-- Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Avago Technologies -- MIB file for MegaRAID SAS controllers -- File Ver: 1.41-00 -- Previous: 1.40-00 -- Revision : Medusa Phase 1 -- Revision : Dimmer Switch II Changes -- Revision : New Events added for Block HDD -- Revision : Added new PD State -- Revision : For Battery Type Description -- Revision : For PRL and SRL description changes for RAID Level -- Revision : New Attributes added for Bad Block Management -- Revision : Description changed for hostName -- Revision : Added Description for Trap Attributes "OldState" and "NewState" for PDTraps and VDTraps. -- Revision : Added new attributes and traps for MegaRaid Encryption Solution. -- Revision : Added Support Drive Speed Down(Phase 1). -- Revision : Added Support for SSD Devices,link speed and device speed. -- Revision : Replaced LSI Corporation with Avago Technologies -- Revision : Multipath support Feature added. -- Revision : CopyBack Feature,CopyBack is Enabled or Disabled added. -- Revision : Multipath Feature,Parther Device Id is added. -- Revision : Trap Section is modified to support Multipath and FRU Traps. -- Revision : FRU feature added bbuFRU ,revisionIdentifier -- Revision : to support Increase VD added partitionsInDDF ,maxLdsPerArray -- Revision : abortCConError and abortCConErrorSupported added. -- Revision : Temperature unit added in the description of enclosureTemperature, and spareType description has been updated -- Revision : clusterSupported was previously clusterSupportedSupported -- Revision : pdtInserted summary has been modified. -- Revision : Trap Section is modified to support HP-OV. -- Revision : compatibilityFlag, compatibilityInfo attribute added. -- Revision : Node description modified. -- Revision : DriverVersion Description updated and MIB updated according to MIB Review. -- Revision : firmwareVersion description updated -- Revision : Value Range implemented for read-write object. -- Revision : For LSI SAS support LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS private, enterprises, Counter, Gauge FROM RFC1155-SMI PhysAddress,DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215; -- LSI specific object identifiers. lsi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {enterprises 3582} storageComponents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lsi 4 } lsiRAIDServer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { storageComponents 1 } -- Server Information group. hostName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..63)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the host system." ::= { lsiRAIDServer 1 } hostOSInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..63)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Operating System description where SNMP agent is running." ::= { lsiRAIDServer 2 } -- Version Information group. versionInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lsiRAIDServer 3} mibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..63)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MIB version no. (xx.yy)" ::= { versionInfo 1 } agentModuleName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..63)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The agent module name" ::= { versionInfo 2 } agentModuleVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..63)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The module version in xx.yy format. Where xx is the major version number and yy is the minor version number(without build information)." ::= { versionInfo 3 } releaseDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..63)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Module Release Date" ::= { versionInfo 4 } megaRAID-SAS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lsiRAIDServer 4 } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- adapter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {megaRAID-SAS 1} -- Adapter Table Definition---------------------------------------------------- adpNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total no of SAS adapters present." ::= { adapter 1 } adapterPropertiesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdapterPropertiesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of adapter Entries containing Information/Properties about the adapters." ::= { adapter 2 } adapterPropertiesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdapterPropertiesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the adapter table." INDEX { adapterID } ::= { adapterPropertiesTable 1 } AdapterPropertiesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adapterID-APT INTEGER, rebuildRate INTEGER, reconstructionRate INTEGER, alarmState INTEGER, cacheFlushInterval INTEGER, clusterState INTEGER, predFailPollInterval INTEGER, intThrottleCount INTEGER, intThrottleTimeUs INTEGER, patrolReadRate INTEGER, bgiRate INTEGER, spinupDelay INTEGER, spinupDriveCount INTEGER, coercionMode INTEGER, nvramSize INTEGER, memorySize INTEGER, flashSize INTEGER, vdPresentCount INTEGER, vdDegradedCount INTEGER, vdOfflineCount INTEGER, pdPresentCount INTEGER, pdDiskPresentCount INTEGER, pdDiskPredFailureCount INTEGER, pdDiskFailedCount INTEGER, ccRate INTEGER, compatibilityFlag INTEGER, compatibilityInfo DisplayString, abortCConError INTEGER, copyBackState INTEGER, multipathSupport INTEGER, revisionIdentifier DisplayString, ssdSMARTerEnabled INTEGER, enableSpinDownUnconfigured INTEGER, disableSpinDownHotSpare INTEGER, spinDownTime INTEGER, supportBreakMirror INTEGER, spinupEnclDriveCount INTEGER, spinupEnclDelay INTEGER, defaultLdPSPolicy INTEGER, disableLdPSInterval INTEGER, disableLdPSTime INTEGER, temperatureROC INTEGER, temperatureCtrl INTEGER, preventPIImport INTEGER, enablePI INTEGER, totalSpaceformetadata INTEGER, useEmergencySpare DisplayString, useEmergencySparesforSMARTer INTEGER, supportShieldState INTEGER, writeCacheCapable INTEGER, totalCacheSize INTEGER, maximumCacheSize INTEGER, ctrlSasAddr DisplayString, domainId DisplayString, peerControllerStatus DisplayString, maximumControllerNodes INTEGER, incompatibilityDetails DisplayString, topologyType DisplayString, supportOnlineFWUpdate INTEGER, supportFastPathWB INTEGER, supportConfigAutoBalance INTEGER, maintenanceMode DisplayString, disableLargeIO INTEGER } -- defines for each attribute in AdapterEntry adapterID-APT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "AdapterID for this Adapter.(Unique)" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 1 } rebuildRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Rebuild rate on this Adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 2 } reconstructionRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Reconstruction rate on this Adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 3 } alarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Alarm is enabled or disabled on this adapter. Values: disabled(0),enabled(1)" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 4 } cacheFlushInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Cache flush interval in seconds for this adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 5 } clusterState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Cluster is enabled or disabled on this adapter. Values: disabled(0),enabled(1)" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 6 } predFailPollInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds between precdictive fail polls on this adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 7 } intThrottleCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Interrupt throttle active count on this adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 8 } intThrottleTimeUs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Interrupt throttle completion hold time on this adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 9 } patrolReadRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Patrol Read Rate for this adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 10 } bgiRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Background initialization rate for this adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 11 } spinupDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds to delay among spinup groups for this adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 12 } spinupDriveCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of drives to spin up at one time for this adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 13 } coercionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Drive capacity coercion mode. 0->None; 1->128MB; 2->1GB" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 14 } nvramSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "NVRAM size in KB for this adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 15 } memorySize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Memory size in MB for this adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 16 } flashSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Flash size in MB for this adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 17 } vdPresentCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Virtual devices present in this adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 18 } vdDegradedCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of virtual devices in this adapter that are critical" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 19 } vdOfflineCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of virtual devices in this adapter that are offline" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 20 } pdPresentCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Physical devices present in this adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 21 } pdDiskPresentCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Physical disk devices present in this adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 22 } pdDiskPredFailureCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of disk devices in this adapter that are critical" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 23 } pdDiskFailedCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of disk devices in this adapter that are failed" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 24 } ccRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Consistency Check rate on this Adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 25 } compatibilityFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "To inform compatibilities between Applications and FW. 0->incompatible; 1->compatible" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 26 } compatibilityInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Compatibility Information. Format->(Firmware Forward compatibility flag:Firmware Backward compatibility flag:Firmware version flag:Application Forward compatibility flag:Application Backward compatibility flag:Application version flag)" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 27 } abortCConError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Abort CC on detecting error is enabled or disabled on this adapter. Values: No(0),Yes(1),NA(2)" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 28 } copyBackState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "CopyBack is enabled or disabled on this adapter.Values: disabled(0),enabled(1)" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 29 } -- adding revision ID revisionIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Board revision ID for this Adapter." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 30 } multipathSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Multipath is supported or not supported on this adapter.Values: not supported(0),supported(1)" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 31 } ssdSMARTerEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Copyback to SSD on SMART error. Values Enabled(0),Disabled(1)" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 32 } enableSpinDownUnconfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Spin Down Unconfigured Drives(1), Do Not Spin Down Unconfigured Drives(0)" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 33 } disableSpinDownHotSpare OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Spin Down Hotspares(0), Do Not Spin Down Hotspares(1)" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 34 } spinDownTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "SpinDownTime in minutes" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 35 } spinupEnclDriveCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of drives that can be spin up in an enclosure" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 36 } spinupEnclDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Delay between drive spin up for drives within an enclosure" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 37 } defaultLdPSPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "power saving policy.values:controller default power saving policy=0, AUTO=1, MAX=2, Max with no cache=6, NONE=255" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 38 } disableLdPSInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "LD power savings are disabled for yy hours beginning at disableLdPSTime." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 39 } disableLdPSTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "LD power savings shall be disabled at xx minutes from 12:00am." ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 40} supportBreakMirror OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "1=Support break mirror operation,0=Do not Support break mirror operation" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 41 } temperatureROC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "temperature of RAID On Chip in Celsius" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 42 } temperatureCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "temperature of controller in Celsius" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 43 } preventPIImport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "1=Prevent import of SAS PI protected logical disks , 0=Not Prevent import of SAS PI protected logical disks" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 44 } enablePI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "1 = Enable SAS PI for controller , 0 = Disable SAS PI for controller" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 45 } totalSpaceformetadata OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Total Space used for MetaData" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 46 } useEmergencySpare OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This field give the information about Emergency Spare possible Drive types(Uncongiured Good/Global Hotspare)" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 47 } useEmergencySparesforSMARTer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "1 = Use Emergency spares for SMARTer ,0 = Not Use Emergency spares for SMARTer" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 48 } supportShieldState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "1 =Support PD shield state ,0 = Not Support PD shield state" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 49 } writeCacheCapable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "1 = SSC support write caching IOs ,0 = SSC not support write caching IOs" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 50 } totalCacheSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This field give the information about total Size of currently configured SSC,in GB" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 51 } maximumCacheSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This field give the information about maxmium Size of SSC that can yet be configured,in GB" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 52 } ctrlSasAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This field gives the controller SAS address" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 53 } domainId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This field gives the Domain ID" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 54 } peerControllerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This field gives the Peer controller Status" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 55 } maximumControllerNodes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This field gives the HA nodes this FW supports" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 56 } incompatibilityDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This field gives the Incompatibility Details" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 57 } topologyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This field gives the Topology Type" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 58 } supportOnlineFWUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "1 = Online firmware update is supported, 0 = Online firmware update is not supported" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 59 } supportFastPathWB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "1 = Support Fast Path WB on Raptor Type Ld ,0 = Does not support Fast Path WB on Raptor Type Ld" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 60 } supportConfigAutoBalance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "0 = no configuration auto balance support, 1 = configuration auto balance support is present" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 61 } maintenanceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "1=FW supports maintenance mode" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 62 } disableLargeIO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "0 = Large IO is supported, 1 = Large IO is unsupported" ::= { adapterPropertiesEntry 63 } --------------start adp info------------------------------------- adapterInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdapterInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of adapter Entries containing Information/Properties about the adapters on the Controller." ::= { adapter 3 } adapterInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdapterInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the adapterInfo table." INDEX { adapterID } ::= { adapterInfoTable 1 } AdapterInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adapterID-AIT INTEGER, adapterVendorID DisplayString, devID DisplayString, subVendorID DisplayString, subDevID DisplayString, hostInterface INTEGER, hostInterfacePortCnt INTEGER, hostInterfacePortAddr DisplayString, devInterface DisplayString, devInterfacePortCnt INTEGER, devInterfacePortAddr DisplayString, productName DisplayString, serialNo DisplayString, firmwareVersion DisplayString, driverVersion DisplayString, expanderFirmwareVersion DisplayString, lockKeyBinding INTEGER, maxDAPdCountSpinup60 INTEGER } -- defines for each attribute in AdapterEntry adapterID-AIT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "AdapterID for this Adapter.