This release note and the software that accompanies it are copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation or its suppliers, and may only be installed and used in accordance with the license that accompanies the software. This Software is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of that license. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. The Software is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Intel Corporation or its suppliers to market, license, sell or support any product or technology. Unless otherwise provided for in the license under which this Software is provided, the Software is provided AS IS, with no warranties of any kind, express or implied. Except as expressly permitted by the Software license, neither Intel Corporation nor its suppliers assumes any responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear herein. Except as expressly permitted by the Software license, no part of the Software may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or distributed by any means without the express written consent of Intel Corporation. ========================== Supported RAID Controllers ========================== This download supports Intel(R) RAID controllers using SAS software stack (RS3LC, RS3YC, RMSCC080, RMS3CC040, RMSHC080, RMSJC080, RS3SC008, RS3MC044, RS3DC080, RS3DC040, RS3WC080, RSCGC008, RS3FC044, RS3UC080, RCS25ZB040, RCS25ZB040LX, RMS25PB080, RMS25PB040,RMT3PB080, RMS25CB080, RMS25CB040, RMT3CB080, RMS25CB080N, RMS25PB080N, RS25AB080, RS25SB008, RS25DB080, RS25NB008, RS2VB080, RS2VB040, RT3WB080, RS2WC040, RS2WC080, RS2SG244, RS2WG160, RMS2MH080, RMS2AF080, RMS2AF040, RS2MB044, RS2BL080, RS2BL080DE, RS2BL040, RS2PI008DE, RS2PI008, SRCSASJV, SRCSASRB, SRCSATAWB, SROMBSASFC, SROMBSASMP2, SROMBSASMR, SRCSASPH16I, SRCSASBB8I, SRCSASLS4I, SRCSAS18E, SRCSAS144E, SROMBSAS18E), Intel IT/IR RAID products (RMS25KB080, RMS25KB040, RMS25JB080, RMS25JB040, RMS2LL080, RMS2LL040, AXX4SASMOD, SASUC8I, SASWT4I), Intel(R) RAID SAS controller FALSASMP2(supports S5000PAL/S5000XAL and S5520UR without RAID activation key AXXRAKSAS2 installed); Intel(R) RAID SAS Riser controller AFCSASRISER in Intel(R) Server System S7000FC4UR without RAID Activation Key AXXRAKSAS2 installed) and in Intel(R) Embedded Server RAID Technology 2 (ESRT2) RAID products on Intel(R) Server Boards based on the Intel(R) C232, C236, C600, ICH10R, ICH9R, S5000 (ESB2) chipsets, Intel(R) RAID controller SASMF8I, or Intel(R) RAID SAS controller AXX4SASMOD. Please ensure that this utility has been tested with the RAID card you have chosen to use by checking the drivers web page for your controller at =================== Package Information =================== RWC2 version = OS supported = Linux This package can be installed on all x64 systems. OpenSSL v1.0.2c JRE v1.8 U45 RAID Web Console 2(RWC2) Installation ===================================== The kit contains both mode of installation. The interactive and non-interactive. To, install the product using interactive mode, the user should execute the command "./" from the installation disk. To, install the product in a non-interactive or silent mode, the user may use the command "./ [-options] [ -ru popup]" from the installation disk. The options are: a, for Complete installation c, for Client Component Only s, for StandAlone l, for Local d, for Server The "-ru popup" will remove popup from installation list. User may also run non-interactive installation using "" command. Below are the set of commands to be used for update only installation for different setup types. Usage : [-option] The options are : au - The update only Complete Installation of RAID Web Console 2(RWC2) cu - The update only Client components only program of RWC2 su - The update only StandAlone component of RWC2 lu - The update only Local component of RWC2 du - The update only Server component of RWC2 The installer provides the user with five types of setup option. 1. Complete - This will install all the features of the product. 2. Client Components Only - The storelib feature of the product will not be installed in this type of installation. As a result, the resident system will only be able to administer and configure all the servers in the subnet, but will not be able to serve as a server. 3. StandAlone - This option will only install components required for local server management. This system will not be discovered automatically by other RWC2 servers in the subnet and it will not discover other RWC2 servers in the subnet automatically. (multicasting will be disabled) But the system can connect to other RWC2 servers by providing the ipaddress in the hostview screen and can be connected by the other RWC2 clients in the subnet. 4. Local - This option will install only components required for local configuration. Will not allow other systems on the network to connect to this server and cannot connect to other servers. This RWC2 installation mode only uses the loopback interface. 5. Server - This option will only install components required for remote server management. The installation will help the user to select any of the setup type, but if the user directly run "", it will install the Complete feature. NOTE: 1. For RHEL 5, it is necessary to install libstdc++ version and compat-libstdc++ version 33-3.x before installing RWC2 rpm.The dependency of these rpm on other rpm(s) could be find out by excuting "rpm -qR" e.g. "rpm -qR compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61" or "rpm -qR libstdc++". Components which need to be present: 1. libc 2. libgcc 3. libm 2. For SLES-10 SP3 64bit OS, it is necessary to install libstdc++33-32bit-3.3.3-7.8.1.x86_64.rpm before installing RWC2. This RPM is available in the OS DVD (path is /media/SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server_001/suse/x86_64) The RPM and library version number may differ across other versions of OS's. 3. For SLES-9 32bit OS, it is necessary to install compat-libstdc++-lsb-4.0.2_20050901-0.4.i586.rpm before installing RWC2. This RPM is available in the OS DVD (path is /media/dvd/suse/i586) 4. For RHEL 3, it is necessary to install the RPM libstdc++34-3.4.0-1.i386 before installing RWC2. 5. It is necessary to enable shadow password in RHEL 6 to login to MSM. 6. Prerequisites for installing RWC2 on RHEL6.x x64 operating system Before installing RWC2 on RHEL6.x x64 system, Please install the following rpms, Without these files/RPM's RWC2 may not be install properly or may not work as expected. libstdc++-4.4.4-13.el6.i686.rpm compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-69.i686.rpm libXau-1.0.5-1.el6.i686.rpm libxcb-1.5-1.el6.i686.rpm libX11-1.3-2.el6.i686.rpm libXext-1.1-3.el6.i686.rpm libXi-1.3-3.el6.i686.rpm libXtst- Also note that RHEL6.x complete OS installation is required for RWC2 to work. These rpms come as part of RHEL6.x OS DVD. These RPM's may need additional dependent RPM's as well, all the dependent RPM's also must be installed on the target system. The RPM and library version number may differ across other versions of OS's. 7. Net-SNMP rpm installation is required before we install agent rpms. RHEL 4.8: net-snmp-5.1.2-18.el4.x86_64.rpm net-snmp-utils-5.1.2-18.el4.x86_64.rpm RHEL5.4: lm_sensors-2.10.7-4.el5.x86_64.rpm net-snmp-utils- net-snmp- RHEL 5.3: lm_sensors-2.10.7-4.el5.x86_64.rpm net-snmp- net-snmp-utils- RHEL 5.5: net-snmp- net-snmp-utils- RHEL 5.6 net-snmp- net-snmp- RHEL 5.7 net-snmp- net-snmp-utils- RHEL 5.8 net-snmp- net-snmp-utils- RHEL 5.10 net-snmp- net-snmp-utils- RHEL 5.11 net-snmp- net-snmp-utils- RHEL 6.0 net-snmp-5.5-27.el6.x86_64.rpm net-snmp-utils-5.5-27.el6.x86_64 RHEL 6.1 net-snmp-5.5-31.el6.x86_64.rpm net-snmp-utils-5.5-31.el6.x86_64.rpm RHEL 6.2 net-snmp-5.5-37.el6.x86_64.rpm net-snmp-utils-5.5-37.el6.x86_64.rpm RHEL 6.3 net-snmp-5.5-39.el6.x86_64.rpm net-snmp-utils-5.5-39.el6.x86_64.rpm RHEL 6.4 net-snmp-5.5-44.el6.x86_64.rpm net-snmp-utils-5.5-44.el6.x86_64.rpm RHEL 6.5 net-snmp-5.5-49.el6.x86_64.rpm net-snmp-utils-5.5-49.el6.x86_64.rpm RHEL 6.6 net-snmp-5.5-49.el6_5.3.x86_64.rpm net-snmp-utils-5.5-49.el6_5.3.x86_64.rpm RHEL 7.0 & RHEL 7.1 net-snmp-5.7.2-18.el7.x86_64.rpm net-snmp-utils-5.7.2-18.el7.x86_64.rpm SLES 11: net-snmp- perl-SNMP- SLES11 SP3: net-snmp- perl-SNMP- SLES12 net-snmp- perl-SNMP- 8. In case you are unable to install lsi snmp agent rpms, use rpm -ivh --force *.rpm and then you can uninstall the lsi rpms using rpm -e *.rpm. 9. In case of problems with installing multiple rpms and get into cyclic redundancy issue, one can install all rpms in one command line. (Example: rpm -ivh net-snmp- perl-SNMP- 10. For VMware 3.5, it is necessary to install libstdc++34-3.4.0-1.i386.rpm before installing RAID Web Console 2(RWC2).The rpm can be downloaded from 11.For VMware 4.1, it is necessary to create a softlink as mentioned below before installing RAID Web Console 2(RWC2). Run the below command to create the necessary soft link required for RAID Web Console 2(RWC2) to work. "sudo ln -sf /lib/ /usr/lib/vmware/lib/" 12. JRE1.6 differences - In Linux 32/64 bit: MSM is shipped with JRE 1.6 U37 unlike other platforms like Windows/Solaris because of the OS backward compatibility issues with JRE1.7 Here is the link where we can find out the OS support matrix for JRE1.7 13.User has to manually upgrade OpenSSL v0.9.8za in Linux platforms to avoid security issues. 14. Soft links in Linux 64 bit: For RHEL/SLES on 64 bit platform(s), it is necessary to create the below soft links before installing MegaRAID Storage Manager(MSM) 64 bit package. "ln -sf /usr/lib64/ /lib64/" "ln -sf /usr/lib64/ /lib64/" 15. It is necessary to install “xterm” rpm packages on RHEL/SLES operating system. Before installing RWC2 on RHEL/SLES systems, Please install the following rpms, Without these files/RPM's RWC2 may not be install/uninstall properly or may not work as expected. xterm-253-1.el6 These RPM's may need additional dependent RPM's as well, all the dependent RPM's also must be installed on the target system. The RPM and library version number may differ across other versions of OS's. or alternatively the yum command can be used to install xterm rpm’s. “yum install xterm”. ======================== CLI Packaging Strategies ======================== RWC2 Major Release(N):N-1 GA/point release of CLI (latest) will be bundled. RWC2 Point Release(N):N GA/point release of CLI (latest) will be bundled. Where: N – Release stream. ========= Attention ========= 1) From MR5.3 RWC2 is added with 256 bit encryption and this option is disabled by default from factory. The end user(s) who needs to enable 256 bit encryption is\are expected to perform the below steps 1.Go to \ StrongSSLEncryption.ini 2.Modify the property SSL_STRONG_ENCRYPTION to "ENABLE" 3.Restart the RWC2 Framework Warning : Please be aware that enabling 256bit encryption would restrict the user from communicating with the previous versions of RWC2 due to the higher Vs lower bit encryption handshake in the communication channel. 2)RWC2 Framework uses the 3071 port, please make sure this port is not occupied by other application to avoid the issues like Ex: GUI refresh and Monitor Events logging issues. 3)Increase/Decrease strength of Public/Private RSA keys: Linux RWC2 Installer provides an option to user to select Self signed key size. Upon installation user can still switch the keys and below were the steps to perform the same: - Stop RWC2Framework Service. - Make sure service is Stopped - Edit the available in below locations 1) 2)\Framework 3)\MegaPopup - Comment/Uncomment the VIVALDI_KEY_FILE field for Key size selection. - Save the file. - Start the RaidWebConsole2 Framework service. - Start the MegaPopup (\MegaPopup\ 4)Alert notifications of users choice: Linux RWC2 Installer provides an option to user to select alert notifications choice. Upon installation user can still switch the alert notifications choices and below were the steps to perform the same: - Stop RWCFramework Service. - Make sure service is Stopped - Edit the available in below location \Framework - Comment/Uncomment the EVENT_NOTIFICATION_CHOICE field for alert notification choice selection. - Save the file. - Start the RWC2 Framework service. - Start the MegaPopup (\MegaPopup\ 5)RWC2 MR6.10 is upgraded with latest OpenSSL (1.0.2c) to address the Jun'15 OpenSSL advisory. Below were the list of vulnerabilities and respective CVEs impact starting Jun’15 OpenSSL Security Advisory [12 Jun 2015] ====================================== - Fix HMAC ABI incompatibility. The previous version introduced an ABI incompatibility in the handling of HMAC. The previous ABI has now been restored. OpenSSL Security Advisory [11 Jun 2015] ====================================== - Malformed ECParameters causes infinite loop - Exploitable out-of-bounds read in X509_cmp_time - PKCS7 crash with missing EnvelopedContent - CMS verify infinite loop with unknown hash function - Race condition handling NewSessionTicket - Only support 256-bit or stronger elliptic curves with the'ecdh_auto' setting (server) or by default (client). Of supported curves, prefer P-256 (both). For the complete list of Open SSL security advisory please refer to change log for 1.0.x from link Note: This list had been derived based on the symptoms / usage descriptions of advisory and AVAGO engineers are not equipped with insight of openssl code segment of impact analysis ================== Known Restrictions ================== 1) Latest RaidWebConsole2 for Windows/Linux/Solaris is using an expired SSL certification (it was expired in Aug 18, 2009).Though RWC2 is not a Web-based application, RWC2 uses the Socket connection over SSL to handshakes only with the legitimate clients of its own using the proprietary key files which were generated using java's key tool with the limited life time. Though it has been identified as an issue as the key was expired, this is not a constraint to end-user anymore. The renewal of "vivaldikey" , "server.cert" and "server.key" needs to be done with both client and Framework i.e. if we renew the key in both the client and Framework the latest version of the RWC2 will not work with earlier versions of the Framework which implies a limitation in the deployment environment. In RaidWebConsole2 RWC2 GUI, MegaPopup acts as Client and Framework act as Server. 2) RWC2 do not support IPv6 network.Make sure IPV6 is disabled before installation of RWC2. 3) In case of multiple NIC environment, RWC2 Service automatically picks a valid NIC Address which is suggested by JAVA API. Hence there is no force option to specify the NIC address for RWC2 service Prerequisite for RWC2 installation: =================================== RWC2 installation scripts also installs the LSI SNMP agent rpm. The LSI SNMP agent application depends upon standard SNMP Utils package. Please ensure that the SNMP-Util package is present in the system before installing RWC2. SNMP-Util package includes the rpm.s net-snmp-libs , net-snmp-utils and additional dependent RPM.s. Please make sure that these RPM.s are installed from the OS media before installing the RWC2. Prior to install RWC2, check for existence of and librareis are present in /usr/lib directory. If not present/ installed, then install the Linux software component RPM that provides these libraries. These RPM's will be available in the OS DVD. Prior to executing, check for existence of /bin/csh. If not present/ installed, then install the Linux software component RPM that provides /bin/csh. Prerequisites to run RWC2 remote admin ====================================== 1. Configure the system with valid IP address. Make sure there is no IP address conflict with in the sub network. 2. Disable all security manager and firewall or make sure that ports 3071 and 5571 are open and available for RWC2 framework communication. 4. Configure the multicasting, make sure class D multicast IP addresses are registered (at least should be register for MSM to work), if not create static route using the following command: route add dev eth1. Note that this command will not modify the routing table to be persistent across reboots. Please follow the guidelines per operating system to add the above mentioned IP address as a static entry into the routing table to be persistent across reboots. You may wish to add the entire range of IP addressess ( through into the routing table. Please note that this requires procedures that varies between different flavours and versions of operating system and may have security implications. 