@@@SKUNKHEADER(Window Managers)
Welcome to the Skunkware Window Managers section. The Skunkware team has collected a few window managers which some users may wish to run as a replacement for the SCO Desktop and Motif window managers. Users wil almost certainly want to customize these window managers, and probably create custom .startxrc files. Please consult the startx man page for details on the contents of this file.
These window managers can all use the icons and pixmaps provided in the Skunkware icon collection (see table below).
#ifdef SKUNK_CDAdditional window managers for SCO platforms are available via the Skunkware web/ftp site at http://www.sco.com/skunkware/x11/winman/
#endif @@@START_PACKAGELIST @@@PACKLIST(skunkpix;Skunkware icon collection;1.0;Yes;Yes) @@@PACKLIST(WindowMak;WindowMaker window manager;0.50.2;Yes;Yes) @@@PACKLIST(enlighten;Enlightenment window manager;0.12.3;Yes;Yes) @@@PACKLIST(fvwm;ICCCM compliant multiple virtual desktop window manager;2.0.46;Yes;Yes) @@@PACKLIST(fvwm95;Well known product look and feel for fvwm;2.0.43a;Yes;Yes) @@@PACKLIST(kde;the K Desktop Environment;1.1pre2;Yes;Yes) @@@PACKLIST(qt;QT X11 Widget Set;1.44;Yes;Yes) @@@END_PACKAGELIST #include "skunkpix.src" #include "WindowMak.src" #include "enlighten.src" #include "fvwm.src" #include "fvwm95.src" #include "kde.src" #include "qt.src" @@@SKUNKFOOTER