The Skunkware CD-ROM has been prepared primarily as an installation medium. Please consult the installation guide for detailed instructions on how to install Skunkware components.

Use your browser to explore the CD-ROM, read the component descriptions, or click on the links which take you back to the main Skunkware web site for additional components and component updates.

Please read the Skunkware Release Notes.

What's New Skunkware Home Gzip/Gunzip Ordering
Release Notes Install Guide Components Q&A (FAQ)


The Open Source Software Supplement (aka Skunkware) provides a complete collection of Open Source and freeware products for SCO OpenServer and UnixWare 7, including the KDE desktop, Apache and Squid web servers, EGCS and GNU development tools, Perl and Python, lxrun, cdrecord, and much more.

The current snapshot supplement is included with product media kits, but between CD releases, updates are posted on the Skunkware web site as soon as they are available.

Wherever possible, the Skunkware CD-ROM contains packages in the operating system's native installation format. For OpenServer, this means the packages are installed using the custom command, and for UnixWare, packages are installed using pkgadd