5. Install RWC2, if already installed then restart framework. CIM Plugin Support ================== In case of networks that doesn.t have DNS configured, the hosts file of the systems where MSM is installed must be manually edited to map the IP address & the host name of your CIMOM server. In addition, it should also have a mapping of its own IP address (not the loop back address) and host name for the indications to be supported. RWC2 Uninstallation ================== The product can be uninstalled using "Uninstall" short-cut created in Program menu. The user may also directly run the script "/usr/local/RAID Web Console 2/" to uninstall RWC2. RAID Web Console2 (RWC2) Installation on VMware : ====================================================== To, install the RWC2 on VMWare operating system, the user should execute the command "./" from the installation disk. The installer provides the user to choose the License agreement,operating system and storelib to be used as mentioned below. 1. End user license agreement. 2. Operating system (VMware 3.5 or VMware 4.0). 3. Select the Storelib (Inbox Storelib or Storelib from RWC2 package). Note: 1. LSI SNMP Agent is not a supported configuration on VMware Operating system (VMware 3.5 or VMware 4.0). 2. Ensure that on a 32 bit or on a 64 bit VMware operating system, you install the 32 bit RAID Web Console2 (RWC2) software. 3. Workaround Specific to ESXi Server: a) Ensure that the thirdparty application services like "slpd and sfcbd-watchdog services are up and running on ESXi server". (/etc/init.d/slpd status & /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog status). b) Ensure that firewall has been disabled on ESXi server. (Check Firewall status : "esxcli network firewall get" To Disable Firewall : "esxcli network firewall unload"). c) sfcb timeout socket error in CIMOM server results in AEN blocked by sfcb-cimom and may lead to duplicate entries in client with incorrect event description. To get rid of this, user is required to restart sfcb service in VMware ESXi. Command to restart : /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog stop. /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog start. The same has been raised against VMware. Refer to the link further details[] d) CURL error in CIMOM server results in AEN blocked by CIMOM server to upper layer(CIMProvider-->MSM). This can happen if servers are in differnt subnet or if there is any incomplete AEN subscritions. To get rid of this, user is required to have both client and server in same subnet. Any incomplete AEN subscriptions needs to be removed via CIMClient Either restart of sfcb service or reboot the server is recommended after any change in VMware server. e) To Mangae VMware ESXi from RHEL 7.x user has to execute below commands before installation of MSM 1) service ebtables restart 2) service iptables stop RAID Web Console2 (RWC2) Uninstallation on VMWare : ====================================================== The MSM can be uninstalled by running the script "/usr/local/RAID Web Console 2/". Notes: 1. RWC2 upgrade is supported from this release. In other word, this release can be upgraded by next release. 2. To shutdown RWC2 Framework service, run "/etc/init.d/vivaldiframeworkd stop". It is advisable to stop Monitor service before stopping RWC2 Framework service. To stop Monitor service run "/etc/init.d/mrmonitor stop". 3."Any kernel upgrade requires restart of the RWC2 Framework and Services" for example, RedHat Linux command to reload or restart network (login as root user): To start Linux network service: # service network start Debian Linux command to reload or restart network: # /etc/init.d/networking restart ******************************************************************** LSI SNMP agent for Linux ******************************************************************** Installation procedure for LSI SNMP Agent(For SUSE and Red Hat Linux) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. LSI SNMP Agent rpm's installs the agents. 2. rpm will take care of the necessary modification needed in the snmpd.conf file for running the agent. [ NB: Before installation please check,there is any pass command starts with OID in snmpd.conf, if available then delete all the old pass commands starts with OID. (This could be possible if there is any previous LSI SNMP Agent was installed in the system) ] 3. The snmpd.conf file structure should be same as lsi_mrdsnmpd.conf. For reference,a sample conf file (lsi_mrdsnmpd.conf) will be there in the /etc/lsi_mrdsnmp directory. 4. For running SNMP query from a remote m/c add the ip address of that m/c in the snmpd.conf file like this.. com2sec snmpclient public Here ipaddress of the remote m/c is 5. For receiving snmp trap to a particular m/c, add the ip address of that m/c in the com2sec section of snmpd.conf file. For example, to get Trap in, then add following line to snmpd.conf. # source community com2sec snmpclient public 6. To Run/stop the snmpd daemon. /etc/init.d/snmpd start/stop RHEL 7.x/OEL 7.0: systemctl start/stop snmpd.service 7. To start/stop the SNMP Agent daemon before issuing any snmp query. /etc/init.d/lsi_mrdsnmpd start/stop RHEL 7.x/OEL 7.0: systemctl start/stop lsi_mrdsnmpd.service 8. Status of the SNMP Agent daemon can be checked by issuing the following command... /etc/init.d/lsi_mrdsnmpd status RHEL 7.x/OEL 7.0: systemctl status lsi_mrdsnmpd.service 9. You can issue snmp query like this... snmpwalk -v1 -c public localhost . 10. You can get the snmp trap from local m/c by issuing the following command... snmptrapd -P -F "%02.2h:%02.2j TRAP%w.%q from %A %v\n" 11. For SLES-11 platform, please follow the below steps to configure traps. Edit /etc/lsi_mrdsnmp/sas/sas_TrapDestination.conf file & add ipaddress as shown below. And update the TrapDestInd value based on the requirement. ################################################# # Agent Service needs the IP addresses to sent trap # The trap destination may be specified in this file or # using snmpd.conf file. Following indicators can be set # on "TrapDestInd" to instruct the agent to pick the IPs # as the destination. # 1 - IPs only from snmpd.conf # 2 - IPs from this file only # 3 - IPs from both the files ################################################# TrapDestInd 3 #############Trap Destination IP################## public public ################################################# NOTE: For SNMP components to work, it is necessary that linux system should have snmp-net packages(rpm) to be already present. It is assumed that snmpd.conf is located at /etc/snmp for Redhat and /etc for SuSE. Anyway, user can change the file location from /etc/init.d/lsi_mrdsnmpd file It is neccessary to uninstall all the previous version before installing a new version. The rpm has not been created to support -U version. The rpm -U is most likely to fail with this rpm. For SLES 10: 1. Copy /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf to /etc/snmpd.conf. 2. Modify /etc/init.d/snmpd file. and change SNMPDCONF=/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf entry to SNMPDCONF=/etc/snmpd.conf. 3. Run LSI SNMP rpm. SNMP Trap Disable functionality =============================== User may disable SNMP Trap functionality using "-notrap" as install( parameter. RWC2 Performance improvement ============================ Symptoms a. RWC2 slow/hung during large configurations. b. RWC2 slow while running the TAS tool. c. Out of Memory Error. For better performance of RWC2, when subjected to any heap-intensive (say heavy IOs) or computational tasks, improve the heap by including the following command "-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m", where 1024m Size of the heap allocated. The specified size is dependent on the machine's Hardware configuration. -Xms1024m Sets the initial size of the Java heap to 1024 Mbytes -Xmx1024m Sets the maximum heap size to 1024 Mbytes 1. Goto product home folder (/usr/local/RAID Web Console2). 2. Open startupui.bat file in editable mode. 3. Include the command -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m after "JRE\bin\javaw", effectively: start JRE\bin\javaw -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m Note: -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m can be configured based on the server configuration ========================== Known Issues & Limitations ========================== 1)With the usage of the components version MR 5.8 or MR 6.1 (or greater) firmware and MR5.5, 5.6, 5,7 & MR6.0 MSM builds, the following issues are observed with 4k drives: 1. When user tries to create any logical drive with stripe size below 32K, configuration creation will fail 2. When user tries to create logical drive with stripe size more than 32K, configuration creation will result in a incorrect stripe size value To avoid this issue use the latest MR 5.8 or MR 6.1 (or greater) MSM build. 2)RWC2 Device tree always shows green check icon for BBU status. Refer “Status” property in the BBU properties page for more details on BBU Status. Please refer defect:SCGCQ00323453 for more details. 3)RWC2 shows java icon instead of RWC2 icon for Pop-Up Notification 4)RWC2 reports VD size slightly larger (by 0.001) than original size for large VD configuration 5)Health status displayed in RWC2 Login page will be in below format/order if server contains combination of MR and IR Controllers: --> MR,IR3,IR2,IR1 For Example: 1) If MR Controller contains offline VD and IR-3 Contians Degraded VD, then System health will be displayed as offline. 2) System health will be Displayed as degraded if MR Contains Degraded VD and IR-3 contains Offline VD. 3) Health will be optimal if none of the mentioned controllers has offline/degraded VD. 6)Manage MegaRAID Advanced Software Options window may not be proper if it is opened using mnemonics. 7)In Device tree RWC2 will not show Security ICON for Secure capable JBOD PD. Below text will be displayed in Decive tree to differentiate between secure and non-secure jbod, if security is enabled on controller. FDE JBOD drive --> Security Capable FDE JBOD secured drive --> Secured 8)RWC2 resets a few controller property to "0" if there is any mix and match use of RWC2 (older of RWC2v6.8) vs FW from later of the quarterly releases. To provide an example, if the customer is using older version of MR 6.7 RWC2 which does not have the support of this field (say "errorThreshold") with latest version of FW MR6.8, which has this support in FW brings an issue as the reserved field at that particular offset in the Ctrl Prop structure is sending the MSM defaults value of 0 to FW which overwrites the FW default value. This issue is completely fixed in MR6.8. This fix will be back ported to N-2 version starting from MR6.8 RWC2. (N=MR6.8RWC2) a) In case of any customer who uses older than N-2 version (MR6.6/MR6.7) and encounter this issue, need to be moved to MR6.8. 9)RWC2 has been updated with latest JRE(JRE1.8U45) to address multiple vulnerabilities, Below will be the impact as part of this upgrade: a) Linux RWC2 Screen flickering was more with the updated JRE b) RWC2 may not work with older version of RHEL(RHEL 5.x and below) ============= Fixes/Updates ============= (MR6.10) SCGCQ00889782 - (Closed) - Msm not working with Cutlass board SCGCQ00902923 - (Closed) - Lenovo_Nov_block MSM Numbering Issue When cancel Creating VD SCGCQ00914333 - (Closed) - Invader 6.10 : Dashboard -MSM capacity graph is not consistent with the size configured with CCVD SCGCQ00926928 - (Closed) - Unable to Create VD if DG ID's were greater than 128 SCGCQ00928753 - (Closed) - Create Cache Cade VD Menu is displayed with max LD set. SCGCQ00630108 - (Closed) - Provide a StoreLibIR2 deb package to work on Ubuntu SCGCQ00874618 - (Closed) - Extra spaces need to be removed in AEN "Unable to access device PD Port 0" SCGCQ00897401 - (Closed) - MSM : option to close the host view window doesn't come . SCGCQ00898869 - (Closed) - MR6.10: With Cache Cade Bit enabled and 240 VD configured MSM does not display controller Info SCGCQ00898876 - (Closed) - MR6.10: MSM 'View Server Profile' hyperlink is not working and 'Cachecade Pro' option is enabled, when 240 VD is configured SCGCQ00900407 - (Closed) - MSM : alignment of entity "total capacity " is not proper in modify drive group window. SCGCQ00930494 - (Closed) - Handle Excluded LDs during schedule CC SCGCQ00884739 - (Closed) - Cannot convert JBOD to unconfigured good using MSM v15.08.00.06 SCGCQ00887171 - (Closed) - Make Unconfigured Good window title contains brackets for K SCGCQ00895027 - (Closed) - Create VD Menu was not enabled/disabled appropriately when there is JBOD on the Controller. SCGCQ00898979 - (Closed) - MSM displays same port number for both backplane and enclosure SCGCQ00900251 - (Closed) - MR: on creating 240VD's ,copy back option doesn't come for VD's after first 130. SCGCQ00904403 - (Closed) - MR: not able to set the schedule cc through MSM in linux64 bit OS. SCGCQ00916124 - (Closed) - Invader 6.10 : MSM/RWC2 - VDs created using SSD drives shown in " Set Patrol Read Properties "Window and no Error handling . SCGCQ00927621 - (Closed) - SDS_MSM:No reboot pop-up notification when change the personality from SDS to RAID mode SCGCQ00928779 - (Closed) - on giving wrong security key while importing FDE VD, MSM throws some junk characters in the pop up. SCGCQ00932658 - (Closed) - MSM_Intruder_SDS: Instead of selected EPD a different EPD is getting deleted. SCGCQ00887157 - (Closed) - Extra spaces needs to be removed for some of the events description SCGCQ00900423 - (Closed) - no horizontal scroll bar to see the complete vd info in the set pr properties window SCGCQ00916126 - (Closed) - Invader 6.10 : MSM/RWc2 : Remove " Free Capacity " field from SSD caching summary SCGCQ00923232 - (Closed) - MSM: alignment of capacity in create cachecade summary window is not proper and also goes out of the screen. SCGCQ00927688 - (Closed) - VD's are not listing under Logical Tab of MSM, after upgrading the FW from Non-240 to 240 Stream & importing config SCGCQ00928640 - (Closed) - MR 6.10: MSM server info display wrong OS architecture under server info SCGCQ00928643 - (Closed) - SDS_MSM:EPD are listing under the Virtual Drives of server profile view information SCGCQ00928731 - (Closed) - SDS_MSM: Property 'Behaviour Mode' missing from the list of controller properties in SDS mode. SCGCQ00897400 - (Closed) - MSM: alignment issue in the create virtual drive summary page SCGCQ00900416 - (Closed) - different info is shown in "create vd summary window" on creating in simple mode and also capacity alignment is not proper. SCGCQ00918881 - (Closed) - MR: on having partial size VD's in a DG, cant start Patrol read. SCGCQ00922859 - (Closed) - MSM: modify drive group window goes out of the screen in sles 12 OS SCGCQ00939249 - (Closed) - MR6.10 : MSM throws application restart pop-up while downgrading iMR FW from 6.10 to 6.7 citing 240 VD support SCGCQ00898807 - (Closed) - M via a 2308 IR controller, doesn't display drive ID info correctly when the drive insertion/desertion SCGCQ00900421 - (Closed) - Unable to set Patrol Read properties for single DG/VD SCGCQ00930311 - (Closed) - Invader 6.10 : MSM/RWc2 - " Start Patrol Read" enabled for VD configured SSD / Inappropriate message seen . SCGCQ00897404 - (Closed) - MSM: option to uncheck the JBOD drive which has OS/FS on it is not allowed by MSM SCGCQ00900408 - (Closed) - MSM: on starting and suspending cc on the multiple VD's will make the scroll bar disappear in the group progress window SCGCQ00915020 - (Closed) - Invader 6.10 : In Linux MSM/Rwc2 Installation allows to enter invalid choice in " Enter choice " option SCGCQ00928758 - (Closed) - many windows in the MSM goes out of the screen in sles 12 OS. SCGCQ00914341 - (Closed) - Invader 6.10 : Delimiter for VD name while CCVD creati SCGCQ00729472 - (Implemented) - SAS3 Ph8 --- Update Attribution Language - Copyright, Trademark, Confidentiality to Avago SCGCQ00877531 - (Implemented) - Upgrade OpenSSL to address FREAK vulnerability SCGCQ00911067 - (Implemented) - MSM Performance improvement for IT/IR SCGCQ00924745 - (Implemented) - Add SDS and MR Personality Mode/EPD Support SCGCQ00293709 - (Closed) - SLIR3: Remove Libsysfs dependency in StoreLibIR3. SCGCQ00915748 - (Implemented) - Added SDS and MR Personality Mode Support to MSM SCGCQ00932211 - (Implemented) - Add support to convert multiple