Apache for OpenServer 5.0 is a robust, full-featured HTTP web server derived from the Apache Project open source server.
The following notes apply only to the supported Apache web server Release 1.3.12 installed from the Skunkware 2000 CD on OpenServer 5.0 systems.
Software: | SCO OpenServer 5.0.4, 5.0.5, or greater |
RAM: | >64MB |
Disk Space: | 4MB free disk space |
Disk Space: | 1.5MB free disk space |
/etc/custom -p SKUNK2000:default:Glib -i -m /dev/rcd0To install Apache, use custom(ADM).
See your OpenServer 5.0 documentation for details.
During installation, you will see the following message:
Do you wish to disable the Netscape FastTrack web server?
Answering "yes" will disable all instances of Netscape FastTrack running or installed on the system, including any instances of the web server running on other ports. If you would prefer to manually disable individual instances of Netscape FastTrack, answer "no" to this question, and see the instructions for disabling Netscape FastTrack below, under "Port 80 default server".
See your OpenServer 5.0 documentation for details.
If existing /htdocs and /cgi-bin directories are found
on the system, the Apache installation will not install its own web server
content. Otherwise, it builds up a default set of content from the
and /cgi-bin-default directories.
/usr/local/lib/apache/bin/apachectl start
As an alternative, the /etc/apache script is provided.
This script also allows the server to be enabled to start on system boot.
See the apache(APACHE) manual page for details of how to use this
If the Netscape FastTrack port 80 server is already running on the system, the Apache port 80 server will fail to start, and log the following type of message to its error log file:
[crit] (125)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to port 80In this case, either stop, or disable, the FastTrack server before starting Apache, or move one or the other of the servers to a different port.
Comment out the following line in /etc/rc2.d/S90atlas
/bin/su root -c /usr/internet/lib/ns_admin/webservers start ns_httpd
Disable the Fastrack S-file by changing the uppercase "S" to lowercase in the following file:
mv /etc/rc2.d/S90fasttrack /etc/rc2.d/s90fasttrack
Comment out the following line in /etc/rc0.d/K78atlas
/usr/internet/lib/ns_admin/webservers stop
Kill all running Netscape FastTrack processes:
ps -e | grep ns-httpd
Enable Apache:
/usr/local/lib/apache/bin/apachectl start
The system will now function as before, with SCO Help and the internet manager still running, but Apache will replace Netscape FastTrack on port 80. No reboot is required.
To re-enable Netscape FastTrack, reverse these steps.
In general, both Apache and Netscape FastTrack can run together on a
single system, providing that they are not trying to listen on the same
network port or ports.
The Apache User's Guide is installed in the default document root for the Apache Web Server and will be available through the Apache Web Server by pointing your browser to http://insert your server name/manual, or through the file /usr/local/lib/apache/htdocs/manual/index.html.
The following manual pages are available:
apache, ab, apachectl, apxs, dbmmanage, htdigest, htpasswd, httpd, logresolve, rotatelogs, and suexec
In order to view these man pages, you must first install the Groff package from the Skunkware 2000 CD, using the following command:
/etc/custom -p SKUNK2000:default:Groff -i -m /dev/cd0
If /usr/local/bin is not already in your path, you can add it now. For example, for Bourne or Korn shell users:
PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/binexport PATH
You can then access these pages with the man(C) command. For example:
man apachectl
You can also access the latest Apache documentation directly from the Apache organization, at http://apache.org.
The Java Servlet Development Kit documentation can be found in /usr/local/java/jsdk/doc.
the Apache JServ Java Servlet engine documentation can be found in /usr/local/java/jserv/docs.