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It's fast, stable, and easy to use. Browse the web more safely with malware and phishing protection built into SafeZone Browser.SafeZone Browser FrameSafeZone Browser Frame Update.SafeZone Browser Frame has been updated. Please relaunch your browser. SafeZone Browser version: %ls, SafeZone Browser Frame version: %lsUnknown version.About SafeZone Browser Frame...http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=161796This site recommends SafeZone Browser Frame (already installed).InstantIn this case, the address listed in the certificate does not match the address of the website your browser tried to go to. One possible reason for this is that your communications are being intercepted by an attacker who is presenting a certificate for a different website, which would cause a mismatch. Another possible reason is that the server is set up to return the same certificate for multiple websites, including the one you are attempting to visit, even though that certificate is not valid for all of those websites. SafeZone Browser can say for sure that you reached $1, but cannot verify that that is the same site as $2 which you intended to reach. If you proceed, SafeZone Browser will not check for any further name mismatches. In general, it is best not to proceed past this point.You attempted to reach $1, but the server presented an expired certificate. No information is available to indicate whether that certificate has been compromised since its expiration. This means SafeZone Browser cannot guarantee that you are communicating with $2 and not an attacker. You should not proceed.You attempted to reach $1, but the server presented a certificate that is not yet valid. No information is available to indicate whether that certificate can be trusted. SafeZone Browser cannot reliably guarantee that you are communicating with $2 and not an attacker. You should ensure that your clock and time zone are set correctly on your computer. If they are not, you should correct any issues and refresh this page. If they are correct, you should not proceed.You attempted to reach $1, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may mean that the server has generated its own security credentials, which SafeZone Browser cannot rely on for identity information, or an attacker may be trying to intercept your communications. You should not proceed, especially if you have never seen this warning before for this site.You attempted to reach $1, but the certificate that the server presented contains errors. SafeZone Browser cannot use a certificate with errors and cannot validate the identity of the site that you have attempted to connect to. Your connection is not secure and you should not proceed.Task Manager - SafeZone BrowserSafeZone Browser didn't shut down correctly. To reopen the pages you had open, click Restore.$1 - SafeZone Browser$1The Chromium AuthorsCopyright © 2006-2012 The Chromium Authors. All Rights Reserved.SafeZone Browser is made possible by the BEGIN_LINK_CHRSafeZone BrowserEND_LINK_CHR open source project and other BEGIN_LINK_OSSopen source softwareEND_LINK_OSS.Not used in SafeZone Browser. Placeholder to keep resource maps in synch.Not used in SafeZone Browser. Placeholder to keep resource maps in synch.SafeZone BrowserSafeZone Browser ToolbarSafeZone Browser is unresponsive. Relaunch now?SafeZone Browser is now importing the following items from $1:Sadly, your Mozilla Firefox settings are not available while that browser is running. To import those settings to SafeZone Browser, save your work and close all Firefox windows. Then click Continue.SafeZone Browser is misbehavingAbout SafeZone BrowserPlease close all SafeZone Browser windows and try again.Are you sure you want to uninstall SafeZone Browser?Uninstall SafeZone BrowserWelcome to SafeZone BrowserStart SafeZone BrowserMake SafeZone Browser the default browserWelcome to SafeZone BrowserSafeZone Browser's New Tab page has been remodeled. Switch between sections by clicking these labels. SafeZone Browser will remember your preference for next time.SafeZone Browser needs to launch an external application to handle $1 links. The link requested is $2.SafeZone Browser requires Windows XP or later. Some features may not work.SafeZone Browser does not support $1.Please close all SafeZone Browser windows and relaunch SafeZone Browser for this change to take effect.Let SafeZone Browser run in the backgroundContinue running background apps when SafeZone Browser is closedSafeZone Browser cannot read and write to its data directory: $1Optional: Help make SafeZone Browser better by automatically sending usage statistics and crash reports to Google.Your profile can not be used because it is from a newer version of SafeZone Browser. Some features may be unavailable. Please specify a different profile directory or use a newer version of SafeZone Browser.Your preferences can not be read. Some features may be unavailable and changes to preferences won't be saved.Your preferences file is corrupt or invalid. SafeZone Browser is unable to recover your settings.SafeZone BrowserWhoa! SafeZone Browser has crashed. Relaunch now?Do you want SafeZone Browser to save your password?SafeZone Browser uses your default search engine, which