EPD's to UG drives and Modify Mode parameters SCGCQ00293307 - (Closed) - Remove third party libraries from StoreLibIR2 SCGCQ00293713 - (Closed) - SLIR3: Change build scripts and makefiles to account for change in directory structure and new name of the library SCGCQ00877538 - (Implemented) - Upgrade Java to address FREAK Vulnerability SCGCQ00889073 - (Implemented) - Complete 240 VD/PD implementation in MSM SCGCQ00696009 - (Port_Complete) - VMware LSI Out of Box driver feature reconciliation SCGCQ00795333 - (Port_Complete) - Provide a StoreLibIR2 deb package to work on Ubuntu SCGCQ00887611 - (Port_Complete) - PR/CC schedule overlap errors, Change Warning from Error Message to Information Message SCGCQ00911068 - (Port_Complete) - Handle Api change for Event MR_EVT_PD_ERR SCGCQ00933603 - (Port_Complete) - PD information in MSM Event information is blank but correctly displayed in backplane Properties SCGCQ00934505 - (Active) - MSM showing OFU in progress after ADP restart using storcli finished on controllers SCGCQ00942678 - (Port_Complete) - Handle MFI Error Codes and SL error Codes with corresponding Error Message in Application SCGCQ00887351 - (Port_Complete) - MSM : Under BBU property, MSM displaying "status = Unknown" when Supercap battery is in failed state. SCGCQ00902292 - (Port_Complete) - SWR 110i MSM does not show HDD temperature for slot 0. SCGCQ00902293 - (Port_Complete) - MSM JapaneseLanguage pak causes Email alerts to be garbled SCGCQ00883849 - (Port_Complete) - Hide/Unhide feature in MSM SCGCQ00887610 - (Port_Complete) - Report controller flash device health status SCGCQ00934380 - (Port_Complete) - "Next Learn Cycle Time & Learn Period" not displayed when battery supports transparent learn SCGCQ00934561 - (Port_Complete) - MSM Event ID 150 SCGCQ00942675 - (Port_Complete) - SWRAID : Change the PD identifier for PD 0 in AEN SCGCQ00934374 - (Port_Complete) - During Copyback destination drive is not listed in MSM logical view SCGCQ00933592 - (Port_Complete) - MR_Monitor events missing status string "Hidden" state of SCGCQ00934595 - (Port_Complete) - MSM logs saved as Text file are missing Enclosure IDs in the Events for TB. SCGCQ00934721 - (Port_Complete) - Operating System & Health fields are Unknown from Remote server Discovery page of MSM from Client - ESXi 6.0 SCGCQ00143862 - (Port_Complete) - RHEL4 compiled 32-bit binaries for LSI libraries SCGCQ00926325 - (Active) - MR 6.9: Address LargeIO API change in MSM SCGCQ00934377 - (Port_Complete) - Handle write policy error cases in MSM SCGCQ00934654 - (Port_Complete) - Garbled character in English MSM SCGCQ00942679 - (Port_Complete) - Handle dependent libraries and necessary softlinks for CIM Plugin Linux 32 & Linux ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (MR6.9) SCGCQ00711990 - (Closed) - No Mnemonics/short cut keys available for Make unconfigured good & Manage link speed adapter menu operations SCGCQ00873250 - (Closed) - Unable to "View server profile". SCGCQ00836494 - (Closed) - MSM is showing Sequence number is out of sync warning message for Secure using FDE operation SCGCQ00868203 - (Closed) - MR6.9 PR(SCGCQ00772524)MSM:Incomplete information displayed under connector field when a single ESM is connected in multipath SCGCQ00869437 - (Closed) - Phy count should not be displayed for Enclosure PD's SCGCQ00870078 - (Closed) - Support to detect FS/OS on a JBOD and show confirmation message to user to convert JBOD to UG SCGCQ00834428 - (Closed) - MSM not displaying logs, after saving logs in a text file in ESXi OS SCGCQ00866161 - (Closed) - MR6.9PR(SCGCQ00772524):On establishing multipath connection to controller string"x4" is mising under connector field of MSM. SCGCQ00866188 - (Closed) - Option to set the reports of the critical and fatal events in the next reboot is not there in MSM SCGCQ00871399 - (Closed) - MR69PR(SCGCQ00772524) MSM: Blank value is displayed in connector field for dual path JBOD's in MSM. SCGCQ00873132 - (Closed) - MSM Hangs/does not launches if Enclosure connected to second port of ad SCGCQ00859544 - (Implemented) - PNPs and support for 24 port 12G RAID adapters in MSM SCGCQ00854619 - (Implemented) - RRB 88: Provide a more descriptive port enumeration SCGCQ00854627 - (Implemented) - MegaRAID Storage Manager - Provide users a choice of what range of events to parse to generate alert notifications SCGCQ00854632 - (Implemented) - MSM Should Report Correct Windows OS Vers SCGCQ00876789 - (Port_Complete) - MR5.14: MSM does not display an event notification about the health status of the Supercap after completion of a lear ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (MR6.8) SCGCQ00630108 - (Closed) - Provide a StoreLibIR2 deb package to work on Ubuntu SCGCQ00805153 - (Closed) - Raid 0 CCVD creation fails in MSM with 2 PDs SCGCQ00816988 - (Closed) - Address CCVD bit supportExtendedSSCSize in MSM SCGCQ00836939 - (Closed) - Spaces need in Failed to import AEN SCGCQ00837836 - (Closed) - MSM displaying 2 times "all" in virtual drive erase operation. SCGCQ00817037 - (Closed) - Multiple CCVD creation fails in MSM SCGCQ00832351 - (Closed) - MSM : TIME = Not Available message is displaying in txt file, after saving the events SCGCQ00835740 - (Closed) - Invader 6.8 : MSM fails to set task rates/Controller prop. SCGCQ00814047 - (Closed) - MR_6.7_MSM: CAnnot install windows MSM with 1024 key SCGCQ00819728 - (Closed) - Event ID 543: Mismatch in one of the argument (time period) SCGCQ00798796 - (Closed) - External JBOD is reported as Internal Enclosure Location in IRWC2 properties. SCGCQ00811262 - (Closed) - MR6.7:MSM Inconsistent Behavior across 240 VD Enable Mode and 64 VD Enable Mode, when none of VD's are confi SCGCQ00293709 - (Closed) - SLIR3: Remove Libsysfs dependency in StoreLibIR3. SCGCQ00729472 - (Implemented) - SAS3 Ph8 --- Update Attribution Language - Copyright, Trademark, Confidentiality to Avago SCGCQ00792581 - (Implemented) - Enhancement to Read Locate LED state function (Cisco P1 request, StorLib & StorLib/oob) SCGCQ00816343 - (Implemented) - SCGCQ00816343: Utilities/Applications should not assume that expanders are enclosures as this is not always the case. SCGCQ00819028 - (Implemented) - Monitoring Drive performance and predictive failure MSM SCGCQ00822510 - (Implemented) - Address Controller related inconsistent Behavior across HSW apps. SCGCQ00293307 - (Closed) - Remove third party libraries from StoreLibIR2 SCGCQ00816308 - (Implemented) - HII & MSM Mismatch on write-back options - UI Inconsistancy issue (Cisco, MR 6.7 request) SCGCQ00293713 - (Closed) - SLIR3: Change build scripts and makefiles to account for change in directory structure and new name of the li SCGCQ00817342 - (Port_Complete) - MSM log gets flushed after host reboot SCGCQ00846814 - (Port_Complete) - Copyback status on MSM: Change text from "Replacing Enclosure...." to "Replacing Drive [Enclosure#:Slot#]" SCGCQ00795333 - (Port_Complete) - Provide a StoreLibIR2 deb package to work on Ubuntu SCGCQ00848549 - (Port_Complete) - MSM save TTY log: TTY logs showing wrong time stamp SCGCQ00848558 - (Port_Complete) - Blank messages observed in CIMC log, after SAS9270CV-8i firmware update SCGCQ00143862 - (Port_Complete) - RHEL4 compiled 32-bit binaries for LSI libraries SCGCQ00825214 - (Port_Complete) - MR_6.7_Beta_MSM: Need Readme File update for SLES-11 SP3 32 bit Symbolic link creation. SCGCQ00833206 - (Port_Complete) - While installing this MSM on Windows, some strange failures observed for vcredist installation failed etc. SCGCQ00696009 - (Port_Complete) - VMware LSI Out of Box driver feature reconciliation SCGCQ00811446 - (Port_Complete) - Prepare For Removal" on PD does not work w/pending PD operations (msm) SCGCQ00850442 - (Port_Complete) - Create Virtual Drive option is lost in MSM SCGCQ00845284 - (Port_Complete) - Extra spaces need to be removed in AEN "Phy is bad on enclosure" SCGCQ00846795 - (Port_Complete) - MSM SelfSigned key details option is ambiguous - Request for Linux SCGCQ00848572 - (Port_Complete) - MSM SelfSigned key details option is ambiguou ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (MR6.7) SCGCQ00820503 (DFCT) - MR_6.7_MSM: MSM showing wrong message while creating CCVD SCGCQ00824381 (DFCT) - MR_6.7_Beta_MSM: Need Readme File update for SLES-11 SP3 32 bit Symbolic link creation. SCGCQ00798796 (DFCT) - External JBOD is reported as Internal Enclosure Location in IRWC2 properties. SCGCQ00803475 (DFCT) - System X Question: MSM 11.08.03-03 World Writable Files SCGCQ00806968 (DFCT) - SCGCQ00806968: IDA show incorrect RAID controller type information SCGCQ00811262 (DFCT) - MR6.7:MSM Inconsistent Behavior across 240 VD Enable Mode and 64 VD Enable Mode, when none of VD's are configured SCGCQ00812500 (DFCT) - Compilation Error : Unable to genrerate JNI files SCGCQ00813140 (DFCT) - SCGCQ00814047 (DFCT) - MR_6.7_MSM: CAnnot install windows MSM with 1024 key SCGCQ00814646 (DFCT) - SCGCQ00816988 (DFCT) - Address CCVD bit supportExtendedSSCSize in MSM SCGCQ00817342 (CSET) - MSM log gets flushed after host reboot SCGCQ00811446 (CSET) - Prepare For Removal" on PD does not work w/pending PD operations (msm) SCGCQ00813127 (CSET) - In MSM, add a label in front of each controller as 0, 1, 2, etc. SCGCQ00813283 (CSET) - MSM Support for VD offline/VD online (Refer to PR SCGCQ00521610) SCGCQ00789741 (DFCT) - VMware Installer script changes SCGCQ00796304 (DFCT) - MR6.7: MSM displays CCVD size greater than maximum supported during CCVD creation and Foreign import SCGCQ00798658 (DFCT) - MSM install script showing copyrights as LSI corporation. SCGCQ00799661 (DFCT) - MR_6.7: In 'Control panel ' of windows config publiser name under MSM displayed as LSI instead of AVAGO SCGCQ00802658 (DFCT) - Auto refresh is not seen for Foreign PD -> JBOD/UG PD SCGCQ00795499 (CSET) - MR 6.6 - Application reports CCVD deleted even though its still under deletion process by FW SCGCQ00797645 (CSET) - MSM event log reports "null" instead of correct VD where Snapshot schedule properties changed SCGCQ00787961 (ENHREQ) - Address BBU/Supercap inconsistent Behaviour across HSW apps. SCGCQ00788001 (ENHREQ) - vSphere 2015 driver/ESXi6.0 SCGCQ00795794 (ENHREQ) - RRB83 - MSM columns contain incorrect information when discovering ESXi hosts SCGCQ00797353 (ENHREQ) - Upgrade applications with latest OpenSSL SCGCQ00787931 (ENHREQ) - Update Attribution Language - Copyright, Trademark, Confidentiality to Avago SCGCQ00787973 (ENHREQ) - MSM portion of RRB 71 - enable SED support for iMR JBOD SCGCQ00788255 (ENHREQ) - MSM:MegaRAID CPLD update improvements SCGCQ00787926 (ENHREQ) - Increase maximum cache size for Cachecade to 2048GB. This will be named CC 2.5 SCGCQ00791562 (CSET) - RWC2 scrolls additional Sense info constantly after refreshing screen for SATA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (MR6.6) Defects: MR 6.6: 1)SCGCQ00795044 MR_6.6: Read me for MSM version does not have support for OS's RHEL 5.11 /6.6 SLES 12. 2)SCGCQ00780473 MR6.6_MSM: Critical Events are coming as Blank , while doing Full Initialization followed by OCR MR 5.13: 1)SCGCQ00768680 MSM event log reports "null" instead of correct VD where Snapshot schedule properties changed Defects: MR 6.6: 1)SCGCQ00774583 MR6.6_MSM: Popup showing Patrol read in progress even after setting maxconcurrent PD for PR equals to 0 2)SCGCQ00777823 MR 6.6 - Application reports CCVD deleted even though its still under deletion process by FW 3)SCGCQ00787334 MR_6.6_MSM: Discovery fails after MSM installation with 1024 vivaldi key on RHEL 4)SCGCQ00788871 Update MSM Readme with the steps to change vivaldikeys 5)SCGCQ00770874 MSM: Message for Dedicated Hot Spare Missing VD Name Enhancements: MR 6.6: 1)SCGCQ00719180 Should SAS Address in RWC2 display all F for a SATA controller? Should it be displayed as PCI-X? 2)SCGCQ00766101 LSI 9202 EFI BSD version not display under MSM 14.05.02. Defects: MR 6.6: 1)SCGCQ00713213 MR:6.5:MSM:Showing Incomplete window for Advanced Software option when use shortcut key as compare to open manually 2)SCGCQ00759986 MR 6.6 MSM:AWB option should be removed with CCVD. 3)SCGCQ00762640 MR 6.6 MSM:Not able to create VD through MSM while trying to create vd on iMR immediately after MR 4)SCGCQ00772351 MSM : After creating two VDs still the Create Virtual Drive icon is active. 5)SCGCQ00785417 BIOS version is blank in update controller Firmware window MR 5.13: 1)SCGCQ00767179 5.13 PKG01/Entering security key in MSM to unlock PD fails to import afterwards 2)SCGCQ00767241 When Supercap SOH is reported bad, the applications still see the Supercap status as "Optimal" Defects: MR 6.6: 1)SCGCQ00733274 MSM : in RHEL 6.5(64-bit) Timestamp is shown wrongly only when we do OFU 2)SCGCQ00740485 MR 6.5 MSM: In MSM Select All button and Start button is enabled in Consistency Check window during CC on only one vd. 3)SCGCQ00741762 Extra space in RMU AEN need to be removed. 4)SCGCQ00742001 OS RMU shows the Bootable JBOD with the OS on it as eligible for being converted to Unconfigured-Good. 5)SCGCQ00757859 DCMD Specific commands were failing in VMware ESXi. 6)SCGCQ00759357 MR 6.6 MSM: select al button is enabled in Initialize window when only one R6 vd is available with partially degraded mode 7)SCGCQ00760231 MR 6.6 MSM: Able to Login twice at a point of time as administrator full access 8)SCGCQ00766100 Fix Null reference issues in CSA Files. 9)SCGCQ00766102 Error Message observed during the installation of MSM in 10)SCGCQ00766971 MSM : Unable to create a second VD in MSM through Dashboard's Create Virtual Drive Link 11)SCGCQ00768431 Update MSM Readme with CLI Packaging Strategies Enhancements: MR 6.6: 1)SCGCQ00712488 Ability to read PCI Domain/Segment information via storelib 2)SCGCQ00675432 MR 6.6/MR 5.13/SAS3 Ph7/SAS2 Phase 20 - Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 3 Update 3 3)SCGCQ00696871 Consistent Sorting of Controllers for End Users in Customer Facing Tools MR 5.13: 1)SCGCQ00726013 Port 240VD change to Tbolt SCGCQ00441334- Supports only Single Drive R0 Defects: MR 6.6: 1)SCGCQ00756996 MR 6.6 Unable to stop/restart MSM Framework Service 2)SCGCQ00740485 MR 6.5 MSM: In MSM Select All button and Start button is enabled in Consistency Check window during CC on only one vd. 3)SCGCQ00751253 MSM Un-installation is throwing error. 4)SCGCQ00751971 Solaris MSM Syslog , Pop up and email not seen. 5)SCGCQ00756986 Remove Lib_Utils_2 dependencies for VMware ESX(COS) environment 6)SCGCQ00756988 Update Linux Readme with steps and workaround for VMware ESX 7)SCGCQ00757770 LD Helpers were throwing Null pointer Exception in AdapterMenu 8)SCGCQ00757780 Fix Null Pointer Dereferences in MSM EventXMLFormation 9)SCGCQ00757819 Remove the unused CIMPlugin dependencies in CC and modify the folder structure for respective OS 10)SCGCQ00757884 Modify vivaldi.ism to point the latest Pegasus(v2.13) files in corresponding view 11)SCGCQ00758111 MSM ReadMe need to be updated With OEL supported commands. 12)SCGCQ00758121 SNMP ReadMe should be updated with OEL 7.0 support commands Enhancements: MR6.6: 1)SCGCQ00711561 RRB 71 - enable SED support for iMR JBOD 2)SCGCQ00696866 RRB77 - Increase strength of Public/Private RSA keys to a minimum of 2048 bits MR5.13: 1)SCGCQ00673315 Oracle Linux 7.0 Support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (MR6.5 patch) Repackaged with latest SNMP v14.08.01.06 Repackaged with latest SNMP v14.08.01.05 (MR6.5 patch) Enhancements: MR6.5: 1)SCGCQ00784309 RWC2 scrolls additional Sense info constantly after refreshing screen for SATA Enhancements: MR6.5: 1)SCGCQ00759530 Prepare For Removal" on PD does not work w/pending PD operations (msm) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (MR6.5) Enhancements: MR6.5: 1)SCGCQ00736243 OpenSSL Vulnerabilities: published a Security Advisory reporting multiple vulnerabilities in OpenSSL Defects: MR6.5: 1)SCGCQ00734568 MR_6.5_MSM: Unable to create any raid level if we add drives one by one 2)SCGCQ00693441 MSM client in RHEL 7 fails to discover VMware ESXi Servers 3)SCGCQ00709507 MSM : In ViewServerProfile , Enclosure details are not shown. Defects: SyncroCS2.0: 1)SCGCQ00572994 CS2.0: MSM showing peer controller VDs in HA domain on using local IP Defects: MR6.5: 1)SCGCQ00672922 MR 6.4: MSM gets uninstalled even when running 2)SCGCQ00707466 MR 6.5: MSM still giving option to create vd after creating max vds 3)SCGCQ00709507 MSM : In ViewServerProfile , Enclosure details are not shown. 