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sourcereceptionnlc---prcexpminauxMax local Rx data rate %5ld Max local Tx data rate %5ld Max remote Rx data rate %5ld Max remote Tx data rate %5ld recipientfor unlimitedfall back to V.8for 10 sfor 20 sfor 30 sfor 40 sfor 1 mfor 2 mfor 3 mfor 4 mfor 6 mfor 8 mfor 12 mfor 16 m%s detected %s sent V92 QCA1d detected %lx V92 QC1d detected %lx V92 QCA1a detected %lx V92 QC1a detected %lx Training progress code %ld Hybrid Delay setup: %s ms Round Trip Delay : %s ms Hybrid Delay : %s ms Rx Signal Level: %s dBm L1/L2 noise ratio: %s dB Timing Offset : %s ppm Frequency Offset: %s Hz Signal/Noise Ratio: %s dB Signal/Echo Ratio: %s dB DC Offset: 0x%lx Total Rx Power: %s dBm %2.2xenableddisabledSeamless Rate Change: %s PCM pad value: %ld dB PCM RBS map: 0x%6.6lx V34 Eql Length: %d V34 Eql Offset: %d PCM Ieec Length: %d PCM Ieec Offset: %d Test checksum = %lx DTMF %c Custom signal %lx ONOFFHook switch %3s Pulse shunt relay %3s Illegal dial modifier: %c Speaker %3s V.24 circuit %3ld ON V.24 circuit %3ld OFFI/O status code %ld AT debug status code%s %ld DTE rate set to %ld default lengthlength = %ld msLAPM test result: %ld LAPM TxFRAME l=%3ld LAPM RxFRAME l=%3ld INFO (ns=%d, nr=%d)RR, nr=%d)RNR, nr=%d)REJ, nr=%d)SREJ, nr=%d)%2x LAPM status %ld MNP status %ld MNP protocol level: %1ld MNP service class: %1ld V80 status %ld transmitreceiveRing Frequency: %6ld Hz Caller ID error %4ld Caller ID: name: %s Caller ID: UK Call Type: %s Caller ID: Origine: %s V8bis +A8R:%ldV8bis sent QCA %lx V8bis sent QC %lx V8bis detected QCA %lx V8bis detected QC %lx V8bis status %ld, value %ld Overcurrent threshold: %ld mAAT Response %ld AT Response: %s AT Command: %s AT Command FRM = %ld Framer mode: %lX Logging started. File: %s %s %ld MB DMA integrity check failedCodec Status: %s Retraining ForcedCodec stoppedCodec restartedConnection Status Info%s %ld : Modulation: %sData rate: %ld / %ld bpsSymbol rate: %ld / %ld HzRetrains requested: %ldRetrains granted: %ldSignal Level: %ld / %ld -dBmRound trip delay: %ld msSNR: %ld dBChar count: %ld / %ldFrame count: %ld / %ldFrame error count: %ld / %ldProtocol: %sFrame size: %ldCompression: %sDisconnect reason: %sDigital modem type: %sUnknown code %ld code # %ld value %ldStatus code %ld, value %ld in UART_init App PID = %d Unknown errorLIN_ERROR_NONELIN_ERROR_FAULTLIN_ERROR_NOMEMLIN_ERROR_NODEVLIN_ERROR_BUSYLIN_ERROR_IOLIN_ERROR_RESTARTSYSLIN_ERROR_AGAINLIN_ERROR_INVALLIN_ERROR_NXIOLIN_ERROR_NOIOCTLCMDLIN_ERROR_PERMLIN_ERROR_PCIBIOS_SET_FAILED#### Val= %xvxd - 16550 break intvxd - modem status intvxd - 16550 report breakLXUARTio_app_tx_count = %dw_count = %dr_count = %dcount = %dWrite count = %d(null) Register 0x%2h = 0x%4h %2h: %4h Register 0x%2h = 0x%4h %2h: %4h SV92A3 registers dump: Page 0: %2h:%4h Page %d: %2h:%2h %2h: %2h %2h: %4h Register 0x%2h = 0x%4h SV92A2 registers dump: %2h: %4h OffHook_W Mercury registers dump: CIOCA: %4h CIOCB: %4h Read dsp ram(%4h): %4h Read register(%2h): %2h OCPEnableSOFTWARE\Agere\SoftModemMercury MerLite registers dump: CIOCA: %4h CIOCB: %4h Read dsp ram(%4h): %4h Read register(%2h): %2h OCPEnableSOFTWARE\Agere\SoftModemMerLiteSilabs Register %2d = %2h Read dsp ram(%4h): %4h Read register(%2h): %2h Si3034 registers dump: %2d: %2h SV92PP registers dump: %2h:%4h %2h:%2h %2h: %2h Page 0: %2h:%4h Page %d: OK %2h:%2h %2h: %2h %8h OK %2h:%4h Perseus Read dsp ram(%4h): %4h Read register(%2h): %2h Read dsp ram(%4h): %4h Read register(%2h): %2h DCOffsetOffHook_WPerLiteDescription Status --------------- ------------ Last Connection %s Initial Transmit Carrier Rate %s Initial Receive Carrier Rate %s Final Transmit Carrier Rate %s Final Receive Carrier Rate %s Protocol Negotiation Result %s Data Compression Result %s Estimated Noise Level %L Estimated Signal/Noise Ratio (dB) %2b Receive Signal Power Level (-dBm) %2b Transmit Signal Power Level (-dBm) %2b Round Trip Delay (msec) %L Near Echo Level (-dBm) %2b Far Echo Level (-dBm) %2b Transmit Frame Count %L Transmit Frame Error Count %L Receive Frame Count %L Receive Frame Error Count %L Retrain by Local Modem %L Retrain by Remote Modem %L Rate Renegotiation by Local Modem %L Rate Renegotiation by Remote Modem %L Call Termination Cause %L Robbed-Bit Signaling %H Digital Loss (dB) %2b Remote Server ID NA Connection Time (sec) %L.