apr-util-ldap-1.5.2-6.el7>t  DH`pS:/CQ#x2-% zLԄDYk bwjK>DKlD& v ac8 :gzװJ?nFXډ/ Ӧ͔f6?W8O˔w;1̳n/R-~ߞF< vӻ%`\9p)Q/Yv !ȍφLmas!a >JjMv`n7|ߢ@Eig/=&7bάa՚\o\hϿ>%IjVdΏ0A[tn҃/5ik0QBq`l"_2.8ƋsjQRQcuv^4=V>.R73T"ŀ{w& w(e]*TҜ]P?l,/ rm3-QDcuVk|HPAz]7F&D(iE' (sq_$)T%4Ȓ۷;yߊ^.B J#kw682667ac110ebdc6393ae1f478c9a7d019657becDS:/CQg 7(iP ]GF)D PtjPoеeEԔCLo2D\U%Z[?5=OH~M{Uσ)}۰_˷?{vI}d.2CWe .eCN.\Ivl;.m<0r5! BkE3ʘ9.?.pd  =x|  #)08 < @ H   4 S (8u9`u:uG,xH,I,X,Y,\,],^,b,d-|e-f-l-t-u-v-w.@x.Hy.P.lCapr-util-ldap1.5.26.el7APR utility library LDAP supportThis package provides the LDAP support for the apr-util.Rx86-019.build.eng.bos.redhat.com,Red HatRed Hat, Inc.ASL 2.0Red Hat, Inc. Development/Librarieshttp://apr.apache.org/linuxx86_64, RR23c653ace1e53e99857563e10855a0f379e24efd7fa1ca3696df8c85a5236f07apr_ldap-1.sorootrootrootrootapr-util-1.5.2-6.el7.src.rpmapr-util-ldapapr-util-ldap(x86-64)@@@@@@   @ apr-util(x86-64)libc.so.6()(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.4)(64bit)liblber-2.4.so.2()(64bit)libldap_r-2.4.so.2()(64bit)libpthread.so.0()(64bit)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rtld(GNU_HASH)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)1.5.2-6.el73.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.11.1RURx@RkQQdQdQ@PM@P@P@OF@OOD@O@N@MWMz@M@MMMn1@Mn1@MOM"L@K @J@JzJi@J]J]J]J.NJ,@J,@J,@IIy@H@H}H}HuHsVHkmHkmHkmHZJ@HB@GGUA@GSGLFF@FڥF%@FF@F:@FF@FoEnE@Eu_@Ep@EU@DD@DWID5C@CCC-Cg@CqC}@CCWCWB%B(MB @AKAKAAT@AT@AJ@*@@l@@ia@@Z@Z@Dw@@Dw@@0@,@@"0@@?F@?@??Y@?Y@?'@? `?>@>>Á@>@>@>i@>Daniel Mach - 1.5.2-6Honza Horak - 1.5.2-5Daniel Mach - 1.5.2-4Jan Kaluza - 1.5.2-3Joe Orton - 1.5.2-2Joe Orton - 1.5.2-1Jon Ciesla - 1.4.1-8Jan Kaluza - 1.4.1-7Joe Orton - 1.4.1-6Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.1-5Joe Orton - 1.4.1-4Joe Orton - 1.4.1-3Joe Orton - 1.4.1-2Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.1-2Bojan Smojver - 1.4.1-1Bojan Smojver - 1.3.12-1Bojan Smojver - 1.3.11-2Bojan Smojver - 1.3.11-1Dan Horák - 1.3.10-7Joe Orton - 1.3.10-6Joe Orton - 1.3.10-5Joe Orton - 1.3.10-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.3.10-3Bojan Smojver - 1.3.10-2Joe Orton - 1.3.10-1Joe Orton - 1.3.9-3Tomas Mraz - 1.3.9-2Bojan Smojver - 1.3.9-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.3.8-3Bojan Smojver 1.3.8-2Bojan Smojver 1.3.8-1Bojan Smojver 1.3.7-5Joe Orton 1.3.7-4Bojan Smojver - 1.3.7-3Bojan Smojver - 1.3.7-2Bojan Smojver - 1.3.7-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.3.4-3Joe Orton 1.3.4-2Bojan Smojver - 1.3.4-1Bojan Smojver - 1.3.2-8Bojan Smojver - 1.3.2-7Tom "spot" Callaway 1.3.2-6Joe Orton 1.3.2-5Bojan Smojver - 1.3.2-4Bojan Smojver - 1.3.2-3Bojan Smojver - 1.3.2-2Bojan Smojver - 1.3.2-1Bojan Smojver - 1.3.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.2.12-5Joe Orton 1.2.12-4Bojan Smojver - 1.2.12-3Bojan Smojver - 1.2.12-1Jesse Keating - 1.2.10-2Bojan Smojver 1.2.10-1Joe Orton 1.2.8-12Joe Orton 1.2.8-11Joe Orton 1.2.8-10Joe Orton 1.2.8-9Joe Orton 1.2.8-8Joe Orton 1.2.8-7Joe Orton 1.2.8-6Joe Orton 1.2.8-5Joe Orton 1.2.8-4Joe Orton 1.2.8-3Joe Orton 1.2.8-2Joe Orton 1.2.7-5Joe Orton 1.2.7-4Joe Orton 1.2.7-3Jesse Keating - 1.2.7-2.1Joe Orton 1.2.7-2Joe Orton 1.2.6-2Jesse Keating - 1.2.2-4.2Jesse Keating - 1.2.2-4.1Joe Orton 1.2.2-4Joe Orton 1.2.2-3Jesse Keating 1.2.2-2.2Jesse