(Unique)" ::= { adapterInfoEntry 1 } adapterVendorID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "PCI Vendor ID for this Adapter." ::= { adapterInfoEntry 2 } devID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "PCI Device ID for this Adapter." ::= { adapterInfoEntry 3 } subVendorID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "PCI Sub-Vendor ID for this adapter." ::= { adapterInfoEntry 4 } subDevID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "PCI Sub-Device ID for this adapter." ::= { adapterInfoEntry 5 } hostInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Host interface information for this adapter. Values: N/A(0),PCIX(1),PCIE(2),iSCSI(3),SAS-3G(4)" ::= { adapterInfoEntry 6 } hostInterfacePortCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Port Count on this adapter." ::= { adapterInfoEntry 7 } hostInterfacePortAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Port address comma delimited" ::= { adapterInfoEntry 8 } devInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Multiple device interface support values separated by space." ::= { adapterInfoEntry 9 } devInterfacePortCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Device Port Count on this adapter." ::= { adapterInfoEntry 10 } devInterfacePortAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Device Port address comma delimited" ::= { adapterInfoEntry 11 } productName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Product name e.g. MegaRAID SAS-8E, MegaRAID SAS-4X, etc." ::= { adapterInfoEntry 12 } serialNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Controller serial number" ::= { adapterInfoEntry 13 } firmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Firmware version Format->(Firmware Package Version:Version:Date:Time)" ::= { adapterInfoEntry 14 } driverVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Driver version Format->(Driver Name:Version)" ::= { adapterInfoEntry 15 } expanderFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Expander firmware version - Not Available if expander is not present on the controller" ::= { adapterInfoEntry 16 } lockKeyBinding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Type of lock key binding. lock key is not bound(0),lock key bound to FW secret key(1), lock key bound to user(2), lock key bound to a TPM(3)" ::= { adapterInfoEntry 17 } maxDAPdCountSpinup60 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of drives to spinup within 60 sec for direct attached drives" ::= { adapterInfoEntry 18 } --------------end adp info --------------start adp support info adapterSupportInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdapterSupportInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of adapter Entries containing Information/Properties about the adapters on the Controller." ::= { adapter 4 } adapterSupportInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdapterSupportInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the adapter table." INDEX { adapterID } ::= { adapterSupportInfoTable 1 } AdapterSupportInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adapterID-ASIT INTEGER, maxArms INTEGER, maxSpans INTEGER, maxArrays INTEGER, maxVDs INTEGER, hardwarePresent DisplayString, maxConcurrentCmds INTEGER, maxSGECount INTEGER, maxRequestSize INTEGER, maxLdsPerArray INTEGER, partitionsInDDF INTEGER, allowSSDMixInLD INTEGER, allowMixSSDHDDInLD INTEGER } -- defines for each attribute in AdapterEntry adapterID-ASIT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "AdapterID for this Adapter.(Unique)" ::= { adapterSupportInfoEntry 1 } maxArms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Maximum arms per Virtual Drive supported for this Adapter." ::= { adapterSupportInfoEntry 2 } maxSpans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Maximum spans per Virtual Drive supported for this Adapter." ::= { adapterSupportInfoEntry 3 } maxArrays OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Maximum no of arrays supported for this adapter." ::= { adapterSupportInfoEntry 4 } maxVDs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of Virtual Drive s supported for this adapter." ::= { adapterSupportInfoEntry 5 } hardwarePresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Supported Hardware on this adapter. bbu(1),alarm(2),nvram(3),uart(4),TPM(5),expander(6). For multiple hw support a space delimited list will appear." ::= { adapterSupportInfoEntry 6 } maxConcurrentCmds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The maximum parallel commands supported on this adapter." ::= { adapterSupportInfoEntry 7 } maxSGECount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The maximum Scatter Gather Element count allowed on this adapter." ::= { adapterSupportInfoEntry 8 } maxRequestSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The maximum data transfer size in sectors, on this adapter." ::= { adapterSupportInfoEntry 9 } maxLdsPerArray OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Max Ld's per array in adapter" ::= { adapterSupportInfoEntry 10 } partitionsInDDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Max LD's per Array in configuration" ::= { adapterSupportInfoEntry 11 } allowSSDMixInLD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "allow SAS/SATA SSD mix within an LD. allow(1), not allow(0)" ::= { adapterSupportInfoEntry 12 } allowMixSSDHDDInLD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "allow SSD/HDD mix within an LD.allow(1), not allow(0)" ::= { adapterSupportInfoEntry 13 } --------------end adp info --------------start adp operations support info adapterOperationsSupportInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of adapter Entries containing Information/Properties about the adapters on the Controller." ::= { adapter 5 } adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the adapter table." INDEX { adapterID } ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoTable 1 } AdapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adapterID INTEGER, rbldRateSupported INTEGER, ccRateSupported INTEGER, bgiRateSupported INTEGER, reconRateSupported INTEGER, patrolRateSupported INTEGER, alarmControlSupported INTEGER, clusterSupported INTEGER, bbuSupported INTEGER, spanningAllowedSupported INTEGER, dedicatedHotSparesSupported INTEGER, revertibleHotSparesSupported INTEGER, foreignConfigImportSupported INTEGER, selfDiagnosticSupported INTEGER, allowMixedRedundancyOnArraySupported INTEGER, abortCConErrorSupported INTEGER, securitySupported INTEGER, supportPIcontroller INTEGER } -- defines for each attribute in AdapterEntry adapterID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "AdapterID for this Adapter.(Unique)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 1 } rbldRateSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Rebuilding rate change support for this Adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 2 } ccRateSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Consistency Check rate change support for this Adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 3 } bgiRateSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Background initialization rate change support for this adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 4 } reconRateSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Reconstruction rate change support for this adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 5 } patrolRateSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Patrol read rate change support for this adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 6 } alarmControlSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Alarm control support for this adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 7 } clusterSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Cluster support for this adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 8 } bbuSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "BBU support for this adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 9 } spanningAllowedSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Spanning support for this adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 10 } dedicatedHotSparesSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Dedicated HotSpares support for this adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 11 } revertibleHotSparesSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Revertible HotSpares support for this adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 12 } foreignConfigImportSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Support foreign config import on this adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 13 } selfDiagnosticSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Controller supports self diagnostic. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 14 } allowMixedRedundancyOnArraySupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Allow different Virtual Disk on the same array to have different redundancy levels. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 15 } abortCConErrorSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Abort CC on detecting error is supported on this adapter. Values: No(0),Yes(1)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 16 } securitySupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Displays the security support. if supported (1) , not supported (0)" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 17 } supportPIcontroller OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Displays the support PI. 1=LD SAS PI Type 0, 0=LD Not SAS PI Type 0" ::= { adapterOperationsSupportInfoEntry 18 } --------------end adp info -- BBU Information. bbuInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {adapter 6} bbuNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The present number of rows in the BBU Table." ::= { bbuInfo 1 } bbuTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BBUEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of BBU Entries containing Information/Properties about the BBU." ::= { bbuInfo 2 } bbuEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BBUEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the BBU table." INDEX { bbuID } ::= { bbuTable 1 } BBUEntry ::= SEQUENCE { bbuID INTEGER, batteryType DisplayString, nextLearnTime INTEGER, absStateOfCharge INTEGER, fullChargeCapacity INTEGER, averageEmptyTime INTEGER, cycleCount INTEGER, firmwareStatus DisplayString, voltage INTEGER, autoLearnPeriod INTEGER, relStateOfCharge INTEGER, capacityRemain INTEGER, runTimeToEmpty INTEGER, avgTimeToFull INTEGER, errorMargin INTEGER, temperature DisplayString, mfgName DisplayString, deviceName DisplayString, serialNumber DisplayString, chargerStatus INTEGER, adpID INTEGER, remainingCapAlarm INTEGER, remainingTimeAlarm INTEGER, bbu-current INTEGER, gasGaugeStatus INTEGER, bbuFRU DisplayString, batteryReplacement INTEGER, bbuRetentiontime DisplayString, bbuState DisplayString, memoryModuleFRU DisplayString, bbumoduleVersion DisplayString, autoLearnMode DisplayString, chargingStatus DisplayString, capacitance INTEGER } -- defines for each attribute in BBUEntry bbuID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "BBUID for this BBU.(Unique)" ::= { bbuEntry 1 } batteryType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "BBU Type." ::= { bbuEntry 2 } nextLearnTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Time of next scheduled learn cycle (seconds past 1/1/2000)" ::= { bbuEntry 3 } absStateOfCharge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Predicted remaining capacity expressed as % of DesignCapacity() (0-100). Value of -1 means not supported" ::= { bbuEntry 4 } fullChargeCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Predicted pack capacity when it is fully charged in joules" ::= { bbuEntry 5 } averageEmptyTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "One-minute rolling average of the predicted remaining battery life. Value of -1 means not supported" ::= { bbuEntry 6 } cycleCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of charge cycles the battery has experienced. Value of -1 means not supported" ::= { bbuEntry 7 } firmwareStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Condition of battery in following order: packMissing(0/1) voltageLow(0/1) temperatureHigh(0/1) chargeActive(0/1) dischargeActive(0/1) learnCycleRequested(0/1) learnCycleActive(0/1) learnCycleFailed(0/1) learnCycleTimeout(0/1) i2cErrorsDetected(0/1) noSpace(0/1) predictiveFailure(0/1) premiumFeatureReqd(0/1) microcodeUpdateReqd(0/1) Only enabled(1) values will be shown" ::= { bbuEntry 8 } voltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Accurate battery terminal voltage in mV, resolution of 1mV" ::= { bbuEntry 9 } autoLearnPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Time (in seconds) between learn cycles (0 to disable auto learn)" ::= { bbuEntry 10 } relStateOfCharge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Predicted remaining capacity expressed as % of FullChargeCapacity() (0-100). Value of -1 means not supported" ::= { bbuEntry 11 } capacityRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Predicted charge or energy remaining in the battery in joules" ::= { bbuEntry 12 } runTimeToEmpty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Relative gain or loss in remaining life in response to change in power policy represent in minute. Value of -1 means not supported" ::= { bbuEntry 13 } avgTimeToFull OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "One-minute rolling average of predicted remaining time to full charge. Value of -1 means not supported" ::= { bbuEntry 14 } errorMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(2..