%L TELEPHONE NUMBERS: 0 = %s 1 = %s SPECIAL CONFIGURATION REGISTERS: INTERNATIONAL CONFIGURATION REGISTERS: Retrain Attempt Count ExceededFrame Retransmition Count Exceeded +PMHT:(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) +IPR:(0,300,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200,230400,460800,921600) +A8T:(0-10),(64),(64),(0-2),(0-1),(0-1) +A8E:(0-6),(0-5),(1),(0-2),("6"),("1") +ESA:(0-2),(0,1),(0,1),(0,1),(0-2),(0,1),(0-255),(0-255) +ITF:(0-%L),(0-%L),(0-65535) +IBM:(0-7),(0-65535),(0-65535) +IBC:(0-2),(0,1),(0,1),(0,1),(0,1),(0,1),(0,1),(0,1),(0,1),(0,1),(0,1),(0,1),(0,1) 0,"",00000000,00000000,023C1278 1,"T",00800000,003C1630,023C1278 3,"LT",00800000,003C1630,023C1278 5,"SLT",00800000,003C1630,023C1278 0,"Signed PCM",16,0,%D,(0,122-148),0 4,"G.711U",8,0,%D,(0,122-148),0 5,"G.711A",8,0,%D,(0,122-148),0 %3d,"IMA ADPCM",4,0,%D,(0,122-148),0Democratic Republic of the CongoSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesLocal stack frame prefix corrupted!Local stack frame prefix corrupted!Usb_CopyPlayBuf() play dma buffer not in range pDma= %lx gDma= %lx Usb_CopyPlayBuf() play dma not multiple of 96 - ends pDma= %lx gDma= %lx Usb_CopyPlayBuf() invalid TransferObject index %d- ends Usb_CopyPlayBuf() rdptr not same pOldPlayDmabuffer= %lx pPlayDmabuffer= %lx diffptr=%lx Usb_CopyPlayBuf() diffptr= %lx > transferbuffersize= %x Usb_CopyPlayBuf() nSamplesAvailable= %lx > transferbuffersize= %x Number of times Write/Read performed=%d ERR: Control Interface failed ERR: Control Data Buffer NULL %s - failed submitting control urb, error %d%s - failed submitting read urb %d, error %d%s - failed submitting write urb %d, error %d*****USB***** uss_write exit retval %d x_usb_start_dma pRecDmabuffer %x pPlayDmabuffer %x Uss_JustSetWorkAround() - can not read memory @ 0 Uss_JustSetWorkAround() - command failed @ 0 Uss_InitForUsingBulkEps() - download workaround Uss_InitForUsingBulkEps() - exiting without download * ROM code version 1.0.6 found, download bulk patch for it Bulk Patch downloaded already! Uss_InitForUsingBulkEps() - download workaround failed @ 0 Reading gfunctable after bulk download @ addr %lx Uss_InitChangeClockCmd - download workaround Uss_InitChangeClockCmd() - exiting without download ChangeClockCmd Patch downloaded already! Uss_InitChangeClockCmd() - download workaround failed @ 0 Reading gfunctable after aync cmd download @ addr %lx USS_CMD_CHANGE_CLK command failed USS_CMD_CHANGE_CLK command passed USS_CMD_CUSTOM_ASYNC command failed USS_CMD_CUSTOM_ASYNC command passed Usb_LowerArmClock(): Arm running on USBCLK XTAL Usb_BoostArmClock(): ARMCDR Reg= %x, clock running @ %d Mhz Usb_BoostArmClock(): Arm running on USBCLK XTAL, PLL not locked !! Set clk src & divider val manually BALA Usb_StartIsoDma pRecDmabuffer %x pPlayDmabuffer %x *=====> Probing. Interf 0x%x ==> x_usb_get_dev(), returns = 0x%x *****USB***** PROBE: bEndpointAddress %x *****USB***** PROBE: bmAttributes %x *****USB***** PROBE: wMaxPacketSize %x *****USB***** PROBE: Bulk IN endpoint %x ***ERR*** Could not allocate bulk_in_buffer*****USB***** PROBE: Bulk OUT endpoint %x ***ERR*** Could not find both bulk-in and bulk-out endpoints*****USB***** PROBE EXIT : USS2828 device now attached *****USB***** PROBE EXIT : Error %dLocal stack frame prefix corrupted!Bulk: received len > 50, len= %ld Bulk: received len < 48 words, len= %ld !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1*** valid samples received **&&&&&&&&** len = %ld No of samples received is not equal to 96 actual gTotalsamplesreceived= %d gSendLessSamples= %d %s ERR: *****USB***** nonzero write bulk status received: %dBALA - WCB submitting write urb, error %d packet_count %u ERR: *****USB***** nonzero read bulk status received: %d BALA - RCB submitting read urb, error %d packet_count %d LXHardwareCommonReleaseResources_AMR()LXHardwareCommonReleaseResources_PCI()LXHardwareCommonObtainResources_PCI()LXHardwareCommonObtainResources_AMR()Local stack frame prefix corrupted!LXHardwareInfoConfigureSoftPCI()lin_pci_dev_get_subsystem_id() failedLocal stack frame prefix corrupted!LXRegistryValue->data.bin.dataLocal stack frame prefix corrupted!LXSoftModemRegisterMCRChange()Unable to put SoftModem in AT command mode!LXSoftModemUnchainEyeHandler()LXSoftModemUnchainLogHandler()LXSoftModemUnchainStatusHandler()LXSoftModemEyeHandlerChainNodeLXSoftModemLogHandlerChainNodeLXSoftModemStatusHandlerChainNodeLXSoftModemChainStatusHandler()Unable to set SoftModem log handler!Unable to set SoftModem eye handler!LXSoftModemRunStatusHandlerChain()Local stack frame prefix corrupted! AC97WriteGPIO register: %8h AC97ReadGPIO register: %4h