Keating Joe Orton 1.2.2-2Joe Orton 1.2.2-1Joe Orton 0.9.7-3Joe Orton 0.9.7-2Joe Orton 0.9.6-3Joe Orton 0.9.6-2Joe Orton 0.9.6-1Joe Orton 0.9.5-3Joe Orton 0.9.5-2Joe Orton 0.9.5-1Jeff Johnson 0.9.4-19Jeff Johnson 0.9.4-18Joe Orton 0.9.4-17Joe Orton 0.9.4-16Elliot Lee Joe Orton 0.9.4-14Joe Orton 0.9.4-13Joe Orton 0.9.4-12Joe Orton 0.9.4-11Elliot Lee 0.9.4-10.1Joe Orton 0.9.4-10Joe Orton 0.9.4-9Elliot Lee 0.9.4-8Joe Orton 0.9.4-7Joe Orton 0.9.4-6Joe Orton 0.9.4-5Jeff Johnson 0.9.4-4Jeff Johnson 0.9.4-3Joe Orton 0.9.4-2Joe Orton 0.9.4-1Nalin Dahyabhai 0.9.3-10Joe Orton 0.9.3-9Joe Orton 0.9.3-8Elliot Lee Joe Orton 0.9.3-6Joe Orton 0.9.3-5Joe Orton 0.9.3-4Joe Orton 0.9.3-3Joe Orton 0.9.3-2Joe Orton 0.9.3-1- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- Rebuild for mariadb-libs Related: #1045013- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- do not build with freetds when it is not available- update for aarch64- update to 1.5.2- Apply private patch from Merge Review BZ 225254.- ensure we use latest libdb5 (not libdb4)- use -lldap_r instead of -lldap- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- fix crypt_r failure modes (#819650)- apply _isa to deps- switch to libdb-devel- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild- bump up to 1.4.1- bump up to 1.3.12- fix crash in apr_ldap_rebind_init()- bump up to 1.3.11- rebuilt for mysql 5.5.10 (soname bump in libmysqlclient)- rebuild for MySQL soname bump- fix build- rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- rebuild for MySQL 5.5.x- update to 1.3.10- rebuild for new BDB- rebuilt with new openssl- bump up to 1.3.9 - CVE-2009-2412 - allocator alignment fixes- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- adjust apr-util-1.3.7-nodbmdso.patch- bump up to 1.3.8- BR: +libuuid-devel, -e2fsprogs-devel- disable DBM-drivers-as-DSO support - backport r783046 from upstream- make export of LD_LIBRARY_PATH simpler- revert tests- bump up to 1.3.7 - CVE-2009-0023 - "billion laughs" fix of apr_xml_* interface- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- rebuild for new MySQL- bump up to 1.3.4 - drop PostgreSQL patch, fixed upstream- beat the fuzz, rework apr-util-1.2.7-pkgconf.patch- ship find_apu.m4, fix bug #455189- rebuild for new db4-4.7- restore requires for openldap-devel from -devel- properly fix PostgreSQL detection- revert build dependencies, change from -2 didn't help - add apr-util-1.3.2-pgsql.patch (remove pgsql_LIBS during detection)- try adding postgresql-server to build dependencies to pull some libs in- bump up to 1.3.2- bump up to 1.3.0- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- rebuild for OpenLDAP soname bump- remove all instances of MySQL flags being added to APRUTIL_LDFLAGS- bump up to 1.2.12 - drop MySQL DBD driver, shipped upstream - adjust various patches to apply - rework tests in %check (1.2.x got tests from trunk)- Rebuild for upgrade path (add dist since that's now on F-7 branch)- bump up to 1.2.10 - pick up newly checked in MySQL DBD driver directly from ASF - remove dbdopen patch (fixed upstream) - remove xmlns patch (fixed upstream) - remove autoexpat patch (fixed upstream)- rebuild for fixed APR 32-bit ABI - remove sqlite driver from main package (#274521)- rebuild for expat soname bump- fix License- add