4)SCGCQ00709792 MR_6.5_MSM:short cut key is missing for the menu option Manage Link Speed 5)SCGCQ00717047 MR6.5_MSM: Showing incorrectness in Graphical view for Enclosure 6)SCGCQ00727439 MSM : There is no space between MSM version and Profile Summary 7)SCGCQ00727445 MR 6.5 MSM: Fatal Error when login through server button on top and trying to refresh by using the option on the top of MSM 8)SCGCQ00727600 MR 6.5 MSM: In MSM Select All button and Start button is enabled in Initialiozation window during Init on only one vd. 9)SCGCQ00691421 MSM: Fails to Save Host Configuration Settings 10)SCGCQ00698294 MSM: Quesion Regarding $MESSAGE_TEXT variable in alertStingsSpec.xml of MSM 13.11.01.xx MR 5.12: 1)SCGCQ00712929 MSM displays supercap module version as "Firmware Version" SyncroCS2.0: 1)SCGCQ00633879 CS2.0 :: Bail Out at line 2244 :: MSM not greying out non-FDE drives while creating an FDE enabled VD 2)SCGCQ00680802 CS2.0 :: MSM version displays R6 option during migration from 31 drives R0 Enhancements: MR6.5: 1)SCGCQ00653878 Add Databolt Status to SAS-3 IOC Utilities 2)SCGCQ00688690 Complete 240VD support for utilities SyncroCS2.1: 1)SCGCQ00707644 PFK support for SSHA 2)SCGCQ00707643 Controller Maintenance Mode Defects: SyncroCS2.0: 1)SCGCQ00646444 CS2.0: MSM not logging to the remote host on providing the IP of remote host in favorite list( SyncroCS2.1: 1)SCGCQ00688747 SSHA MSM show Auto Balance Support twice Enhancements: MR6.5: 1)SCGCQ00654024 Windows 8.1 Update 2)SCGCQ00672308 MR 5.12/MR 6.5/SAS3Ph6/SAS2Ph20 RHEL 7.0 Support Defects: MR6.5: 1)SCGCQ00664507 Storelib4.23: When we run with 4.23 SL old Apps like MSM/SLT it is failing in case of certain set of commands SyncroCS2.0: 1)SCGCQ00646444 CS2.0: MSM not logging to the remote host on providing the IP of remote host in favorite list( 2)SCGCQ00649278 CS 2.0 :: MSM displays R1 option during migration of R0 with 7 drives 3)SCGCQ00677233 CS 2.0 :: Spelling mistake observed during the Confirmation of VD erase operation on MSM version 4)SCGCQ00677428 CS_2.0 :: MSM - Fast initialization oprtion is getting highlighted before selecting the VD 5)SCGCQ00678250 CS2.0 :: MSM version displays invalid field (Parity Size) for R00 Enhancements: MR6.5: 1)SCGCQ00650088 MR FW to report the HDD Temperature for all drives (SAS and SATA, including SSD) 2)SCGCQ00650093 PE - Upgrade MSM with latest Pegasus library V2.13 Defects: SyncroCS2.1: 1)SCGCQ00675274 MSM SSHA : Change ( Provide Shared Access ) shared/non-shared option still available after create VD. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (MR6.4) Enhancements: MR6.4 1)SCGCQ00729736 OpenSSL Vulnerabilities: published a Security Advisory reporting multiple vulnerabilities in OpenSSL Defects: MR6.4: SCGCQ00704645 "Remove JBOD" from MSM does not popup a warning even when JBOD has FS SCGCQ00706130 Initialization Aborted" message does not show up in MSM SCGCQ00707316 StorCLI version installed with MSM install file (RO SCGCQ00683294) is downrev from the GCA'd StorCLI (RO SCGCQ00695412) SCGCQ00529854 MSM is not showing the "Selected Firmware Version" during Online Firmware Update Defects: MR6.4: 1)SCGCQ00459665 IR2: Server status doesn't changes accordingly with IR2 controller in MSM login page. 2)SCGCQ00665676 MR 6.4 : MSM Login screen missing Host and OS name in SPARC 3)SCGCQ00678587 MR_6.4_MSM: Menu Item load configuration and scan configuration is highlighted when the controller is in safe mode 4)SCGCQ00675954 MSM Typo 5)SCGCQ00676014 MSM : Add and Remove button should have multiple >> , << signs. 6)SCGCQ00677412 MR 6.4 apps: Inconsistent Write Policy during EVS creation in MSM 5.11: 1)SCGCQ00641935 Update Read Me with work around steps for CIMOM Delivery error VMWare ESXi 5.x SyncroCS2.1: 1)SCGCQ00675274 MSM SSHA : Change ( Provide Shared Access ) shared/non-shared option still available after create VD. Enhancements: MR 5.11 1)SCGCQ00660180 Implement SuperCap Deep Dive Action items in the FW and applications Enhancements: MR 6.4 1)SCGCQ00667470 Crossfield: MSM Simple Create VD Dialog Box Disappears Defects: MR6.4: 1)SCGCQ00660093 MR_6.4:MSM:Virtual Drive Erase option not found 2)SCGCQ00665051 MR6.4- MSM typo 3)SCGCQ00665634 NMR:1.8:MR6.4:Galaxy:Unable to Create EVS using Unused DFF's after having EVS + CCVD in Config 4)SCGCQ00637520 MR_6.4_MSM: MSM thorwing error code 0 x 32 5)SCGCQ00625794 PE - MSM alert for Event ID 81 and ID 114 do not give notification Defects: MR6.4: 1)SCGCQ00621809 MSM : starting patrol read throwing error "0x58" when vd erase is going on 2)SCGCQ00646413 MR6.4: Launching "configure nytro flash module" is failing in MSM: 3)SCGCQ00649109 MR-6.4:MSM- capacity is shown as 0 bytes and free capacity is not shown for the VD's 4)SCGCQ00654567 Import foreign config error message(while incomplete configuration detected) requires a space between comma(,) and letter 5)SCGCQ00524515 MSM not reporting events for changes that occurred to IR volumes during power off Defects: SyncroCS2.0: 1)SCGCQ00633322 CS2.0 :: Naming convention for Drives is Virtual Drive in Logical Tab of MSM : - Single Node 2)SCGCQ00635063 CS2.0 :: MSM displays unsupported SATA drives for replace operation for regular 512n drives - Single Node 3)SCGCQ00637496 CS2.0 :: MSM displays invalid field name for Disabling Data Protection 4)SCGCQ00639836 CS2.0 :: 4K VD size is wrong during import of 64VDs - Single Node 5)SCGCQ00641989 Syncro 2.0 SED: MSM need to return error when destroy key on peer node with existing secure VD Enhancements: MR6.4: 1)SCGCQ00605260 RRB66+ - MSM Version Comparison Requirements 2)SCGCQ00573701 Removal of "ja" folders from MSM installation process Defects: 1)SCGCQ00606292 Cannot uninstall MSM without xterm installed under Linux 2)SCGCQ00498106 HAMR: MSM login screen missing the Domain ID column at the most right Enhancements: SyncroCS2.0: 1)SCGCQ00632243 SED support for Syncro CS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (MR6.3) Repackaged with latest SNMP v14.02.01.03. SCGCQ00476491 MSM shows enclosure serial number as vendor specific info but not a valid serial number SCGCQ00603517 MSM is not dynamically reporting configuration changes SCGCQ00582512 Resolve Coverity Defects in 6.3 Stream SCGCQ00558945 MR_SEGNUS_6.2 :: MSM starts highlighting the non fde drivesalso while creation of FDE VD SCGCQ00596803 6.3_MSM:There is no short cut key for cancel button in login page. SCGCQ00580347 MR 6.3: MSM: Client Install Doesn't Locate Any Hosts SCGCQ00596972 6.3_MSM:Control not going to help/information button in the second login page. SCGCQ00556755 MSM Secure Erase is available on a secure failed PD. SCGCQ00580048 6.3(MSM- gets installed on default installation of MSM/RWC2 on Windows 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 SCGCQ00484237 MR_6.2_MSM: MSM Framework crashing during operations like PD pull push and redundant path make-break. SCGCQ00494014 MERGER6.2:R1ec ccvd is not getting created after having 63 src vds from MSM SCGCQ00558966 MR_6.2_Inv_SPARC:MSM - Drive erase is not happening through MSM. SCGCQ00559364 SPARC:Suspend/Resume Operation not working for BGI,CC,Rebuild only on SPARC . SCGCQ00565815 MSM-"OK" button not working on schedule consistency check & on Manage link speed in SOLARIS 10 U 10 32 bit SCGCQ00572965 Few Commands/Operations were failing in SPARC SCGCQ00574306 Unable to create additional virtual drives using free capacity on MR6.2 MSM version SCGCQ00574567 Unwanted popup while doing a right click on the DFF on RHEL6.3 x64 using MSM SCGCQ00574831 NMR1.7-IntelZiaBeach: Allowing Vd erase on OS booted source vd SCGCQ00576718 MR6.2-HSW : Pd erase option is not available in MSM SCGCQ00579735 MR 6.3: MSM: Readme Doesn't List Invader Controllers as Supported SCGCQ00550986 Python Patch 2: Too much precision shown in percentage when mouse pointer is hovered over rebuild rate progress bar SCGCQ00556239 MSM Host View screen needs space between a period and a letter SCGCQ00563336 MSM problem with Raid60, stripe size 8k SCGCQ00526897 Advance Format 512E HDD physical sector size shows as 512 B SCGCQ00526880 MR 6.3 - Oracle 5.10 SCGCQ00526874 MR 6.3 - Red Hat 6.5 SCGCQ00526868 MR 6.3 - Red Hat 5.10 SCGCQ00526862 MR 6.3 - vSphere 5.0 U3 SCGCQ00526843 Add Support for Lenovo RAID 720ix (formerly 720EXP) Controller (Invader Based with CobraR) SCGCQ00552239 SAS3 Phase 4 - vSphere 5.0 U3 SCGCQ00552247 SAS3 Phase 4 - Red Hat 6.5 SCGCQ00552255 SAS3 Phase 4 - Oracle Linux 5.10 SCGCQ00518708 Deprecate support of SNMP agent during MSM installation on Windows 2012 platform ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (MR5.8) Defects: SCGCQ00394508 MR5.7 4K validation: Preview of foreign config shows incorrect LD size for 4K drives (512B drives are ok) SCGCQ00427387 "Create VD" should be inactive in MSM when Max VDs are configured SCGCQ00468383 Fix Incompatible Stripe Size convention in MSM w.r.t new firmware SCGCQ00469896 Readme file changes for fix Incompatible Stripe Size convention in MSM w.r.t new firmware SCGCQ00398140 MSM with refreshing SCGCQ00464607 Not able to perform CC on a VD created without full initialization. SCGCQ00466901 During creation of VD in Advanced mode, "Create Drive Group" and "Next" button are enabled even if all the drives are removed SCGCQ00469082 Fix Incompatible Stripe Size convention in 6.1 MSM w.r.t new firmware SCGCQ00417352 Foreign Conf Import- message displayed in "Foreign Configuration Wizard" is not complete. Defects: SCGCQ00458584 SLIR2 : MSM displays incorrect PD size,logical sector size and physical sector size. SCGCQ00459966 Pre_Alpha_6.1:IR3 controller is not discovered in MSM(ESX4.1_U3) SCGCQ00455016 MR_Inv_6.1:MSM- Event description for Event ID:492 is not correct in MSM. Defects: SCGCQ00371798 After running concurrent intialization on 64 VD's Group intialization window hangs in MSM(only in SPARC 11 OS). SCGCQ00438850 Junk character in between RAID00 and Spanned Drive Group instead "--" in Advance RAID level list: SCGCQ00449642 Issues with 5.8/6.1 OLH Files SCGCQ00455946 MSM cannot enable disk cache. SCGCQ00426522 MSM uninstall in Linux OS does not publish any dialogue or message while UNinstall is in progress or completed BaseCMActivities: SCGCQ00454271 Activity to check-in HelpContextProperties file in 5.8 stream. CSETActivities: SCGCQ00457557 CSET: MR5.6 Patch: MSM popup is shown in English instead of Japanese - (SCGCQ00412840) Defects: SCGCQ00451593 Cisco Rack Server DP-MR1:MSM reports Warning when BBU learn cycle is completed SCGCQ00451944 IBM PE - MSM does not show correct details in Windows 2008 Application Event log Enhancements: SCGCQ00439956 MSM/SMI-S support for IR (SAS3) DIF/PI Defects: SCGCQ00320649 MSM-MSM Window Closes Terminates when vivaldiframework services stopped on host server SCGCQ00371798 After running concurrent intialization on 64 VD's Group intialization window hangs in MSM(only in SPARC 11 OS). SCGCQ00418723 Grammatical spacing errors in MSM popup message. SCGCQ00421554 MSM event notification email for Information, Warning, Fatal and Critical Events have a misspelled word in the subject line. SCGCQ00438850 Junk character in between RAID00 and Spanned Drive Group instead "--" in Advance RAID level list: SCGCQ00439115 R1E is listed with three drives in simple mode in a specific case where only even bit is set. SCGCQ00439265 Free Capacity is displayed 2 times in "Create Virtual Drive - Summary" SCGCQ00441689 MR6.1: MSM is not showing the reason for difference in Write policy for an LD when NVCache device failed Enhancements: SCGCQ00391466 Remove 3rd party dependencies from SLIR2 & SLIR3 SCGCQ00400071 Phase 17 - RHEL 6.4 Support SCGCQ00409551 Phase 17 and Fury Programs - SLES 11 SP3 Support SCGCQ00361583 MSM Support for IR DIF/PI SCGCQ00403105 Improve MSM response time SCGCQ00392842 Prevent overtemp warnings while charging between 45C and 50C SCGCQ00403108 Enhance MSM & Intel RWC2 to comply with SAS2 IR Firmware Manpage 10 Generic Flags 0 bit 2 and bit 1 settings SCGCQ00403118 MR5.8/MR 6.1/MR 4.11 - RHEL 6.4 Support SCGCQ00433591 RRB 66 - Add an 'update' only option to MSM's cmdline installation SCGCQ00400268 Upgrade MSM/RWC2 Windows and Solaris platforms to JRE1.8 Defects: SCGCQ00406983 MSM doesn't display Japanese for some monitor logs and properties SCGCQ00437214 MSM is showing junk character in manufacturer name of battery in advance properties of BBU SCGCQ00386158 After deletion of first VD, MSM failed to process VD creation command. SCGCQ00408882 Wrong Free capacity information is displayed for R10 and R50 spanned drivegroup. SCGCQ00411455 Battery Properties not displayed properly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (MR5.7) Defects: - SWR - User can login MSM without giving the credentials in SLES 11 SP2 64 bit in THOR_RX300_S7 Server - MSM is not dynamically reporting configuration changes and events when connected to VMWare Defects: - System logs contains junk characters in event description when system locale is set to Japanese. - MSM of connection occurs will connected to a server and accidetly put in an IP that does not exist - Update Controller Firmware dialogue disappears sometimes. - Invader: MSM is not showing drop down list to change the Cachecade VD properties - MSM not sending emails for events that occur on VMWare host - MSM displays incorrect "Date of Manufacture" for BBU - MSM is not showing the estimated time left during a rebuild under show progress. - MegaRAID CacheVault Unlimited (Unsupported) Factory Installed (Unsupported) on an IBM controller in Advanced Software Options - Incorrect data in view server profile - MSM provides conflicting messages in popups for patrol read possibilities - MSM:PR property settings windows does not pop up in Win server 2012 OS - Latest release MSM_13.04.02.01 flicker way too long during auto refresh - MSM is not response and display NA when pull out multiple drive and put back for rebuild Defects: - Invader: MSM is not showing drop down list to change the Cachecade VD properties - CC 2.2: MSM shows the tape device type as "Unknown" and device ID as "0" - VD name displayed incorrect in server profile. - MSM Framework hangs on creating more than three globalhotspares in Solaris sparc 10 OS - MSM no longer reports External Port A or B and Position 1 or 2 on the errors - Title missing for popup with text message a test email was sent to selected recipients - Unable to resume rebuild in MSM - MSM reports failure to run instant secure erase on a locked FDE drive - MSM in peer server is not refreshing After configuration related operations Enhancements: - NMR1.5 HSW merge to MR5.7 HSW - Nytro XD 1.5 storCLI commands to be merged with MR 5.7 - Removal of VD creation date info in MSM/RWC2 - Add Support for OEM HA-DAS product Defects: - MSM - RWC2 Individual event descriptions for MR_Monitor are unclear and out of order - MSM with BGI progress - CC2.2: MSM is showing irrelevant message pop up when trying flash 16MB image - WDMSM: Sometimes wrong Storelib version is displayed under server info for MSM on ESX. - MSM - RWC2 Individual event descriptions for MR_Monitor are unclear and out of order - MSM should not show Elapsed Secs for PD/VD progresses - Progress bar is not completely updating to 100% in copyback. - PERC9: MSM provides an option to create the virtual drive of strip size 8KB - Wrong spanned drive group size is displayed in MSM - Start patrol read option is missing in a particular scenario - iMR_MSM:Online capacity expansion is not successful after rebuild of global hot spare Enhancements: - Rebuild time reset - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.9 Support - VMware 5.0 Update 2 Support - Need to validate the absolute value on Controller set time - Add Support for OEM HA-DAS product Defects: - After clear configuration from any of the server,Refresh of device tree is taking more time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (MR5.6) Defects: - MSM discovery host does not work - After clear configuration from any of the server,Refresh of device tree is taking more time. - Server Profile information is not aligned properly in MSM Dashboard for SPARC10 - Invalid entries in MSM resource files Defects - Wrong nextlearntime is shown for BBU in snmp util and HP openview. - Not able to select SAS,SATA PD's after selecting and deselecting SSD's as part of the Drive Group. - VD informations are not aligned properly in solaris sparc 11. - MSM: Recon option on Odd numbered drive R0 not allowed. - MSM discovery host does not work - CSA-1.5 MSM-"Selected FW version" shows wrongly while updating firmware (7mb rom file of 2161) from MSM - SWR: MSM displays incorrect VD creation time. - Text not displayed properly in advanced properties of BBU page. - CSA1.5: MSM : Alt+g+c+t is not displaying pop up window for set patrol read properties. - MSM is showing junk characters in preserved cache window Defects: - MR5.6 Linux 32/64 bit MSM is not packaged with JRE1.7 - MSM- not displaying the complete serial no. for IBM, toshiba drives and Expander - MSM: when flashing a MR controller, MSM reports it will flash iMR FW in the same package - Windows 2012 is unable to discover VMWare through MSM - MSM Fails to Discover ESXi servers. - iMR_Fury_6.1:MSM - MSM framework crashed during Foreign config import Defects: - MR 5.6 Alpha: MSM is unable to create a snapshot view - MSM still prompt user when trying to Uninstall MSM using the "silent" option - MSM's BBU Advanced Properties page have text that are truncated - Host Name and OS Name were not displayed for ESXi servers - Set virtual drive properties dailog is not closing when we click on Ok button - RAID 10 not listed for IR2 in MSM - Host name and Right Click option not visible IR2/IR controller - MACON: ssd drive temperature is shown in negative value. - "Create VD" tab is missing on specific scenario - Windows 2012 is unable to discover VMWare through MSM - MSM: MR5.6 is missing the 256 bit encryption US export policy and local_policy jar files in jre1.7 - (RW LSIP200223243) macon: the media error count in pd properties page doesn't change unless we do a manual refresh - HAMR: MSM show Domain ID instead of server name when only node exist in cluster - HAMR: MSM did not have a help file for configure a shared VD - iMr_Hamlin_MSM:Prepare for removal option is not coming for DIF/SED drives in MSM - iMR_Hamlin_MSM:4K drive size not shown proper in MSM profile summary - MR-MSM: on starting manual learn cycle on supercap, warning message shows that learn cycle takes upto 8 hours. - iMR_Hamlin_MSM:"Instant secure erase" option is enabled for FDE/SED drives in JBOD state Enhancements: - MSM Japanese Translation - Improve MSM response time - early work - MSM to display entire HA cluster in a a single pane - early work - MSM: Add support to load CIMPlugin in Linux 64-bit client - Add MSM StartUI icon - NMR1.0 HSW merge to MR5.6 HSW (MR5.4) 1) RWC212.01.03.00 reporting time does not converge correctly on the 24 hour clock. 