# fw_type will always be developer for Mario. # Alex and ZGB need the developer BIOS installed though. fw_type="`crossystem mainfw_type`" if [ ! "$fw_type" = "developer" ] then echo -e "\nYou're Chromebook is not running a developer BIOS!" echo -e "You need to run:" echo -e "" echo -e "sudo chromeos-firmwareupdate --mode=todev" echo -e "" echo -e "and then re-run this script." exit fi powerd_status="`initctl status powerd`" if [ ! "$powerd_status" = "powerd stop/waiting" ] then echo -e "Stopping powerd to keep display from timing out..." initctl stop powerd fi setterm -blank 0 if [ "$3" != "" ]; then target_disk=$3 echo "Got ${target_disk} as target drive" echo "" echo "WARNING! All data on this device will be wiped out! Continue at your own risk!" echo "" read -p "Press [Enter] to install ChrUbuntu on ${target_disk} or CTRL+C to quit" ext_size="`blockdev --getsz ${target_disk}`" aroot_size=$((ext_size - 65600 - 33)) parted --script ${target_disk} "mktable gpt" cgpt create ${target_disk} cgpt add -i 6 -b 64 -s 32768 -S 1 -P 5 -l KERN-A -t "kernel" ${target_disk} cgpt add -i 7 -b 65600 -s $aroot_size -l ROOT-A -t "rootfs" ${target_disk} sync blockdev --rereadpt ${target_disk} partprobe ${target_disk} crossystem dev_boot_usb=1 else target_disk="`rootdev -d -s`" # Do partitioning (if we haven't already) ckern_size="`cgpt show -i 6 -n -s -q ${target_disk}`" croot_size="`cgpt show -i 7 -n -s -q ${target_disk}`" state_size="`cgpt show -i 1 -n -s -q ${target_disk}`" max_ubuntu_size=$(($state_size/1024/1024/2)) rec_ubuntu_size=$(($max_ubuntu_size - 1)) # If KERN-C and ROOT-C are one, we partition, otherwise assume they're what they need to be... if [ "$ckern_size" = "1" -o "$croot_size" = "1" ] then while : do read -p "Enter the size in gigabytes you want to reserve for Ubuntu. Acceptable range is 5 to $max_ubuntu_size but $rec_ubuntu_size is the recommended maximum: " ubuntu_size if [ ! $ubuntu_size -ne 0 2>/dev/null ] then echo -e "\n\nNumbers only please...\n\n" continue fi if [ $ubuntu_size -lt 5 -o $ubuntu_size -gt $max_ubuntu_size ] then echo -e "\n\nThat number is out of range. Enter a number 5 through $max_ubuntu_size\n\n" continue fi break done # We've got our size in GB for ROOT-C so do the math... #calculate sector size for rootc rootc_size=$(($ubuntu_size*1024*1024*2)) #kernc is always 16mb kernc_size=32768 #new stateful size with rootc and kernc subtracted from original stateful_size=$(($state_size - $rootc_size - $kernc_size)) #start stateful at the same spot it currently starts at stateful_start="`cgpt show -i 1 -n -b -q ${target_disk}`" #start kernc at stateful start plus stateful size kernc_start=$(($stateful_start + $stateful_size)) #start rootc at kernc start plus kernc size rootc_start=$(($kernc_start + $kernc_size)) #Do the real work echo -e "\n\nModifying partition table to make room for Ubuntu." echo -e "Your Chromebook will reboot, wipe your data and then" echo -e "you should re-run this script..." umount -f /mnt/stateful_partition # stateful first cgpt add -i 1 -b $stateful_start -s $stateful_size -l STATE ${target_disk} # now kernc cgpt add -i 6 -b $kernc_start -s $kernc_size -l KERN-C ${target_disk} # finally rootc cgpt add -i 7 -b $rootc_start -s $rootc_size -l ROOT-C ${target_disk} reboot exit fi fi # hwid lets us know if this is a Mario (Cr-48), Alex (Samsung Series 5), ZGB (Acer), etc hwid="`crossystem hwid`" chromebook_arch="`uname -m`" #rs1 ubuntu_metapackage=${1:-default} #rs1 #rs1 latest_ubuntu=`wget --quiet -O - http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release | grep "^Version: " | tail -1 | sed -r 's/^Version: ([^ ]+)( LTS)?