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Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name(s) of the above-listed copyright holder(s) nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. hostapd_cli v2.0 Copyright (c) 2004-2012, Jouni Malinen and contributorsCommands: mib get MIB variables (dot1x, dot11, radius) sta get MIB variables for one station all_sta get MIB variables for all stations new_sta add a new station deauthenticate deauthenticate a station disassociate disassociate a station get_config show current configuration help show this usage help interface [ifname] show interfaces/select interface level change debug level license show full hostapd_cli license quit exit hostapd_cliCommands: mib get MIB variables (dot1x, dot11, radius) sta get MIB variables for one station all_sta get MIB variables for all stations new_sta add a new station deauthenticate deauthenticate a station disassociate disassociate a station get_config show current configuration help show this usage help interface [ifname] show interfaces/select interface level change debug level license show full hostapd_cli license quit exit hostapd_cli usage: hostapd_cli [-p] [-i] [-hvB] [-a] \ [-G] [command..] Options: -h help (show this usage text) -v shown version information -p path to find control sockets (default: /var/run/hostapd) -a run in daemon mode executing the action file based on events from hostapd -B run a daemon in the background -i Interface to listen on (default: first interface found in the socket path) %sNot connected to hostapd - command dropped.Invalid SET command: needs two arguments (variable name and value)Could not read pending message.Connection to hostapd lost - trying to reconnectConnection to hostapd re-establishedWarning: Failed to attach to hostapd.hostapd did not reply to PING command - exitingAmbiguous command '%s'; possible commands:Control interface directory '%s' could not be openned. Could not connect to interface '%s' - re-trying Invalid LEVEL command: needs one argument (debug level)Invalid 'disassociate' command - exactly one argument, STA address, is required.Invalid 'deauthenticate' command - exactly one argument, STA address, is required.Invalid 'ess_disassoc' command - two arguments (STA addr and URL) are neededInvalid 'disassoc_imminent' command - two arguments (STA addr and Disassociation Timer) are neededInvalid 'new_sta' command - exactly one argument, STA address, is required.Invalid 'sta' command - exactly one argument, STA address, is required.Invalid GET command: needs one argument (variable name)Failed to connect to hostapd - wpa_ctrl_openCould not connect to hostapd - re-tryingThis software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license. See README for more details. %s %s %s/%s'%s' command timed out. '%s' command failed. SET %s %sToo long SET command.%s %s %sPINGselectPONGUnknown command '%s' Available interfaces:Connected to interface '%s. FAILSTA-FIRSTSTA-NEXT %sLEVEL %sGET_CONFIGDISASSOCIATE %s %sDISASSOCIATE %sDEAUTHENTICATE %s %sDEAUTHENTICATE %sRELOGMIBESS_DISASSOC %s %sDISASSOC_IMMINENT %s %sNEW_STA %sGET %sToo long GET command.a:BhG:i:p:vSelected interface '%s' Connection established. Interactive mode %s %s /var/run/hostapdpingmibrelogall_stanew_stadeauthenticatedisassociatedisassoc_imminentess_disassocget_confighelpinterfacelevellicensequitsetgetÑ+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++c++++++W+++++G/tmp/wpa_ctrl_%d-%dfcntl(ctrl->s, O_NONBLOCK)ATTACHDETACHOK daemonw%u rb/dev/urandomCould not open /dev/urandom.ELOOP: remaining socket: sock=%d eloop_data=%p user_data=%p handler=%peloop: could not process SIGINT or SIGTERM in two seconds. Looks like there is a bug that ends up in a busy loop that prevents clean shutdown. Killing program forcefully. ELOOP: Too long timeout (secs=%u) to ever happen - ignore itELOOP: remaining timeout: %d.%06d eloop_data=%p user_data=%p handler=%p%s - hexdump_ascii(len=%lu): %02x%ld.%06u: %s - hexdump(len=%lu): [NULL] [REMOVED]%s: %s%shostapd_logger: %s%s - hexdump_ascii(len=%lu): [NULL] %s - hexdump_ascii(len=%lu): [REMOVED] wpa_msg: Failed to allocate message bufferwpa_msg_ctrl: Failed to allocate message bufferhostapd_logger: Failed to allocate message bufferhostapd_logger: STA %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x - %sread%s> > %s;Pilx @00Dжl   й(<P hL  4@Hl`0 ,P ,  p 0 ` @ @ 0 D  0, PD x 0 ` 4 H  @ 0H` p@`x@P 4t 00h `8`t$<@xzR|  |F J tx?;*2$"@HTD%C al\C QdAC }(C@FNt E (F G[ A $AFZ AF \IL _E ,8CPDP J sPh`AA FAHs AA AAH zAA AAܳC0^ G &[J<_AA AFF AA AAF hXеdAA AACP AA AAD k AA AAA [ AA AAA 4ԶAC CPr  AAA S AA@