2) Linux: Readme Changes were Missing 3) Error when loading the Intel_adaptersas MIB 4) IBM PE: RWC2 Doesn't Illustrate a Hotspare on the Logical Tab 5) Intel RWC2 - windows version is displaying INTEL corporation License in the installer 6) RWC2 not showing the boot time events on SWR setup 7) RWC2 message for controller in safe mode is not grammatically correct 8) IN LDAP LOGIN WITH USERNAME AS LDAP\ADMINISTRATOR,FULL ACCESS MODE LOGIN IS NOT ALLOWED. 9) RWC2's BBU status still show as "Optimal" when there is a Fatal error 3 that says "SOH Bad" 10) RWC2 is showing wrong parity size for R50 Virtual disk 11) RWC2-IR2-Exception while creating R10 >1TB in simple configuration mode with odd number of drives[] 12) In RWC2 BBU Properties page the sentence next to Design Mode has too many spaces inbetween some of the words. 13) RAID1E Volume Creation Fails with odd number of drives in IR Card-Gen-1 14) RWC2 doesn't generate AEN if Smaller size PD is added for Rebuild. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (MR5.4) Defects: 1) IN LDAP LOGIN WITH USERNAME AS LDAP\ADMINISTRATOR,FULL ACCESS MODE LOGIN IS NOT ALLOWED. 2) RWC2 displays mis-match BBU learn cycle time in Advanced Properties window 3) RWC2 does not displays information for SuperCap 4) AFTER LDAP LOGIN TO REMOTE SERVER FROM LOCAL SERVER,RWC2 DISPLAYS RAID CONTROLLER CARD OF LOCAL SERVER. 5) RWC2 reports BBU mode as 4 when it is set to mode 5 6) Incorrect server information displayed when RWC2 servers are discovered using IP list option 7) RWC2 allows selection of Full Init for R6 PI enabled VD during creation when normal drive group also present 8) BBU Retention Time Icon is confusing the user Defects: 1) In Dashboard Background operations panel for More details link, the cursor is not changing to hand symbol 2) Controller SAS address SNMP query returning no response 3) Raid10 was not listed for IR2 Card in Windows 4) CLOSING BRACKET MISSING FOR CONTROLLER NAME IN FORIEGN CONFIGURATION WIZARD. 5) RWC2 always change the Write Policy to Write Back with BBU 6) RWC2 showing “Cached?Logical drive property name and value separately 7) RWC2 ( Readme file needs update 8) Logical drive properties alignment is not proper if user select Enable SSD caching while creating VD. 9) AFTER DISABLING RWC2 FRAMEWORK SERVICE,FRAMEWORK SERVICE IS GOING TO MAINTAINENCE STATE IN SOLARIS SPARC 10. 10) MR monitor plugin: after reboot initial pop up is not displaying. 11) CONFIGURE HOST BUTTON HANGS THAT IS INTIRN CAUSING RWC2 BUTTON TO HANG 12) IR2 : Raid10 Volume creation throws Exception through simple mode. 13) RWC2 incorrectly allows selection of Full Init for R6 PI enabled VD during creation. 14) Remove the PR:INTELP200229508 from the readme Enhancements section as it is removed from MR5.4 15) Assign Dedicated Hotspare- Finding difficulty to differentiate between individual spans (UX design issue) Defects: 1) View only option in RWC2 allows operations like consistency check and Initialize operation 2) RWC2 BBU Advanced Properties page does not show correct information for BBU after BBU is replaced 3) INSTALL.SH FILE IS NOT WORKING,WHEN IT IS KEPT UNDER A FOLDER IN SOLAIS SPARC 10. 4) RWC2 needs to change the Boot Error Handling Property text 5) VMWare RWC2 Allows Operations in View Mode 6) In mib file “cacheFlushInterval?property name shows as “cacheFlushInteval? 7) CSA_RWC2: TTY log shows Device Intr as Unknown 8) EVENT ID'S IN SAVED RWC2 LOGS ARE NOT MATCHING WITH ACTUAL RWC2 LOGS. 9) JUNK CHARCTERS ARE DISPLAYED IN README FILE. 10) For headless mode, the dialog box's size is improper 11) The ‘Device Intr?field is displayed as ‘Unknown?in TTY Logs 12) Pd Serial Number displayed with junk characters. 13) Scrambled content shown when click on "MANAGE MEGARAID ADVANCED SOFTWARE OPTIONS" for resolution > 1024x768 14) AFTER DISABLING RWC2 FRAMEWORK SERVICE,FRAMEWORK SERVICE IS GOING TO MAINTAINENCE STATE. 15) RWC2 does not give warning when creating CC VD with more than 512GB capacity 16) A new column adding automatically in RWC2 Log when click on 'Rollback to current log' menu 17) CREATION OF SPAN IS NOT ALLOWED WHEN THE SECOND SPAN IS REMOVED. 18) iMR: There is no trap message for SpinUPDelay/SpinupDriveCount Defects: 1) RWC2 Login screen shows OS as 'unknown' for Windows 8 2) RWC2 getting uninstalled while it is still running. 3) Drive Icon is missing during foreign import for VD 4) RWC2 still shows copywrite as 2010 5) Scope-209989 BBUredesign code Check in 6) Drive Icon is missing during foreign import for SSD in CC VD 7) INFO events having the wrong default Alert Delivery Methods Enhancements: 1) Get rid of dependency on 3rd party libs 2) Redesign battery related pages in MR utilities 3) Windows 8 support for MegaRAID SAS products 4) Allow the Customer to change email port in RWC2 5) RHEL 6.3 support for MegaRAID SAS products 6) Citrix XenServer 6.0 support for MegaRAID SAS products 7) VMware ESXi 5.1 Support for MegaRAID SAS products Defects: 1) Unable to login Citrix- RWC2, shows Error Message as Invalid Username or Password! 2) RWC2 need to allows use to change the email port 3) Performance improvement on ESXi discovery part 4) RWC2 need to allows use to change the email port 5) 64 bit RWC2 is having issues, while firing DCMD'd 6) Unable to display “Advanced MegaRAID software options?window upon clicking link on dashboard 7) Add Windows 8 support to INTEL Windows SNMP 8) Readme file changes for Citrix XenServer 6.0 support 9) (CSCtx53112) RWC2 reports BBU on 2008M-8i falcon controller for ESX 4.1 U2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (MR5.3) Defects: 1) RWC2 displays Protected CacheCade feature RWC2 Defects: 1) Copy Back Progress String needs to be Modified as a Replace Drive in Progress panels for TB and Invader Cards. 2) Wireshark logs says SSLV2 for latest RWC2 v- Defects: 1)MR5.3 RWC2: Flash size in the controller property is shown as NA for WD card 2)UG drive shows emergency hotspare status when Emergency Hotspare for UG drives is disabled. 3)Dummy Defect - Resolving compilation error due to merge. 4)RWC2 cannot update latest firmware image due to change in package size 5)RWC2 deletes the VD when select to discard cache from the access blocked VD 6)RWC2 allows user to create SSC VD with more than 512GB but does not provide any warning message 7)SNMP Services do Not Restart after System Reboot. 8)MR5.3 SNMP/RWC2: SNMP displays invalid values for some of the WD attributes 9)SSL_STRONG_ENCRYPTION enabled by default 10)RWC2 Does not Allow Configuring DS3 when DS1 and DS2 is disabled and DS3 is Enabled 11)Serial Number displayed wrong while SNMP query for ThunderBolt Controller 12)Unable to start PR with Set PR Properties when one of the VDs is in degraded state. 13)LDAP Settings not getting saved When RWC2 is relaunched. 14)mfcdefaults should not be NULL check codition is not required for populating Manage power save settings Menu in RWC2 15)MR5.3 RWC2: NVRAM size is displayed as NA though NVRAM is present 16)SSL Security needs to be modify 17)OCR becomes disabled when changing controller rates in RWC2 18)Defect to check-in modified readme file for Linux SNMP-IR agent 19)Mib version is showing different from the version mentioned in release note. 20)RWC2 displaying copyback in certain areas and should say replace drive. 21)RWC2 is displaying Copyback in events, string to be changed to Replace Drive Operation Defects: 1)Prepopulated CacheCade VD Name is using different format between VD0 and VD1. 2)Error when loading the lsi_adaptersas MIB 3)MR5.3: Misspelling of 'acyivation' in RWC2's "Activate MR Advance Software..." Window 4)RWC2 CC2.0 warning message is not valid with RAID0 in WB mode 5)Prepopulated CacheCade VD name is larger than 15 characters allowed. Defects: 1)Full init option is available from RWC2 when creating a PI enabled R60 VD 2) RWC2/UG drive shows emergency hotspare status when Emergency Hotspare for UG drives is disabled. 3)RWC2 local mode installation can connec to another system with complete installation 4)RWC2 crashed on Windows 2008 R2 when doing a refresh 5)RWC2 monitor configure alert menu has restore default option which does not function correcly. 6)RWC2 reports "Login failed: Exception while login!" when logging into VMWare ESXi 5.0 server 7)5.3 Alpha RWC2 on Linux fails to set CC schedule: "The requested command has invalid arguments" 8)RWC2 does not allow start PR on optimal VD, while another VD is rebuild state. 9)(Defer Unable to display CopyRight String in Windows SNMP RWC2 displays invalid VD number in the AEN when SSD caching is disable on the VD 11)RWC2 does not sort the events by date/time correctly 12)RWC2 fails to restore SSD Caching back to original "Enabled" state after loading original configuration file. 13) Enclosure Position number is incorrect in RWC2 after hotplug enclosure to port 4-7 14)Remaining Capacity for SuperCaP in SNMP-MIB is different than in RWC2 15)Pause for password at boot time cannot be disabled from RWC2 16)Enabled pause for password at boot time is not reported by RWC2 without restarting the app Defects: 1)SNMPWalk displaying OID's of only one controller and Copyright is not displayed. 2)PD serial numbers are showing incorrect. 3)RWC2 error message for medium error is not clear on which port/drive is having the medium error 4)Copyright is missing in SNMP walk. 5)lsi_mrdsnmd service does not stop . 6)SNMP Crashes with querying of CopyRightinfo . 7)RWC2 always displays "0-0-0" for "Diagnostics Complete Date" on DIF drives Enhancements: 1)Get rid of dependency on 3rd party libs 2)Limit lower boundary of SSL encryption to 128bit 3)Use SSLv3 or hire protocols in RWC2 4)SLES 11 SP2 support for MegaRAID SAS products 5)RHEL 5.8 support for MegaRAID SAS products 6)RWC2 Support for Solaris 11 7)Port RWC2 to JRE 7 for Solaris 8)RWC2 Popup Installation in /etc/profile should change for Solaris 11 Defects: RWC2 showing "Battery State" as Operational for Non-Operational battery also Defects: 1)RWC2 alert emails are missing strings to identify the FW package version and FW version Defects: 1)RWC2 shows two instances under Windows 2008 Uninstall window 2)Required Multilingual User Interface (MUI) support on e-mail functionality 4)RWC2/Two different clients are able to login to the same server at the same time in NAT environment 5)RWC2 cannot configure alerts from Client over NAT 6)RWC2 does not connect to local server 7)RWC2\Unable to send email after putting in SMTP server 8)Install RWC2 and found log with errors Defects 1)RWC2 will not install or uninstall correctly without Run as Administrator being selected 2)RWC2-ESXi Server does not discovery not successful via RWC2 Defects 1)Need to update the readme file appropriately for receiving the SNMP traps in Solaris Sparc 2)RWC2 over NAT incurs major performance hit 3)The word "periodically" is misspell in the warning message for "Disable Automatic Learn Cycle" 4)RWC2 Next Learn cycle not showing correct value for DayLightSaving time Zone 5)RWC2/SSM: Not displaying the power properties in DG page for spanned DG 6)SNMP query fails to report the updated adapter task rates(cc rate, recon rate,rebuild rate and bgi rate). 8)Physical tab and controller properties are disappearing from RWC2 After creating VD for IR2 controller 9)If you enable security on controller using FOD and create secure VD it goes missing upon reboot 10)Enclosure Position number is incorrect in RWC2 after hotplug enclosure to port 4-7 11)RWC2 does not allow user to disable "Use LDAP Login" 12)RWC2 is causing Memory Leak in javaw.exe 13)Pressing OK button in the Manage SSD Caching it brings up the Update Controller Firmware option 14)RWC2 event log shows incomplete onboard "disk device ID" 15)RWC2 issue with email (SMTP) when multiple email recipients are set 16)RWC2 stops refreshing after drives are inserted or removed 17)Enclosure information is missing in SNMP walk 18)RWC2 JLogger showing wrong rescheduled time value for the "Periodic Battery Relearn was missed" event 19)SNMP queries not getting refreshed once enclosure is connected/removed. 20)RWC2 installer allows to proceed without entering LDAP details when"Do you wish to specify LDAP details" is selected 21)Warning message for BBU manual learn cycle contains misspell word 22)RWC2 reports "Battery is not being discharged" when the battery is discharging and "Operational" when in "Relearn" 23)JBOD drive creation didn't get update in RWC2 logical view Defects 1)BBU next learn cycle did not get detected by RWC2 2)RWC2 should not display 65535 minutes estimated recharge time when not charging 3)RWC2 'Cannot create configuration: 3' 4)RWC2 does not display PD properties and Mouse Right Click not working for SATA PD in SPARC OS 5)SNMP for RHEL crashes with lsi_mrdsnmpd Service restart and enclosure push/pull . 6)Cannot reconstruct partial degrade R6 to R5 7)macon: on changing the rebuild rate the cache flush interval is also getting changed. 8)macon: the media error count in pd properties page doesn’t change unless we do a manual refresh 9)don’t allow user to set properties for TMMC nontransparent battery. 10)RWC2 fails to discover ESXi server 11)Defect created for Re-Scoped PR "-Real Time Scheduler for Relearn" code check in Defects: 1)RWC2 show a PRL11 as a R1 instead of R10 with treatR1EAsR10 enabled. 2)Calendar needs to be implement more user friendly in BBU set properties Enable mode. 3)Manual and Automatic Panels are scrambling in the BBU Set Properties disable mode. 4)RWC2 allows user to select a PI enabled VD as Snapshot repository for non PI enabled VD 5)Resolve the known limitation of RWC2 on ESXi server - Event logging feature 6)Initial events are not logging on RWC2 - JLogger for ESXi server. 7)When Patrol Read is disabled, RWC2 does not gray out "Start Patrol Read" 8)No option to disable data protection on the spanned Drive Group but there is for single Drive Group. 9)SNMP shows incorrect Serial Number of Physical Drive 10)In MIB file "stripe size" parameter description is not correct which gives user a wrong interpretation for its value 11)- Device interface parameter values are not coming properly in MIB browser 12)- Raid level Qualifier parameter name is not coming correctly in MIB browser description. 