is currently set to $1. Do you want to keep your default search engine?Exit SafeZone BrowserAn administrator has installed SafeZone Browser on this system, and it is available for all users. The system-level SafeZone Browser will replace your user-level installation now.This computer already has a more recent version of SafeZone Browser. If the software is not working, please uninstall SafeZone Browser and try again.This computer already has a more recent version of SafeZone Browser Frame. If the software is not working, please uninstall SafeZone Browser Frame and try again.This computer already has a more recent version of SafeZone Browser and SafeZone Browser Frame. If the software is not working, please uninstall both SafeZone Browser and SafeZone Browser Frame and try again.SafeZone Browser Frame is already installed and available to all users of this computer. If you want to install SafeZone Browser Frame at the user level, you must first uninstall the system-level version installed by an administrator.Installation failed due to unspecified error. If SafeZone Browser is currently running, please close it and try again.Can not install the same SafeZone Browser version that is currently running. Please close SafeZone Browser and try again.Can not install the same SafeZone Browser Frame version that is currently running. Please close SafeZone Browser Frame and try again.Installation failed due to unspecified error. Please download SafeZone Browser again.SafeZone Browser requires Windows Vista or Windows XP with SP2 or higher.An operating system error occurred during installation. Please download SafeZone Browser again.The installer couldn't create a temporary directory. Please check for free disk space and permission to install software.The installer failed to uncompress archive. Please download SafeZone Browser again.The installer archive is corrupted or invalid. Please download SafeZone Browser again.You do not have appropriate rights for system-level install. Try running the installer again as Administrator.No installation of SafeZone Browser or SafeZone Browser Frame found to update.A conflict with another installed application has been detected.Uninstallation complete.SafeZone Browser installation directory seems to be in use. Please reboot your computer and try again.A conflicting installation of SafeZone Browser or SafeZone Browser Frame was found on the system. Please uninstall it and try again.A conflicting installation of SafeZone Browser or SafeZone Browser Frame was found on the system. Please uninstall it and try again.Invalid arguments. SafeZone Browser Frame cannot be installed in ready mode without also installing SafeZone Browser.SafeZone Browser may use web services to improve your browsing experience.SafeZone Browser is now importing Favorites/Bookmarks.Internet BrowserAccess the InternetAlso delete your browsing data?Change default browser to:UninstallSafeZone Browser isn't your default browser.There is a new version of SafeZone Browser available.There's a new version of SafeZone Browser available, and it's faster than ever.There's a new, safer version of SafeZone Browser available.SafeZone Browser has been updated, but you haven't used it for at least 30 days.SafeZone Browser lets you click a phone number on the web and call it with Skype!Try it out (already installed)Don't bug meWhy am I seeing this?Modules loaded into SafeZone BrowserThis module is known to conflict with SafeZone Browser.A module with the same name has been known to conflict with SafeZone Browser.Crash reporting is not available in SafeZone Browser.You are viewing a secure SafeZone Browser page.SafeZone Browser does not include the PDF viewer which is required for Print Preview to function.Print using system dialog…New background app installed$1 will launch at system startup and continue to run in the background even once you've closed all other $2 windows.$1 has crashed. Click this balloon to restart the app.$1 has crashed. Click this balloon to reload the extension.No background apps runningShow Full HistoryCustomize and control $1Did you mean to go to $1?HistoryDownloadsUntitledLoading...Edit items...Done removing itemsRemove selected itemsClear all browsing data...Are you sure you want to delete these pages from your history?Loading...$1 - $2No search results found.All the pages you visit will appear here unless you open them in an incognito window. You can use the Search button on this page to search all the pages in your history.Search historyNewestNewerOlderSearch results for '$1'History(Cont.)ActionsRemove from historyMore from this siteOKCancelAdd&EditLearn moreCloseDoneSkipTabSave&Back&ForwardSave &as...P&rint...&View page sourceOpen link with...Configure...View page &infoI&nspect elementRe&load&Translate to $1Reload frameSave &frame as...P&rint frame...&View frame sourceView frame &infoOpen link in new &tabOpen link in new &windowOpen link in inco&gnito windowSave lin&k as...Copy link addr&essCopy &email addressSa&ve image as...C&opy image URLCop&y imageOpen &image in new tab&Loop&Play&Pause&MuteUn&muteShow &ControlsSa&ve video as...C&opy video URL&Open video in new tabSa&ve audio as...C&opy audio URL&Open audio in new tab&Undo&RedoCu&t&Copy&Paste&Delete&Add to dictionary&No spelling suggestionsAsk Google for suggestionsGoogle Chrome can provide smarter spell-checking by sending what you type in the browser to Google servers, allowing you to use the same spell-checking technology used by Google search.Learn MoreEnableNo thanksStop asking Google for suggestionsLoading suggestionNo suggestions from Google&Spell-checker options&Language settings...