foo=bar webrep=WebRep avwebrep=avast! WebRep no-rating=This site has no rating rating-pending=Retrieving rating rating-good=This site has a good rating rating-average=This site has an average rating rating-bad=This site has a bad rating no-weight=(not enough votes) weight1=(based on a small number of votes) weight2=(based on a limited number of votes) weight3=(based on many votes) overall-rating=Overall rating warning=Warning warn-text-credit-number=It seems that you are trying to type a password or credit card number on a site with a poor reputation. Please double-check that the site is genuine. Entering your personal information on an untrusted site may pose a security risk. warn-text-fishing-site=This site has been marked as a phishing site. trust-domain=Trust this domain close-back=Get me out of here close=Ignore the warning sfzone-headline=avast! SafeZone sfzone-text=You have entered an online banking site. Do you want to open it in avast! SafeZone? sfzone-yes=Yes sfzone-yes-always=Yes, always sfzone-no=No sfzone-never=Never anonymousUser=Anonymous user sitecorrect-headline=SiteCorrect sitecorrect-text=This is probably not the site you were trying to enter. sitecorrect-mean=Did you mean %s ? sitecorrect-yes=Yes sitecorrect-no=No, I really did mean %s sitecorrect-auto=Automatically take me to known correct sites from now on sitecorrect-help=To configure the avast! SiteCorrect feature, please open the avast! user interface, go to Additional Protection, Browser Protection and use the Settings button. sitecorrect-bar-msg=SiteCorrect: automatically redirecting from %s sitecorrect-bar-button=This was not a mistake, take me back