօuE l3 fj^t jO@.0^`~rttt^`HH:<``DDBDTTBD24@@HHj l  JL88~^`rtDDBDnpBD&( .0tt00xxvx.0vxrt|| B D BD88npXXhh<<,,  <<PP&(npNPBD((,,,,((FH24RIDR_CHEST_MAINFRAME&Program&Set a new Virus Chest serverSe&ttings...AE&xit&FileRe&fresh All Files F5&Add...&Delete&Restore&Extract...&ScanSubmit to &virus lab...&Properties...&View&Toolbar&Status BarResult &Dialog (if action was completed correctly)&HelpC&Help Topics@&About avast!...&Open avast! user interfaceavast! shields &control&Enable all shieldsDisable for 20 &minutesDisable for 1 &hourDisable &until computer is restarted&Disable permanently&Silent/gaming modeS&witch to SafeZone&Update Engine and virus &definitions &Program Enable Network LockShow &last popup messageSubscription &information&About avast!PAfile&Delete&Restore&Extract...&ScanSubmit to &virus lab...&Properties...&Add...Re&fresh All FilesPA@̀`File propertiesMS Shell DlgP'2&ClosePR SysListView32P" Co&mment:PRPQ&Store commentȀ7IOverwrite?MS Shell DlgP) P44&OverwritePE44&SkipP44Overwrite &allP44S&kip allP44&CancelP)You are trying to restore a file from the Chest. The file already exists. Should the program overwrite the existing file?Ȁ?ScanningMS Shell DlgP*U&Stop scanning...P7Scanner activity:P@̀4Select the areasMS Shell DlgP2&OKP2&CancelP&SysTreeView32P&P3&Selected paths:P& Ȁ?OSubmit fileMS Shell DlgP, D&File:PP"...P!, E&Type:!P+-'P>-uFile belongs to the following programPK Program &name:PUPh &Program publisher:PrP Program &version:PP T&he program comes from a trusted sourceP, &Additional info (English language only, please):P-.5P- Your &e-mail address (this is an optional field):P-P-The address is sent along with the file and may be used to contact you if further details are needed. You will not get a response from us unless more information is required.P,- I &know what I'm doingP7K&SubmitP72&CancelPA9Assistance Ticket "%s" has been received from the server.)Session has been terminated successfully.*Session has been terminated with an error.`Login to my.avast.com has failed. Please verify that the entered email and password are correct. Friends outFriends in/out Internet outFriends in and Internet outAll connectionsCustom Trace failed GeoIP failed sensitivity level 1sensitivity level 2sensitivity level 3RepairedDeletedMoved Error! (%d) per second&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;Target of remote iframe:&#13;&#10;(You can permit them using the "Permitted URLs" button)&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; %s blockedavast! is not running Average ping: Firewall off Antispam offAutomatic updates offSubscription expiredIncompatible product detectedIllegal copy detected Don't send!avast! service stoppedFile System Shield offWeb Shield offScript Shield offNetwork Shield off IM Shield offP2P Shield offSubscription about to expireLast update attempt failedMalware found during a scanReboot requiredScan completedUnread iNews articlesUnread iNews articlesNew definitions availableNew program version available2BUY AVAST BUY AVAST BUY AVAST BUY AVAST BUY AVAST Real-time Shields offInconsistent program stateDefinitions out of dateMail Shield offavast! Mail Scanneravast! will not be able to protect mail/news (error %u). Please check that the avast! service (AvastSvc.exe) is not blocked by your personal firewall.0avast! has detected a secure connection from your mail program (process %s) to the %s server %s (%s). This type of connection cannot be checked for viruses. Please disable SSL/TLS in your mail client so that the Mail Scanner can scan your mail. The Mail Scanner will provide the SSL/TLS security itself.Unable to show statistics. Block it!1Show properties for selected file File properties1Delete selected files from the Chest Delete filesScan selected files Scan files3Restore selected files from the Chest Restore files$Add new files to the Chest Add files3Extract selected files from the Chest Extract filesBasic Web ScanningAdding dropped filesRestoring selected files Transfer timeCommentNavast! cannot change the attribute for the following file: %s (File ID: %ld) "Action was completed successfully!!Action was completed with errors!Category Size of fileLast modification timeOriginal file nameOriginal folderVirus descriptionCommentCan be restored?Time of transfer to ChestInfected files System files User filesnoyesOInitialization of aswBase library failed! Try to reinstall program. Error: %ld>avast! will try to delete %d selected file(s) from the Chest +FileID: %010ld Original file name: %s\%s .Some files cannot be deleted from the Chest. $avast! cannot use Chest client: %s --->Description: %s ?avast! will try to restore %d selected file(s) from the Chest 2avast! will add %d selected file(s) to the Chest ?avast! will try to extract %d selected file(s) from the Chest >FileID: %010ld Original file name: %s\%s File category: %d oFileID: %010ld avast! cannot restore the following file, because the original location is not defined: %s\%s /Select destination directory for selected file. CategoriesAll chest files System files User filesInfected filesNameValueYou cannot add new files into this category! If you want to add files to the chest, please add them to the 'User files' folder.-- no virus -- Error reportDetailed informationDeleting selected filesInitializing Chest filesAdding selected filesExtracting selected filesYou are trying to switch to Public / High Risk profile over a remote desktop connection. Doing so will result in your connection being immediately disconnected. Are you sure?The network stack was reset to its default state. Some of the changes may become effective only after the computer is restarted.Region:Refresh all files RefreshCity: ZIP Code: Time zone:DOMAIN:4Failed to update. The avast! service is not running.>Send the selected file to avast! virus lab Submit to virus labNameOriginal location Last changedVirus%avast! Update is already in progress!Gavast! will try to load all Chest files from the following server: %s 1avast! will add %d dropped file(s) to the Chest 7avast! cannot add the following file to the Chest: %s %Listed lines: %d, Selected lines: %dIavast! cannot generate a temporary file name in the selected folder: %s Unable to start Firewall! Detailed View Simple ViewFirewall not available!(%s is an invalid address or domain name. Are you sure?You are trying to turn on the Network Lock over a remote desktop connection. Doing so will result in your connection being immediately disconnected. Are you sure?File IDa%s is not empty. Are you sure you want to delete the group, including all the rules it contains?%avast! Endpoint Protection Suite Plus#Please complete the following form.%Do you want to reboot the system now?Scan running... Scan completeavast! Server AntivirusSFileID: %010ld avast! cannot copy the following file: %s (Original filename: %s) ;FileID: %010ld Original file name: %s\%s New folder: %s dThe file already exists and extraction from the Chest was skipped. FileID: %010ld New folder: %s A program is attempting to shut down avast! system service, disabling the real-time shields. This action will leave your system completely unprotected.A program is attempting to modify an avast! INI file, possibly changing some of its system-wide settings. Some of the settings may disable the avast! real-time protection.Service shutdownINI file modification UninstallSelf defense offPAAn attempt has been made to uninstall avast!. This may be a legitimate action, but could also be the result of a malware attack. Allowing this action will leave your system unprotected.An attempt has been made to disable the avast! self-defense module. This may be a legitimate action, but could also be the result of a malware attack.,Your program is out of date. Please restart! DNS name:7CreditAlert: You must be connected to view this contentNo valid license found!No valid license content found!BThe content is temporarily unavailable, please try it again later.Connecting to host: %sConnected to host: %s-Waiting for the Remote Assistance provider...GRemote Assistance request expired. The provider didn't connect in time.?Remote Assistance session has been cancelled by the other side.=Remote Assistance session has been cancelled on your request.'Your virus definitions are out of date!*A new version of the program is available!PAUnable to start scan. %sUnnamed Please enter a valid IP address.Failed to init %s LISTENING ESTABLISHED TIME_WAIT CLOSE_WAIT Connection Remote PortProtocolLocal AddressUnknown Local PortState Speed InPA Bytes In Speed Out Bytes OutFThe threat was detected and blocked just before the file was executed.DThe threat was detected and blocked just before the file was opened.JThe threat was detected and blocked when the file was created or modified.@The threat was detected and blocked when the drive was attached.HThe threat was detected and blocked while sending or receiving an email.KThe threat was detected and blocked while downloading an item from the web.FThe threat was detected and blocked just before connecting to the URL.;The threat was detected and blocked just before the attack. Internet Worm Trojan HorseAdwareSpywareSuspicious filePotentially unwanted programMalware scan errorMoved to chestDeletedRepairedBlockedConnection abortedVirusExploitRootkitDropperComponent stopAn attempt has been made to turn off a key avast! module (%s). This may be a legitimate action, but could also be the result of a malware attack. Malicious URL virus foundno virus foundsome files could not be scanned)avast! Antivirus: Your system is secured.@avast! Antivirus: Attention, your system is not fully protected.4avast! Antivirus: WARNING, your system is UNSECURED.@avast! needs to restart your computer. Do you want to do it now? STEP %d / %d.The following components could not be started:)Don t tell me about this connection again Enable all shields (%d disabled)Disable for %d minutesAll shields are onFLibrary %s cannot be loaded. This functionality will not be available.7Your virus definitions are out of date. Please restart!HIn order to complete this update, avast! needs to restart your computer!D%s is not a valid IP address or the host name could not be resolved.avast! Free Antivirusavast! Pro Antivirusavast! Internet SecurityLanguage setup error: Latest program version: %d.%d.%d!Latest virus definitions: %06x-%xScan suspended.avast! real-time shields: %d total, %d runningRemote Assistance Status <type area>Selection in run-time All harddisksDisk C:All removable mediaDiskettes in all floppy drivesCD-ROM and DVD drives Operating memory of the computer<enter extension> <enter mask> Floppy in A:Auto-start programsModule is not running.