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Expected margin of error (%) in charge calculation (2-100). Value of -1 means not supported" ::= { bbuEntry 15 } temperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Battery temperature in degree Centigrade" ::= { bbuEntry 16 } mfgName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Battery manufacturer's name" ::= { bbuEntry 17 } deviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Battery name" ::= { bbuEntry 18 } serialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Battery serialNumber" ::= { bbuEntry 19 } chargerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Battery charger status. Values: N/A(-1), off(0), complete(1), progress(2)" ::= { bbuEntry 20 } adpID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The adapter id where BBU is attached" ::= { bbuEntry 21 } remainingCapAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Remaining capacity to alarm. Value of -1 means not supported" ::= { bbuEntry 22 } remainingTimeAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Remaining time to alarm. Value of -1 means not supported" ::= { bbuEntry 23 } bbu-current OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Current(In mA) being supplied (or accepted) through the battery terminals" ::= { bbuEntry 24 } gasGaugeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Gas gauge status" ::= { bbuEntry 25 } bbuFRU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "bbu FRU" ::= { bbuEntry 26 } batteryReplacement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This property denotes whether the Battery needs to be replaced or not.1 =battery needs to be replaced ,0 =battery needs not to be replaced" ::= { bbuEntry 27 } bbuRetentiontime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The total no. of hours the battery can support the current capacity reserve. Undefined(0),48 hours+(>48),the exact no of hours(<=48)" ::= { bbuEntry 28 } bbuState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This property gives the Information about BBU state. Operational = if BBU is working fine, Non-Operational = if BBU is not working fine" ::= { bbuEntry 29 } memoryModuleFRU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "tmm FRU" ::= { bbuEntry 30 } bbumoduleVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Battery Firmware Version" ::= { bbuEntry 31 } autoLearnMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Automatic Learn Mode" ::= { bbuEntry 32 } chargingStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Charging Status" ::= { bbuEntry 33 } capacitance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Capacitance" ::= { bbuEntry 34 } -- starts adapterStatusSupportInfoTable ------------------------- adapterStatusSupportInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdapterStatusSupportInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of adapter Entries containing Information/Properties about the adapters on the Controller." ::= { adapter 9 } adapterStatusSupportInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdapterStatusSupportInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the adapter table." INDEX { adapterID-ASSIT } ::= { adapterStatusSupportInfoTable 1 } AdapterStatusSupportInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adapterID-ASSIT INTEGER, lockKeyAssigned INTEGER, lockKeyFailed INTEGER, lockKeyNotBackedup INTEGER, biosNotDetected INTEGER, cacheIsPinned INTEGER } adapterID-ASSIT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "AdapterID for this Adapter.(Unique)" ::= { adapterStatusSupportInfoEntry 1 } lockKeyAssigned OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Lock key Assigned support for this Adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterStatusSupportInfoEntry 2 } lockKeyFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "lock Key Failed support for this Adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterStatusSupportInfoEntry 3 } lockKeyNotBackedup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "lock Key Not Backedup support for this Adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterStatusSupportInfoEntry 4 } biosNotDetected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "bios Not Detected support for this Adapter. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { adapterStatusSupportInfoEntry 5 } cacheIsPinned OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION " 1=controller cache is pinned for missing or offline LDs" ::= { adapterStatusSupportInfoEntry 6 } --cacheIsPinned -- ends adapterStatusSupportInfoTable -- starts adapterLdOperationSupportInfoTable adapterLdOperationSupportInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdapterLdOperationSupportInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of adapter Entries containing Information/Properties about the adapters on the Controller." ::= { adapter 10 } adapterLdOperationSupportInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdapterLdOperationSupportInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the adapter table." INDEX { adapterID-ALSIT } ::= { adapterLdOperationSupportInfoTable 1 } AdapterLdOperationSupportInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adapterID-ALSIT INTEGER, allowCtrlEncryption INTEGER } adapterID-ALSIT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "AdapterID for this Adapter.(Unique)" ::= { adapterLdOperationSupportInfoEntry 1 } allowCtrlEncryption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "if it is set (1) supports controller encryption" ::= { adapterLdOperationSupportInfoEntry 2 } -- ends adapterLdOperationSupportInfoTable device OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {megaRAID-SAS 2} physicalDriveInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {device 1} -- -- PD Information group. commonDeviceInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CommonDeviceInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of general Physical Disk info" ::= { adapter 7 } commonDeviceInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommonDeviceInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the CommonDeviceInfo table." INDEX { adapterID } ::= { commonDeviceInfoTable 1 } CommonDeviceInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adapterID-CDIT INTEGER, forceOnline INTEGER, forceOffline INTEGER, forceRebuild INTEGER, supportsSAS INTEGER, supportsSATA INTEGER, allowMixInEnclosure INTEGER, allowMixInVD INTEGER, allowSataInCluster INTEGER, setPowerStateForCfg INTEGER } ----------- adapterID-CDIT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unique adapter ID" ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 1 } forceOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Physical drive force Online operation support. Values: notSupported(0), supported(1)" ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 2 } forceOffline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Physical drive force Offline operation support. Values: notSupported(0), supported(1)" ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 3 } forceRebuild OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Physical drive force Rebuild operation support. Values: notSupported(0), supported(1)" ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 4 } supportsSAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SAS physical drive support. Values: notSupported(0), supported(1)" ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 5 } supportsSATA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SATA physical drive support. Values: notSupported(0), supported(1)" ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 6 } allowMixInEnclosure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mix InEnclosure support. Values: notSupported(0), supported(1)" ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 7 } allowMixInVD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MixInVIRTUALDRIVE support. Values: notSupported(0), supported(1)" ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 8 } allowSataInCluster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SataInCluster support. Values: notSupported(0), supported(1)" ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 9 } setPowerStateForCfg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "FW requires application to set power state before configuration changes. Required(1), Not Required(0)" ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 10 } -------------------------------------- pdNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The present number of rows in the physical drive table." ::= { physicalDriveInfo 1 } physicalDriveTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhysicalDriveEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of physical drive Entries containing Information/Properties about the drives" ::= { physicalDriveInfo 2 } physicalDriveEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysicalDriveEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the Device Table." INDEX { physDevID } ::= { physicalDriveTable 1 } PhysicalDriveEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pdIndex INTEGER, physDevID INTEGER, -- physDevSeq INTEGER, oemSupported INTEGER, scsiDevType INTEGER, connectedAdapterPort DisplayString, deviceSpeed INTEGER, mediaErrCount INTEGER, otherErrCount INTEGER, predFailCount INTEGER, pdState INTEGER, disabledForRemoval INTEGER, linkSpeed INTEGER, pdSupportFlags DisplayString, sasAddr DisplayString, rawSize INTEGER, nonCoercedSize INTEGER, coercedSize INTEGER, enclDeviceId INTEGER, enclIndex INTEGER, slotNumber INTEGER, operationProgress DisplayString, adpID-PDT INTEGER, operationSupport DisplayString, pdVendorID DisplayString, pdProductID DisplayString, pdFwversion DisplayString, diskType INTEGER, partnerDevId INTEGER, mediatype INTEGER, powerState INTEGER, secured INTEGER, locked INTEGER, foreign INTEGER, oemCertified INTEGER, foreignImportNotAllowed INTEGER, pdTemperature INTEGER, pdSerialNumber DisplayString, piEligible INTEGER, piType INTEGER, piFormatted INTEGER, userDataBlockSize INTEGER, commissionedSpare DisplayString, emergencySpare DisplayString, shieldCounter INTEGER, shieldDiagCompletionTime DisplayString, ineligibleForSSCD INTEGER, ineligibleForLd INTEGER, serviceable INTEGER } -- defines for each attribute in PhysicaldriveEntry pdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The unique ID" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 1 } physDevID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The Device ID" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 2 } oemSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Is the drive supported by the OEM (OEM-specific checks). Values: notSupported(1), supported(0)" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 3 } scsiDevType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Type of this Device. Values: disk(0),tape(1),printer(2),processor(3),cdrom(5),scanner(6),optical(7),enclosure(13),dvd(10),unknown(31)" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 4 } connectedAdapterPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Adapter port(s) to which the device is connected." ::= { physicalDriveEntry 5 } deviceSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Maximum supported speed. Values: speed-unknown(0),speed-1p5G(1),speed-3G(2),speed-6G(3)" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 6 } mediaErrCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Error count of the device" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 7 } otherErrCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Other error count of the device" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 8 } predFailCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Predictive fail count of the device" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 9 } pdState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Firmware's interpretation of drive state. Values: unconfigured-good(0),unconfigured-bad(1),hot-spare(2),offline(16),failed(17),rebuild(20),online(24),copyback(32),system(64),UNCONFIGURED-SHIELDED(128),HOTSPARE-SHIELDED(130),CONFIGURED-SHIELDED(144)" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 10 } disabledForRemoval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "If true, drive is ready for removal. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 11 } linkSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Negotiated link speed. Values: speed-unknown(0),speed-1p5G(1),speed-3G(2),speed-6G(3)" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 12 } pdSupportFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "1st Byte:forcedPDGUID(0/1),2nd Byte:inVD(0/1),3rd Byte:isGlobalSpare(0/1),4th Byte:isSpare(0/1),5th Byte:isForeign(0/1),6th Byte:intf(0-Unknown, 1-parallel SCSI, 2-SAS, 3-SATA, 4-FC).A comma delimited list will appear." ::= { physicalDriveEntry 13 } sasAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Device SAS addresses. Comma separeted for multiple address" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 14 } rawSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Size(MB) before COD and coercion" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 15 } nonCoercedSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Size(MB) after COD is reserved but before coercion" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 16 } coercedSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Size(MB) after COD is reserved and after coercion" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 17 } enclDeviceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enclosure's device Id (in decimal); if device is not within enclosure value is -1" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 18 } enclIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Firmware internal enclosure index" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 19 } slotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Slot number of this drive, if the Physical Disk is part of an enclosure then -1" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 20 } operationProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Operation progress in %. e.g. Rebuild progress is 10%" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 21 } adpID-PDT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Controller id where this Physical Drive is attached" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 22 } operationSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION " MakeOnline,MakeOffline,MakeFailed,MakeBad,MakeUncofigured, MakeSpare,RemoveSpare,replaceMissing,markMissing,startRebuild, stopRebuild,locate,pdclear,foreignImportNotAllowed,ForeignImportAllowed, startCopyBack,stopCopyBack,fwDownloadNotAllowed,fwDownloadAllowed,makeSystem" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 23 } pdVendorID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Vendor ID" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 24 } pdProductID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Product ID" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 25 } pdFwversion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "PD firmware version" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 26} diskType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Type of the disk : 0-Unknown, 1-parallel SCSI, 2-SAS, 3-SATA, 4-FC" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 27 } partnerDevId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "If drive is in an enclosure with dual paths,This is Partner Device ID. In all other cases INVALID(-1)" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 28 } mediatype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Media Type HDD(0),SSD(1),Solid state flash module(2)" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 29 } powerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Power condition of the device. Values are device is active(0),device is stopped(1),device is transitioning between power states(255)" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 30 } secured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "1=drive is secured, 0=not secured" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 31 } locked OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "1=drive is locked, 0=unlocked" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 32 } foreign OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "1=drive is secured by a foreign lock key, 0=drive is not secured by a foreign lock key" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 33 } oemCertified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Is the drive certified by the OEM (OEM-specific checks). Values: notCertified(1), Certified(0)" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 34 } foreignImportNotAllowed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "1=Drive is not allowed foreignImport operation, 0=Drive is allowed foreignImport operation" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 35 } pdTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Physical Drive temperature in Celsius" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 36 } pdSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Physical Drives serial number" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 37} piEligible OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Protection Information eligibility.1=drive can be used for PD Enabled LD , 0=drive can't be used for PD Enabled LD " ::= { physicalDriveEntry 38 } piType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "SAS Protection Information Type .No SAS protection type used(0) ,SAS PI Type 1(1) ,SAS PI Type 2(2) ,SAS PI Type 3(3) ,Reserved SAS PI Type 4(4) ,Reserved SAS PI Type 5(5) ,Reserved SAS PI Type 6(6) ,Reserved SAS PI Type 7(7)." ::= { physicalDriveEntry 39 } piFormatted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "formatted for PI information. 