&Check the spelling of this field&Show spelling panel&Hide spelling panelSelect &all&Search $1 for '$2'&Go to $1Add as search en&gine...Input &methodsRun this plug-inHide this plug-inInstall missing plug-inVoice recognition optionsBlock offensive wordsAbout voice recognitionPaste as plain textNew &tab&Show as tab&New windowNew &incognito windowEdit&UndoCu&t&Copy&Paste&DeleteSelect &all&Find...Save page &as...&Print...Too&ls&ZoomZoom&Larger+Make Text Larger&Normal&Smaller−Make Text Smaller$1%&EncodingAuto detect$1 ($2)UnicodeWesternChinese SimplifiedChinese TraditionalKoreanJapaneseThaiCentral EuropeanCyrillicGreekBalticSouth EuropeanNordicCelticRomanianTurkishArabicHebrewVietnameseView s&ource&Report an issue...&Developer tools&JavaScript console&File manager&Task managerR&eopen closed tabR&eopen closed windowMinimizeRestoreMaximizeClose&Show bookmarks bar&HistoryImport bookmarks and settings...&Profiling enabled&Full screenFull screen&Clear browsing data...&Downloads&Extensions&Settings&OptionsH&elpAbout &$1Update &$1View incompatibilitiesView background pages ($1)E&xitAttempted default search changeArrr! Something tried to commandeer your default search setting!Arrr! Something tried to commandeer your default search setting! We weren't sure what to do, so we set it to $1.Keep using $1Change to $1Change search settingSelect search setting...Attempted home page changeArrr! Something tried to commandeer your home page!Arrr! Something tried to commandeer your home page! We weren't sure what to do, so we set it to the New Tab page.Keep using $1Change to $1Change home pageSelect home page...Keep existing setting - $1 SearchSearch $1 for $2Run $1 command: $2(Keyword: $1)&Edit search engines...Search EnginesKeywordNameName:Keyword:URL:Insert %s in the URL where the search terms should appear.&Add...&RemoveEdit...Make defaultEdit Search EngineAdd Search EngineTitle must contain at least one characterMust be a valid URLKeyword must be empty or uniqueDefault search optionsOther search enginesSearch engines added by extensions$1 (Default)Change Default Search Engine$1 wants to be your search engine.Current search engine:New search engine:Change to $1Keep using $1# secs# secNANANANA# mins# minNANANANA# hours# hourNANANANA# days# dayNANANANA# secs left# sec leftNANANANA# mins left# min leftNANANANA# hours left# hour leftNANANANA# days left# day leftNANANANA# secs ago# sec agoNANANANA# mins ago# min agoNANANANA# hours ago# hour agoNANANANA# days ago# day agoNANANANATodayYesterdayShow all downloads...$1/$2, InterruptedStarting...$1/$2, $3Opening in $1...Installing...Opening when completeOpening $1...CanceledRemovedUnconfirmedThis type of file can harm your computer. Do you want to keep $1 anyway?Extensions, apps, and themes can harm your computer. Are you sure you want to continue?This file appears malicious.$1 appears malicious.KeepContinueDiscardPauseSearch downloadsSearch results for '$1'ResumeRemove from listCancelRetry downloadShow in folderCanceledRemoved$1 - $2$1 - $2, $3$1 of $2PausedInterruptedClear allOpen downloads folderOpen when &done&Open&Always open files of this type&Cancel&Pause&Resume&Discard&Keep&Learn more&Show in folderDo you want to exit $1 with a download in progress?Do you want to exit $1 with $2 downloads in progress?If you close $1 now, this download will be canceled.If you close $1 now, these downloads will be canceled.Close and cancel downloadClose and cancel downloadsWait for download to finishWait for downloads to finishCreate application &shortcuts...Create application shortcutsCreate application shortcuts in the following places:DesktopApplications menuStart menuQuick launch barPin to TaskbarCreateThis page was prevented from setting cookies.This page set cookies.Manage cookie blocking...Show cookies and other site data...Images were blocked on this page.Always allow $1 to set cookiesAlways allow $1 to show imagesContinue blocking cookiesContinue blocking imagesManage image blocking...Pop-ups were blocked on this page.The following pop-ups were blocked on this page:Always allow pop-ups from $1Continue blocking pop-upsManage pop-up blocking...Pop-up blockedJavaScript was blocked on this page.Always allow JavaScript on $1Continue blocking JavaScriptManage JavaScript blocking...The following plug-ins were blocked on this page:Plug-ins were blocked on this page.Always allow plug-ins on $1Always allow these plug-ins on $1Continue blocking plug-insManage plug-in blocking...Run all plug-ins this timeThis page was prerendered.Help me understandWhen you connect to a secure website, the server hosting that site presents your browser with something called a "certificate" to verify its identity. This certificate contains identity information, such as the address of the website, which is verified by a third party that your computer trusts. By checking that the address in the certificate matches the address of the website, it is possible to verify that you are