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000 -can only create %scannot create blocked %s-- Usage: tar -{txruc}[0-9vfbkelmnpwAFL] [tapefile] [blocksize] [tapesize] files... 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Link information lost file too large to fit on volume: %sseek = %luK a %s %luK %lu tape blocks %6otar: Interrupted in the middle of a file %s: file changed size tar: %s needs unusual number of volumes to split tar: %s not dumped %o%lotar: large file %s needs %d extents. tar: current device seek position = %luK %lo%o%6o+++ a %s %luK [extent #%d of %d] tar: %s: file changed size tar: aborting split file %s a %s %luK (in %d extents) tar: %s: cannot link %s linked to %s tar: %s - cannot create tar: ignoring bad extent info for %s x %s, %lu bytes, %luK %lu tape blocks tar: cannot stat extracted file tar: warning - file permissions have changed for %s SENDaNULLtar: %d file(s) not extracted %s: HELP - extract write errortar: %s split across %d volumes tar: first extent read is not #1 OK to read file beginning with extent #%d (y/n) ? +++ x %s [extent #%d], %lu bytes, %luK tar: misplaced end of volume tar: first record is null tar: need volume with extent #%d of %s tar: first file on that volume is not the same file tar: extent #%d received out of order tar: should be #%d Ignore error, Abort this file, or load New volume (i/a/n) ? x %s (in %d extents), %lu bytes, %luK %s [extent #%d of %d] %lu bytes total [extent #%d of %d] linked to %s tar: %d file(s) not found %3d/%-3d%7lu%b %d %H:%M %Y %s %ccannot make directory %s!%6o %6o %6o %11lo %11lo %c %s: %s %lo tar: please insert new volume, then press RETURN.-outputinputcannot reopen %s (%s)pwd/bin/pwdpwd/usr/bin/pwdtar: pwd failed! / No process to get directory name!Directory too long: %s ...device seek errorread error while skipping filetape read errorreadtar: tape blocksize error tar: Cannot update blocked tapes (yet) tar: buffer size = %dK tar: blocksize = %d tape read error after seektape write errorrnot a regular file: %serror reading %star: invalid archive size. tar: sizes below %luK not supported (%lu). bad size entry for %s in %s. tar: invalid blocksize. (Max %d) bad blocksize entry for '%s' in %s. tar: error setting parameters for %s. tar: missing or invalid '%s' entry in %s. tar: '%s' entry in %s is empty! tar: block component missing in '%s' entry in %s. tar: size component missing in '%s' entry in %s. pipeforkSENDaNULL%s: cannot create link%s linked to %s malloc failed. 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