$Unable to start the %s! Error no: %d(Failed to start the shield. Error no: %d%None of the shields could be started.Rootkits (full scan)Rootkits (quick scan) No signatureobtaining information...Home/Low Risk ZoneWork/Medium Risk ZonePublic/High Risk ZoneFirewall Profile Change Threat: %sPUP: %sCaution: %s (%d)Protection settingsProtection controlProgram settings Unnamed scanGeneral program access Scan controlHighMediumLowAction successful&Action postponed until the next rebootError: %s (%d)PADeleteRepair Move to ChestIgnoredUpdate control Scan settingsVirus chest controlO%s is in the private IP address range - no further information can be obtained. All shieldsScanCOne or more scans are still running. <br>Do you want to abort them?Auto-start programs (all users)Modules loaded in memory0Auto-start programs and modules loaded in memoryRootkits (very quick scan) System driveInitializing, please wait... STEP 1 / 3 STEP 1 / 2Last update attempt: %s#Last update attempt: %d minutes agoSystem process Microsoft CorporationSystem process%d days left till expiration. No access No accessXFirewall has automatically blocked the following application from accessing the network:VFirewall has automatically configured the following application to access the network:New firewall rule)Interactive selection in Windows ExplorerPlease enter your name.PAH[%s] is not a valid e-mail address. Please enter a valid e-mail address. Auto-decideAskRThe e-mail address doesn't match the address provided during the first activation.Running in trial mode.Trial period expired.Trial period not activated yet./Program awaiting registration, please register.*Your avast! registration will expire soon.*Your avast! subscription will expire soon.%Your avast! registration has expired.%Your avast! subscription has expired.nTrial period could not be activated. In order to start receiving updates, the trial license must be activated.CYour protection against viruses and spyware will expire in %d days.pYour protection against viruses and spyware has expired. You are no longer protected against the latest threats.1You need to purchase a license to stay protected.PA3You need to register the program to stay protected.6You need to re-register the program to stay protected.6You need to renew your subscription to stay protected.Purchase a license now Register nowRe-register now Renew nowavast! Endpoint Protection Plus Activate now+A rule for this application already exists. %s detectedThank you for registering!avast! File Server Securityavast! Email Server Security Submit time]Registering has failed because the specified email already exists. Please choose another one.PA Malware Kit Joke/HoaxDialerOAdd exclusion Are you sure you want to add "%s" to the list of scan exclusions?_This action requires administrator privileges. Please log on as an administrator and try again.The password is correct.Wrong password! Scan pausedCountry:The passwords do not match!avast! InformationSystem shutdown in progress avast! has just finished a scan and it was specified in the scan settings that your system should then be shut down. You may abort the shutdown if you wish but you must do so before the countdown expires. Are you sure you want to shut down your computer now?&%s is trying to send or receive E-mail+Unable to start the %s! Shield unreachable.An attempt has been made to enter a protected area of avast! (%s). This may be a legitimate action, but could also be the result of a malware attack. AuthorizationPA Scan canceled'%s is trying to connect to the Internet%s is trying to browse the WebA%s is trying to open a Web page using a secure connection (HTTPS)*%s is trying to connect inside your own PC8%s is trying to listen for connections from the Internet7%s is trying to listen for connections from your own PC;%s is trying to connect to another PC in your local network;%s is trying to connect to another PC in your Friends group;%s is trying to accept a connection from your Friends group4%s is trying to accept a connection from your own PC>%s is trying to listen for connections from your Friends group>%s is trying to listen for connections from your local network5%s is trying to accept a connection from the Internet;%s is trying to accept a connection from your local networkOutgoingPAIncoming(not yet activated)(trial license) "%s" is not a valid license key!1Your current registration will expire in %d days.Your registration has expired.3The product must be registered in the next %d days.Your subscription has expired.)Your trial period will expire in %d days.The trial period has expired.qThe trial period could not be activated. In order to start receiving updates, the trial period must be activated.)Your subscription will expire in %d days.AllowCustomBlockHThe activation code is invalid. Please make sure it was typed correctly.The activation code has already been used to activate avast! on another computer. To resolve the issue, please contact our technical support.)Static analysis finds the file suspiciousqEnter the ticket code you have received from the requesting avast! user. The correct format looks like: XXXX-XXXX5To exit the full-screen mode, press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F.SystemInvalid email address.Recent DocumentsUser Assist HistoryRemote DesktopMRUsCommon Dialog - OpenCommon Dialog - Save AsCommon Dialog - Misc Memory DumpsWindows Log FilesInternet ExplorerCookiesTemporary Internet FilesRecently Typed URLsMicrosoft OfficeUser-defined locationsEnable Network Lock(otherwise ask me)(otherwise auto-decide)Block all connectionsAsk about all connectionsAuto-decide for all connectionsDisable Network Lock~Enabling the Network Lock will immediately stop all network communication on this computer. Are you sure you want to continue?Application Data TerminatevYour avast! Remote Control component is currently in use. To start a new session, please finish your active one first.Potential malwareFalse positive%d days remaining%The file prevalence/reputation is low$The file origin/source is suspicious2The file is executed from a remote/removable media'Generic heuristics / suspicious context)Downloading installation package ... %d%%PA8avast! Web Shield has blocked a harmful webpage or file.1avast! Network Shield has blocked a harmful site.>Visit the avast! CommunityIQ info portal for more information.GThe request cannot be processed at this moment, please try again later.avast! Endpoint ProtectionAre you sure you want to insert the license file with the following parameters? License holder: %s Product name: %s Valid till: %s >Thank you. Your license file has been inserted successfully. $The program will now upgrade to %s. "Unable to insert the license file.TimeActionAddress Local port Remote portProtocolRuleMessage%Close all connections of this processBlock this processUnblock this processClose connectionSubscription informationRegistration information4%s is not a valid avast! Pro Antivirus license file.8%s is not a valid avast! Internet Security license file.&%s is not a valid avast! license file.PAThe trial period could not be activated. Please make sure you are connected to the Internet and your proxy settings are correct.avast! license filesLicense File InfoGet a license fileCan't acquire the license file.8Please contact your reseller or the avast! support team.Please try again later.UYou are not allowed to perform this action, please contact your system administrator.avast! Web Shield Warning Site BlockedUavast! has blocked access to the site (based on a user-defined list of blocked URLs).DetailsPAURL: Accessed on:Thank you for using avast!.Behavior Shield off:There was an error while switching to the avast! SafeZone.yAre you sure want to reset the content of the avast! SafeZone? All data and custom settings in the SafeZone will be lost.2The content of the avast! SafeZone has been reset.The avast! browser plugin has been successfully installed. You will need to restart the browser for the changes to become effective.>There was an error while installing the avast! browser plugin.=Are you sure you want to uninstall the avast! browser plugin?The avast! browser plugin has been successfully uninstalled. You will need to restart the browser for the changes to become effective.@There was an error while uninstalling the avast! browser plugin.To uninstall the Firefox plugin, please open Firefox, go to Tools -> Add-ons and click the Uninstall button. After doing this, please click OK below.Open avast! user interface<The sandbox is currently occupying %d MB of hard disk space.IYour system clock seems to be set incorrectly. Do you want to fix it now?8The application is controlled by the custom packet ruleswBy selecting "%s", all rules created in the application's packet rules dialog will be deleted. Do you want to continue?Default rule (%s) avast! Endpoint Protection SuiteFree Antivirus Pro AntivirusInternet SecurityFile Server SecurityEmail Server Securitymarket avast! Market9avast! Market: You must be connected to view this contentEndpoint ProtectionEndpoint Protection PlusEndpoint Protection SuiteEndpoint Protection Suite PlusThe file already exists!!Add the program "%s" to SafeZone?PA Default rule Rootkit FoundA suspicious hidden object (rootkit) has been detected on your system. This may be a sign of a malware infection. It is recommended to remove the object immediately.Rootkit information Rootkit nameActions to takeDelete Now (recommended)Ignore/Do not tell me about this rootkit in the future<Submit the file to the avast! virus lab for further analysisPrivacy policy...AdvancedDo you want to continue?>(Select No unless you are performing the action intentionally)YesNoPARequesting process:More information Custom Rule5Please use the following controls to define the rule. Rule Name:Enable this rule Services: Web client Web server Networks:FriendsInternetAllowDenyDetails of IP addressSUse the controls below to obtain detailed information about the specific IP addressPASummary Trace route&Retrieving information, please wait...Updates Virus AlertsSilent/Gaming ModeLanguageIM Shield SettingsActions Report fileMail Shield SettingsBehaviorP2P Shield SettingsScript Shield SettingsFile System Shield SettingsScan when openingScan when writingWeb Shield Settings Web scanning Spam Settings Main settings Scan Settings Scheduling Help CenterRetryAbort About avast!3Information about your avast! security application.