securely communicating with the website you intended, and not a third party (such as an attacker on your network).This is probably not the site you are looking for!You attempted to reach $1, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as $2. This may be caused by a misconfiguration on the server or by something more serious. An attacker on your network could be trying to get you to visit a fake (and potentially harmful) version of $3. You should not proceed.Server's certificate does not match the URL.The site's security certificate has expired!For a certificate which has not expired, the issuer of that certificate is responsible for maintaining something called a "revocation list". If a certificate is ever compromised, the issuer can revoke it by adding it to the revocation list, and then this certificate will no longer be trusted by your browser. Revocation status is not required to be maintained for expired certificates, so while this certificate used to be valid for the website you're visiting, at this point it is not possible to determine whether the certificate was compromised and subsequently revoked, or whether it remains secure. As such it is impossible to tell whether you're communicating with the legitimate website, or whether the certificate was compromised and is now in the possession of an attacker with whom you are communicating. You should not proceed past this point.Server's certificate has expired.The server's security certificate is not yet valid!Certificates have a validity period, much like any identity document (such as a passport) that you may have. The certificate presented to your browser is not yet valid. When a certificate is outside of its validity period, certain information about the status of the certificate (whether it has been revoked and should no longer be trusted) is not required to be maintained. As such, it is not possible to verify that this certificate is trustworthy. You should not proceed.Server's certificate is not yet valid.The site's security certificate is not trusted!In this case, the certificate has not been verified by a third party that your computer trusts. Anyone can create a certificate claiming to be whatever website they choose, which is why it must be verified by a trusted third party. Without that verification, the identity information in the certificate is meaningless. It is therefore not possible to verify that you are communicating with $1 instead of an attacker who generated his own certificate claiming to be $2. You should not proceed past this point.If, however, you work in an organization that generates its own certificates, and you are trying to connect to an internal website of that organization using such a certificate, you may be able to solve this problem securely. You can import your organization's root certificate as a "root certificate", and then certificates issued or verified by your organization will be trusted and you will not see this error next time you try to connect to an internal website. Contact your organization's help staff for assistance in adding a new root certificate to your computer.Server's certificate is not trusted.The server's security certificate has errors!In this case, the certificate presented to your browser has errors and cannot be understood. This may mean that we cannot understand the identity information within the certificate, or certain other information in the certificate used to secure the connection. You should not proceed.Server's certificate contains errors.Failed to check revocation.Unable to check whether the server's certificate was revoked.Server's certificate cannot be checked.No revocation mechanism found.No revocation mechanism found in the server's certificate.No revocation mechanism found.The server's security certificate is revoked!You attempted to reach $1, but the certificate that the server presented has been revoked by its issuer. This means that the security credentials the server presented absolutely should not be trusted. You may be communicating with an attacker. You should not proceed.In this case, the certificate presented to your browser has been revoked by its issuer. This usually means that the integrity of this certificate has been compromised, and that the certificate should not be trusted. You absolutely should not proceed past this point.Server's certificate has been revoked.Invalid Server CertificateYou attempted to reach $1, but the server presented an invalid certificate.In this case, the server certificate or an intermediate CA certificate presented to your browser is invalid. This may mean that the certificate is malformed, contains invalid fields, or is not supported.Server's certificate is invalid.The site's security certificate is signed using a weak signature algorithm!You attempted to reach $1, but the server presented a certificate signed using a weak signature algorithm. This means that the security credentials the server presented could have been forged, and the server may not be the server you expected (you may be communicating with an attacker). You should not proceed.In this case, the server certificate or an intermediate CA certificate presented to your browser is signed using a weak signature algorithm such as RSA-MD2. Recent research by computer scientists