13)- SNMP: Operation support description is not proper in MIB browser. 14)Unable to set CC, Patrolread ,BGI,Rebuild,Reconstruction Rates during SNMP query. 15)Instructions in readme file for receiving traps is inappropriate for SLES11. 16)SNMP Memory Leak 17)Set Learn Cycle Properties popup will not allow pressing OK to exit message 18)RWC2 Array creation wizard chooses write back always as it's default choice as opposed to write thru Enhancements: 1) Request for RWC2 to display drive Serial number 2) add event ID to RWC2 email alerts 3) Real Time Scheduler for Relearn 4) SNMP to add missing drive properties 5) Change for SNMP agent to be able to send the trap to non default community 6) SLES 11 SP2 support for MegaRAID SAS products 7) RHEL 6.2 support for MegaRAID SAS products 8) OEL & OEL UEK 5.6, 5.7, 6.0 & 6.1 support for MegaRAID SAS products 9) WD controller specific attributes for SNMP 10) WD SNMP: Add DFF specific attributes 11) WD SNMP: Support SNMP Traps for WD events 12) Report the new Events for DFF temperature and power throttling Defects: 1) Delivering all changes done for 11M08_CCoH 2) Drive SN & FW information is missing >> 3) SNMP trap for custom community support for MegaRAID controllers >> Subbu asked me to fix it as part of the defect 4) Defect to resolve version no conflicts of SNMP DC and Agent >> Used to resolve the version number conflicts with 2011 Q4 SNMP builds Defects: 1)Incorrect Exception thrown when RWC2 services are stopped in remote server 2)LDAP: Provide login access mode based on user group privileges 3)Unable to launch RWC2 in "Full Access" when Computer is assigned to multiple Groups in LDAP Defects: 1)RWC2 is not able to save the configuration of the events when the machine is not in network in all the platforms 2)LDAP: Update "Welcome " string in RWC2 mainscreen 3)LDAP discovery not happening when IP address of RWC2 server is changed after registering it to AD 4)LDAP: Save LDAP credentials while switching RWC2 server from host view screen using Manage -> Server option 5)RWC2 Windows Installer: Add LDAP Support in RWC2 installer 6)RWC2 Generic: Host view screen not getting updated after connection to first server is lost 7)LDAP: Add RWC2 windows LDAP installer support in RWC2 8)LDAP Cosmetic changes Enhancements: 1)LDAP services support 2)LSI SNMP agent cannot send traps to a custom port 3)RWC2 support selectable NIC ports for Email Notification function 4)RWC2 needs to remove references to EKMs 5)Customer is requesting us to add host SAS address in the controller properties in RWC2 6)Show progress indicator during controller FW update Enhancements: PERC 8.1: End to End Data Protection (EEDP) Defects: RWC2 reports wrong location for LBA over 2 TB RWC2 : PCI ID contents of event ID 0”Firmware initialization started?is incorrect. RWC2 : Unable to report the event in /var/log/messages. PD Reset warning event message is not getting generated in RWC2 for SATA PD only RWC2 show blank the description in event RWC2 : Displayed Month is incorrect during Oct-Nov when PatrolRead, CC is running. RWC2 JLogger always showing PHY value as 0 Getting empty events in RWC2 when SAS data cable is inserted or removed from controller RWC2 upgrade fails due to CLI version difference in Linux RWC2 needs to update the Suppport Link and Help Link from to Invader:- Flashing 16MB FW with RWC2 hits PROGRAM(SRR0/1,ESR) exception Maximum allowed unconfig good drives on a controller displays a decimal number RWC2 has some typing errors in making unconfig good RWC2 has many typing, grammar and description errors in simple creation of VDs. MACON: megacli gets installed on installing RWC2 instead of CmdTool Defects: RWC2 is allowing dimmer switch features for IBM Readme file has some junk letters in RWC2 and RWC2 in builds Default value for Disk Cache Policy during VD creation changes after first VD is created. Snapshot feature set to take the snapshot for every reboot is not generating the snapshot view. Can¡¯t create VD with HSP if trying to create VD using simple mode with different PD size in RWC2 Defects: Doesn't allow to create DHSP with specific application Defects: Learn Properties Dialog box does not complete message RWC2 is not supposed to check the popup status if it is not installed RWC2 has some typing errors in making unconfig good RWC2 : Severity Level of Event is not changeable. Battery Predictive Failure message displays twice in RWC2 / Reported as "not Required" RWC2 : Fails to login to other RWC2 client. Readme file has some junk letters in RWC2 and RWC2 in builds RWC2 JLogger always showing PHY value as 0 Getting empty events in RWC2 when SAS data cable is inserted or removed from controller Needs attention at status properties under dashboard tab in RWC2 is showing irrespective of VD/PD state Suspend all operation in RWC2 under group show progress is not suspending PR RWC2 show blank the description in event In the Event description field on remote RWC2 for the ESXi 5.0 server inaccurate progress is report Defects: SNMP Trap Alert should be sent when one phy connector between Liberator card and SAS expander is degraded Defects: RWC2 Unexpected Sense PD info CDB value is not proper Invalid timestamp for boot time events RWC2 does not allowing the Patrol Read to resume if suspended previously RWC2 : When PR Stop after suspend, RWC2 Show Progress shows PR suspended Controller time synch up with System time if the skew is more than 90 sec Defects: RWC2 reports incorrect "0" for the passes for dignostic test. RWC2 : Fails to retreive events during OS shutdown, boot up. Invader:- When running the Erase function Suspend all option is enabled in RWC2. RWC2: Suspend All button is enabled even after suspending all the supported BG operations RWC2: During upgrade of RWC2 8.32.00 to 8.33.00 pop is appearing . RWC2: uninstallation of RWC2 8.33.0000 prompts for reboot. RWC2 Unexpected Sense PD info CDB value is not proper Duplicate SLIR Defect: Bios Version not displayed correctly in Solaris SPARC RWC2 does not list the access policy and power state Properties for Blocked WT Virtual Drives. Defects: IMR:When using 11.08-01 RWC2 to convert from JBOD to Unconfigured good FW hits Montask Defects: Link to needs to be updated Max Power Save mode can not be enabled on Drive Groups with RWC2 or CLI Unable to get updated remaining capaciity and voltage info when selecting BBU refresh properties with supercap Menu name "Manage MegaRaid Advanced Options" needs to be renamed for IBM. MR Monitor logs are getting cleared when logged off and logged in to RWC2 Cannot schedule Patrol Read in RWC2 Unable to set learn cycle properties from the BBU menu with supercap Unable to get updated remaining capaciity and voltage info when selecting BBU refresh properties with supercap the foreign drives comes under the DG. when high contrast is set in windows,in manage advanced software window all the activated sotware options dosent come. when high contrast is set in windows, the contents in the dashboard dosent come. Dummy defect: RWC2 doesn't recieve AENs from ESXi 4.x machines Installing RWC2 in windows does not create the entry in Add/remove programs list of Control panel. Enhancements: 12 Gb/s functionality USB offload implementation Defects: Max Power Save mode can not be enabled on Drive Groups with RWC2 or CLI Unable to create Volume for Gen1 card in Advance mode in all platforms RWC2 should report that Forced WB VDs are not affected when controller detects BBU disabled VD capacity display misaligned in RWC2 in RHEL RWC2 kernel related events not logging in the RWC2 log In Configure Alerts, we can’t configure the Alert Delivery Method RWC2 : Fails to provide event log info from ID 386 and above to Windows app log. Enhancements: Update RWC2 installer to a later version Defects: The test email, and we assume others that RWC2 will send is in breach of RFC2821 DSIII: RWC2 did not show the current setting when change controller PS setting RWC2: Unable to install RWC2 11M08 Build due to install script error RWC2 failed to upgrade to local mode DSIII-Should not allow to select PS policy at create VD for mfc bit x08 RWC2 installation does not show all numeric values available to user DSIII:Mercury Select Power Save during create VD should be disable for Mercury controller Running "" or clicking uninstaller icon does not uninstall RWC2_11.08.00-00 application in local mode Dummy defect to resolve the merge conflicts RWC2 not displaying remaining capacity while creating VD and not allowing to create VD if clicked on DG on SWR. RWC2 "create virtual drive" button is enabled even after creating maximum 8 VD's on SWR. MACON: on lauching RWC2 the create VD icon is disabled macon: option to save TTY log comes for swr controller. Macon:SCU: Events are not comming in both RWC2 and Storelib Test. SWR:Macon: Set PatrolRead properties option not available in RWC2/RWC2 Needs 10M06 RWC2 patch that includes addtional device tree fix to take care of SEP multi port display issue SNMP:TMM01 BBU FW version shown wrongly in HP Openview Browser RWC2:MR Monitor logs are not updating in NAT Environment Email notification from RWC2 having the minimum details SNMP:TMM01 BBU FW version shown wrongly in HP Openview Browser MegaRAID controllers where lsi_mrdsnmpmain is chewing up 100% CPU apparently in a "busy wait" Memory usage of SNMP service increases linearly (memory leak) when storeLib reports events continuously. Update RWC2 with Oracle JRE v.16u24 RWC2 in NAT Environments Provide native 64 bit Linux RWC2 Update MR SAS LSI applications for VMWare ESXi MN Release 1) RWC2 "create virtual drive" button is enabled even after creating maximum 8 VD's on SWR. 2) RWC2 v11.06.00-0200 Host server IP not resolved - 3) RWC2: Intel RWC2 not see the licence agreement in Solaris X86 4) RWC2 require to reboot system when do upgrade or uninstall 5) RWC2 can not be opened after upgrading from RWC2 6) RWC2: instead of RWC2, "RWC2" is mentioned in solaris read me file . 7) Macon:"Start Patrol Read" is disabled in RWC2 if rebuild in progress (i.e PR cannot be started on non rebuild drives) 8) macon: option to save TTY log comes for swr controller. 9) MACON: RWC2 changes its default write policy for the sencond VD while creating 2 vd's in same time. Enhancements: 1) Need OEM license agreement in their version of RWC2 Defects: 1): MACON: under "manage" the option to start init/cc is active when there are no vd's. 2): Macon: RWC2 throws wrong error message on startin PR while rebuild is in progress for spanned array(raid10) 3): MACON: the server profile page is not alligned properly. 4): macon: option to save TTY log comes for swr controller. 5): MACON: RWC2 changes its default write policy for the sencond VD while creating 2 vd's in same time. 6): MACON: Set VD properties not available in RWC2 for VDs in RWC2 7): MACON: update firmware option is enabled for the SWR controller in dashboard. 8): MACON: option "suspend patrol read" dosent work in group show progress window 9): SWR:Macon: Group Consistency Check Tab is not displayed for SWR controller 10): RAID Web Console Version 2-9.00-00 doesn't invoke properly on RHEL5 ; hangs 11): Cannot migrate R6 to R5 if use all the drive 12): After enclosure element event, RWC2 must manually be refreshed to show new enclosure element status 13): (HSA0xxx)RWC2 : When install RWC2 v8.31-00 by silent installation, the login screen with IP appears. 14): 11M05 : SNMP packages gets installed along with VMware RWC2 installation on ESX 4.1 15): Cisco-ESXi4.1 and ESX4.1 on Alpline/Drake cannot be managed by remote RWC2 Client 16): RWC2 on guest OS intermittently has issues showing event/progress updates 17): ESXi- Simultaneous 64VDs Initialization does not work 1. Framework not getting started in SLES 10 SP4 x64 2. RWC2 11.06 under the section for Operating System it displays No Data available when connecting to the ESXi 5.0 server 3. RWC2 11.06.00 RWC2 log messages are not proper 4. MR Monitor plugin: MR monitor crashes after full init starts 5. MR monitor plugin: mr monitor displays "%" symbol when full init starts. 6. MR Monitor plugin: Reconstruction Rate is not shown in MR monitor log. 7. Connector name is not displaying on popup log, system log and email notification 1. Dummy defect to check-in changes in CimPlugin 2. (RW LSIP200123954) (RW LSIP200122654) (RW LSIP200121781) RWC2 only allows the first 16 JBOD to be convert to Unconfigured 3. (Defer LSIP200097351) RWC2 showing pd clear progress in dashboard while doing full init on VD 4. a connected RWC2 GUI client (client only v8.16-01) is unable to configure email alerts from the Tools menu 1) Defect to checkin 'fullFGDisallow' implementation in group initialization dialog 2) (RW LSIP200139478) RWC2 Create Snapshot dialog shows big virtual drive list box 3) Enclosure temperatures are reported 20 deg C higher than actual temperature. 4) (RW LSIP200139183) RWC2 :Advanced Software Options link to external website is not working 5) Open RWC2 will cause RWC2 to perform a PHY set on Phy 17 with speed 255 6) RWC2 is ignoring the option "This server requires authentication". 7) RWC2 does not show correct date in pop up Windows(Alerts) 8) PD labelling is not proper in the RWC2 event logs. 9) SWR: Macon -In RWC2 from Manage option unable to select the virtual drives for intilisation. 10) Unsupported feature Access policy has been observed in VD Properties Panel for IR and WH controllers 11) Unable to Clear Controller Configuration in RWC2 12) RWC2 IT Support: Unsupported fields to be addressed in RWC2 Defects: 1) Cache Offload support revF - RWC2 does not display Capacitance. 2) Defect to checkin 'fullFGDisallow' implementation 3) RWC2 reports incorrect number of eligible JBOD drives for conversion. 4) RWC2 Unable to update controller firmware 5) CacheOffload : RWC2 VD property does not get refresshed , not showing proper write policy when battery is removed. 6) CacheOffload : reason for difference in write policy shows blank space when pinned cache is present. 7) CacheOffload :Enable SSD caching windows popup on non cachecade controller. 8) CacheOffload : CaheOffload related events are not comming in RWC2 9) RWC2 Windows complete installed able to detect and connect to SLES RWC2 local Defects: 1):Dummy Defect: Error code 0x5015 when attempting to flash incorrect package on WH board using RWC2 2): RWC2 UX document is not as per PR 3): RWC2 does not grey out remaining disks when 16 disks are selected to convert to unconfigured good from JBOD. 4):Typo "Configured Shiled" in RWC2 log window 5):Dummy defect for IBM Enclosure PR 6): RWC2 Support for IT2 FW 7): RWC2 does not show all ongoing operations on PD 8): RWC2 Create Snapshot dialog shows big virtual drive list box 9): RWC2 Advanced Software Options link to external website is not working 10): RWC2 is unable to show the progress information of copyback operation. 11): RWC2 : There is no proper update on progress bar in dash board while running some operation 12):In RWC2 Enclosure properties are not as per PR 13): RWC2 8.17.01 fails to set the link speed with Keyboard only, mouse ok. 14):Can not do reconstruction from 11R6 to PRL11 by adding one more drive 15): Linux RWC2 Installation does not show all numeric options Enhancements: 1) SW licensing. Support FoD for PF activations on MegaRAID 2) Add new Event to notify "Patrol Read Aborted" in MegaRAID FW. Defects: 1): when RWC2 is launched select "go to" tab ,here all the entities are enabled. 2):Dummy Defect: Error code 0x5015 when attempting to flash incorrect package on WH board using RWC2 3):CDROM icon does not remove after disconnected the cdrom from the controller. 4): RWC2 : Under background operations in dash board , the progress for VD erase shows twice for a single operation. 5): RWC2 is not allowing user to login in Local Mode 6):When you try to create configuration on iMR controller with just JBOD drives present it does not work. 7): RWC2 Create Snapshot dialog shows big virtual drive list box 8):Cannot change Link Speed in RWC2 for Solaris 9): RWC2 :Advanced Software Options link to external website is not working 10): RWC2 : There is no proper update on progress bar in dash board while running some operation 11):Unable to change link speed using keyboard in RWC2 12):RWC2: Abort option is not showing for suspended Copy back 13):(RW LSIP200124997) HII not showing property "SSD Cache" 14):Dummy Defect for chekin new image 15):EHSP:Foreign drives showing as emergnecy hotspare eligible 16):(RW LSIP200120735) Disk Cache Policy fails to change when SSD drive becomes part of HDD drive group. 