<Copyright 1988 - 2012 AVAST Software. All rights reserved.PA3avast! is a registered trademark of AVAST Software.Credits*The product uses the following components:1HTMLayout, Copyright Terra Informatica Software(OpenSSL, Copyright The OpenSSL Project*IDEA encryption, Copyright MediaCrypt AGJUPX, Copyright Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar and John F. Reiser7-Zip, Copyright Igor Pavlov unRAR, Copyright Eugene Roshal,XML parser, Copyright Frank Vanden BerghenSQLite, in public domainWarning: this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any part of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.Boot-time scanApplication RulesThis page lets you set the firewall rules for individual applications. Please click on the orange bars to adjust the level of trust granted to an application. ApplicationPANew application rule Rename Group Delete Group New GroupNetwork ConnectionsThe table below shows the currently open connections on this computer. Please right-click a connection to see the various options. Resolve namesShow full path Detailed View File DetailsPath: Description:PACompany: Signed by: Site BlockingOn this page avast! enables you to block access to specific websites/URLs. Please use the controls below to specify websites/URLs that should be blocked.Enable site blocking URLs to block9URL masks can also be defined using the * and ? wildcardsScan Now Scan LogsaThe table below shows all completed on-demand and scheduled scans, including infections detected.Completed scansNameDate Scan details View resultsPAsThe Behavior Shield monitors your system for suspicious behavior, alerting you if any unusual behavior is detected.This shield has no settings.Events analyzedSuspicious eventsiThe IM Shield intercepts all downloads from instant messaging applications and makes sure they are clean.sThis shield has no basic settings. Use the Expert Settings button to specify which IM programs should be monitored.The Mail Shield monitors all your e-mail traffic and scans all messages even before they reach your computer and have the chance to do any harm.Scan inbound messagesScan outbound messagesScanned e-mailsInfected e-mailsE-mails scanned / infected:Last e-mail scanned:Last e-mail infected:The Network Shield monitors all network activity and stops any viruses that try to infect your system via the network. It also blocks access to known malicious websites.Connections analyzedConnections blockedConnections scanned / infected:Last analyzed connection:Last blocked connection:The P2P Shield monitors downloads from most P2P applications, vastly eliminating the security risks associated with these types of programs.tThis shield has no basic settings. Use the Expert Settings button to specify which P2P programs should be monitored.YThe Script Shield intercepts all scripts executed on your system (both local and remote).Scanned scriptsInfected scriptsScripts scanned / infected:Last script scanned:Last script infected:Antispam=The avast! antispam module is used to filter out junk e-mail.Current TrafficPAE-mails analyzedE-mails marked as spam"E-mails analyzed / marked as spam:Last e-mail analyzed:Last e-mail marked as spam: StatisticsSilent/Gaming Mode:OffChange settingsOnTurn offIt is vital to always keep your security software up-to-date. While avast! is pre-set to update automatically, you can also control the updates manually.#Update engine and virus definitions Updating...Current version: Release date:Overall progress:Update ProgramYour avast! firewall is currently turned off. To ensure your computer is protected against unauthorized intrusions from the internet, turn the Firewall on now. Update nowAThe program has been automatically updated to the latest version. Show detailsSome files could not be scanned Virus alertsVirus chest settingsPAUse the following controls to change the appearance of avast! and to display the avast! special scans on the &quot;Scan Now&quot; screen. AppearanceShow avast! tray iconAnimate the icon when scanning>These settings will take effect after the system is restarted.SoundsType paths to be excluded from scanning. Note: exclusions specified here will apply only to on-demand scans (manual and scheduled scans).2Select the language for the avast! user interface.Install additional languagesgPlease select which archive (packer) files avast! should attempt to unpack during the scanning process.DOS Executable files may be packed into self-extracting files. Select this checkbox to scan the unpacked content of these files.Win32 Executable files may be packed into self-extracting files. Select this checkbox to scan the unpacked content of these files.Scan files inside ACE archives.Scan files inside ARC archives.Scan files inside ARJ archives.!Scan files inside BZIP2 archives.Scan files inside CAB archives.Scan files inside CHM archives. Scan files inside CPIO archives.Scan files inside LHA archives. Status bariUse the controls below to generate a report of the scan result, and to specify the content of the report.Generate report file File typePlain text (ANSI)XMLIf file existsPAAppend OverwriteReported itemsInfected items Hard errors Soft errorsOK items Skipped itemsQPlease use the following controls to set the basic parameters of the Mail Shield.Scan inbound mail (POP3, IMAP4)Scan outbound mail (SMTP)Scan newsgroup messages (NNTP)=Use the controls below to fine-tune the Mail Shield behavior.GeneralPA+Mark in subject of mail containing a virus:#Mark in subject of suspicious mail:MS Outlook onlyShow splash screenScan attachment when attaching#Scan archived messages when openingUnread messages onlyThe avast! Mail Shield performs additional heuristic checks, which enables it to detect as yet unknown mass-mailing worms. Use the controls below to fine-tune the parameters of these additional heuristic checks.1Check white-spaces sequence in name of attachmentCount:Attachment checkContent type and name/extensionName/extension only Local IFRAME Remote IFRAMEPAWhenever a removable drive (e.g. a USB key) is attached, avast! will scan any auto-run items to detect possible "auto-run" viruses.6Please set the main parameters of the Web Shield here.Enable Web scanningUse intelligent stream scanningYUse the controls below to define which items should be excluded from Web Shield scanning.URLs to exclude:3To exclude specific file extensions, use e.g. *.txtMIME types to exclude:lUse the controls below to define which items should be scanned while they are being downloaded from the web.Scan selected file types only!Scan files with these extensions:&and files of the following MIME-types:XPlease use the controls below to change the main settings of the avast! antispam module.Junk mail folderPASchedule this scan7Wake up the system to start the scan (if in sleep mode),Shut down the system after the scan finishes Launch day:Launch day (1-31):Update settings}Select how you want avast! updates to be carried out. Normally, a program update includes an update of the virus definitions.Engine and virus definitionsAutomatic updateAsk when an update is available Manual updateProgramUpdate Parameters4I only connect to the internet using a dial up modem4My computer is permanently connected to the internetDetailsPAUpdate OptionsAsk for reboot when needed,Show notification box after automatic update(Show notification box if an error occursAuto-update intervalAuto-update every:minutesProxy SettingsCPlease select your proxy server settings (used for program updates)Direct connection (no proxy),Auto detect (use Internet Explorer settings)Specify proxy serverType:HTTPSOCKS v4PAAuthenticationNo authentication Basic authentication (plaintext)(Windows integrated authentication (NTLM) Username:Current Status Scan computerBoot-time ScanReal-time shields MaintenancePlain text (Unicode)PARootkit: hidden fileRootkit: hidden processRootkit: hidden registry item2The action is not supported for this malware type.Rootkit: hidden serviceRootkit: hidden boot sectorSuspicious fileSuspicious location/filenameSuspicious behaviorSuspicious packerSuspicious contentPA|You have now successfully installed avast! on your system. To access the user interface, please click this icon at any time.Welcome to avast!PAJThank you. The file will be submitted for analysis during the next update.VIncomplete input Please make sure that all the fields are filled in with correct data.Options PropertiesYou cannot uncheck this option as it is set by a higher level parameter checked elsewhere. Try to change the governing parameter.#The following paths are invalid: %sDThere is no valid path selected. Use a check box to choose a folder."Initialization of virus scanner...* Scan files in the temporary folder: %s !!!Scanner was terminated!!! OVirus has been detected! File Name: %s FileID: %ld Virus Description: %s 7Program cannot find correct FileID for infected file. ,Scan of selected folder failed. Folder: %s )Initialization of virus scanner failed. .Program cannot delete the following file: %s DProgram cannot create directory for temporary files. Directory: %s OProgram cannot get information about file name from the following FileID: %ld 1Program cannot delete the following directory: %sScanning of selected files;Program will try to scan %d selected file(s) in the Chest & Move files to temporary folder: %s Buy nowAction blockedSystem auto-start settings.System auto-start settings (terminal services)"System auto-start settings (shell)%System auto-start settings (winlogon).System auto-start settings (Internet Explorer)System services and drivers$System auto-start settings (winsock)Network settingsSystem settingsPA4No avast! messages/pop-ups/alerts will be displayed.avast! will display on-screen messages/pop-ups/alerts and play sounds as needed. However, nothing will be displayed if a full-screen application is running.Pavast! will display on-screen messages/pop-ups/alerts and play sounds as needed.avast! %s has blocked a threat.:Are you sure you want to install the avast! theme pack %s?*The theme has been successfully installed.:Are you sure you want to install the avast! sound pack %s?/The sound pack has been successfully installed.avast! AutoSandboxavast! settings have been successfully reset to their default values. Please note that some of the changes may become effective only after the computer is restarted.PA+Error during resetting to default settings.GAre you sure you want to reset avast! settings to their default values?Browser not installedBrowser plugin not installedBrowser plugin installed UninstallInstallC%s is not a valid port number (port numbers must not exceed 65535).FPlease enter port numbers or port ranges (from-to) separated by commasInvalid value! Window titlePIDProcessNetwork lock on Not presentVerified0avast! settings have been successfully exported.xavast! settings have been successfully imported. Some settings may not become effective until the computer is restarted.Error while exporting settings.Error while importing settings.%No browser plugin currently available.avast! Antivirus: Your system is in Safe Mode.PALanguages SetupBelow are listed all the languages supported by avast! Please check the language packs you wish to install, or uncheck any you wish to remove. LanguagesOKCancel Scan Results File nameSeverityAction to takeStatusRepair Move to ChestDelete Do NothingApply this action for all:ApplyCloseThe boot-time scan is one of the main weapons of avast! It runs before Windows is loaded, and before potential malware has a chance to activate, thereby enabling an infected system to be cleaned before any damage is done. Moreover, the avast! boot-time scan uses direct hard drive access, which bypasses the OS file system drivers and is thus able to handle even the most stubborn rootkits.Current status:'scheduled to run on next system restart not scheduledBoot-time scan parameters Areas to scan All harddisksCD-ROM and DVD drivesAll removable mediaMemoryAuto-start programsAuto-start programs (all users)Interactive selectionRootkits (full scan)Rootkits (quick scan) Browse...deleteUnpack archive filesExpert Settings Schedule Now Unscheduleu(after clicking the Schedule Now button, a boot-time scan will run automatically the next time the system is started) Virus ChestThe avast! virus chest works as a container for suspicious and infected files. By moving a file to the virus chest, you are isolating the file from the rest of the system so that it can't do any harm.Firewall SettingsPAQPlease use the controls below to set the basic parameters of the avast! firewall.Protection status:RunningStoppedUnknownService stoppedStartStopHome Low risk zoneWorkMedium risk zonePublicHigh risk zone@Disallow any incoming connections. Don't allow any new programs.PA7Follow the application rules. This is the default mode.6Allow unrestricted communication on the local network.Overall statisticsBytes in Bytes outShow statistics historyStop for 10 minutesStop for 1 hourStop until restart of computerStop permanentlyNetwork UtilitiesEFor your