showed the signature algorithm is weaker than previously believed, and the signature algorithm is rarely used by trustworthy websites today. This certificate could have been forged. You should not proceed past this point.Server's certificate is signed using a weak signature algorithm.Unlisted Server CertificateServer's certificate is not included in DNS.This site lists all its valid certificates in DNS. However the server used one which isn't listed.This is an experimental scheme where by HTTPS certificates can be authenticated and rejected by (DNSSEC secured) DNS records. If you are seeing this message then you have enabled experiemental features using command line options. You can remove those command line options to ignore this error.Unknown server certificate errorAn unknown error has occurred.Unknown server certificate error.$1 ($2)This site has requested that you identify yourself with a certificate:Choose a certificate to present as identification:Details of selected certificate:(expired)(not yet valid)Issued to: $1Issued by: $1Valid from $1 to $2Purposes: $1Certificate Key Usage: $1Email: $1Stored in: $1Certificate Viewer: $1&General&DetailsThis certificate has been verified for the following usages:SSL Client CertificateSSL Server CertificateSSL Server with Step-upEmail Signer CertificateEmail Encryption CertificateCode SignerSSL Certification AuthorityStatus Responder CertificateIssued ToIssued ByCommon Name (CN)$1 ($2)Organization (O)Organizational Unit (OU)Serial NumberValidity PeriodIssued OnExpires OnFingerprintsSHA-256 FingerprintSHA-1 FingerprintCertificate HierarchyCertificate FieldsField ValueCertificateVersionVersion $1Serial NumberCertificate Signature AlgorithmIssuerValidityNot BeforeNot AfterSubjectSubject Public Key InfoSubject Public Key AlgorithmSubject's Public KeyModulus ($1 bits): $2 Public Exponent ($3 bits): $4ExtensionsCertificate Signature ValueE&xport...Base64-encoded ASCII, single certificateBase64-encoded ASCII, certificate chainDER-encoded binary, single certificatePKCS #7, single certificatePKCS #7, certificate chainCNSTOOUdnQualifierCserialNumberLDCMAILUIDEbusinessCategoryincorporationCountryPKCS #1 RSA EncryptionPKCS #1 MD2 With RSA EncryptionPKCS #1 MD4 With RSA EncryptionPKCS #1 MD5 With RSA EncryptionPKCS #1 SHA-1 With RSA EncryptionPKCS #1 SHA-256 With RSA EncryptionPKCS #1 SHA-384 With RSA EncryptionPKCS #1 SHA-512 With RSA EncryptionNetscape Certificate TypeEmail CertificateEmail Certification AuthorityNetscape Certificate Base URLNetscape Certificate Revocation URLNetscape Certification Authority Revocation URLNetscape Certificate Renewal URLNetscape Certification Authority Policy URLNetscape Certificate SSL Server NameNetscape Certificate CommentNetscape Lost Password URLNetscape Certificate Renewal TimeCertificate Subject Directory AttributesCertificate Subject Key IDKey ID: $1Issuer: $1Serial Number: $1Certificate Key UsageCertificate Subject Alternative NameCertificate Issuer Alternative NameCertificate Basic ConstraintsCertificate Name ConstraintsCRL Distribution PointsCertificate PoliciesCertificate Policy MappingsCertificate Policy ConstraintsCertification Authority Key IDExtended Key UsageAuthority Information AccessSigningNon-repudiationKey EnciphermentData EnciphermentKey AgreementCertificate SignerCRL SignerEncipher OnlyIs a Certification AuthorityIs not a Certification AuthorityMaximum number of intermediate CAs: $1unlimitedCertification Practice Statement PointerUser NoticeUnusedKey CompromiseCA CompromiseAffiliation ChangedSupersededCessation of OperationCertificate on HoldOCSP Responder: $1CA Issuers: $1$1: $2$1 ($2)$1:Email AddressDNS NameX.400 AddressX.500 NameEDI Party NameURIIP AddressRegistered OIDMicrosoft Certificate Template NameMicrosoft CA VersionMicrosoft Principal NameMicrosoft Domain GUIDTLS WWW Server AuthenticationTLS WWW Client AuthenticationCode SigningEmail ProtectionTime StampingSigning OCSP ResponsesMicrosoft Individual Code SigningMicrosoft Commercial Code SigningMicrosoft Trust List SigningMicrosoft Time StampingMicrosoft Server Gated CryptographyMicrosoft Encrypting File SystemMicrosoft File RecoveryMicrosoft Windows Hardware Driver VerificationMicrosoft Qualified SubordinationMicrosoft Key RecoveryMicrosoft Document SigningMicrosoft Lifetime SigningMicrosoft Smart Card LogonMicrosoft Key Recovery AgentNetscape International Step-UpCriticalNot CriticalError: Unable to decode extensionCertificate ManagerYour CertificatesServersAuthoritiesOthersYou have certificates from these organizations that identify you:You have certificates on file that identify these servers:You have certificates on file that identify these certificate authorities:You have certificates on file that do not fit in any of the other categories:Certificate NameCertificate StoreSerial NumberExpires OnView...Import...Export...Export All...Edit...Delete...Delete certificate "$1"?If you delete one of your own certificates, you can no longer use it to identify yourself.Delete server certificate "$1"?If you delete a server certificate, you restore the usual security checks for that server and require it uses a valid certificate.Delete CA certificate "$1"?If you delete a Certification Authority (CA) certificate, your browser will no longer trust any certificates issued