17):Copyback operation suspend Resume functionality not working properly 18):This defect is to check-in the PR changes:LSIP200122937,LSIP200122938 19):Dummy defect to resolve the merge conflicts 20):After reboot or refresh suspended Rebuild or copyback operations is not showing in" show progress" window 21):This defect is to resolve the merge changes 22):Cacheoffload - Battery type and Firmware version needs to be displayed. 23):Resume all is not coming up after OCR 24):SNMP not working properly in RWC2 build 8.15-04 in SPARC 11.20-01 1):RWC2 missing warning box When assign a Dif drive to a Non Pi VD 2):Dummy defect to fix the merge issues 3):Battery state option in RWC2 is not as per UX document 4):For Patrol read Suspend Resume buttons not available 5):Battery retention time is not as per UX document in RWC2 6):BBU temperature shows "high" in RWC2 but all other application shows normal. 7):Battery replacement field in RWC2 is not as per UX 8):Parity Size calculation for RAID 50 is wrong in RWC2. 9):Dummy Defect for chekin new image 10):For Rebuild operation after performing suspend suspendall is not grayed out in RWC2 11):Device tree not getting updated after rebuild complete and changing unconfigured bad to good 12):Cacheoffload - Battery type and Firmware version needs to be displayed. 13):CLI Payload which is incorporated with the RWC2 is not the 11M02 CLI Payload. 11.20-00 1):: RWC2 not showing BBU 2):RWC2 fails to select PDs seperately. 3):BBU status option is missing in SNMP 4):MRmonitor prints wrong string for commisioned Hot Spare 5):Defect to resolve the merge conflicts 6):Unable to create new virtual drive using free capacity on existing drive group in RWC2 7):RWC2 : resume/suspend option for Reconstruction is present. 8):snmp: Rebuilded online PD showing as Emergencyspare 9):Emergency hotspare field shows "ineligible" for eligible PDs for EHS 10):PD/VD Progress panels in Dashboard are not removed after passing the operations 11):Disk Cache Policy is shown as "Enabled" in RWC2 12):Diagnostics complete time string should be changed to diagnostics complete date in RWC2. 13):RWC2: "Resume All" is not enabled on suspending the BGI 14):Exception error when create Simple config with mix drive and DIF option 15):SNMP: PD property Emergencyspare shows wrong value for eligible EHS PDs 16):Emergency hotspare properties getting disabled after change any controller property 17):Shielded PD state is shown as null in RWC2. 18):RWC2 : RWC2 Dashboard , does not show PD or VD erase progress in "Background Operation" tab. 19):RWC2 : Group progress still shows the progress bar of the PR operation which got aborted , and application hangs 20):RWC2 not able to import DIF config 21):RWC2: "Abort All" is not getting disabled after "Suspend all" 22):Unable to create spanned volume in RWC2 23):RWC2: Suspend All showing for Initialization 24):Mirror data is shown as Redundant data in SNMP 9.00.00 1) Fixed refresh issue while rebuild on HSP is aborted 2) Fixed label issue in configure alerts 3) Fixed power savings not working for 1078 boards. 4) Fixed Special character seen at the end of battery type 8.16-01 1) not able to set adjustable task rates through RWC2 2) RWC2 does not refresh and display created RAID volume in Logical View for IR RAID 8.15-04 1) Fixed break mirror / join mirror is still there in RWC2 8.15.03 2) Fixed RWC2:Unable to Receive MRMonitor events 8.15-03 SLES 10 SP3 3) Fixed In the "Set PR properties", when the PR has been started manually, there is a grammatical error of the text. 4) Fixed RWC2:Configure Host shows wrong IP Address in Login Screen 5) Fixed RWC2 not updating pd properties properly 6) Fixed Join Mirror option is coming in RWC2 7) Fixed Show progress is not refreshing automatically while copyback is going on. 8) Fixed iMR-RWC2 hangs after hotplug enclosure 9) Fixed RWC2: JBOD to unconfigured drive conversion window does not grey out drives beyond 16 10) Fixed IMR - Logical view shows JBOD drives in RWC2 11) Fixed RWC2 Install Problems on Windows 2008 w/ Terminal Services 12) Fixed Pd not showing in Logical Tab after deleting the VD. 13) Fixed TB : Vivaldi shows in-correct values against 'capacity used' and 'capacity remaining' while start CC on repo' VD 14) Fixed CDROM id does not display properly on RWC2 under the event 15) Fixed mrmonitor crashes in Ver 8.15-2 16) Fixed RWC2 GUI fails to refresh on changing system settings for "High contrast 8.05-04 1) Change ¡°CacheCade¡± to ¡°CacheCade ¨C SSD Caching¡± in WebBIOS, RWC2 and CLI 2) Fixed BBU battery properties are not being displayed properly in Linux 3) Fixed User cannot set BBU properties. 4) Fixed Starting Patrol read immediately after CC or Init displays patrol read disable popup 6) Fixed Repeated and non-functional mnemonics in the 'change security screen' in RWC2 7) Fixed RWC2 - Discovery of Hosts happen forever. 8) Fixed RWC2: Single click VD create tab becomes disable after creating one VD 9) Fixed RWC2is displaying SSC and SSCD incorrectly in Foreign Configuration Wizard 10) Fixed Close button missing in Tips to Login GUI 11) Fixed Repeated and non-functional mnemonics in the 'enable security screen' in RWC2 13) Fixed RWC2 fails to discover all the available servers in the subnet even when discovery for remote hosts is enabled. 14) Fixed RWC2 Dashboard screen malformation for resolution 800x600. No Scroll to view 15) Fixed RWC2 Server Profile details different from UX. 16) Fixed Aphrodite: Create Config Wizard does not close even after we press cancel. 17) Fixed RWC2 Operation progress window not updated sometimes 18) Fixed Aphrodite: Mismatch in IP addresses after Sorting in the Host View Screen 19) Fixed 'Enable security' screen ouot of scope in Linux 20) Fixed RWC2 gives an Error when a Pd participating in Vd is made offline when it is in online state. 21) Fixed RWC2 gives an Error when a Pd participating in Vd is made offline when it is in online state. 23) Fixed RWC2 Does not display all VDs being cached to SSCD. 24) Fixed RWC2 - Health of the VD is not reflected on clicking on Server button. 25) Fixed RWC2 Background opereations progress (on VD) count is not updating autometically 26) Fixed RWC2 Background opereations progress count (on PD and VD) is not updating autometically 27) Fixed Spacing issue in RWC2 tooltips screen 28) Fixed Spell Errors in RWC2 tooltips screen 29) Fixed RWC2 Dashboard, enable alarm/ disable alarm does not get updated. Needs refresh 30) Fixed RWC2 Find Next Option pop up does not give the correct message 31) Fixed RWC2 PD operation does not have percentage progress tab 32) Fixed RWC2 does not show popup for invalid username/passwordwhen logging into a remote host with wrong credentials 33) Fixed Framework service exists even for client installation of RWC2 in Linux 34) Fixed Status of controller is not getting refreshed autometically with the change in VD state 35) Fixed RWC2 Manuall start rebuild on PD gives error 0x4 36) Fixed No context sensitive help files present for RWC2 linux 37) Fixed RWC2 fails to make an offline drive online: throws error 0x4 38) Fixed RWC2 Host view GUI get corrupted in resolution 800x600 in Linux 39) Fixed mnemonics to enter the new drive security key in the 'change security screen' in RWC2-6.11-01 is closing the screen itself 6.90-04 1) Fixed RWC2 GUI refresh along with Monitor log updatation fails intermittently on windows-vista 64bit 2) Fixed In RWC2 PRLL VD expansion fails with no message 3) Fixed not able to "restore defaults" in "change individual event" window. 6.50-12 1) Fixed OS main GUI (Desktop) comes blank after Installing RWC2 and rebooting the system. 2) Fixed "prepare for removal" option is absent for FDE. 3) Fixed cannot delete RAID 1. 4) Fixed RWC2 provides option to enable snapshot on VD as repository when it is offline. 5) Fixed RWC2 'show progress' window fails to auto-update VD's BGI progress. 6) Fixed RWC2 shows 'Virtual drive spin down: Enabled' against controller properties. 7) Fixed the capacity used field in repository properties is displaying wrong values. 8) Fixed Cannot create RAID5 due to improper screen if language is set to French or Japanese. 9) Fixed Headings of a few windows appear as English and a few appears as Jananese or French. 10) Fixed UserName, Password & Start up are in English 11) Fixed Mixing of Jpanese-English and English-French in Monitor Event Log 12) Fixed While Creation of VD next,back,help and cancel buttons coming in English. 13) Fixed Strings are displaying in English 5.00-10 1) Fixed initialization cannot be aborted 2) Fixed RWC2 closes when cancel button is clicked from the manage tab, server option 3) Fixed show progress window does not show abort button to abort initialization 4) Fixed RWC2 Create VD Default Settings Incorrect 5) Fixed SNMP displays incorrect SAS-IR MIB File version while querying 6) Fixed RWC2 Offers Option to Configure SWR Volumes with Read Ahead 7) Fixed start initialization button does not greyed out ,when already the initialization is running 8) Fixed wrong ARCH in sassnmp pkginfo file 9) Fixed after reboot popup function does not work 10) Fixed no module named displayed on RHEL 5.3 32-bit 11) Fixed debug message displayed in console 3.04-07 1) Fixed when network connection is unstable, error message keeps outputting it to start.log 2) Fixed RWC2 Not Supported for VMWare 3) Fixed RWC2- Does not allow Reconstruction of Degraded VD. 4) Fixed BBU times to empty & time to full are 65535 minutes 5) Fixed RWC2 does not allow to configure 22 drive Raid1 6) Fixed Selection of SED as DHSP is blocked in adv. wizard for unsecure SED VD creation 7) Fixed RWC2 shows a "No foreign config found" error msg after secured disks import 8) Fixed "Security Key" needs to change to "Passphrase" in "Unlock Foreign Drive" window 9) Fixed RWC2 DG property for secured is not updated w/o a rescan 10) Updated RWC2 Readme File 11) Fixed RWC2 sees System PDs with a status of "Direct" while other apps see a status of "System" 3.04-05 1) Fixed RWC2 2.35-01 shows Win 2008 x86 OS as 'Windows Vista' 2) Fixed RWC2 framework Solaris SPARC crash when flash FW from remote client 3) Fixed RWC2 3.04-03 Linux: RWC2 pop ups have some unneeded characters 4) Fixed RWC2 Framework is not loading the storelib library because it could not detect the controllers present in SPARC Solaris OS 5) Fixed Can not create VD when asking to create more VD 6) Fixed RWC2 2.07 Startup fails in DSA installed RHEL5 32 bit Snap7 (1/12) 7) Fixed Simple and advanced config wizard screen doesnt display the RAID string properly on IR2 controller 8) Fixed Discard Pinned Cache alert has junk characters 9) Fixed RWC2 GUI shows "Windows 2008 Server" as "Windows Vista". 10) Fixed RWC2 sees System PDs with a status of "Direct" while other apps see a status of "System" 11) Fixed System OS volume is permanently lost after creating a VD 12) Fixed FDE terms in RWC2 are incorrect 13) Fixed Storelibtest detect two same controlller in SPARC Solaris 14) Fixed RWC2 Warning on SLES 11 Install 15) Fixed RWC2 Display junk character when connect to Sun internal Backplane server 16) Fixed RWC2 Server properties displaying wrong OS information 17) Fixed RWC2 displays junk characters when rescanned for a second foreign config 18) Fixed RWC2 dispalys Vista as the OS on a W2K8 install 19) Fixed Audit : Documentation for RWC2 does not list Firefox required 20) Fixed RWC2 3.04-03: R10 displayed as R1E in Advanced Import Foreign Configuration Screen 21) Fixed RWC2 throws "invalid input parameter" error after importing multiple foreign configs. 22) Fixed In VD details window text are not properly arranged 23) Fixed RWC2- Allows to select hot spare for RAID0. 24) Fixed Can not create Raid volume with "Always WB" in SLES9-SP4_X64 25) Fixed 'DG settings' page fails to sort drives in 'Drive' & 'Capacity' 26) Fixed Using RWC2 you can not reconstruct 2 drive R0 to 4 Drive PRL 11. 27) Fixed Simple Config: Creation of R1 with more than 2 drives throws exception 28) Fixed 'Create VD' option no exists in 'Free capacity node' from device tree 29) Fixed Simple config allows 'Free capacity' after VD creation 30) Fixed IR: "Next" button is not enabled after creating R0 using "Advanced" configuration 31) Fixed Advanced config allows to create '0 Bytes' size VD 32) Fixed RWC2- GUI gets corrupted while creating more then 16vd's. 33) Fixed RWC2- Simple config-- R1 space and no. of VD;s not correct 34) Fixed No Dialogue message when press 'cancel' button or 'Escape' key in 'Simple' config window 35) Fixed Chunk Charater in Advance option of Create Virtual Drive-Drive group settings window. 36) Fixed SWR- Not able to create R5 with Hot Spare option using Simple config in RWC2 37) Fixed RWC2- Unsupported Raid levels shown for SWR card. 38) Fixed 'Initial focus' & 'Default button' (Next) fails to work after using 'Back' key 39) Fixed Advanced config fails to create VD with partial space and different policy settings 40) Fixed RWC2 2.35-01 shows Win 2008 x86 OS as 'Windows Vista' 41) Fixed In tree view window of RWC2 (solaris) , two instance of SASIR card as well as drives can be seen 42) Fixed Advanced config disabled 'RAID level' option after removed DG 43) Fixed RWC2 does not give the dedicated HS option with FDE controller encrypted array and FDE encrypted array 44) Fixed RWC2 shows same 'VD default name' for two VDs 45) Fixed Cosmetic issue in Graphical view of Enclosure 46) Fixed RWC2 3.03-00 returned "cannot create Virtual Disk: Invalid input parameters for creating Virtual Disk!" msg using Always WB 47) Fixed RWC2 GUI shows "Windows 2008 Server" as "Windows Vista". 48) Fixed RWC2- Does not connect to Remote CIMMOM ( VM Ware) 49) Fixed Advanced config, allows to create more than 16VDs from single DG 50) Fixed 'Simple' config fails to show the maximum size 51) Fixed Tab/Shift+Tab/Hot key issue in 'Select unconfigured drives' in Advanced config 52) Fixed Utilities set Disk cache policy to disabled when VD is created 53) Fixed 'Simple' not shows 'DG & VD setting' page after chose 'Use free capacity on an existing DG' option 54) Fixed Advanced config fails to show DG settings page 55) Fixed RWC2-- More than 4 PD can be added to create PRL11 even though it is not supported 56) Fixed RWC2- Spanned DG name not as per CR 57) Fixed An Error message is generated, when tried to create a VD with different parameters other than default values 58) Fixed 'Drive Group' from 'VD settings' page shows controller info 59) Fixed RAID1E not supported on an IR controller. 60) Fixed RWC2 fails to create R1 with HSP while using Simple Config wizard. 61) Fixed Cannot create VD after selecting Spanned option in Advanced config 62) Fixed RWC2 fails to update VD properties while creating VD. 63) Fixed 'Remove' button not working as per scenario A & B from UX design 64) Fixed IR: RWC2 allows user to select partial VD size from a Disk Group on IR controller 65) Fixed Mnemonics in RWC2 in simple and Advance options of create VD in not working 66) Fixed Advanced config shows '-ve' size against free capacity 67) Fixed VD creation fails when add PDs one by one to DG 68) Fixed Advanced config shows wrong info against 'hotspare' and same VD# for two VDs 69) Fixed RWC2 fails to fast initialise a SASIR VD created using Advanced config. 70) Fixed RWC2- Advanced config shows size of Partila R1 (4 drives) as 0bytes 71) Fixed Dedicated Hotspare related issues 72) Fixed Auto config snapshot remains despite of pulling out back of the config 73) Fixed Simple Config: HotSpare checkbox gets enabled for RAID0 74) Fixed Issue in 'Add PD' check in 'Reconstruction' wizard 75) Fixed 'Initial focus' & 'Default button' (Create virtual drive) fails to work in 'VD settings' page 76) Fixed IR: No R1E to select from Raid Level combo list in RWC2 77) Fixed PRL11 not supported in Advanced config 78) Fixed GUI issue when try to remove DGs from DG settings page 79) Fixed RWC2 incorrectly states FDE drive as Non-FDE during global hotspare creation. 80) Fixed RWC2- Advanced Config-- Back Next not working. 81) Fixed 'Drive type mixing' not available in 'Simple' config 82) Fixed RWC2 4.01-01 does not show CIM plugin version 83) Fixed RWC2 gives option for creating more VD even though there are no free PD's 84) Fixed IR: Unable to Create more than one array from RWC2 for IR controller 85) Fixed 'RAID level' drop box not shows RAID order as per UX design 86) Fixed Advanced config fails to change size if switch between GB/MB/KB Units 87) Fixed Remove the redundant function isEncryptionSupported and isEncryptionEnabled methods 88) Fixed RWC2 - Operation Tab remains inactive for free capacity selection. 