convenience, avast! also provides a couple of network tools.IP address detailsNUse the control below to get detailed information about a specific IP address. Get detailsGraphical trace-routeavast! also lets you see the route a network packet takes in order to get to a destination, and visualize this information on a world map.TraceFix Network StackIf you're having difficulties accessing the network (e.g. after a severe virus infection), it may be necessary to reset the Windows network stack to its default configuration.Fix network stackNote: this is a potentially dangerous operation. By using this feature, you may lose your custom settings and/or some programs may stop working and may need to be reinstalled.You can use the controls below to run a pre-defined scan or to create a custom scan of your own. Multiple scans can be run at the same time.Create Custom ScanThe File System Shield is the main component of the avast! real-time scanner. It monitors all files and programs stored on your computer.PASettingsScan documents when openingScan files when writingShield traffic Scanned filesInfected filesFiles scanned / infected:Show traffic historyLast file scanned:Last file infected: Web ShieldThe Web Shield scrutinizes all your web browsing activities, and eliminates any online threats even before your web browser sees them.Scan web (HTTP) traffic Scanned pagesInfected pagesPages scanned / infected:Last page scanned:Last page infected:This page displays the statistics for each of the various avast! components. Please use the drop-down list to select a component.Show statistics for:File System Shield Mail Shield P2P Shield IM Shield Script ShieldBehavior ShieldNetwork Shield Time period:Today Last week Last month Last yearonoff Attention UnsecuredSecuredYour system is fully protected.#Your system is not fully protected.DPlease use the Fix Now button to start fully protecting your system.PAYour system is not protected.>Please use the Fix Now button to start protecting your system.Fix nowShow Details...Hide Details...Real-time shields: Firewall:Virus definitions version:UpdateProgram version:Definitions auto updates:ChangeUrgent:Warning:PANotice:Action:No further action is required.Object: Infection:Process:5Your avast! real-time shields are currently disabled.UFor your computer to be properly protected, all shields must be running at all times.Turn onYour antispam filter is currently disabled. If you want your incoming mail to be filtered so that spam email is not delivered to your inbox, you should enable your antispam filter now.Currently your virus definitions are not set to update automatically. To ensure you are continuously protected from the latest virus threats, you should turn on your virus definition automatic updates.Your current license will expire in %d days. If your license expires, your virus definitions may quickly become out of date. To ensure that you continue to be protected from the latest threats, purchase a new license now.RenewYour virus definitions are not currently up to date. To ensure you are protected against the latest threats, you should update your virus definitions now.Incompatible software has been detected on your computer which may prevent avast! from working correctly. If you want to be fully protected by avast! you should remove the incompatible software now.Incompatible software:The version of avast! antivirus that you are using appears to be an unofficial version. To ensure you receive all the latest updates, contact us to obtain an official license.LegalizeInconsistent program state. The version of avast! antivirus that you are using appears to be corrupted. Please try to repair it; if that doesn't help, reinstall the program.The avast! antivirus program has been stopped, or is in an inconsistent state. Please re-start the program to resume protecting your system.PA Start programavast! has detected that your File System Shield is turned off. To ensure the files on your computer are protected, turn on the File System Shield now.xavast! has detected that your Mail Shield is turned off. To ensure your email is protected, turn on the Mail Shield now.avast! has detected that your Web Shield is turned off. To ensure you are protected against internet viruses, turn on the Web Shield now.avast! has detected that your Script Shield is turned off. To ensure you are protected against malicious scripts when browsing the internet, turn on the Script Shield now.avast! has detected that your Network Shield is turned off. To ensure your computer is protected against unauthorized intrusions from the internet, turn on the Network Shield now.avast! has detected that your IM Shield is turned off. To ensure you are protected against malware being downloaded to your computer when using Instant Messaging programs, turn on the IM Shield now.avast! has detected that your P2P Shield is turned off. To ensure you are protected against malware being downloaded to your computer when using peer-to-peer file sharing programs, turn on the P2P Shield now.The last attempt to update your virus definitions was unsuccessful. To ensure you are protected from the latest threats, try again to update your virus definitions now.gavast! detected a suspicious file during a recent scan. For further details, please view the scan logs.View scan logsfIn order to complete your installation or update of avast! antivirus, your computer must be restarted.Restart computerLA scan has been completed. For further details, please review the scan logs.LYou have unread iNews articles. Check your iNews now to find out what's new. Read iNewsYour virus definitions are not currently up to date. To ensure you are protected from the latest threats, update your virus definitions now.vYour subscription for %s is about to expire (in less than %d days). It is recommended to renew it as soon as possible.eYour subscription for %s has expired. As a result, the program will not download any further updates.PYour license for %s has expired. As a result, the program can no longer be used.7Your virus definitions have been automatically updated._An update to your version of avast! antivirus is now available. Please update your program now.7To view charting you need to install Adobe Flash PlayerInstall Adobe Flash PlayerComment: Scan areas:PA Schedule: Delete Scan Settings...Processed file: Run time:Speed: Tested files:Tested folders:Amount of data tested:Infected files:PauseResume Show resultsPAUse the following controls to specify what actions to take when a virus, a potentially unwanted program or a suspicious file is detected.VirusPUP Suspicious3Select action to be performed when a virus is foundAbort connectionAsk No ActiongNote: repairing may not be possible in some cases. Use "Move To Chest" or "Delete" as a back up action.If action fails, then:JSelect action to be performed when a potentially unwanted program is found?Select action to be performed when a suspicious object is foundOptions/Show a notification window when action is takenDIf necessary, perform the selected action at the next system restartavast! can notify other users when a virus is found on this computer. Alerts configured on this page will be sent whenever a virus is detected by any avast! component. Alert TargetsSend ViaSend To E-Mail (SMTP) E-Mail (MAPI)PrintersNetwork message (WinPopup)test SMTP Settings9The following settings are only relevant for SMTP alerts.Server address:Port: From address:+If the SMTP server requires authentication: User name: Password: MAPI Settings9The following settings are only relevant for MAPI alerts.Profile:KUse the settings on this page to fine-tune the behavior of the virus chest.Maximum size of chest:(0 means no limit)MB Maximum size of file to be sent:KBavast! CommunityPUse the settings on this page to set up your membership in the avast! community. Community#Participate in the avast! communityBy enabling this option, you are giving your consent to anonymously forward certain security-related information to avast! (on an as-needed basis). In return, you will have access to the most up-to-date avast! community information and statistics.Privacy policy Status Bar\The settings below control the behavior of the avast! status bar on the Current Status page.Components monitoredoPlease use the check boxes below to specify which of the avast! components will be monitored by the status bar.Virus definitions versionProgram versionDefinitions auto updatesFirewall\Use the controls on this page to fine-tune the sensitivity of the scan and other parameters. HeuristicsHeuristics sensitivity:NormalUse code emulation Sensitivity1Test whole files (may be very slow for big files)PUP and suspicious files-Scan for potentially unwanted programs (PUPs)LowHighProgramsDSelect the IM programs for which downloaded files should be scanned:MSN/Windows MessengerYahoo! MessengerICQAIM (AOL Instant Messenger)PATrillianmIRCMiranda gaim/PidginOdigo Gadu-GaduPsi Jabber ClientSkype IM2 MessengerSIM (Simple Instant Messenger)PalTalk MessengerTlen Google Talk WengoPhoneQQInfiumPAQIPXFireKonnekt Instant MessengerESelect the P2P programs for which downloaded files should be scanned:Kazaa Kazaa LiteDirect ConnectDirect Connect++ BearShareiMeshWinMXLimeWire Bit TorrentOvernetShareazaCZDC++MorpheuseDonkeyeMuleAresSoulSeek Opera's DC++ StrongDC++iDC++KCeasyBitCometBitLordABCuTorrentBitPumpWinny2ZultraxPA Azureus VuzeQtrax[Use the following controls to set various advanced (mostly performance-related) parameters. Do not scan verified system DLLsYThis option tells avast! that it should not scan files belonging to the operating system.Use transient cachingBy selecting this option, if a file is scanned and no threat is detected, this information will be stored in the temporary memory. The file will not be scanned again until either the system is restarted or the virus definitions are updated.Use persistent cachingIf this option is selected, files that are verified as clean (e.g. files that contain a valid digital signature) will not be scanned again, even after a system restart or virus definitions update.Here you can modify the list of locations that will not be scanned. Click on any line to modify it, or click on "enter path" to add a new location.browseScan when attachingSThe following settings determine the types of removable media that will be scanned.4Scan auto-run items when removable media is attached$Scan diskette boot sectors on access_Whenever a floppy disk is accessed, avast! will scan its boot sector for possible boot viruses.Scan when executinglThe following settings determine which files and programs should be scanned at the moment they are executed.Scan programs when executingTExample: the program excel.exe will be scanned whenever Microsoft Excel is executed.Scan scripts when executingGExample: a JS (JavaScript) file will be scanned whenever it's executed."Scan libraries (DLLs) when loadingIWill scan all dependent files (DLLs etc.) whenever a program is executed.aUse the following settings to define which files should be scanned at the moment they are opened.ZThe term "documents" technically means Microsoft Office documents and all other OLE files.!Scan files with custom extensions+Wildcard characters (* and ?) are accepted.Scan all filesIf this option is selected, all files on the system will be scanned at the moment they are opened, which may