by that CA.Delete certificate "$1"?Please enter a password to encrypt this certificate file.The password you choose will be required to restore this file later. Please record it in a safe location.Please enter the password that was used to encrypt this certificate file.Password:Confirm Password:PKCS #12 FilesPKCS #12 Export ErrorThere was an error while trying to write the file: $1.UntrustedPKCS #12 Import ErrorIncorrect password or corrupt file.Invalid or corrupt file.File uses unsupported features.There was an error while trying to read the file: $1.Incorrect password.Unable to parse file.Unknown error.Not a Certification Authority.Certificate Deletion ErrorEdit trust settings:The certificate "$1" represents a Certification Authority.Trust this certificate for identifying websites.Trust this certificate for identifying email users.Trust this certificate for identifying software makers.Error Setting Certificate TrustDo you want to trust "$1" as a Certification Authority?Certification Authority Import Error$1: $2The file contained one certificate, which was not imported:The file contained multiple certificates, none of which were imported:The file contained multiple certificates, some of which were not imported:Server Certificate Import ErrorThe certificate "$1" was issued by:Add CertificateThe server returned an invalid client certificate. Error $1 ($2).There was an error while trying to store the client certificate. Error $1 ($2).Successfully stored client certificate issued by $1.ViewAuthentication RequiredThe server $1 requires a username and password. The server says: $2.The server $1 requires a username and password.User Name:Password:Log InSmile! Take a picture of yourself and set it as your account picture.The camera failed to initialize.Select networkAccept agreementRegisterSign inChoose your account picture$1 of $2PreviousNextClose find barExit full screen($1)The page has hidden the mouse pointer. To restore it, press 'Esc'.&End processEnd processPurge memoryProcess IDPageNetworkCPUMemoryPrivate memoryShared memoryProfileGoats teleportedImage cacheScript cacheCSS cacheFPSSQLite memoryJavaScript memoryInspectActivateStats for nerds$1K$1K ($2K live)N/ABrowserExtension: $1Incognito Extension: $1App: $1Incognito App: $1Tab: $1Background Page: $1Plug-in: $1Plug-in Broker: $1Prerender: $1Unknown plug-inWeb Worker: $1Utility:Native Client module: $1Native Client security managerGPU ProcessNotification: $1Instant: $1Installed theme "$1".UndoThe newest version of the extension "$1" requires more permissions, so it has been disabled.The newest version of the app "$1" requires more permissions, so it has been disabled.Re-enableConfirm InstallationAdd to $1Confirm UninstallationConfirm Re-enableConfirm PermissionsInstall $1?Uninstall "$1"?The newest version of "$1" has been disabled because it requires more permissions.The extension "$1" has requested additional permissions.Confirm ChangesThe extension "$1" has been installed. The extension "$1" was automatically removed. Update checks have repeatedly failed for the extension "$1." OKDetailsIt can access:It can now access:It could access:• $1($1)$1 usersView detailsAll data on your computer and the websites you visitYour data on all websitesYour data on $1Your data on $1 and $2Your data on $1, $2, and $3Your data on $1, $2, and $3 other websitesYour bookmarksYour browsing historyYour physical locationYour list of installed apps, extensions, and themesThe content of pages you visitYour tabs and browsing activityYour data on all websitesData you copy and pasteAny text spoken using synthesized speechSettings that specify whether websites can use features such as cookies, JavaScript, and plug-insCan't find the absolute path to the directory to pack.Input directory must exist.This can only be installed from the $1.Input value for private key must be a valid path.A private key for specified extension already exists. Reuse that key or delete it first.Input value for private key must exist.Failed to read private key.Invalid private key.Yikes! Failed to generate random RSA private key.Failed to export private key.Failed to output private key.Failed to create temporary zip file during packaging.Error while signing extension.Failed to replace crx file. Check to see if the file is in use.Failed to export public key.Attempted to downgrade extension.This extension is blacklisted.This extension is blacklisted by admin policy.Could not move extension directory into profile.Manifest file is missing or unreadable.Manifest file is invalid.Could not install application because it conflicts with '$1', which is already installed.Localization used, but default_locale wasn't specified in the manifest.Could not load '$1' for theme.Could not load extension icon '$1'.Could not load javascript '$1' for content script.Could not load css '$1' for content script.Could not load file '$1' for content script. It isn't UTF-8 encoded.Could not load '$1' for plugin.Could not load icon '$1' for page action.Could not load icon '$1' for browser action.Could not load background page '$1'.Could not load options page '$1'.Could not load sidebar page '$1'.Can not unpack extension. To safely unpack an extension, there must be a path to your profile directory that starts with a drive letter and does not contain a junction, mount point, or symlink. No such path exists for your profile.Package is invalid. Details: '$1'.Package is invalid: '$1'.Could not install package: '$1'$1 is now installed.Show meThis icon will be visible when the extension can act on the current page.To use this extension, type "$1", then TAB, then your command or search.Manage extensions...You can manage your installed extensions by clicking Extensions in the Tools menu.You can manage your installed extensions by clicking Extensions in the Window menu.Infobar ContainerWarningPage ActionDeveloper modeLoad unpacked extension...Pack extension...Update extensions nowBoo... No extensions installed :-(Want to $1browse the gallery$2 instead?