SOFTWARE\Agere\SoftModem\Country\SOFTWARE\Agere\SoftModem\PhoneDirectory\v.34 half-duplex control channelRx carrier frequency: %6ld Hz Tx carrier frequency: %6ld Hz Tx preemphasis filter: %6ld Tx power adjustment: %6ld dB Remote Tx preemphasis filter: %6ld Remote Tx power adjustment: %6ld dB Non-periodic RBS detected at position %1ldAutomoding completed, selected %s Rockwell compatible bitmap: %lx V34 half duplex %s rates -- %d %d %d V8 (V34 Phase 1) finished, modulation %s V34 Phase 2 detected Periodical while looking for Ack in repeated INFO0's V34 Phase 2 detected INFO%d sequence V34 Phase 2 detected near end echo, detected value = %ld, 40ms turn-around uses %ld V34 Phase 2 finished, modulation %s V34 Seamless Rate Change Request Sent: %4lx V34 Seamless Rate Change Update Sent: %4lx V34 Seamless Rate Change Request Received: %4lx V34 Seamless Rate Change Update Received: %4lx V34 encoder parameters: %s %s %s %s %2dS J=%1d P=%2d b=%2d r=%2d q=%1d K=%2d M=%2d V34 decoder parameters: %s %s %s %s %2dS J=%1d P=%2d b=%2d r=%2d q=%1d K=%2d M=%2d Projected data rate for %4d symbol rate, is %5ld bps (in-band SNR = %s dB) V92 phase2 recognized connection : threshold %ld / noise %ld / offset %ldV92 phase2 did not recognize connection : threshold %ld / noise %ld / offset %ldV34 half duplex %s side phase 3 started V34 half duplex %s side phase 3 finished V34 half duplex control channel consecutive binary 1 detected V34 half duplex primary channel consecutive binary 1 detected V34 Phase 2 notch detected @ %s HzModem-on-Hold: going on hold: %s V34 phase 2: return to V8, unknown code %ld Symbol rates bitmap: %8lx Data rates bitmap: %8lx Features bitmap: %8lx Auxiliary features bitmap: %8lx Demod. capabilities bitmap: %8lx Rate threshold adjustment: %8lx Xmt level adjustment: %8lx Capabilities status code %ld value %lx Near Echo Signal Level: %s dBm Far echo + residual near echo Signal Level: %s dBm Remote modem reported frequency offset: %s Hz PCM phase 2 analog detector SNR: %s dB PCM phase 2 digital detector SNR: %s dB PCM phase 2 digital detector SNR with 60Hz harmonics removed : %s dB PCM phase 2 digital detector SNR with 50Hz harmonics removed : %s dB PCM phase 2 RBS detector SNR: %s dB Equalizer center tap offset: %ld PCM Spectral Shaping Bits: %1ld DataModem loopback self test bit error rate: %1ld.%2.2ldE-6 Band edge distortion metric: %d Band edge corrector selector: %d Modem : %ld bits / %ld blocks received; %ld bit / %ld block errors; BER: %s ; BLER: %s Modem : %ld bits / %ld blocks received; %ld bit / %ld block errors; BER: %s ; BLER: %s Audio : %ld bits / %ld blocks received; %ld sync/ %ld block errors; SER: %s ; BLER: %s MultiTone detected(%ld,%ld): %4ld %4ld %4ld %4ld DisablePendingCallWaitingMessage: Setting pCodec->reportCallWaitingAfterCid to false External Pulse Dial: %2ld make=%3ldms brake=%3ldms Local country code changed: %ld Break received (expedited/destructive) %s Break received (expedited) %s Break received (nonexpedited) %s Break received (unknown type) %s LAPM Tx: %ld frames sent; %ld frames retransmitted LAPM Rx: %ld frames received; %ld frames rejected LAPM xmt sliding window size: %3ld LAPM rcv sliding window size: %3ld LAPM xmt max info field size: %3ld LAPM rcv max info field size: %3ld LAPM Tx compression dict. size: %3ld LAPM Tx comp. max string size: %3ld LAPM Tx comp. max history size: %3ld LAPM Rx compression dict. size: %3ld LAPM Rx comp. max string size: %3ld LAPM Rx comp. max history size: %3ld V42bis Encoder statistic: %ld bytes in / %ld bytes out V42bis Decoder statistic: %ld bytes in / %ld bytes out V44 Encoder statistic: %ld bytes in / %ld bytes out V44 Decoder statistic: %ld bytes in / %ld bytes out MNP Tx: %ld frames sent; %ld frames retransmitted MNP Rx: %ld frames received; %ld frames rejected MNP Timeout. Last Sent=%ld,!Ack=%ld. Retransmitting from frame %ld MNP Retransmit from frame %ld. %ld frames pending MNP max info field size: %3ld MNP sliding window size: %3ld Hardware Configuration(S597) changed: 0x%lX V80 Tx: %ld frames sent; %ld frames retransmitted V80 Rx: %ld frames received; %ld frames rejected Audio frames lost: %ld frames Audio Rx buffer underflow. Req %ld bytes, Avail %ld bytes Audio Rx buffer overflow. Req %ld bytes, Avail %ld bytes Overlay: time elapsed: %ld ms reported to data pump; %ld ms actual Overlay: recorded %ld ms of %s data Overlay: replayed %ld ms of %s data Caller ID error: checksum error 0x%4lx Caller ID: %ld bytes of channel seizure received Caller ID: %ld bytes of mark signal