have a negative impact on your system's performance.iThe following settings determine files that should be scanned at the moment they are created or modified."Scan files with default extensionsThe default extensions are maintained by the avast! developers, and provide the optimal balance between performance and security.If this option is selected, all files on the system will be scanned whenever they are created or modified, which may have a negative impact on your system's performance.WPlease use the boxes below to control how often avast! displays messages on the screen.4No avast! messages/pop-ups/alerts will be displayed..Silent if a full-screen application is runningMessages/pop-ups/alerts will be suppressed only if a full-screen application is running (e.g. a game, a PowerPoint presentation, or a video playback).Basic Whitelist BlacklistBasic settingsPA!Mark in subject of spam messages:<Add recipients of outbound emails to whitelist automaticallyMediumPlease define which emails will always be considered to be spam. Use either full email-addresses (such as john.smith@domain.com) or domain names (e.g. domain.com).removePlease define which emails will always be allowed. Use either full email-addresses (such as john.smith@domain.com) or domain names (e.g. domain.com).Scan ParametersJPlease use the following controls to set the basic parameters of the scan.Scan Scan Name: Scan AreasSelect the areas to scan: File TypesRecognize file types by their:content (thorough but slow)name extension (fast) Exclusions-Enter locations to be excluded from scanning.Packers8Select the packer formats to be extracted while scanning All packersSelf-extracting DOS executablesPA!Self-extracting Win32 executablesDroppers 7ZIP archive ACE archive ARC archive ARJ archive BZIP2 archive CAB archive CHM archive CPIO archive GZIP archiveInstaller archive ISO archive LHA archiveMIME TNEF streams OLE archiveOutlook Express Archive RAR archive RPM archive SIS archive TAR archive ZIP archive ZOO archivePacker descriptionScan files inside various dropper archives. A dropper is an application, usually small, that extracts other executable files on disk. Scan files inside 7ZIP archives.PAWScan files inside GZIP archives (compression program used mostly in Unix environments).-Scan files inside various installer archives.Scan files inside ISO archives.AScan data in the MIME (and RFC822) format (mostly mail messages).DScans all file streams on disks formatted with the NTFS file system.QScan files inside OLE archives (such as MS Office documents, MSI packages, etc.).3Scan files inside Outlook Express message archives.Scan files inside RAR archives.Scan files inside RPM archives.Scan files inside SIS archives.Scan files inside TAR archives. Scan files inside TNEF archives.Scan files inside ZIP archives.Scan files inside ZOO archives.PriorityUse the scale below to adjust the priority of the scanning process. The higher the priority, the less time the scan will take, but also the more resources it will need.Scan priority:OThe controls on this page enable you to schedule a scan to start automatically.Scan SchedulerSchedule Type:OnceDailyWeeklyMonthly-Do not start the scan if running on batteries'Pause the scan if batteries mode begins Launch time: Launch date:SundayMondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday'Time is in military (0:00-23:59) formatTroubleshooting=The controls on this page can help to solve various problems.%Enable rootkit scan on system startup3Enable raw disk access during avast! boot-time scan5Skip checking of digital signatures of infected files!Enable avast! self-defense module=Load avast! services only after loading other system servicesRedirect SettingsIUse the following options to troubleshoot the network redirection module.Web HTTP port(s):Ignored addresses:Ignore local communicationMail SMTP port(s): POP port(s): IMAP port(s): NNTP port(s):'(Separate multiple values with a comma)Suspicious Message! InformationPAPermitted URLs Virus FoundVirus informationClean completely8Submit the file to avast! virus lab for further analysis Authorization)libPNG, Copyright Glenn Randers-Pehrson#libJPEG, Copyright Thomas G. Lane1Zlib, Copyright Jean-loup Gailly and Mark AdlerCustom FiltersCustom filters description. TBDiNEWSiNews description. TBD Firewall LogsPAMThis page allows you to view the various logs created by the avast! firewall. Show log for:AllQuickThoroughYour Subscription'avast! antivirus is currently updating.CYour virus definitions are out of date. You should update them now. Scan mode:PAFirewall QuestionPARemember my answerMove NTFS streamsRYou can also specify when the exclusion applies (R = Read, W = Write, X = Execute)RWXPApathProgram:Address: Protocol:More details... Fewer detailsMail heuristics4Redemption library, Copyright Dmitry Streblechenko(select additional areas)Add Delete logTurn on for 10 minutesTurn on for 1 hourTurn on permanentlyNumber of definitions:avast! Upgradeupgrade description. TBD(enter E-Mail) (enter path)(enter extension)(enter MIME-type)obtaining information...Access policy:BlockNew network detectediThe Firewall has detected a new network. Please select the appropriate firewall mode for the new network.PAISP: Network name:Router's MAC addressRouter manufacturer Adapter name#Remember my answer for this network=Select the required action for each result and click "Apply".ActionResultPasswordContinuebThe firewall has detected one of your networks and has automatically changed the Firewall Mode to:Refresh windowCustom More detailsEnable avast! soundsVarious parts of avast! can be protected by a password. On this page, you can create a password and specify which parts can be accessed only by entering the password.Protect avast! with a passwordRe-enter password:Protected areasGeneral program accessProgram settingsProtection controlProtection settings Scan control Scan settingsUpdate controlVirus chest control If this option is selected, all downloaded files will be scanned. This is the safest option but could also slow down your web browsing. On the Exclusions page, you can exclude trusted URLs or MIME types from being scanned in order to optimize your system's performance.rThe settings on this page allow you to control the sounds and voice messages that are generated by certain events.EventsPAThreat detectedSuspicious item detected+Potentially unwanted program (PUP) detected Scan completeFirewall query Voiceovers%Use voiceover sounds (when available)B(Select Cancel unless you are performing the action intentionally)My local name:My Internet name: Performance Set to Quick Set to NormalSet to ThoroughShow report file'Add the file to the scan exclusion list#Report the file as a false positiveThreat detected!No threat found Processing of infected archives:LTry to remove only the packed file from the archive; if it fails, do nothingTTry to remove only the packed file; if it fails, remove the whole containing archiveAlways remove the whole archiveRetrieve new rules?4How often should avast! retrieve new antispam rules?Enable LiveFeed Special scansCheck the box below if you want the avast! special scans (such as the Windows Explorer "right-click" scan and the Screensaver scan) to be visible and configurable via the avast! user interface.+Show special scans in avast! user interfaceBAutomatically close the Explorer scan window if no threat is foundPA1Show Explorer scan icon (in the right-click menu)=On this page you can adjust the avast! housekeeping settings. Auto-cleanup-How often should avast! delete the scan logs?Delete scan logs older thandays%Delete temporary scan logs older thanLogsMaximum size of each log file:Enable debug logging(stored password) (no password)The passwords do not match!Persistent cache/Speed up scanning by using the persistent cachefThis option will increase the scan speed by consulting the persistent cache before scanning each file.PA~This option tells the engine to populate the persistent cache during the scan. Turning this option on will slow down the scan. Screen saverIUse the controls below to set the parameters for the avast! screen saver.Underlying screensaver Loop scanningWindow movement speed Very fastFastModerateSlow Very slow6Store data about scanned files in the persistent cache System drivePoliciesNetwork profilesPA Parameters SSL accountsSystem&Allow Windows File and Printer sharing1Allow remote desktop connections to this computer-Allow outgoing ping and trace requests (ICMP)-Allow incoming ping and trace requests (ICMP)Allow IGMP traffic Auto-decide!Allow outbound access to Friends. Specify ports*Allow outbound access to Friends on ports:-Allow outbound and inbound access to Friends.PA&Allow outbound access to the Internet./Allow outbound access to the Internet on ports:FAllow outbound access to the Internet and inbound access from Friends."Allow connections to all networks.Outbound ports:Inbound ports:(select applications group)(enter address)On this page avast! enables you to configure the virtualization component (sandbox). This can be used to run any program in an isolated environment, shielding the rest of the computer from any (potentially harmful) changes that the program may try to make.Virtualization technology is typically used to shield the web browser. This is because the browser (and its plug-ins) is the application that is most commonly attacked by viruses.(Processes currently running virtualized: End ProcessRun a virtualized process...Your RegistrationNPlease review the details relating to your avast! Free Antivirus registration. RegisteredRegistration about to expireRegistration expired!Not yet registered Register nowRegistration information$Current registration will expire on:Date of registration:(not yet registered)Offline registrationAlternatively, you can request a registration key by filling in our web-based registration form, then when you receive your new license key, you can manually insert it into the program. This method is recommended only if you are using avast! on a computer with no Internet access.Registration formInsert the license keyCPlease review the information relating to your avast! subscription.Subscription status:ActiveAbout to expireExpired! In trial modeTrial period not activated Purchase now Renew nowActivate trial periodSubscription information Licensed to:Customer number:Subscription valid till:(not yet activated)Not for resale licenseInsert license fileavast 4.x license keysIf you still have a valid license key from avast! Professional Edition v4.x, you can convert it to a v6 license file by clicking the button below.PA%Request conversion to v6 license fileThe actual number of malware samples that avast! can detect is much higher, as a single virus definition can identify tens, hundreds, or even thousands of unique samples. STEP 1 / 2Initializing, please wait... STEP 1 / 3#File will be excluded from scanningReview / override Scan PUP:LAutomatically apply actions during scan (check this box to select an action)Here you can define your "friend" networks. These are networks which are considered to present a low security risk. The networks are defined by means of IP address ranges.From (IP Address)To (IP Address)Firewall PoliciesKThe controls on this page enable you to set the parameters of the firewall. Default rulesnFor programs with no defined rules (i.e. programs not