(Crashed)(Unpacked)(Incognito)ID:Loaded from:Inspect active views:DisableEnableEnabledRemoveAllow in incognitoAllow access to file URLsView in Web StoreWarning: $1 cannot prevent extensions from recording your browsing history. To disable this extension in incognito mode, unselect this option.ReloadUninstallOptionsShow buttonHide buttonInspect popup(this extension is managed and can not be uninstalled or disabled)Get more extensionsSelect the extension directory.Pack ExtensionPack ExtensionSelect the root directory of the extension to pack. To update an extension, also select the private key file to reuse.Extension root directory:Private key file (optional):Browse...Select extension root directory.Select private key file.Private keyExtension root directory is required.Extension root directory is invalid.Private key file is invalid.Created the following files: Extension: $1 Key File: $2 Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of your extension.Created the extension: $1Extension Install FailureInstallAddUninstallRe-enableAllowDenyWeb StoreShow DetailsHide DetailsMisbehaving extensionWarning:This extension is slowing down $1. You should disable it to restore $1's performance.This extension failed to modify a network request because the modification conflicted with another extension.Plug-insDetailsNo plug-ins installed.(Disabled)(Disabled by enterprise policy)(Enabled by enterprise policy)Version:Description:Location:Type:MIME types:MIME typeDescriptionFile extensionsDisableEnableDownload Critical Security UpdateName:No plugins are installedNPAPIPPAPI (in-process)PPAPI (out-of-process)PPAPI (unsandboxed)PoliciesFetch policies nowStatusDevice PoliciesUser policiesEnrollment domain:Client Id:User:Last fetched:Fetch interval:Status:Also show policies not sent by the serverFilter policies by nameNo policies are currently active!Applies ToLevelPolicy NamePolicy ValueStatusShow moreHideNeverOKNetwork errorBad DMTokenLocal errorSignature mismatchInvalid serial numberExpected $1 value.Value is out of range $1.Ignored because default search is disabled by policy.Must be specified.Invalid search URL.Invalid proxy mode.Use of a proxy is disabled but an explicit proxy configuration is specified.Proxy is set to auto configured.Proxy configuration is set to use a .pac script URL, not fixed proxy servers.Proxy is set to use fixed proxy servers, not a .pac script URL.System proxy settings are set to be used but an explicit proxy configuration is also specified.Both fixed proxy servers and a .pac script URL are specified.Neither fixed proxy servers nor a .pac script URL are specified.Ignored because it was overridden by $1.This policy has been deprecated.Network configuration failed to be parsed: $1Careful, these experiments may biteExperimentsWARNINGThese experimental features may change, break, or disappear at any time. We make absolutely no guarantees about what may happen if you turn one of these experiments on, and your browser may even spontaneously combust. Jokes aside, your browser may delete all your data, or your security and privacy could be compromised in unexpected ways. Any experiments you enable will be enabled for all users of this browser. Please proceed with caution.Aww, it looks like there are currently no experiments available.Your changes will take effect the next time you relaunch $1.Relaunch NowDisableEnableTab OverviewSwipe down with three fingers on your trackpad to see an overview of all your tabs. Click on a thumbnail to select it. Works great in fullscreen mode.Side TabsAdds a "Use Side Tabs" entry to the tabstrip's context menu. Use this to toggle between tabs on top (default) and tabs on the side. Useful on widescreen monitors.Instant Autocomplete ImmediatelyWhether the search provider suggestion should be autocompleted immediately when instant is enabled.Focus existing tab on openTyping a URL of an existing tab into the omnibox results in refocusing the tab instead of loading in the current tab.Native ClientEnable Native Client for all web applications, even those that were not installed from the Chrome Web Store.Disable 'shortcuts' in the omnibox.Remembers commonly selected autocomplete results based on the omnibox search term and offers those URLs the next time that same search term is typed.BluetoothEnable Chrome OS Bluetooth support.Show memory statusShows the amount of free memory in the status area. Click on the menu for more information about system memory.New Downloads UIDisables the download shelf. Will show the new downloads UI as it is implemented.XSS AuditorEnables WebKit's