received Caller ID: IDtime: %c%c/%c%c, %c%c:%c%c Caller ID: telephone number: %s V8bis frame longer than rx buffer size (%ld) V8bis frame less than 3 bytes (received %ld bits) V8bis frame not integer number of bytes (received %ld bits) V8bis remote revision number %ld AT Command FRH = %ld, FRH0 state AT Command FRH = %ld, FRH1 state Codec Status: DMA desynchronized (nRx: %ld; nTx: %ld) Codec Status: Codec interrupt delayed (hwTime: %ld; osTime: %ld) Codec Status: Watchdog timer fired. %s ( %ld ms elapsed) Codec Status: FIFO Overflow. ( status: 0x%lX ; FIFO depth: %ld) Codec Status: DMA Error. (rcvDmaStatus: 0x%lX; xmtDmaStatus: 0x%lX) Codec Status %ld, Argument 1: 0x%lX, Argument 2: 0x%lXInitial data rate: %ld / %ld bpsCarrier frequency: %ld / %ld HzRate renegotiations requested: %ldRate renegatiations granted: %ldAudio delay: %ld ("audioDelay"=dword:%08lX) Audio hardware: ("pnpId"="%s") ("driverVersion"="%s") ("driverDate"="%s")LIN_ERROR_PCIBIOS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALLLIN_ERROR_PCIBIOS_FUNC_NOT_SUPPORTEDLIN_ERROR_PCIBIOS_BAD_VENDOR_IDLIN_ERROR_PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUNDLIN_ERROR_PCIBIOS_BAD_REGISTER_NUMBERREAD_UART_REG, Unsupported Reg #%d = %x SV92A2 HDA registers dump: Scorpio HDA registers dump: Si3038/3048 registers dump: Write dsp ram(%4h) with %4h Write register(%2h) with %2h Write dsp ram(%4h) with %4h Write register(%2h) with %2h Write Codec reg (%2d): %2h Write dsp ram(%4h) with %4h Write register(%2h) with %2h SV92U2 Polaris registers dump: Write dsp ram(%4h) with %4h Write register(%2h) with %2h Address+1 (%4h) contains %4h Write dsp ram(%4h) with %4h Write register(%2h) with %2h Address+1 (%4h) contains %4h `UdUpUUUUUUVΏ4V@VV{EVV W tWWW/DX`XXܹY@YYZ$Z@ZZϮ4[`[[d\\\jS ]]@^Ϧ5_ __5}-t`` a(yNb@bbcddeffp4%a4pa%#2UDvg#2UDvg                                                                                                  (!)0819  "*#+2:3; !) (1908  #+"*3;2: 0819 (!)  2:3;"*#+ 1908!) (  3;2:#+"* %45 $-<=,'67&/>?. $54 %,=<-&76'.?>/5 $ %4=,-<7&'6?./>4 % $5<-,=6'&7>/.?8091( )! :2;3*"+#  9180)!(  ;3:2+#*"  ( )!8091 *"+#:2;3  )!( 9180 +#*";3:2  =,-<5$ % 4?./>7&'6<-,=4% $ 5>/.?6'&7-<=,% 45$ />?.'67&,=<-$ 54% .?>/&76'0819 (!) 2:3;"*#+  1908!) ( 3;2:#+"*  (!)0819 "*#+2:3;  !) 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tAtduart_dte_tx_countCSV92PPCheckErrorPrintCPHeadgTwiddleFactorTableCSV92PPReadTxPositionV34DataParser4DSymbolLoopPCMClientDemodulatorPredictorCheckQualityx_MOD_DEC_USE_COUNTAC97SLabsConfigureCountrykill_proc_wrapV34TrainingDecoderSet16PointTRNDecodingResetDefinitionTablesdp_write_dsp_arrayV16550_Write_MCRPCMClientNeecDisableUpdateBlockBkRetrnAC97SLabsInitCodecV32FrontEndRcvGetSrvALawMnpQueueMergex_wakeupCodecGetSregV92ClientControlStartTxDataModeSetAthFskXmtV90TrainingDecoderCalculateDigitalChannelGainlt_init_timerPCMDataAssemblerV32DemodulatorUpdateV34TimingOffsetRecoveryResetFiltersAudioPCMInitCUsbEnableCallerIDBlockLongCoefFIRUpdateV90ClientControlRcvLapmDiscardDataV29FrontEndInterpolatorV34P2L1L2ComputeAndCompareSNRFaxModemReportRateV8bisControlReportRevisionNumberLXRegistryGetParentKeyV32DataPumpReportStatusV34PhaseJitterSetUpdateGainV34TrainingDecoderSet4PointTRNDecodinggV23OrgSupressorCoeffsV34PFeecSetMediumUpdatetimertick_functionV90ClientPhase4TxStartSStateV22RxDataInitx_vmallocAutomoderReportClearDownFaxFRH0SnooperLXSoftModemChainLogHandlerBlockLongCorrelateEBHandlerV27InterpolatorBigTweakSilabsSpeakerV34PhaseJitterSetDelayio_dte_tx_countPerseusSetWakeupStateCAmrViaChangeHwConfigV34TimingOffsetRecoveryBackupClockOffsetSetBlackListEntryPCMClientDemodulatorSetEchoOnlyModeFaxFRM1SnooperKeGetCurrentIrqlPerLiteCheckLoopCurrentdp_init_modemBuffersRxResetV8bisControlTxFinishV8bisStateV8bisRcvInitSL3026EnableCallerIDV22TxDataSetExternalHandlerV32CorrelatorSRCInitV34MaxSustainableRateLapmInitCAzlIntelSetPMStateU2ResetEnumerationLEDFLOHandlerUART_start_breakCAmrSisCheckErrorV22DataPumpReportErrorV34TimingOffsetRecoveryGetClockOffsetCAmrIntelOnHookLoadAlawSetNewLineFlagValeBlockRealInCplxCoefFIRCAmrSisTimeElapsedGetLrnTblIndexIdleStatusHandlergV22bisEncoderConstelTableV22TxDataStartSelfTestread_eepromFAAHandlerVIPHandlerV34RxDataJDetectorV22ControlRxCalculateBaudTimingStatePCMClientDemodulatorSetShortIeecCAmrIntelShuntControlCAmrIntelEnableCallerIDV16550_Read_SCRU2InitGpioDisplayDelayedListCmdMnpQueueInitV34InterpolatorSetVerySlowTimingPhaseUpdateV32InterpolatorSetTrackingPaceCSV92PPSetWakeupStateCSV92PPStartTimerModekOriginePrioritaireStringV34DataModeEncoderInitDTMFDigitXmtInitV34ConvertTimeToSymbolswDspCore_SdVecgV34SubsetConversionTableComputeNormalizedSpectrumCAmrViaTimeElapsedV34P2ControlOrgRxDetectINFOMARKSStateCAmrViaRingDetectedReSetLLStepLapmReportConnectCodecModemCloseVSPHandlerCallerIDReportStatusV8bisControlFinishedV22FrontEndRcvV34ShapingFilterResetdp_board_disablespkrGainA3PolStatusHandlerPerseusShuntControlV8bisControlRxDetectACKStatex_usb_stop_dmaV34DeMapperPPPolStatusHandlerV22InterpolatorInitCAmrSisCheckLoopCurrentx_usb_alloc_urb_kernelGSNHandlerStatusParserstrcatgSoftModemShortManufacturerNameStringSoftModemInternalXmtInterpolatorV92DataModeEncoderInitV32FrontEndGetMagnitudeScaleFactorSPFHalfDuplexerStartFaxWaitBeforeIdleTimerCAmrALiIntExitUsbCodecWritex_toupperPCWHandlerMerLiteVerifyCodecIDV16550_Write_SCRLXRegistryGetNextValuex_ioremap_nocacheCdisRegWriteV32DataPumpConvertRateV27CorrelatorLXHardwareUSBBottomHalfCodecEnableGraceExecutionV27PllDemodulateV32DemodulatorSetUpdatePaceANSamDetectionSnooperSaveRbsMapShortV34TrainingDecoderSetSpecial16PointDataDecodingV34P2DPSKXmtDataSetModeCAmrALiCheckLoopCurrentx_usb_alloc_urb_atomicCDefaultChangeHwConfigx_pcibios_write_config_dwordParityStripV32PllDemodulateConverterGetNumBanksRcvGetFwdThrwDspCore_dPopDebugStatusCmdV42bisDecoderV253ReportRingMnpEnqueueV34P2L1L2DetermineRateBlockMapByte2ShortDispDmInforPCMClientDemodulatorUpdateVocoderWriteFlushV90DecoderGetVoiceRxGainQ4SetServerRetrnCntV22ControlRxDataStateV34ControlErrorEnableRDLRequestSmpModemReadFlushATCommandCallerIDReportCAzlIntelIntEnterOCDetectedSetWhiteListEntryV32TrellisDecoderSmpModemLineHandlerRcvvxdPortOpenLXSoftModemPerformTXV22ModulatorInitV34DemodulatorSetIdleModeBuffersInitx_usb_fill_control_urb_txusb_endpoint_haltCAmrIntelChangeHwConfigLXRegistryCleanupxigLinRequestRegionFlag0CAmrALiStartCDefaultCloseCUsbStatusHandlerLastRxPosSoftModemInternalCommandHandlerV34FrontEndResetGainV22InterpolatorTrackTimingV16550_Read_MSRUART_parityMerLiteShutdownCodecATCommandCallerIDRcvActiveV32ControlSetDataModeATProcessorCountReadPendingV34P2ANSpcmSetRcvModeGetAgrConstV92ClientControlRcvForceRetrainread_offsetCSV92PPStartPCMModemSetCodingTypeV42bisReportStatuspci_base_address_space_ioAgereHAInitUss_InitChangeClockCmdV22EncoderMnpReportDisconnectV34TrainingDiffEncoderV34XmtV34ReportAdvancedTrainingProgressCleanOldDataagr_inpCAmrALiIntEntergShortProtocolMessagesFramerReportFramingStatusV90TrainingDecoderSetTRN1DDataDecodingV27RxDataGetVoiceTxGainQ4UART_CommReadStringVSDHandlerBlockShortMultCDefaultCheckErrorV17GainPhaseHitEstimationInitSilabsDisableCallerIDPerseusStatusHandlerMnpComprEncCAmrSisRingDetectedV8bisRcvGetModulationStringlin_isr_releaseTestConstCodecGetTextStatusHDAStopDmaBlockCplxFIRUpdateSpeakerphoneAudioXmtPPPolChangeHwConfigFlowControlCmd3LapmProcessXIDCodecReportAudioHardwareFax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RxWaitRiStateReportInBandSAMRateAC97SisReadGPIOmemcpy2to4V27ControlXmtInitCAcadiaBufferHandlerSpeakerphoneRetrainCUsbBufferHandlerV90TrainingDecoderSetDILDecodingFTSHandlerV34DataModeDecoderInitlinux_modem_openEnterFRH0StateCallerIDRcvPulseDialDefaultCmdAddV34CntSL3026SetWakeupStateV16550_Write_THR_bufferAC97SLabsStatusHandlerLXSoftModemRegisterMCRChangeAC97SLabsDebugCommandDashCCmdV17AdjMainPllPhaseModemRegOut32V92ClientControlEventHandlerSpeakerphoneAudioRcvCAmrALiClearTxBufferSL3055CheckLoopCurrentV34TrainingDecoderSet16PointDataDecodingapp_pidCAzlIntelCancelPMStatekRingBackWhenFreeCallStringV8bisControlFrameErrorDetectedcCoded7200MapU2SetRingAC97SLabsA2SpeakerInitiateOrgConnectionusb_device_speedV34DecoderAC97SLabsA2ShutdownCodecGetArgumentSL3055InitCodecCAmrALiTimeElapsedAltRbsLrnTbliHPF4kBlockMapShort2ShortLapmProcessUAUtilQ4dBToQ12LinearV32FrontEndResetV34P2L1L2XmtInitV29DemodulatorV32TrellisDecoderSetRateV22DemodulatorResetLX_isr_handlerSmpModemInternalStatusHandlerwDspCore_SClkTbDebugModeCmdV32ControlSetLocalDataRatesUART_dce_break_onATCommandCallerIDPresentV29DemodulatorGetLargestEqualizerTapCallProgressSnooperV8bisRcvEnableFskReceiverV42bisEncoderInitLXHardwareInfoDestroyV34NeecSetSlowUpdateV22DataPumpInitBlockShortMoveUnalignedLineDetectx_usb_fill_bulk_urb_rxgV92RuBarPatternCDefaultStartIdleLogHandlerTransitionTimercUncoded9600MapDisplayConfigCmdCAzlIntelOnHookMerLiteShuntControlV92FlattenCallLogx_memcpyGetProtocolStringHeaderInitPerLiteShuntControlAnalyzeLoopStabilityV34PFeecCheckdown_SMLite_FIRMWARE2IsoUsb_StartIsoDmaModemOnHoldStartPCMUtilEncodeLXSoftModemCreateATProcessorV24PerLiteStatusHandlerAvrEstimateV8bisControlCRdDetectediabsdp_enable_ring_intEchoCancelStartV27InterpolatorTimingOffsetTrackingEnableCUsbSpeakerV34ControlSetFullDuplexFeecRxDataHandlerSpaceAvailableSPFDelayLocatorStartV32DecoderV34DemodulatorUpdateV29PllUpdategV34ModulatorCarrierSpecTable8KHzV29AdjMainPllPhaseSpeakerVolumeCmdToneDialDefaultCmdPerLiteConfigureCountryVMODEM_Get_System_TimeV34P2DPSKRcvSetCarrierOnThresholddp_mars_sleepFskUtilPhaseDiscriminatorManualV8bisTimerV34TxDataSetExternalHandlerV32InterpolatorResetTimingOffsetV34ControlClearDownV22DemodulatorNoisePowerCalibrationEnablelin_error_descCodecWriteTextStatusSmpModemAudioTxDataHandlerLapmStatusSnooperVoiceSetCallProgressParametersV34P2DPSKRcvFindPhaseReversalLocationSuspendSpeakerphoneV92EncoderSetDataModeUsb_HandleStartDevicegUsbQueueV32TrellisEncoderV34P2L1L2ComputeOffsetsV34PllGetPhaseErrorBlockIIRx_usb_reset_pipedp_regandorV44EncoderGetCompressedDatatempmapMercuryCodecReadSPFRampingAttenuatorResetIBCHandlerV92ClientControlGuessServerModemTypeMnpCommandHandlergLeftOverSamplesCUsbOnHookbit15lowCallWaitingEnableDetectorV34TrainingEncoderSet16PointsEncodingV34SetSampleRateFaxModemReportStatusV16550_Read_LSRV34TxDataAuxV32RxDataResetV34DataPumpRcvMercuryCodecWriteromDspCore_PsVec0ReportDRVocoderStatusHandlerCSV92PPIntEnterSoftModemGetRcvPowerV32ScramblerLocalPMHHandlerVoiceStartCallProgressSPFDelayLocatorEndTransitionSnoopertmpV90ClientCoderCheckRcvCodeMapEligibilitygPCMClientInterpolatorFIRWRITE_UART_REGLXSoftModemSetRingStateset_transfer_in_progressSetPulseDialDigitIMAADPCMNextStepIndexcUncodedV17MapSpeakerphoneAGCResetget_devPCMClientDemodulatorSaveV92ParmsFbkReTrn5821UART_SetQuegV34Modulator3200To8000CoeffsAutomoderSupressorV22bisIdleScramblerCAcadiaStopdp_regwriteAC97ViaReadGPIOio_dte_tx_eptrnegative_enomemPerseusRingDetectedV34ControlCreateSeamlessRateChangeFrameGetMseAvrSaveSignPatternBlockShortInvertV29PllDemodulateV27InterpolatorTrackTimingMnpEstSMWhiteNoiseXmtPPPolConfigureCountryCallProgressSignalDetectorGetFileFlagV29InterpolatorTrackTimingATParserNotUseSL3055SetHookAC97IntelReadGPIOSL3055ChangeHwConfigV34EncoderSetDataModeV22PllFastTrackingEnableReadPatternDataAltRbsInitCAzlIntelStartUsb_StopIsoDmaBlockShortOffsetV34TxDataSetPendingPatternAlignedSendBasicInBandCommandSetAltRBSCDefaultOffHookU2PolEnableCallerIDESHandlerV34RxDataAuxUART_stop_breakBaseAddress2BuffersReadFrameJapanCIDMessagePartitionESAHandlerwriteBlock2dpramCUsbCheckLoopCurrentmars3onMnpMainV44ReportErrorV34DemodulatorGetSNRV32HandshakeSRCXmtBlockLongMoveUnalignedCodecNum2Str10V27DataPumpRcvV34RxDataResetAudioWriteIdleTxStartDataConnectionGCIHandlerUART_FlushGMIHandlerV29DecoderSetRateSPFPowerThresholdResetdp_write_dsp_ramV22ControlCheckForcedActionsMnpBreakXmtVoiceInitCallProgressAfterDialU2PolConfigureCountryV34TrainingEncoderSet4PointsEncodingLapmSendTESTPerLiteSetRegisterV92ClientControlClearDownBuffersWriteV34ShapingFilterSoftModemGetFullManufacturerNameLXModemPtrToMinorDevNumLapmResetVarsgLinReadFlag2gV32AnsSupressorCoeffsPCMClientFrontEndInitget_endpoint_addressV8bisXmtCAcadiaOnHookV34P2L1L2PCMCalculateBandEdgeFilterNumberLinkLayerStatusHandlerCAmrIntelRingDetectedV34InterpolatorSetSlowTimingPhaseUpdateLXModemInitIsDirInDSHandlerV253ReportCallerIDCDefaultReadTxPositionCAzlIntelStatusHandlerIsCmdCompletedBlockShortMoveMerLiteDebugCommandV34P2ANSpcmRcvApplyWorkaroundsDashSCmdVRX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nRequiredCAmrSisBufferHandlerSilabsEnableCallerIDx_kref_initold_app_cbqTxPCMClientFrontEndSaveV92ParmsV34P2DPSKXmtDataPutINFO0IntoBufferSmpModemATPrintfLXHardwareCleanupAnswerCmdV32DemodulatorgV34Trellis16SubsetToSymbolV34DemodulatorSetEchoOnlyModeSetLUCountryCodeS133HDLCCommandHandlerg1650HzCoeffsSetSRegCmdGetSpeakerphoneStateCAmrALiStartTimerModeV34P2ControlGetRcvINFO1LengthV32FrontEndNeecFreezeV42bisReportErrorAudioInitCAmrIntelClearTxBufferV34TimingOffsetRecoveryEnableV27DemodulatorInitV34P2ControlOrgRxDetectAfterL2PeriodicalStateCAmrIntelReadRxPositionV8ControlRcvlin_use_lock_useDialerInitV32DescramblerInitPerLiteVerifyCodecIDFaxReceiveSilenceTimerPciCoreDownloadBuffersWriteFlushV34FrontEndGetRxLevelV34ModulatorSRCFIRU2ValueBlockCplxFIRSilabsShutdownCodecSmpModemTxDataHandlerx_strncpyIsBulkXferV34P2ControlAnsTxSend1st50msPeriodicalStategV34P2DPSKFilterCoefCDefaultStopPCMClientDemodulatorPredictorResetParityApplydp_read_dsp_ramU2PolVerifyCodecIDExtendedSyntaxCmdATCommandCallerIDRingOnCAmrViaStartTimerModeLnxTransferCodecVerbsWritePciCfgReadByteV90TrainingDecoderCalculateDistinctFramesio_write_dte_fifoSpeakerphoneSetVolumeset_urb_no_transfer_dma_mapMnpAdfDecV34Phase4TxSendSStateIdleRxAudioHandlerMohRestoreAfterDialDTMFSpeakerphoneAGCEndV22FrontEndInterpolatorV90TrainingDecoderGetPadTypewDspCore_mpCorevxdDosChangeQueuelin_isr_obtainInitiateAnsV251ConnectionV8bisControlTxFinishSignalAndIdleStategSoftModemShortVerionStringx_usb_get_devV8bisControlMoreCapToXmtV22ControlRxWaitForRetrainS1StateV44RxDataCallerIDInitSelectModulationCmdLXSoftModemCanStopNotUseSL3026SetHookV32PhaseJitterResetDelayLineLLDumpCodecSetCodecIdStringV34Phase2XmtV27FrontEndInterpolatorV22DataPumpXmtSpeakerphoneReportStatusV29InterpolatorInitVGMHandler__interruptCountsmdDspCore_PsVecFIRFindLongCoeffSubsetLoadAltRbsV22CorrelatorInitCAmrALiStatusHandlersetResumeCallBackFlowControlCmdV27ModulatorValidDialModifierV29DataPumpInitset_dev_write_urbTRDLHandlerV92ClientControlExceptionUtilQ0LinearToQ4dBgV34SPatternV22DecoderInitSilabsConfigureCountryDelayLineManagerWriteCSV92PPOffHookBlackListingCallFailedV34PhaseJitterCancellerUpdateCAmrViaConfigureCountryV32TrellisEncoderInitPerseusDumpRegistersTERDLHandlerLLGainInitV8bisXmtSetModeCodecGetCallProgressAudiogLinReadFlagAgereDataModeAnalysisV34EncoderResetMnpReportErrorGetAndSignalEventSpeakerphoneAGCProcessV42bisDecoderResetVGTHandlerCAcadiaGetTimePCMDecoderIdleV27ModulatorInputPtrV8bisControlAnsRxWaitForCReStateLLFailset_dev_control_urbDRHandlerUsbMerStatusHandlerV22FrontEndSetAgcV32DemodulatorSetRateReadArgumentsComplexFFTwrap_uss_read_bulk_callbackATProcessorReadFlushBuffersReadPerLiteSetBizarroPerLiteRingDetectedUtilBlockCosSinPCMDecoderGetRcvMapMinDistanceV34PllFeecDemodulategV34Training4PointMapkOriginePubliphoneStringATCommandOfflineSnooperCAmrALiRingDetectedx_save_flagsV90TrainingDecoderSetRiDataDecodingGetArgumentRadixAC97SLabsSetHookCAmrViaStatusHandlerBlackListingCallIgnoredBlockFIRUpdateMerLiteSetRegistergUsbCodecStatusFlagV29FastBSQPCMClientDataPumpInitV32CorrelatorBuffersTxDataHandlerV22DemodulatorRcvSymbolPtrGetSRegFromProfileV34ControlRcvV32TxDataSetShortPatternBlockMapShort2ComplexSmpModemAudioRxDataHandlerV8bisControlRxFinishCLThenSendMSStateCSNEXTlin_use_lock_unuseReSetLineDetFlaggUkraineConfigRegistersV92EncoderV34PllGeneratePhaseAnglesram_m3PersDmaSMV90ClientControlGuessServerModemTypecUncoded4800MapV34TrainingDecoderInitPCMClientFrontEndEnableHiPassCorrectorCDefaultShuntControlPulseDialOptionsCmdx_usb_commandV27ControlXmtRxFaxHandlerV8bisRcvGetRevisionNumberIdleEncoderHandlerwDspCore_mcInitV34MapperV34Trellis64SearchV29GainPhaseEstimateVectorCptCpProc4MSHandlerV34EncoderInitUsbMerSpeakerV32ControlRefineRgDistinctiveRingsV8bisControlRxDetectCLMSStateCallWaitingDetectorInitU2PolInitCodecV22FrontEndBaudTimingAlignmentV34DemodulatorSetFullDuplexIeecV92ClientControlErrorCAmrIntelInitgShortConnectMessagesResetCmdV22PllFreqUpdateEnableREAD_UART_REGx_MOD_INC_USE_COUNTPciFindDeviceSL3026VerifyCodecIDV34FeecPllSetFreqUpdatePaceBlackListingTimerCalculateMeanPowerReportOctetStringCAcadiaClearTxBufferBackRetrnCntV8ControlGenV92QCDataBlockByteFillV34ParseSBitsLoopFaxWaitBeforeIdleSnooperSL3026ShuntControlV22ControlRxOrgInitStateAcadiaWatchdogHandlerSL3026StatusHandlerRadix8io_app_tx_eptrSL3055SetHookExtractPhoneNumberBuffersCountReadPendingV34P2DPSKRcvDataSetModeBlockShortInterpolateV29RxDataInputPtrV8bisGenerateMSBlockSymbol2ByteCAmrIntelStatusHandlerAC97SLabsSetWakeupStateV34ShortP2ControlOrgSend50msPeriodicalStateCSV92PPGetTimeGetAzCodecIDPPPolInitCodecgV34Trellis64TransitionTableV22ControlRxLoopback3TrainAt1200BpsStatePCMClientDataPumpXmtV34DemodulatorV34P2L1L2AdjustSNRDueToGroupDelayPCMClientDemodulatorSetDataModeV34P2L1L2CalEqCenterTapOffsetagr_inpwU2PolCheckLoopCurrentV90ClientControlInitx_atomic_dec_and_testg2400HzCoeffsV34FrontEndInterpolatorUsbMerDisableCallerIDPCMClientDemodulatorSetIdleModeBlockExtractRealPartCUsbTimeElapsedV34P2ANSpcmRcvRecognizedConnectionUtilLongShortAtan2Me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L2XmtV27DecoderSetModeDataModemInstallModulationdcloop_zdiffV22ControlTxAnsInitStateMnpInitFilterInBandCommandsMNPBlockSizeCmdFbkReTrn5820gUsbQueueCountLineSignalQualityCmdV22ControlRxWaitS1EndStateATProcessorWriteFlushUtilShortLongAtan2LXRegistryGetKeyNameSendBreakCmdmLite_codec_initV32DataPumpDisableSRCHandshakingLXSoftModemPerformTXClearGetSRegCmdgV21RcvFIRCoeffsLXRegistryDestroyValuex_usb_set_interfaceV34InterpolatorFaxModemReportConnectionInfoV29FrontEndReportHitMercuryStartCAmrALiSpeakerV29RxDataVoiceTxDataHandlerpci_interrupt_lineCAzlIntelBufferHandlerV90TrainingDecoderGetRcvdMapsA3PolInitCodecMerLiteDisableCallerIDLoadMaxPowHDARunDmaV32FrontEndNeecActivateV32FrontEndSetAgcGainPCMInfidelityEstimatorInitFskRcvGetProEndeeprom_flagPerseusSpeakerV8bisControlESiDetectedPCMViterbiDecoderA3PolConfigureCountrylin_get_pci_cfg_irqCallingToneGeneratorInitIdleNonLinearEncoderHandlerAudioTxSilabsSetRegisterPrintOKResponseRetrnMseAdjCAmrIntelConfigureCountrygDisconnectReasonTableUsb_CommandTDLSHandlerV29DataPumpSetDemodulatorProcessBlockSizeV34Trellis16SearchmicGainLoadRbsMapShortV29RxDataSetRateV22bisIdleDataToConstellationCUsbIntExitset_dev_ifCAzlIntelClearTxBufferCalculatePowerRatioQ8PackBMSV32DemodulatorInitUsbReadGPIOSoftModemAuxTxDataHandlerV29GainPhaseInitCAmrALiReadTxPositionPCMClientCorrelatorFskDataPumpInitLaunchTapiMsgAppletAC97ViaCodecWriteAutomoderInitagr_outplA3PolDumpRegistersV32DemodulatorGetLargestEqualizerTapgV34bisMaxDataRatenegative_enonetV90TrainingDecoderSetShortDILDecodingTRDLSHandlerV34PllFeecGeneratePhaseAnglesV29EncoderSetRateCAcadiaReadRxPositionPCMClientFrontEndSetShortNeecx_pcibios_write_config_wordV90TrainingDecoderSetShortDILBlockReal2ComplexMultV32DataPumpCommandHandlerV34Phase2ResetRcvDelayLineU2PolRingDetectedV29DemodulatorInputPtrSL3055StatusHandlerg390HzCoeffsFskXmtInitdum_dp_dsp_isrx_check_regionV34DemodulatorSetDataModeCAmrIntelIntEnterMercuryVerifyCodecIDV34TimingOffsetRecoveryDisableV90ClientControlRefineServerModemTypeV32ControlEnableDemodulatorUpdateV34InterpolatorSetVerySlowTimingOffsetUpdateV34FrontEndSetLongPFeecGetNewLineFlagATTimerV34DataModeEncoderChangeDataRatex_queue_taskV34TrainingDiffEncoderInitV32EncoderMerLiteSetWakeupStateFMMHandlerCAmrALiGetTimeCAmrIntelCheckLoopCurrentV34ExceptiongLineBPFQ14LapmSetDLCIV34DataModeDecoderBuffersWriteSpaceAvailableV92ClientControlInitVarsGetDrnV92ModuloEncoderInitV34ControlDetermineRatesCAmrSisStartTimerModex_usb_set_intfdataV34PllRemodulateV22PllStopInitFreqOffsetCalculationV34FrontEndSetShortNeecPCMClientDemodulatorGetSNRGetCleanDataFlagAudioSetTxDataHandlerPerLiteDumpRegistersUART_rts_onV34P2ControlOrgTxINFO1StateCAmrIntelStartTimerModeCSV92PPIntExitAsyncModeCmdLapmDiscardRxDataV32SupressAAx_vfreeV8bisMainFskInitV22FrontEndQuerySignalPowerV22ModulatorInputPtrFramerHDLCRxV32InterpolatorV34DecoderResetgV22InterpolatorCoeffpci_base_address_2V90ClientControlStartTxDataModelapmDisconnectStatusResultsFormCmdgV34Trellis64TerminationTableFramerTimerLinkLayerTimerVNHEnabledV22RxDataCalculateSelfTestBitErrorRateTxDataHandlerV29PllInitV92ClientModulatorCAzlIntelStopA3PolEnableCallerIDPCMDeMapperV34P2DPSKXmtInitV22bisPhaseChangeSlicerkOrigineTestStringSmpModemReadV42bisDecoderInitLineTypeCmdAutomoderDetectorLXModemIsTXRoomAvailPPCodecWriteV34EncodeDataV34ControlDisableUpdateDelayLineManagerClearDelayLineV29EstimateFineGainAdjV34DemodulatorGetSERgNumMaxIrpslin_pci_dev_get_subsystem_idx_atomic_setATCommandCallerIDPolarityReversalDetectedV29ModulatorV22FrontEndInitGetMaxTxRateromDspCore_McVec0A3VersionGetmLevDialingSnooperx_kmallocV32PllTweakPhaseProcessCharacterTimeGapget_num_endpointsConfigAgrConstBPFEndVTXHandlerLXModemMinorDevNumToPtrSmpModemCountReadPendingCallProgressMultiToneDetectorSPFPowerThresholdEndCAmrALiOnHookGetHDABaseAddressDataModemRcvUnflattenStatusFramerInitSoftModemInternalRcvInterpolatorSPFRampingAttenuatorProcessV16550_Read_LCRV34DemodulatorGetFELevelx_iounmapCAmrALiQueryPMStateVocoderRxV22DataPumpCommandHandlerV90TrainingDecoderSetFastConnectTRN1DDataDecodingV34ControlStartRxDataModePerLiteEnableCallerIDGetMdistio_app_tx_wptrV90ClientCoderCalcNumOfConstellationsV8bisDisableOutgoingMsgVoiceCommandHandlerV22ControlForceRetrainAudioCountWritePendingPCMClientFrontEndGetNeecLevelV22TxDatalinprintDS44HandlerDataModemReportModemSignalCallWaitingCmdSetSRegSaveMseAvrsMuLinBgRecDmaBufferGetVerboseDisconnectReasonLLGetParaGetServerRetrnCntV32TrellisPostrotatePerseusSetHooklin_pci_dev_get_first_matchV34InterpolatorTweakTimingAlignmentLapmRestartTimersV34InterpolatorGetTimingOffsetPciPME_enable_NTV34PllFeecGetPhaseErrorUART_dtr_blockedVRAHandlerCAmrViaReadRxPositionAutoModeCmdATProcessorStatusHandlerV22RxDataMnpSyncInitV32NonlinearEncoderModemRegIn16LapmProcessFRMRdp_out_portCDefaultBufferHandlerDPRam_DownLoadCAcadiaStatusHandlerIdleRcvAC97SLabsEnableCallerIDCAcadiaCheckErrorx_memsetV34TxDataDataModeCodecBufferHandlerPCMClientDemodulatorSetShortEqualizerV34P2L1L2XmtSetModepacket_countCAmrALiBufferHandlerV29InterpolatorV32Interpola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