0707070000000000001007550156500001460000010000000755364715700001400000010066bin/finderr: ' : ************************************************************************* : : INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. : : PROPRIETARY DATA : : THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA WHICH IS THE PROPERTY OF : INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBMITTED TO RECIPIENT IN : CONFIDENCE. INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR : DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY WRITTEN AGREEMENT : SIGNED BY AN OFFICER OF INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. : : THIS MATERIAL IS ALSO COPYRIGHTED AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER : SECTIONS 104 AND 408 OF TITLE 17 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE. : UNAUTHORIZED USE, COPYING OR OTHER REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. : : : Title: finderr : Sccsid: @(#)finderr 9.11 1/18/94 16:00:00 : Description: finderr scans the ascii file $INFORMIXDIR/msg/errmsg.txt : and copies the text of one or more error messages to standard output. : : ************************************************************************* : ' # The following variables define the upper limit of + and - message numbers, # as documented in the errmsg.txt file. PLUSLIMIT=38095 MINUSLIMIT=47104 INFDIR=${INFORMIXDIR-/usr/informix} EF=errmsg.txt # make sure we have arguments, give usage if not case $# in 0) # Print usage message echo "Usage: finderr msgnum [msgnum2 ...]" echo " " echo "finderr searches the file of error message explanations" echo "distributed with Informix products and copies the text of one" echo "or more error messages to the standard output. If an unsigned" echo "number is given, a negative sign is assumed. Examples:" echo " " echo " finderr 327" echo " finderr 233 107 113 134 143 144 154 | more" echo " " echo " " echo "See the rofferr script for more formatting capabilities." exit 1 exit 1 esac if test -r $INFDIR/msg/$DBLANG/$EF then EP=$INFDIR/msg/$DBLANG/$EF elif test -r $INFDIR/$DBLANG/$EF then EP=$INFDIR/$DBLANG/$EF elif test -r $INFDIR/msg/$EF then EP=$INFDIR/msg/$EF elif test -r $INFDIR/english/$EF then EP=$INFDIR/english/$EF else # Print message to check INFORMIXDIR and DBLANG variables. echo "Cannot read the message text file $EF." echo "Please verify that your INFORMIXDIR variable is set correctly." echo "Please also check your DBLANG variable, if necessary." exit 2 fi while true ; do case $1 in -v|-V) sed -n "1,/^#/p" $EP | sed '$d' exit ;; [0-9]*) if test "`echo $1 | tr -d "+\-0123456789"`" != "" then echo "argument $1 is non-numeric" exit 3 fi N1=-$1 if expr $N1 \< -$MINUSLIMIT > /dev/null then echo "$N1 is outside the range of documented messages." exit 1 fi ;; -[0-9]*) if test "`echo $1 | tr -d "+\-0123456789"`" != "" then echo "argument $1 is non-numeric" exit 3 fi N1=$1 if expr $N1 \< -$MINUSLIMIT > /dev/null then echo "$N1 is outside the range of documented messages." exit 1 fi ;; +[0-9]*) if test "`echo $1 | tr -d "+\-0123456789"`" != "" then echo "argument $1 is non-numeric" exit 3 fi N1=`echo $1 | tr -d "+"` if expr $N1 \> $PLUSLIMIT > /dev/null then echo "$N1 is outside the range of documented messages." exit 1 fi ;; "") break;; *) echo "argument ($1) is not numeric." exit 3;; esac # Use sed to extract all lines for the specified message, if it exists. # Note that there can be more than one entry for each message. tmp=/tmp/fe$$ tmpa=/tmp/fe$$a grep -n "^$N1 * " $EP | sed "s@:@ @" > $tmp if test -s $tmp then if test `cat $tmp | wc -l` -eq 1 then sed -n "/^$N1 * /,/^[-]*[0-9][0-9]* * /p" $EP | sed '$d' else cat /dev/null > $tmpa while read flno msgnum msgtxt do sed -n "$flno,/^[-]*[0-9][0-9]* * /p" $EP | sed '$d' >> $tmpa done < $tmp cat $tmpa fi rm -f $tmp $tmpa else echo "Message $N1 not found" fi shift done rm -f $tmp $tmp.bak 0707070000000000011007550156500001460000010000000755364716000001400000017112bin/rofferr: ' : ************************************************************************* : : INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. : : PROPRIETARY DATA : : THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA WHICH IS THE PROPERTY OF : INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBMITTED TO RECIPIENT IN : CONFIDENCE. INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR : DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY WRITTEN AGREEMENT : SIGNED BY AN OFFICER OF INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. : : THIS MATERIAL IS ALSO COPYRIGHTED AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER : SECTIONS 104 AND 408 OF TITLE 17 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE. : UNAUTHORIZED USE, COPYING OR OTHER REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. : : : Title: rofferr : Sccsid: @(#)rofferr 9.10 12/9/93 14:00:48 : Description: rofferr scans the ascii file $INFORMIXDIR/msg/errmsg.txt : and copies the text of a range of error messages to standard output, : embedding -man troff macros so [nt]roff can be used to format them. : : ************************************************************************* : ' # The following variables define the upper limit of + and - message numbers, # as documented in the errmsg.txt file. PLUSLIMIT=38095 MINUSLIMIT=47104 INFDIR=${INFORMIXDIR-/usr/informix} EF=errmsg.txt tmp=/tmp/re$$ # make sure we have arguments, give usage if not case $# in 1|2) ;; *) # Print usage message echo "Usage: rofferr first_msgnum [last_msgnum]" echo " " echo "rofferr searches the file of error message explanations" echo "distributed with Informix products and copies the text of one" echo "error message, or a range of error messages, to the standard" echo "output, inserting minimal troff formatting codes taken from the" echo """man"" macro set." echo " " echo "If an unsigned number is given, a negative sign is assumed." echo " " echo "Examples:" echo " " echo " a) Print message -408 only: " echo " rofferr 408 | nroff -i -man | lp " echo " " echo " b) Print ISAM messages -100 through -199: " echo " rofferr 100 199 | nroff -i -man | lp " echo " " echo "Note that files to print the entire error message manual on a" echo "PostScript (tm) printer have been supplied in the msg directory" echo "of the Informix distribution directory." echo " " echo "Use the finderr script for simple ad hoc message displays." echo " " exit 1 esac if test -r $INFDIR/msg/$DBLANG/$EF then EP=$INFDIR/msg/$DBLANG/$EF elif test -r $INFDIR/$DBLANG/$EF then EP=$INFDIR/$DBLANG/$EF elif test -r $INFDIR/msg/$EF then EP=$INFDIR/msg/$EF elif test -r $INFDIR/english/$EF then EP=$INFDIR/english/$EF else # Print message to check INFORMIXDIR and DBLANG variables. echo "Cannot read the message text file $EF." echo "Please verify that your INFORMIXDIR variable is set correctly." echo "Please also check your DBLANG variable, if necessary." exit 2 fi case $1 in -v|-V) sed -n "1,/^#/p" $EP | sed '$d' exit;; [0-9]*) if test "`echo $1 | tr -d "+\-0123456789"`" != "" then # echo argument $1 is non-numeric echo "argument $1 is non-numeric" exit 3 fi N1=-$1 if expr $N1 \< -$MINUSLIMIT > /dev/null then # echo "-$1 is outside the range of documented messages." echo "$N1 is outside the range of documented messages." exit 1 fi ;; -[0-9]*) if test "`echo $1 | tr -d "+\-0123456789"`" != "" then # echo argument $1 is non-numeric echo "argument $1 is non-numeric" exit 3 fi N1=$1 if expr $N1 \< -$MINUSLIMIT > /dev/null then # echo "$N1 is outside the range of documented messages." echo "$N1 is outside the range of documented messages." exit 1 fi ;; +[0-9]*) if test "`echo $1 | tr -d "+\-0123456789"`" != "" then # echo argument $1 is non-numeric echo "argument $1 is non-numeric" exit 3 fi N1=`echo $1 | tr -d "+"` if expr $N1 \> $PLUSLIMIT > /dev/null then # echo "$N1 is outside the range of documented messages." echo "$N1 is outside the range of documented messages." exit 1 fi ;; *) # echo "argument ($1) is not numeric." echo "argument $1 is non-numeric" exit 3;; esac case $2 in [0-9]*) if test "`echo $2 | tr -d "+\-0123456789"`" != "" then # echo argument $2 is non-numeric echo "argument $2 is non-numeric" exit 3 fi N2=-$2 if expr $N2 \< -$MINUSLIMIT > /dev/null then # echo "$N2 is outside the range of documented messages." echo "$N2 is outside the range of documented messages." exit 1 fi ;; -[0-9]*) if test "`echo $2 | tr -d "+\-0123456789"`" != "" then # echo argument $2 is non-numeric echo "argument $2 is non-numeric" exit 3 fi N2=$2 if expr $2 \< -$MINUSLIMIT > /dev/null then # echo "$N2 is outside the range of documented messages." echo "$N2 is outside the range of documented messages." exit 1 fi ;; +[0-9]*) if test "`echo $2 | tr -d "+\-0123456789"`" != "" then # echo argument $2 is non-numeric echo "argument $2 is non-numeric" exit 3 fi N2=`echo $2 | tr -d "+"` if expr $N2 \> $PLUSLIMIT > /dev/null then # echo "$N2 is outside the range of documented messages." echo "$N2 is outside the range of documented messages." exit 1 fi ;; "") N2=$N1;; *) # echo "argument ($2) is not numeric." echo "argument $2 is non-numeric" exit 3;; esac # use finderr to extract messages in the range desired. if test $N1 -gt 0 then # Positive numbers if test $N1 -eq $N2 then # Only one number finderr +$N1 > $tmp else # make sure both numbers are positive if test $N2 -le 0 then echo "Both ends of message number range must be of same sign" exit 1 fi # make sure numbers are in right order if test $N1 -gt $N2 then N=$N1; N1=$N2; N2=$N fi cat /dev/null > $tmp N=$N1 while test $N -le $N2 -a $N -le $PLUSLIMIT do finderr +$N >> $tmp N=`expr $N + 1` done fi else # Negative numbers if test $N1 -eq $N2 then # Only one number finderr $N1 > $tmp else # make sure both numbers are negative if test $N2 -ge 0 then echo "Both ends of message number range must be of same sign" exit 1 fi # make sure numbers are in right order if test $N1 -lt $N2 then N=$N1; N1=$N2; N2=$N fi cat /dev/null > $tmp N=$N1 while test $N -ge $N2 -a $N -ge -$MINUSLIMIT do finderr $N >> $tmp N=`expr $N - 1` done fi fi # Filter selected messages through awk in which elementary man # macros are inserted. The pattern of each error is: # .ne 4v # .IP -nnnn 1i # Message text line(s). # .PP # Message explanation lines. # More elaborate formatting is possible but is highly dependent on the # details of your version /usr/lib/tmac/tmac.an. The above is portable. if test -s $tmp then awk "BEGIN { pr=1; print \".TH \\\"Informix Messages\\\" \\\"\\\" \\\"\\\" \\\"$N1 to $N2\\\" \\\"\\\"\" } \ \$0 ~ /^$/ {print \".PP\"; pr = 0} \ \$1 ~ /^[-1-9][0-9]*$/ {print \".ne 4v\"; \ print \".IP\",\$1,\"1i\"; \ for (i=2;i<=NF;++i) \ print \$i; \ pr = 0 } \ { if (pr==1) print \$0; pr=1 } " $tmp else echo "No messages found between $N1 and $N2" fi rm -f $tmp 0707070000000000021006440156500001460000010000000755367102400001300000000142etc/NET-crIBM INFORMIX-NET Version 5.20.UC2 Copyright (C) International Business Machines Corporation 2001. 0707070000000000031007550156500001460000010000000755364732200001200001105763etc/brandLN=/ yx7 @.texty .data @ @xy@.bss`@`@7.comment4`jjR t#t h8t7hy7ET|@RU RP~1 P1jÐU3ɋW} EEVM܉MSD@E=}GX-FU;}F_MEF;}FCSEPjP8Ph @l8E CFU;}F Q ;EEEFU;}FX-tEu'E-l=w$ @EMQ=u6D@p @PR t @Qx @Pj"0URȋEDM;h @P؅E܅uh @SEVURh, @S =u; EQ @PD@RQh8 @ES^E=u.D@PR @QES'E=|Eu+UP @R D@QPiSCEEjPS贈E I }SyE3SBBSE=tVEtO}GH}S63KAAK=tuω}URKM;t-D@PR 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Reason: %s. Can't bind master to send ypclear message to ypserv for map %s.Can't send ypclear message to ypserv on the master machine for map %s.@(#)yp_master.c,v 5.1 1992/08/13 12:37:03 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)yp_match.c,v 5.2 1993/09/20 15:55:17 steved Exp System V NFS source@(#)yperr_str.c,v 4.4 1991/09/20 15:30:04 wmv Exp System V NFS sourcejjjjjkkkk k(k0k8k@kHkNIS operation succeededargs to NIS function are badRPC failure on NIS operationcan't bind to a server which serves domainno such map in server's domainno such key in mapinternal NIS server or client errorlocal resource allocation failureno more records in map databasecan't communicate with portmappercan't communicate with ypbindcan't communicate with ypservlocal domain name not setNIS map data base is badNIS client/server version mismatchunknown NIS client error code@(#)ypmaint_xdr.c,v 4.2 1991/10/02 10:34:51 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)ypprot_err.c,v 5.1 1992/05/19 15:46:24 wmv Exp System V NFS sourceon on onnn onn@(#)ypv1_xdr.c,v 4.4 1991/09/20 15:32:55 wmv Exp System V NFS sourceqqs@rrs@(#)ypxdr.c,v 5.1 1992/08/13 12:40:18 wmv Exp System V NFS sources$/etc/yp/YP_MAP_X_LATErcouldn't open x_late file %s %s@(#)clnt_perr.c,v 5.2 1993/05/28 16:30:25 steved Exp System V NFS sourceuuuttuu,uu|uuuuuuuuu 3@03@L3@h3@|3@3@3@3@3@ 4@ 4@ <4@ `4@ |4@4@4@4@4@@5@T5@p5@5@5@5@5@5@%s: ; errno = %s; low version = %lu, high version = %lu; why = %s(unknown authentication error - %d); low version = %lu, high version = %lu; s1 = %lu, s2 = %lu%s RPC: SuccessRPC: Can't encode argumentsRPC: Can't decode resultRPC: Unable to sendRPC: Unable to receiveRPC: Timed outRPC: Incompatible versions of RPCRPC: Authentication errorRPC: Program unavailableRPC: Program/version mismatchRPC: Procedure unavailableRPC: Server can't decode argumentsRPC: Remote system errorRPC: Unknown hostRPC: Unknown protocolRPC: Port mapper failureRPC: Program not registeredRPC: Failed (unspecified error)RPC: (unknown error code)%s %s: - - Error %d%s Authentication OKInvalid client credentialServer rejected credentialInvalid client verifierServer rejected verifierClient credential too weakInvalid server verifierFailed (unspecified error)@(#)clnt_udp.c,v 5.2 1992/10/28 14:17:53 wmv Exp System V NFS source|z~~,P`pclntudp_create: out of memory clntudp_create: out of memoryclntudp_create: out of memory clntudp_create: out of memory@(#)getdom.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:58:16 maf Exp System V NFS source/dev/nfsd\,|unexpected answer type %d, size %d size (%d) too big res_search failed %u.%u.%u.%u.in-addr.arpares_query failed /etc/hostsr/etc/hostsr# DNS lookup of %s File lookup of %s NIS lookup of %s Reverse DNS lookup Reverse File lookup Reverse NIS lookup x@(#)innetgr.c 5.2 System V NFS source9@8Tnetgroup # syntax error in /etc/netgroup --- %s Cycle detected in /etc/netgroup: %s. /etc/rnetgroup.byusernetgroup.byhostinnetgr: recursive overflow netgroupnetgroupinnetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup machine: %s p %s innetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup innetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup # innetgr: netgroup %s called recursively *@(#)pmap_gtprt.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 10:12:50 wmv Exp System V NFS source<@(#)pmap_prot.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:55:58 maf Exp System V NFS source/&HOSTRESORDERLOCALDOMAIN/etc/resolv.confrdomain hostresordersearchnameserversortlistoptionsconfRES_OPTIONSenv;; res_setoptions("%s", "%s")... ndots:;; ndots=%d debug;; res_setoptions("%s", "%s").. ;; debug inet6localbindnis;; res_init()... default query order ;; %d %d %d t|ld||;; res_query(%s, %d, %d) ;; res_query: mkquery failed ;; res_query: send error ;; rcode = %d, ancount=%d ;; res_querydomain(%s, %s, %d, %d) %s.%sHOSTALIASESrltres_send: %s ([%s].%u): %s res_send: %s: %s ;; res_send() ;; Querying server (# %d) address = %s socket(vc)connect/vcwrite failedread failed;; response truncated read(vc);; old answer (unexpected): socket(dg)connect(dg)sendsendtos+1 > FD_SETSIZEselect;; timeout recvfrom;; old answer: ;; not our server: ;; wrong query name: server rejected query: ;; truncated answer ;; got answer: @(#)rpc_comdat.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:59:05 maf Exp System V NFS source@(#)rpc_dtabsz.c,v 4.5 1991/11/13 13:08:44 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)rpc_prot.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 10:20:09 wmv Exp System V NFS source@/dev/socksyslibsocket: socket: /dev/socksyslibsocket: dup2 failure@(#)xdr.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 14:07:06 wmv Exp System V NFS sourcexdr_bytes: out of memoryxdr_string: out of memory@(#)xdr_mem.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:57:42 maf Exp System V NFS sourcehXx@(#)xdr_refnce.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 14:20:59 wmv Exp System V NFS sourcexdr_reference: out of memory@(#)au_none.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:54:57 maf Exp System V NFS source dB@/etc/hostshosts.byaddrhosts.bynamerhosts.byaddrr# .B@B@ C@(C@@C@Resolver Error 0 (no error)Unknown hostHost name lookup failureUnknown server errorNo address associated with name: Resolver internal errorUnknown resolver error[inet_ntoa error]%u.%u.%u.%u%x/dev/socksys/dev/socksys$Id: ns_name.c,v 8.3 1997/04/24 22:10:54 vixie Exp $0123456789$Id: ns_netint.c,v 8.1 1996/11/18 09:09:57 vixie Exp $PH@TH@\H@`H@hH@lH@tH@|H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@I@ I@(I@0I@@I@DI@XI@\I@dI@hI@ |I@I@ I@I@ I@I@ I@I@ I@I@I@I@J@J@$J@(J@0J@4J@HJ@PJ@dJ@hJ@tJ@|J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@K@K@,K@4K@DK@HK@TK@XK@xK@|K@ K@K@!K@K@"K@K@L@ L@(L@0L@@L@HL@lL@tL@#L@L@L@L@ d'@Bʚ;PM@;; res options: %s;; %s SECTION: ;; %s, type = %s, class = %s .;; ns_parserr: %s ;; ns_sprintrr: %s ;; ns_initparse: %s ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: %s, status: %s, id: %d ; flags: qr aa tc rd ra ?? ad cd; %s: %d, %s: %d, %s: %d, %s: %d.INCHAOSHSHESIODANYNONEQUERYANSWERAUTHORITYADDITIONALZONEPREREQUISITEUPDATEADDITIONALAaddressNSname serverMDmail destination (deprecated)MFmail forwarder (deprecated)CNAMEcanonical nameSOAstart of authorityMBmailboxMGmail group memberMRmail renameNULLnullWKSwell-known service (deprecated)PTRdomain name pointerHINFOhost informationMINFOmailbox informationMXmail exchangerTXTtextRPresponsible personAFSDBDCE or AFS serverX25X25 addressISDNISDN addressRTrouterNSAPnsap addressNSAP_PTRdomain name pointerSIGsignatureKEYkeyPXmapping informationGPOSgeographical position (withdrawn)AAAAIPv6 addressLOClocationNXTnext valid name (unimplemented)EIDendpoint identifier (unimplemented)NIMLOCNIMROD locator (unimplemented)SRVserver selectionATMAATM address (unimplemented)IXFRincremental zone transferAXFRzone transferMAILBmailbox-related data (deprecated)MAILAmail agent (deprecated)NAPTRURN Naming AuthorityANY"any"%d%dinitdebugaaonly(unimpl)usevcprimry(unimpl)igntcrecursdefnamstyopndnsrchinsecure1insecure2?0x%lx?%u%ld.%.2ld?; error: unknown LOC RR version%d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d.%.2dm %sm %sm %sm%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d;; res_mkquery(%d, %s, %d, %d) N@syslog<%d>%.15s %s[%d]%s /dev/console /dev/syslog$Id: ns_parse.c,v 8.7 1997/04/24 22:11:09 vixie Exp $x   @ $Id: ns_print.c,v 8.3 1997/04/24 22:14:16 vixie Exp $#**####*##\#hP \#hkh *`&%* !L!T)**"*!. @ . %s %s ( %lu; serial ; refresh ; retry ; expiry ); minimum %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u ( %d )0x%04x %u %u ( ) %s %d %lu %s %s %u ( ) %sunknown RR typeRR format error\#( ; %s %02x ); " "\\"len <= *buflenns_print.c $Id: ns_ttl.c,v 8.4 1997/04/24 22:14:25 vixie Exp $%d%c(R@0R@8R@@R@HR@PR@XR@\R@`R@dR@hR@lR@pR@tR@xR@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@S@QUERYIQUERYCQUERYMCQUERYUNOTIFYUPDATE678910111213ZONEINITZONEREFNOERRORFORMERRSERVFAILNXDOMAINNOTIMPREFUSEDYXDOMAINYXRRSETNXRRSETNOTAUTHZONEERR11121314NOCHANGEABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=$7X77788d88, line NNNNN Assertion failed: , file x1rUnknown error[@[@[@[@[@ \@\@4\@H\@\\@l\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@]@]@,]@<]@L]@`]@t]@]@]@]@]@]@]@ ^@^@(^@@^@`^@|^@^@^@^@^@^@_@$_@@_@P_@t_@_@_@_@_@_@_@`@(`@<`@L`@d`@|`@`@`@`@`@`@`@a@,a@@a@Xa@ha@xa@a@a@a@a@a@a@b@b@0b@Xb@tb@b@b@b@b@c@\c@c@c@c@c@c@ d@,d@Ld@`d@d@d@d@d@d@(e@@e@`e@pe@e@e@e@e@f@f@4f@Xf@|f@f@f@f@f@f@f@ g@ g@4g@Hg@\g@pg@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@h@$h@@h@Th@dh@th@h@h@h@h@h@h@i@i@(i@B8D K) -m5Zh.W?YU {?1^Fz !%'ph]( ZJ(90H/9Y!,3q405#f# :\< D+>1>J\ _/)T=eEyM?8!Z,<bbbwb5,6)6b9OCS}6+tC0 8  /m. 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Unknown errorOperation not permittedNo such file or directoryNo such processInterrupted system callI/O errorNo such device or addressArg list too longExec format errorBad file numberNo child processesResource temporarily unavailableNot enough spacePermission deniedBad addressBlock device requiredDevice busyFile existsCross-device linkNo such deviceNot a directoryIs a directoryInvalid argumentFile table overflowToo many open filesInappropriate I/O control operationText file busyFile too largeNo space left on deviceIllegal seekRead-only file systemToo many linksBroken pipeArgument out of domainResult too large or too smallNo message of desired typeIdentifier removedChannel number out of rangeLevel 2 not synchronizedLevel 3 haltedLevel 3 resetLink number out of rangeProtocol driver not attachedNo CSI structure availableLevel 2 haltedDeadlock situation detected/avoidedNo record locks availableUnknown error: 47Unknown error: 48Unknown error: 49Bad exchange descriptorBad request descriptorMessage tables fullAnode table overflowBad request codeInvalid slotFile locking deadlockBad font file formatUnknown error: 58Unknown error: 59Not a stream deviceNo data availableTimer expiredOut of stream resourcesMachine is not on the networkPackage not installedObject is remoteLink has been severedAdvertise errorSrmount errorCommunication error on sendProtocol errorUnknown error: 72Unknown error: 73Multihop attemptedInode is remote Cross mount point Not a data messageFilename too longValue too large for defined data typeName not unique on networkFile descriptor in bad stateRemote address changedCan not access a needed shared libraryAccessing a corrupted shared library.lib section in a.out corruptedAttempting to link in more shared libraries than system limitCan not exec a shared library directlyIllegal byte sequenceFunction not implementedOperation would blockOperation now in progressOperation already in progressSocket operation on non-socketDestination address requiredMessage too longProtocol wrong type for socketProtocol not supportedSocket type not supportedOperation not supported on socketProtocol family not supportedAddress family not supported by protocol familyAddress already in useCannot assign requested addressNetwork is downNetwork is unreachableNetwork dropped connection on resetSoftware caused connection abortConnection reset by peerUnknown error: 109Socket is already connectedSocket is not connectedCannot send after socket shutdownToo many references: cannot spliceConnection timed outConnection refusedHost is downNo route to hostProtocol not availableUnknown error: 119Unknown error: 120Unknown error: 121Unknown error: 122Unknown error: 123Unknown error: 124Unknown error: 125Unknown error: 126Unknown error: 127Unknown error: 128Unknown error: 129Unknown error: 130Unknown error: 131Unknown error: 132Unknown error: 133Unknown error: 134Structure needs cleaningUnknown error: 136Not a name fileNot availableIs a name fileRemote I/O errorReserved for future useUnknown error: 142Unknown error: 143Unknown error: 144Directory not emptyUnknown error: 146Unknown error: 147Unknown error: 148Unknown error: 149Too many symbolic links in pathStale NFS file handleRestartable system callNo sleeping in stream head of pipe/FIFO@@@$@0@8@D@P@  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~NOT_CATNAME0NOT_CATNAME1LC_CTYPELC_NUMERICLC_TIMELC_COLLATELC_MESSAGESLC_MONETARYPOSIX|@   JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecSunMonTueWedThuFriSat;Zx0N<[y1O/dev/dev/etc/ttymap/dev `@d@GMT /dev/"D#`#(#$####$$%$%_%R%E%8%/etc/default/langLANG=english_us.asciii(d((()8)P)P)h)d@l@x@@@@@CPOSIXC_C.Clibc: setlocale: : LANG environment variable syntax errorunable to open no line in syntax error in cannot open locale filecorrupt locale fileincomplete locale specification: unknown error 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lstat32.c__statlstat32st_statlstat32__lstat32st_lstat32_old_ttyname__fstat32st_fstat32_vsnprintfvsnprintfst_stat32_cvt16to32_iwcstombs_xwcstombswcsrtombsjmp_wedge__thr_errnov3_setlocale.c_parse_localemakelocaleextractDef_FindSCO_LocaleInfo_getnativelocaleclocalestrdef_statedef_starting_offset_lc_labelsjmp_wedge_openmkmsgsfile_gettimeofday.s__read_toc_openlocale_libc_threxit_mf_10to2_closedir_eopendir__opendir_readdir_rreaddir_r_splitlocale_old_catopenDefaultCatalogsArchiveDefaultCatalogs_ini_lpath_mk_lpath__fpstart_lib_version_on_everest_runtime_envs_invalids_plstypes_locations_alreadys_idfounds_wronglengths_mulfounds_readerrs_writerrs_notimpls_crstreams_idnotfounds_strfounds_notopens_msgfiles_unknowns_termtyps_presscr_tolowmap_ypsleeptime_ypserv_timeout_yprequest_arms_ypresponse_armsYp_Server_Xdringypbind_resp_armssys_errlistrpc_createerr_null_authsvc_fdseth_errlist_ns_flagdata_res_resultcodes_res_opcodes__p_class_syms__p_default_section_syms__p_update_section_syms__p_type_syms_libc_stdlock_libc_stdunlock_sigrelse_libc_dup_sys_errlist_sys_nerr_libc_fcntl_libc_fork_str_lc_hex_str_uc_hex_grouping_str__inity_str_lc_inf_str_lc_nan_str_uc_inf__flt_rounds__huge_val_features_vector_usl_writev_str_abmon_str_abday_tm_day_mon_tm_cum_day_mon_str_nlcolsp_str_libc_str_syserr_str_no_msg_str_lc_all_str_lang_str_catname_bufendtab_libc_close_sys_gettimeofday_siguhandler_sigpause_sigprocmask_sigsuspend__sigaction_sigreturnsigprocmasksigsuspend_str_shpath_str_shname_str_sh_arg_str_xxxxxx_str_tmpdir_str_devtty_str_uc_nan_wcs_lc_nan_wcs_lc_inf_libc_open_libc_select_r_select_sys_num_err_sys_index_sys_errs__Ctype_ext_i18n_config_libc_self_libc_read_libc_block_libc_unblock_libc_stdtrylock_libc_stdtryunlock_daylight_timezone__cn_strings__lstat16__fstat16_libc_writev_r_writev_libc_write_sigignoresigignore_mf_pow10st_fstat16st_lstat16_getdentsst_stat16_empty_msg_mfile_base0707070000000000041007550156500001460000010000000755364715100001400000023105etc/install: ' : ************************************************************************* : : INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. : : PROPRIETARY DATA : : THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA WHICH IS THE PROPERTY OF : INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBMITTED TO RECIPIENT IN : CONFIDENCE. INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR : DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY WRITTEN AGREEMENT : SIGNED BY AN OFFICER OF INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. : : THIS MATERIAL IS ALSO COPYRIGHTED AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER : SECTIONS 104 AND 408 OF TITLE 17 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE. : UNAUTHORIZED USE, COPYING OR OTHER REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. : : : Title: install : Sccsid: %W% %G% %U% : Description: Installation Script : : usage: install files_list : : ignores blank lines and lines starting with #, DISK, : space, or tab : : ********************************************************************** : ' if test "x$1" = "x" then echo "Usage: install files_list" exit 1 fi FILELIST=$1 echo ' Installation Script This installation procedure must be run by root (super-user). It will change the owner, group, and mode of all files of this package in this directory. There must be a user "informix" and a group "informix" known to the system. ' echo install >__install__ chown root __install__ 2> /dev/null if test $? -ne 0 then echo ' Please rerun this installation procedure as super-user. ' rm -f __install__ exit 1 fi : 'Need another test for Sys 5 since chown is valid for files you own' # # The owner of __install__ is root now. The chmod 4755 is used to # test whether the user is root. # chmod 4755 __install__ 2> /dev/null if test $? -ne 0 then echo ' Please rerun this installation procedure as super-user. ' rm -f __install__ exit 1 fi rm -f __install__ echo ' Press RETURN to continue, or the interrupt key (usually CTRL-C or DEL) to abort. ' read I # Get product name grep "^PRODUCT" $FILELIST > _product read keywd PRODUCT < _product rm -f _product # # Get data for licensed feature # FNAME=""; RELEASE="" grep "^NAME" $FILELIST > _feature read keywd1 FNAME keywd2 RELEASE < _feature rm -f _feature SERNUM=RDS#R123456 KEY=AVMQLG #while test "x$SERNUM" = "x" #do # echo "Enter your serial number (for example, INF#X999999) > " # read SERNUM #done #KEY="" #while test "x$KEY" = "x" #do # echo "Enter your serial number KEY (uppercase letters only) > " # read KEY #done # # Get number of users # USERCODE=`echo $SERNUM | sed -e 's-^....--' | sed -e 's-......$--'` LIMIT=true; EVAL=false; SINGLUSR=false case $USERCODE in A) NUMUSER=1; SINGLUSR=true;; K) NUMUSER=1;; B|L) NUMUSER=8;; C|M) NUMUSER=16;; E|N) NUMUSER=32;; F|P) NUMUSER=64;; G|Q) NUMUSER=128;; H|R) NUMUSER=256;; J|S) NUMUSER=unlimited; LIMIT=false;; V) NUMUSER=unlimited; LIMIT=false; EVAL=true;; *) echo "WARNING: This is an invalid serial number."; echo " Exiting install program."; exit 1;; esac echo " " echo "WARNING!" if test "x$EVAL" = "xtrue" then if test "x$FNAME" != "x" then case $FNAME in ifmxse | \ ifmxon ) echo " This software is provided for evaluation purposes only. Access" echo "to the software will expire 90 days from the date of installation." echo "" ;; * ) ;; esac fi fi echo "This software, and its authorized use and number of users, are subject" echo "to the applicable license agreement with IBM Informix Software, Inc." echo "If the number of users exceeds the licensed number, the excess users may" echo "be prevented from using the software. UNAUTHORIZED USE OR COPYING MAY" echo "SUBJECT YOU AND YOUR COMPANY TO SEVERE CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LIABILITIES." echo "" echo ' Press RETURN to continue, or the interrupt key (usually CTRL-C or DEL) to abort. ' read I # # Determine if product has single user or evaluation. # SERFILE=.NOSUCH; rm -f $SERFILE # Initialise SERFILE to non-existent file USERFILE=.NOSUCH; rm -f $USERFILE # Initialise USERFILE to a non-existent file if test "x$FNAME" != "x" then case $FNAME in ifmxse ) SERFILE=.seserial; USERFILE=.seuser;; ifmxon ) SERFILE=.onserial; USERFILE=.onuser;; ifmxnet ) SERFILE=.netserial;; ifmxstar ) SERFILE=.starserial;; * ) EVAL=false;; esac else EVAL=false fi # # Evaluation copies cannot be re-installed with the same serial number. # But to allow for errors in the initial installation, a grace period # is allowed, so that reinstallation within N days without a new serial # number is possible. grace=14 # number of grace days. reinstall=no # Get dates to compute if within grace period. tyr=`date +19%y`; iyr=$tyr # This year tdy=`date +%j`; idy=$tdy # Today in year # If today is less than grace period we're into a new year, recast today # in terms relative to last year if test $tdy -le $grace then tdy=`expr 365 + $tdy` tyr=`expr $tyr - 1` fi if test "x$EVAL" = "xtrue" then if test -s etc/$SERFILE then read yr dy sn < etc/$SERFILE if test "$sn" = $SERNUM then if test $tyr = "$yr" -a $tdy -le `expr "$dy" + $grace` then reinstall=yes else echo "Cannot re-install evaluation software with same serial number." echo "If you wish to extend the evaluation period, please contact" echo "IBM Informix Software to obtain a new serial number." echo "" exit 1 fi fi fi fi BRAND=etc/brand if test -s /bin/ranlib then RANLIB=/bin/ranlib elif test -s /usr/bin/ranlib then RANLIB=/usr/bin/ranlib else RANLIB= fi while read NAM OWN GRP MOD FLG FLG2 do case $NAM in \#* | "" | " "* | " "* | DISK* ) continue ;; NAME* ) continue ;; PRODUCT* ) continue ;; esac if test -d $NAM then echo "Installing directory $NAM" fi case $FLG in BRAND ) $BRAND -n -s $SERNUM $KEY $NAM if test $? -ne 0 then echo "Installation failed." exit 1 fi ;; LINK ) rm -f $NAM ln $FLG2 $NAM if test $? -ne 0 then echo "Installation failed." exit 1 fi ;; esac case $NAM in *.a ) if (test "$RANLIB" != "") then $RANLIB $NAM if test $? -ne 0 then echo "Installation failed." exit 1 fi fi ;; esac chown $OWN $NAM if test $? -ne 0 then echo "Installation failed." exit 1 fi chgrp $GRP $NAM if test $? -ne 0 then echo "Installation failed." exit 1 fi chmod $MOD $NAM if test $? -ne 0 then echo "Installation failed." exit 1 fi done < $FILELIST # Since above while loop is executed in subshell, need to exit script if # there were any errors. if test $? -ne 0 then exit 1 fi # # record the product name and serial number in etc/.snfile # for all products except C-ISAM # case $PRODUCT in C-ISAM* ) ;; * ) echo $PRODUCT " Serial Number " $SERNUM >> etc/.snfile if test $? -ne 0 then echo "Installation failed." exit 1 fi chgrp informix etc/.snfile if test $? -ne 0 then echo "Installation failed." exit 1 fi chmod 600 etc/.snfile if test $? -ne 0 then echo "Installation failed." exit 1 fi # create serial number files if test "x$FNAME" != x then case $FNAME in ifmxse | ifmxon ) if test $EVAL = true then if test $reinstall != yes then rm -f etc/$SERFILE echo "$iyr $idy $SERNUM" > etc/$SERFILE chmod 444 etc/$SERFILE chgrp informix etc/$SERFILE chown informix etc/$SERFILE if test $? -ne 0 then echo "Installation failed." rm -f etc/$SERFILE exit 1 fi fi else rm -f etc/$SERFILE fi rm -f etc/$USERFILE if test $SINGLUSR = true then cat /dev/null > etc/$USERFILE chmod 660 etc/$USERFILE chgrp informix etc/$USERFILE chown informix etc/$USERFILE if test $? -ne 0 then echo "Installation failed." rm -f etc/$USERFILE exit 1 fi fi ;; ifmxnet | ifmxstar ) if test $EVAL = true then if test $reinstall != yes then rm -f etc/$SERFILE echo "$iyr $idy $SERNUM" > etc/$SERFILE chmod 444 etc/$SERFILE chgrp informix etc/$SERFILE chown informix etc/$SERFILE if test $? -ne 0 then echo "Installation failed." rm -f etc/$SERFILE exit 1 fi fi else rm -f etc/$SERFILE fi ;; * ) ;; esac fi # if FNAME != "" ;; esac echo " Installation of $PRODUCT complete. " # Give info messages for I-NET if test "x$FNAME" = "xifmxnet" then cat <<-! If you wish to automatically enable support for remote IBM INFORMIX-NET clients at machine boot-time, make appropriate modifications to the system start-up file (e.g. (/etc/rc.local) as described in the IBM INFORMIX-NET/IBM INFORMIX-STAR Installation and Configuration Guide. ! fi 0707070000000000051006440156500001460000010000000755366604400001500000004404etc/netfiles#************************************************************************** # # INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. # # PROPRIETARY DATA # # THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA WHICH IS THE PROPERTY OF # INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBMITTED TO RECIPIENT IN # CONFIDENCE. INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR # DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY WRITTEN AGREEMENT # SIGNED BY AN OFFICER OF INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. # # THIS MATERIAL IS ALSO COPYRIGHTED AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER # SECTIONS 104 AND 408 OF TITLE 17 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE. # UNAUTHORIZED USE, COPYING OR OTHER REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. # # # Title: netfiles # Sccsid: %W% %G% %U% # Description: list of files in product # Derived from 7.1 # ********************************************************************** PRODUCT IBM INFORMIX-NET NAME ifmxnet RELEASE 5.02 . informix informix 755 installnet informix informix 755 lib informix informix 755 lib/sqlexec root informix 6755 BRAND VRSN # Sqlexecd is the sql network demon. # It is only enabled when product is branded with N serial number lib/sqlexecd informix informix 755 BRAND VRSN #lib/sqlrmsoctcp informix informix 755 BRAND VRSN lib/sqlrmtlispx informix informix 755 BRAND VRSN lib/sqlrmtlitcp informix informix 755 BRAND VRSN lib/sqlrmtligrp informix informix 755 LINK lib/sqlrmtlitcp bin informix informix 755 bin/finderr informix informix 755 bin/rofferr informix informix 755 msg informix informix 755 msg/isam.iem informix informix 644 msg/os.iem informix informix 644 msg/rds.iem informix informix 644 msg/security.iem informix informix 644 msg/sql.iem informix informix 644 msg/netsrv.iem informix informix 644 msg/nerm.iem informix informix 644 msg/errmsg.txt informix informix 644 etc informix informix 755 etc/NET-cr informix informix 644 etc/netfiles informix informix 644 etc/brand informix informix 755 etc/install informix informix 755 release informix informix 755 release/NET_5 informix informix 644 release/NETSTARDOC_5 informix informix 644 release/SQLRDOC_5 informix informix 644 release/SQLTDOC_5 informix informix 644 release/ERRDOC_5 informix informix 644 release/ENGREL_5 informix informix 644 release/INSTALLDOC_5 informix informix 644 0707070000000000061007550156500001460000010000000755366604400001300000001612installnet: ' : ************************************************************************* : : INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. : : PROPRIETARY DATA : : THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS TRADE SECRET DATA WHICH IS THE PROPERTY OF : INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBMITTED TO RECIPIENT IN : CONFIDENCE. INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR : DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY WRITTEN AGREEMENT : SIGNED BY AN OFFICER OF INFORMIX SOFTWARE, INC. : : THIS MATERIAL IS ALSO COPYRIGHTED AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER : SECTIONS 104 AND 408 OF TITLE 17 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE. : UNAUTHORIZED USE, COPYING OR OTHER REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. : : : Title: installnet : Sccsid: %W% %G% %U% : Description: Installation Script for Informix-Net : : ********************************************************************** : ' cat etc/NET-cr etc/install etc/netfiles 0707070000000000071007550000000001460000010000000755367102100001400004466731lib/sqlexecLM=Z0 i Tnp @.texti .datap @p @pj @.bssTATATn.commentu ]Ð3]ÐUWV @Uu 'F-@=VV=c=dtL=l!=n=p=r=seVR*VRu^_]ÐH|n@ @ @P P PPQVRuHVRF@th`zO ^_]Ðjj ^_3]VR^_]ÐV3^_]ÐVR^_]ÐH|*@ @ @P P PP j-%j^_]hgN ^_]ÐUPWVSu @F-u@hm|M ^_]Ðhi^M ^_]ÐX|P|U|RP PE=|GP/ |BE=~aG-uWPlu@uGPau=@t6W|PDž4G@KJj"B "BP"B ȉ "BQ "Bh"B$JJj$"B"BQ"B Љ"BR"Bh"BܖJLJj"BR"B "B"BR"Bh"B蕖jJJj+"B "BP"B ȉ "BQ "Bh"BP%JIj"B"BQ"B Љ"BR"Bh"BIxIj&"B "BR"B Q "Bh"B̕Ijj"BQ "BPRPRQ"BPh"B >>j"BPRh"B; >[>"BHQ@Ph"B >1>"BRHQ߀w>"BPjjjjh"Bʇ"="BPRjjjjh"B蝇="B"B@P>j"BQjjjh"BV=v=j"BRPRjjh"B(=H=j"B"BQj"BPRh"Bv==j"B"BQ "B@PRQh"B躆?=<j"BRPRj#jh"B茁=<j"BQ@Pjjh"B\<|<j"BRHQjjh"B,<L<j"BRPRjjh"B<<j"BQ@Pj+jh"B̀Q<;j"BRj#jh"B蠀%<;j"BQjjh"Bt;;j"B@Pj$jh"BG;g;jjjjjjjh"B謅 A;j"BRjjh"B;j "BQjjh"B];:j"B@Pjjh"B:j"BRjj@h"B;:j"BHQPRPRh"B[:{:"B"B= } +  Ћ С"B"BRh"B:j "BQj(jh"B~9j"BP"BPRj&jh"B~9 "BQh"B9j"BPj(jh"B^~9j"B"BRHQj jh"B3~S9"B 9"B 9"B9"Bq9"B%a9"B/Q9"B0A9"B119"B2!9"B39j"BRPRHQjh"Bb}88j"BPRj$PRh"B5}Z8j"B "BQPRPRjh"B}8(8j"BQ@Pj"jh"B|]87j"BRHQjjh"B|-87j"BPjjh"B||87j"BPR@t !Pjh"B:|7Z7j"BQPRPR@tPjh"B{{77j"BHQPR@t Pjh"B{776"Bp@tuj"BRHQ@PVjh"B`{66j"BPRj$jh"B3{X6j "BQj jh"B{616j"BPRPRHQjh"Bz6"B "BR6"BA6"B16j"BRj$jh"Bz 65"B5"B5"B 5"B 5"B5"BQh"B{f.25"BRPRjh"Bm55"BQ@Pj-h"BA54"BRHQ@Pj*h"B 54"BRHQ@Pj h"B܁4|4"B"B"B"BQPRPRj8h"B脁4$4"BQc|j"BPj(jh"BxE43"BRHQ@Pjh"B43"BRHQ@Pj-h"B萁33"BRHQ[v3"BRPRh"B 3:3"BHQ@Ph"Bр I3"BPRHQPRPRHQH؋P ы Rjh"B> 2"B"BH؅PPHP2"BQ@Pu2"BP$tjQ:[^_]Ð"Bf@2"B3"Bj2"BP"BjjRHQ"BPjh"B@ 521"BP'QRt 2f"B1"Bf@"B"B1"Bh"B"Bh"B-t^Q1f"B1"Bf@"B"B1"Bj'h#B #Bh"BS 0"Bf@H1"B"B"B)1"B"B"B 1"Bh"B"Bh"Bat.0"Bj'h#B #Bh"B \0"Bf@"B"BRHQ\s"B@"B0jjjj"BPjjh"Bf~ [0/jjjj"BRjjh"B6~ +0/ "B"B "B"B0"B@"B"B "B/"B/"B/"B/f"B"BfP/f"B"BfP"BRHQ1ri/"B"B@P"BA/"B@#B"B@#B"Bjh#B#Bh"B} .."B@j#Bh#B#Bh"B} .`."BRHQkq."B #B"Btr  "B"B"BHQh#Bh"BD} -"Bf@9."Bu"B."B' ."B@#B"B"B#B-"B@"B#B-"B"B-"B@"B"Bf@f=uFh"Bh"B"BPRu i-j"BQ[^_]Ð"B@"B4-"B@"B"B@"B"B"B"B@h"B"Bh"B^{,"Bp,,r,"B@#B"B@=u'Ph#Bh"B{{ ,,f"Bj,f"BZ,f"BJ,f"B:,f"B*,f"B"B,f"B+f"B+f"B+f"B +f"B+f"B+f"B +f"B +"BT%f"B o+"B3"B"BQ+"B"B@"B"B*+"B@"B"B@"B"B*"B"B*"B@"B"B*"B@"B"B@"B*"B*"B"B*"BHB;@$u  "B"BY+Ћ Љ"B+*"B%=*"B%=)#"BH #P #"BHB;# #"B "Bq@+ Ӊ"B)Â"Bu)"B@)"Bj P"BPRh"Bp<)#"B@("BjP"BHQh"Bwp(""Bu!@= g"B ("B@= ""B=|"=q" "B("By("B i("B"BO(j "BPRHQPRPRHQh"Bw'jj"B"BPRh"B~'3ɉ "B "B'"B)'"BHQPh"B 'J'"BRHQh"Br '"'j R 'VBFPQV"BRPRHQh"BR7'&"BRPR/k'"BHQ@Ph"BM &&"BPRjh"B' &g&"BQ@Pi&j "BR"B "BR"Bh"Br&j)"B"BP"B R"Bh"Bhrto%j"BQ "B "BQ "Bh"B1rt8%j3"BR"B "BR"Bh"Bqr%j"BP~%j jjjj"BRh"B|5%jjj "BQh"Bn|s%%"BPRRHQjh"BtE%$jj"BPjh"Btt%$"BPRHQPRHP Rjh"Bt$z$jj"BQjjh"Bnt$N$jj"BPR@t3Pjh"B2tw$$33 #B 0#B#B #B,#B(#BG$f#B"B@#B"B@$#B"Bh#B #Bh"Bvt#33 #B 0#B#B #B,#B(#B$#B#f#B"Bh#B#Bh"Bt0##B #Bu#f#B"B#B"B@h#B$#Bh"Bs8#" "B"B "B"B #"BRPRd "B "B""B0"3h\f@FP%/u"B;uN ;uv u"jP"[^_]Ð#B#Be" #B #BM"#B #B8"#B#B" #B"B  #B"B!#B#B!(#Bt"BQ(#BPc"B(#B"Bt #B #B!#B #Bt!,#Bt"B ,#BRQ#c"B,#B"Bt#B@#B! 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dup2 failure/etc/passwdr%d@(#)yp_all.c,v 5.4 1995/03/28 13:59:52 steved Exp System V NFS sourceyp_all - TCP channel create failureyp_all - RPC clnt_call (TCP) failureyp_all - TCP channel create failureyp_all_master - RPC clnt_call (TCP) failure@(#)yp_bind.c,v 5.8 1995/03/28 14:06:29 steved Exp System V NFS source  /etc/yp/binding/.0123456789load_dom_binding: malloc failure.@(#)yp_enum.c,v 5.1 1992/08/13 11:27:03 wmv Exp System V NFS sourceOAYP_@(#)yp_gt_mstr.c,v 5.2 1992/12/15 22:51:27 wmv Exp System V NFS source (Can't translate master name %s to an address.bind_to_server: server is not using a privileged portypxfr: bind_to_server clnt_call errorbind_to_server clntudp_create error %sCan't get master of %s. Reason: %s. Can't bind master to send ypclear message to ypserv for map %s.Can't send ypclear message to ypserv on the master machine for map %s.