89) Fixed Issue when creating VD in TB size in Advanced config 90) Fixed RWC2 does not show proper 'default name' against VD 91) Fixed Advanced config shows '0' against 'Total capacity' in Summary screen 92) Fixed unable to reconstruct from 5PD R5 to 8PD PRL11 in RWC2 93) Fixed IR: With only 1 drive available, Raild Level box shows R0 to select, in "Advanced" configuration. 94) Fixed SWR- Not able to create R1 using Simple config in RWC2 95) Fixed Default write cache policy is NOT Write back in 3.03-00 96) Fixed 'Simple' config creates VD using different stripe size 97) Fixed Capacity not shows sizes in ascending or descending order in simple config 98) Fixed RWC2 shows option for create VD even though there are no UG PD's 99) Fixed Advanced config allows to create lesser size VDs beyond RWC2 minimum size limit 100) Fixed RWC2- Advanced Config. VD created shown in wrong DG. 101) Fixed Drive Security Drop Down Box does not get updated appropriately 102) Fixed Simple & Advanced config shows hotkey(Alt+l) for cancel key 103) Fixed Summary screen shows 'No' against HS when VD has 'HS' 104) Fixed No warning message for 'Space wastage' in 'Simple' config 105) Fixed 'Advanced' config not page not shows the default stripe size from MFC 106) Fixed RWC2- Simple config window has no heading. 107) Fixed RWC2- GUI gets corrupted in after removing VD while creating. 108) Fixed Can not create 64 VD using Guide Config 109) Fixed Unable to create 2nd VD after creating the first for SASIR Gen1. 110) Fixed RWC2 throws exception for simple config with hole present 111) Fixed IR: RWC2 allows to create DiskGroup with 11drives for R0. 112) Fixed IR: "Advanced" configuration displays R5 & Spanned Volumes (00,50,60) in RaidLevel combo box 113) Fixed RWC2- DG not shown in Advanced config page. 114) Fixed RWC2- "Confirm Enable Security" Pop up does not fit in the Screen 115) Fixed GUI issue while moving capacity tab in 'Select Unconfigured drives' 116) Fixed Advanced config shows commands against 'Drive security method' combo box 117) Fixed Max limitations for Advanced VD creation Page 118) Fixed RWC2 - Create Config while rebuilt is in progress thorws error. 119) Fixed RWC2 2.07 Startup fails in DSA installed RHEL5 32 bit Snap7 (1/12) 120) Fixed IR: Using "Simple" configuration, no arrays can be created using any number of drives 121) Fixed RWC2 logical view shows HS PDs twice after created in Advanced config 122) Fixed Add HS support not available for span RAID levels 123) Fixed Advanced config allows to add HS for RAID00 124) Fixed Issue in MB Units in Advanced config when creating VD 125) Fixed IR: "Simple" configuration displays R5 & R6 in Raid Level combo box for IR controller 126) Fixed IR: 'Drive Security Method' is enabled in RWC2 for IR controller 127) Fixed RWC2 shows create VD page when there are no free PDs and no DG with free space 128) Fixed RWC2- DG size not shown shown properly whle creaing VD. 129) Fixed IR: VD parameters are changable in RWC2 for IR controller 130) Fixed Simple config not shows name for 'DG and VD setting' page 131) Fixed RWC2 allows to add more than 2 PD's for R1 in a 1068 card. PRL 11 not supported 132) Fixed RWC2- Create more VD's fail when in particular case. 133) Fixed RWC2- Advanced Config-- SAS drives remain disabled after even selecting Cntrl Encryption 134) Fixed Advanced config shows 'Create more VD' dialogue box when DG has less than '1MB' free space 135) Fixed Intermittent GUI issues from 'CreateVD' option 136) Fixed "Select" option for Drive security is active for the 1068 controller card even with non FDE drives 137) Fixed RWC2- Simple config mnemonics not working. 138) Fixed Wrong Default button after canceling warning in config wizard in RWC2. 139) Fixed RWC2- SAS/SATA mix option does not chk RAID level allowed 140) Fixed RWC2- Dedicted hot spare shown for both spans in the GUI 141) Fixed Size issue while updating VD in 'VD settings' page 142) Fixed RWC2 allows create VD thru free capacity when VD reconstruction is in progress 143) Fixed RWC2- Closing the config window gives blank msg! 144) Fixed RWC2- 4Drive R1 shown as RAID17 in summary page. 145) Fixed Junk characters displayed with GUID for foreign config import. 146) Fixed RWC2- Gives option to create more VD's after R0 of all PD is made. 147) Fixed 'Next' button disabled once 'Back' from VD settings to DG settings page 148) Fixed Advanced config fails to show existing DGs information in DG & VD settings page 149) Fixed Advanced config fails to create HS in two different scenarios 150) Fixed RWC2 shows 'Create VD' and 'Configuration' options 151) Fixed Advanced config fails to create R1 with full space 152) Fixed RWC2- Cannot Create configuration. Throws exception when controler is selected. 153) Fixed RWC2- Cannot create R10 with 3 spans. 154) Fixed Drive group allows to create 3PD R1 DG 155) Fixed Error when change to WB policy in RWC2 156) Fixed RWC2 Server properties displaying wrong OS information 157) Fixed RWC2 dispalys Vista as the OS on a W2K8 install 158) Fixed Simple Config: Wrong capacities displayed for R1 159) Fixed RWC2- (MFC=useFDEonly=1) Still RWC2 shows option to create Controller based Encrypted VD. 160) Fixed 'RAID level' disabled after adding PDs one by one in DG settings page 161) Fixed Initial focus not working in simple config 162) Fixed Advanced config not allows to create more than 16VDs from DG 163) Fixed RWC2 pull down menu cannot set the Solid State Drive(SSD) Guard. 164) Fixed RWC2- Some strings do not match according to UX 165) Fixed Advanced config fails to create 3PD R6 166) Fixed Hotkey conflict in 'VD settings' page and leads to config error 167) Fixed RWC2- (MFC=allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA) to 1 i.e SAS only, config wizard shows SATA 168) Fixed Default setting in RWC2 3.3-00 is conflict with Ctrl_R, it should be WB, NRA, DIO 169) Fixed 'Create VD' shows available capacity in the size of Kbytes 170) Fixed RWC2- Config does not show the pop up "Do you want to create mord VD" 171) Fixed RWC2- VD creation from a VD under rebuild fails with Error code: 0x32 172) Fixed Simple Config: Implement the logic for missing RAID levels. 173) Fixed RWC2- DG size goes to more than max allowd in the scroll option. 174) Fixed Drive groups are not listed for selecting DHS as per CR 71084. 175) Fixed RWC2- String RAID shown twice in Crate VD advance Config page 176) Fixed DG settings page fails to disable 'Drive security method' when encryption is not available 177) Fixed RWC2- Icon not shown for pop up msgs 178) Fixed RAID6 not available under 'Simple' configuration 179) Fixed RWC2- Does not show the RIAD icon in create config wizard. 180) Fixed IR: Unable to create multiple Drive Groups on IR controller using RWC2 2.92-01 1) Change default setting to disable HDD write cache 2) Added comments for cache setting during array creation 3) Added the BBUGood variable for BBU status display 4) Fixed RWC2 continuously executed stop/start of the network service 5) Fixe RWC2 shows "Windows 2008 Server" as "Windows Vista". 6) Fixed Popup.exe forced to go down by the IO trafic fragility test in DoS Attack 7) Fixed RWC2 display SWR driver version as FW version. 8) Added Japanese Email Alert 9) Fixed Controllers on the VMware Server system cannot be recognized by RWC2 2.91-03 1) Fixed typo in global hot spare coverage warning dialog box 2) Added SMARTer support for SSD. 3) Added ability to set VD size with "TB" 4) Fixed RWC2 max VD exceeded issue 2.91-01 1) Fixed RWC2 ALT+A does not work in Reconst screen 2) Fixed controller Properties corruption when user changes controller setting. 3) Fixed RWC2 Junk Chars displayed in the warning msg of Foreign config import screen 4) Fixed typo in Global Hot Spare coverage warning dialog box 5) Fixed RWC2 scan for Foreign Config does not work with a drive in Spun Down State. 6) Fixed "Write-Thru for failed/missing battery" setting displayed incorrectly in RWC2 7) Fixed failure to create Global Hot Spare during rebuild on R1 & raid 6 together. 2.90-02 1) Fixed "Concurrent" option of "Scheduled Consistency Check" is invalid 2) Fixed RWC2 Framework Service on SLES10 Must Be Restarted to Connect from Remote Windows Machine 3) Fixed RWC2 services fails on every reboot on a standalone server 4) Fixed Change Security Key Settings Next Button Disabled 5) Fixed Upgrading from RWC2 2.77 to 2.90 Failure 6) Fixed 64k stripe size option for SWR 7) Fixed RWC2 CIM plug-in to get loaded on RHEL5 system 8) Fixed Scheduled Consistency Check" stops unexpectedly. 9) Fixed RWC2 is not allowing to configure Global Hotspare when more that one VD is present 10) Fixed Remove status dots in physical & logical views 11) Fixed RWC2 under RHEL 5.1 EM64T doesn't see any RAID controller 12) Added more users support for RWC2 FULL access under Linux 13) Fixed RWC2 GUI gets corrupted with a ' NULL PTR Exception' when connected to remote RAID Server. 2.64-00 N/A 2.63-00 1) Fixed RAID controller internal time shift issue which cause constant battery relearn 2.34-00 1. Fixed "Write Through for failed/missing Battery" setting sticking to 'No'. 2. Added capability of changing physical disk status from 'Unconfigured Bad' to 'Unconfigured Good' 3. Added capability of manually starting battery relearn 4. Added SNMP Agent installation 5. Added Server Only (no GUI, remote management only) installation option for Linux 6. Fixed RWC2 version in the Support information section shows incorrect value on Windows. 7. Fixed RWC2 does not delete the 'Installation Folder' after uninstallation. 8. Fixed Resolve accesibility issues with RWC2 9. Fixed unable to connect to RWC2 on VMWARE from remote client 10. Fixed failure to install RWC2 on VMWARE 11. Fixed popup alerts being lost when no user is logged on to Windows 12. Fixed Popup does not work on Linux for local user 13. Fixed Pop Up error message when install RWC2 on VMWARE 14. Fixed RWC2 version in the Support information section shows incorrect value on Windows. 2.19-00 1. Adding SRCSASJV, SRCSASRB, SRCSATAWB and SROMBSASFC support 1.19-00 1. Adding Forced Write Back Mode feature support 2. Monitor support for email 1.18-00 1. Change RWCII graphics to be Intel 3.0 1.15-00 1. Fixed RWC2 failed to remove "RAID Web Console 2" Directory from "C:\Program Files\" 2. Fixed 'Unconfigured Good' PD appears inside a R0 array after the disk is pulled out and reinserted. 3. Fixed "Disk Cache Policy" could not change without error. 4. Fixed Blocked graphical representation of enclosure in "Graphical View" tab of enclosure 5. Operation panel should not visible if no operation available 6. Fixed Failed to load saved log file. 7. Fixed right click on Controller fails to display available operations. 8. Fixed the garble occurs to a message of RWC2. 9. Fixed the RBC and RWC2 is not consistence display info 10. Fixed RWC2 allows you to start an Init on the RAID LD that your OS is installed. 11. Displayed GMT time for Event date and time. 12. The making location of the "popuplog.log" file. 13. Foreign configuration will be merged and displayed with other native configuration 14. Implementation of default Write Policy depends on existing/non-existing BBU 15. RWC2 can be lunched without any extra authentication from any other trusted application 16. Close button has been added in the show progress window. On clicking, the show progress window closes. 17. System supports to display CDROM and Tape under Port and displays their properties in Property tab. 18. Handle AEN for Enclosure so that enclosure property should automatically refreshed if it will get enclosure specific AEN. 19. Include date and time in alert notification 20. Remove newline in alertStringsSpec.xml file 21. Set a reference to a filelogger object when loading the alertstrings library 1.13-07 1. Fixed Unistallation of RWC2 is possible without warning when the initial login screen is kept open. 2. Fixed RWC2 can't be started on Linux by local user 3. Enable WB without battery 4. Fixed RWC2 return error when a unconfigured bad perform a prepare for removal. 5. Fixed RWC2 display wrong bbu even a bbu is installed in ZCR controller. 7. Fixed "Guided" and "Auto" Config fails to create redundant array with more than 2 free PDs available. 8. Fixed Popup doesn't work on Linux for a local user other than root. 9. Fixed Popup function error 11. Added Logging when you reboot server without operating in RWC2. 12. Fixed Installer upgrade process where when RWC2 is running it fails actually failed to upgrade the components. 13. Fixed MegaRAID Storage Manager Client Hang up. 14. Fixed RWC2 does not read FW MFC data when create new configuration. 15. Improved Error severity reporting and thread synchronization issue reporting in this release of Monitor. 16. Fixed the Event Notification application to un-register with FW when applications exit. 17. Added Event Notification Application replies back to FW. 18. Added a New server.pem file which does not require password. 19. Added Monitor support for email. 20. Fixed RWC2 to read FW MFC data when creating a new configuration. 21. Fixed Invalid Options are appearing on right mouse button clicking on "Port". 22. Fixed RWC2 to diplay "About" GUI under Help to show Product name and version properly. 23. Fixed Uninstalling RWC2 fails to remove corresponding files and directories. 24. Fixed Build display to correctly show build numbers. 25. Fixed issue with RWC2 create Ded HSP to allow only HDD's that are bigger than or equal to the max capacity drive of the array. 26. Fixed exception error when clicking on Tool-Mail configurator with Win2003 Japanese version. 27. Fixed Mail alert function error. 28. Fixed incorrect parameter of ID99 message. 1.13-01 1) Fixed Intel(r) Embedded Server RAID - RAID 5 (SWR5) While creating partial 2nd LD, RWC2 configuration wizard displays array0 as array7 2) Fixed Failure to import Save RAID configuration file during a Rebuild operation. 3) Fixed Failure of Guided and "Auto" Config to create redundant array with more than 2 free PDs available. 4) Fixed Failure of RWC2 to start Installation process when no "C:\" drive present in the system 1.11-01 1) Fixed Assigning long VD name is not displying the VD size unless rescan is performed 2) Fixed Attempt to create Config encounters error "Command failed by Operating System" and AEN updation stops 3) Fixed SWR / After upgrading to the latest driver, R10 can not be configured in OS level. 4) Fixed The number of Fans and Power Supplies is different from Log 5) Fixed RWC2 shows incorrect detail messages. 6) Fixed RWC2 could not display Graphical View, Correctly. 7) Fixed RWC2: when making Dedicated HS, it shows max 10 arrays even if we have more than 10 arrays. 8) Fixed 'Locate VD' & 'Stop Locating VD' options available against VD with PD outside an enclosure. 9) Fixed Upgrading RWC2 from ver 1.08-00 to 1.08-01 fails to start Popup service in Windows env. 1.08-01 1) Fixed Automatic starting sequence of the Popup function set by RWC2 installer is unjust 2) Fixed ENA pop-up message boxes are not consistent in size when displaying either Critical or Fatal asynchronous event messages. 3) Fixed Popup application crashes if you have events generating very fast. 1.08-00 1) Fixed When the Rebuild is in progress on JBOD (with EP107) then you go to Hibernation mode, in the nextrecovery you cannot resume the Rebuild. If user try to activate the external, MRMonitor service will become Application Error. This problem is not 100% reprodeuceable. 2) Fixed RWC2 not reporting double media errors correctly. 3) Fixed Rebooting system pops up error msg with Popup service failing to get auto-started. 1.07-00. 1) Fixed Creating a R0 VD spanning over two R0 array displays "RAID 00" as the applicable raid level. 2) Fixed Port number against PD displayed incorrectly while assigning it as a HSP. 3) Fixed Popup service fails to start & stop automatically after installing & uninstalling respectively 4) Fixed Creation RAID level selection screen non-descrptive syntax 5) Fixed X16/PT SRSM doesn't warn that data will be lost before starting initialization 6) Fixed Junk characters displayed when importing foreign configuration. *Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.