1=drive is formatted for PI information, 0=no PI data." ::= { physicalDriveEntry 40 } userDataBlockSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes of user data in LBA" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 41 } commissionedSpare OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Yes = this PD is a commissioned spare, No = this PD is not a commissioned spare." ::= { physicalDriveEntry 42} emergencySpare OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Eligible = this PD is a emergency spare, Ineligible = this PD is not a emergency spare." ::= { physicalDriveEntry 43} shieldCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "How many times the shield diagnostics was run before it was marked failed" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 44} shieldDiagCompletionTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Last successful Diagnostics completion time. 0 is N/A" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 45} ineligibleForSSCD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Whether PD cannot be used for an SSCD. PD can not be used for an SSCD(1), PD can be used for an SSCD(0)" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 46} ineligibleForLd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Whether PD cannot be used for a regular LD. PD can not be used for a regular LD(1), PD can be used for a regular LD(0)" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 47} serviceable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Whether PD is removeable for service. PD is removeable for service(1), PD is not removeable for service(0)" ::= { physicalDriveEntry 48} --Virtual Devices virtualDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {megaRAID-SAS 3} commonVirtualDeviceInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CommonVirtualDeviceInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of general Virtual Drive info" ::= { adapter 8 } commonVirtualDeviceInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommonVirtualDeviceInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the CommonVirtualDeviceInfo table." INDEX { adapterID } ::= { commonVirtualDeviceInfoTable 1 } CommonVirtualDeviceInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adapterID-CVDIT INTEGER, supportedReadPolicy INTEGER, supportedWritePolicy INTEGER, supportedIOPolicy INTEGER, supportedAccessPolicy INTEGER, supportedMinSize INTEGER, supportedMaxSize INTEGER, ldbbm INTEGER } adapterID-CVDIT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unique adapter ID" ::= { commonVirtualDeviceInfoEntry 1 } supportedReadPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Read policy support. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { commonVirtualDeviceInfoEntry 2 } supportedWritePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Write policy support. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { commonVirtualDeviceInfoEntry 3 } supportedIOPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IO policy support. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { commonVirtualDeviceInfoEntry 4 } supportedAccessPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Access policy support. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { commonVirtualDeviceInfoEntry 5 } supportedMinSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimum stripe size supported. 0(512B),1(1K),2(2K),3(4K),4(8K),5(16K),6(32),7(64K),8(128K) ... 11(1MB) etc" ::= { commonVirtualDeviceInfoEntry 6 } supportedMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum stripe size supported. 0(512B),1(1K),2(2K),3(4K),4(8K),5(16K),6(32),7(64K),8(128K) ... 11(1MB) etc" ::= { commonVirtualDeviceInfoEntry 7 } ldbbm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1=LD bad block management is enabled, 0=LD bad block management is not enabled" ::= { commonVirtualDeviceInfoEntry 8 } vdInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {virtualDevice 1} vdNumbers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The present number of rows in the virtualDrive table." ::= { vdInfo 1 } virtualDriveTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VirtualDriveEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of Virtual Drives Entries containing Information/Properties about the virtualDrive." ::= { vdInfo 2 } virtualDriveEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VirtualDriveEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the virtualDrive Table." INDEX { virtualDevID } ::= { virtualDriveTable 1 } VirtualDriveEntry ::= SEQUENCE { virtualDevID INTEGER, size INTEGER, clusterOwnerDeviceId INTEGER, targetId INTEGER, state INTEGER, name DisplayString, defaultCachePolicy DisplayString, accessPolicy INTEGER, diskCachePolicy INTEGER, bgiState INTEGER, prl INTEGER, rLQ INTEGER, sRL INTEGER, stripeSize INTEGER, numDrives INTEGER, spanDepth INTEGER, initState INTEGER, vdOperationProgress DisplayString, currentCachePolicy DisplayString, adapterID-VDT INTEGER, encryptionType INTEGER, vdOperationSupport DisplayString, badBlocksExist INTEGER, defaultPSPolicy INTEGER, currentPSPolicy INTEGER, breakMirror INTEGER, joinMirror INTEGER, mirrorPdInfo DisplayString, vdPiType INTEGER, mirrorDataSize INTEGER, cacheCadeType INTEGER, currentWritePolicy DisplayString, defaultWritePolicy DisplayString, associatedVD DisplayString, hostAccessPolicy DisplayString, guid DisplayString, fastPathWBEnabled INTEGER, peerHasNoAccess DisplayString } -- defines for each attribute in PhysicaldriveEntry virtualDevID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The unique Virtual Drives ID" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 1 } size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Total size in MB of the drive" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 2 } clusterOwnerDeviceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "VD owner's device Id" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 3 } targetId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Virtual Drive target id (i.e. 0 to 63)" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 4 } state OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The Device state: Values: offline(0),partially-degraded(1),degraded(2),optimal(3)" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 5 } name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Virtual Drive name" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 6 } defaultCachePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Default cache policy settings. Values: WriteBack, WriteThrough, ReadAdaptive, ReadAhead, ReadAheadNone, Cached, Direct, Write Cache OK if Bad BBU, No Write Cache if Bad BBU." ::= { virtualDriveEntry 7 } accessPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Access policy settings. Values: access-rw(0), access-read-only(2), access-blocked(3)" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 8 } diskCachePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Physical disk cache policy. Values: unchanged(0),enable(1),disable(2)" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 9 } bgiState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Disable/Enable Back Groung Initialization on this Virtual Drive. Values: disable(1),enable(0)" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 10 } prl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Primay raid level. Values: 0(RAID-0), 1(RAID-1), 3(RAID-3), 4(RAID-4), 5(RAID-5), 6(RAID-6),15(Single Disk or JBOD), 17(RAID-1E), 21(RAID-5E), 31(Concatenation),37(RAID-5EEE)" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 11 } rLQ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Raid level qualifier" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 12 } sRL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Secondary raid level. Values: 0(Stripped), 1(Mirrored), 2(Concatenated), 3(Spanned)" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 13 } stripeSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Stripe Size. 0(512B),1(1K),2(2K),3(4K),4(8K),5(16K),6(32),7(64K),8(128K) ... 11(1MB) etc" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 14 } numDrives OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of drivers per span" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 15 } spanDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of spans. If only one array then it is considered as 1 span" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 16 } initState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "0=no init, 1=quick init, 2=full init" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 17 } vdOperationProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Progress % for an operation / No operation in progress" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 18 } currentCachePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Cache policy settings. Values:WriteBack, WriteThrough, ReadAdaptive, ReadAhead, ReadAheadNone, Cached, Direct, Write Cache OK if Bad BBU, No Write Cache if Bad BBU." ::= { virtualDriveEntry 19 } adapterID-VDT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Adapter ID" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 20 } encryptionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "logical drive encryption type. Values No Encryption(0), FDE drive encryption(1), Controller-based encryption(2)" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 21 } vdOperationSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "startFGI,stopFGI,startCC,stopCC,startRecon,deleteLD" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 22 } badBlocksExist OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "0 = LD bad block table is empty, 1 = LD bad block table is not empty" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 23 } defaultPSPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Power Savings policy set for this LD.Values:controller default power saving policy=0, AUTO=1, MAX=2, MAX with no cache=6, NONE=255" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 24 } currentPSPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Power Savings policy set for this LD.Values:controller default power saving policy=0, AUTO=1, MAX=2, MAX with no cache=6, NONE=255" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 25 } breakMirror OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Break Mirror Policy set for this LD.Values:1=break mirror is allowed, 0=break mirror not is allowed" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 26 } joinMirror OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Join Mirror policy set for this LD.Values:1=join mirror is allowed, 0=join mirror not is allowed" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 27 } mirrorPdInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Mirror Info Property give the Information about mirror of PD and PD state respectively." ::= { virtualDriveEntry 28 } vdPiType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive protection type . No SAS protection type used(0) ,SAS PI Type 1(1) ,SAS PI Type 2(2) ,SAS PI Type 3(3) ,Reserved SAS PI Type 4(4) ,Reserved SAS PI Type 5(5) ,Reserved SAS PI Type 6(6) ,Reserved SAS PI Type 7(7) ,SAS PI Type 8(8)." ::= { virtualDriveEntry 29 } mirrorDataSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Total Space used for mirrorData or Parity information" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 30 } cacheCadeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "0= Non-CacheCade VD, 1= CacheCade Type is Read & Write, 2= CacheCade Type is Read only, 3= R1-EC" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 31 } currentWritePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Current write policy settings. Values: WriteBack, WriteThrough, AlwaysWriteBack" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 32 } defaultWritePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Default write policy settings. Values: WriteBack, WriteThrough, AlwaysWriteBack" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 33 } associatedVD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This property gives the Information about VD is Cached or VD is not cached." ::= { virtualDriveEntry 34 } hostAccessPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This property gives the Host Access Policy" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 35 } guid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This property gives the LD GUID." ::= { virtualDriveEntry 36 } fastPathWBEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "0= FastPathWB disabled, not a Raptor like LD, 1= FastPathWB enabled, Raptor like LD" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 37 } peerHasNoAccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Peer can't access this shared ld, not applicable for exclusive LD" ::= { virtualDriveEntry 38 } --VD Span vdSpanInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VDSpanInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of span Entries containing Information/Properties vd span." ::= { vdInfo 3 } vdSpanInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VDSpanInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the vdSpan Table." INDEX { spanID } ::= { vdSpanInfoTable 1 } VDSpanInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { spanID INTEGER, vdID-VSIT INTEGER, startBlock INTEGER, numBlocks DisplayString, vdSpanArrayRef INTEGER, adapterID-VSIT INTEGER } spanID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The unique Span ID" ::= { vdSpanInfoEntry 1 } vdID-VSIT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The Virtual Device ID" ::= { vdSpanInfoEntry 2 } startBlock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Span physical disk starting block" ::= { vdSpanInfoEntry 3 } numBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Span physical disk block count" ::= { vdSpanInfoEntry 4 } vdSpanArrayRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Array reference (index)" ::= { vdSpanInfoEntry 5 } adapterID-VSIT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Adapter ID" ::= { vdSpanInfoEntry 6 } --------------- arrayInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {virtualDevice 4} arrayNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The present number of rows in the array table." ::= { arrayInfo 1 } arrayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ArrayEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of array Entries containing Information/Properties about the arrays." ::= { arrayInfo 2 } arrayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArrayEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the array Table." INDEX { arrayID } ::= { arrayTable 1 } ArrayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { arrayID INTEGER, arraySize INTEGER, arrayNumDrives INTEGER, arrayRef INTEGER, pdList DisplayString, adapterID-AT INTEGER } -- defines for each attribute in PhysicaldriveEntry arrayID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The unique array ID" ::= { arrayEntry 1 } arraySize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Size in MB" ::= { arrayEntry 2 } arrayNumDrives OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of drives for this array" ::= { arrayEntry 3 } arrayRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Tag for the array" ::= { arrayEntry 4 } pdList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Space separated Physical Drive identification. e.g. {devID devID devID} etc " ::= { arrayEntry 5 } adapterID-AT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Adapter ID." ::= { arrayEntry 6 } --------------- spareInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {virtualDevice 5} spareDevNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The present number of rows in the sparepool table." ::= { spareInfo 1 } spareTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SpareEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of sparepool Entries containing Information/Properties about the spare drive" ::= { spareInfo 2 } spareEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SpareEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the sparepool Table." INDEX { spareID } ::= { spareTable 1 } SpareEntry ::= SEQUENCE { spareID INTEGER, deviceIdentification INTEGER, spareType DisplayString, arrayCount INTEGER, arrayIDs DisplayString, adapterID-ST INTEGER } -- defines for each attribute in PhysicaldriveEntry spareID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The unique Device ID" ::= { spareEntry 1 } deviceIdentification OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The unique Device ID" ::= { spareEntry 2 } spareType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Spare type. isDedicated(0/1)isRevertible(0/1)isEnclAffinity(0/1). 