@@@SKUNKHEADER(Interpreters / Scripting Languages)
Welcome to the Skunkware Interpreters section. The programs in this section contain extra scripting languages, both for use from a shell and for embedding within applications. Some of these tools, like Perl and TCL, should almost be a standard part of UNIX, as they are that common and entrenched.
@@@START_PACKAGELIST @@@PACKLIST(perl;Perl 5 Scripting Language;5.004_04;Yes;Yes) @@@PACKLIST(tcl;Tool Command Language (TCL);8.0;Yes;Yes) @@@PACKLIST(tclx;Extended TCL;8.0.2;Yes;Yes) @@@PACKLIST(tk;Tk - an X11 Toolkit for TCL;8.0;Yes;Yes) @@@PACKLIST(tix;Tk 4.2 based Tix widget set;4.1;No;Yes) @@@PACKLIST(tix8;Tk 8.0 based Tix widget set;8.0;No;Yes) @@@PACKLIST(expect;Expect - a TCL Extension;5.25;Yes;Yes) @@@PACKLIST(js;NGS JavaScript Interpreter;0.2.4;No;Yes) @@@PACKLIST(python;Python - an object orient scripting tool;1.5;Yes;Yes) @@@END_PACKAGELIST #include "perl.src" #include "tcl.src" #include "tclx.src" #include "tk.src" #include "tix.src" #include "tix8.src" #include "expect.src" #include "js.src" #include "python.src" @@@SKUNKFOOTER