Updated: 24 October 1997 This is a snapshot of development sources of of the IMAP 4.1 toolkit. It is updated frequently. This version supports IMAP4rev1 (RFC 2060). There are major internal and external changes from the IMAP2bis version (e.g. imap-3.6, distributed with Pine 3.9x). It is extremely unlikely that a program written for the IMAP2bis will build with this version without modifications. Drivers written for the IMAP2bis version will almost certainly need to be rewritten. Most notable operational changes: . The mbox driver is now enabled by default. If the file "mbox" exists on the user's home directory and is in UNIX mailbox format, then when INBOX is opened this file will be selected as INBOX instead of the mail spool file. Messages will be automatically transferred from the mail spool file into the mbox file. To disable this behavior, delete "mbox" from the EXTRADRIVERS list in the file .../src/osdep/unix/Makefile and rebuild. . IMAP4rev1 protocol is now supported. The UNIX format support now maintains unique identifiers (UIDs) and keyword flags for each message, and keeps an invisible message at the start of the file which contains the UID base information and a list of assigned keywords. There is no way to disable this behavior, since it would disable IMAP4rev1 support. This message may show up if you access the mailbox as a file using older mail software (e.g. Pine 3.9x). It is invisible with IMAP or POP access, or with access as a file using Pine 4.00. . Support for additional mailbox formats. . No longer keeps entire mailbox in memory for UNIX format files. . Multilingual searching of the following charsets are supported: US-ASCII, UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-3, ISO-8859-4, ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-6, ISO-8859-7, ISO-8859-8, ISO-8859-9, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-KR, ISO-2022-CN, ISO-2022-JP2, GB2312 (alias CN-GB), BIG5 (alias CN-BIG5), EUC-JP, EUC-KR, Shift_JIS, KOI8-R, KOI8-RU, TIS-620. All ISO-2022-?? charsets are treated identically, and support ASCII, JIS Roman, ISO-8859-[1-9], GB 2312, JIS X 0208, JIS X 0212, KSC 5601, and planes 1 and 2 of CNS 11643. EUC-JP includes support for JIS X 0212 and hankaku katakana. . Fast sorting including IMAP server-based sort! Most notable programmer/external changes: . Additional ports . New directory orientation, no separate non-ANSI sources . New local file formats mbx and mx . The bezerk driver has been retired, and replaced with the new unix driver which does not keep a snapshot in memory . Many new added ports including NT (Win32 client, NT server) . Many new data access functions. The following are known problems/deficiencies: . Bugs: . Case-independent searching only works for the 26 Roman alphabetics and not for any other characters. . The experimental mx driver has performance problems and shouldn't be used . docs/Internal.DOC is out of date again . IMAP client limitations: . No SASL protection mechanisms . POP client limitations: . No SASL authentication/protection mechanisms . No POP3 UID support . IMAP server limitations: . No Kerberos server support . No SASL protection mechanisms . POP3 server limitations: . No SASL authentication/protection mechanisms . UNIX limitations: . Supported local file formats: mbx, mh, mmdf, mtx, mx, news, phile, tenex, and unix . Sticky UIDs are not supported in the mh, mtx, and tenex drivers . Creation of keywords is not supported in the mh, mtx, and tenex drivers . NT limitations: . Supported local file formats: bezerk, mbx, mtx, tenex . Sticky UIDs are not supported in the mtxnt and tenexnt drivers . Creation of keywords is not supported in the mtxnt and tenexnt drivers . No support for TCP open timeouts . DOS limitations: . Supported TCPs: B&W, Novell, PC-NFs, PC/TCP, Waterloo, Winsock . Supported local file formats: bezerk, mtx . Sticky UIDs are not supported on local files . Creation of keywords are not supported on local files . Bezerk driver is read-only and does not handle LF-only newlines well . No support for any TCP timeouts on Waterloo DOS . No support for TCP open timeouts on Winsock and generic DOS . OS/2 limitations: . Not finished, does not build . Mac limitations: . No local file drivers . TOPS-20 limitations: . No local file drivers . No support for any TCP timeouts . VMS limitations: . Supported TCPs: Multinet, Netlib . No local file drivers . No support for any TCP timeouts on VMS Netlib . No support for TCP open timeouts on VMS Multinet