1 implies particular feature is enable and 0 represent feature is disable." ::= { spareEntry 3 } arrayCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The number of arrays to which the Physical Drive can be dedicated" ::= { spareEntry 4 } arrayIDs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Comma separated array ids. e.g. 2,4,5 etc " ::= { spareEntry 5 } adapterID-ST OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Adapter ID." ::= { spareEntry 6 } -- Enclosure Information. enclosureInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lsiRAIDServer 5} enclosureNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The present number of rows in the enclosure table." ::= { enclosureInfo 1 } enclosureTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnclosureEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of Enclosure Entries containing Information/Properties about the enclosures in the system." ::= { enclosureInfo 2 } enclosureEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the enclosure table." INDEX { enclosureID } ::= { enclosureTable 1 } EnclosureEntry ::= SEQUENCE { enclosureID INTEGER, deviceId INTEGER, enclosureIndex INTEGER, slotCount INTEGER, psCount INTEGER, fanCount INTEGER, tempSensorCount INTEGER, alarmCount INTEGER, simCount INTEGER, isFault INTEGER, pdCount INTEGER, pdIds DisplayString, adapterID-ET INTEGER, pdCountSpinup60 INTEGER, enclosureType INTEGER, enclFirmwareVersion DisplayString, enclSerialNumber DisplayString, vendorID DisplayString, productID DisplayString, eSMSerialNumber DisplayString, eSMFRU DisplayString, enclosureZoningMode DisplayString, eSMFRUPartInfo DisplayString } -- defines for each attribute in EnclosureEntry enclosureID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "EnclosureID for this enclosure.(Unique)" ::= { enclosureEntry 1 } deviceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enclosure device Id." ::= { enclosureEntry 2 } enclosureIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Firmware internal enclosure index" ::= { enclosureEntry 3 } slotCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of slots" ::= { enclosureEntry 4 } psCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of power supplies" ::= { enclosureEntry 5 } fanCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of fans" ::= { enclosureEntry 6 } tempSensorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of temperature sensors" ::= { enclosureEntry 7 } alarmCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of alarms" ::= { enclosureEntry 8 } simCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of SIM modules" ::= { enclosureEntry 9 } isFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enclosure has entered a FAULT state or not. Values: false(0),true(1)" ::= { enclosureEntry 10 } pdCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of physical drives present" ::= { enclosureEntry 11 } pdIds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Physical drive deviceIds space separated." ::= { enclosureEntry 12 } adapterID-ET OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Adapter ID." ::= { enclosureEntry 13 } pdCountSpinup60 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Number of drives that can spun up in 60 sec." ::= { enclosureEntry 14 } enclosureType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Information about type of enclosure : 0= UNKNOWN ,1= SAFTE ,2=SES ,3= SGPIO." ::= { enclosureEntry 15 } enclFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Information about enclosure FW Version" ::= { enclosureEntry 16 } enclSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enclosure Serial Number" ::= { enclosureEntry 17 } vendorID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enclosure Vendor ID" ::= { enclosureEntry 18 } productID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enclosure Product ID" ::= { enclosureEntry 19 } eSMSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "IBM Enclosure ESM Serial Number" ::= { enclosureEntry 20 } eSMFRU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Information about IBM Enclosure ESM FRU" ::= { enclosureEntry 21 } enclosureZoningMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enclosure IBM Zoning Mode" ::= { enclosureEntry 22 } eSMFRUPartInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Information about IBM Enclosure ESM FRU Part" ::= { enclosureEntry 23 } ---------------------- enclosureFanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnclosureFanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of fan Entries containing Information/Properties about the enclosureFan." ::= { enclosureInfo 3 } enclosureFanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureFanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the enclosureFan table." INDEX { fanID } ::= { enclosureFanTable 1 } EnclosureFanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fanID INTEGER, enclosureId INTEGER, fanStatus INTEGER } -- defines for each attribute in EnclosureEntry fanID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "ID for this EnclosureFan.(Unique)" ::= { enclosureFanEntry 1 } enclosureId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enclosure ID where the fan is attached" ::= { enclosureFanEntry 2 } fanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ status-invalid(1), status-ok(2), status-critical(3), status-nonCritical(4), status-unrecoverable(5), status-not-installed(6), status-unknown(7), status-not-available(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "status of the fan" ::= { enclosureFanEntry 3 } ---------------------- enclosureSlotTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnclosureSlotEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of slot Entries containing Information/Properties about the enclosure slots." ::= { enclosureInfo 4 } enclosureSlotEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureSlotEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the enclosureSlot table." INDEX { slotID } ::= { enclosureSlotTable 1 } EnclosureSlotEntry ::= SEQUENCE { slotID INTEGER, enclosureId-EST INTEGER, slotStatus INTEGER } -- defines for each attribute in EnclosureEntry slotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "ID for this slot.(Unique)" ::= { enclosureSlotEntry 1 } enclosureId-EST OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "enclosure ID" ::= { enclosureSlotEntry 2 } slotStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ status-invalid(1), status-ok(2), status-critical(3), status-nonCritical(4), status-unrecoverable(5), status-not-installed(6), status-unknown(7), status-not-available(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "status of the device" ::= { enclosureSlotEntry 3 } ---------------------- enclosurePowerSupplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnclosurePowerSupplyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of powerSupply Entries containing Information/Properties about the enclosure powerSupply" ::= { enclosureInfo 5 } enclosurePowerSupplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosurePowerSupplyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the powerSupply table." INDEX { powerSupplyID } ::= { enclosurePowerSupplyTable 1 } EnclosurePowerSupplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { powerSupplyID INTEGER, enclosureId-EPST INTEGER, powerSupplyStatus INTEGER } -- defines for each attribute in EnclosureEntry powerSupplyID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "ID for this powerSupply.(Unique)" ::= { enclosurePowerSupplyEntry 1 } enclosureId-EPST OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enclosure id for the powerSupply" ::= { enclosurePowerSupplyEntry 2 } powerSupplyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ status-invalid(1), status-ok(2), status-critical(3), status-nonCritical(4), status-unrecoverable(5), status-not-installed(6), status-unknown(7), status-not-available(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Status of the power Supply" ::= { enclosurePowerSupplyEntry 3 } ---------------------- enclosureTempSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnclosureTempSensorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of TempSensor Entries containing Information/Properties about the enclosure TempSensor" ::= { enclosureInfo 6 } enclosureTempSensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureTempSensorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the adapter table." INDEX { tempSensorID } ::= { enclosureTempSensorTable 1 } EnclosureTempSensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tempSensorID INTEGER, enclosureId-ETST INTEGER, tempSensorStatus INTEGER, enclosureTemperature INTEGER } -- defines for each attribute in EnclosureEntry tempSensorID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "ID for this TempSensor.(Unique)" ::= { enclosureTempSensorEntry 1 } enclosureId-ETST OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enclosure id for this TempSensor" ::= { enclosureTempSensorEntry 2 } tempSensorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ status-invalid(1), status-ok(2), status-critical(3), status-nonCritical(4), status-unrecoverable(5), status-not-installed(6), status-unknown(7), status-not-available(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Status of the Temparature Sensor" ::= { enclosureTempSensorEntry 3 } enclosureTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Current temperature in degree Centigrade" ::= { enclosureTempSensorEntry 4 } ---------------------- enclosureAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnclosureAlarmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of Alarm Entries containing Information/Properties about enclosure Alarms" ::= { enclosureInfo 7 } enclosureAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureAlarmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the enclosureAlarm table." INDEX { alarmID } ::= { enclosureAlarmTable 1 } EnclosureAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { alarmID INTEGER, enclosureId-EAT INTEGER, alarmStatus INTEGER } -- defines for each attribute in EnclosureAlarmEntry alarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "ID for this Alarm.(Unique)" ::= { enclosureAlarmEntry 1 } enclosureId-EAT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enclosure id where the Alarm is attached" ::= { enclosureAlarmEntry 2 } alarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ status-invalid(1), status-ok(2), status-critical(3), status-nonCritical(4), status-unrecoverable(5), status-not-installed(6), status-unknown(7), status-not-available(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Status of the alarm" ::= { enclosureAlarmEntry 3 } ---------------------- enclosureSIMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnclosureSIMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "A List of SIM Entries containing Information/Properties about enclosure SIMs" ::= { enclosureInfo 8 } enclosureSIMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureSIMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Entry in the enclosureSIM table." INDEX { simID } ::= { enclosureSIMTable 1 } EnclosureSIMEntry ::= SEQUENCE { simID INTEGER, enclosureId-ESIT INTEGER, simStatus INTEGER } -- defines for each attribute in EnclosureEntry simID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "ID for this SIM.(Unique)" ::= { enclosureSIMEntry 1 } enclosureId-ESIT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Inclosure ID where the SIM is attached" ::= { enclosureSIMEntry 2 } simStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ status-invalid(1), status-ok(2), status-critical(3), status-nonCritical(4), status-unrecoverable(5), status-not-installed(6), status-unknown(7), status-not-available(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Status of the SIM" ::= { enclosureSIMEntry 3 } -------------------------------Traps-------------------------------------------- adapterTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lsiRAIDServer 6} -- Following are the Objects defined for Traps atAdpNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Adapter ID for which Trap is generated." ::= { adapterTraps 1001 } atAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Alarm disabled/enabled. Values: disabled(0),enabled(1)" ::= { adapterTraps 1002 } atRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "BGI/Check Consistency/Rebuild/Patrol Read/Reconstruction Rate" ::= { adapterTraps 1003 } atFlashImageName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Flash Image Name" ::= { adapterTraps 1004 } atID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "ID" ::= { adapterTraps 1005 } clustCtrlpropReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Resetting controller property" ::= { adapterTraps 1006 } -- Following are the trap definitions, which use variables defined -- within the object lsiRaidMib. adpAlarmStateEnabled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Alarm has been enabled by user for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Alarm Enabled" --#SUMMARY "Alarm has been enabled by user for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8001 adpBGIRateChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atRate, atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Background initialization rate changed to $1 for Adapter $2" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Background Initialization Rate Changed" --#SUMMARY "Background Initialization Rate changed to %d for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8002 adpCacheDiscarded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Controller $1 cache discarded due to memory/battery problems" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Controller Cache Discarded" --#SUMMARY "Controller %d cache discarded due to memory/battery problems" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY FATAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8003 adpCacheRebootCantRecover TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Unable to recover cache data due to configuration mismatch for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Unable to Recover Cache data" --#SUMMARY "Unable to recover Cache Data due to configuration mismatch for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY FATAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8004 adpCacheRebootRecover TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Cache data recovered successfully for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap:Cache Recovered" --#SUMMARY "Cache Data Recovered for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8005 adpCacheVersionMismatch TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Controller cache discarded due to firmware version incompatibility for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Controller Cache Discarded" --#SUMMARY "Controller Cache Discarded due to Firmware version incompatibility for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY FATAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8006 adpCCRateChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atRate, atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Consistency Check rate changed to $1 for Adapter $2" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Consistency Check Rate changed" --#SUMMARY "Consistency Check Rate changed to %d for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8007 adpFlashBadImage TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Flash downloaded image corrupted