#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w $0 =~ s,.*/,,; $version="v1.1"; $program=$0; $debug=0; $mailto='mailto:skunkware@sco.com'; $baseref='http://www.sco.com/skunkware'; $isweb=0; sub usage { warn "@_\n" if @_; $! = 0; die <"; } if ($next eq "none" or $next eq "NONE") { $nextref=""; } else { $nextref=""; } if ($debug) { print "nextref=$nextref\n"; print "prevref=$prevref\n"; } open (TEMPLATE,$templflt) or die "$program error: cannot open $template for reading\n"; open (OUTPUT,">$output") or die "$program error: cannot open $output for output\n"; sub skunkheader{ my($foo) = @_; my($title,$plink,$nlink) = split(/;/,$foo); my($oplink,$onlink); if (not $plink) { $oplink = $prevref; } else { $oplink=""; } if (not $nlink) { $onlink = $nextref; } else { $onlink=""; } if ($debug) { print "skunkheader: title='$title'\n"; print " oplink='$oplink'\n"; print " onlink='$onlink'\n"; } if (not $title) { warn "$program: No TITLE specified in SKUNKHEADER\n"; } if (not $isweb) { # # This is the header information for the Skunkware CD-ROM # print OUTPUT < $title

SCO Skunkware

Open Source Software

EOF } else { # # This is the header information for the Skunkware On-line pages # print OUTPUT < $title

Home > Skunkware


EOF } } sub skunkfooter { my($foo) = @_; if ($isweb) { # # Print out the footer of a page for the On-line version of the page. # This should conform to the corporate guidelines. # print OUTPUT <

The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. and SCO Skunkware are not related to, affiliated with or licensed by the famous Lockheed Martin Skunk Works (R), the creator of the F-117 Stealth Fighter, SR-71, U-2, Venturestar(tm), Darkstar(tm), and other pioneering air and spacecraft.

Last Updated: $now

EOF } else { # # Print out the footer for the CD-ROM version. # print OUTPUT <

Last Updated: $now

Copyright © 1995-2000 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy statement. EOF } } sub start_packagelist { my($foo) = @_; print OUTPUT <Package List

EOF } sub end_packagelist { my($foo) = @_; print OUTPUT <

EOF } sub startpack { my($linkref,$desc) = @_; print OUTPUT <$desc
EOF } sub endpack { my($foo) = @_; print OUTPUT <


EOF } sub source { my($site) = @_; print OUTPUT < Original source code $site

EOF } sub homepage { my($page) = @_; print OUTPUT < Package Home page $page

EOF } sub osr5dist { my($location) = @_; my($volfile); if ($location =~ /http\:\/\// || $location =~ /ftp\:\/\//) { print OUTPUT < OpenServer Distribution $location

EOF } else { if ($location =~ /osr5\//) { if ($location =~ /\.gz$/) { $volfile = "$location"; } else { if (not $location =~ /\/$/) { $volfile="${location}/VOLS.tar"; } else { $volfile="${location}VOLS.tar"; } } print OUTPUT < OpenServer Distribution $location

EOF } else { print OUTPUT < OpenServer Distribution $location

EOF } } } sub uw2dist { my($location) = @_; my($volfile); if ($location =~ /http\:\/\// || $location =~ /ftp\:\/\//) { print OUTPUT < UnixWare Distribution $location

EOF } else { print OUTPUT < UnixWare Distribution $location

EOF } } sub packlist{ my($foo) = @_; my($linkref,$desc,$packver,$isosr5,$isuw2) = split(/;/, $foo); print OUTPUT <
EOF } LINE: while (defined($line =
Name Description Version OSR5 UnixWare
$linkref $desc $packver $isosr5 $isuw2