@(#)yp_master.c,v 5.1 1992/08/13 12:37:03 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)yp_match.c,v 5.2 1993/09/20 15:55:17 steved Exp System V NFS source@(#)yperr_str.c,v 4.4 1991/09/20 15:30:04 wmv Exp System V NFS source= = = = > > > > > (> 0> 8> @> H> P> NIS operation succeededargs to NIS function are badRPC failure on NIS operationcan't bind to a server which serves domainno such map in server's domainno such key in mapinternal NIS server or client errorlocal resource allocation failureno more records in map databasecan't communicate with portmappercan't communicate with ypbindcan't communicate with ypservlocal domain name not setNIS map data base is badNIS client/server version mismatchunknown NIS client error code@(#)ypmaint_xdr.c,v 4.2 1991/10/02 10:34:51 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)ypprot_err.c,v 5.1 1992/05/19 15:46:24 wmv Exp System V NFS source B A B B B A A A B A A @(#)ypv1_xdr.c,v 4.4 1991/09/20 15:32:55 wmv Exp System V NFS sourceD D F HE E F @(#)ypxdr.c,v 5.1 1992/08/13 12:40:18 wmv Exp System V NFS sourceF t /etc/yp/YP_MAP_X_LATErcouldn't open x_late file %s %s@(#)clnt_perr.c,v 5.2 1993/05/28 16:30:25 steved Exp System V NFS sourceH H H G G H H 4H H H H H H H H H H H WAXA XA>HEADER<<- opcode: %s, status: %s, id: %d ; flags: qr aa tc rd ra ?? ad cd; %s: %d, %s: %d, %s: %d, %s: %d.INCHAOSHSHESIODANYNONEQUERYANSWERAUTHORITYADDITIONALZONEPREREQUISITEUPDATEADDITIONALAaddressNSname serverMDmail destination (deprecated)MFmail forwarder (deprecated)CNAMEcanonical nameSOAstart of authorityMBmailboxMGmail group memberMRmail renameNULLnullWKSwell-known service (deprecated)PTRdomain name pointerHINFOhost informationMINFOmailbox informationMXmail exchangerTXTtextRPresponsible personAFSDBDCE or AFS serverX25X25 addressISDNISDN addressRTrouterNSAPnsap addressNSAP_PTRdomain name pointerSIGsignatureKEYkeyPXmapping informationGPOSgeographical position (withdrawn)AAAAIPv6 addressLOClocationNXTnext valid name (unimplemented)EIDendpoint identifier (unimplemented)NIMLOCNIMROD locator (unimplemented)SRVserver selectionATMAATM address (unimplemented)IXFRincremental zone transferAXFRzone transferMAILBmailbox-related data (deprecated)MAILAmail agent (deprecated)NAPTRURN Naming AuthorityANY"any"%d%dinitdebugaaonly(unimpl)usevcprimry(unimpl)igntcrecursdefnamstyopndnsrchinsecure1insecure2?0x%lx?%u%ld.%.2ld?; error: unknown LOC RR version%d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d.%.2dm %sm %sm %sm%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d;; res_mkquery(%d, %s, %d, %d) @(#)rpc_comdat.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:59:05 maf Exp System V NFS source@(#)rpc_dtabsz.c,v 4.5 1991/11/13 13:08:44 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)rpc_prot.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 10:20:09 wmv Exp System V NFS sourceD Ԟ | @ L X d p @(#)xdr.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 14:07:06 wmv Exp System V NFS sourcexdr_bytes: out of memoryxdr_string: out of memory@(#)xdr_mem.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:57:42 maf Exp System V NFS sourceh  X ȩ  X @(#)xdr_rec.c,v 5.1 1993/09/20 15:15:43 steved Exp System V NFS sourceT T Ԭ t ԭ t xdrrec_create: out of memoryxdrrec_create: out of memory@(#)xdr_refnce.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 14:20:59 wmv Exp System V NFS sourcexdr_reference: out of memory@(#)au_none.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:54:57 maf Exp System V NFS sourceP ` p @(#)innetgr.c 5.2 System V NFS source|mA netgroup # syntax error in /etc/netgroup --- %s Cycle detected in /etc/netgroup: %s. /etc/rnetgroup.byusernetgroup.byhostinnetgr: recursive overflow netgroupnetgroupinnetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup machine: %s p %s innetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup innetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup # innetgr: netgroup %s called recursively *$Id: ns_parse.c,v 8.7 1997/04/24 22:11:09 vixie Exp $x   @ $Id: ns_print.c,v 8.3 1997/04/24 22:14:16 vixie Exp $ G G H G G G x G  l  \ 4 . @ . %s %s ( %lu; serial ; refresh ; retry ; expiry ); minimum %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u ( %d )0x%04x %u %u ( ) %s %d %lu %s %s %u ( ) %sunknown RR typeRR format error\#( ; %s %02x ); " "\\"len <= *buflenns_print.c $Id: ns_ttl.c,v 8.4 1997/04/24 22:14:25 vixie Exp $%d%crArAsA sAsAsA$sA(sA,sA0sA4sA8sA%.15s %s[%d]%s /dev/console /dev/syslogABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/= 4 @ w ?;f?Ae浽K'9dN$@ڦ,C 6L@b :U^;?n7pY|b@HVwCOz@̇+>d?-DT! @-DT!?acosasin?@xD-DT!?-DT! @-DT! 5h!?-DT!-DT!?-DT!!3|@!3|atan2atan: DOMAIN error fabsB.?vį@?zlNS?ʚf??+?Tߩ&{?]RI?܀b?5h!@*DNn??$#=V3Zbr>* ?ZUUUUUſK!>[I+O~q>RlVLUUUUU?@sincostan@5h!??`(J p7M}f6OXXmtKdtz?iJ,} !ѮK g:udN}`!'J~%fbGֳMmُӋI]^|}AϺBWG̀3 &Xxj†WWaf( #\UA2Ꜳ8X#pJ:wq֠)4kOAUO n I͇'ǟrdHa ]L-qpFgSP+@Kax\%4U5鵏M(ƧJ*Y>ŹpEΎu6)!ɮՈGwgUQ6zHsqrtsqrtB.?v C I - - - - ,0 - - - - - - 3 - - - - 8 - - - - - - - - : P8 4 4 > "C I 0 4 - - 0 - 2 8 7 - - D4 - 37 - - 8 R HR R HR HR R S S S S S S S S S HR HR HR HR HR HR HR S S S S S S HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR S S S S S S [ ] \ 4^ [ 0] m\ \ \ ] \ ] ?b 3b 3b 3b 3b a 3b 3b 3b 3b 3b La La La La La La La La La La 3b 3b 3b 3b 3b 3b 3b m l c k m m m 3b /j 3b 3b @a 3b 3b Gl 3b 3b 3b yd 3b l 3b 3b l 3b 3b h 3b 3b 3b 3b 3b 3m .l f k 3m 3m 3m (a Qj 3b 3b 4a 3b b il l 3b 3b g 3b l 3b 3b l 5 G79 81q&5 .Z$+H'jt$!]6!J 5w%^_KLza N }dP@fff&f&QG!+.A j<D h"2l8S589C7{-_k2+/4R&U# ~>B8D K) -m5Zh.W?YU {?1^Fz !%'ph]( ZJ(90H/9Y!,3q405#f# :\< D+>1>J\ _/)T=eEyM?8!Z,<bbbwb5,6)6b9OCS}6+tC0 8  /m. 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Unknown errorOperation not permittedNo such file or directoryNo such processInterrupted system callI/O errorNo such device or addressArg list too longExec format errorBad file numberNo child processesResource temporarily unavailableNot enough spacePermission deniedBad addressBlock device requiredDevice busyFile existsCross-device linkNo such deviceNot a directoryIs a directoryInvalid argumentFile table overflowToo many open filesInappropriate I/O control operationText file busyFile too largeNo space left on deviceIllegal seekRead-only file systemToo many linksBroken pipeArgument out of domainResult too large or too smallNo message of desired typeIdentifier removedChannel number out of rangeLevel 2 not synchronizedLevel 3 haltedLevel 3 resetLink number out of rangeProtocol driver not attachedNo CSI structure availableLevel 2 haltedDeadlock situation detected/avoidedNo record locks availableUnknown error: 47Unknown error: 48Unknown error: 49Bad exchange descriptorBad request descriptorMessage tables fullAnode table overflowBad request codeInvalid slotFile locking deadlockBad font file formatUnknown error: 58Unknown error: 59Not a stream deviceNo data availableTimer expiredOut of stream resourcesMachine is not on the networkPackage not installedObject is remoteLink has been severedAdvertise errorSrmount errorCommunication error on sendProtocol errorUnknown error: 72Unknown error: 73Multihop attemptedInode is remote Cross mount point Not a data messageFilename too longValue too large for defined data typeName not unique on networkFile descriptor in bad stateRemote address changedCan not access a needed shared libraryAccessing a corrupted shared library.lib section in a.out corruptedAttempting to link in more shared libraries than system limitCan not exec a shared library directlyIllegal byte sequenceFunction not implementedOperation would blockOperation now in progressOperation already in progressSocket operation on non-socketDestination address requiredMessage too longProtocol wrong type for socketProtocol not supportedSocket type not supportedOperation not supported on socketProtocol family not supportedAddress family not supported by protocol familyAddress already in useCannot assign requested addressNetwork is downNetwork is unreachableNetwork dropped connection on resetSoftware caused connection abortConnection reset by peerUnknown error: 109Socket is already connectedSocket is not connectedCannot send after socket shutdownToo many references: cannot spliceConnection timed outConnection refusedHost is downNo route to hostProtocol not availableUnknown error: 119Unknown error: 120Unknown error: 121Unknown error: 122Unknown error: 123Unknown error: 124Unknown error: 125Unknown error: 126Unknown error: 127Unknown error: 128Unknown error: 129Unknown error: 130Unknown error: 131Unknown error: 132Unknown error: 133Unknown error: 134Structure needs cleaningUnknown error: 136Not a name fileNot availableIs a name fileRemote I/O errorReserved for future useUnknown error: 142Unknown error: 143Unknown error: 144Directory not emptyUnknown error: 146Unknown error: 147Unknown error: 148Unknown error: 149Too many symbolic links in pathStale NFS file handleRestartable system callNo sleeping in stream head of pipe/FIFOAA AA$A,A8ADA  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~NOT_CATNAME0NOT_CATNAME1LC_CTYPELC_NUMERICLC_TIMELC_COLLATELC_MESSAGESLC_MONETARYPOSIX@Bl l JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecSunMonTueWedThuFriSat;Zx0N<[y1O/dev/dev/etc/ttymap/dev TAXAGMT /dev/ p  T D       ,    ~ q d $AA/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%l_%t/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%l/%N:/etc/nls/msg/%L/%N:/etc/nls/msg/%l_%t/%N:/etc/nls/msg/%l/%N/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%A/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%l_%t/%A/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%l/%A/%N:/etc/nls/msg/%L/%A/%N:/etc/nls/msg/%l_%t/%A/%N:/etc/nls/msg/%l/%A/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%A/%N.m:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%l_%t/%A/%N.m:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%l/%A/%N.m:/etc/nls/msg/%L/%A/%N.m:/etc/nls/msg/%l_%t/%A/%N.m:/etc/nls/msg/%l/%A/%N.mLC_MESSAGESLANGNLSPATHNLSPATH/etc/default/langLANG=english_us.ascii- - - . @. t. . . . 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20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) mnttab.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) fstyp.h 26.2 95/11/30 @(#) fsid.h 25.6 94/05/11 @(#) statfs.h 59.1 96/11/15 xpg4plus @(#) fcntl.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) fcntl.h 25.5 94/09/22 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 xpg4plus @(#) string.h 20.2 95/09/07 xpg4plus @(#) unistd.h 20.5 95/09/27 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) unistd.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) time.h 60.1 97/01/07 @(#) select.h 65.2 97/08/05 @(#) itimer.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) mnttab.h 20.1 94/12/04 xpg4plus @(#) ustat.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) ustat.h 25.5 94/09/22 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) time.h 20.4 95/09/13 @(#) timeb.h 26.1 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) signal.h 20.8 95/12/11 @(#) signal.h 67.1 97/12/11 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) siginfo.h 26.2 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 xpg4plus @(#) pwd.h 20.2 95/09/06 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) fcntl.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) fcntl.h 25.5 94/09/22 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98@(#) fcntl.h 25.5 94/09/22 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) stat.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) math.h 20.4 95/09/27 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) ctype.h 20.2 95/02/10 xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) time.h 20.4 95/09/13 @(#) timeb.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) fcntl.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) fcntl.h 25.5 94/09/22 xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 xpg4plus @(#) signal.h 20.8 95/12/11 @(#) signal.h 67.1 97/12/11 @(#) siginfo.h 26.2 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) string.h 20.2 95/09/07 @(#) poll.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) stropts.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) stropts.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) conf.h 60.1 97/02/05 @(#) cdefs.h 59.1 96/11/20 @(#) cidefs.h 23.4 91/05/21 @(#) cilock.h 25.7 94/09/22 @(#) tiuser.h 25.1 94/09/22 @(#) param.h 58.1 96/10/12 @(#) utsname.h 25.4 94/09/22 xpg4plus @(#) tiuser.h 20.1 94/12/04 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) unistd.h 20.5 95/09/27 @(#) unistd.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) fcntl.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) fcntl.h 25.5 94/09/22 xpg4plus @(#) stropts.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) stropts.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) conf.h 60.1 97/02/05 @(#) poll.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) signal.h 20.8 95/12/11 @(#) signal.h 67.1 97/12/11 @(#) siginfo.h 26.2 95/11/30 @(#) tiuser.h 25.1 94/09/22 xpg4plus @(#) setjmp.h 20.3 95/09/06 xpg4plus @(#) string.h 20.2 95/09/07 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) poll.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) stropts.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) stropts.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) conf.h 60.1 97/02/05 xpg4plus @(#) tiuser.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) tiuser.h 25.1 94/09/22 xpg4plus @(#) ctype.h 20.2 95/02/10 @(#) stream.h 58.1 96/10/12 @(#) cdefs.h 59.1 96/11/20 @(#) cilock.h 25.7 94/09/22 xpg4plus @(#) fcntl.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) fcntl.h 25.5 94/09/22 xpg4plus @(#) signal.h 20.8 95/12/11 @(#) signal.h 67.1 97/12/11 @(#) siginfo.h 26.2 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: 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Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) stdio.h 20.2 95/12/11 xpg4plus @(#) string.h 20.2 95/09/07 xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 @(#) file.h 25.4 94/09/22 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 27Jul98xpg4plus @(#) errno.h 20.1 94/12/04 @(#) errno.h 26.1 95/11/30 xpg4plus @(#) pwd.h 20.2 95/09/06 @(#) types.h 26.3 95/11/30 @(#) fdmac.h 26.1 95/11/30 acomp: Release 5.1.1A 08Dec98optim: Release 5.1.1A 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7.1 1/4/90 13:26:35*@*@+@+@+@ +@,+@4+@<+@D+@T+@`+@d+@l+@t+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+@,@ ,@,@ ,@(,@0,@D,@P,@X,@h,@t,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@-@-@$-@,-@<-@P-@\-@l-@t-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@.@.@.@$.@,.@8.@@.@T.@\.@x.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@/@ /@/@P@(#)osenv.c 11/2/93 11:02:11ACCEPTKEYCOMSPECDBACCNOIGNDBANSIWARNDBCENTURYDBCOLORDBDATEMDY4/DBDEFAULTMODEDBDELIMITER|DBEDITDBESCWTDBFLTMASKDBLANGmsgDBMENUDBMONEY$.DBNET_RETRYDBNET_TIMEDBNETTYPEDBPATHDBPATHDBPRINTlp -sDBREMOTECMDDBSCREENDUMPDBSCREENOUTDBSNETTYPEDBTEMP/tmpDBTIME%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SDBVCLOSEDEBUGDEBUG_2PCFILEDICTSIZEDUMPCOREDUMPDIRDUMPMEMDUMPSHMEMENVIGNOREGCOREINFORMIXDIR/usr/informixINFORMIXNOOPTMATINFORMIXONLINEDIRINFORMIXOPCACHEINFORMIXQATERMINFORMIXTERMtermcapIO_FAILURE_RATEIO_FAILURE_SCALEISAMBUFSKVLOCKING_TESTNOAIONOSORTINDEXNOSUNPIPEPATHPRCDEBUGPSORT_DBTEMPPSORT_MAXALLOCPSORT_NPROCSQPLANTESTRESETLOCKSHELLSKACCESSSKALLSKDEVICESKINHIBITSKOPENSKSHOWSKTRACEFILESQDEBUGSQL_FROM_DBIMPORTSQLEXEC/usr/informix/lib/sqlexecSQLHOSTSQLHOSTS_FILESQLIDEBUGSQLRMSQLRMDIRTBCONFIGtbconfigTERMdumbTERMCAP/etc/termcapTERMNAMETMPDIRUSERW1W2/etcinformix.rc.informixEnvironment variable %s is too long (maximum is %d character%s). sEnvironment variable %s is too long (maximum is %d character%s). sENVIGNOREr/@ 0@@(#)sysv/osfutil.c 11/2/93 11:05:27//:aaaNNNXXXXX40@@(#)/tmp_mnt/vol/sccs/rd/engines/oslib/SCCS/s.gerrno.c 11/2/93 11:01:410@@(#)/tmp_mnt/vol/sccs/rd/engines/oslib/SCCS/s.osutil.c 11/2/93 11:03:053@ ((((( AAAAAABBBBBB   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(NC1)@(#)_conn_util.c 1.7 90/12/19 XTI (NC1)@(#)_utility.c 26.2 95/10/05 /dev/ttyr+default?@@@d_namedefaultdefault/etc/default/login/etc/default/passwddefaultdefaultmake new System Default databasewcannot update entry/etc/default filescannot update%s:\ :%s=%s:\ :d_name\ :\ :%s: chkentdefaultdefault*defaultmake new Protected Password entrywcannot update entrycannot update entryu_nameu_idu_pwdu_typeuser typeu_owneru_priorityu_cmdprivcommand privilegesu_sysprivsystem privilegesu_auditcntlaudit masku_auditdispaudit masku_minchgu_maxlenu_expu_lifeu_succhgu_unsucchgu_pswduseru_pickpwu_genpwdu_restrictu_nullpwu_suclogu_sucttyu_unsuclogu_unsucttyu_numunsuclogu_maxtriesu_locku_singleuserpswdu_secclasssecurity classesu_integrityu_tcbpwu_pwseg%s:%s=%*s:u_name%s#%u:u_id%s=%*s:u_pwduser type%s=%s:u_type%s=%*s:u_owner%s#%d:u_prioritycommand privileges%s=%s:u_cmdprivsystem privileges%s=%s:u_sysprivaudit mask%s=%s:u_auditcntlaudit 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/etc/auth/systemH@H@I@I@/etc/passwd/etc/auth/system/pw_id_map/etc/group/etc/auth/system/gr_id_mappasswd.byname%dpasswd.byuidgroup.byname%dgroup.bygidr*LK*.lastlogin:::/etc/default/passwd/etc/default/loginPASSREQIDLEWEEKSMINWEEKSMAXWEEKSpJ@|J@/etc/passwd/etc/shadowr%s=%ld%s=%ld%s=%ld%s=%ldr%s=%ld%s=%sNOYES%s=%ld%s=%sNOYESYESr*x*RETIRED*%s:x::%u:%s::%u:%u:%ur%s::%u:%u:%ur%s:x::%u:%s%s*RETIRED**RETIRED*%s*%s,%s..%s..%s.authcannot update entry%s Create new file///etc/default/securityrTCBFILESTCBFILES=OFF|N@/etc/auth/system/authorizecontains a blank line/etc/auth/system/authorizeraudit:audittrail auth:su,passwd backup:queryspace cron: lp:printqueue,printerstat mem: sysadmin: terminal: uucp: root:shutdown /etc/auth/system/authorize/etc/auth/system/authorize/etc/auth/system/authorize/etc/auth/system/authorize/etc/auth/system/authorize/etc/auth/system/authorize/etc/auth/system/authorize/etc/auth/system/authorize, /etc/auth/system/authorizemissing trailing linefeedrootr, dflt_usersru_cmdprivcommand privilegesdefaultlook-up of value %d in subsystems authorizations namepairvalue has no corresponding namedefaultrewrite subsystem databasewr:%s:dflt_usersrewrite default user file in subsystems databasewr%s %s auth-%ddefaultdflt_usersrrcommand privilegesb@b@b@b@c@c@c@ c@c@c@"c@*c@7c@>c@Hc@Wc@ac@ kc@ sc@ c@ c@ c@c@c@c@c@c@c@c@c@c@libprot.cat@Unix%s: %s %s ,R@PR@R@R@S@ S@$S@@S@TS@|S@S@S@S@T@HT@dT@tT@T@T@T@T@,U@@U@tU@U@U@U@ V@6.&@80( 91)! ;3+# =5-% ?7/'(08@ '/7?&.6>%- 5=$, 4<#+ 3;"* 2:!) 1991)! :2*" ;3+# <4,$?7/'>6.&=5-%      )4%/7(3-!0,1'8"5.*2$                                                                                                                                     H@X@/etc/servicesservices.byname%d%s/%srrr# ,/ 4hԣ\xunexpected answer type %d, size %d size (%d) too big res_search failed %u.%u.%u.%u.in-addr.arpares_query failed /etc/hostsr/etc/hostsr# DNS lookup of %s File lookup of %s NIS lookup of %s Reverse DNS lookup Reverse File lookup Reverse NIS lookup p4@(#)nis.c 5.2 System V NFS source@@P@`@l@tpasswd.byuidpasswd.bynamegroup.bygidgroup.byname/etc/ypbind/etc/default/securityNIS_ENABLED=*/&HOSTRESORDERLOCALDOMAIN/etc/resolv.confrdomain hostresordersearchnameserversortlistoptionsconfRES_OPTIONSenv;; res_setoptions("%s", "%s")... ndots:;; ndots=%d debug;; res_setoptions("%s", "%s").. ;; debug inet6localbindnis;; res_init()... default query order ;; %d %d %d pxh`xx;; res_query(%s, %d, %d) ;; res_query: mkquery failed ;; res_query: send error ;; rcode = %d, ancount=%d ;; res_querydomain(%s, %s, %d, %d) %s.%sHOSTALIASESrhpres_send: %s ([%s].%u): %s res_send: %s: %s ;; res_send() ;; Querying server (# %d) address = %s socket(vc)connect/vcwrite failedread failed;; response truncated read(vc);; old answer (unexpected): socket(dg)connect(dg)sendsendtos+1 > FD_SETSIZEselect;; timeout recvfrom;; old answer: ;; not our server: ;; wrong query name: server rejected query: ;; truncated answer ;; got answer: /dev/socksyslibsocket: socket: /dev/socksyslibsocket: dup2 failure/etc/passwdr%d@(#)yp_all.c,v 5.4 1995/03/28 13:59:52 steved Exp System V NFS sourceyp_all - TCP channel create failureyp_all - RPC clnt_call (TCP) failureyp_all - TCP channel create failureyp_all_master - RPC clnt_call (TCP) failure@(#)yp_bind.c,v 5.8 1995/03/28 14:06:29 steved Exp System V NFS source  /etc/yp/binding/.0123456789load_dom_binding: malloc failure.@(#)yp_enum.c,v 5.1 1992/08/13 11:27:03 wmv Exp System V NFS source,@YP_@(#)yp_gt_mstr.c,v 5.2 1992/12/15 22:51:27 wmv Exp System V NFS source (Can't translate master name %s to an address.bind_to_server: server is not using a privileged portypxfr: bind_to_server clnt_call errorbind_to_server clntudp_create error %sCan't get master of %s. Reason: %s. Can't bind master to send ypclear message to ypserv for map %s.Can't send ypclear message to ypserv on the master machine for map %s.@(#)yp_master.c,v 5.1 1992/08/13 12:37:03 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)yp_match.c,v 5.2 1993/09/20 15:55:17 steved Exp System V NFS source@(#)yperr_str.c,v 4.4 1991/09/20 15:30:04 wmv Exp System V NFS sourceNIS operation succeededargs to NIS function are badRPC failure on NIS operationcan't bind to a server which serves domainno such map in server's domainno such key in mapinternal NIS server or client errorlocal resource allocation failureno more records in map databasecan't communicate with portmappercan't communicate with ypbindcan't communicate with ypservlocal domain name not setNIS map data base is badNIS client/server version mismatchunknown NIS client error code@(#)ypmaint_xdr.c,v 4.2 1991/10/02 10:34:51 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)ypprot_err.c,v 5.1 1992/05/19 15:46:24 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)ypv1_xdr.c,v 4.4 1991/09/20 15:32:55 wmv Exp System V NFS sourcehhXh@(#)ypxdr.c,v 5.1 1992/08/13 12:40:18 wmv Exp System V NFS sourcez/etc/yp/YP_MAP_X_LATErcouldn't open x_late file %s %s@(#)clnt_perr.c,v 5.2 1993/05/28 16:30:25 steved Exp System V NFS sourceD@(@D@`@t@@@@@ @ @ 4@ X@ t@@@@@8@L@h@@@@@@%s: ; errno = %s; low version = %lu, high version = %lu; why = %s(unknown authentication error - %d); low version = %lu, high version = %lu; s1 = %lu, s2 = %lu%s RPC: SuccessRPC: Can't encode argumentsRPC: Can't decode resultRPC: Unable to sendRPC: Unable to receiveRPC: Timed outRPC: Incompatible versions of RPCRPC: Authentication errorRPC: Program unavailableRPC: Program/version mismatchRPC: Procedure unavailableRPC: Server can't decode argumentsRPC: Remote system errorRPC: Unknown hostRPC: Unknown protocolRPC: Port mapper failureRPC: Program not registeredRPC: Failed (unspecified error)RPC: (unknown error code)%s %s: - - Error %d%s Authentication OKInvalid client credentialServer rejected credentialInvalid client verifierServer rejected verifierClient credential too weakInvalid server verifierFailed (unspecified error)@(#)clnt_tcp.c,v 5.3 1992/10/28 14:02:32 wmv Exp System V NFS source"D"t"d#"""#P#P#$#P#0#<#clnttcp_create: out of memoryclnttcp_create: out of memory@(#)clnt_udp.c,v 5.2 1992/10/28 14:17:53 wmv Exp System V NFS source',<,l,\-,,,-,-,-T-4-@-clntudp_create: out of memory clntudp_create: out of memoryclntudp_create: out of memory clntudp_create: out of memory@(#)getdom.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:58:16 maf Exp System V NFS source/dev/nfsd$@/etc/hostshosts.byaddrhosts.bynamerhosts.byaddrr# .@@@@@Resolver Error 0 (no error)Unknown hostHost name lookup failureUnknown server errorNo address associated with name: Resolver internal errorUnknown resolver error[inet_ntoa error]%u.%u.%u.%u%x@(#)innetgr.c 5.2 System V NFS source@KKKKnetgroup # syntax error in /etc/netgroup --- %s Cycle detected in /etc/netgroup: %s. /etc/rnetgroup.byusernetgroup.byhostinnetgr: recursive overflow netgroupnetgroupinnetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup machine: %s p %s innetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup innetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup # innetgr: netgroup %s called recursively */dev/socksys/dev/socksys$Id: ns_name.c,v 8.3 1997/04/24 22:10:54 vixie Exp $0123456789$Id: ns_netint.c,v 8.1 1996/11/18 09:09:57 vixie Exp $@(#)pmap_gtprt.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 10:12:50 wmv Exp System V NFS source<@(#)pmap_prot.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:55:58 maf Exp System V NFS source@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @$@D@H@d@l@|@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@0@8@L@P@`@d@l@p@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @$@(@<@D@h@p@@@@@@@ @@!@@"@$@@@H@d@l@|@@@@#@@@@ d'@Bʚ;@;; res options: %s;; %s SECTION: ;; %s, type = %s, class = %s .;; ns_parserr: %s ;; ns_sprintrr: %s ;; ns_initparse: %s ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: %s, status: %s, id: %d ; flags: qr aa tc rd ra ?? ad cd; %s: %d, %s: %d, %s: %d, %s: %d.INCHAOSHSHESIODANYNONEQUERYANSWERAUTHORITYADDITIONALZONEPREREQUISITEUPDATEADDITIONALAaddressNSname serverMDmail destination (deprecated)MFmail forwarder (deprecated)CNAMEcanonical nameSOAstart of authorityMBmailboxMGmail group memberMRmail renameNULLnullWKSwell-known service (deprecated)PTRdomain name pointerHINFOhost informationMINFOmailbox informationMXmail exchangerTXTtextRPresponsible personAFSDBDCE or AFS serverX25X25 addressISDNISDN addressRTrouterNSAPnsap addressNSAP_PTRdomain name pointerSIGsignatureKEYkeyPXmapping informationGPOSgeographical position (withdrawn)AAAAIPv6 addressLOClocationNXTnext valid name (unimplemented)EIDendpoint identifier (unimplemented)NIMLOCNIMROD locator (unimplemented)SRVserver selectionATMAATM address (unimplemented)IXFRincremental zone transferAXFRzone transferMAILBmailbox-related data (deprecated)MAILAmail agent (deprecated)NAPTRURN Naming AuthorityANY"any"%d%dinitdebugaaonly(unimpl)usevcprimry(unimpl)igntcrecursdefnamstyopndnsrchinsecure1insecure2?0x%lx?%u%ld.%.2ld?; error: unknown LOC RR version%d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d.%.2dm %sm %sm %sm%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d;; res_mkquery(%d, %s, %d, %d) @(#)rpc_comdat.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:59:05 maf Exp System V NFS source@(#)rpc_dtabsz.c,v 4.5 1991/11/13 13:08:44 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)rpc_prot.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 10:20:09 wmv Exp System V NFS sourceu`vxwwwww@(#)xdr.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 14:07:06 wmv Exp System V NFS sourcexdr_bytes: out of memoryxdr_string: out of memory@(#)xdr_mem.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:57:42 maf Exp System V NFS sourceD4T@(#)xdr_rec.c,v 5.1 1993/09/20 15:15:43 steved Exp System V NFS sourcep``pxdrrec_create: out of memoryxdrrec_create: out of memory@(#)xdr_refnce.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 14:20:59 wmv Exp System V NFS sourcexdr_reference: out of memory@(#)au_none.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:54:57 maf Exp System V NFS source܌ $Id: ns_parse.c,v 8.7 1997/04/24 22:11:09 vixie Exp $x   @ $Id: ns_print.c,v 8.3 1997/04/24 22:14:16 vixie Exp $t;;<;;;l;`P|(. @ . %s %s ( %lu; serial ; refresh ; retry ; expiry ); minimum %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u ( %d )0x%04x %u %u ( ) %s %d %lu %s %s %u ( ) %sunknown RR typeRR format error\#( ; %s %02x ); " "\\"len <= *buflenns_print.c $Id: ns_ttl.c,v 8.4 1997/04/24 22:14:25 vixie Exp $%d%cXA`AhApAxAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A$A(A,A0AQUERYIQUERYCQUERYMCQUERYUNOTIFYUPDATE678910111213ZONEINITZONEREFNOERRORFORMERRSERVFAILNXDOMAINNOTIMPREFUSEDYXDOMAINYXRRSETNXRRSETNOTAUTHZONEERR11121314NOCHANGETAsyslog<%d>%.15s %s[%d]%s /dev/console /dev/syslogABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=(|̵4k, line NNNNN Assertion failed: , file /usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%A/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%l_%t/%A/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%l/%A/%N:/etc/nls/msg/%L/%A/%N:/etc/nls/msg/%l_%t/%A/%N:/etc/nls/msg/%l/%A/%NNLSPATHCLANGC/Xr3ͫ4m >AUnknown errorA(A@A\AlAAAAAAAAA0ADAPAhAtAAAAAAAAA$A4ADA\AlAAAAAAAA$A@APA`A|AAAAAAA0ADA\AtAAAAAAAAA0ADATAlAAAAAAA AA0ADAXAlAAAAAA A$ALAtAAAAA0AHAdAAAAAAA,APApAAAAAA$AHAdAxAAAAA A A0ADA\ApAAAAAAAAA$A8ALA`AtAAAAAAAAA(A<APAdAxAAAAAAAA0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 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formatUnknown error: 58Unknown error: 59Not a stream deviceNo data availableTimer expiredOut of stream resourcesMachine is not on the networkPackage not installedObject is remoteLink has been severedAdvertise errorSrmount errorCommunication error on sendProtocol errorUnknown error: 72Unknown error: 73Multihop attemptedInode is remote Cross mount point Not a data messageFilename too longValue too large for defined data typeName not unique on networkFile descriptor in bad stateRemote address changedCan not access a needed shared libraryAccessing a corrupted shared library.lib section in a.out corruptedAttempting to link in more shared libraries than system limitCan not exec a shared library directlyIllegal byte sequenceFunction not implementedOperation would blockOperation now in progressOperation already in progressSocket operation on non-socketDestination address requiredMessage too longProtocol wrong type for socketProtocol not supportedSocket type not supportedOperation not supported on socketProtocol family not supportedAddress family not supported by protocol familyAddress already in useCannot assign requested addressNetwork is downNetwork is unreachableNetwork dropped connection on resetSoftware caused connection abortConnection reset by peerUnknown error: 109Socket is already connectedSocket is not connectedCannot send after socket shutdownToo many references: cannot spliceConnection timed outConnection refusedHost is downNo route to hostProtocol not availableUnknown error: 119Unknown error: 120Unknown error: 121Unknown error: 122Unknown error: 123Unknown error: 124Unknown error: 125Unknown error: 126Unknown error: 127Unknown error: 128Unknown error: 129Unknown error: 130Unknown error: 131Unknown error: 132Unknown error: 133Unknown error: 134Structure needs cleaningUnknown error: 136Not a name fileNot availableIs a name fileRemote I/O errorReserved for future useUnknown error: 142Unknown error: 143Unknown error: 144Directory not emptyUnknown error: 146Unknown error: 147Unknown error: 148Unknown error: 149Too many symbolic links in pathStale NFS file handleRestartable system callNo sleeping in stream head of pipe/FIFO 000000000000000000000000000000000B0b 0X 0x-0X-0x+0X+0x(null)T~">>>>>>>>>Ss4#2]>z>-z*dj GGGGGG444444?WCn>pe`Z /eee N Q|L 35 G79 81q&5 .Z$+H'jt$!]6!J 5w%^_KLza N }dP@fff&f&QG!+.A j<D h"2l8S589C7{-_k2+/4R&U# ~>B8D K) -m5Zh.W?YU {?1^Fz !%'ph]( ZJ(90H/9Y!,3q405#f# :\< D+>1>J\ _/)T=eEyM?8!Z,<bbbwb5,6)6b9OCS}6+tC0 8  /m. 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descriptorMessage tables fullAnode table overflowBad request codeInvalid slotFile locking deadlockBad font file formatUnknown error: 58Unknown error: 59Not a stream deviceNo data availableTimer expiredOut of stream resourcesMachine is not on the networkPackage not installedObject is remoteLink has been severedAdvertise errorSrmount errorCommunication error on sendProtocol errorUnknown error: 72Unknown error: 73Multihop attemptedInode is remote Cross mount point Not a data messageFilename too longValue too large for defined data typeName not unique on networkFile descriptor in bad stateRemote address changedCan not access a needed shared libraryAccessing a corrupted shared library.lib section in a.out corruptedAttempting to link in more shared libraries than system limitCan not exec a shared library directlyIllegal byte sequenceFunction not implementedOperation would blockOperation now in progressOperation already in progressSocket operation on non-socketDestination address requiredMessage too longProtocol wrong type for socketProtocol not supportedSocket type not supportedOperation not supported on socketProtocol family not supportedAddress family not supported by protocol familyAddress already in useCannot assign requested addressNetwork is downNetwork is unreachableNetwork dropped connection on resetSoftware caused connection abortConnection reset by peerUnknown error: 109Socket is already connectedSocket is not connectedCannot send after socket shutdownToo many references: cannot spliceConnection timed outConnection refusedHost is downNo route to hostProtocol not availableUnknown error: 119Unknown error: 120Unknown error: 121Unknown error: 122Unknown error: 123Unknown error: 124Unknown error: 125Unknown error: 126Unknown error: 127Unknown error: 128Unknown error: 129Unknown error: 130Unknown error: 131Unknown error: 132Unknown error: 133Unknown error: 134Structure needs cleaningUnknown error: 136Not a name fileNot availableIs a name fileRemote I/O errorReserved for future useUnknown error: 142Unknown error: 143Unknown error: 144Directory not emptyUnknown error: 146Unknown error: 147Unknown error: 148Unknown error: 149Too many symbolic links in pathStale NFS file handleRestartable system callNo sleeping in stream head of pipe/FIFOtJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~NOT_CATNAME0NOT_CATNAME1LC_CTYPELC_NUMERICLC_TIMELC_COLLATELC_MESSAGESLC_MONETARYPOSIXA JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecSunMonTueWedThuFriSat;Zx0N<[y1O/dev/dev/etc/ttymap/dev KAKAGMT 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res_init()... default query order ;; %d %d %d MMMMMM;; res_query(%s, %d, %d) ;; res_query: mkquery failed ;; res_query: send error ;; rcode = %d, ancount=%d ;; res_querydomain(%s, %s, %d, %d) %s.%sHOSTALIASESrWDYW FD_SETSIZEselect;; timeout recvfrom;; old answer: ;; not our server: ;; wrong query name: server rejected query: ;; truncated answer ;; got answer: /dev/socksyslibsocket: socket: /dev/socksyslibsocket: dup2 failure/etc/passwdr%d@(#)yp_all.c,v 5.4 1995/03/28 13:59:52 steved Exp System V NFS sourceyp_all - TCP channel create failureyp_all - RPC clnt_call (TCP) failureyp_all - TCP channel create failureyp_all_master - RPC clnt_call (TCP) failure@(#)yp_bind.c,v 5.8 1995/03/28 14:06:29 steved Exp System V NFS source  /etc/yp/binding/.0123456789load_dom_binding: malloc failure.@(#)yp_enum.c,v 5.1 1992/08/13 11:27:03 wmv Exp System V NFS source|d@YP_@(#)yp_gt_mstr.c,v 5.2 1992/12/15 22:51:27 wmv Exp System V NFS source (Can't translate master name %s to an address.bind_to_server: server is not using a privileged portypxfr: bind_to_server clnt_call errorbind_to_server clntudp_create error %sCan't get master of %s. Reason: %s. Can't bind master to send ypclear message to ypserv for map %s.Can't send ypclear message to ypserv on the master machine for map %s.@(#)yp_master.c,v 5.1 1992/08/13 12:37:03 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)yp_match.c,v 5.2 1993/09/20 15:55:17 steved Exp System V NFS source@(#)yperr_str.c,v 4.4 1991/09/20 15:30:04 wmv Exp System V NFS source (08@HPX`NIS operation succeededargs to NIS function are badRPC failure on NIS operationcan't bind to a server which serves domainno such map in server's domainno such key in mapinternal NIS server or client errorlocal resource allocation failureno more records in map databasecan't communicate with portmappercan't communicate with ypbindcan't communicate with ypservlocal domain name not setNIS map data base is badNIS client/server version mismatchunknown NIS client error code@(#)ypmaint_xdr.c,v 4.2 1991/10/02 10:34:51 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)ypprot_err.c,v 5.1 1992/05/19 15:46:24 wmv Exp System V NFS source $$$@(#)ypv1_xdr.c,v 4.4 1991/09/20 15:32:55 wmv Exp System V NFS sourceX@(#)ypxdr.c,v 5.1 1992/08/13 12:40:18 wmv Exp System V NFS source/etc/yp/YP_MAP_X_LATErcouldn't open x_late file %s %s@(#)clnt_perr.c,v 5.2 1993/05/28 16:30:25 steved Exp System V NFS sourceУУУУ DУУУУУУУУУhm@xm@m@m@m@m@m@n@,n@ Hn@ hn@ n@ n@ n@n@n@ o@(o@o@o@o@o@o@p@$p@>HEADER<<- opcode: %s, status: %s, id: %d ; flags: qr aa tc rd ra ?? ad cd; %s: %d, %s: %d, %s: %d, %s: %d.INCHAOSHSHESIODANYNONEQUERYANSWERAUTHORITYADDITIONALZONEPREREQUISITEUPDATEADDITIONALAaddressNSname serverMDmail destination (deprecated)MFmail forwarder (deprecated)CNAMEcanonical nameSOAstart of authorityMBmailboxMGmail group memberMRmail renameNULLnullWKSwell-known service (deprecated)PTRdomain name pointerHINFOhost informationMINFOmailbox informationMXmail exchangerTXTtextRPresponsible personAFSDBDCE or AFS serverX25X25 addressISDNISDN addressRTrouterNSAPnsap addressNSAP_PTRdomain name pointerSIGsignatureKEYkeyPXmapping informationGPOSgeographical position (withdrawn)AAAAIPv6 addressLOClocationNXTnext valid name (unimplemented)EIDendpoint identifier (unimplemented)NIMLOCNIMROD locator (unimplemented)SRVserver selectionATMAATM address (unimplemented)IXFRincremental zone transferAXFRzone transferMAILBmailbox-related data (deprecated)MAILAmail agent (deprecated)NAPTRURN Naming AuthorityANY"any"%d%dinitdebugaaonly(unimpl)usevcprimry(unimpl)igntcrecursdefnamstyopndnsrchinsecure1insecure2?0x%lx?%u%ld.%.2ld?; error: unknown LOC RR version%d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d.%.2dm %sm %sm %sm%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d;; res_mkquery(%d, %s, %d, %d) @(#)rpc_comdat.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:59:05 maf Exp System V NFS source@(#)rpc_dtabsz.c,v 4.5 1991/11/13 13:08:44 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)rpc_prot.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 10:20:09 wmv Exp System V NFS sourceTP\ht@(#)xdr.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 14:07:06 wmv Exp System V NFS sourcexdr_bytes: out of memoryxdr_string: out of memory@(#)xdr_mem.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:57:42 maf Exp System V NFS sourcexhh@(#)xdr_rec.c,v 5.1 1993/09/20 15:15:43 steved Exp System V NFS sourcedd  xdrrec_create: out of memoryxdrrec_create: out of memory@(#)xdr_refnce.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 14:20:59 wmv Exp System V NFS sourcexdr_reference: out of memory@(#)au_none.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:54:57 maf Exp System V NFS source`0p@(#)innetgr.c 5.2 System V NFS source@netgroup # syntax error in /etc/netgroup --- %s Cycle detected in /etc/netgroup: %s. /etc/rnetgroup.byusernetgroup.byhostinnetgr: recursive overflow netgroupnetgroupinnetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup machine: %s p %s innetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup innetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup # innetgr: netgroup %s called recursively *$Id: ns_parse.c,v 8.7 1997/04/24 22:11:09 vixie Exp $x   @ $Id: ns_print.c,v 8.3 1997/04/24 22:14:16 vixie Exp $&W/55W/X'W/W/W/5/W/&/+,/+'&+|,520l+5,-555.5D-. @ . %s %s ( %lu; serial ; refresh ; retry ; expiry ); minimum %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u ( %d )0x%04x %u %u ( ) %s %d %lu %s %s %u ( ) %sunknown RR typeRR format error\#( ; %s %02x ); " "\\"len <= *buflenns_print.c $Id: ns_ttl.c,v 8.4 1997/04/24 22:14:25 vixie Exp $%d%ch@p@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ĉ@̈@Ԉ@܈@@@@@@@ @(@0@4@8@<@@@QUERYIQUERYCQUERYMCQUERYUNOTIFYUPDATE678910111213ZONEINITZONEREFNOERRORFORMERRSERVFAILNXDOMAINNOTIMPREFUSEDYXDOMAINYXRRSETNXRRSETNOTAUTHZONEERR11121314NOCHANGEd@syslog<%d>%.15s %s[%d]%s /dev/console /dev/syslogABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=HDHHHIIPIIfabs: DOMAIN error : DOMAIN error @(#)t_accept.c 1.4 90/12/05 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_bind.c 1.2 90/10/22 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_connect.c 1.9 91/01/22 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_error.c 26.1 95/06/05 Unknown error: : @(#)t_close.c 1.1 90/10/09 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_getinfo.c 1.4 90/11/30 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_listen.c 1.5 90/12/19 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_look.c 1.2 90/11/27 XTI (NC1)VVVVVVVVVVVVV@(#)t_rcv.c 1.1 90/10/09 XTI (NC1)TYXX3Y3Y3Y3Y3Y3Y3Y,Y@(#)t_rcvcnnt.c 1.6 90/12/13 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_rcvdis.c 1.2 90/11/27 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_snd.c 1.3 90/11/27 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_snddis.c 1.2 90/11/27 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_unbind.c 1.2 90/11/27 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_optmgmt.c 1.3 90/11/30 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_rcvudata.c 1.1 90/10/09 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_sndudata.c 1.2 90/11/27 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_sndrel.c 1.1 90/10/09 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_rcvrel.c 1.2 90/11/27 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_alloc.c 1.9 91/02/08 XTI (NC1)ijjj0kkl@(#)t_free.c 1.1 90/10/09 XTI (NC1)mmmmmTmwm@(#)t_open.c 1.7 90/11/30 XTI (NC1)Copyright (C) Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG 1990 All Rights Reservedxti.cat@unixdstimodtimod@(#)t_sync.c 1.3 90/12/10 XTI (NC1)qHrHrrHrHrr rHr$r0rB8D K) -m5Zh.W?YU {?1^Fz !%'ph]( ZJ(90H/9Y!,3q405#f# :\< D+>1>J\ _/)T=eEyM?8!Z,<bbbwb5,6)6b9OCS}6+tC0 8  /m. B"Xv0#0j=pBEMV'j&50b@ Q/d )'|+.~:EOk').:S2)I d 4* !@SQT./4lWgi 9[,$2$#بA$.3nS ?/p<j`m 4Ft'$8DnF 7yACחA@Y@$@@PAA$@?infnan.%s %s %2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %d GMTlocaltime/usr/lib/locale/TZ/rGMTM4.5.0,M10.5.0̶@@ܶ@@M4.1.0,M10.5.053,2985,327TZGMT/etc/utmp : libc@unixdssyserr@unixdsMessage not found!! LC_ALLLANGC@@@@ķ@̷@Է@@?@?@?@?@?@?@.