XSS Auditor (cross-site scripting protection). This feature aims to protect you from certain attacks of malicious websites. It improves your security, but it might not be compatible with all websites.Cloud Print ProxyEnables a background service that connects the Google Cloud Print service to any printers installed on this computer. Once this lab is enabled, you can turn Google Cloud Print on by logging in with your Google account in the Options/Preferences in the Under the Hood section.CRX-less Web AppsEnables support for installing Chrome apps that are deployed using a manifest file on a webpage, rather than by packaging the manifest and icons into a crx file.Check for known conflicts with 3rd party modules.Enables a background check that warns you when a software incompatibility is detected (ie. 3rd party modules that crash the browser).GPU Accelerated CompositingEnables 3D CSS and higher performance compositing of webpages using Graphics Processor Unit (GPU) hardware.Composited render layer bordersRenders a border around composited Render Layers to help debug and study layer compositing.GPU Accelerated DrawingEnable GPU accelerated drawing of page contents when compositing is enabled.FPS counterShows a page's actual frame rate, in frames per second, when hardware acceleration is active.Composite to TextureEnables compositing to offscreen texture instead of directly to display.GPU compositing on all pagesUses GPU accelerated compositing on all pages, not just those that include GPU-accelerated layers.Override software rendering listOverrides the built-in software rendering list and enables GPU-acceleration on unsupported system configurations.Disable GPU VSyncDisables synchronization with the display's vertical refresh rate when GPU rendering. This allows frame rates to exceed 60 hertz. While useful for benchmarking purposes, this also results in visual tearing during rapid screen updates.GPU Accelerated Canvas 2DEnables higher performance of canvas tags with a 2D context by rendering using Graphics Processor Unit (GPU) hardware.WebGLEnables canvas elements to use 3D graphics via the WebGL API.Print PreviewEnables an in-tab preview of a print operation.Experimental Extension APIsEnables experimental extension APIs. Note that the extension gallery doesn't allow you to upload extensions that use experimental APIs.New Apps Install BubbleWhen installing an app, always show a bubble pointing at the new tab page button on the tabstrip instead of opening a new tab page.Click to playEnables a "click to play" option in the plug-in content settings.Disable hyperlink auditingDisable sending hyperlink auditing pings.Experimental location featuresEnables experimental extensions to the geolocation feature to use operating system location APIs (where available).Disable HTML5 interactive form validationDisable showing validation messages and preventing form submission.Experimental static ip configurationEnables static ip configuration. May not work.Add grouping to tab context menuAdds items to the tab context menu for grouping tabs.VPN supportShow Private networks in the Network menu to enable conencting to a VPN.Preload Instant SearchPreload the default search engine for Instant.Smooth ScrollingEnable the experimental smooth scrolling implementation.Enable auto-loginWhen enabled, visiting a Google account login page will trigger an infobar allowing easy sign in with the Google account connected to the profile. Auto-login is always disabled if the profile is not connected to an account, regardless of this flag.Show Autofill predictionsAnnotates web forms with Autofill field type predictions as placeholder text.Enable syncing search enginesEnable search engines in the sync options. This allows syncing your custom search engines to other clients.Enable syncing open tabsEnable open tabs in the sync options. This allows syncing your open tabs to other clients.Disable syncing app notificationsDisable app notifications in the sync options. This turns off syncing notifications received from your apps to other clients.Enable syncing Omnibox HistoryEnable Omnibox History in the sync options. This allows syncing your typed URL history to other clients to assist in omnibox auto-completion.Prerender from omniboxEnables prerendering of suggestions from the Omnibox and predicts appropriate network actions (prerendering, Instant, DNS preconnect) by calculating a confidence value for each Omnibox result.AutomaticEnabledDisabledSend additional Autofill feedbackHelp improve Autofill. With this enabled, Chrome will occasionally prompt you to send additional feedback to the Autofill team.Enable PanelsEnable Panel windows that open outside of the browser frame. Attempts to open a Panel will open a popup instead if not enabled.WebGLDisable WebGL.Enable experimental WebUIEnable experimental HTML implementations of some minor UI components such as various dialogs.HTTP PipeliningEnable experimental pipelining of HTTP requests.Disable WebUI lock screen.Disable the new HTML implementation of the lock screen.Enable elementEnable the track element (not yet fully functional) for captions, subtitles, chapters, and audio descriptions on video elements.Enable extension alertsEnable various alerts about changes in extension state.Enable Media Source API on