for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Flash Download Image corrupted" --#SUMMARY "Flash download image corrupted for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8008 adpFlashEraseError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Flash erase error for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Flash Erase Error" --#SUMMARY "Flash erase error for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8009 adpFlashEraseTimeout TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Flash timeout during erase for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Flash Timeout during Erase" --#SUMMARY "Flash Timeout during Erase for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8010 adpFlashGeneralError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Flash error for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Flash Error" --#SUMMARY "General Flash Error occurred for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8011 adpFlashImage TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atFlashImageName, atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Flashing image: $1 for Adapter $2" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Flashing Image" --#SUMMARY "Flashing Image %s for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8012 adpFlashOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Flash of new firmware image(s)complete for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Flash of Firmware Image Complete" --#SUMMARY "Flash of Firmware Image complete for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8013 adpFlashProgramError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Flash programming error for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Flash programming Error" --#SUMMARY "Flash programming error for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8014 adpFlashProgramTimeout TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Flash timeout during programming for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Flash timeout" --#SUMMARY "Flash timeout during programming for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8015 adpLogCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Event log cleared for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Event Log cleared" --#SUMMARY "Event log cleared for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8016 adpLogWrapped TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Event log wrapped for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Event log wrapped" --#SUMMARY "Event log wrapped for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8017 adpPatrolReadComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Patrol Read complete for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Patrol Read complete" --#SUMMARY "Patrol Read complete for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8018 adpPatrolReadPaused TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Patrol Read paused for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Patrol Read paused" --#SUMMARY "Patrol Read paused for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8019 adpPatrolReadResumed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Patrol Read resumed for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Patrol Read resumed" --#SUMMARY "Patrol Read resumed for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8020 adpPatrolReadStarted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Patrol Read started for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Patrol Read Started" --#SUMMARY "Patrol Read started for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8021 adpShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Shutdown command received for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Shutdown command received" --#SUMMARY "Shutdown command received for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8022 adpHibernate TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Hibernate command received for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Hibernate command received" --#SUMMARY "Hibernate command received for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8023 adpCrash TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Fatal error received for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Fatal Error received" --#SUMMARY "Fatal error received for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8024 adpRRChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atRate, atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Rebuild rate changed to $1 for Adapter $2" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Rebuild Rate changed" --#SUMMARY "Rebuild Rate changed to %d for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8025 adpPRRateChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atRate, atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Patrol Read rate changed to $1 for Adapter $2" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Patrol Read Rate changed" --#SUMMARY "Patrol Read Rate changed to %d for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8026 adpAlarmStateDisabled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Alarm has been disabled by user for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Alarm disabled" --#SUMMARY "Alarm disabled by user for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8027 adpConfigCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Configuration cleared for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Configuration cleared" --#SUMMARY "Configuration cleared for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8028 adpReconRateChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atRate, atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Reconstruction rate changed to $1 for Adapter $2" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Reconstruction Rate changed" --#SUMMARY "Reconstruction Rate changed to %d for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8029 adpDefault TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Factory defaults restored for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Factory defaults restored" --#SUMMARY "Factory defaults restored for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8030 -- bbu trap---------- bbuPresent TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery Present for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery present" --#SUMMARY "Battery Present for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8031 bbuNotPresent TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery Not Present for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery not present" --#SUMMARY "Battery not Present for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8032 bbuNewBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "New Battery Detected for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: New Battery detected" --#SUMMARY "New Battery Detected for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8033 bbuReplaced TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery has been replaced for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery replaced" --#SUMMARY "Battery has been replaced for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8034 bbuTempHigh TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery temperature is high for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery temperature high" --#SUMMARY "Battery Temperature is high for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8035 bbuVoltageLow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery voltage low for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery voltage low" --#SUMMARY "Battery voltage low for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8036 bbuCharging TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery started charging for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery started charging" --#SUMMARY "Battery started charging for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8037 bbuDisCharging TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery is discharging for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery discharging" --#SUMMARY "Battery is discharging for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8038 bbuTempNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery temperature is normal for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery temperature normal" --#SUMMARY "Battery temperature is normal for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8039 bbuReplace TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery needs replacement, SOH Bad for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery needs replacement" --#SUMMARY "Battery needs replacement for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY FATAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8040 bbuRelearnStarted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery relearn started for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery relearn started" --#SUMMARY "Battery Relearn started for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8041 bbuRelearnProgress TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery relearn in progress for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery relearn in progress" --#SUMMARY "Battery Relearn in progress for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8042 bbuRelearnComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery relearn completed for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery relearn completed" --#SUMMARY "Battery Relearn completed for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8043 bbuRelearnTimeout TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery relearn timed out for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery relearn timed out" --#SUMMARY "Battery Relearn timed out for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8044 bbuRelearnPending TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery relearn pending: Battery is under charge for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery relearn pending" --#SUMMARY "Battery Relearn pending: Battery is under charge for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8045 bbuRelearnPostponed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery relearn postponed for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery relearn postponed" --#SUMMARY "Battery Relearn postponed for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8046 bbuRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery removed for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery removed" --#SUMMARY "Battery removed for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8047 bbuCapacityLow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Current capacity of the battery is below threshold for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Current capacity below threshold" --#SUMMARY "Current capacity of the battery is below threshold for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8048 bbuCapacityAbove TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Current capacity of the battery is above threshold for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Current capacity above threshold" --#SUMMARY "Current capacity of the battery is above threshold for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8049 bbuFRUChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Bbu FRU for Adapter $1 changed" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Bbu FRU Changed" --#SUMMARY "Bbu FRU changed for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8050 revisionIdentifierChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Revision Identifier for Adapter $1 changed" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Revision Identifier Changed" --#SUMMARY "Revision Identifier changed for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8051 adpLockKeyCreated TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Drive security key created for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Drive security key created" --#SUMMARY "Drive security key created for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8052 adpLockKeyBackedup TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Drive security key backed up for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Drive security key backed up" --#SUMMARY "Drive security key backed up for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8053 adpLockKeyVerifiedEscrow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Drive security key from escrow, verified for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Drive security key from escrow, verified" --#SUMMARY "Drive security key from escrow, verified for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8054 adpLockKeyRekeyed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Drive security key changed for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Drive security key changed" --#SUMMARY "Drive security key changed for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8055 adpLockKeyRekeyFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Drive security key, re-key operation failed for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Drive security key, re-key operation failed" --#SUMMARY "Drive security key, re-key operation failed for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8056 adpLockKeyInvalid TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Drive security key is invalid for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Drive security key is invalid" --#SUMMARY "Drive security key is invalid for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8057 adpLockKeyDestroyed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Drive security key destroyed for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Drive security key destroyed" --#SUMMARY "Drive security key destroyed for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8058 adpEscrowKeyInvalid TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Drive security key from escrow is invalid for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Drive security key from escrow is invalid" --#SUMMARY "Drive security key from escrow is invalid for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8059 adpLockKeyFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Drive security key failure, cannot access secured configuration for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Drive security key failure, cannot access secured configuration" --#SUMMARY "Drive security key failure, cannot access secured configuration for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8060 bbuChargeDisabled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery charging was suspended due to high battery temperature on Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery Charge Disabled" --#SUMMARY "Battery charging was suspended due to high battery temperature on Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8061 bbuMicrocodeUpdated TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery NVCache firmware update was successful on Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery Microcode Updated" --#SUMMARY "Battery NVCache firmware update was successful on Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8062 bbuMicrocodeUpdateFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Battery NVCache firmware update failed on Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Battery Microcode Update Failed" --#SUMMARY "Battery NVCache firmware update failed on Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8063 haNodeJoin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber} DESCRIPTION "Peer controller entered HA Domain at Adapter -$1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Peer controller has joined HA domain" --#SUMMARY "Peer controller entered HA Domain at Adapter -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8064 haNodeBreak TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber} DESCRIPTION "Peer controller exited HA Domain at Adapter -$1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Peer controller has left HA domain" --#SUMMARY "Peer controller exited HA Domain at Adapter -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8065 haPeerIncompatible TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps DESCRIPTION "Peer controller settings