rewrite of expat autoconf code (upstream r493791) - fix build for new glibc open()-as-macro - split out sqlite subpackage- add fix for attribute namespace handling in apr_xml (PR 41908)- remove old Conflicts, doxygen BR (#225254)- add DBD DSO lifetime fix (r521327)- drop doxygen documentation (which caused multilib conflicts)- add mysql driver in -mysql subpackage (Bojan Smojver, #222237)- build DBD drivers as DSOs (w/Bojan Smojver, #192922) - split out pgsql driver into -pgsql subpackage- update to 1.2.8, pick up new libpq soname- really rebuild for db45- add support for BDB 4.5 from upstream, rebuild- fix buildconf with autoconf 2.60- rebuild- update to 1.2.7 - use pkg-config in apu-1-config to make it libdir-agnostic- update to 1.2.6 - define LDAP_DEPRECATED in apr_ldap.h (r391985, #188073)- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- rebuild to drop reference to libexpat.la- disable sqlite2 support - BuildRequire e2fsprogs-devel - enable malloc paranoia in %check- rebuilt again- rebuilt- trim exports from .la file/--libs output (#174924)- update to 1.2.2- fix epoch again- update to 0.9.7 - drop static libs (#170051)- add FILE bucket fix for truncated files (#159191) - add epoch to dependencies- rebuild- update to 0.9.6- restore db-4.3 detection lost in 0.9.5 upgrade- rebuild- update to 0.9.5- actually explicitly check for and detect db-4.3.- rebuild against db-4.3.21.- add security fix for CAN-2004-0786- have -devel require matching release of apr-util- rebuilt- fix use of SHA1 passwords (#119651)- remove fundamentally broken check_sbcs() from xlate code- tweak xlate fix- rebuild with xlate fixes and tests enabled- rebuilt- rename sdbm_* symbols to apu__sdbm_*- fix sdbm apr_dbm_exists() on s390x/ppc64- rebuilt- fix warnings from use of apr_optional*.h with gcc 3.4- drop gdbm support- fix DB library detection- rebuild against db-4.2.52.- rebuild against db-4.2.42.- fix 'apu-config --apu-la-file' output- update to 0.9.4.- rebuild- rebuild - don't run testuuid test because of #98677- rebuild- rebuilt- fix to detect crypt_r correctly (CAN-2003-0195)- fix to try linking against -ldb first (#90917) - depend on openldap, gdbm, db4, expat appropriately.- rebuild- make devel package conflict with old subversion-devel - run the less crufty parts of the test suite- run ldconfig in post/postun- initial build1.5.2-6.el71.5.2-6.el7apr_ldap-1.soapr_ldap.so/usr/lib64/apr-util-1/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericcpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0x20be0ac0fa770973c673cafb779179d526ece3f1, strippedRRRRRRR ?p7zXZ !#,.Co] b2u y-iSq矗o257tS l2 G>"GWpZnEXBPsM#O?ʂހ 1]= j"o4{@E{"<9=P"_YdFQz;7׭d&);wV i$}I.gcֽ\+T}d uE _& UB-c22s"=qXl;&V\ Z3$*uٴ'uxp$]<{x pA qYv@J$m2\bC[SÚSM,awSWS|WɆA[eO/ݢ('IgG%_6@`Q@FP>q "zSH 2#F8#0ҙhF2" pkf+r'Kq <Pw7*VQ1ok8gل(챠\8iۨ.ΝEa'ig9ih,('08wUѬ8ux ]\UGcPS;K{ )hM2MGG]:Ɔ|6P)8A Nal@^,+7pBF _g Ю*ɗ>Pqv?d-D;mGω.[MZt>y‰ƨw(oӡm Xe߈Rq@VbrQPM_D墡RЦao̜H6zMSfL}7LNSA~ <*.@\OG2&>+YN#1[*JV.Ay329Ozp.*]f>PtVb}$y2,%$htDaua bȽtir/9&á<ª{Dڜw+7n g9 2 =ƈkj*^/cjPjq8w%@gAu'KPX<@?|\"XtnvgAl {*/4A7vWbwA$1|)r,Ώ MG3;qSRtU;ɑS`R{N Pm`6y[IHa]Z?܁iR^}DgaQCQNIt}ILxSLXϷ/ǽmo/cX UeQ7';Dc8`Qŧq.5COQr;r[avB *Gh~d!5sRbmj*NSs/c WKg<%呼]/f 0t,/EtG`£m IQ?rÙՎwO#Β "Dp jӷan^wkM - 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