listed on the Application Rules page), do the following: Preferences4Show notifications about newly created "allow" rules4Show notifications about newly created "block" rules Internet Connection Sharing mode4Use fast checksums (faster but slightly less secure)Process ControlUse the controls below to define which programs will (and will not) be able to execute other applications which are allowed to access the network.BPrograms allowed to execute applications that have network access:FPrograms not allowed to execute applications that have network access:@For all other programs, the decision will be made automatically.BPlease review the settings related to automatic profile switching."Enable automatic profile switching MAC addressProfile*Ask when a new/unknown network is detectedGHere you can modify the list of locations that will not be virtualized.Virtualization parametershPlease use the following controls to set the various parameters of the process virtualization component.Virtualized processes4The following processes will always run virtualized:(enter process name)wAutomatically detect default locations for saved/downloaded files and save files to these locations outside the sandboxCShow borders around the windows created by virtualized applicationsFShow tags in the titles of windows created by virtualized applicationsyPlease review your e-mail accounts and their SSL types. Note that unencrypted (non-SSL) accounts don't have to be listed. Mail AccountsProtocol EncryptionPOP3IMAPSMTPPANNTPSSLTLSNone(enter account name)?Automatically detect and warn about unprotected SSL connections FrostwiresecondsThis proxy setting is not supported by the antispam engine. If a proxy server is required, please use the manual proxy setting. Registration Subscription Direction:Local Address:Remote Address:Suspicious Files FoundSuspicious files have been detected (using a heuristic method). This may be a sign of malware infection. Please allow the files to be submitted to our virus lab for analysis.Further information.Do not tell me about these files in the future=Submit the files to the avast! virus lab for further analysis Packet rulesEnabled DirectionAddress Local port Remote port ICMP TypeInOutMove up Move downEnter your license key:Currently connected to:In/OutIP address or domain name:<Also unregister all Winsock Layered Service Providers (LSPs) ConnectionsActivityProcess Process IDExpiration date: Network Lock:Network communication is currently enabled. To temporarily disable all network communication, turn on the Network Lock feature.PA1Network communication is now completely disabled.UpgradeIf you have purchased an upgrade to avast! Pro Antivirus or avast! Internet Security, please insert the license file you have received by clicking the button below.<Insert avast! Pro Antivirus / Internet Security license file Allow DNS Allow DHCPAllow Network DiscoveryAllow HomeGroup1Allow Remote desktop connections to this computer)Allow Remote assistance for this computerPAAllow VPN connections (PPTP)Allow VPN connections (L2TP)Allow VPN connections (GRE)*Allow Windows Media Player network sharingAllowed connectionsRExpert users can also review the list of low-level (packet) rules of the firewall.Packet rules... Host namePortUndoPastePA Select AllFor all connections:For all other connections:"Add only domains of the recipients3Automatically move spam messages to the junk folder<avast! has detected that your Behavior Shield is turned off.VSorry, the process virtualization feature will be activated upon reboot of the system. Web browsersUse the check-boxes below to specify browser options that should not be virtualized when running your web browser in the sandbox..All settings (incl. extensions, add-ons, etc.) BookmarksHistoryCookiesTHere you can modify the list of applications that will be automatically virtualized.PAInternet accessjUse the controls below to specify which virtualized applications should be allowed to access the internet.9Allow all virtualized applications to access the internet6Block internet access for all virtualized applications=Allow certain virtualized applications to access the internetzUse the controls below to generate a report file of the virtualized application, and to specify the content of the report.Delete logs older thanPA Local addressRemote address Clear log"avast! Free Antivirus Registration9Automatically open the Scan Results when scan is finishedLog all blocked packets"Notify me when profile is switched>Don't show notification on startup when network is not changedDigsby)Insert note into clean message (incoming),Insert note into infected message (incoming))Insert note into clean message (outgoing)8Add entries from address book to whitelist automaticallyPin the message on the screenPADo not show this message againSThe Scan Results window will only be opened when there are any results to be shown.Follow links during scanLinksScanningAlerts and LogsBlockingSharePoint Shield SettingsResident task settingsThe Exchange Shield monitors all your e-mail traffic and scans all messages even before they reach your computer and have the chance to do any harm."This shield has no basic settings.Show warning messagesThe SharePoint Shield monitors all your file traffic and scans all files even before they reach your computer and have the chance to do any harm.Select additional applications: all usersadministrators only0Integrate into the right-click context menu for:jPlease select what policy you would like to use when an infected or untestable item is found in a message.for untestable itemsfor infected itemsAllow full access to the item!Overwrite the item with a warningDelete the whole message#If possible, change the object icon}Blocking parameters can be set up on this page. Please note that these settings are common for all tasks (not task specific)."Enable attachment blocking by name3Block attachment with the following filename masks: (enter mask)Filename replacement: Replace with:By selecting one of the following categories, you can set how much information will be logged. The log messages will be written to the standard NT Event Log.Logging level:Low (errors & viruses only)(Normal (warnings, errors & viruses only)MaximumPlease set the basic parameters for this shield. Please note that it is only capable of scanning the messages (on-access and in the background) on IS level.Scan messages on-accessPAScan messages in the backgroundEnable proactive scanningScan at transport levelScan RTF message bodiesTry to clean infected objects*Do the following with uncleanable objects: Deny access!Replace the object with a warning@(the result of this settings is affected by SharePoint settings)Restore Extract...Submit to virus lab... PropertiesRefresh all files Restart nowZStore files in special storage in the sandbox (contents will not be automatically deleted)delete contentstThis is a predefined scan so some options may be read-only. To customize these options, please create a custom scan.Add...Insert activation codeActivation code: Your name:Your email address:Activation codeMAlternatively, you can activate your license by inserting an activation code.,Show remote content in avast! user interfaceCity:Country:PABehavior Shield Question>An untrusted program is trying to modify a protected resource. Resource:!Allow and add to trusted programsDeny and terminate the programDeny and move to chestTarget object:Request routed via: Address groupHere you can define a group of address specifiers. Each entry consists of a single IP address, a range of IP addresses (separated by '-') or a predefined group.RemoveMore... Email messageUrl ConnectionPAScriptPopupsBehavior Shield SettingsTrusted processesExchange Shield Settings<Please run the avast! service first to activate this shield.Events Analyzed / Suspicious: Shield logLast event analyzed:Last suspicious event:Exchange 2003/2007 ShieldExchange 2007/2010 Shield<Exchange Shield is waiting for the Exchange service to startSharePoint 2003/2007 ShieldSharePoint 2007/2010 Shield@SharePoint Shield is waiting for the SharePoint service to startExchange 2003/2007SharePoint 2003/2007Exchange 2007/2010SharePoint 2007/2010 Scan canceled Scan paused Details...Show scan results-avast! Behavior Shield has blocked an action.Target:<avast! has detected that your Exchange Shield is turned off.>avast! has detected that your SharePoint Shield is turned off.OPlease use the boxes below to control how avast! displays popups on the screen.Duration of info popups:Duration of update popups:Duration of alert popups:Exchange ShieldSharePoint ShieldJHere you can define which kind of suspicious behavior should be monitored.)Monitor the system for low-level rootkits,Monitor the system for malware-like behavior1Monitor the system for unauthorized modifications=Here you can specify which processes should not be monitored.Security Recommendation>You are opening an application that may be potentially unsafe. Custom soundsA custom sound pack is in use.Delete custom soundsWe strongly recommend opening this application in the virtual environment of the avast! sandbox to avoid any risk to your computer.PAFile:Origin: Opened by:Open in sandbox (recommended) Open normallyCancel opening_Attention: any data that you save while in the sandbox will be lost when the sandbox is closed.DIf you trust the source or origin of the application, open normally.(Stop opening the suspicious application.#Remember my answer for this program:(you can later change this option in the program settings) AutoSandbox avast! WebRepWelcome to avast! 7.This new version comes with an innovative module called avast! WebRep which allows you to view reputation ratings for each website that you visit and for your web search results. WebRep integrates with your browser so that you can view the ratings immediately.YIf you don't want avast! to integrate WebRep with your browser, click "Don't use WebRep".PA)Otherwise, please click "Install WebRep".Q(You can change this decision at any later time by going to the avast! settings.)Install WebRepDon't use WebRepThe AutoSandbox feature allows avast! to automatically run any suspicious program inside the avast! sandbox at the moment the program is executed. This ensures that no damage can be done to your operating system or your files.YThe AutoSandbox settings are accessible through the File System Shield's Expert settings.SafeZoneKSafeZone is a unique feature that allows you to run your trusted sessions shielded from the rest of the operating system. By switching to the SafeZone, you will get a clean desktop where you can manage your sensitive transactions (such as online shopping and banking) without the risk of being monitored by spyware or a key-logger.Switch to SafeZone;Clicking this button will take you to the SafeZone desktop.ZReturn to the normal desktop by clicking the "Switch back" button on the SafeZone taskbar.Reset SafeZone contentsUse the following button to delete the SafeZone contents and reset the SafeZone to its default state. Note: all data will be irreversibly deleted.Reset SafeZoneSandboxWebRepPAThe avast! WebRep module allows you to view reputation ratings for each website you visit, and even the results of the web searches you make. Technically, it works as a browser plug-in.Internet ExplorerMozilla Firefox.Automatically detect new browser installations^For your safety, avast! has automatically placed the following application inside the sandbox.Source:Tested files/folders:MinimizeMaximizeDuration of warning popups:pWhen avast! detects that a suspicious program is being executed, it can automatically place it into the sandbox.Enable AutoSandboxAutoSandbox mode:Auto6Files that will be excluded from automatic sandboxing:Restore factory defaultsPAThis feature lets you reset the avast! settings to their default values. Please be careful as you will lose all your custom settings. This action cannot be undone.*Program settings (including default scans)Shield settings Reset nowAdditional protection LIKE AVAST?Restore3When a threat is found, apply the following action:0Detect updaters and run them outside the sandbox Switch backSafeZone BrowserqThe browser itself is without additional components such as plug-ins, which are often used to distribute malware.Turn off SafeZoneThe SafeZone Browser is a special web browser that you can use to access websites that contain sensitive personal or financial data. It runs in the virtual environment of avast! SafeZone, without the risk of being monitored by spyware or key-loggers.Filter:Home/Low Risk ZoneWork/Medium Risk ZonePublic/High Risk Zone+Use separate setting for each firewall modeLThe settings below help to improve the web browser's performance in sandbox.<Show welcome message on Windows boot screen (Windows 7 only)Community FeaturesnUse the following settings to control which community features will be displayed in the avast! user interface.#Show avast! recommendation featuresShow social networking features0Auto-start programs and modules loaded in memoryRootkits (very quick scan)+Do not use Chrome as avast! default browserPALicense holder:Customer company: Valid till:Choose product: Issued by: Product name:Purchase date:License count:Sandbox storage Google ChromeCreditAlert SettingsEnable displaying the alertsWhat would you like to do?Register ReactivatePADAssign memory/cpu/time restrictions for unsigned sandboxed processes#Encrypt the contents to secure dataLOverride the maximum copy filesize limit and specify the size manually (MB):Sort byCategoryTimeReported activities File-system Dropped filesRegistryProcess/ThreadObject ManagerNetworkLocation<Select the drive where you want to keep the sandbox storage:Access control2Let Windows manage the drive letters automatically"Prefer drive letters starting withmountunmountMount automatically at startupVirtualized foldersPEvery program started from one of the following folders will be run virtualized:%Automatically cleanup sandbox storage Once everyavast! Administration consoledThis avast! installation is configured to be connected to the following avast! administration serverServer name/IP: CreditAlert(enter program name) DMG archiveScan files inside DMG archives.3Scan traffic from well-known browser processes onlySwitch me back to avast! Free Private filesVThe list below defines which locations cannot be accessed by virtualized applications.PrivacyEducation license Other optionsavast! for Android is available Learn moreSafeZone parametersPPlease use the following controls to set the various parameters of the SafeZone.5Add the "Launch SafeZone Browser" shortcut to Desktop4Allow clipboard sharing between Desktop and SafeZoneAKeyboard shortcut for switching between the Desktop and SafeZone:Control+Alt+Shift+Win+URL autoredirectPA!Use mailshell secured DNS servers-Auto-cleanup SafeZone and Sandbox upon reboot0Protect against keyloggers and password sniffers3rd party signed apps choose colorand line widththinthickCShow a small popup window when a virtualized application is started4Protect virtualized applications from screen captureMDrop administrative rights and run virtualized applications as a limited userLUse secure virtual RAM disk for storing files instead of physical hard drive&Compress contents to save memory space:Isolate window/class namespace from the rest of the systemMIsolate inter-process communication (IPC) objects from the rest of the systemPrivacySHere you can define which locations cannot be accessed by virtualized applications.Blocked Read-onlyAllowedTThe settings on this page allow you to specify the location of your sandbox storage.#the same drive as the modified file}If the drive settings are changed, all virtual content will be deleted and the system must be restarted to apply the changes.KAssign a drive which can be used to access your aggregated sandbox storage:;Automatically run all installed web browsers in the sandbox1Save trusted downloaded files outside the sandbox}Use the check-boxes below to specify browser options that should be virtualized when running your web browser in the sandbox.7All settings and components (extensions, add-ons, etc.)ECache web browser's files (sandbox will not be automatically deleted)YSandbox storage is currently in use. Contents will be deleted when computer is restarted. Every firstBSelect here which browsers will be protected by the Script Shield.Adobe Acrobat ReaderOther applicationsProcesses to exclude:Delete spam messages:(Warning: there is no way to restore such messages later!)Market avast! MarketEClick here to see your complete security reports for the last 30 daysShow monthly security reportsGenerate report now!TMNew FREE security for AndroidProtect your Android phone.$Install avast! Free Mobile Security!Download now... >>Don't show this againFile Reputation Warning?The file you are downloading seems to be very new or very rare.Very few people in the global community of avast! users have ever encountered this file, which makes it potentially suspicious.Digital signature:Downloaded by:We recommend you abort the download and remove the file from your system now. If you choose to keep the file, please use extreme caution."Abort the connection (recommended)Complete the downloadConnect to your avast! account,Please enter your account details to log on.E-mail:!Don't have an avast! account yet?Create a new accountUnable to log on.'Username or password is not recognized.Restore SettingsBack up SettingsyPlease select the avast! components for which to restore the settings. Other components will keep their current settings.FPlease select the avast! components for which to back up the settings. ComponentsScan/Task definitions Antispam and whitelist/blacklistSandbox/SafeZonePassword settingsRegistration/License infocDisabled components cannot be restored as they are unreachable in your current avast! installation.Current product: Product type:License is VALIDLicense Count:Control Remote ComputerStatusCPlease enter the code that you received from the requesting person:After you enter the correct code, click the Connect button. When the connection is established, this dialog disappears and the remote desktop window appears.PAConnectAllow Remote Control9Please report the following code to the assisting person:To transfer the code to the other party please use e.g. telephone, e-mail or chat. By sending the code you are granting remote access to your computer to another person. After the person takes control, this dialog disappears automatically.Cloud ServicesAccount"Remote control assistance settingsBrowser plugin settingslThe new avast! features several hybrid cloud technologies. This page will allow you to monitor their status.Reputation servicesDisabledStreaming updatesConnection establishedConnection not establishedRemote Assistance`The Remote Assistance feature allows avast! users to connect and share desktops with each other.Allow remote controlHAsk for assistance and allow a remote party to connect to your computer.Control remote computer6Provide assistance by connecting to a remote computer.AUse the following button to fine-tune Remote Assistance settings. Remote Assistance desktop viewer Full screenIThe SafeZone settings are accessible through the Sandbox Expert settings. Terminate AllFPlease run the avast! service first to activate the real-time shields.Run avast! serviceSupportDIf you need some help with avast!, please use the following options.Generate support packagetThis feature allows you to generate a data package that will help our support engineers to troubleshoot the problem.Items to include:Basic information Log files Minidumps Full dumpsEstimated size:Recommended delivery method: Generate Now!nIn addition to regular definition updates, avast! uses streaming updates to defend against the latest threats.Streaming updates: Connection: EstablishedLatest update received:Browser ProtectionsUse the controls on this page to configure the protection of the web browsers. This includes WebRep and sandboxing.BrowsersRun this browser sandboxedOperaSafari:Use the following button to configure the browser plugins.5The following application was run inside the sandbox:Your computer is currently being controlled remotely. If you want to close the connection, click the following link or press the Alt+Shift+End shortcut.Close the connectionSelf defense module is off.Network lock is on.Silent mode is on.More info about version %sAccount settingsbThe controls on this page allow you to connect this installation of avast! with an online account. Disconnected ConnectedOThis installation of avast! is currently not connected with any avast! account. Connect now Account name: Disconnect+Report program status to the avast! accountUpdate frequency:BUse the settings on this page to set up the avast! cloud features.Reputation servicesEnable reputation servicestReputation services allow avast! to make more intelligent decisions by querying the avast! file reputation database.Enable streaming updatesTStreaming updates allow avast! to always stay up-to-date against the latest threats.PASettings backupCThis feature allows you to back up or restore your avast! settings.Back up settingsRestore settingsSecurity reports Info popupsBThis type of popup shows useful information about avast! activity.Duration in seconds: Update popupsNUpdate notifications are displayed to inform you that the product has updated.Warning popupsPPopups of this type tell you about important events that require your attention. Alert popupsCThese popups inform you about malware incidents and other problems._The controls on this page allow you to set advanced parameters of the Remote Assistance module.Throttling bits/sec: UnlimitedBHOmy itemPA (enter name) qBittorrent+Show progress info and final recommendation0Warn when downloading files with poor reputation5You can use wildcards when specifying the URL address&Limit program access for Guest account\The controls on this page allow you to configure the behavior of the avast! browser plugins.Plugin Settings Enable WebRep*Suppress WebRep tooltips in search resultsEnable phishing filterShow SafeZone controls7Changes will take effect after restarting your browser.+avast! is analyzing a suspicious program...,avast! has finished analysis of the program.!The file appears to be a malware.