are incompatible" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Peer controller is incompatible" --#SUMMARY "Peer controller settings are incompatible" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8066 haCtrlpropIncompatible TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps DESCRIPTION "Controller property mismatch detected with Peer controller" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Controller properties are incompatible with peer's" --#SUMMARY "Controller property mismatch detected with Peer controller" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8067 haFWVersionMismatch TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps DESCRIPTION "FW version does not match Peer controller" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: FW versions of the cluster nodes do not match" --#SUMMARY "FW version does not match Peer controller" --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8068 haCacheMirrorOnline TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps DESCRIPTION "Cache mirroring is online" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: HA cache mirror is online" --#SUMMARY "Cache mirroring is online" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8069 haCacheMirrorOffline TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps DESCRIPTION "Cache mirroring is offline" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: HA cache mirror is offline" --#SUMMARY "Cache mirroring is offline" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8070 adpPropChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Controller properties changed for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Controller properties changed" --#SUMMARY "Controller properties changed for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8071 adpResetNowStart TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Controller reset requested by host for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Controller reset requested by host" --#SUMMARY "Controller reset requested by host for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8072 adpResetNowDone TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Controller reset requested by host, completed for Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Controller reset requested by host, completed" --#SUMMARY "Controller reset requested by host, completed for Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8073 peerControllerKeyMismatch TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps DESCRIPTION "Peer controller security key mismatch" --#TYPE "Peer controller security key mismatch" --#SUMMARY "Peer controller security key mismatch" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8074 peerControllerKeyMatch TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps DESCRIPTION "Peer controller security key match" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Peer controller security key match" --#SUMMARY "Peer controller security key match" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8075 cfgAutoCreated TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adapterTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber } DESCRIPTION "Configuration automatically created on Adapter $1" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Configuration automatically created on Adapter" --#SUMMARY "Configuration automatically created on Adapter %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8077 ---------------vd trap---------- vdTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lsiRAIDServer 7} vdNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "vd Target ID for which Trap is generated." ::= { vdTraps 1101 } vdSeq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "vd Sequence no for which Trap is generated." ::= { vdTraps 1102 } vdProg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "progress %" ::= { vdTraps 1103 } vdCachePolicyChangeReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "VD cache policy." ::= { vdTraps 1104 } vdNewState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Virtual Drive state. Values are: offline(0),partially-degraded(1),degraded(2),optimal(3)" ::= { vdTraps 1105 } vdOldState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Virtual Drive state. Values are: offline(0),partially-degraded(1),degraded(2),optimal(3)" ::= { vdTraps 1106 } isRemote OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "HA cluster locale: 0=local, 1=remote (at peer)" ::= { vdTraps 1107 } -- Following are the trap definitions, which use variables defined -- within the object lsiRaidMib. vdtBGIAborted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "BGI aborted on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: BGI aborted" --#SUMMARY "BGI aborted on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8101 vdtBGICompleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "BGI completed on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: BGI completed" --#SUMMARY "BGI completed on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8102 vdtBGIDoneWR TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "BGI completed with uncorrectable errors on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: BGI completed with uncorrectble errors" --#SUMMARY "BGI completed with uncorrectable errors on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8103 vdtBGIFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "BGI failed on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: BGI failed" --#SUMMARY "BGI failed on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8104 vdtBGIStarted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "BGI started on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: BGI started" --#SUMMARY "BGI started on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8105 vdtCCStarted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "CC started on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: CC started" --#SUMMARY "CC started on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8107 vdtCCCompleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "CC completed on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: CC completed" --#SUMMARY "CC completed on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8108 vdtCCFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "CC failed on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: CC failed" --#SUMMARY "CC failed on Adapter -%d VD Target-%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8109 vdtCCAborted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "CC aborted on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: CC aborted" --#SUMMARY "CC aborted on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8110 vdtCCCompCor TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "CC completed with correction on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: CC completed with correction" --#SUMMARY "CC completed with correction on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8111 vdtInitAborted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Initialization aborted on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Initialization aborted" --#SUMMARY "Initialization aborted on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8112 vdtInitFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Initialization failed on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Initialization failed" --#SUMMARY "Initialization failed on Adapter -%d VD Target-%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8113 vdtInitCompleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Initialization completed on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Initialization completed" --#SUMMARY "Initialization completed on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8114 vdtInitFastStarted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Fast Initialization started on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Fast Initialization started" --#SUMMARY "Fast Initialization started on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8115 vdtInitFullStarted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Full Initialization started on Adapter-$1 VD Target-$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Full Initialization started" --#SUMMARY "Full Initialization started on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8116 vdtReconStarted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Reconstruction started on Adapter-$1 VD Target-$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Reconstruction started" --#SUMMARY "Reconstruction started on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8117 vdtReconCompleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Reconstruction completed on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Reconstruction completed" --#SUMMARY "Reconstruction completed on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8118 vdtReconResumed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Reconstruction resumed on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Reconstruction resumed" --#SUMMARY "Reconstruction resumed on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8119 vdtReconStopped TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Reconstruction stopped on Adapter-$1 VD Target-$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Reconstruction stopped" --#SUMMARY "Reconstruction stopped on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY FATAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8120 vdtStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber, vdOldState, vdNewState} DESCRIPTION "VD state changed on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 from $3 to $4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: VD state changed" --#SUMMARY "VD state changed on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d from %d to %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8121 vdtCreated TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "A new VD created on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: New VD created" --#SUMMARY "A new VD created on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8122 vdtDeleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "A VD deleted on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: VD deleted" --#SUMMARY "A VD deleted on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8123 vdtSecured TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "VD is now secured. Adapter -$1 VD Targt -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: VD is now secured" --#SUMMARY "VD is now secured. Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8124 vdtPartiallySecured TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "VD is partially secured. Adapter -$1 VD Targt -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: VD is partially secured" --#SUMMARY "VD is partially secured. Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8125 vdtBbmLogCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "VD bad block table cleared on Adapter -$1 VD Targt -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: VD bad block table is cleared" --#SUMMARY "VD bad block table cleared on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8126 vdtERASEAborted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "LD Erase aborted on aborted on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: LD Erase aborted" --#SUMMARY "LD Erase aborted on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8127 vdtERASECompleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "LD Erase completed on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: LD Erase completed" --#SUMMARY "LD Erase completed on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8128 vdtERASEFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "LD Erase failed on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: LD Erase failed" --#SUMMARY "LD Erase failed on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8129 vdtERASEStarted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "LD Erase started on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: LD Erase started" --#SUMMARY "LD Erase started on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8130 vdtSSCDISASSOCIATEStarted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "CacheCade(TM) disassociate started on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: CacheCade(TM) disassociate started" --#SUMMARY "CacheCade(TM) disassociate started on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8131 vdtSSCDISASSOCIATECompleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "CacheCade(TM) disassociate completed on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: CacheCade(TM) disassociate completed" --#SUMMARY "CacheCade(TM) disassociate completed on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8132 vdtSSCDISASSOCIATEFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "CacheCade(TM) disassociate failed on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: CacheCade(TM) disassociate failed" --#SUMMARY "CacheCade(TM) disassociate failed on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8133 vdtSSCDISASSOCIATEAborted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "CacheCade(TM) disassociate aborted by user on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: CacheCade(TM) disassociate aborted" --#SUMMARY "CacheCade(TM) disassociate aborted by user on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8134 vdtACCESSBLOCKEDSSCOFFLINE TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Access blocked as cached data in CacheCade(TM) is unavailable on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: ACCESS BLOCKED SSC OFFLINE" --#SUMMARY "access blocked as cached data in CacheCade(TM) is unavailable on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY FATAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8135 haLDIsRemote TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Peer controller now manages LD on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: LD is managed by peer controller" --#SUMMARY "Peer controller now manages VD on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8136 haLDIsLocal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Local controller now manages VD on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: LD is managed by local controller" --#SUMMARY "Local controller now manages VD on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8137 haLDTargetIDConflict TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Target ID conflict detected. VD on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3 access is restricted from Peer controller" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: LD has a conflict in HA domain" --#SUMMARY "Target ID conflict detected. VD on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d access is restricted from Peer controller" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8138 haLDAccessShared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Shared access set for VD on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: LD access is shared" --#SUMMARY "Shared access set for VD on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8139 haLDAccessExclusive TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Exclusive access set for VD on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: LD access is exclusive" --#SUMMARY "Exclusive access set for VD on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8140 haLDIncompatible TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3 is incompatible in the HA domain" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: LD is incompatible in the HA domain" --#SUMMARY "Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d is incompatible in the HA domain" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8141 vdAccessBlockedPeerUnavailable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Cached data from peer controller is unavailable. LD on Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3 access policy is set to Blocked" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: LD access blocked as cached data from peer controller is unavailable" --#SUMMARY "Cached data from peer controller is unavailable. LD on Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d access policy is set to Blocked" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY FATAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8142 