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MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, any later version. the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify Copyright (C) 1992-1993 Jean-loup Gaillybitslzwbestfastversionverboseno-timetestsuffixrecursivesilentquietnameno-namelicenselisthelpforceuncompressdecompressstdoutto-stdoutasciirusage: %s [-%scdfhlLnN%stvV19] [-S suffix] [file ...] file... files to (de)compress. If none given, use standard input. -9 --best compress better -1 --fast compress faster -V --version display version number -v --verbose verbose mode -t --test test compressed file integrity -S .suf --suffix .suf use suffix .suf on compressed files -r --recursive operate recursively on directories -q --quiet suppress all warnings -N --name save or restore the original name and time stamp -n --no-name do not save or restore the original name and time stamp -L --license display software license -l --list list compressed file contents -h --help give this help -f --force force overwrite of output file and compress links -d --decompress decompress -c --stdout write on standard output, keep original files unchanged18 Aug 931.2.4%s %s (%s) %s UTIMEDIRENTCompilation options: %s %s STDC_HEADERS HAVE_UNISTD_H .exeGZIPunguncatgzcat.gzab:cdfhH?lLmMnNqrS:tvVZ123456789%s: -Z not supported in this version %s: option --ascii ignored on this system %s: incorrect suffix '%s' deread fromwritten to%s: compressed data not %s a terminal. Use -f to force %scompression. For help, type: %s -h stdinfstat(stdin) OK -%s: %s is a directory -- ignored %s: %s is not a directory or a regular file - ignored %s: %s has %d other link%c -- unchanged %s: %s: %s compressed to %s %s: %s OK -- replaced with %s%s: %s: warning, name truncated _z-z-gz.tgz.taz.zz.Z%s: %s: unknown suffix -- ignored .tar%s: %s already has %s suffix -- unchanged %s: %s: unknown method %d -- get newer version of gzip %s: %s is encrypted -- get newer version of gzip %s: %s is a a multi-part gzip file -- get newer version of gzip %s: %s has flags 0x%x -- get newer version of gzip %s: %s: part number %u %s: %s: extra field of %u bytes ignored corrupted input -- file name too largePK %s: %s: not in gzip format %s: %s: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored deflalzh pack comprstoremethod crc date time compressed uncompr. ratio uncompressed_name %9lu %9lu %9ld %9ld (totals) %5s %08lx %11s %s name too shortcan't recover suffix .internal error in shorten_name%s: %s: cannot %scompress onto itself %s: %s and %s are the same file n%s: %s already exists; do you wish to overwrite (y or n)? not overwritten %s: time stamp restored %s: %s unreadable ..%s: %s/%s: pathname too long bad pack levelblock vanished-l used on binary file %s: %s: not a valid zip file %s: %s: first entry not deflated or stored -- use unzip %s: %s: encrypted file -- use unzip out of memoryinvalid compressed data--format violatedlen %ld, siz %ld invalid compressed data--length mismatchinternal error, invalid methodinvalid compressed data--crc errorinvalid compressed data--length error%s: %s has more than one entry--rest ignored %s: %s has more than one entry -- unchanged incomplete literal tree incomplete distance tree out of memoryargc<=0 %s: %s: %s %s: %s: warning: %s%s %s: %s: unexpected end of file %2ld.%1ld%%output in compress .Z format not supported %s: %s: warning, unknown flags 0x%x %s: %s: compressed with %d bits, can only handle %d bits corrupt input.corrupt input. 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