$/\1/'` #rs1 ubuntu_version=${2:-$latest_ubuntu} #rs1 #rs1 if [ "$ubuntu_version" = "lts" ] #rs1 then #rs1 ubuntu_version=`wget --quiet -O - http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release | grep "^Version:" | grep "LTS" | tail -1 | sed -r 's/^Version: ([^ ]+)( LTS)?$/\1/'` #rs1 elif [ "$ubuntu_version" = "latest" ] #rs1 then #rs1 ubuntu_version=$latest_ubuntu #rs1 fi #rs1 #rs1 if [ "$chromebook_arch" = "x86_64" ] #rs1 then #rs1 ubuntu_arch="amd64" #rs1 if [ "$ubuntu_metapackage" = "default" ] #rs1 then #rs1 ubuntu_metapackage="ubuntu-desktop" #rs1 fi #rs1 elif [ "$chromebook_arch" = "i686" ] #rs1 then #rs1 ubuntu_arch="i386" #rs1 if [ "$ubuntu_metapackage" = "default" ] #rs1 then #rs1 ubuntu_metapackage="ubuntu-desktop" #rs1 fi #rs1 elif [ "$chromebook_arch" = "armv7l" ] #rs1 then #rs1 ubuntu_arch="armhf" #rs1 if [ "$ubuntu_metapackage" = "default" ] #rs1 then #rs1 ubuntu_metapackage="xubuntu-desktop" #rs1 fi #rs1 else #rs1 echo -e "Error: This script doesn't know how to install ChrUbuntu on $chromebook_arch" #rs1 exit #rs1 fi echo -e "\nChrome device model is: $hwid\n" echo -e "Installing Ubuntu ${ubuntu_version} with metapackage ${ubuntu_metapackage}\n" echo -e "Kernel Arch is: $chromebook_arch Installing Ubuntu Arch: $ubuntu_arch\n" read -p "Press [Enter] to continue..." if [ ! -d /mnt/stateful_partition/ubuntu ] then mkdir /mnt/stateful_partition/ubuntu fi cd /mnt/stateful_partition/ubuntu if [[ "${target_disk}" =~ "mmcblk" ]] then target_rootfs="${target_disk}p7" target_kern="${target_disk}p6" else target_rootfs="${target_disk}7" target_kern="${target_disk}6" fi echo "Target Kernel Partition: $target_kern Target Root FS: ${target_rootfs}" if mount|grep ${target_rootfs} then echo "Refusing to continue since ${target_rootfs} is formatted and mounted. Try rebooting" exit fi mkfs.ext4 ${target_rootfs} if [ ! -d /tmp/urfs ] then mkdir /tmp/urfs fi mount -t ext4 ${target_rootfs} /tmp/urfs #rs1 tar_file="http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/$ubuntu_version/release/ubuntu-core-$ubuntu_version-core-$ubuntu_arch.tar.gz" #rs1 if [ $ubuntu_version = "dev" ] #rs1 then #rs1 ubuntu_animal=`wget --quiet -O - http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development | grep "^Dist: " | tail -1 | sed -r 's/^Dist: (.*)$/\1/'` #rs1 tar_file="http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/daily/current/$ubuntu_animal-core-$ubuntu_arch.tar.gz" #rs1 fi #rs1 wget -O - $tar_file | tar xzvvp -C /tmp/urfs/ #rs1 mount -o bind /proc /tmp/urfs/proc #rs1 mount -o bind /dev /tmp/urfs/dev #rs1 mount -o bind /dev/pts /tmp/urfs/dev/pts #rs1 mount -o bind /sys /tmp/urfs/sys ########################################################################### # slackware1 41 pcclu ( cd /tmp/urfs tar zxvf /tmp/sw/sw14pcclu.tgz ) mkdir -p /tmp/urfs/usr/bin ########################################################################### if [ -f /usr/bin/old_bins/cgpt ] then cp /usr/bin/old_bins/cgpt /tmp/urfs/usr/bin/ else cp /usr/bin/cgpt /tmp/urfs/usr/bin/ fi chmod a+rx /tmp/urfs/usr/bin/cgpt #rs1 cp /etc/resolv.conf /tmp/urfs/etc/ #rs1 echo chrubuntu > /tmp/urfs/etc/hostname #rs1 #echo -e " localhost #rs1 echo -e "\n127.0.1.1 chrubuntu" >> /tmp/urfs/etc/hosts #rs1 # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts #rs1 #::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback #rs1 #fe00::0 ip6-localnet #rs1 #ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix #rs1 #ff02::1 ip6-allnodes #rs1 #ff02::2 ip6-allrouters" > /tmp/urfs/etc/hosts #rs1 cr_install="wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add - #rs1 add-apt-repository \"deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main\" #rs1 apt-get update #rs1 apt-get -y install google-chrome-stable" #rs1 if [ $ubuntu_arch = 'armhf' ] #rs1 then #rs1 cr_install='apt-get -y install chromium-browser' #rs1 fi #rs1 #rs1 add_apt_repository_package='software-properties-common' #rs1 ubuntu_major_version=${ubuntu_version:0:2} #rs1 ubuntu_minor_version=${ubuntu_version:3:2} #rs1 if [ $ubuntu_major_version -le 12 ] && [ $ubuntu_minor_version -lt 10 ] #rs1 then #rs1 add_apt_repository_package='python-software-properties' #rs1 fi #rs1 #rs1 echo -e "useradd -m user #rs1 echo user | echo user:user | chpasswd #rs1 adduser user adm #rs1 adduser user sudo #rs1 apt-get -y update #rs1 apt-get -y dist-upgrade #rs1 apt-get -y install ubuntu-minimal #rs1 apt-get -y install wget #rs1 apt-get -y install $add_apt_repository_package #rs1 add-apt-repository main #rs1 add-apt-repository universe #rs1 add-apt-repository restricted #rs1 add-apt-repository multiverse #rs1 apt-get update #rs1 apt-get -y install $ubuntu_metapackage #rs1 $cr_install #rs1 if [ -f /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults ] #rs1 then #rs1 /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults --autologin user #rs1 fi" > /tmp/urfs/install-ubuntu.sh #rs1 #rs1 chmod a+x /tmp/urfs/install-ubuntu.sh #rs1 chroot /tmp/urfs /bin/bash -c /install-ubuntu.sh #rs1 rm /tmp/urfs/install-ubuntu.sh KERN_VER=`uname -r` mkdir -p /tmp/urfs/lib/modules/$KERN_VER/ cp -ar /lib/modules/$KERN_VER/* /tmp/urfs/lib/modules/$KERN_VER/ if [ ! -d /tmp/urfs/lib/firmware/ ] then mkdir /tmp/urfs/lib/firmware/ fi cp -ar /lib/firmware/* /tmp/urfs/lib/firmware/ #rs1 echo "console=tty1 debug verbose root=${target_rootfs} rootwait rw lsm.module_locking=0" > kernel-config echo "console=tty1 debug verbose root=${target_rootfs} rootwait ro lsm.module_locking=0" > kernel-config vbutil_arch="x86" if [ "$ubuntu_arch" = "armhf" ] then vbutil_arch="arm" fi vbutil_kernel --pack newkern \ --keyblock /usr/share/vboot/devkeys/kernel.keyblock \ --version 1 \ --signprivate /usr/share/vboot/devkeys/kernel_data_key.vbprivk \ --config kernel-config \ --vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r` \ --arch $vbutil_arch dd if=newkern of=${target_kern} #Set Ubuntu kernel partition as top priority for next boot (and next boot only) cgpt add -i 6 -P 5 -T 1 ${target_disk} echo -e " Installation seems to be complete. If ChrUbuntu fails when you reboot, power off your Chrome OS device and then turn it back on. You'll be back in Chrome OS. If you're happy with ChrUbuntu when you reboot be sure to run: sudo cgpt add -i 6 -P 5 -S 1 ${target_disk} To make it the default boot option. The ChrUbuntu login is: Username: user Password: user We're now ready to start ChrUbuntu! " read -p "Press [Enter] to reboot..." reboot