haLDCompatible TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,vdNumber,isRemote} DESCRIPTION "Adapter -$1 VD Target -$2 Remote VD -$3 is compatible in the HA domain" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: LD is compatible in the HA domain" --#SUMMARY "Adapter -%d VD Target -%d Remote VD -%d is compatible in the HA domain" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8143 ---------------vd trap---------- pdTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lsiRAIDServer 8} pdID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Device ID for which Trap is generated." ::= { pdTraps 1201 } pdEncIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enclosure index(0 means not within an enclosure) for which Trap is generated." ::= { pdTraps 1202 } pdSlotNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Slot no for the enclosure" ::= { pdTraps 1203 } pdNewState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Physical Drive state. Values are: unconfigured-good(0),unconfigured-bad(1),hot-spare(2),offline(16),failed(17),rebuild(20),online(24),copyback(32),system(64)" ::= { pdTraps 1204 } pdOldState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Physical Drive state. Values are: unconfigured-good(0),unconfigured-bad(1),hot-spare(2),offline(16),failed(17),rebuild(20),online(24),copyback(32),system(64)" ::= { pdTraps 1205 } pdEnclDeviceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enclosure Device ID for which Trap is generated." ::= { pdTraps 1206 } pdSASAdd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Device SAS addresses. Comma separeted for multiple address." ::= { pdTraps 1207 } pdPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "PD path." ::= { pdTraps 1208 } pdFRU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "PD FRU for which trap is generated." ::= { pdTraps 1209 } pdNewPowerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "New Power Status Of the Device.Values are device is active(0),device is stopped(1),device is transitioning between power states(255)" ::= { pdTraps 1210 } -- Following are the trap definitions, which use variables defined -- within the object lsiRaidMib. pdtClearAborted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo } DESCRIPTION "Physical Drive Clear aborted on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Physical Drive Clear aborted" --#SUMMARY "Physical Drive Clear aborted on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot-%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8201 pdtClearFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo } DESCRIPTION " Physical Drive Clear failed on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Physical Drive Clear failed" --#SUMMARY "Physical Drive Clear failed on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8202 pdtClearStarted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo } DESCRIPTION " Physical Drive Clear started on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Physical Drive Clear started" --#SUMMARY "Physical Drive Clear started on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8203 pdtClearCompleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES { atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo } DESCRIPTION " Physical Drive Clear completed on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Physical Drive Clear completed" --#SUMMARY "Physical Drive Clear completed on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8204 pdtError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "Error occurred on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Error occurred" --#SUMMARY "Error occurred on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8205 pdtFormatStart TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION " Physical Drive format started on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Physical Drive Format started" --#SUMMARY "Physical Drive Format started on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8206 pdtFormatCompleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION " Physical Drive format completed on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Physical Drive Format completed" --#SUMMARY "Physical Drive Format completed on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8207 pdtInserted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "PD inserted on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Physical Drive inserted" --#SUMMARY "PD inserted on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8208 pdtRblAborted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "Rebuild aborted on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Rebuild aborted" --#SUMMARY "Rebuild aborted on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8209 pdtRblCompleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "Rebuild completed on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Rebuild completed" --#SUMMARY "Rebuild completed on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8210 pdtRblFailedBS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "Rebuild failed(bad source) on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Rebuild failed(bad source)" --#SUMMARY "Rebuild failed(bad source) on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8211 pdtRblFailedBT TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "Rebuild failed(bad target) on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Rebuild failed(bad target)" --#SUMMARY "Rebuild failed(bad target) on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8212 pdtRblStart TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "Rebuild started on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Rebuild started" --#SUMMARY "Rebuild started on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8213 pdtRblResumed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "Rebuild resumed on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Rebuild resumed" --#SUMMARY "Rebuild resumed on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8214 pdtRblStartA TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "Rebuild started(auto) on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Rebuild started(auto)" --#SUMMARY "Rebuild started(auto) on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8215 pdtRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION " Physical Drive removed on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Physical Drive removed" --#SUMMARY "Physical Drive removed on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8216 pdtStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo, pdOldState, pdNewState} DESCRIPTION "PD state changed on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4 from $5 to $6" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD state changed" --#SUMMARY "PD state changed on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d from %d to %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3,4,5} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8217 pdtRedundantPathBroken TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo,pdEnclDeviceId,pdSASAdd} DESCRIPTION " Redundant Path Broken For Physical Drive on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4 EncDevId -$5 pdSAS -$6" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Redundant Path Broken For Physical Drive " --#SUMMARY "Redundant Path For Physical Drive Broken on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d EncDevId -%d pdSAS -%s" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3,4,5} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8218 pdtRedundantPathRestored TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo,pdEnclDeviceId,pdSASAdd} DESCRIPTION " Redundant Path Restored For Physical Drive on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4 EncDevId -$5 pdSAS -$6" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Redundant Path Restored For Physical Drive " --#SUMMARY "Redundant Path Restored For Physical Drive on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d EncDevId -%d pdSAS -%s" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3,4,5} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8219 pdtRedundantEnclModuleInserted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo,pdEnclDeviceId,pdSASAdd,pdPath} DESCRIPTION " Redundant Encl Modul Inserted on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4 EncDevId -$5 pdSAS -$6 pdpath -$7 " --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Redundant Encl Modul Inserted " --#SUMMARY "Redundant Encl Modul Inserted on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d EncDevId -%d pdSAS -%s pdpath -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8220 pdtRedundantEnclModuleRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo,pdEnclDeviceId,pdSASAdd,pdPath} DESCRIPTION " Redundant Encl Modul Removed on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4 EncDevId -$5 pdSAS -$6 pdpath -$7" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Redundant Encl Modul Removed " --#SUMMARY "Redundant Encl Modul Removed on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d EncDevId -%d pdSAS -%s pdpath -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8221 pdtFRU TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo,pdEnclDeviceId,pdFRU} DESCRIPTION " FRU changed on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4 EncDevId -$5 -FRU $6" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Redundant Encl Modul Removed " --#SUMMARY "FRU changed on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d EncDevId -%d pdFRU -%s" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3,4,5} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8222 pdtSecured TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "PD security activated on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD security activated" --#SUMMARY "PD security activated on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8223 pdtUnsecured TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "PD security disabled on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD security disabled" --#SUMMARY "PD security disabled on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8224 pdtReprovisioned TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "PD is reprovisioned on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD is reprovisioned" --#SUMMARY "PD is reprovisioned on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8225 pdtLockKeyRekeyed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "PD security key changed on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD security key changed" --#SUMMARY "PD security key changed on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8226 pdtSecurityFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "Security subsystem problems detected on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Security subsystem problems detected for the PD" --#SUMMARY "Security subsystem problems detected on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY FATAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8227 pdtPowerStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo,pdNewPowerState} DESCRIPTION " Power State Change on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4 NewPowerState -$5" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Power State Change on the Device" --#SUMMARY "Power State Change on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d NewPowerState -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3,4} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8228 pdtNotSupported TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "PD Not Supported on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD is not supported" --#SUMMARY "PD Not Supported on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8229 pdtNotCertified TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "PD Not Certified on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD is not a certified drive" --#SUMMARY "PD Not Certified on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8230 pdtERASEAborted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "PD Erase aborted on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD Erase aborted" --#SUMMARY "PD Erase aborted on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8231 pdtERASECompleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "PD Erase completed on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD Erase completed" --#SUMMARY "PD Erase completed on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8232 pdtERASEStarted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "PD Erase started on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD Erase started" --#SUMMARY "PD Erase started on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8233 pdtERASEFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "PD Erase Failed on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD Erase Failed" --#SUMMARY "PD Erase Failed on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8234 haPDIsRemote TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "Peer controller now manages PD on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD is managed by peer controller" --#SUMMARY "Peer controller now manages PD on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8235 haPDIsLocal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo} DESCRIPTION "Local controller now manages PD on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD is managed by local controller" --#SUMMARY "Local controller now manages PD on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8236 pdtLOCATEStart TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID} DESCRIPTION "Locate LED started on PD Adapter -$1 PD -$2" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Locate LED started on PD" --#SUMMARY "Local controller now manages PD on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8237 pdtLOCATEStop TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID} DESCRIPTION "Locate LED stopped on PD Adapter -$1 PD -$2" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Locate LED stopped on PD" --#SUMMARY "Locate LED stopped on PD Adapter -$1 PD -$2" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8238 ---------------Enclosure trap---------- enclTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lsiRAIDServer 9} atPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Prot no." ::= { enclTraps 1301 } onPHY OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "PHY no" ::= { enclTraps 1302 } widePortLinkLost TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE enclTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,atPort,onPHY} DESCRIPTION "Link lost on SAS wide port on Adapter -$1 port -$2 PHY -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Link lost on SAS wide port" --#SUMMARY "Link lost on SAS wide port on Adapter -%d port -%d PHY -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8330 widePortLinkRestored TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE enclTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,atPort,onPHY} DESCRIPTION "Link Restored on SAS wide port on Adapter -$1 port -$2 PHY -$3" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Link Restored on SAS wide port" --#SUMMARY "Link Restored on SAS wide port on Adapter -%d port -%d PHY -%d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8331 ---------------PCI trap---------- pciTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lsiRAIDServer 10} pciVendorId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "PCI VendorID" ::= { pciTraps 1501 } pciDeviceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "PCI Device ID" ::= { pciTraps 1502 } pciSubVendorId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "PCI SubVendorID" ::= { pciTraps 1503 } pciSubDeviceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "PCI SubDeviceID" ::= { pciTraps 1504 } haHwIncompatible TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pciTraps DESCRIPTION "Peer Controller hardware is incompatible" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: Controllers in the HA domain are incompatible" --#SUMMARY "Peer Controller hardware is incompatible" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8501 copyrightInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lsiRAIDServer 11} copyright OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..63)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "LSI Corporation" ::= { copyrightInfo 1 } END