@We did not find enough evidence to identify the file as malware.The program is running in the avast! sandbox. This means that it cannot do any harm to your computer even if it were malicious.The program has now terminated. Duration: Terminate nowChange SettingsDetailed report5For the next execution of this file do the following:Protection status6Clicking the Cancel button below invalidates the code.DThis page provides you with a list of all avast! protection shields.XThis may be useful for technical support as well as for general administrative purposes.Browser pluginsPopup durationICloud services settings can be accessed by pressing the following button.EnabledPA File Transfer@However, you should still use extreme caution when accessing it.Running in Safe Mode;Manual scans are available, but realtime protection is not.+Your computer is being controlled remotely. Duration:Last package generated:Ongoing Protection Service:Ongoing Protection enables the automatic renewal process, ensuring that your subscription will not expire, and that your computer will remain protected at all times. Ongoing Protection can be activated during the purchase or renewal process.EnabledDisabled avast! Help!Complete your upgrade to avast! 7EYou are almost done. Press the Finish button to complete the upgrade."Main new features of this version:-Streaming, real-time virus definition updates"Cloud-based file reputation systemOnline management portalRemote AssistancePhishing protection%Intuitive, easy-to-use user interface%Autosandboxing of suspicious programs avast! WebRepNEWIMPROVED/Install Google Chrome, a fast, free web browser$Faster access to your favorite sites6Easier searches with Google built into the address barStable and secure/Yes, also install the Google Chrome web browser%Make Google Chrome my default browser-By installing Google Chrome, you agree to itsPA Terms of UseandPrivacy Policy,Install Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer2Google Toolbar makes Web browsing more convenient:Search from any websiteTranslate web pages instantly"Auto-fill web forms with one click6Yes, install the free Google Toolbar along with avast!.By installing Google Toolbar, you agree to its&Completing the upgrade, please wait...This may take a while...Upgrade completed.lCongratulations for upgrading avast! to version 7. You are now ready to start enjoying all its new features.7Sorry, the Google Chrome installation was unsuccessful.8Sorry, the Google Toolbar installation was unsuccessful.Finish%Not connected with any avast! accountConnected with avast! account:Connect%Mark in subject of phishing messages:Reason:Reasons for AutoSandboxing)Static analysis finds the file suspicious%The file prevalence/reputation is low$The file origin/source is suspicious2The file is executed from a remote/removable media'Generic heuristics / suspicious contextCopySwitch to SafeZone&Browser plugins may offer you to switch to avast! SafeZone if you enter certain sites. In the following table you may predefine URLs that will be considered. Note that you may insert even a part of a URL. For example: if you insert ib.foo.com, all URLs containing ib.foo.com will be considered.!Banking site URL (or only a part)Switch automatically Do nothing text onlyfull?Protect against DNS based attacks (with our secure DNS servers)Product Installation3Do you really want to install the selected product?Installing selected product...,The product has been successfully installed.dDownloading the installation package has failed. Please make sure you are connected to the Internet.?Installation of the product has failed. Please try again later.System rules... Mac archivesWScan files inside various archives common on the Mac platform (such as DMG, XAR, etc.). System rulesRThe controls on this page allow you to enable or disable pre-defined system rules.RulesAllow multicast trafficAllow VPN connections via PPTP$Allow VPN connections via L2TP-IPSecEnabledDisabledNot configuredUse local time for schedulingUse GMT for schedulingEnable SiteCorrect'Automatically redirect to correct sitesExchange SharePoint SiteCorrectyThe avast! SiteCorrect feature automatically fixes spelling errors when you type an address to the browser's address bar.SiteCorrect SettingsPAZIf the box is unchecked, you will be asked what to do when a mistyped address is detected.sThis license is valid for a different avast! product line. Please download the proper installer from www.avast.com.Restart the programtab RecommendIntroducing theAmazon Browser BarCompatible with:Install Amazon Browser Bar and receive a collection of Browser Apps designed to put special Amazon features right at your fingertips$Receive notification on Amazon dealsCompare products and prices&Search Amazon from anywhere on the webInstall Amazon Browser Bar,Set Amazon Web Search as my default homepage3Set Amazon Web Search as my default search providerAmazon Web Search settings only take effect when the Browser Bar is installed. If you choose to accept, you hereby agree to theConditions of UseandPrivacy PolicyPlease also see the Help Pagefor additional information.<Sorry, the Amazon Browser Bar installation was unsuccessful.Continue executionCartiYour trial of avast! Internet Security is starting. Your software is now enabling more security features.kYour free trial of avast! Internet Security is over. Your software is removing the extra security features.$Complete your avast! software update<You are almost done. Click "Finish" to complete your update.Main changes in this version:*SiteCorrect can auto-correct mistyped URLsSandbox is even more powerfulPAReady for Windows 80Hindi, Bengali, Malay and Latvian language packs%Completing the update, please wait...^Congratulations for updating avast!. You are now ready to start enjoying all its new features.Update completed.=CreditAlert has been successfully installed on your computer.$CreditAlert installation has failed.:EasyPass has been successfully installed on your computer.!EasyPass installation has failed.8Backup has been successfully installed on your computer.Backup installation has failed.<SecureLine has been successfully installed on your computer.#SecureLine installation has failed.avast! Information(enter printer name)(enter computer name) CalculatorNotepadNew...,Enhance your browsing experience with Google+Get Google Chrome, a fast, free web browser>Search from any site with Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer)Stable and secure, with automatic updates0Yes, install Google Chrome as my default browser1Yes, install Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer<By installing Google Chrome and/or Toolbar, you agree to theGoogle Licensing AgreementGlobal Exclusions@Type Paths and Urls to be excluded from scanning and protection. File pathsUrls(enter file path) (enter url)Share on Facebook!'Share all posts on my Facebook TimelineSelect which messages to share:9when avast! prevents me from visiting an infected website#when I register any avast! programs*when any of my avast! programs are updatedSelect your Facebook language*Enable fading effect for desktop switching Facebook AppShare on Facebook!Here you can specify which messages you would like to post on your Facebook Timeline. You can also disable the entire functionality.cThe settings of your avast! Antivirus Facebook application can be accessed via your avast! account,Add Application6The application you are adding seems to be suspicious.dUntrusted application can compromise your secure session. Please reconsider adding this application.!Full compatibility with Windows 8(Outlook plugin stability and performanceBrowser plugins stability$General AV performance and stabilityZavast! has detected a virus in the operating memory. Since it is very dangerous to work with the computer while the virus is active, it is strongly recommended that you restart the computer and let avast! scan all your data in the boot phase, before the virus can be activated. Do you want to schedule the boot-time scan and restart the computer?It seems that your computer is infected by a virus. For reliable cleanup, we recommend running a boot-time scan, i.e. restarting the computer and letting avast! scan all your data before Windows starts. Do you want to schedule the boot-time scan and restart the computer now?To finish the cleanup process, we recommend running a boot-time scan, i.e. restarting the computer and letting avast! scan all your data before Windows starts. Do you want to schedule the boot-time scan and restart the computer now?PAQDelete files from Chest Do you really want to delete selected file(s) from Chest?PAavast!Erase the selection EraseErase everything Erase All3Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard Copy1Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard CutFind the specified text FindInsert Clipboard contents PasteRepeat the last action Repeat1Replace specific text with different text Replace%Select the entire document Select AllUndo the last action Undo&Redo the previously undone action Redo%Switch to the next window Next window2Switch back to the previous window Previous windowPAEXTCAPNUMSCRLOVRRECPAChange the window sizeChange the window positionReduce the window to an iconEnlarge the window to full size"Switch to the next document window&Switch to the previous document window5Close the active window and prompts to save documents!Restore the window to normal sizeLRemote Assistance Server is going down for maintenance - session terminated.The session will expire in %s./Offering Remote Assistance with ticket "%s" ...5Remote Assistance with ticket "%s" has been accepted.5Remote Assistance with ticket "%s" has been rejected.Pairing data connection...Data connection paired.Establishing data connection...Data connection established. Data connection has been closed.8Remote Assistance server started (listening on port %d).!Remote Assistance client started.PAHundreds of MBHundreds of KB Tens of MB Tens of KBFTPE-mailThank you for using avast! Troubleshooting components. The generated data will help us solve your issue. The package has been generated to: What to do next?dWe are sorry, but the package cannot be generated right now, please try it again later. Error code:6(Estimated size: %s; Recommended delivery method: %s).&Remote Assistance ticket is not valid!2Unable to connect to the Remote Assistance server!The server reported an error: A local error occurred: - code: 0x%lx$Unable to establish data connection!"Unable to start the ARA VNC Server"Unable to start the ARA VNC Viewer4VS_VERSION_INFOJStringFileInfo&040904b0>CompanyNameAVAST Software< FileDescriptionUILangRes: FileVersion7.0.1474.765.InternalNameui1033h"LegalCopyrightCopyright (c) 2012 AVAST Software< OriginalFilenameUILangResBProductNameavast! 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avast! Antivirus: %TYPE% message clean.

Virus Database (VPS): %VPS%
Tested on: %TIMEDATE%
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2012 AVAST Software.

%INBOUND=Inbound% %OUTBOUND=Outbound%

avast! Antivirus: %TYPE% message INFECTED:

Virus Database (VPS): %VPS%
Tested on: %TIMEDATE%
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2012 AVAST Software.

%INBOUND=Inbound% %OUTBOUND=Outbound% %CLEANED=was successfully cleaned.% %DELETED=was deleted from the message.% %LEFT=was (BEWARE!!!) left intact in the message.% %MOVED=was moved out of the message.% %MOVEDTOCHEST=was moved to the virus chest.% --- avast! Antivirus: %TYPE% message clean. Virus Database (VPS): %VPS% Tested on: %TIMEDATE% avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2012 AVAST Software. http://www.avast.com %INBOUND=Inbound% %OUTBOUND=Outbound% --- avast! 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