@NOT_CATNAME0NOT_CATNAME1ctypenumerictimecollatemessagescurrency ((((( H   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~@غ@X@@8@غ@H@X@@X@X@@@ػ@ػ@@@X@X@@@ؼ@ؼ@@@X@X@@@$$$$SHOWVERSIONS''''''''''''''(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((a*)))a*a*a*()((((()((()()(()((~)(((((~**^)*~*~*~*(*((((**I*((s)(*((*/bin/shsh-cXXXXXX/usr/tmp//dev/tty0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdefNANnanINFINITYinfinityiInNiItTyYnaninfinity@(#)strcasecmp.c 6.2 Lachman System V STREAMS TCP source  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Unknown error&@Phr#9EQcr $1GVby 0Mhw.CTaw0AWgu Fa~?f|0Of ' 7 N r  8 M ` m ~   - @ S f y    / G Z m  . Unknown errorOperation not permittedNo such file or directoryNo such processInterrupted system callI/O errorNo such device or addressArg list too longExec format errorBad file numberNo child processesResource temporarily unavailableNot enough spacePermission deniedBad addressBlock device requiredDevice busyFile existsCross-device linkNo such deviceNot a directoryIs a directoryInvalid argumentFile table overflowToo many open filesInappropriate I/O control operationText file busyFile too largeNo space left on deviceIllegal seekRead-only file systemToo many linksBroken pipeArgument out of domainResult too large or too smallNo message of desired typeIdentifier removedChannel number out of rangeLevel 2 not synchronizedLevel 3 haltedLevel 3 resetLink number out of rangeProtocol driver not attachedNo CSI structure availableLevel 2 haltedDeadlock situation detected/avoidedNo record locks availableUnknown error: 47Unknown error: 48Unknown error: 49Bad exchange descriptorBad request descriptorMessage tables fullAnode table overflowBad request codeInvalid slotFile locking deadlockBad font file formatUnknown error: 58Unknown error: 59Not a stream deviceNo data availableTimer expiredOut of stream resourcesMachine is not on the networkPackage not installedObject is remoteLink has been severedAdvertise errorSrmount errorCommunication error on sendProtocol errorUnknown error: 72Unknown error: 73Multihop attemptedInode is remote Cross mount point Not a data messageFilename too longValue too large for defined data typeName not unique on networkFile descriptor in bad stateRemote address changedCan not access a needed shared libraryAccessing a corrupted shared library.lib section in a.out corruptedAttempting to link in more shared libraries than system limitCan not exec a shared library directlyIllegal byte sequenceFunction not implementedOperation would blockOperation now in progressOperation already in progressSocket operation on non-socketDestination address requiredMessage too longProtocol wrong type for socketProtocol not supportedSocket type not supportedOperation not supported on socketProtocol family not supportedAddress family not supported by protocol familyAddress already in useCannot assign requested addressNetwork is downNetwork is unreachableNetwork dropped connection on resetSoftware caused connection abortConnection reset by peerUnknown error: 109Socket is already connectedSocket is not connectedCannot send after socket shutdownToo many references: cannot spliceConnection timed outConnection refusedHost is downNo route to hostProtocol not availableUnknown error: 119Unknown error: 120Unknown error: 121Unknown error: 122Unknown error: 123Unknown error: 124Unknown error: 125Unknown error: 126Unknown error: 127Unknown error: 128Unknown error: 129Unknown error: 130Unknown error: 131Unknown error: 132Unknown error: 133Unknown error: 134Structure needs cleaningUnknown error: 136Not a name fileNot availableIs a name fileRemote I/O errorReserved for future useUnknown error: 142Unknown error: 143Unknown error: 144Directory not emptyUnknown error: 146Unknown error: 147Unknown error: 148Unknown error: 149Too many symbolic links in pathStale NFS file handleRestartable system callNo sleeping in stream head of pipe/FIFO@@@@@@@@  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~NOT_CATNAME0NOT_CATNAME1LC_CTYPELC_NUMERICLC_TIMELC_COLLATELC_MESSAGESLC_MONETARYPOSIXAA\\\JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecSunMonTueWedThuFriSat;Zx0N<[y1O/dev/dev/etc/ttymap/dev @@GMT /dev/ 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res_init()... default query order ;; %d %d %d MMMMMM;; res_query(%s, %d, %d) ;; res_query: mkquery failed ;; res_query: send error ;; rcode = %d, ancount=%d ;; res_querydomain(%s, %s, %d, %d) %s.%sHOSTALIASESrWDYW FD_SETSIZEselect;; timeout recvfrom;; old answer: ;; not our server: ;; wrong query name: server rejected query: ;; truncated answer ;; got answer: /dev/socksyslibsocket: socket: /dev/socksyslibsocket: dup2 failure/etc/passwdr%d@(#)yp_all.c,v 5.4 1995/03/28 13:59:52 steved Exp System V NFS sourceyp_all - TCP channel create failureyp_all - RPC clnt_call (TCP) failureyp_all - TCP channel create failureyp_all_master - RPC clnt_call (TCP) failure@(#)yp_bind.c,v 5.8 1995/03/28 14:06:29 steved Exp System V NFS source  /etc/yp/binding/.0123456789load_dom_binding: malloc failure.@(#)yp_enum.c,v 5.1 1992/08/13 11:27:03 wmv Exp System V NFS source|d@YP_@(#)yp_gt_mstr.c,v 5.2 1992/12/15 22:51:27 wmv Exp System V NFS source (Can't translate master name %s to an address.bind_to_server: server is not using a privileged portypxfr: bind_to_server clnt_call errorbind_to_server clntudp_create error %sCan't get master of %s. Reason: %s. Can't bind master to send ypclear message to ypserv for map %s.Can't send ypclear message to ypserv on the master machine for map %s.@(#)yp_master.c,v 5.1 1992/08/13 12:37:03 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)yp_match.c,v 5.2 1993/09/20 15:55:17 steved Exp System V NFS source@(#)yperr_str.c,v 4.4 1991/09/20 15:30:04 wmv Exp System V NFS source (08@HPX`NIS operation succeededargs to NIS function are badRPC failure on NIS operationcan't bind to a server which serves domainno such map in server's domainno such key in mapinternal NIS server or client errorlocal resource allocation failureno more records in map databasecan't communicate with portmappercan't communicate with ypbindcan't communicate with ypservlocal domain name not setNIS map data base is badNIS client/server version mismatchunknown NIS client error code@(#)ypmaint_xdr.c,v 4.2 1991/10/02 10:34:51 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)ypprot_err.c,v 5.1 1992/05/19 15:46:24 wmv Exp System V NFS source $$$@(#)ypv1_xdr.c,v 4.4 1991/09/20 15:32:55 wmv Exp System V NFS sourceX@(#)ypxdr.c,v 5.1 1992/08/13 12:40:18 wmv Exp System V NFS source/etc/yp/YP_MAP_X_LATErcouldn't open x_late file %s %s@(#)clnt_perr.c,v 5.2 1993/05/28 16:30:25 steved Exp System V NFS sourceУУУУ DУУУУУУУУУhm@xm@m@m@m@m@m@n@,n@ Hn@ hn@ n@ n@ n@n@n@ o@(o@o@o@o@o@o@p@$p@>HEADER<<- opcode: %s, status: %s, id: %d ; flags: qr aa tc rd ra ?? ad cd; %s: %d, %s: %d, %s: %d, %s: %d.INCHAOSHSHESIODANYNONEQUERYANSWERAUTHORITYADDITIONALZONEPREREQUISITEUPDATEADDITIONALAaddressNSname serverMDmail destination (deprecated)MFmail forwarder (deprecated)CNAMEcanonical nameSOAstart of authorityMBmailboxMGmail group memberMRmail renameNULLnullWKSwell-known service (deprecated)PTRdomain name pointerHINFOhost informationMINFOmailbox informationMXmail exchangerTXTtextRPresponsible personAFSDBDCE or AFS serverX25X25 addressISDNISDN addressRTrouterNSAPnsap addressNSAP_PTRdomain name pointerSIGsignatureKEYkeyPXmapping informationGPOSgeographical position (withdrawn)AAAAIPv6 addressLOClocationNXTnext valid name (unimplemented)EIDendpoint identifier (unimplemented)NIMLOCNIMROD locator (unimplemented)SRVserver selectionATMAATM address (unimplemented)IXFRincremental zone transferAXFRzone transferMAILBmailbox-related data (deprecated)MAILAmail agent (deprecated)NAPTRURN Naming AuthorityANY"any"%d%dinitdebugaaonly(unimpl)usevcprimry(unimpl)igntcrecursdefnamstyopndnsrchinsecure1insecure2?0x%lx?%u%ld.%.2ld?; error: unknown LOC RR version%d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d.%.2dm %sm %sm %sm%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d;; res_mkquery(%d, %s, %d, %d) @(#)rpc_comdat.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:59:05 maf Exp System V NFS source@(#)rpc_dtabsz.c,v 4.5 1991/11/13 13:08:44 wmv Exp System V NFS source@(#)rpc_prot.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 10:20:09 wmv Exp System V NFS sourceTP\ht@(#)xdr.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 14:07:06 wmv Exp System V NFS sourcexdr_bytes: out of memoryxdr_string: out of memory@(#)xdr_mem.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:57:42 maf Exp System V NFS sourcexhh@(#)xdr_rec.c,v 5.1 1993/09/20 15:15:43 steved Exp System V NFS sourcedd  xdrrec_create: out of memoryxdrrec_create: out of memory@(#)xdr_refnce.c,v 4.5 1991/09/20 14:20:59 wmv Exp System V NFS sourcexdr_reference: out of memory@(#)au_none.c,v 4.4 1991/01/02 17:54:57 maf Exp System V NFS source`0p@(#)innetgr.c 5.2 System V NFS source@netgroup # syntax error in /etc/netgroup --- %s Cycle detected in /etc/netgroup: %s. /etc/rnetgroup.byusernetgroup.byhostinnetgr: recursive overflow netgroupnetgroupinnetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup machine: %s p %s innetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup innetgr: syntax error in /etc/netgroup # innetgr: netgroup %s called recursively *$Id: ns_parse.c,v 8.7 1997/04/24 22:11:09 vixie Exp $x   @ $Id: ns_print.c,v 8.3 1997/04/24 22:14:16 vixie Exp $&W/55W/X'W/W/W/5/W/&/+,/+'&+|,520l+5,-555.5D-. @ . %s %s ( %lu; serial ; refresh ; retry ; expiry ); minimum %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u ( %d )0x%04x %u %u ( ) %s %d %lu %s %s %u ( ) %sunknown RR typeRR format error\#( ; %s %02x ); " "\\"len <= *buflenns_print.c $Id: ns_ttl.c,v 8.4 1997/04/24 22:14:25 vixie Exp $%d%ch@p@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ĉ@̈@Ԉ@܈@@@@@@@ @(@0@4@8@<@@@QUERYIQUERYCQUERYMCQUERYUNOTIFYUPDATE678910111213ZONEINITZONEREFNOERRORFORMERRSERVFAILNXDOMAINNOTIMPREFUSEDYXDOMAINYXRRSETNXRRSETNOTAUTHZONEERR11121314NOCHANGEd@syslog<%d>%.15s %s[%d]%s /dev/console /dev/syslogABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=HDHHHIIPIIfabs: DOMAIN error : DOMAIN error @(#)t_accept.c 1.4 90/12/05 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_bind.c 1.2 90/10/22 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_connect.c 1.9 91/01/22 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_error.c 26.1 95/06/05 Unknown error: : @(#)t_close.c 1.1 90/10/09 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_getinfo.c 1.4 90/11/30 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_listen.c 1.5 90/12/19 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_look.c 1.2 90/11/27 XTI (NC1)VVVVVVVVVVVVV@(#)t_rcv.c 1.1 90/10/09 XTI (NC1)TYXX3Y3Y3Y3Y3Y3Y3Y,Y@(#)t_rcvcnnt.c 1.6 90/12/13 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_rcvdis.c 1.2 90/11/27 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_snd.c 1.3 90/11/27 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_snddis.c 1.2 90/11/27 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_unbind.c 1.2 90/11/27 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_optmgmt.c 1.3 90/11/30 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_rcvudata.c 1.1 90/10/09 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_sndudata.c 1.2 90/11/27 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_sndrel.c 1.1 90/10/09 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_rcvrel.c 1.2 90/11/27 XTI (NC1)@(#)t_alloc.c 1.9 91/02/08 XTI (NC1)ijjj0kkl@(#)t_free.c 1.1 90/10/09 XTI (NC1)mmmmmTmwm@(#)t_open.c 1.7 90/11/30 XTI (NC1)Copyright (C) Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG 1990 All Rights Reservedxti.cat@unixdstimodtimod@(#)t_sync.c 1.3 90/12/10 XTI (NC1)qHrHrrHrHrr rHr$r0rB8D K) -m5Zh.W?YU {?1^Fz !%'ph]( ZJ(90H/9Y!,3q405#f# :\< D+>1>J\ _/)T=eEyM?8!Z,<bbbwb5,6)6b9OCS}6+tC0 8  /m. B"Xv0#0j=pBEMV'j&50b@ Q/d )'|+.~:EOk').:S2)I d 4* !@SQT./4lWgi 9[,$2$#بA$.3nS ?/p<j`m 4Ft'$8DnF 7yACחA@Y@$@@PAA$@?infnan.%s %s %2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %d GMTlocaltime/usr/lib/locale/TZ/rGMTM4.5.0,M10.5.0̶@@ܶ@@M4.1.0,M10.5.053,2985,327TZGMT/etc/utmp : libc@unixdssyserr@unixdsMessage not found!! LC_ALLLANGC@@@@ķ@̷@Է@@?@?@?@?@?@?@.@NOT_CATNAME0NOT_CATNAME1ctypenumerictimecollatemessagescurrency ((((( H   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~@غ@X@@8@غ@H@X@@X@X@@@ػ@ػ@@@X@X@@@ؼ@ؼ@@@X@X@@@$$$$SHOWVERSIONS''''''''''''''(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((a*)))a*a*a*()((((()((()()(()((~)(((((~**^)*~*~*~*(*((((**I*((s)(*((*/bin/shsh-cXXXXXX/usr/tmp//dev/tty0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdefNANnanINFINITYinfinityiInNiItTyYnaninfinity@(#)strcasecmp.c 6.2 Lachman System V STREAMS TCP source  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Unknown error&@Phr#9EQcr $1GVby 0Mhw.CTaw0AWgu Fa~?f|0Of ' 7 N r  8 M ` m ~   - @ S f y    / G Z m  . Unknown errorOperation not permittedNo such file or directoryNo such processInterrupted system callI/O errorNo such device or addressArg list too longExec format errorBad file numberNo child processesResource temporarily unavailableNot enough spacePermission deniedBad addressBlock device requiredDevice busyFile existsCross-device linkNo such deviceNot a directoryIs a directoryInvalid argumentFile table overflowToo many open filesInappropriate I/O control operationText file busyFile too largeNo space left on deviceIllegal seekRead-only file systemToo many linksBroken pipeArgument out of domainResult too large or too smallNo message of desired typeIdentifier removedChannel number out of rangeLevel 2 not synchronizedLevel 3 haltedLevel 3 resetLink number out of rangeProtocol driver not attachedNo CSI structure availableLevel 2 haltedDeadlock situation detected/avoidedNo record locks availableUnknown error: 47Unknown error: 48Unknown error: 49Bad exchange descriptorBad request descriptorMessage tables fullAnode table overflowBad request codeInvalid slotFile locking deadlockBad font file formatUnknown error: 58Unknown error: 59Not a stream deviceNo data availableTimer expiredOut of stream resourcesMachine is not on the networkPackage not installedObject is remoteLink has been severedAdvertise errorSrmount errorCommunication error on sendProtocol errorUnknown error: 72Unknown error: 73Multihop attemptedInode is remote Cross mount point Not a data messageFilename too longValue too large for defined data typeName not unique on networkFile descriptor in bad stateRemote address changedCan not access a needed shared libraryAccessing a corrupted shared library.lib section in a.out corruptedAttempting to link in more shared libraries than system limitCan not exec a shared library directlyIllegal byte sequenceFunction not implementedOperation would blockOperation now in progressOperation already in progressSocket operation on non-socketDestination address requiredMessage too longProtocol wrong type for socketProtocol not supportedSocket type not supportedOperation not supported on socketProtocol family not supportedAddress family not supported by protocol familyAddress already in useCannot assign requested addressNetwork is downNetwork is unreachableNetwork dropped connection on resetSoftware caused connection abortConnection reset by peerUnknown error: 109Socket is already connectedSocket is not connectedCannot send after socket shutdownToo many references: cannot spliceConnection timed outConnection refusedHost is downNo route to hostProtocol not availableUnknown error: 119Unknown error: 120Unknown error: 121Unknown error: 122Unknown error: 123Unknown error: 124Unknown error: 125Unknown error: 126Unknown error: 127Unknown error: 128Unknown error: 129Unknown error: 130Unknown error: 131Unknown error: 132Unknown error: 133Unknown error: 134Structure needs cleaningUnknown error: 136Not a name fileNot availableIs a name fileRemote I/O errorReserved for future useUnknown error: 142Unknown error: 143Unknown error: 144Directory not emptyUnknown error: 146Unknown error: 147Unknown error: 148Unknown error: 149Too many symbolic links in pathStale NFS file handleRestartable system callNo sleeping in stream head of pipe/FIFO@@@@@@@@  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~NOT_CATNAME0NOT_CATNAME1LC_CTYPELC_NUMERICLC_TIMELC_COLLATELC_MESSAGESLC_MONETARYPOSIXAA\\\JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecSunMonTueWedThuFriSat;Zx0N<[y1O/dev/dev/etc/ttymap/dev @@GMT /dev/ 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Informix Messages and Corrections. Publication Date: March 1994 # END OF VERSION INFORMATION IBM Informix Error Messages 1203 Cannot find message file. DataExtract cannot locate a needed message file. Check that the INFORMIXDIR and DBLANG environment variables are set with the appropriate pathname. Contact your system administrator if you need help with this action. 1204 Type of terminal is unknown to the system. Check the setting of the TERM environment variable. Check that the database-name is spelled correctly. Contact your system administrator if you need help with this action. 2005 Database database-name not found or not correct format. Check that the database-name is spelled correctly. 2008 The table table-name does not exist in the database. The table name included in the TABLE section of the form specification file is not found in the database specified in the DATABASE section. Check the spelling of the table name. 2009 You have not selected any database tables. You must include one or more table names in the TABLES section of the form specification file. 2020 The following tables are involved: table-name. Check the accompanying message for an ndication of system action. The indicated tables are involved in the specified error(s). 4074 There is no C language compiler contained in any directory in your path. This is a 4GL compiler message. A C compiler is needed to finish compiling your program. Change your execution path so that a C compiler can be executed under the name cc. 4102 See error number -number. This is a 4GL compiler message. Look up the message for -number. 4150 Program error at module, line number line. This 4GL run-time message is caused by erroneous code detected in the indicated line (although the actual error or omission might be earlier in the program). Look for additional messages explaining the error. 4152 FORMS statement error number -number. This is a 4GL run-time error. Look up the message for -number. 4153 SQL statement error number -number. This is a 4GL run-time error. Look up the message for -number. 4154 Program stopped at module, line number line. This is a 4GL run-time message giving details of where a program stopped due to an error. Look for additional messages explaining the error. 4155 4GL run-time error number -number. This is a 4GL run-time error. Look up the message for -number. 4156 ISAM error number -number. This is a 4GL run-time error. Look up the message for -number. 4157 SYSTEM error number -number. This is a 4GL run-time error. Look up the message for -number. 8009 See error number errno. Check the accompanying message for an indication of system action. Locate the indicated error message in this section. 19750 Invalid serial number. Please consult the Installation Instructions. This is an RSAM error message indicating an incorrect serial number. 33300 tbinit: cannot disassociate from terminal This error occurs if the setpgrp()/setsid() call by the tbinit daemon has failed. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. 21957 Invalid block size. You have specified too small a block size for the tape device in your onload or onunload command. The block size must be larger than the size (in kilobytes) indicated in the accompanying error message. The onload and onunload utilities require a block size parameter with a minimum value of 4 for 2-kilobyte-page machines, or 8 for 4-kilobyte-page machines. 25500 The sqlexecd daemon is not licensed for remote use. You have entered an incorrect serial number or serial number key while running the IBM Informix client/server product installation script. Obtain the proper serial number and key and reinstall your IBM Informix client/server product software. 25501 The sqlexecd daemon must be started by root. Log in as root and start the sqlexecd daemon process. 25502 The sqlexecd daemon cannot execute the fork system call. Check with your system administrator for problems with the system. 25503 IBM Informix network support is not available in this version. This version of the sqlexecd daemon does not support these network connections. Check that the database or database server specified in the DBPATH environment variable is correct. See the system administrator to check on IBM INFORMIX-NET licensing. 25504 The sqlexecd daemon cannot open a socket. Check that your TCP/IP network is installed and functioning properly throughout the network. 25505 The sqlexecd daemon cannot bind a name to the socket. Reenter your request. If the problem persists, refer to your system manual for more information about the source of the problem. 25506 The sqlexecd daemon cannot accept a connection on the socket. Check that your TCP/IP network is installed and functioning properly throughout the network. 25507 The specified service name or protocol is unknown. The database administrator should check the sqlhosts file entry. If you are using the TCP protocol, make sure the service name appears in the /etc/services file and is correct. (If you are using NFS, use ypmake to check /etc/services.) If this service name was added after a default boot, it might not be recognized by the daemon. 25510 The database engine server-name could not be started by execv, system errno error number. Reenter your request. If the problem persists, refer to your system manual for more information about the source of the problem. 25511 The sqlexecd daemon could not receive data from client. Check that your TCP/IP network is installed and functioning properly throughout the network. 25512 The database engine program cannot be accessed. Make sure that you can access the requested database server program. 25514 The sqlexecd daemon cannot open the log file. Make sure that you can write to the requested log file. 25515 Too many arguments were passed to the sqlexecd daemon. Verify that the versions of IBM Informix client/server products running on the client and server are compatible. 25518 Unknown network type specified in DBNETTYPE. Assuming STARLAN. Set the DBNETTYPE environment variable to either starlan or tcp/ip depending on your local network. This error message is not used by database servers beginning with Version 6.0. 25519 The sqlexecd daemon cannot open the network device. Reenter your request. If the problem persists, refer to your system manual for more information about the source of the problem. 25520 The sqlexecd daemon cannot allocate the call structure. Reenter your request. If the problem persists, refer to your system manual for more information about the source of the problem. 25521 The sqlexecd daemon cannot allocate the return structure. Reenter your request. If the problem persists, refer to your system manual for more information about the source of the problem. 25522 The sqlexecd daemon cannot allocate the call structure. Reenter your request. If the problem persists, refer to your system manual for more information about the source of the problem. 25523 The sqlexecd daemon cannot bind the network structures. There is another process running using the same service number. If the system administrator is not using the running sqlexecd process, kill it and start a new one. Or, add a new entry to /etc/services and start a daemon for the service using this new service number. Refer to your system manual for information about the source of the problem. 25526 The sqlexecd daemon cannot listen on the network device. Reenter your request. If the problem persists, run your network diagnostics to determine the source of the problem. 25528 The sqlexecd daemon cannot accept a connection. Check that your network software and hardware are installed and functioning properly throughout the network. 25529 The sqlexecd daemon cannot get a host structure. Check that the requested hostname is valid. Verify that the requested hostname has an entry in the /etc/hosts file. 25530 The sqlexecd daemon cannot bind to the required port address. Check to see if there is a daemon already running on that port address. 25531 The sqlexecd daemon cannot bind to the required address. Check to see if there is a daemon already running on that port address. 25533 The sqlexecd daemon cannot close the network. Reenter your request. If the problem persists, refer to your system manual for more information about the source of the problem. 25534 The sqlexecd daemon cannot allocate a structure. Reenter your request. If the problem persists, refer to your system manual for more information about the source of the problem. 25535 Address translation failed in sqlexecd daemon. Reenter your request. If the problem persists, refer to your system manual for more information about the source of the problem. 25537 The sqlexecd daemon cannot connect to network. Check that your TCP/IP or StarGROUP network is installed and functioning properly throughout the network. 25543 The specified service name or protocol is unknown. Check the /etc/services file and verify that the requested servicename exists and that it uses the correct protocol. 25544 The sqlexecd daemon cannot get a host structure. Check that the requested server name is valid. Verify that the requested server name, client address, and host names are defined in the /etc/hosts file. 25545 The sqlexecd daemon cannot advertise the specified service name. You are starting the sqlexecd daemon on a system running portable IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare with IPX/SPX as the network protocol, but the daemon is unable to advertise the servicename for the database server on the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare network. Possible reasons include: another sqlexecd daemon is already using the same servicename, a recently stopped sqlexecd daemon with the same servicename was unable to de-advertise its service, or the portable IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare software on your system is down. The servicename of each database server must be unique across the entire IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare network. The default servicename is sqlexec. If the name is already used by another sqlexecd daemon or database server on the network, use a different servicename to start the sqlexecd daemon. You can explicitly specify a servicename as a parameter in the sqlexecd command line. If you are restarting a recently terminated sqlexecd daemon, the previous sqlexecd probably has not finished de-advertising or was unable to de-advertise the servicename. When terminating an sqlexecd daemon, use the TERM signal (15) only (i.e., kill -15 pid, or, kill pid). If a service is not terminated properly, depending on your portable IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare configuration, it might take about three minutes for a terminated service to be de-advertised automatically. 32700 Cannot find license file. The program cannot open the license file. It first tries to open the file specified by the user in LM_LICENSE_FILE. If you have not set this environment variable, the program tries to open the license file in the default location $INFORMIXDIR/etc/ifmxld.dat. If you intend to use LM_LICENSE_FILE, check to see if you have set your license file pathname correctly in that file. 25545 The sqlexecd daemon cannot disassociate from terminal. This error occurs if the setpgrp()/setsid() call by the sqlexecd daemon has failed. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. 32701 Invalid license file syntax. This error occurs if the feature name, daemon name, or server name exceeds the maximum length allowed or if the feature line is incomplete. If you have edited the license file after installation, check to see that you did not make a mistake. The maximum length for the server name is 32 characters. The feature name, daemon name, and feature lines are generated automatically during installation. 32702 Cannot connect to a license daemon server. If you edited the license file after installation, make sure that no mistake was made. This error occurs if the daemon name specified in the license file feature line does not match the vendor-daemon name or if the attempt to connect the vendor daemon on all server nodes was unsuccessful. Make sure that the daemons on all license servers are still running and that the network is working properly. 32703 Licensed number of users already reached. Check the daemon log. Check the network-licensing activities by using lmstat or by checking the license-daemon log file to decide whether more user capacity should be purchased from IBM Informix. 32704 No such feature exists. The feature could not be found in the license file. Be sure that the license file contains the feature line for the product you are trying to use and the product is properly licensed. 32705 No TCP/IP license service exists. Check the license file in use to ensure that there is a valid TCP/IP port number on the server line or lines. If the TCP/IP port number is not valid, modify the license file to use a valid one. 32706 No socket connection to license manager server. This error indicates that an internal error occurred during sending or receiving of the message. Note all observed behavior and any other error message. Check with the system administrator to ensure that the system is functioning properly. 32707 Encryption code in license file is inconsistent. This error indicates that the code in a license-file line does not match the other data in the license file. This usually occurs when all the software components are not built with the same encryption code. Check create_license.c, ls_vendor.c, and your application code carefully to make sure that they have the same vendor code. The encryption code in the license file should not be modified after it has been generated during installation. 32708 Invalid host. This error occurs when the host ID specified in the license file does not match the node on which the software is running. 32709 Feature has expired. This message means that the present date exceeds the expiration date of the feature in the license file. Decide if you want to change from an evaluation version to a regular version of this IBM Informix product, and contact IBM Informix to get the procedure you need. 32710 Invalid date format in license file. Check that the date field in the license file is of the format dd-mmm-yyyy where dd is the two digits for the day, mmm is the three letters for the month, and yyyy is the four digits for the year. These dates are generated by the installation procedure. If you did not modify the license file on those fields, report this problem to the IBM Informix Technical Support Department with the output of the license file. 32711 Invalid returned data from license daemon server. Be sure that the port numbers on the server lines are not used by any other services. Check with your system administrator to ensure that the network is functioning properly. Check the license-daemon-server log for all error messages. 32712 No server lines in license file. There is no server line in the license file. All non-zero license-count features need at least one server line. 32713 Cannot find SERVER hostname in network database. Check all relevant system files, such as /etc/hosts, to ensure that the server hostname is known across the network. 32714 Cannot read data from license daemon server. Be sure that the daemons in all license servers are running. Check the daemon log for any error message. 32715 Cannot write data to license daemon server. Check with your system administrator to ensure that the network is functioning properly. Also check the daemon log for other error messages. 32716 License daemon server does not support this feature. This error occurs when the features have expired, have not yet started, or the version of the product you are attempting to use is not the licensed version. Make sure that the license files in both the license-daemon servers and the machine running this IBM Informix-licensed product are set up properly. 32717 License daemon server busy (no majority) This error indicates that the license-daemon server is busy establishing a quorum of server nodes so that licensing can start. Retry this operation later. 32718 License file does not support this version. Be sure that the version of the product you are attempting to use is licensed. Check the license file to ensure that the version of the desired product on the feature line is the same as or later than the version that you want to use. 32719 Feature checkin failure detected at license daemon server. The check-in request did not receive a proper reply from the vendor daemon. (The license might still be considered in use.) Check the daemon log output to see if there are any more error messages. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. 32720 License daemon server temporarily busy (new server connecting). The vendor daemon is busy establishing a quorum condition. New requests from clients are deferred during this period. Retry this operation later. 32721 License daemon server does not support this version of this feature. The version you are attempting to use is more recent than the version for which you are licensed. Check the feature line in the license file to ensure that the version of the desired product is the same as or later than the version you are trying to use. 32722 Request for more licenses than this feature supports. A check-out request was made for more licenses than are supported in the license file. Be sure that you did not make a change to the license check-out request to check out more licenses than it is capable of handling. Only one license should be checked out for each request. 32723 Cannot read license file. Be sure that the license file has the correct read permission. 32724 Bad encryption handshake with daemon. The client performs an encryption handshake operation with the daemon before any licensing operations can occur. This handshake operation failed. Check with the system administrator to ensure that the system and the network are working properly. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. 32725 Feature database corrupted in daemon. The daemon's run-time feature data structures are corrupt. This is an internal daemon error, and it indicates that a serious problem exists. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. 32726 Cannot allocate dynamic memory. The malloc() call failed to return sufficient memory. This can happen while reading the features from the license file (especially if the user has set an extremely long LM_LICENSE_FILE path). Check with your system administrator to ensure that the system is working properly. 32727 Feature was never checked out. This message is for the user's information only. It is not an error. 32728 Clock setting check not available in daemon. This message is for the user's information only. It is not an error. 32766 Unknown error message number. The program you have started cannot locate the IBM Informix error message file. The most likely cause of this error is that the INFORMIXDIR environment variable is not set properly. Message files are stored in the msg directory contained within the directory pointed to by INFORMIXDIR. 35201 SQLCODE used in SQL statement or declared as IN parameter Remove SQLCODE from the SQL statement and/or remove 'IN' from the parameter list. SQLCODE is an "out" parameter only. 35202 SQLCODE parameter must be declared with type SQLCODE_TYPE Only declare SQLCODE as an SQLCODE_TYPE parameter. 38002 Unknown event mnemonic '%s'. An unknown event mnemonic or code was encountered in the audit trail. Check the event mnemonic or code, correct the command line or the load file, and try again. 38005 Invalid path name, pathname (errcode = number). You have specified an invalid pathname. Check your entry and try again. 38006 Invalid file name, filename (errcode = number). You have specified an invalid file-name. Check your entry and try again. 38007 No read permission on file filename. You do not have read permission on the specified file. Check the permissions and try again. 38008 Cannot create file filename (errcode = number). The specified file cannot be created. Check the path and directory permissions and try again. 38010 Internal error: Illegal use of set_msg (bounds exceeded). This is an internal error. The set_msg function has exceeded the allocated storage in the error buffer. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. 38047 Invalid serial number. Please consult the Installation Instructions. You have entered a serial number that is not valid. Check the installation instructions for your product and try again. 38053 Bad option usage: -u required for add. Your "add" command for onaudit is incomplete; no user name is specified. Check the usage information and try again. 38054 Bad option usage: -u required for modify. Your "modify" command for onaudit is incomplete; no user name is specified. Check the usage information and try again. 38055 Unknown option `-x'. Your command line for onaudit has incorrect or incomplete syntax. You have specified an unknown option. Check the usage information and try again. 38060 Badly formatted mask/role/event definition at line line-number. The database server failed to parse the mask/role/event definition in a load file. Edit the load file and try again. 38061 Actions must be the first argument to onaudit. Your command line for onaudit has incorrect or incomplete syntax. Actions must be the first argument. Check the usage information and try again. 38062 Option without required argument found. Your command line for onaudit has incorrect or incomplete syntax. You have not included a required argument with an option. Check the usage information and try again. 38064 No more than two events sets may be defined. Your command line for onaudit has incorrect or incomplete syntax. You have specified more than two event sets. Check the usage information and try again. 38065 Unable to connect to shared memory. Confirm that the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server is up, and try again. 38083 Masks cannot be modified during a bulk operation (line line-number). The mask defined in a load file already exists. Either edit the load file or delete the existing definition. 38084 OS mode auditing not supported for this platform. The "-O" option is not implemented for this platform. Delete it from the command and try again. 38085 Cannot locate ONCONFIG file. The database server could not locate the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/$ONCONFIG file, and/or the ADTPATH and/or DBSERVERNAME is not defined. 38086 Badly formatted audit record found. There is a parsing error in the audit trail traversal. Check the path and directory permissions and try again. 38088 Failed to action user user-name -- error number occurred. This is a general onaudit failure message. For example, there could be an incorrect or incomplete command, or the database is inaccessible, or the user is not informix. Check the permissions, id, and command-line syntax and try again. 38089 Failed to action -- error number occurred. This is a general onaudit failure message. For example, there could be an incorrect or incomplete command, or the database is inaccessible, or the user is not informix. Check the permissions, id, and command- line syntax and try again. 38090 Skipped existing audit trail filename. The database server could not overwrite an existing audit trail file. This message may appear when the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server comes up and ADTPATH holds old audit data. Remove all old audit trails. 38091 Audit trail creation failed for filename. The database server could not open the next audit file because the call to aio_fopen() failed. Make sure the ADTPATH points to a valid directory which is writable by user or group informix. 38092 Could not open next audit file. The database server could not open the next audit file because the call to aio_fopen() failed. Make sure the ADTPATH points to a valid directory which is writable by user or group informix. 38093 IBM Informix level audit write failure (errcode = number). The database server could not write the current audit record to the audit trail file. Make sure the ADTPATH points to a valid directory which is writable by user or group informix and that space is available. Also, check the directory and audit-trail file permissions. 38094 string is invalid setting for ADTERR. There is a bad parameter in the onconfig file. Fix the onconfig file so that the parameter is 0/1. 38095 string is invalid setting for ADTMODE. There is a bad parameter in the onconfig file. Fix the onconfig file so that the parameter is 0/1. -1 Not owner. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Check the ownership and permissions of files and directories used in the current operation. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -2 No such file or directory. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -3 No such process. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -4 Interrupted system call. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. This may result from your pressing the interrupt key at a crucial moment, or from some software-generated interrupt signal such as the UNIX command kill. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -5 I/O error. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. In particular, try to determine what device produced the error, and whether it held the database or some other kind of file. -6 No such device or address. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. This probably reflects some error in configuring the database software, or possibly an error in the REPORT TO clause of a report. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -7 Arg list too long. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -8 Exec format error. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -9 Bad file number. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -10 No children. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -11 No more processes. Your application was unable to start a database server process, or was unable to create a process needed for some subordinate function such as a REPORT TO pipe or a network-access program. This error probably reflects a limit configured in your operating system. Look for operating-system error messages that might give more information. -12 Not enough core. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. "Core" probably refers to data space in memory needed for an operating system function. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -13 Permission denied. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. This usually follows an attempt to execute a file which is not a program or shell script; it may reflect an error in a REPORT TO specification in a report. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -14 Bad address. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -15 Block device required. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. This may reflect an error in the configuration of the database software, for example, an incorrect address in the chunk-device or tape-device parameters given to OnLine. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -16 Mount device busy. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -17 File exists. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. This may reflect an attempt in a REPORT TO specification to replace an existing file. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -18 Cross-device link. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -19 No such device. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. This may reflect an error in the configuration of the database software, for example, an incorrect address in the chunk-device or tape-device parameters given to OnLine. Or, it may reflect an error in a REPORT TO specification in a report. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -20 Not a directory. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. Note that some database servers store databases as directories named database.dbs. If you place a file (not a directory) with the .dbs suffix in your DBPATH, this error might result. -21 Is a directory. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. A file-type operation has been directed to a directory. Some database servers store tables, indexes, and lock files as files with particular suffixes in the database directory. If such a file was replaced with a directory, this error might result. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -22 Invalid argument. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -23 File table overflow. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. This error probably reflects a limit configured in your operating system. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -24 Too many open files. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. This error probably reflects a limit configured in your operating system. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -25 Not a typewriter. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. This may reflect an error in the configuration of the database software, for example, an incorrect address in the log-device parameter given to OnLine. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -26 Text file busy. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the current operation requires the use of a text file (for example, the input file to LOAD or to a PRINT FILE statement in a report) then retry the operation at a later time. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -27 File too large. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Check the documentation for your operating system to find out what "too large" might mean in the context of the current operation. -28 No space left on device. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. This probably reflects either a database table or an ASCII output file that has filled the available disk space. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -29 Illegal seek. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information, for example, the device on which the error occurred. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -30 Read-only file system. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. An entire file system (a disk or disk partition) has been made read-only. Contact your system administrator to find out why. -31 Too many links. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information, especially which file or files are involved. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -32 Broken pipe. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. A "pipe" is a data path between two processes; a pipe is "broken" if one of the processes has unexpectedly quit while the other is waiting for data. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information, in particular, which processes were involved. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -33 Argument too large. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -34 Result too large. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -35 Operation would block. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -36 Operation now in progress. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -37 Operation already in progress. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -38 Socket operation on non-socket. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information, in particular the operation in question and the processes involved. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -39 Destination address required. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -40 Message too long. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -41 Protocol wrong type for socket. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -42 Option not supported by protocol. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -43 Protocol not supported. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -44 Socket type not supported. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -45 Operation not supported on socket. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -46 Protocol family not supported. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -47 Address family not supported by protocol family. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -48 Address already in use. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -49 Can't assign requested address. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -50 Network is down. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If you are attempting to use IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET, contact your system administrator to find out when the network will be back up. If not, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -51 Network is unreachable. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If you are attempting to use IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET, contact your system administrator to find out what the problem is with the network. If not, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -52 Network dropped connection on reset. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If you are attempting to use IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET, contact your system administrator to report a problem with the network. If not, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -53 Software caused connection abort. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If you are attempting to use IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET, contact your system administrator to report a problem with the network. If not, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -54 Connection reset by peer. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If you are attempting to use IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET, contact your system administrator to report a problem with the network. If not, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -55 No buffer space available. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -56 Socket is already connected. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -57 Socket is not connected. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -58 Can't send after socket shutdown. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -59 Too many references: can't splice. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -60 Connection timed out. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If you are attempting to use IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET, contact your system administrator to report a problem with the network. If not, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -61 Connection refused. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If you are attempting to use IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET, contact your system administrator to report a problem with the network. If not, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -62 Too many levels of symbolic links. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server.The database server does not normally use symbolic links. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information, in particular, which file or files were being accessed. -63 File name too long. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. This may represent an error in the coding of a REPORT TO statement of a report. If not, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -64 Host is down. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If you are attempting to use IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET, contact your system administrator to report a problem with the network. If not, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -65 Host is unreachable. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If you are attempting to use IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET, contact your system administrator to report a problem with the network. If not, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -66 Directory not empty. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information, in particular, what directory was being removed. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -67 Too many processes. Your application was unable to start a database server process, or was unable to create a process needed for some subordinate function such as a REPORT TO pipe or a network-access program. This error probably reflects a limit configured in your operating system. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -68 Too many users. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. This error probably reflects a limit configured in your operating system. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -69 Disc quota exceeded. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. This error probably reflects a limit configured in your operating system. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information, in particular, the disk (or disc) involved. Contact your system administrator to inquire about more liberal quotas. -70 Stale NFS file handle. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. This reflects an error in a file server on a networked file system. Although IBM Informix database servers do not support database access to NFS-mounted file systems, this error can occur when the database server executable files or other files related to the database server are located on an NFS-mounted disk (in other words, the INFORMIXDIR environment variable names an NFS-mounted disk). The error is usually transient, reflecting a crash and subsequent restart of the file server. Remount the file system to your workstation and rerun your application. -71 Too many levels of remote in path. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -72 Not a stream device. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information, in particular which device is involved. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -73 Timer expired. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -74 Out of stream resources. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -75 No message of desired type. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -76 Not a data message. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -77 Identifier removed. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -78 Deadlock situation detected/avoided. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. Note: Under AIX, this code means "connection timed out.". -79 No record locks available. An operating system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. It is probably the case that this implementation of the IBM Informix database server uses "kernel locking"; that is, that it uses operating system facilities for locking rows of tables. The capacity of the operating system's lock table has been exceeded. Contact your system administrator and inquire about having the operating system configured to support more locks. Also examine your database application to see if it can use fewer locks, for example, by updating fewer rows in each transaction, or by locking whole tables instead of rows. OnLine-100 ISAM error: duplicate value for a record with unique key. A row that was to be inserted or updated has a key value that already exists in its index. C-ISAM programs: A duplicate value was presented in the last call to iswrite, isrewrite, isrewcurr, or isaddindex. Review the program logic and the input data. SQL products: A duplicate key value was used in the last INSERT or UPDATE. -101 ISAM error: file is not open. The ISAM processor has been asked to use an unopened file (table). C-ISAM programs: The program has tried to use a file before opening it with a call to isopen, or has tried to write to a file that was opened read-only. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -102 ISAM error: illegal argument to ISAM function. A parameter presented to one of the C-ISAM functions is outside the range of acceptable values. C-ISAM programs: Review the parameters used in this function call, comparing them to the documentation for the function. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -103 ISAM error: illegal key descriptor (too many parts or too long). The ISAM processor has been given an invalid key descriptor. C-ISAM programs: Review the key descriptor. There is a maximum of 8 parts and 120 characters to each key descriptor. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -104 ISAM error: too many files open. The ISAM processor has reached its limit of open files. C-ISAM programs: Review the program logic and change it so as to have fewer files open concurrently. Use isclose to close unneeded files. SQL products: This query is too complex, using too many tables concurrently. Perform the query in steps, using temporary tables. -105 ISAM error: bad isam file format. The contents of an ISAM file (table or index) have been corrupted. C-ISAM: If transaction logging has been used, you can recover the file using the isrecover program. Otherwise re-create the file or restore it from backup. SQL products: Use the bcheck or secheck utility to get more information on the problem and possibly to correct it (use tbcheck with the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine database server or oncheck with the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server). If the utility cannot recover the table or index, it will have to be re-created or restored. -106 ISAM error: non-exclusive access. The ISAM processor has been asked to add or drop an index when it does not have exclusive access. C-ISAM programs: Before doing this operation the file must be opened with exclusive access. Review the program logic and make sure it opens this file passing the ISEXCLLOCK flag to isopen. SQL products: This error can be returned on the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server or the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server when an exclusive lock is required on a table. For example, this error appears when a second user tries to alter a table that has been locked by the first user. -107 ISAM error: record is locked. The record requested, or the file (table) that contains it, has been locked by another user request. This is normally a transient condition. A program can recover by rolling back the current transaction, waiting a short time, and re-executing the operation. Using interactive SQL: Redo the operation. C-ISAM programs: Review the program logic and make sure it is prepared to handle this case, which is a normal event in multiprogramming systems. You can get exclusive access to a table by passing the ISEXCLLOCK flag to isopen. SQL programs: Review the program logic and make sure it can handle this case, which is a normal event in multiprogramming systems. The simplest way to handle it is to use the command SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT. For bulk updates see the LOCK TABLE command and the EXCLUSIVE option of the DATABASE statement. -108 ISAM error: key already exists. The ISAM processor has been asked to create an index that already exists. C-ISAM programs: Review the program logic. This existing index must be deleted before defining another. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department.. -109 ISAM error: the key is the file's primary key. The ISAM processor has been asked to delete the primary key index. C-ISAM programs: The primary key cannot be deleted by the isdelindex call. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -110 ISAM error: end or beginning of the file. Reading rows sequentially, forward or backward, the ISAM processor has reached one end of the file (table). C-ISAM programs: This is the normal signal of end of file. Use a different retrieval mode of isread to reposition the file. SQL products: See the SQL error message or return code. -111 ISAM error: no record found. The ISAM processor cannot locate the requested record. C-ISAM programs: Depending on the retrieval mode in use, there is no record with the requested index value or record number. Make sure the correct index is in use. SQL products: See the SQL error message or return code. Probably, no row was found for this query. -112 ISAM error: there is no current record. The ISAM processor has been asked to return the current record, but none has been established. C-ISAM programs: Review the program logic. Before using the ISCURR retrieval mode the program must use another retrieval mode, for example ISFIRST, to establish a current record. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -113 ISAM error: the file is locked. The file (table) that was requested has been opened in exclusive mode by another user request. In systems that use files for locking, a tablename.lok file exists. Possibly such a file is residual, left behind when another program terminated abnormally. If you can be sure that is the case, you can release the lock by emptying that file. Lock files are not used in many systems, and are never used with the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. C-ISAM programs: Rerun the program after the file has been unlocked. SQL products: Tables are locked explicitly using the LOCK TABLE statement, and implicitly during the execution of the CREATE INDEX and ALTER TABLE commands. Rerun the program or query when the table has been unlocked. -114 ISAM error: the file name is too long. The ISAM processor has been asked to open or create a file with a filename longer than 10 characters. C-ISAM programs: This is a restriction of the product. You will have to choose a shorter filename. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -115 ISAM error: cannot create lock file. The ISAM processor has been asked to access a file or row using locking. Since this is an operating system in which files are used for locking, ISAM must create a tablename.lok file. When it tried to do so, it got an error code from the operating system. Possibly the disk is full; possibly your account does not have write permission in the relevant directory. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -116 ISAM error: cannot allocate memory. The ISAM processor needed to allocate memory for data storage and was unable to do so. Possibly there is some problem in the operating system; look for operating system error messages that may give more information. One cause: selecting a row containing large BYTE or TEXT columns into a temporary table or as part of an INSERT or UPDATE. In some versions, an entire row including BLOB values is buffered in memory. C-ISAM programs: Review the program, looking for any way it can use less memory. SQL products: simplify the program, form or report if possible. -117 ISAM error: bad custom collating sequence. This message is not displayed by any current IBM Informix product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -118 ISAM error: cannot read log record. The ISAM processor is trying to roll back a transaction or recover a file and has encountered an error reading the transaction log. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. The dblog or selog utility can be used to get more information about the problem. If the file (table) cannot be recovered, it will have to be re-created or restored from backup. -119 ISAM error: bad log record. The ISAM processor is trying to roll back a transaction or recover a file and has encountered bad data in a transaction log record. The dblog or selog utility can be used to get more information about the problem. If the file (table) cannot be recovered, it will have to be re-created or restored from backup. -120 ISAM error: cannot open log file. The ISAM processor is trying to open the transaction log file and has received an error from the operating system. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. C-ISAM programs: Review the parameter passed to islogopen. Make sure it specifies the correct filename of an existing, writable log file, and includes a path if the file is not in the current directory. SQL products: The transaction log file is established with the START command. Make sure that the log file still exists in the same directory location as when START was issued, and that your account has write access to it. -121 ISAM error: cannot write log record. The ISAM processor is trying to add a record to the transaction log and has received an error from the operating system. One probable cause is that the disk is full. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. The transaction log file can grow quite large. In order to reduce its size you must do two things. First, make a backup copy of the data file (C-ISAM) or all database files (SQL). Second, make the transaction log file an empty file. If these steps are performed routinely, the size of the log file can be controlled. -122 ISAM error: transaction not available. The ISAM processor has been asked to mark the start or end of a transaction, but transaction logging is not in effect. C-ISAM programs: This file was not opened with logging. Review the calls to isopen and make sure ISTRANS parameter is included. SQL products: This database does not support transaction logging. If you are using the OnLine database server, have the system administrator enable logging for this database. Otherwise, use the START statement to begin transaction logging. In all cases, logging should only be started immediately after a full archive of the database has been taken. -123 ISAM error: no shared memory. This implementation of ISAM uses shared memory; however, the shared memory partition has not been established. Contact the system administrator or the person who installed the product. -124 ISAM error: no begin work yet. The ISAM processor has been asked to mark the end of a transaction but no transaction has been started. C-ISAM programs: Review the program logic to make sure that it calls isbegin before calling iscommit or isrollback. SQL products: Make sure you execute BEGIN WORK before COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK. -125 ISAM error: can't use nfs. The ISAM processor has been asked to open a file which is located on a disk attached to another machine and accessed using the Network File System (NFS). This is not supported. Database files must be on disks which are physically attached to the machine in which the ISAM processor is running. In order to use a database in a different machine you must install the IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET networking software. Then an application in this machine can communicate with a database server running in the machine to which the disks are attached. -126 ISAM error: bad row id. The ISAM processor was asked to retrieve a row by its physical location and could not find a row at that location. C-ISAM programs: If using access by record number, review the number stored in isrecnum; it is invalid. Otherwise the current index may be damaged; run the bcheck or secheck utility. SQL products: The index has been damaged; run the bcheck or secheck utility to check and repair it if using the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server. Run tbcheck if using the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine database server or oncheck if using the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. -127 ISAM error: no primary key. The ISAM processor was called for a function which requires a unique primary-key index to exist, but no such index exists for this file. C-ISAM programs: Review the design of the data file; it was created with a zero-part primary index, that is, for retrieval by record number sequence. If that is not the case, the index may be damaged; run the bcheck or secheck utility. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -128 ISAM error: no logging. The ISAM processor was called for a function which requires a transaction log, but none exists for this file. C-ISAM programs: Review the creation of the data file. Before using such functions as isbegin the program must set up a log using islogopen. SQL products: This database does not support transaction logging. If you are using the OnLine database server, have the system administrator enable logging for this database. Otherwise, use the START statement to begin transaction logging. In all cases, logging should only be started immediately after a full archive of the database has been taken. -129 ISAM error: too many users. This implementation of ISAM uses shared memory, and the maximum number of concurrent users for which the shared memory was configured has been reached. Contact the system administrator or the person who installed the product. Note: The word "users" can be misleading; the limit is on the number of concurrent application programs using the database server. It is possible for one user to start multiple applications at the same time. For example, when the IBM INFORMIX-4GL Programmer's Environment is started, it opens a session with the database server. When its user asks it to compile a 4GL program, the 4GL compiler is started and it also opens a session with the database server, so that during a compile this user has two sessions running. -130 ISAM error: no such dbspace. This code reflects one of two problems. The most likely cause is that this operation specifies a dbspace by name (for example, in the IN clause of a CREATE TABLE statement or in the DBSPACETEMP environment variable setting), and that name has not been defined. You can run the tbstat or onstat utility with the -d option to see the names of defined dbspaces. Ask the OnLine administrator about creating a new dbspace. If the operation does not explicitly name a dbspace or the name is correct, the problem may be more serious. The error may reflect corruption of reserved pages in the root dbspace. Use the tbcheck or oncheck utility with the -cr option to check this. -131 ISAM error: no free disk space. There is not enough contiguous free disk space to complete the current operation. C-ISAM programs: If transaction logging is in use, roll back the current transaction. Make some disk space available and run the program again. SQL products: Roll back the current transaction if possible. Contact the system administrator in regard to acquiring more disk space for databases. -132 ISAM error: rowsize too big. The limit on a single row is the disk page size that is supported by OnLine. You must define the table differently, so that each row is shorter. Consider splitting the table into two or more tables, or using more compact data types. -133 ISAM error: audit trail exists. The ISAM processor has been asked to operate on a file in a way that is incompatible with an audit trail, yet an audit trail exists for the file. C-ISAM programs: You cannot call iscluster while an audit trail exists. Call isaudit with the AUDSTOP mode first. SQL products: You cannot create a clustered index on a table while it has an audit trail. Use the DROP AUDIT command to drop the audit trail first. -134 ISAM error: no more locks. The ISAM processor needs to lock a row or an index page and no locks are available. The number of locks required by an operation depends primarily on the number of rows that are modified in a single transaction. You can reduce the number of locks needed by doing less in each transaction, or by locking entire tables instead of locking rows. The number of locks that are available is configured in one of three places, depending on the implementation you are using: the operating system kernel; the shared memory segment; or in OnLine. Consult your system administrator about making more locks available. -135 ISAM error: tblspace does not exist. This error may indicate corruption of control information in the root dbspace, a serious problem that may require restoring the system from archive. In the short term, the current transaction should be rolled back and the application terminated. Then the OnLine administrator should run the tbcheck or oncheck utility. -136 ISAM error: no more extents. This error indicates that the OnLine database server needs to add an extent to a table and cannot do so. There are two possible causes. One is that there is not enough disk space in the dbspace; the other is that the table has been given the maximum number of extents allowed. The OnLine administrator can determine the cause as follows: 1. Determine the tblspace number for the table. It is the value in the partnum column of the systables table for this table. 2. Convert the tblspace number to hexadecimal and extract its most significant two digits (the high-order byte). This is the chunk number of the chunk where the table resides. 3. Use the tbstat or onstat utility -t option to find out disk usage for this table. Note particularly the values reported for npages (disk pages available), nused (disk pages used), and nextns (number of extents). If nused is less than npages and nextns is large (over 200), the problem is too many extents for the table. The upper limit on extents per table is between 200 and 500, and varies with the table definition and the disk page size in use. The only cure is to reallocate the table using fewer, larger extents. Unload the table data to a flat file. Drop the table. Re-create the table, specifying a first-extent size sufficient to hold all its current data and a next extent size between one-fourth and one-sixteenth its current size. Then reload the data into the table. If nextns is small or the difference between npages and nused is less than the size of the next-extent size for the table, the problem is lack of disk space in the dbspace where the table resides. Use the chunk number determined in step 2 and the DB-Monitor or ON-Monitor "Chunks" display to determine the dbspace, then add a new chunk to that dbspace. -137 ISAM error: chunk table overflow. This error is seen by the OnLine administrator. The OnLine database server is configured to handle a certain number of disk chunks. This limit has been reached, so a chunk could not be added. Increase the CHUNKS parameter of the tbconfig or onconfig file and initialize shared memory. -138 ISAM error: dbspace table overflow. This error is seen by the OnLine administrator. The OnLine database server is configured to handle a certain number of dbspaces. This limit has been reached, so a dbspace could not be added. Increase the DBSPACES parameter of the tbconfig or onconfig file and initialize shared memory. -139 ISAM error: logfile table overflow. This error is seen by the OnLine administrator. The OnLine database server is configured to handle a certain number of logical logs. This limit has been reached, so a log could not be added. Increase the LOGSMAX parameter of the tbconfig or onconfig file and initialize shared memory. -140 ISAM error: global section disallowing access. This error only occurs in the VMS operating system. An internal error has occurred while initializing shared memory. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -141 ISAM error: tblspace table overflow. The OnLine database server is configured to handle a certain number of open tblspaces (which correspond approximately to tables). This limit has been reached, so a table used in this statement could not be opened. In the short term, the current transaction should be rolled back and then re-executed when fewer concurrent operations are going on. To prevent recurrence, the OnLine administrator should configure the system to handle more open tblspaces. The TBLSPACES parameter of the tbconfig or onconfig file sets the limit. The ovrtable count in the DB-Monitor or ON-Monitor Profile display reflects the number of times this error occurs. -142 ISAM error: overflow of tblspace page. This is an internal error (probably obsolete). If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -143 ISAM error: deadlock detected. The OnLine database server has detected an impending deadlock between your request and other, concurrent user requests. Each user request is waiting for a resource (a row or disk page) that is held by another in the chain; if your requested operation went forward, the chain would be closed and all would be deadlocked. In the short term, treat this error the same as -107, record locked: roll back the current transaction and re-execute it after a delay. To prevent recurrence, review the design of the applications that use the same tables and execute concurrently. There are various design strategies which minimize the probability of deadlock. Note: When IBM INFORMIX-STAR is active and your application is using tables in both this system and another system, deadlock detection is no longer deterministic, but probabilistic, based on the duration of a delay waiting for resources in another system. The OnLine administrator can set the length of the delay after which deadlock is assumed. -144 ISAM error: key value locked. The current operation inserts a row having a certain primary key value, or updates a row to have a certain primary key value, but that key value has been deleted from the index by a transaction which has not yet been committed. This error is only seen when the lock mode is set to NOT WAIT. Treat it the same as error -107, record is locked: roll back the current transaction and re-execute it after a delay. Then, if the other transaction was committed, the lock will no longer exist. If it was rolled back, the key will exist and this operation will receive a duplicate-key error. -145 ISAM error: system does not have disk mirroring. This error is seen by the OnLine administrator. This OnLine system has not been initialized to support disk mirroring. Before you can add a mirror chunk, you must reinitialize the Initial Disk Parameters selection to show Y in the field labelled Mirror. This incorporates disk mirror support. -146 ISAM error: the other copy of this disk is currently disabled or non-existent. This error is seen by the OnLine administrator. You must bring the other chunk of this mirror pair to on-line status before you can take this chunk off-line. -147 ISAM error: archive in progress. This error is seen by the OnLine administrator. The action you have requested cannot be carried out while an archive is being made. For example, you can not add a log or a mirror during archiving. Cancel the archive or wait until it is complete, then reissue the command. -148 ISAM error: dbspace is not empty. This error is seen by the OnLine administrator. You cannot remove a dbspace until all tables in it have been dropped. To find the names of remaining tables, use the tbcheck or oncheck utility with the -pe option; its report lists tables by chunk within dbspaces. -149 ISAM error: IBM INFORMIX-OnLine daemon is no longer running. Your application was in communication with the OnLine database server, but the server is no longer running. Your current transaction will be rolled back when the OnLine system goes through fast recovery as it next starts up. Terminate the application and contact the system administrator to find out what happened and when the database server will be restarted. -150 The limits of the IBM INFORMIX Demo Version have been exceeded. You are using a demonstration version of the database server. This version has severe limits on the number of tables and the size of the tables that it can manage. The current operation causes it to exceed one of those limits. This clearly demonstrates the value of the program to your business, so contact your IBM Informix representative about buying the production version of the software. -151 ISAM error: Illegal value in varchar length field This is an internal error. Something caused the leading byte in a varchar column on disk to indicate a varchar length greater than the column was defined to hold when the column was created. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -152 ISAM error: Illegal message type received from remote process. This is an internal error which should not occur. Note all the details of the network software in use and the version level of the database servers in this and the other host system. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -153 ISAM error: not in ISMANULOCK mode. The ISAM processor has been asked to lock or unlock the current file (table) but the file was not opened in the appropriate mode. C-ISAM programs: Review the uses of isopen and make sure that the ISMANULOCK flag is passed when opening a table for manual locking. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -154 ISAM error: Lock Timeout Expired. This network operation has been suspended, awaiting a response from another database server, for the maximum duration allowed. The IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server assumes that there is a distributed deadlock, in which this user request is awaiting a resource locked by a user in a different system, which is awaiting something owned by this user. Roll back the current transaction and retry it after a delay. If this error occurs frequently, ask the OnLine administrator to adjust the length of the deadlock time-out interval. Note: This code is also returned when an explicit wait time limit expires; that is, if you have SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT 3, and your request is queued for more than 3 seconds for a lock, the operation will end with this ISAM error code. -155 ISAM error: Primary and Mirror chunks are bad. Both copies of a mirrored disk are unusable. Roll back the current transaction and terminate the application. Contact the OnLine administrator. New disk chunks will have to be defined and then the system will have to be restored from tape. -158 ISAM error: Operation disallowed on SMI pseudo table You have attempted an SQL operation that is not supported on SMI pseudo tables. Try another. -160 ISAM error: only one blob may be open at any time. This is an internal error which should not occur. (The database server has called the blob manager isbopen twice in a row.) If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -161 ISAM err: no blob is open. This is an internal error which should not occur. (The database server has called a blob manager function without first calling isbopen.) If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -162 ISAM err: BlobSpace does not exist. The most likely cause of this error is that the current statement attempts to define a BYTE or TEXT column using the clause "IN blobspace" but no blobspace of that name has been defined. However, if the blobspace was correctly spelled and should exist, the problem might be that a reserved page in the root dbspace has been corrupted. In that case the OnLine administrator should run the tbcheck or oncheck utility with the -cr option to check the situation. If the statement makes no reference to blob columns, possibly the root dbspace is full (or corrupted); contact the OnLine administrator for further help. -163 ISAM err: begin and end page stamps are different. The OnLine database server is reporting evidence of corruption of the database. Each disk page has timestamps at each end which should be identical when the page is read from disk. This test of data integrity has failed, indicating either that a disk page was not fully written to disk, or that one has been partially overwritten on disk or in memory. In any case, the current transaction should be rolled back and the application terminated. Then notify the OnLine administrator who should run the tbcheck or oncheck utility to get more information about the failure. -164 ISAM err: Blob stamp is incorrect. This operation has returned a BYTE or TEXT value that is not valid. Possibly the data pages have been corrupted. Roll back the current transaction. Have the OnLine administrator run tbcheck or oncheck the -D option to get more information about the problem. Note: If the program is operating with "Dirty Read" or "Committed Read" isolation, this code may indicate that the BYTE or TEXT value has been deleted by another process or thread and its pages have been partly reallocated to an unrelated value. A program using Dirty Read isolation is able to read rows that have been deleted provided the deletion has not yet been committed. If the deletion is committed while the program is reading a BYTE or TEXT value, and if the space allocated to the value is reused for some other program, this error code may be returned. When using Committed Read isolation, a program will not see a row that has been marked for deletion; however, no lock is placed on a row that is not read for update. BYTE or TEXT data is read in a second step, after the row has been fetched. During this lengthy step, it is possible for another program to delete the row, commit the deletion, and for the blobspace to be reused. To determine if this has occurred, the program should stop processing the BYTE or TEXT value and reread the row. If the non-BLOB values in the row can no longer be read, the row has been deleted. If the row can still be read, the blobspace is corrupted. -165 ISAM err: Blob Column does not exist. This is an internal error which should not occur. (The database server has called the blob manager isbcreate function for a table column not defined as BYTE or TEXT.) If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -166 ISAM err: BlobSpace is full. This operation attempts to insert or update the value of a BYTE or TEXT column, but there is not enough space in the blobspace in which that column is stored. The current transaction should be rolled back and the application terminated. Then contact the OnLine administrator and ask that a chunk of disk space be added to this blobspace. Note: When BYTE and TEXT values are deleted or replaced, the pages that they occupy in the blobspace do not become available for reuse until the logical log in which that transaction appears has been freed. A logical log has been freed if the log is backed up to tape and all transactions in the log are closed. -167 ISAM err: BlobPage size is not multiple of PAGESIZE. This error is seen by the OnLine administrator. When defining a blobspace, you must specify a page size that is an integral multiple of the system page size. The system page size is set when OnLine is first initialized, in the Parameters screen. -168 ISAM err: archive is blocking BlobPage allocation. Allocation of disk pages in a blobspace is frozen while an on-line archive is being made. This is to ensure that blobpages that contain data at the time that the archive began are not freed and overwritten by new blobpages before they can be written to the archive tape. As soon as all the used blobpages in a blobspace chunk are archived, blobpage allocation in that chunk can resume. Normal row data can go on changing while the archive is being made because changed dbspace pages can be written, or rewritten, on the tape at any point. -169 ISAM err: BLOB pages can't be allocated from a chunk until chunk add is logged. When a blobspace has been extended by adding a new chunk, no pages can be allocated until the log record showing the addition of the chunk has been logged. This rule prevents certain anomalies that could happen during recovery if it were not enforced. It is not necessary to wait until the log is full; you can force a switch to the next log by running the tbmode or onmode utility with the -l option. -171 ISAM error: isam file format change detected. A program that uses a particular locking method and/or index node size has attempted to access an ISAM file created using a different locking method and/or index node size. If you are migrating files from a platform that uses another index node size, you must run the bcheck or secheck utility with the -s parameter against all the ISAM files (.dat and .idx) to resize the index nodes. For IBM INFORMIX-SE: If you are migrating applications between platforms that use different locking methods, you must set the environment variable RESETLOCK to convert ISAM files as you access them. You can access all files for a given database by running UPDATE STATISTICS in that database, if time permits. For C-ISAM applications: If you are migrating applications between platforms that use different locking methods, you must set the environment variable RESETLOCK to convert C-ISAM files as you access them. -172 ISAM error: Unexpected internal error This is a generic message representing a variety of errors that can occur which are internal to RSAM. Consult the online.log to see if OnLine's diagnostics preserved any further information regarding this event. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -173 ISAM error: An error has occurred during logical log back up. This is a generic message indicating that something has caused the logical log backup to fail. The API also contains useful error text that is associated with this error. -174 ISAM error: An error has occurred during archive back up. This is a generic message indicating that something has caused the archive backup to fail. The API also contains useful error text that is associated with this error. -175 ISAM error: An error has occurred during physical restore. This is a generic message indicating that something has caused the physical restore to fail. The API also contains useful error text that is associated with this error. -176 ISAM error: An error has occurred during logical restore. This is a generic error indicating that something has caused the logical restore to fail. The SQL API also contains useful error text that is associated with this error. -178 ISAM error: Database is locked; pending change to logging mode. This error indicates that a request has been made to change the logging status of a database. Until a level 0 archive is done for all the dbspaces and blobspaces that the database uses, access to the database is blocked. -186 ISAM error : Check Index and data pointers for correctness. Rollback of delete statements may not be complete. Sanity check of indexes using bcheck or secheck is advisable. -181 ISAM err: No Optical Subsystem connection The Optical Subsystem is not present. This usually means that you requested an Optical operation, but the regular IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server is being used instead of the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine/Optical database server. -182 ISAM err: Duplicate optical BLOBSpace name A blobspace has been defined with the same name as an Optical family name. -190 ISAM err: Transaction table overflow This error indicates that there are no more slots available in the transaction table. To see this table, do an onstat -x. -191 ISAM error: No such chunk This error is returned when the chunk specified to be dropped does not exist. -192 ISAM error: Can not drop first chunk The first chunk of a dbspace or blobspace is never a candidate to be dropped. Select a different chunk. -193 ISAM error: Chunk is busy This error indicates that logical recovery cannot roll forward a chunk add because the chunk already exists. This is caused by dropping the chunk from a dbspace or blobspace (or dropping the Space) and reusing the chunk for another dbspace or blobspace without first doing a level 0 archive. -194 ISAM error: Chunk not empty This error indicates that a chunk is not empty and therefore cannot be dropped. -199 Smart Disk Error An error has occurred with the Smart Disk system. See the accompanying message for more information. -200 Identifier is too long. Identifiers in SQL statements must be 18 characters or less in length. Inspect the statement to make sure that no identifiers in it are longer, and that there is no error of punctuation (for example, a missing space or comma) that might make two names look like one. -201 A syntax error has occurred. This is the general error code for all types of mistakes in the form of an SQL statement. Look for missing or extra punctuation (for example, missing or extra commas, omission of parentheses around a subquery, etc.), keywords misspelled (for example VALEUS for VALUES), keywords misused (for example, SET in an INSERT statement, INTO in a subquery), keywords out of sequence (for example a condition of "value IS NOT" instead of "NOT value IS"), or the use of a reserved word as an identifier. Note: Database servers that support "full NIST compliance" do not reserve any words; queries that work with these database servers may fail with error -201 when used with earlier implementations. -202 An illegal character has been found in the statement. A character which cannot be interpreted as part of an SQL statement is embedded in this statement. If the statement was constructed by a program, the character may well be a nonprinting control character. Make sure the statement contains only printable ASCII characters and reexecute it. -203 An illegal integer has been found in the statement. Where an integer value is expected there is an unacceptable numeric constant. Inspect the statement looking for numbers that should be integers but which contain a decimal point or the letter "e," or which are larger than 2,147,483,647 (231-1). -204 An illegal floating point number has been found in the statement. A numeric constant that is punctuated like a floating-point number (with a decimal point and/or an exponent starting with "e") is unacceptable. Possibly the exponent is larger than can be processed. -205 Cannot use ROWID for views with aggregates, group by or on multiple tables. The keyword ROWID stands for a virtual column that exists in simple tables only. This statement refers to the ROWID of a table which is actually a view that is based on a selection involving aggregate functions, grouping, or a join of two or more tables. Such query products do not have ROWID columns, and therefore this view, even though it appears to be a table, also does not have a ROWID. In order to use ROWID in a query, you have to apply the query to the tables that underlie the view. -206 The specified table table-name is not in the database. Inspect the names of tables in the statement. If they are spelled as you intended, check that you are using the database you want. If so, the database must have been changed. Perhaps the table was renamed or dropped. You can find out the names of all tables in the database by querying the systables table. -207 Cannot update cursor declared on more than one table. The cursor used in this statement was declared FOR UPDATE, but with a SELECT statement that joins two or more tables. This is not supported; the database server does not know how to distribute update values across multiple tables. If the SELECT statement was declared with the cursor, either it or the FOR UPDATE clause must be modified. If the SELECT statement was constructed by a program and associated with the cursor dynamically, the program should inform its user not to use a multi-table SELECT statement in this application. (This message is not currently used. It may be encountered with products of Version 4.0 or earlier.) -207 Cannot declare a SELECT INTO statement FOR UPDATE. When declaring a cursor, you may not use both the INTO clause and the FOR UPDATE clause. If you intend to use this cursor for updating selected rows, you will have to omit the INTO clause. Instead, use an INTO clause on the FETCH statement (or in 4GL, the FOREACH statement). -208 Memory allocation failed during query processing. The database server needed to allocate data space memory in order to process the query, and none was available. This may reflect a hardware limit, or an operating system configuration limit, or a temporary shortage of space. Try the query again after a delay. If it still fails, consult your system administrator. If possible, revise your query to join fewer tables or order or group on fewer columns, or to operate in two or more separate statements. On DOS systems, exit to the operating system command line, free up some disk space or reduce the complexity of your program, and resubmit the program. This is the only error message, in versions later than 5.01, that informs you that the database server is unable to allocate memory. -209 Incompatible database format. This database was built by an obsolete version of the database software. It must be converted to work with the current software. A utility is provided for this purpose called dbupdate. You will have to run it before using the data. (This message is not current since Version 4.0.) -210 Explicit path name too long. This statement contains a file pathname that exceeds the maximum length allowed of 64 characters. Inspect the statement to make sure the pathname really is that long; possibly a punctuation error has caused other parts of the statement to be included in the pathname. If not, you will either have to relocate the file or rename some directories along the path to shorter names. -211 Cannot read system catalog catalog-table. The database server refers to the tables of the system catalog while processing most statements. It is a serious error when one of these important tables cannot be read. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. The effect of the error differs with the statement being executed and the particular table, as follows: CREATE TABLE statement, systabauth not read; the table is created but no authorization is granted to PUBLIC as it normally is. DROP TABLE statement, systables not read; no action taken. DROP TABLE statement, sysviews not read; the table is dropped but if any views depended on that table they were not automatically dropped. DROP VIEW statement, sysviews not read; no action taken. DROP INDEX statement, sysindexes or systables not read; no action taken. DROP SYNONYM statement, systables or syssynonyms not read; no action taken. DROP DATABASE statement, systables not read; no action taken. START DATABASE statement, systables not read; no action taken. DATABASE statement, systables or sysusers not read; the database was not selected (no current database; subsequent operations see error -349). Other statements may be partially complete before the error is detected. Roll back the current transaction and then investigate the cause of the error. Use the bcheck or secheck utility (tbcheck with IBM INFORMIX-OnLine or oncheck with the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server) to check and repair indexes. If necessary, restore the database from archive and logical log tapes. -212 Cannot add index. This statement attempts to add an index, either explicitly with CREATE INDEX or implicitly as part of processing a SELECT on multiple unindexed tables. In any case, some error prevents the index from being created. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. A common cause is lack of disk space. -213 Statement interrupted by user. The database server received an interrupt signal from the user, probably the result of the user's having pressed the interrupt key (usually Delete or Control-C). The statement ended early. A program should roll back the current transaction and terminate gracefully. An interactive user, if the statement could modify a table, should execute ROLLBACK WORK to remove any partial modifications. -214 Cannot remove file for table table-name. Something prevents the database server from completely removing the table shown. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. Typical causes involve problems with operating system file permissions, read-only files, and hardware errors. -215 Cannot open file for table table-name. Something prevents the database server from opening the operating system file or files in which the indicated table is stored. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. Typical causes involve problems with operating system file permissions, lack of memory, and hardware errors. -216 Cannot remove ISAM index on file. Something prevents the database server from completely dropping an index. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. Typical causes involve problems with operating system file permissions, read-only files, and hardware errors. -217 Column column-name not found in any table in the query. The indicated name appears in the select-list or the WHERE clause of this query but is not defined in the table. Inspect the name and the names of the selected tables to make sure they are spelled as you intended. If so, then either you are not using the database you thought, or the database has been changed; possibly a column has been renamed. For a way to list all the columns in a table, see the discussion of error -328. -218 Synonym synonym-name not found. The specified synonym is not defined in this database. Inspect the name; if it is spelled as you intended, make sure you are using the database you thought. If so, the synonym must have been dropped. Possibly it was dropped automatically when the table for which it stood was dropped. You can display all defined synonyms with a query on systables as follows: SELECT tabname FROM systables WHERE tabtype = `s' -219 Wildcard matching may not be used with non-character types. The WHERE clause in this statement includes a test of a noncharacter column using the LIKE or MATCHES keyword and the special characters that stand for multiple characters, for example, asterisk and question mark in MATCHES and percent and underscore with LIKE. Such tests are supported only with columns defined as CHAR or VARCHAR in the database. No automatic data conversion is provided. Inspect the WHERE clause and make sure that the columns are as you meant them. If so, the definition of the table(s) must have changed. -220 There is no FROM clause in the query. Every SELECT statement must include a FROM clause to name the table or tables to be queried. Inspect the statement to see if FROM was misspelled, or if an extra semicolon was inserted to end the statement prematurely. If you intended to select only a constant, or to select the only value of a function unrelated to any table such as USER or TODAY, you nevertheless have to name a table. In these cases it is convenient to select a known row from a system catalog, as in this example. SELECT `today is', TODAY, `and I am', USER FROM systables WHERE tabid = 100 The tabid value of the first user-defined table in a database is always 100, so this query always returns exactly one row if any tables are defined at all. (This message is not current. Products at the Version 4.1 level and after produce -201 syntax error when the FROM clause is missing.) -220 Cannot begin savepoint. This is an internal error that can be detected in products from Version 4.1 onward. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -221 Cannot build temporary file for new table table-name. The database server cannot create a temporary disk file. The file should be created in the directory specified by the DBTEMP environment variable. If DBTEMP is not defined, by default, the database server searches in the root directory for a subdirectory named tmp in which to create the temporary disk file. Check the accompanying ISAM error code, and look for operating system error messages that may give more information. Possibly your account does not have write permission in that directory, or possibly the disk is full. Since Version 5.01, the DBTEMP environment variable is used by the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server but not by the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. -222 Cannot write to temporary file for new table table-name. The database server created a temporary disk file but now has gotten an error while attempting to write into it. Check the accompanying ISAM error code, and look for operating system messages that may give more information. On UNIX systems, the file should have been created in the directory specified by the DBTEMP environment variable (/tmp by default); on DOS systems, the file should be in the current directory. Possibly that disk is full, or there may have been a hardware error. Since Version 5.01, the DBTEMP environment variable is used by the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server but not by the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. -223 Duplicate table name table-name in the FROM clause. The name shown appears twice in the list following the word FROM. This is not allowed. Review the statement to see if you intended to name some other table the second time. If your intent was to join a table to itself, you need to use a table alias for the second and subsequent instances of the table. For example, one way to find customers with the same last name is as follows: SELECT main.lname, main.customer_num, sub.customer_num FROM customer main, customer sub WHERE main.lname = sub.lname AND main.rowid != sub.rowid When table aliases are used (the words main and sub in the example) the table may be selected from two or more times. -224 Cannot open transaction log file. The database server is unable to open the file in which transaction log entries are made. It is not possible to start any transactions until this is repaired. (In an ANSI compliant database, nothing can be done; in other databases, only queries can be done.) When using the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server, report this problem to the OnLine Administrator. With other database servers, check the accompanying ISAM error code and look for operating system error messages that may give more information. The path to the log file is specified with a START DATABASE statement. If the file has been deleted you can re-create it as an empty file. If the path has changed, you can issue a new START DATABASE statement to redefine it. -225 Cannot create file for system catalog table-name. The database server (which is not OnLine) is trying to create one of the tables that comprise the system catalog, probably as part of a CREATE DATABASE statement. Some problem with the host operating system prevents it. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information and look for operating system error messages. The likely causes include a shortage of disk space and operating system file-access permission problems. -226 Cannot create index for system catalog table-name. The database server (which is not OnLine) is trying to create one of the tables that comprise the system catalog, probably as part of a CREATE DATABASE statement. It created the table but some problem with the host operating system prevents it from making an index. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information and look for operating system error messages. The most likely cause is a shortage of disk space. -227 DDL operations on ROWID prohibited. This statement attempts to change the column named ROWID. That column is an automatic, virtual part of every table. It may be selected with a SELECT statement and compared in a WHERE clause, but it may not be altered with any DDL statement. -228 UPDATE or INSERT on ROWID prohibited. This statement names the virtual column ROWID in the list of columns for insertion or update. This is not permitted. The row id of a row is an intrinsic property that cannot be modified. It may be selected in a SELECT statement and compared in a WHERE clause, but its contents may not be modified. -229 Could not open or create a temporary file. The database server cannot create a temporary disk file. The file should be created in the directory specified by the DBTEMP environment variable, (or /tmp by default on UNIX systems). Check the accompanying ISAM error code, and look for operating system error messages that may give more information. Possibly your account does not have write permission in that directory, or possibly the disk is full. Since Version 5.01, the DBTEMP environment variable is used by the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server but not by the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. -230 Could not read a temporary file. The database server created a temporary file in the directory specified by the DBTEMP environment variable, (or /tmp by default on UNIX systems), but now it has encountered an error trying to read it back. Check the accompanying ISAM error code, and look for operating system error messages that may give more information. Possibly there has been a hardware failure; possibly another user erased the temporary file accidentally. Since Version 5.01, the DBTEMP environment variable is used by the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server but not by the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. -231 Cannot perform aggregate function with distinct on expression. This statement selects DISTINCT (expression) within an aggregate function. This is not supported. Select the DISTINCT value and other columns into a temporary table; then select ALL from that table applying the aggregate function. -232 A SERIAL column column-name may not be updated. The contents of a column with the type of SERIAL may not be altered in the UPDATE statement, even when the updating value is zero. (You may specify a value of zero for a serial column when using the INSERT statement; the database server ignores the zero and inserts a generated number.) Revise the statement so that only non-serial columns are updated. -233 Cannot read record that is locked by another user. A row that is selected by this statement has been locked by another user. If you executed the statement interactively, you can do one of two things. You can wait a short time and reenter the statement. Or, you can execute the statement SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT, after which you will rarely see this message again. In a program, the response should be to roll back the current transaction, wait for an interval of random length, and rerun the transaction. Running with a LOCK MODE of WAIT reduces the frequency of this error but it can still arise in some cases, for example, when deadlock is detected. The error is usually accompanied by one of the ISAM error codes -107, -113, -134, -143, -144, or -154, and a program might want to make a different response to each of these. -234 Cannot insert into virtual column column-name. This INSERT statement is directed to a view, not a real table, and one of the columns defined in the view is actually the value of an expression. Insertions and updates are not allowed on views that have such columns. You will have to apply the INSERT to the real table on which the view is based. -235 Character column size is too big. This statement specifies a width for a column of type CHAR greater than 32,767, or a width for a VARCHAR column exceeding 255. If that was your intent, you will have to use the type TEXT, which allows unlimited lengths. If it was not your intent, inspect the statement for the typographical error. -236 Number of columns in INSERT does not match number of VALUES. There must be a separate value expression for each column named or implied in an INSERT statement. If the statement does not list specific columns, review the definition of the table to remind yourself of the number of columns and their types. Also inspect the list of expressions in the VALUES clause to make sure that there is no extra or missing comma which might have caused a wrong number of values to be seen. Be especially careful of long character strings and expressions with parentheses. -237 Cannot begin work. The database server is unable to execute a BEGIN WORK statement. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. There is probably some problem accessing the transaction log. -238 Cannot commit work. The database server is unable to execute a COMMIT WORK statement. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. There is probably some problem accessing the transaction log. -239 Could not insert new row - duplicate value in a UNIQUE INDEX column. The row being inserted (or being updated to have a new primary key) contains a duplicate value of some row that already exists, in a column or columns that are constrained to have unique values. The row is not inserted. Roll back the current transaction, and execute it again without any duplicate rows. -240 Could not delete a row. The database server is unable to finish execution of a DELETE statement. Roll back the current transaction; then check the accompanying ISAM error code for more specific information. -241 Cannot rollback work. The database server is unable to execute a ROLLBACK WORK statement. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. There is probably some problem accessing the transaction log. -242 Could not open database table table-name. The database server is unable to begin reading a table. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. There may be a problem with file permissions, or a hardware error, or the system catalog may have been corrupted. Unless the ISAM error code or an operating system message points to another cause, run the bcheck or secheck utility to verify file integrity. -243 Could not position within a table table-name. The database server is unable to set the file position to a particular row within the file representing a table. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. There may be a hardware error or the file may have been corrupted (truncated). Unless the ISAM error code or an operating system message points to another cause, run the bcheck or secheck utility to verify file integrity. -244 Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row. The database server is unable to read the disk page containing a row of a table. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. There may be a hardware problem, or the table or index file may have been corrupted. Unless the ISAM error code or an operating system message points to another cause, run the bcheck or secheck utility to verify file integrity. -245 Could not position within a file via an index. The database server encountered an error looking up a row through an index. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. The table file or the index file may have been corrupted. Unless the ISAM error code or an operating system message points to another cause, run the bcheck or secheck utility to verify file integrity. -246 Could not do an indexed read to get the next row. The database server encountered an error looking up a row through an index. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. The table file or the index file may have been corrupted. Unless the ISAM error code or an operating system message points to another cause, run the bcheck or secheck utility to verify file integrity. -247 Rollforward database failed. The database server was unable to apply an audit trail to roll a database forward. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. -248 Cannot commit savepoint. This is an internal error that can be detected in products from version 4.1 onward. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -249 Virtual column must have explicit name. When selecting INTO TEMP you are creating a table. As with any table, the columns of a temporary table must all have names. Where a single column is selected, the column in the temporary table receives the same name. Where an expression is selected, you must supply a name using a column alias, as in this example. SELECT order_num, ship_date, ship_date + 14 expected FROM orders INTO TEMP ord_dates The temporary table ord_dates has three columns named order_num, ship_date, and expected. The same principle applies to a view: each column must have a name. When every column of a view is selected from a table, the view may have the same column names by default. When any column of a view is derived from an expression, all the columns must be given explicit names as in this example. CREATE VIEW ord_dates(order_num, ship_date, expected) AS SELECT order_num, ship_date, ship_date + 14 FROM orders -250 Cannot read record from file for update. The database server is unable to get a row of a table prior to update. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. Possibly the row or the table has been locked by another user, or possibly there is a more serious problem. -251 ORDER BY or GROUP BY column number is too big. The ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause uses column sequence numbers, and at least one of them is larger than the count of columns in the select list. Inspect the statement to see whether the clause was entered wrongly, or whether an item was omitted from the select list. -252 Cannot get system information for table. The database server is unable to read from one or more of the system catalog tables. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. Unless the ISAM error code or an operating system message points to another cause, run the bcheck or secheck utility to verify file integrity. -253 Identifier too long - maximum length is 18. This statement contains a name that exceeds the maximum length. Inspect the statement to see whether a long name was entered or whether some typographical error caused two names to run together. -254 Too many or too few host variables given. The number of host variables named in the INTO clause of this statement does not match the number of "?" place holders written into the statement. Locate the text of the statement (in a PREPARE or DECLARE statement) and verify the number of place holders. Then review the list in the INTO clause to see which is in error. -255 Not in transaction. This COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK statement cannot be executed because no BEGIN WORK was executed to start a transaction. Since no transaction was started, there is no need to end one. Any database modifications that were done are now permanent; they cannot be rolled back but do not need to be committed. Review the sequence of SQL statements to see where the transaction should have started. -256 Transaction not available. You cannot begin a transaction in this database because it does not have a transaction log. In order to support transactions you must start a transaction log. With the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server this is done by the OnLine administrator (using the Databases screen of the Logical Logs menu of DB-Monitor or ON-Monitor). With other database servers it is done using the START DATABASE statement. -257 System limit on maximum number of statements exceeded, maximum is count. The database server can handle only a fixed number of prepared SQL statements for each user. Included in this limit are statements prepared with the PREPARE statement and cursors declared with DECLARE. This statement (a PREPARE, DECLARE, or PREPARE IMMEDIATE) exceeds that limit. The statement is not executed. The FREE statement releases prepared statements. Review the logic of your program and change it so that it frees prepared statements when they are no longer needed. Note: This restriction is removed starting with Version 5.0 database servers; however, programs that might have to be compatible with earlier versions should still use FREE to stay under the limit. This message is not used by database servers later than Version 5.01. -258 System error - invalid statement id received by the sqlexec process. The current statement (an EXECUTE or an OPEN) refers to a prepared SQL statement or a cursor which does not exist. Possibly the statement id is invalid, or possibly the statement was prepared and then released with the FREE statement. Review the program logic to make sure that the statement or cursor named in this statement is valid, has been properly prepared or declared, and has not been freed prior to this point. Note: If the program executes a prepared DATABASE statement which succeeds, the prepared statement is freed automatically by the database server. As a result, if you FREE a prepared DATABASE statement, you will receive this error on the FREE. It can be ignored in this case. -259 Cursor not open. The current statement refers to a cursor which has not been opened. Review the logic of the program to see how it failed to execute the OPEN statement before reaching this point. Keep in mind that statements that end transactions (COMMIT WORK and ROLLBACK WORK) also close cursors, unless the cursors are declared WITH HOLD. -260 Cannot execute a SELECT statement that is PREPAREd - must use cursor. Although you can PREPARE a SELECT statement, the only way you can then execute that SELECT is to associate its statement id with a cursor (using a DECLARE statement) and then to OPEN the cursor. Note: An exception is the SELECTINTO TEMP statement, which can be executed and can not be used with a cursor. Other prepared statements may be executed with the EXECUTE statement. If the contents of this SELECT statement are known at the time you are writing the program, and if it is certain to return only a single row of data, you can embed it in the program. If it must be prepared dynamically while the program is running, then you must revise your program to execute it through a cursor. -261 Cannot create file for table table-name. The database server is unable to create the file that will represent this table. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. The file would be created in the database.dbs directory (unless you supplied an IN pathname clause). Its filename would begin with the first few letters of table-name, followed by a three-digit number and the suffix .tbl. The most likely cause for the error is some problem with file permissions; or possibly the disk is full. -262 There is no current cursor. This is an internal error which should not occur. Note all the details of the network software in use and the version level of the database servers in this and the other host system. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -263 Could not lock row for UPDATE. This statement, probably a FETCH that names a cursor declared FOR UPDATE, failed because the row it should have fetched could not be locked. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information; it will usually be one of -107, -113, -134, -143, -144, or -154. The most likely reason is that another program is using the row (-107) or table (-113). Using SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT will eliminate these but detection of deadlock (-143 or -154) and lock table full (-134) can still occur. -264 Could not write to a temporary file. The database server created a temporary file in the directory specified by the DBTEMP environment variable, (or /tmp by default on UNIX systems) but now it has encountered an error trying to write data into it. Check the accompanying ISAM error code, and look for operating system error messages that may give more information. Possibly there has been a hardware failure; possibly the disk is full. Since Version 5.01, the DBTEMP environment variable is used by the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server but not by the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. -265 Load or insert cursors must be run within a transaction. This error message is produced by at attempt to open an insert cursor. This database has a transaction log. In such a database, you must execute a BEGIN WORK statement before opening a cursor declared with an INSERT statement or with the FOR UPDATE clause. Revise the logic of your program so that it starts a transaction before opening the cursor. If you want to ensure that the program works also in databases that do not have a transaction log, you can do so. Change the program so that, immediately after it executes the DATABASE statement, it saves the contents of the second element of the SQLAWARN array of warning flags in the SQL communications area. This will contain a space if the database does not use transactions, and the letter W if it does use them. At each point a transaction logically begins or ends, test the saved value and, if it contains a W, execute the transaction statement to begin or end a transaction. -266 There is no current row for UPDATE/DELETE cursor. The current statement employs the WHERE CURRENT OF cursor-name clause, but that cursor has not yet been associated with a current row. Either no FETCH statement has been executed since it was opened, or else the most recent FETCH resulted in an error so that no row was returned. Revise the logic of the program so that a row is always successfully fetched before this statement is executed. -267 The cursor has been previously released and is unavailable. The resources attached to the cursor named in this statement have been released with the FREE statement. Before the cursor can be used the SQL statement associated with it must be prepared again. If the cursor was declared FOR a statement, its DECLARE must be re-executed. If it was declared FOR a statement id, the PREPARE statement must be executed again. -268 Unique constraint constraint-name violated. During execution of this statement, a duplicate value was introduced into a column or columns that are protected by a unique constraint. The row with the duplicate value was not allowed into the table (not inserted or not updated). For OnLine database servers, any changes made by this statement prior to the discovery of the duplicate value have been rolled back. (The effects of preceding statements in the transaction, if there were any, remain in effect, however, and must be explicitly rolled back or committed.) -269 Cannot add column column-name that does not accept nulls. This statement requests a new column that has the NOT NULL constraint. However, when a column is added to an existing tables, null values are precisely what have to be installed in the existing rows. You will have to define a new table including this column, then INSERT the data from the old table into it (providing some suitable nonnull values for this column). -270 Could not position within a temporary file. The database server created a temporary file in the directory specified by the DBTEMP environment variable, (or /tmp by default on UNIX systems), but now it has encountered an error trying to position (seek) within it. Check the accompanying ISAM error code, and look for operating system error messages that may give more information. Possibly there has been a hardware failure; possibly another user has truncated the file. Since Version 5.01, the DBTEMP environment variable is used by the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server but not by the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. -271 Could not insert new row into the table. There are many possible causes for this problem, for example, a locked table or a full disk. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. -272 No SELECT permission. The person who created this table has not granted Select privilege to your account name nor to the public. Before you can select data from it, the owner of the table or the DBA must grant this privilege. -273 No UPDATE permission. The person who created this table has not granted Update privilege to your account name nor to the public. Before you can update a row in this table, the owner of the table or the DBA must grant the privilege. -274 No DELETE permission. The person who created this table has not granted Delete privilege to your account name nor to the public. Before you can delete a row in this table, the owner of the table or the DBA must grant the privilege. -275 No INSERT permission. The person who created this table has not granted Insert privilege to your account name nor to the public. Before you can insert a row into this table, the owner of the table or the DBA must grant the privilege. -276 Cursor not found. The cursor named in this statement has not been declared in the current session. The current session runs from the execution of a DATABASE statement to the next DATABASE or CLOSE DATABASE statement. Review the logic of the program to see that it executes the DECLARE for this cursor following the DATABASE statement. This error message is not used by database servers after Version 5.01. -277 UPDATE table table-name is not the same as the cursor table. This UPDATE WHERE CURRENT OF cursor statement refers to a table which is not the same as the table referenced by the SELECT statement declared with the cursor. Review the program logic to make sure that, when updating through a cursor, it only updates the table the cursor is reading. -278 Too many ORDER BY columns. This SELECT statement calls for ordering on more columns than the database server can support. The limit depends on the database server in use, but all can handle sorting on as many as eight columns. Revise the statement to order on fewer columns. (This message is not current. Products at Version 4.0 and after have no arbitrary limit on the number of ORDER BY columns. Very complex sorts may cause the database server to run out of memory or disk space while carrying out the sort operation.) -278 Cannot rollback savepoint. This is an internal error that can be detected in products starting withVersion 4.1. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -279 Cannot grant or revoke database privileges for table or view. This statement names one or more of the database-level privileges (CONNECT, RESOURCE, and DBA), but it also uses the ON table-name clause. The database level privileges must be granted or revoked in a statement that does not mention a particular table (does not contain the ON clause). The table-level privileges such as INSERT do require an ON clause, so the two kinds cannot be mixed in the same statement. -280 A quoted string exceeds 256 bytes. Somewhere in this statement there is a character literal that exceeds the maximum allowed. Inspect the statement, checking the punctuation and length of all quoted strings. Possibly two quotes are missing, making a long string out of two short ones. If you intended to use a string of this length, you will have to revise the statement. There is no means for writing such a long character string in an SQL statement. -281 Could not add index to a temporary table. Check the accompanying ISAM error code to find out the specific problem, and look for operating system error messages that may give more information. Possibly the disk is full. -282 Found a quote for which there is no matching quote. Inspect the current statement, examining the punctuation of all quoted strings. Possibly the intent was to include the quote character in a literal string. The way to do that is to use single apostrophes as string delimiters, as in this example. SELECT '"', fname,'"', "''", lname, "''" FROM customer -283 Found a non-terminated comment ("{" with no matching "}"). Inspect the current statement, examining the punctuation of comments and quoted strings. Comments may be inserted into SQL statements using curly braces, but the braces must be balanced. Alternatively, comments may be appended to the end of a line by using the double-hyphen. -284 A subquery has returned not exactly one row. A subquery that is used in an expression in the place of a literal value must return only a single row and a single column. In this statement, there is a subquery that has returned more than one row, and the database server cannot choose which returned value to use in the expression. There are two ways to be sure that a subquery will always return a single row. One is to use a WHERE clause that tests for equality on a column that has a unique index. The other is to select only an aggregate function. Review the subqueries and make sure they can return only a single row. -285 Invalid cursor received by sqlexec. The cursor used in this statement has not been properly declared or prepared, or else it has been released with the FREE statement. Review the program logic to ensure that the cursor has been declared. If so, and if the DECLARE statement refers to a statement id, make sure that the referenced statement has been prepared. -286 Default value of the primary key column column-name is NULL. A column that is part of a primary key cannot have null as its default value. -287 Cannot add serial column column-name to table. A column of data type SERIAL cannot be added to an existing table. The reason is that such columns may not contain null values, but when adding a column, the database server must put null values in all existing rows. You can add a serial column in three steps, as follows. First add the column with a data type of INTEGER. Then update the table putting non-null, unique values in each row of the new column. Finally, use ALTER TABLE MODIFY to change the data type of the column to SERIAL. -288 Table table-name not locked by current user. This UNLOCK TABLE statement names a table that has not been locked. If you locked the table earlier, it has already been unlocked. Tables are unlocked automatically when a transaction ends or when the database is closed. If the table was locked by another user, you cannot unlock it. -289 Cannot lock table table-name in requested mode. The table is already locked in exclusive mode. You will have to wait for the table to be unlocked before proceeding. -290 Cursor not declared with FOR UPDATE clause. This statement attempts to update using a cursor that was not declared for update. The database server does not allow this; it is both a security measure designed to prevent program errors and a performance feature. In order to use a cursor with the UPDATE or DELETE statements you must declare it for update. Review the program logic to make sure the intended cursor is used in this statement. Note: When operating in an ANSI-compliant database, any cursor may be used for updating; the FOR UPDATE clause is not required (and generates a warning). -291 Cannot change lock mode of table. The current LOCK TABLE statement cannot be executed because you have already locked the same table using a different mode (EXCLUSIVE or SHARE). If the intent was to change the lock mode, arrange to unlock the table before locking it again. -292 An implied insert column column-name does not accept NULLs. This INSERT statement does not supply values for all the columns in the table. At least one of the columns that it omits is constrained to be not null. Since the database server would have to insert a null value for every unmentioned column, it cannot perform this insert. Review the statement against the definition of the table. Possibly the definition of the table has been changed. -293 IS [NOT] NULL predicate may be used only with simple columns. The test for a null value may be applied only to a column-name; not, for example, to a subscripted character column or an expression. Review the uses of these keywords in the WHERE clause. -294 The column column-name must be in the GROUP BY list. In a grouping SELECT, every non-aggregate column must be listed in the GROUP BY clause. This ensures that there is a well-defined value for each selected column in each grouped row: either a column will contain a single aggregate value or it will contain a value unique to that group. If a selected column were neither an aggregate nor in the list, there is a possibility that in some group, there would be two or more values for that column, and the database server could not choose which to display. Revise the query to include either the column name or its positional number in the clause. -295 Referenced and referencing tables have to be in the same database. Referential constraints cannot cross databases. In other words, both the referenced and referencing columns (or parent and child keys) must be in the same database. -296 Referenced table table-name not found. The referenced table specified in a referential constraint does not exist. -297 Cannot find unique constraint or primary key on referenced table table-name. Cannot locate the referenced constraint in the sysconstraints system catalog table, and the referenced constraint was not created in the same ALTER TABLE statement as the referencing constraint. The referenced constraint may not exist. Check that you have entered a valid column name with the appropriate constraints associated with it. If the constraint columns are valid, this is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -298 Cannot grant permission to public with grant option. The clause WITH GRANT OPTION gives the receiver of the grant the ability to grant the same privilege to others. In this case the receiver of the grant is PUBLIC, so if this statement was executed, everyone would have the privilege, and also everyone could grant the privilege. This nonsensical operation is prohibited. Either name specific grantees or omit the clause WITH GRANT OPTION. -299 Cannot grant permission to self. This GRANT statement includes your user id as one of the grantees. If you can grant the privilege, you already have the privilege. Rewrite the statement to omit your user name from the TO clause. -300 There are too many GROUP BY columns. The number of columns that may be listed in the GROUP BY clause is an implementation limit of the database server. All database servers support at least eight columns. Review the current statement to make sure that the punctuation of the GROUP BY clause is correct. If it is as you intended, you will have to find a way to do this query in two or more stages. Since all non-aggregate selected columns must be listed in the GROUP BY clause, and the length of the list is restricted, you will have to select only the non-aggregate values that are required to distinguish each group. Put the group results in a temporary table, and join this table to the original table to select other non-aggregate values. -301 The total size of the GROUP BY columns is too big. The total number of bytes in the combined columns listed in the GROUP BY clause is an implementation limit of the database server. All database servers support at least 120 bytes. Refer to the discussion of error -300 for more information. -302 No GRANT option or illegal option on multi-table view. This GRANT statement cannot be executed. Either you do not have the right to grant the specified privilege for this table; or else the table name given is a synonym; or the table is in fact a view on which this option cannot be granted. In order to grant any privilege for a table you must be the owner of the table, or you must have been granted the same privilege WITH GRANT OPTION. If one of these things is true, then the problem must be that the table in question is really a synonym or a view that is not modifiable, and so cannot be used for insert, update, or delete operations. -303 Expression mixes columns with aggregates. This SELECT statement uses an aggregate function in its WHERE clause. This is not allowed; the WHERE clause must be applied row-by-row as a table is scanned, while an aggregate function can only be calculated after all rows have been chosen and grouped. Review the statement with this in mind. If you intended to select only certain groups of records, you can put such a test in the HAVING clause; it is applied to grouped rows. Note: The text of this message is somewhat deceptive. You can, in fact, mix column names and aggregate functions in expressions. However, you can only do this in the select list or the HAVING clause (not in the WHERE clause), and the columns must appear in the GROUP BY clause. This error message is not used by database servers after Version 5.01. -304 HAVING can only have expressions with aggregates or columns in GROUP BY clause. The HAVING clause is used to select completed rows after grouping has been done. Therefore the only selected values it can test are values that are available in completed groups of rows, namely the single columns that are named in the GROUP BY clause, and aggregate values. Review the HAVING clause with this rule in mind. If you want to select particular rows before grouping has taken place, you can use the WHERE clause. -305 Subscripted column column-name is not of type CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT nor BYTES. You may select substrings only from columns of the types mentioned. Review all uses of square brackets in this statement and make sure that each follows the name of a column having one of these types. If you believe that this is the case, then verify that you are using the database you intended, and double-check the definition of the table. Possibly one of the columns in the table has been altered to use a different type. -306 Subscript out of range. This statement refers to a substring of a character variable. The substring values, that is, two numbers in square brackets, are incorrect. The first is less then zero or greater than the length of the column, or else the second is less than the first. Review all uses of square brackets in the statement to find the error. Possibly the size of a column has been altered, making a substring fail which used to work. -307 Illegal subscript definition. This statement refers to a substring of a character variable. The substring values, that is, two numbers in square brackets, are incorrect. The first is less then zero or greater than the length of the column, or else the second is less than the first. Review all uses of square brackets in the statement to find the error. Possibly the size of a column has been altered, making a substring fail which used to work. -308 Corresponding column types must be compatible for each UNION statement. All rows produced in a UNION of SELECT statements must have the same format. This means that every column should have the same data type. However in the current statement, a column in the second or subsequent SELECT does not agree with the same column in a preceding SELECT. Review and compare all the SELECT statements, checking each point at which one selects something that is not identical to the preceding SELECT. No automatic data conversion is supplied during a UNION; the data types must be identical as selected. If this proves impossible, consider setting up a temporary table and using a series of INSERT statements to fill it with the combination of rows desired. Automatic data conversion is applied during an INSERT, so that differing, but compatible, data types can be coerced to the same type. -309 ORDER BY column column-name must be in SELECT list. The indicated column appears in the ORDER BY clause of this SELECT, but it is not in the select list (the list of values that follows the word SELECT). This is not supported; all sort keys must be present in the output rows in order for sorting to be done. Revise the statement to make this true. If you only want to sort on an expression involving this column, not on the column itself, you can refer to the expression by the number of its position in the select list. -310 Table table-name already exists in database. This statement tries to create a table of the name shown, but one of that name already exists. Only one table of a given name may exist in a single database. (In an ANSI-compliant database, a table name is qualified by the name of the user that created it, so there may be one table of a given name per user.) Check the spelling of the name; if it is as you intended and you are sure it should not exist, make sure you are using the database you thought. You can review the names of all tables in this database by querying systables as follows: SELECT tabname FROM systables WHERE tabid > 99 However, this will only display names of permanent tables. If the existing table is a temporary table, it is not listed in systables. If the name does not appear, end your database session and start a new one; temporary tables will be dropped. -311 Cannot open system catalog table-name. The database server cannot access one of the tables that comprise the system catalog. The name of the table is shown. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for detailed information on the cause, and look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -312 Cannot update system catalog table-name. The database server cannot record a change in the system catalog table shown. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more detailed information on the cause. One common cause is a lack of disk space. -313 Not owner of table. This statement tries to do something, for example dropping a table, that may be done only by the owner of the table or by a user who has Database Administrator privileges. Make sure that the statement names the table you intended. If it does, you will have to get its owner or a DBA to execute this statement. To find out these things, you can query the system catalog as follows. SELECT tabname, owner FROM systables WHERE tabid > 99; SELECT username FROM sysusers WHERE usertype = `D' -314 Table table-name currently in use. This statement tries to do something, for example drop a table, that cannot be done while the table is in use by another user. Wait a short time and try again. To make sure that no table is in use, open the database with DATABASE EXCLUSIVE. -315 No create index permission. This statement tries to create an index for a table. However, either you have not been granted INDEX privilege on this table, or the table itself is a view or synonym. If the table named really is a table, contact the owner of the table or a Database Administrator (see the discussion of error -313) and ask to be granted this privilege. -316 Index index-name already exists in database. This statement tries to create an index with the name shown, but an index of that name already exists. Only one index of a given name may exist in a single database. (In an ANSI-compliant database, an index name is qualified by the name of the user that created it, so there may be one index of a given name per user.) Check the spelling of the name; if it is as you intended and you are sure it should not exist, make sure you are using the database you thought. You can review the names of all indexes and their owners by joining systables and sysindexes as follows: SELECT T.tabname, I.idxname, I.owner FROM systables T, sysindexes I WHERE I.tabid = T.tabid AND T.tabid > 99 -317 Must have the same number of selected columns in each UNION element. All rows produced in a union must have the same format. This means that each SELECT statement in the union must select the same number of columns. In this union one of the second or subsequent SELECT statements does not list the same number of columns as the preceding one. Review the entire union and make sure that all select lists are alike in number and data type. If there simply is no appropriate column for one of the statements, specify a literal value of the appropriate type at that position. For example, where you need to match a numeric column, specify a literal zero. -318 File with the same name as specified log file already exists. The transaction log file you specify in the WITH LOG IN clause must not already exist. The database server must start a log file fresh; it has no means of appending log data to an old log file. An existing log file contains recovery information that may be crucial, so it will not simply empty an existing file. To begin logging for a database that has not been logged before: lock the database; copy all of the database directory to a backup medium; use the START command naming a new file. To subsequently make a partial archive: lock the database; copy the log file to a backup medium and store it with the full archive; erase or rename the log file; use the START command. -319 Index does not exist in ISAM file. This statement refers to an index that does not exist. (The reference to an "ISAM file" is not relevant; ignore it.) Review the spelling of the index name; if it is as you intended and you are sure it should exist, make sure you are using the database you thought. Note: In an ANSI-compliant database, an index that you do not own must be qualified with its owner's name. See the discussion of error -316 for a way of checking the names and owners of all indexes. -320 Not owner of index. This statement tries to do something, for example dropping an index, that may be done only by the owner of the index or by a user who has Database Administrator privileges. Make sure that the statement names the index you intended. If it does, you will have to get its owner or a DBA to execute this statement. See the discussion of error -316 for a way of listing the names and owners of indexes. -321 Cannot group by aggregate column. The GROUP BY clause in this statement refers to a selected value that is an aggregate function. This is not supported. (It does not make sense to group rows using a value that cannot be computed until the group has been formed.) You may group rows by the value of columns or expressions on columns, but the expressions may not include aggregate functions. Review the GROUP BY clause, comparing it to the select list. Possibly one of the column numbers in the GROUP BY clause is in error. -322 Cannot alter, rename, or create a trigger on view view-name. You can only create a trigger on a table. Consider creating the trigger on the table from which the view is derived, or consider creating view view-name as a table and then creating the trigger on it. -323 Cannot grant permission on temporary table. This GRANT statement names a temporary table. That is not supported; privileges are recorded only for permanent tables. One reason is that temporary tables are not recorded in the system catalogs, so there is no place to record privileges on them. Only the person who creates a temporary table may access it. -324 Ambiguous column column-name. The column name shown appears in more than one of the tables listed in the FROM clause of this query. The database server needs to be told which of the columns to use. Revise the statement so that wherever this name appears in the query, it is prefixed by the name of its table: table-name.column. If this makes the statement unwieldy, give the table a shorter alias name in the FROM clause (see the discussion of error -316 for an example). -325 Filename must be specified with a full path name. In the WITH LOG IN clause you must specify a complete path to the log file. This is because the log file is not required to be in any particular directory. -326 Referential constraint has too many referenced columns. The specified referential constraint has more than 16 columns (or 8 in IBM INFORMIX-SE). -327 Cannot unlock table table-name within a transaction. The command UNLOCK TABLE is not allowed within a transaction, that is, following the execution of BEGIN WORK. You may still use LOCK TABLE when using transactions, but the table will be unlocked automatically when the transaction ends, since all locks are released at the end of a transaction. In an ANSI-compliant database, BEGIN WORK is not used, a transaction is always in effect, and the UNLOCK TABLE statement is never used. -328 Column column-name already exists in table. This statement tries to add the column shown, but one of that name already exists. Check the spelling of the name; if it is as you intended then the table is not arranged as you expected it to be. You can review the names of all the columns in a table by querying syscolumns. Supply a table-name in the following query. SELECT colname, colno FROM syscolumns C, systables T WHERE C.tabid = T.tabid AND T.tabname = `table-name' You can use RENAME COLUMN to change column names. -329 Database not found or no system permission. The database you tried to open is not visible to the database server. Check the spelling of the name. Possibly the database is located in a different database server (or network system) and you have omitted to specify the server name (or site name) with the database name. If you are sure the database should exist just as you spelled it, your next step depends on the database server you are using. If you are using IBM INFORMIX-SE, the visible databases are directories with names of the form dbname.dbs. They must be readable and writable to you. The database server looks first in the current working directory, and then in each directory named in the DBPATH environment variable. The most common cause of this error is an incorrect setting or no setting for the DBPATH variable. If you are using the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server, the database does not exist as spelled. In some environments, it is possible to have two or more instances of OnLine running at once, and each instance has its own collection of databases. For Version 6.0, the value of the INFORMIXSERVER environment variable determines which instance of the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server you will use. For Versions 5.01 and earlier, the TBCONFIG environment variable points to the configuration file that determines which instance of IBM INFORMIX-OnLine you will use. See your OnLine administrator if you think you might be using the wrong one of two instances of OnLine. -330 Cannot create database. Possibly you tried to create a database with the same name as one that already exists; if so, choose a different name. Otherwise, check the accompanying ISAM error code for more detailed information on the cause. Possibly there is a shortage of disk space or a problem with file permissions. -331 Cannot drop database directory. While executing the DROP DATABASE command the database server has removed all database-related files from the dbname.dbs directory and tried to remove the directory itself, but an error occurred. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more detailed information on the cause. The most likely cause is that you or another user created non-database files in the same directory, and the directory cannot be removed because it is not yet empty. -332 Cannot access audit trail name information. An error occurred while reading the audit trail file. Re-execute the latest statement; if the error recurs, the audit trail file is corrupt. In that case you will need to drop and restart the audit. -333 The audit trail file already exists with a different name. Before starting a new audit trail, you must drop an existing one. Use the DROP AUDIT statement. -334 Cannot create audit trail. Some problem prevents the database server from initializing the audit trail file. Make sure you have specified a complete, correct pathname for the file. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. Common problems include a lack of disk space and file permission problems. -335 There is no audit trail for the specified table. This statement requires an audit trail to work and there is no current audit trail for the table. Either one was never started or else it was dropped. Make sure you have specified the table you intended. If this is a recovery situation (the statement was RECOVER TABLE), then make sure that the table has just been restored from a backup copy. If that is the case, then at the time this backup was made, the table did not have an audit trail. It does not help if an audit trail was specified later; there remains an unknown period between the backup and the start of auditing during which there might have been unaudited updates. -336 Cannot create or drop audit on a temporary table table-name. Temporary tables cannot be audited. The commands regarding audit trails will not accept the names of temporary tables. If you did not intend to name a temporary table, check the spelling of the table-name displayed. See the discussion of error -313 for a way to display the names of all permanent tables in the database. -337 Cannot create view on temporary table table-name. Views may only be created on permanent tables. Somewhere in the SELECT statement that defines the view in this latest statement, there is the name of a temporary table, as shown. If you did not intend to name a temporary table, check the spelling of the table-name displayed. See the discussion of error -313 for a way to display the names of all permanent tables in the database. -338 Cannot drop audit trail. Some unexpected error occurred during the execution of a DROP AUDIT command. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more detailed information on the cause. -339 The audit trail file name must be given in full directory path. The audit trail file specified in the CREATE AUDIT statement must be given with a full directory path. The reason is that it is not required to be in any particular directory, so the database server cannot use the current directory or the DBPATH variable to search for it. -340 Cannot open audit trail file. The database server needs to use the audit trail file for this table and some unexpected problem prevents it. Likely causes include hardware errors, file permission problems, or the accidental erasure of the file. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -341 Could not read a row from audit trail file. While reading the audit trail for this table, the database server encountered an unexpected error. Likely causes include file permission problems and hardware errors. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -342 Remote host cannot execute statement. This statement was sent to a database server in a different system for execution. However, that database server does not support the requested function, possibly because it is at an earlier version. -343 Row from audit trail was added to a different position than expected. While reconstructing a table from the audit trail, the database server has found a discrepancy between the position of an inserted row now and the position recorded in the audit trail when the insertion was first done. This indicates one of two things: either the audit trail file has been corrupted, or else the audit trail file is incomplete, missing the record of some alterations. The table cannot be recovered as it stands. Try the operation again after making sure that the table has been restored to exactly the state it had when the audit trail was created. If the error recurs, rebuild the table by other means. -344 Cannot delete row - row in table does not match row in audit trail. While reconstructing a table from the audit trail, the database server has found a discrepancy between the position of a deleted row now and the position recorded in the audit trail when the deletion was first done. This indicates one of two things: either the audit trail file has been corrupted, or else the audit trail file is incomplete, missing the record of some alterations. The table cannot be recovered as it stands. Try the operation again after making sure that the table has been restored to exactly the state it had when the audit trail was created. If the error recurs, rebuild the table by other means. -345 Cannot update row - row in table does not match row in audit trail. While reconstructing a table from the audit trail, the database server has found a discrepancy between the contents of an updated row now and the contents recorded in the audit trail when the update was first done. This indicates one of two things: either the audit trail file has been corrupted, or else the audit trail file is incomplete, missing the record of some alterations. The table cannot be recovered as it stands. Try the operation again after making sure that the table has been restored to exactly the state it had when the audit trail was created. If the error recurs, rebuild the table by other means. -346 Could not update a row in the table. While processing an UPDATE, the database server received an unexpected error. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more detailed information on the cause. Possible causes include hardware errors and locking conflicts. -347 Could not open table for exclusive access. The database server cannot complete a LOCK TABLE command, or the implicit LOCK TABLE that has to be performed as part of other commands which change the definition of a table, for example ALTER TABLE, RENAME, or CREATE INDEX. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more detailed information on the cause. Possible causes include lock conflicts, a full lock table, or low-level problems with the host operating system lock mechanism. -348 Could not read a row from the table. The database server, while trying to fetch a row from a table, has received an unexpected error. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more detailed information on the cause. Possible causes include hardware errors and lock conflicts. -349 Database not selected yet. This statement cannot be executed because there is no current database. Either no current database has been established yet, or else the current database was closed with a CLOSE DATABASE command. You establish a current database by executing the DATABASE or CREATE DATABASE command. -350 Index already exists on column. This CREATE INDEX command cannot be executed because there is already an index on the same column or combination of columns. There can be at most two indexes on any combination of columns, one ascending and one descending. You can display the indexes on a particular table by joining sysindexes and systables. Supply the table-name in the following statement. SELECT * FROM sysindexes, systables WHERE sysindexes.tabid = systables.tabid AND systables.tabname = `table-name' The sysindexes table is not normalized (the "part" columns are a repeating group), so there is no simple SELECT that will return all the column names in an index. -351 Database contains tables owned by other users. This DROP DATABASE command cannot be carried out for the reason shown: it might destroy the work of others. In order to drop this database, you must first drop all tables owned by other users. To do this you must have Database Administrator privilege. See the discussion of error -313 for a way to list the names of all tables with their owners. -352 Column column-name not found. The column, or one of the columns, named in this CREATE INDEX statement does not exist. Review the spellings of all columns in the statement. See the discussion of error -328 for a way to list all column names in a table. -353 No table or view specified when granting/revoking privileges. This statement specifies one of the table-level privileges (ALTER, DELETE, INDEX, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, and ALL), but does not specify the table to which the privilege applies. When granting or revoking a database-level privilege (CONNECT, DBA, RESOURCE), you may not name a table, but when granting or revoking a table-level one you must. -354 Incorrect database or cursor name format. This statement contains the name of a database or a cursor in some improper format. If the statement is part of a program, the name may have been passed in a host variable. Database names should be no longer than 18 characters for OnLine and no longer than 10 characters for IBM INFORMIX-SE (less in some host operating systems). Cursor names must not exceed 18 characters. Both database and cursor names must begin with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, and underscore characters. Starting with Version 6.0, database and cursor names can begin with an underscore. In DOS systems, file names can be a maximum of 8 characters plus a 3-character extension. -355 Cannot rename file for table. This RENAME statement cannot be completed because the database server got an unexpected error. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more detailed information on the cause. Possible causes include hardware errors and file permission problems. -356 Data type of the referencing and referenced columns do not match. The data types of the columns in the child constraint must be identical to those in the parent constraint. -357 Dependent table for view view-name has been altered. The view named is based on data from a table that has been altered since the view was defined. The alteration removed or renamed a column that is used in the view. The view can no longer be used. Drop the view and redefine it to use the current schema. -358 Must close current database before CREATE, START or ROLLFORWARD. These statements choose a new current database, but the present database must be closed first. Use the CLOSE DATABASE statement preceding this statement. -359 Cannot drop current database. The database that is currently open cannot be dropped. First use the CLOSE DATABASE statement; then you can drop it. -360 Cannot modify table or view used in subquery. This UPDATE or INSERT statement uses data taken from the same table in a subquery. This is not allowed because of the danger of getting into an endless loop. First select the input data into a temporary table; then refer to the temporary table in the UPDATE or INSERT. -361 Column size too large. This is an internal error reflecting a communications problem between the database server and the application. It should not be seen. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -362 Can have only one column of serial type. There may be at most one SERIAL column in a table. This CREATE TABLE statement specifies two or more. Review the statement and remove all but one of the columns with type SERIAL. If your intent was to have a foreign key, that is, a column that refers to a SERIAL column in a different table, the type of the column in this table should be INTEGER. -363 CURSOR not on SELECT statement. The cursor named in this statement (probably an OPEN) has been associated with a prepared statement which is not a SELECT. Review the program logic, especially the DECLARE for the cursor, the statement id specified in it, and the PREPARE that set up that statement. If the intent was to use a cursor with an INSERT statement, that can only be done when the INSERT is written as part of the DECLARE. If the intent was to execute some SQL statement, that is done directly with the EXECUTE, not indirectly through a cursor. Note: This error is also returned when you attempt to associate a cursor with a SELECTINTO TEMP statement. Because of the INTO TEMP clause the SELECT can return no rows and so cannot be used with a cursor. -364 Column column-name not declared for UPDATE OF. This UPDATE...WHERE CURRENT OF cursor-name statement refers to at least one column which does not appear in the FOR UPDATE OF clause of the DECLARE statement that declared the cursor. Since specific columns were listed in the cursor declaration, the database server will not allow others to be updated. Review the declaration and the uses of this cursor. Perhaps the noted column, and others, should be added to the declaration, or perhaps the OF clause should be dropped, allowing the cursor to update any column in the table. -365 Cursor must be on simple SELECT for FOR UPDATE. The cursor named in this statement (probably an OPEN) was declared with the FOR UPDATE clause. However, it has been associated with a SELECT statement which joins two or more tables; or which uses UNIQUE, DISTINCT, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, or UNION; or which selects calculated values. Such a SELECT statement cannot be used in an update; there is no way to distribute the new data back into the multiple tables. Review the declaration of the cursor. If it is declared FOR statement id, also review the PREPARE statement that set up that statement. It may be that you need two cursors, one for general queries, and another specifically for updating. -366 The scale exceeds the maximum precision specified. There is a problem with the precision or scale of a DECIMAL or a MONEY data type in this statement. Review all uses of these types. The first should be declared as DECIMAL(p) or DECIMAL(p,s) where p, the precision (total number of digits) is between 1 and 32, and s, the scale (number of digits to the right of the decimal point) is no greater than p. The MONEY type follows the same rules. -367 Sums and averages cannot be computed for character columns. This statement contains a use of the SUM or AVG function applied to a column which has a character data type (CHAR or VARCHAR). If you did not intend to take the sum or average of character strings, review the spelling of column names against the table definition. If a character column actually contains numeric values in character form, there is a way you can trick the database server into performing an automatic conversion (Version 4.0 and above). Instead of applying the function to the column name alone, apply it to the parenthesized expression (column+0). -368 Incompatible sqlexec module. The version of the database server does not agree with the version of the database library routines in the application program. This must be resolved before the program can be executed. The database server is selected through the SQLEXEC environment variable (for database server versions prior to 6.0). It contains a complete pathname to the database server code, which is usually named sqlexec or sqlturbo (for database server versions prior to 6.0). The access routines linked into the program were chosen when the program was compiled. If the program you are running was supplied by IBM Informix, then it or another IBM Informix product may have been installed incorrectly. -369 Invalid serial number. Please consult your installation instructions. Some error has been made in the installation of your IBM Informix product(s). Check the value in the SQLEXEC environment variable (for database server versions prior to 6.0) and INFORMIXDIR environment variable; then consult the person who installed the software and review the installation instructions. -370 Cannot drop last column. This ALTER TABLE DROP statement would drop every column from the table. At least one column must be retained. Revise the statement to leave one column. Or if you do not want the table at all, use DROP TABLE to remove it. -371 Cannot create unique index on column with duplicate data. This CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement cannot be completed because the column (or columns) contain one or more duplicate rows. You can either create an ordinary index, accepting the duplicate values, or you can modify the table to remove the duplicates. To get a list of the duplicate values in a single column, first create the ordinary index. Then use a SELECT statement like the following, filling in the table and column names. SELECT column FROM table main WHERE 1 < ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table sub WHERE main.column = sub.column ) This can be extended to handle the case of multiple columns using AND. -372 Cannot alter table with audit trail on. Once an audit trail has been started for a table, the table may not be altered. If it is necessary to alter the table, do the following. Copy the table to a backup medium. Use DROP AUDIT to remove the audit trail. Delete the audit trail file. Alter the table. Again, copy the table to a backup medium. Finally use CREATE AUDIT to start a new audit trail. The first backup is needed to restore the table if there is a failure while the table is being altered (a lengthy, disk-intensive procedure if the table is large). The second backup is required because, if the table has to be recovered later, the new audit trail must be applied against a backup that has the same layout of columns. -373 DBPATH too long. While trying to locate a database using the DBPATH environment variable, the database server has constructed a full path string that exceeds its limit of 80 characters. This is a limit on the length of one complete database directory pathname, from the starting slash or backslash through the .dbs suffix. You will have to locate your databases higher up in the directory hierarchy in order to use them. (The message text is misleading; there is no specific limit on the total length of the contents of DBPATH.) -374 Can only use column number in ORDER BY clause with UNION. This query has both a UNION and an ORDER BY clause. In a union query, where there are several select statements and the names of the selected columns in each are not necessarily the same, you may not use column names in the ORDER BY clause. Instead you must use column position numbers, where 1 stands for the first selected column, 2 for the second, and so on. Rewrite the query to use only numbers in the ORDER BY clause. -375 Cannot create log file for transaction. While trying to execute a START command, the database server got an unexpected error trying to create the transaction log file. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more detailed information on the cause. Typical causes include a shortage of disk space, file permission problems, or a limit on the number of open files. -376 Log file already exists. The transaction log file you specify in the WITH LOG IN clause must not already exist. The database server must start a log file fresh; it has no means of appending log data to an old log file. An existing log file contains recovery information that may be crucial, so it will not simply empty an existing file. To make a full archive: lock the database; copy all of the database directory to a backup medium; erase the log file (it is no longer needed); use the START command. To make a partial archive: lock the database; copy the log file to a backup medium and store it with the full archive; erase or rename the log file; use the START command. -377 Must terminate transaction before closing database. This statement (DATABASE, CREATE DATABASE, or CLOSE DATABASE) cannot be executed until the current transaction has been finished. Use either COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK. Then the database can be closed. -378 Record currently locked by another user. A row of a table needed by this statement is not accessible because it has been locked. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more detailed information; it will probably be one of -107, -113, -134, -143, -144, or -154, each noting a slightly different relationship between your program and the other user's program. You can prevent most (but not all) occurrences of this error with SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT. For database server versions prior to Version 4.1, this error message is produced in conjunction with the UPDATE and the DELETE WHERE CURRENT OF statements only. In Version 6.0, this error message is no longer used. -379 Cannot revoke privilege on columns. In the GRANT statement you can grant UPDATE or SELECT privilege on specific columns. However, the REVOKE statement accepts only the keywords for the type of privilege; you cannot revoke access to specific columns. If you want to change the columns allowed to a certain user, you must first REVOKE the privilege in full, then GRANT it on the new list of columns. -380 Cannot erase log file. The database server, while trying to initialize a transaction log file, received an unexpected error. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more detailed information on the cause. Typical causes include hardware errors and file permission problems. -381 Cannot grant to someone who has granted you the same privilege before. The privilege you are trying to grant is one that was first granted to you WITH GRANT OPTION. The user who made that grant is among the list of users in this present command. For security reasons, you may not do a reciprocal grant. Rewrite the statement leaving out the name of your original patron. To see a list of the users to whom you may not grant, query systabauth as follows: SELECT grantor FROM systabauth WHERE grantee = USER -382 Same number of columns must be specified for view and select clause. In this VIEW statement you have listed the names of the columns of the view. However, their number is different from the number of columns in the SELECT statement for the view. Check the punctuation of the two lists and make sure that you have supplied a name for each item in the select list. -383 View column for aggregate or expression must be explicitly named. In this VIEW statement you have not listed specific names for columns. That is allowed when the SELECT selects only simple, named columns. However, the SELECT statement here selects one or more expressions. You must give names to these columns in a parenthesized list following the name of the view. Since there is no means of giving names for only some of the columns, you must list names for all. -384 Cannot modify non simple view. This statement attempts to modify (insert, delete, or update) rows in a view. However, this view is not modifiable. The reason is that the view is based on a SELECT statement that joins two or more tables, or one that selects calculated values or literal values. (You can DELETE from a view that selects from a single table even if some calculated values are selected.) You will have to direct the statement against the actual table on which the view is based. -385 Data value out of range. This statement attempts to put data into a view which was defined WITH CHECK OPTION, meaning that new data has to satisfy the tests in the WHERE clause in the view. However, one or more of the data values in this current statement do not meet that test, so the alteration was not performed. Roll back the current transaction. To see what tests new data must satisfy, display the definition of the view, as follows: SELECT seqno, viewtext FROM sysviews, systables WHERE systables.tabname = `viewname' AND systables.tabid = sysviews.tabid ORDER BY seqno -386 Column contains null values. This ALTER TABLE statement contains a MODIFY clause that assigns the NOT NULL attribute to an existing column. However, that column already contains one or more null values. The modification cannot be done until the null values have been deleted or updated to some non-null value. -387 No connect permission. The database requested in this statement is not accessible to you because you have not been granted CONNECT privilege to it. Contact a person who has Database Administrator privilege to that database and ask to be granted CONNECT privileges to it. -388 No resource permission. This CREATE statement cannot be executed because your account has not been granted RESOURCE privilege in this database. You need RESOURCE privilege to create permanent tables and indexes. Contact a person who has Database Administrator privilege to the database and ask to be granted RESOURCE privileges to it. -389 No DBA permission. This statement cannot be executed because your account has not been granted DBA (Database Administrator) privilege to this database. Contact a person who has DBA privilege to the database and ask to be granted DBA privileges to it (or simply ask to have this statement executed for you). -390 Synonym already used as table name or synonym. This CREATE SYNONYM statement names a synonym that is already in use. To see all the synonym and table names currently defined, query systables as follows. SELECT tabname, owner FROM systables WHERE tabid > 99 -391 Cannot insert a null into column column-name. This statement tries to put a null value in the noted column. However, that column has been defined as NOT NULL. Roll back the current transaction. If this is a program, review the definition of the table and change the program logic to not use null values for columns that cannot accept them. -392 System error - unexpected null pointer encountered. This is an internal error that should not occur. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -393 A condition in the where clause results in a two-sided outer join. This query requests an outer join, but one or more conditions in the WHERE clause interfere with the dominant-subservient relationship. Review the query, making sure that every condition that relates two tables is actually necessary. -394 View view-name not found. The named view cannot be dropped as it does not exist. To see names of existing views, query systables as follows. SELECT tabname FROM systables WHERE tabtype = `V' -395 The where clause contains an outer cartesian product. This query requests an outer join, but the WHERE clause is written so as to imply selecting every row of the subservient table for every row of the dominant table, resulting in a very large output. Review the query, making sure that there is at least one condition that relates each preserved-subservient pair of tables in the query. -396 Illegal join between a nested outer table and a preserved table. This query requests an outer join, but the WHERE clause contains a condition relating a nested subservient table to a preserved table that is not its immediate parent. This is not supported. Review the query, making sure that every condition relating two tables is between a preserved table and its immediately subordinate table. -397 System catalog table-name corrupted. This is an internal error and should not occur. The database server has encountered something in one or more of the system catalog tables that violates integrity constraints. Run the tbcheck or oncheck (for OnLine) or the bcheck or secheck (for IBM INFORMIX-SE) utility. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -398 Cursor manipulation must be within a transaction. This error message is produced by an attempt to use an UPDATE or a DELETE WHERE CURRENT OF statement. This statement would modify a table through a cursor. However, this database uses a transaction log. When that is the case, modifications done through a cursor must be placed within the bounds of a transaction. Review the program logic and make sure that it executes a BEGIN WORK statement prior to this statement and that it ends the transaction at some reasonable point. If the program has to work with databases that do use transactions and also those that do not, you can have it check the second element of the sqlwarn array of the SQL Communications Area. This will contain the letter W following a DATABASE statement if the database has a transaction log, and a space if it does not. -399 Cannot access log file. This query refers to a table named syslog. While there is a row in the systables catalog that has syslog in the tabname column, this is only a convenient place to store the pathname to the transaction log file. There may not be a table named syslog in a database with logging under IBM INFORMIX-SE. (In general it is not a good idea to use table names that start with sys-, but syslog is not allowed.) -400 Fetch attempted on unopen cursor. This FETCH statement names a cursor that has never been opened, or which has been closed. Review the program logic and make sure that it will open the cursor before this point, and not accidentally close it. Be aware that unless a cursor is declared WITH HOLD, it is automatically closed by a COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK. -401 Fetch attempted on NULL cursor. This FETCH statement passed a cursor data structure that is invalid, or a null pointer. Possibly the cursor has been freed with the FREE statement, or possibly the cursor data structure has been overwritten in memory. Note: This error code is not returned by any database server at Version 5.0 or later. See errors -267 and -404. -402 Address of a host variable is NULL. Review the way the program constructs the sqlda and related data structures; somehow it is setting up a null pointer. If the program is in IBM INFORMIX-4GL or another language in which the sqlda is not constructed directly by the program, or if this statement refers only to host variables by name, this error should not occur. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -403 The size of a received row disagrees with the expected size. This is an internal error that shows a problem in the communication between the database server and the library functions that call it. Make sure that your program is at the same software level as the database server in use. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -404 A NULL control block has been passed as a argument. Review the way the program constructs the sqlda and related data structures; somehow it is setting up a null pointer. If the program is in IBM INFORMIX-4GL or another language in which the sqlda is not constructed directly by the program, or if this statement only refers to host variables by name, this error should not occur; contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. Note: This error code is returned with the meaning shown only by Version 4.1 and earlier database servers. For database servers starting with Version 5.0, see the next entry. -404 The cursor or statement is not available. This statement names a cursor which has been released with the FREE statement. Review the program logic and make sure that the cursor specified is declared and opened, but not freed, prior to reaching this statement. Note: This error code (-404) has this meaning when returned by Version 5.0 and later database servers. For older database servers, see the previous entry. -405 The Address of a host variable is not properly aligned. Review the way the program constructs the sqlda and related data structures; somehow it is setting up a pointer that is not word-aligned. Also, make sure that all host variables are aligned on proper address boundaries for their types. If the program is in IBM INFORMIX-4GL or another language in which the programmer has no control over storage alignments, this error should not occur. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -406 Memory allocation failed. Something in the current statement required the allocation of memory for data storage, and the memory was not available. Several things can cause this error, including: your application has a memory leak; you are asking for more resources than the system is configured to allow; there is a problem with the UNIX system itself that will require rebooting the system. Roll back the current transaction. Look for ways to make this statement simpler or move less data. Also, confer with your UNIX system administrator to solve memory problems or to look for ways to make the operating system give this program more virtual memory in which to run. On DOS systems, exit to the operating system command line, free up some disk space, and resubmit your program. -407 Error number zero received from the sqlexec process. This is an internal error that shows a problem in the communication between the database server and the library functions that call it. Make sure that your program is at the same software level as the database server in use. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -408 Invalid message type received from the sqlexec process. This is an internal error that shows a problem in the communication between the database server and the library functions that call it. Make sure that your program is at the same software level as the database server in use. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -409 Sqlexec was not found or was not executable by the current user. Your application contacts the database server process while it starts up. This is done using the value in the SQLEXEC environment variable (for database server versions prior to 6.0); it should point to one of two executable files: sqlexec for IBM INFORMIX-SE or sqlturbo for IBM INFORMIX-OnLine (versions prior to 6.0). Ordinarily these will reside in the lib subdirectory of the directory named by the INFORMIXDIR environment variable. Check that your SQLEXEC environment variable is indeed set up properly, and that your account has access to these directories and files. -410 Prepare statement failed or was not executed. This EXECUTE statement refers to a statement id that has not been prepared. Either no PREPARE statement was done, or one was done but returned an error code. Review the program logic to make sure that a statement is prepared and the PREPARE return code is checked. A negative error code from PREPARE usually reflects an error in the statement being prepared. -411 Cannot specify both host variables and descriptor. This statement has a USING DESCRIPTOR clause, but it also refers to a cursor that was declared with host variables (that is, with SELECT...INTO or INSERT using variables in the VALUES clause). The purpose of both the descriptor structure and host variable names is to specify the location of the data values, and only one method may be used. Review the declaration of the cursor and settle on a single method of specifying the location of data values. -412 Command pointer is NULL. This statement (probably an EXECUTE or DECLARE) refers to a dynamic SQL statement which has never been prepared, or which has been freed. Review the program logic to make sure that the statement has been prepared, that the PREPARE did not return an error code, and that the FREE statement has not been used to release the statement before this point. -413 Insert attempted on unopen cursor. This INSERT statement names a cursor that has never been opened, or which has been closed. Review the program logic and make sure that it will open the cursor before this point, and not accidentally close it. Be aware that an insert cursor is automatically closed by a COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK. -414 Insert attempted on NULL cursor. This PUT statement specifies a cursor that is invalid. Possibly the cursor has been freed with the FREE statement, or possibly the cursor data structure has been overwritten in memory. -415 Data conversion error. The database server is unable to convert between a program variable and a database column. It performs automatic data conversion in many cases, but could not in this case. For instance a character string will be converted to a numeric type so long as the string contains the digits of a valid number; or a float or decimal number will be converted to integer so long as the receiver has enough precision for the value. Review this statement, inspecting each program variable that does not have the same data type as the matching database column. -416 USING option with open statement is invalid for insert cursor. This OPEN statement refers to a cursor that was declared for an INSERT statement. The USING clause of the OPEN is not appropriate in this case; it is only used to specify the variables used with a SELECT statement. Review the program to make sure the correct cursor has been used in this statement. If so, and if the INSERT is written as part of the DECLARE statement, you can name the host variables directly in it. If the INSERT has been prepared, you can specify the host variables in a FROM clause in the PUT statement. -417 FLUSH can only be used on an insert cursor. This FLUSH statement refers to a cursor which is associated with a SELECT statement, not an INSERT. FLUSH is only appropriate with insert cursors. Review the program to make sure the correct cursor has been named. -418 NULL SQLDA descriptor or host variable list encountered. Review the way the program constructs the sqlda and related data structures; somehow it is setting up a null pointer. If the program is in IBM INFORMIX-4GL or another language in which the sqlda is not constructed directly by the program, or if this statement only refers to host variables by name, this error should not occur. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -419 SQLDATA pointer in SQLDA or host variable is null. Review the way the program constructs the sqlda and related data structures; somehow it is setting up a null pointer. If the program is in IBM INFORMIX-4GL or another language in which the sqlda is not constructed directly by the program, or if this statement only refers to host variables by name, this error should not occur.If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -420 Cannot execute remote sqlexec. Your application program is starting up and trying to make contact with the database server process in another computer. It does this using the contents of the SQLHOST environment variable. Check the SQLHOST variable and verify that the IBM INFORMIX-NET or IBM INFORMIX-STAR service has been started in the other machine. -421 Unknown service for execution of remote sqlexec. Your application program is starting up and trying to make contact with a database server in a different machine. It uses information from the file /etc/services under the service entry sql, and this was not found. Contact the person who installed IBM INFORMIX-NET in your system. -422 Flush attempted on unopen cursor. This FLUSH statement names a cursor that has never been opened, or which has been closed. Review the program logic and make sure that it will open the cursor before this point, and not accidentally close it. Be aware that an insert cursor is automatically closed by a COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK. -423 A fetch current was attempted with no current row. This FETCH statement asks for the current row, but there is none. Either the cursor was just opened, or the previous FETCH returned an error code, for example because it was at the end of the data. Review the program logic and make sure it uses a FETCH NEXT or other FETCH operation to establish a current row before attempting this statement. -424 Cursor already declared from this prepared statement. This DECLARE statement associates a cursor with the name of a prepared statement. However, another DECLARE statement has already been executed, associating a different cursor with the same statement id. This is not supported; a given statement may be associated with only one cursor. Check all the DECLARE statements in the program and make sure they all refer to unique statements. Note: This error message should not appear for Version 5.0 and later. -425 Database is currently opened by another user. The requested database has been opened in exclusive mode by another user. Repeat the statement after a short delay or when the database is known to be idle. -426 Unknown values have already been supplied. This is an internal error that should not occur. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -427 Bind count routine called with a different count. This is an internal error that should not occur. If no direct cause can be found, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -428 Bind routine called too many times. This is an internal error which should not occur. If no direct cause can be found, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -429 Indicator variables should be 2-byte integers. This statement names as an indicator variable, a host variable that was not declared as a small integer. The value returned to an indicator variable is a small integer value. Review the statement, especially the use of host variables as indicator variables. Make sure the names of indicator variables are spelled correctly and that they are properly declared. If this is a 4GL program this error should not occur. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -430 Type integer does not match size. This is an internal error that shows a problem in the communication between the database server and the library functions that call it. Make sure that your program is at the same software level as the database server in use. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -431 Type float does not match size. This is an internal error that shows a problem in the communication between the database server and the library functions that call it. Make sure that your program is at the same software level as the database server in use. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -432 Type date does not match size. This is an internal error that shows a problem in the communication between the database server and the library functions that call it. Make sure that your program is at the same software level as the database server in use. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -433 Type money does not match size. This is an internal error that shows a problem in the communication between the database server and the library functions that call it. Make sure that your program is at the same software level as the database server in use. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -434 Type decimal does not match size. This is an internal error that shows a problem in the communication between the database server and the library functions that call it. Make sure that your program is at the same software level as the database server in use. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -450 Illegal ESQL locator, or uninitialized blob variable in 4GL. A BYTE or TEXT host variable used in this statement is not valid. If this is a 4GL program, the variable has not been initialized by use of the LOCATE statement, or was freed after being located. Review the program logic to make sure all BLOB variables are located before use. If this is ESQL/C, the locator structure is invalid or uninitialized. Make sure that all locator structures are allocated and filled in before use. -451 Locator buffer size too small. The locator structure provided for a BYTE or TEXT value in this statement specifies a memory buffer that is smaller than the value (in the loc_bufsize field). The actual size is in loc_indicator. No data was transferred. Revise the program to use a larger buffer, or to locate the value in a file instead of memory, or to pass the value in segments through a user-provided read function. Alternatively, you can specify a substring of the value in the SELECT statement. If this is a 4GL program, this error should not occur. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -452 'loc_open()' failed. The loc_open() function provided in the locator structure for a BYTE or TEXT value in this statement was called and returned a negative return code. When the value is located using user-supplied functions (loc_loctype contains LOCUSER), this function is part of the program and you have to diagnose its problems yourself. When the value is located in a file (loc_loctype contains LOCFILE, or in a 4GL program, the variable has been located in a file), then this error indicates that the system-supplied loc_open() function was not able to open the file. Possible causes include: the file does not exist; you do not have read permission for the file; too many open files. -453 'loc_close()' failed. The loc_close() function provided in the locator structure for a BYTE or TEXT value in this statement was called and returned a negative return code. When the value is located using user-supplied functions (loc_loctype contains LOCUSER), this function is part of the program and you have to diagnose its problems yourself. When the value is located in a file (loc_loctype contains LOCFILE, or in a 4GL program, the variable has been located in a file), then this error indicates that the system-supplied loc_close() function was not able to close the file. -454 'loc_read()' failed. The loc_read() function provided in the locator structure for a BYTE or TEXT value in this statement was called and returned a negative return code. When the value is located using user-supplied functions (loc_loctype contains LOCUSER), this function is part of the program and you have to diagnose its problems yourself. When the value is located in a file (loc_loctype contains LOCFILE, or in a 4GL program, the variable has been located in a file), then this error indicates that the system-supplied loc_read() function was not able to read from the file. -455 'loc_write()' failed. The loc_write() function provided in the locator structure for a BYTE or TEXT value in this statement was called and returned a negative return code. When the value is located using user-supplied functions (loc_loctype contains LOCUSER), this function is part of the program and you have to diagnose its problems yourself. When the value is located in a file (loc_loctype contains LOCFILE, or in a 4GL program, the variable has been located in a file), then this error indicates that the system-supplied loc_write() function was not able to write to the file. Possible causes include: the disk is full; you do not have write permission for the disk; a hardware error. -456 Indicator value cannot fit in host variable. This is an internal error that shows a problem in the communication between the database server and the library functions that call it. Make sure that your program is at the same software level as the database server in use. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -457 Database server terminated unexpectedly. The database server process or thread with which your application program was working has terminated. The DBA may have shut the system down. The next most likely cause is an internal error. Look for operating system messages that might give more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. Note: Be sure to check the ISAM error code returned with this error. If it is -129, the database server has not terminated, but simply reached a limit on the number of concurrent user sessions (see the explanation of error -129). -458 Long transaction aborted. The database server (probably OnLine or IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare) ran out of log space in which to record this transaction. A transaction that is not fully recorded cannot be rolled back, so to preserve database integrity, the operating system ended the transaction and rolled it back automatically. All changes made since the start of the transaction have been removed. Terminate the application and replan it so that it modifies fewer rows per transaction. Alternatively, contact the OnLine administrator to discuss having the number or the size of the logical logs increased. Be prepared to talk about the number of rows being updated or inserted and the size of each row. -459 IBM INFORMIX-OnLine was shut down. The instance of OnLine that your application was using has been shut down by its operator. Your current transaction will be rolled back automatically when the database server starts up again. Rerun the application at that time. -460 Statement length exceeds maximum. The statement text in this PREPARE, DECLARE, or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement is longer than the database server can handle. The actual limit differs with different implementations, but is always generous, in most cases up to 32,000 characters. Review the program logic to make sure that some error has not caused it to present a string that is longer than intended, for example, by overlaying the null string terminator byte in memory. If the text has the intended length, you will have to revise the program to present fewer statements at a time. -461 File open error. This statement transfers a value between a file and a BYTE or TEXT column. Since the locator structure field loc_loctype was set to LOCFNAME, the database server tried to open the file using the pathname in loc_fname and the flags in loc_oflags. An operating system error was returned. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information, and look for operating system messages. Typical causes include lack of disk space, file permission problems, and limits on the number of open files. -462 File close error. This statement reads a value from a BYTE or TEXT column into a file. The database server copied the data to the file, but got an operating system error when it closed the file. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information, and look for operating system messages. Typical causes include lack of disk space and hardware errors. -463 File read error. This statement writes a value into a BYTE or TEXT column from a file. The database server got an operating system error while reading the file. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information, and look for operating system messages. -464 File write error. This statement reads a value from a BYTE or TEXT column into a file.The database server got an operating system error while writing the data. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information, and look for operating system messages. Typical causes include lack of disk space and hardware errors. -465 No more memory for locator buffer. This query returns a BYTE or TEXT value that is located in memory, and the locator structure asked (by setting -1 in loc_bufsize) that the database server allocate the memory. It was unable to get the necessary memory for a buffer. If you can use operating system methods to allocate more data space memory to your program, do so and run it again. Alternatively, locate the value in a file, or use a substring to select the value in portions. If this is a 4GL program, this error should not occur. On DOS systems, exit to the operating system command line, free up some disk space, and resubmit your program. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -466 File length error. This statement stores a value in a BYTE or TEXT column from a file. The locator structures specified a length for the data in loc_locsize, but the database server found end of file before it had read that much data. Review the program to make sure that the input file was properly positioned, and that the correct length was specified. Specify a length of -1 if the file should be read to its end. If this is a 4GL program, this error should not occur. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -467 Indicator object is missing. This program was compiled with the -icheck flag, and the current SQL statement did return a truncated or null value, for which an indicator would normally be set, to a host variable for which no indicator variable was specified. Revise the program to use indicator variables. -468 Cannot obtain user id from system: unable to start database server. Your application is trying to open communications to a database server. As part of doing this it has to read your user id from the system password file, and it failed to do this. Look for operating system error messages that may give more specific information. Consult with a system administrator to make sure the file of user ids is readable to all users. -469 This descriptor does not exist. The name of the system descriptor area specified does not exist in the list of system descriptor areas, so it has not been allocated. You must execute the ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement to allocate this descriptor name before using it. -470 The value of occurrence must be greater than 0. If you include the WITH MAX occurrences clause in the ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement, you must specify a value of occurrences that is greater than zero. Change the value of occurrences to a positive integer and execute the ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement again. -471 An invalid descriptor name has been used. This error is generated if the name of the SQL descriptor is either an empty string or an uninitialized host variable. Descriptor names follow the same naming rules as identifiers. Check the name of the descriptor and verify that it has been set with the SET DESCRIPTOR statement or allocated with the ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement or otherwise initialized. -472 Occurrence value is out of range. Change the value of the COUNT so that it is less than or equal to the occurrences and greater than zero and try again. -473 The specified data type is not a X/OPEN standard type. This error is generated when a GET DESCRIPTOR or a SET DESCRIPTOR statement is executed in X/Open mode, and the value for the type field is not an X/Open standard type. Check the X/Open codes for data types again and make sure the correct type is being used. -474 Unknown field type. An unknown field type has been requested. Make sure that you are using one of the valid field types in X/Open mode and try again. The valid field types are TYPE, LENGTH, PRECISION, SCALE, NULLABLE, INDICATOR, DATA, and NAME. -475 In a GET statement, if DATA is null, then INDICATOR must be specified. This is an X/Open rule. You must request the INDICATOR value in the GET DESCRIPTOR statement when DATA is null. -476 The LENGTH field must be specified when the type is SQLCHAR. When you use a SET DESCRIPTOR statement, and the TYPE is set to SQLCHAR, then the LENGTH field must also be specified and set in the same SET DESCRIPTOR statement. -477 Buffer is too small. In a GET DESCRIPTOR statement, the buffer (the character host variable) specified to store the NAME entry is too small. Increase the buffer size and call the GET DESCRIPTOR statement again. This error message also is displayed when the host variable is a FILE type, and the buffer used to store its name is too small. -478 User must specify TYPE. In the initial state, when you execute a SET DESCRIPTOR statement, you must specify the TYPE as one of the fields to be set. Set the TYPE field in the SET DESCRIPTOR statement and execute it again. -479 The number of DESCRIBED columns is greater than the allocated space. The number of columns in the table is larger than the allocated descriptor. Use the ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement to reallocate a larger occurrence value and try the DESCRIBE statement again. -480 A descriptor with the same name already exists. A system descriptor area with the same name has already been allocated, so this descriptor name is not unique. Change the name of this descriptor in the ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement so that the descriptor is unique and execute the statement again. -481 Invalid statement name or statement was not PREPAREd. The statement has not been prepared or the statement name used is not valid. A valid statement name is between 1 and 18 characters; it begins with a nonnumeric character and does not contain any blanks or nonalphanumeric characters except underscore. -482 Invalid operation on a non-SCROLL cursor. You cannot issue a FETCH PRIOR, FETCH FIRST, FETCH LAST, FETCH CURRENT, FETCH RELATIVE n, or FETCH ABSOLUTE m statement with a non-scroll cursor. To do so, you must first declare the cursor as a scroll cursor. -483 SQL descriptor's name is too long. Limit is 18 characters. SQL descriptor names cannot exceed 18 characters. -484 Statement/cursor's name is too long. Limit is 18 characters. The name of the statement or cursor must be from 1 to 18 characters. -485 Number of host variables does not match SELECT list. This error can only occur if your database is ANSI-compliant. The error indicates that the number of host variables in an ESQL statement is not the same as the number of values returned by the database server. In addition, a warning flag is placed in the third element of the sqlwarn structure of sqlca. The execution of the second statement in the following ESQL/C example returns this error: $create table mytab (i integer, f float) $select * into :var1 from mytab; --error If your database is not ANSI-compliant, this and similar statements complete without error, and the values of the host variables are set in sequence to their respective returned values. If the number of returned values is smaller than the number of host variables, the remaining host variables are undefined. As with an ANSI-compliant database, a warning flag is placed in the third element of the sqlwarn structure of sqlca. -486 Illegal data type found during data conversions. The type found in the system descriptor sqlvar entry is either invalid or uninitialized. You cannot use the GET DESCRIPTOR statement to get a value from an uninitialized sqlvar. -487 A cursor can only be declared as static or dynamic. The specified SQL statement requires you to declare a cursor as static or dynamic. Declare the cursor as static or dynamic, depending on which type of cursor is required, and retry the specified operation. -488 Invalid operation on cursor. An invalid operation has been attempted on a cursor. A cursor declared for a SELECT statement cannot be used in a PUT statement. Similarly, a cursor declared for an INSERT statement cannot be used in a FETCH statement. Check the program and try again. -489 Exception number out of bounds. An exception number was requested that was either less than 1 or greater than the number of diagnostic entries in the diagnostic area. -490 Bad ixtomsg file. Please check installation. The version of the ixtomsg file, which holds the mapping table of SQLCODE to SQLSTATE values, is illegal. The ixtomsg file is located in the directory: $INFORMIXDIR/msg. Please check the date and size of the file.If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -500 Clustered index index-name already exists in the table. A table may be clustered on only one index at a time. This table is already clustered on the index whose name is shown. Before you can cluster on another index, you must execute ALTER INDEX index-name TO NOT CLUSTER. To see which tables are clustered on which indexes, query sysindexes and systables as follows: SELECT tabname, idxname FROM systables T, sysindexes X WHERE T.tabid = X.tabid AND X.clustered = `C' -501 Index index-name is already not clustered. The table is no longer clustered on this index (if it ever was). Make sure that this is the index you meant; if so it is not necessary to alter this index. For a way to see which tables are clustered, see the discussion of error -500. -502 Cannot cluster index. While building a new copy of the table with rows in clustered sequence, the database server got an unexpected error. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. Typical causes include a shortage of disk space. -503 Too many tables locked. This database server in this host operating system has a limit on the number of tables that can be locked at one time. It was unable to lock the table you requested. Roll back the current transaction. Then redesign the operation to lock fewer tables, or to use row-level locking instead, or to open the database in exclusive mode. -504 Cannot lock a view. This LOCK TABLE command cannot be carried out because the table specified is really a view. Only real tables can be locked. Roll back the current transaction. Then redesign the operation to work against the real tables on which the view is based, or open the database in exclusive mode. -505 Number of columns in UPDATE does not match number of VALUES. This UPDATE statement uses a SET clause in which a list of column names is set equal to a list of expressions, or to a SELECT statement. The number of columns on the left of the equal sign is not the same as the number of data values produced on the right. Roll back the current transaction. Then rewrite this statement. If a list of expressions is used, check the punctuation to make sure that each expression is distinct. If a SELECT statement is used, review it to see how many columns it returns. -506 Do not have permission to update all columns. Your account has been granted the privilege of updating specific columns, but this UPDATE statement updates all columns, or columns for which you do not have the privilege. Contact the owner of the table, or someone with Database Administrator privilege in this database, and ask to be granted full UPDATE privilege. For a way to list table owners, see the discussion of error -313. -507 Cursor cursor-name not found. The cursor named in the WHERE CURRENT OF clause in this UPDATE or DELETE statement does not exist. Review the spelling of the name; if it is as you intended, then check the DECLARE statement and make sure it has been executed. Also make sure that the cursor has not been freed with the FREE statement. -508 Cannot rename a temporary table. This RENAME TABLE statement cannot be executed because the specified table is temporary. There is no means of renaming a temporary table. Review the spelling of the table name; if it is as you intended, you will have to drop it and create it again under a different name. -509 Cannot rename a column in a temporary table. This RENAME COLUMN statement cannot be executed because the specified table is temporary. There is no means of renaming a column in a temporary table. Review the spelling of the table name; if it is as you intended, you will have to drop it and create it again with different columns. -510 Cannot create synonym for temporary table table-name. This CREATE SYNONYM statement cannot be executed because the specified table is temporary. Review the spelling of the table name. If it is as you intended, you will have to redesign the application: either make the table permanent or do not use a synonym. -511 Cannot modify system catalog table-name. You are not allowed to update, insert, or delete rows in this table. If you are absolutely sure that you must do so, you will have to sign on as user informix. That user account can modify most system catalog tables; however, this is a very risky practice that is not recommended unless specifically instructed by the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -512 No References privilege on the referenced columns. You do not have References privilege on the referenced columns. The owner of the referenced table, or a user who has References privilege with the grant option on that table, can grant you this privilege using the GRANT statement. -513 Statement not available with this database server. This statement (or a clause within it) is supported by some database servers, but not by the database server you are currently using. The choice of database servers (when there is a choice) is determined by the setting of the SQLEXEC environment variable (for database server versions prior to Version 6.0). If this statement worked before but does not now, look for a change in SQLEXEC. Note: This message is replaced by error -554 starting with Version 4.1. -514 Only DBA can create, drop, or grant for another user. This data definition statement specifies a table, view, index, or synonym that is owned by another user, or grants a privilege AS another user. Any of these things requires Database Administrator privilege, which you do not have in this database. If you intended to work on objects owned by you, review the punctuation of the statement; at some point in it you have qualified a name with the user-id of another account. Otherwise, get a DBA to grant you DBA privilege, or to do this operation for you. -515 Constraint constraint-name has already been dropped. You are trying to drop a constraint that has already been dropped in the same ALTER TABLE statement. -516 System error - temporary output file not created yet. This is an internal error that shows a problem in the communication between the database server and the library functions that call it. Make sure that your program is at the same software level as the database server in use. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -517 The total size of the index is too large or too many parts in index. All database servers have limits on the number of columns that can be included in an index, and on the total number of bytes in a key (the sum of the widths of the columns). This CREATE INDEX statement would exceed that limit for this database server. All database servers support at least 8 columns and a width of 126 bytes. OnLine allows 16 and 255, respectively. -518 Child constraint constraint-name not found. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -519 Cannot update column to illegal value. One of the values in this UPDATE statement is based on an expression that is in error. Check each expression in the SET clause for validity, looking in particular at uses of built-in functions such as LENGTH and DATE. -520 Cannot open database tblspace. The OnLine database server cannot locate the disk partition in which it has stored a table that is referenced in this command. Contact the OnLine administrator to find out what the problem is. Possibly the "chunk" containing this tblspace has been taken off-line. -521 Cannot lock system catalog table-name. It is not permitted to lock any of the tables that comprise the system catalog. They are needed by all users at all times. The database server handles concurrent access to them correctly, so you can simply remove this statement from your program. -522 Table table-name not selected in query. You used a correlation name to qualify a column name in either a GROUP BY clause or a SET clause. Consider rewriting the statement in a stored procedure that you then use as the triggered action, passing the column value as an argument. In any case, you must rewrite the statement without a using a correlation name in the GROUP BY clause or the SET clause. -523 Can only recover, repair or drop table. This statement (RECOVER, REPAIR, or DROP) specifies a view. However, these statements are only supported for real tables, not views. In the case of DROP, if you drop any of the tables used in the view, the view will be removed as well. To recover or repair this table, you must recover or the tables on which the view is defined. For a way of listing the names of tables that are views, see the discussion of error -394. -524 Lock table can only be used within a transaction. Since this database has a transaction log, a table may only be locked within a transaction. Review the program and ensure that a BEGIN WORK statement is issued to start a transaction before this statement. -525 Failure to satisfy referential constraint constraint-name. During an ALTER TABLE, you have added a referential constraint that is violated by the data in that table. Check that the data in the referencing column (child key) exists in the referenced column (parent key). -526 Updates are not allowed on a scroll cursor. If this is a DECLARE statement, the clause FOR UPDATE is not allowed in conjunction with the SCROLL keyword. If this is an UPDATE statement in an ANSI-compliant database (in which the FOR UPDATE clause is not required when declaring a cursor for update): the cursor named in this statement was declared with the SCROLL keyword, and so may not be used for updates. The way a scroll cursor is implemented makes it unsafe for updating a table, since it will sometimes not reflect the current state of the selected rows. If you want to use a scroll cursor to examine rows and then update them, you may redesign your application in the following way (among many): Use the scroll cursor to select also the ROWID of each row. Declare a second, nonscrolling cursor that selects one row for update based on its ROWID. When it is time to update a selected row: Open the update cursor using the ROWID value found by the scrolling cursor. Fetch the row and check the error code (the row might have been deleted). If the fetch succeeded, verify that the row contents are unchanged from those selected by the scrolling cursor (the row is now locked so it cannot change further, but it might have changed between the two fetches). If the row is unchanged, update it using the nonscrolling cursor. Close the nonscrolling cursor. This procedure ensures that the update reflects the current state of the table while retaining the convenience of the scrolling cursor. A fetch by ROWID of a recently fetched row will usually entail no disk activity and so will not cost much time. -527 Lock Mode is not available on this system. You tried to use the SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT statement on IBM INFORMIX-SE, and your IBM INFORMIX-SE database server uses CREATE LOCKING rather than System V locking. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. The SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT statement cannot be executed by the database server because the host operating system does not have adequate support for locking to permit waiting for a lock to be released. On this system, your program will be notified when a table or row is locked (with an error such as -233 or -378); it is up to your program what to do next, for example, rolling back the transaction and trying it over. -528 Maximum output rowsize max-size exceeded. The total number of bytes selected by this statement exceeds the maximum that can be passed between the database server and the program. Make sure that the columns selected are in fact the ones you intended; check for instance that you have not named some very wide character column by mistake, or omitted to specify a substring, or specified too long a substring. If the selection is what you require, you will have to rewrite this SELECT into two or more statements, each selecting only some of the fields. If it is a join of several tables, you might best select all desired data INTO TEMP; then select individual columns of the temporary table. If this is a FETCH via a cursor in a program, you might revise the program as follows. First, change the cursor to select only the ROWID of the desired row. Second, augment the FETCH statement with a series of SELECT statements, each selecting one or a few columns WHERE ROWID= the saved row-id. -529 Cannot attach to shared memory. (This error message appears in versions prior to Version 6.0.) Your application program is unable to initialize its connection to the database server because you are using a shared-memory implementation and either: (1) the database shared memory has not been initialized, or (2) the maximum number of users has already started using the system. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. -529 Cannot attach to transaction. (This error message appears beginning with Version 6.0.) Your application program is unable to initialize its connection to the database server because you are using a shared-memory implementation and either: (1) the database shared memory has not been initialized, or (2) the maximum number of users has already started using the system. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. -530 Check constraint constraint-name failed. The check constraint placed on the table column(s) has been violated. To see the check constraint associated with the column(s), you can query the syschecks system catalog table. However, you must know the constrid for the check constraint before querying sychecks. (The constrid is assigned in the sysconstraints system catalog table.) Use the following subquery to show the check constraint for constraint-name. SELECT * FROM syschecks WHERE constrid = (SELECT constrid FROM sysconstraints WHERE constrname = constraint-name) -531 Duplicate column column-name exists in view. This CREATE VIEW statement gives a list of column names, and at least one of them appears twice in the list. Review the list of column names and make sure each appears only once. -532 Cannot alter temporary table table-name. The table shown is only a temporary one; it will vanish when this session ends. Such tables cannot be altered. To alter the shape of the table, simply drop it and re-create it. -533 Extent size too small, minimum size is number k. The size specified for a disk extent (either the EXTENT SIZE or the NEXT SIZE clause) must be at least four times the disk page size, as shown. It is generally best to set the EXTENT SIZE large enough to hold all of the rows as you initially estimate them, and the NEXT SIZE at an eighth or a quarter of that. -534 Could not insert new row into table, table is locked. This error is not returned by database servers at Version 4.0 and above. In earlier versions, it means the same as error -271 with an ISAM error code or -113. Roll back the current transaction and run it again when the table has been unlocked. -534 Cannot open EXPLAIN output file. The statement SET EXPLAIN ON has been executed and the database server is trying to open the file sqexplain.out in the current working directory. An operating system error of some kind prevents it. See the ISAM error code for more information. Look for operating system error messages that may give more detail. Likely problems include a lack of write permissions in the current directory and a full disk.This error message appears beginning with Version 4.1. -535 Already in transaction. This BEGIN WORK statement is redundant; a transaction is already in progress. If this is a program, review its logic to make sure it has not accidentally failed to end the previous transaction. -536 Number of columns in child constraint does not match number of cols in parent constraint. The number of referencing columns (child key) does not match the number of referenced columns (parent key) in the referential constraint. Check that there is a one-to-one relationship between referenced and referencing columns. -537 Constraint column column-name not found in table. The column specified in a constraint definition does not exist. -538 Cursor cursor-name has already been declared. The cursor named in this DECLARE statement has also been named in a DECLARE statement that was executed earlier. Possibly the same DECLARE is being executed in a loop; or possibly the program meant to execute a FREE statement for this cursor but did not. Review the program logic to make sure it only executes a single DECLARE for each cursor (unless after freeing one). -539 DBTEMP too long. The pathname in the DBTEMP environment variable exceeds the limit on pathnames, which is 80 characters. You will have to locate the temporary directory higher in the directory hierarchy. Since Version 5.01, the DBTEMP environment variable is used by the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server but not by the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. -540 write failed on constraints. An error has occurred while defining a constraint. Possibly you have defined a constraint whose name duplicates the name of another constraint, table, or index. If this is the case, repeat the statement specifying a unique name. Otherwise, check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. -541 User does not have ALTER privilege. You must have the correct privilege before you can alter the name of a table or the names, types, or number of columns in it. You must be the owner of the table, or have Database Administrator privilege in the database, or you must be granted ALTER privilege for the table by its owner or a DBA. See the discussion of error -313 for a way to list the owners of tables and users with DBA privilege. -542 Cannot specify a column more than once in a constraint, trigger, or index. You name the same column more than once in the triggering column list of an update trigger. Remove the duplicate occurrence of the column name and try again. This error also will appear if there are duplicate column names in the index list. -543 ESCAPE character must be only one character. In the WHERE clause, there is a subclause ESCAPE "char" that contains more than one character as the char. Review the punctuation of the clause and revise it so that it specifies just one character. -544 Cannot have aggregates within aggregates. The statement contains a call on an aggregate function within the parameter list for another aggregate function, for example SUM(MAX(column)). This is not supported, since all aggregates are calculated over the same groups of rows. If you did not intend an expression of this sort, look for missing or misplaced parentheses. If you did intend it, you will have to rethink the query; for example, you might select the MAX values into a temporary table and then take their SUM. -545 No write permission for table table-name. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. With this database server, a database is a directory with the name dbname.dbs, while tables and indexes are files within that directory. You need to have read and write access to all these files in order to exercise normal database functions. -546 Cannot have host variables when creating a view view-name. This statement either prepares or executes a CREATE VIEW statement in which the SELECT statement refers to host variables. This is not supported. The SELECT statement in a view may be executed from any program and may not rely on one program's variables. Review the CREATE VIEW statement and make sure it does not contain the names of any host variables, an INTO clause, or a "?" placeholder. This error message is not used by database servers after Version 5.01. -547 Must rollforward database in the directory where the database is. Before executing the ROLLFORWARD statement, make the current directory be the directory that contains the dbname.dbs directory for the database. Then execute the statement again. -548 No referential constraint or trigger allowed on a TEMP table. You cannot create a constraint or a trigger on a temporary (TEMP) table. Consider creating the temporary table as a permanent table in the database. If this is a feasible option, create the table and then create the trigger on it. -549 Column column-name in UNIQUE constraint is not a column in the table. The column shown appears in the list of columns for a UNIQUE clause, but it is not one of the columns defined in this table. Check the spelling of all column names in this statement. If they are as you intend, then check the definition of the table. See the discussion of error -328 for a way to list all column names in a table. This error message is not used by database servers after Version 5.01. -550 Total length of columns in constraint is too long. The total size of all the columns listed in a UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, or FOREIGN KEY clause is limited. The limit depends on the database server in use, but all servers support a total of 120 bytes. The limit is the same as the restriction on the total size of all columns in a composite index. For additional information, refer to the CREATE TABLE statement in the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax. -551 The constraint contains too many columns. The total number of columns listed in a UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN KEY clause is limited. The limit depends on the database server in use, but all servers support eight columns. The limit is the same as the restriction on the number of columns in a composite index. For additional information, refer to the CREATE TABLE statement in the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax. -552 Blob host variables are disallowed in multi-statement prepares. This EXECUTE command executes a prepared list of multiple statements. One or more of the host variables supplied for the "?" placeholders in the list is a locator structure for a TEXT or BYTE value. This is not allowed. Statements that refer to TEXT or BYTE variables may be prepared and executed, but they must be single statements, not part of a multi-statement list. -553 Mkdbsdir not found in $INFORMIXDIR/bin. Consult your installation instructions. An executable program, mkdbsdir, is used to create the initial contents of the database directory during a CREATE DATABASE statement. It is distributed with the database server and should be found in the bin subdirectory of the directory named by the INFORMIXDIR environment variable, but it was not. Check the setting of INFORMIXDIR and then consult with the person who installed the software. -554 Syntax disallowed in this database server. This statement or some clause in it is not supported by the database server you are using. The database server in use is chosen when a program starts based on the SQLEXEC environment variable (for database server versions prior to 6.0). There are several small differences in statement syntax between IBM Informix database servers. For example, the CREATE TABLE statement with OnLine supports the clause IN dbspace (no quote characters used) while other database servers support the clause IN "pathname" (quotes required). -555 Cannot use a select or any of the database statements in a multi-query prepare. The statement text presented with this PREPARE has multiple statements divided by semicolons, and one of the statements is a SELECT, a DATABASE, a CREATE DATABASE, or a CLOSE DATABASE. These statements must always be prepared as one-statement texts. Check the statement text string and make sure that you intended multiple statements; if you did, then revise the program so as to execute these four statement types alone. -556 Cannot create, drop, or modify an object on an another database server. This statement attempts to create, drop, or alter an object in an external database, one other than the current database. In this version of the software, you can only read the contents of an external database. If you make the database your current database, you can modify the contents. Review all uses of names beginning dbname, which refer to objects in the external database dbname. -557 Cannot locate table on another server after %s levels of synonym mapping. One of the tables named in this query was in fact a synonym, and it pointed outside the current database. What it named proved to be another synonym which pointed outside its database, and so on for count synonyms without a real table being found. The database server has given up on the query for fear there is an endless chain of synonyms. You can review the synonyms in the current database that refer to external databases by querying systables and syssyntable as follows. SELECT T.tabname synonym, servername, dbname, user, S.tabname FROM systables T, syssyntable S WHERE T.tabtype = `S' AND T.tabid = S.tabid AND S.btabid IS NULL To follow a chain of synonyms through external databases, use a similar query in the external database, substituting for servername, dbname, and tabname the values returned by the preceding query each time. SELECT T.tabname synonym, servername, dbname, user, S.tabname FROM dbname@servername:systables T, dbname@servername:syssyntable S WHERE T.tabtype = `S' AND T.tabname = `tabname' AND T.tabid = S.tabid When this returns no row, the requested tabname is not defined as a synonym in that database (it is a table or view or not defined). -558 Changrp not found in $INFORMIXDIR/bin. Consult your installation instructions. This command requires the presence of an executable program named changrp which is normally installed as part of the database server. It should be in the bin subdirectory of the directory named by the INFORMIXDIR environment variable. Check the value in that variable and then consult with the person who installed the software. -559 Cannot create a synonym on top of another synonym. This CREATE SYNONYM command names another synonym. Making a chain of synonyms is not supported. See the discussion of error -218 for a way to list the names of all synonyms. If you want to have a second synonym with the same meaning as the first, find out the meaning of the other synonym and then make a new synonym to refer to the same base table. To see the base table for a given synonym, query systables and syssyntable as follows, substituting the name of the synonym. SELECT T.tabname synonym, S.* FROM systables T, syssynt able S WHERE T.tabname = name AND T.tabid = S.tabid If in the resulting display btabid is defined, the synonym refers to a table in that current database with that tabid; otherwise, it refers to an external database. -560 Synonym with tabid number not found in systables. Either the systables or syssyntable system catalog, or an index on one of these, has been corrupted. Run the bcheck or secheck utility. Be prepared to drop and re-create all synonyms. -561 Sums and averages cannot be computed on datetime values. This statement applies an aggregate function such as SUM to a column that has the type DATETIME. The function is not defined on this data type since arithmetic is not. Review the use of aggregate functions. You will have to revise the query. -562 Database conversion failed. You are running a new version of the database server and you have just opened a database for the first time with this level of the software. The database server has tried to upgrade the database automatically, probably by defining an additional system catalog table. An unexpected error has occurred. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. This error messages is not used by database servers after Version 5.01. -563 Cannot acquire exclusive lock for database conversion. You are running a new version of the database server, and you have just opened a database for the first time with this level of the software. The database server has tried to upgrade the database automatically, probably by defining an additional system catalog table. However it needs to lock the database for exclusive use to do this conversion, and some other user has the database open. Wait a short time and try this statement again; at that time the database may be free (or another user's action may have updated it). -564 Cannot sort rows. This is an internal error reflecting an unexpected condition while performing a sort. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -565 Cannot read sorted rows. This is an internal error reflecting an unexpected condition while performing a sort. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -566 Cannot initiate sort. This is an internal error reflecting an unexpected condition while performing a sort. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -567 Cannot write sorted rows. This is an internal error reflecting an unexpected condition while performing a sort. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -568 Cannot reference an external database without logging. This statement refers to a database other than the current database. However, the current database uses transaction logging and the external one does not. This is not supported; the databases used in a single transaction must all use logging or all not use it. -569 Cannot reference an external database with logging. This statement refers to a database other than the current database. However, the current database does not use transaction logging and the external one does. This is not supported; the databases used in a single transaction must all use logging or all not use it. -570 Cannot reference an external ANSI database. This statement refers to a database other than the current database. However, the current database is not ANSI-compliant and the external one is. This is not supported; the databases used in a single transaction must all be ANSI-compliant or all must not be. -571 Cannot reference an external non-ANSI database. This statement refers to a database other than the current database. However, the current database is ANSI-compliant and the external one is not. This is not supported; the databases used in a single transaction must all be ANSI-compliant or all must not be. -572 The specified wait duration is too long. The maximum time that you may specify as the WAIT time in SET LOCK MODE is 32767 seconds. Review this statement and make sure it specifies the duration in seconds that you intended. If so, either use a shorter duration or (since 32767 seconds is more than 9 hours) simply omit the duration to specify an indefinite wait. -573 Cannot set log to buffered in a mode ANSI database. This statement tries to apply BUFFERED LOG mode but the database is ANSI-compliant; that is, it was created with the clause MODE ANSI. One aspect of ANSI compliance is that all transactions are logged immediately during the execution of the COMMIT WORK statement. The use of a buffered log entails a deferred write of log records, improving performance at some slight risk of failing to log a transaction. Such a risk is not allowed under the standard; an ANSI-compliant database must use unbuffered logging. -574 A subquery has returned not exactly one column. This statement contains a subquery (a SELECT statement within parentheses) used as a single value, for example, on one side of a relational operator such as equals. Such a subquery must return exactly one row and one column; otherwise there is doubt as to which of the returned values is wanted. This subquery has returned more than one value. Review all subqueries and make sure that they can return at most one column (by listing only one expression after SELECT) and at most one row (by testing a unique key in the WHERE clause). -575 LENGTH() requires string type values. This statement contains a use of LENGTH that is applied to a column or an expression that is not of character type (not CHAR or VARCHAR). This is not supported. Review the uses of LENGTH and make sure they apply only to character values. -576 Cannot specify CONSTRAINT name for TEMP table. You cannot specify a constraint (either UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, or CHECK) name for constraints placed on temporary tables. This is not supported for a temporary table. However, you can specify that a column receives one of these constraints, and you may specify a list of columns as having a constraint, but you may not use the CONSTRAINT constraint-name clause. This is because temporary tables and their indexes are not recorded in the usual system catalog tables. -577 A constraint of the same type already exists on the column set. You have placed a constraint (either UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, or CHECK) on a set of columns, but a constraint of the same type on those columns already exists. In the case of a FOREIGN KEY, this error only occurs if the same foreign key set of columns references the same existing parent key set of columns. Either the constraint was established when the table was created, or it has been added since. Since the constraint already exists, it is not added again. -578 Owner name is too long. This statement contains an owner name qualifying the name of a table, view, index or synonym, and the owner name is longer than the maximum of 8 characters, for example overly_long.tablename. Review the punctuation and spelling of all identifiers; possibly a space or comma was omitted causing two names to run together. You can check the names of all known owners by selecting the owner column of the relevant system catalog: systables, sysindexes, or syssynonyms. -579 Not owner of synonym. The synonym specified in this DROP SYNONYM statement is not owned by you. To drop an object you do not own, you must have Database Administrator privilege. -580 Cannot revoke permission. This REVOKE statement cannot be carried out, either because it revokes a database-level privilege but you are not a Database Administrator in this database, or because it revokes a table-level privilege that was not granted by your account name. Review the privilege and the user names in the statement to make sure they are correct. You can summarize the table-level privileges you have granted by querying systabauth as follows. SELECT A.grantee, T.tabname FROM systabauth A, systables T WHERE A.grantor = USER AND A.tabid = T.tabid -581 Error loading message file. This SET EXPLAIN statement could not be completed because the database server was unable to find the file of message templates it uses when preparing explanatory output. Consult with the person who installed the IBM Informix software. -582 Database does not have logging. This ROLLFORWARD statement could not be executed because this database does not have a transaction log. The rollforward operation uses the transaction log as its input. Since no transactions have been logged, the database cannot be rolled forward. -583 View permissions no longer valid -- permissions on remote objects revoked. This statement queries a view which is based on tables in external databases (databases other than the current database). However, in one or more of those external databases, your account does not have the necessary table-level privilege on a table used by the view; or possibly your CONNECT privilege for an external database has been revoked. For a way to display the definition of a view, see the discussion of error -385. In the view definition look for table names qualified with database names and possibly sitenames. -584 Cannot rename system catalog. This RENAME TABLE statement cannot be carried out because it would rename one of the tables that make up the system catalog. The names of these tables may not be changed; they are used by the database server itself. -585 Cannot rename column in system catalog. This RENAME COLUMN statement cannot be carried out because it would rename a column of one of the tables that make up the system catalog. The database server relies on these column names for internal queries and they may not be changed. -586 Cursor is already open. This database is operating in ANSI compliance (it was created or started MODE ANSI). By the rules of ANSI SQL, a cursor must always be closed before it can be reopened. Review the logic of the program. Possibly it was originally written to take advantage of one of the IBM Informix extensions to SQL: that if a cursor is reopened it is automatically closed and opened. In the current database that is not allowed. -587 Cannot delete file filename. This message is not used in software at Version 4.0 and above. In previous versions, check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. -588 Invalid host variable number. This is an internal error detected by database servers starting with Version 4.1. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -589 Cannot update multiple sites within a single transaction. This database server supports only "single-site update"; that is, the operations within one transaction may modify data at only one site in the network. Some preceding statement within this transaction has already modified data at one site; the current statement would modify data at a second site. The statement is not executed. Roll back the current transaction. Examine the application in the light of this restriction. Check the names of all tables that are affected by UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements to make sure they are all in the same database, or in databases held by the same database server. (Be sure to check the definition of any synonyms, since synonyms can make tables in external databases appear to be in the current database.) This error message is not used by database servers after Version 5.01. -590 Procedure cache corrupted. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -591 Invalid default value for column/variable column-name/variable-name. The specified default value is of the wrong type for a column or a stored procedure variable. The default value for a column is specified with the DEFAULT clause in a CREATE TABLE statement. The default value for a variable in a stored procedure is specified with the DEFAULT clause in a DEFINE statement in the procedure. -592 Cannot specify column to be not null when the default value is null. This CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement specifies that a column may not contain nulls (the NOT NULL clause), but it also has a DEFAULT clause giving the default value for new rows as NULL. This contradiction is not allowed. -593 Cannot specify default value for SERIAL column. This CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement specifies that a column has a data type of SERIAL, but it also has a DEFAULT clause for the column. Values for a SERIAL column are generated by the database server each time a row is created, so the DEFAULT clause is meaningless. -594 Cannot specify non-null default value for blob column. This CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement specifies that a column has a data type of BYTE or TEXT. It also has a DEFAULT clause for that column specifying something other than NULL. You can only designate the default value NULL for columns of type TEXT or BYTE. -595 Bad use of aggregate in this context. An aggregate function was used outside an SQL statement inside a stored procedure expression or it was used inside a check constraint. Example of error: LET var = MAX(another_var) + 10; -- error A stored procedure expression, or the expression in a check constraint, can refer to only a single value, so the use of an aggregate function is meaningless. -596 Bad EXIT/CONTINUE statement. Not within a statement-name loop. The stored procedure EXIT and CONTINUE statements must be placed within a FOREACH, WHILE, or FOR loop. -597 [Internal] Premature End Of Buffer. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -598 Bad cursor name cursor-name. Inside a stored procedure, a nonexistent cursor name was specified in an UPDATE/DELETE. . .WHERE CURRENT OF statement. FOREACH cur1 FOR SELECT col INTO var FROM tab UPDATE tab SET col = proc(var) WHERE CURRENT OF bad_cur_name; -- error END FOREACH -599 Cannot mix IBM INFORMIX-OnLine syntax with IBM INFORMIX-SE syntax. Syntax specific to the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server and to the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server has been mixed in the same statement. Use the appropriate syntax for the database server you are using. -600 Cannot create blob. This statement creates a new BYTE or TEXT value, and some unexpected error prevented the creation of that value. Roll back the current transaction. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information; possibly the blobspace or tblspace has filled up, or you are not referring to a valid blobspace. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -601 Cannot delete blob. This statement replaces or deletes a BYTE or TEXT value, and some unexpected error prevented the deletion of the old value. Roll back the current transaction. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information; possibly there has been a hardware error or data corruption of the blobspace or tblspace. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -602 Cannot open blob. This statement refers to a BYTE or TEXT value, and some unexpected error prevented locating the value. Roll back the current transaction. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information; possibly there has been a hardware error or data corruption of the blobspace or tblspace. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -603 Cannot close blob. This statement writes a BYTE or TEXT value, and some unexpected error prevented finishing the creation of the value. Roll back the current transaction. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information; possibly there has been a hardware error or data corruption of the blobspace or tblspace. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -604 Cannot read blob. This statement refers to a BYTE or TEXT value, and some unexpected error prevented access to the value. Roll back the current transaction. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information; possibly there has been a hardware error or data corruption of the blobspace or tblspace. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -605 Cannot write blob. This statement writes a BYTE or TEXT value, and some unexpected error prevented the creation of the value. Roll back the current transaction. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information; possibly there has been a hardware error or data corruption of the blobspace or tblspace. One possible cause is that the blobspace for this column is full. Another is that although a new chunk has been assigned to the blobspace, pages cannot be allocated in it until the addition of the chunk has been logged and the log file closed. The OnLine administrator can force a log file to be closed using the tbmode -l or onmode -l command. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -606 Invalid blob space name. If this statement refers to a blobspace (as for example the CREATE TABLE statement may create a column with type TEXT IN blobspace-name) the name is invalid or does not exist. Review the identifiers intended as blobspace names; if they are spelled as you intended, consult with the OnLine administrator to find out whether they exist and are on-line. If the statement does not refer to a blobspace, this is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -607 Text/Byte subscript error. This statement refers to a TEXT or BYTE value using substring notation: numbers in square brackets following the name. However, the substring is not correctly written. Review all uses of substrings and make sure that in each the first number is greater than zero and not greater than the length of the value; the second number is not less than the first; and the numbers are separated by a comma. -608 Illegal attempt to convert Text/Byte blob type. This statement is written to imply a conversion from a TEXT or BYTE value to another data type, for example, by combining it with other types in an expression or by inserting it into a column of another type. This is not supported; TEXT and BYTE columns may only be selected, or be copied into other columns of the same type. Review the statement to make sure it names the columns you intended, and that they have the data types you thought. -609 Illegal attempt to use Text/Byte host variable. This statement uses a host variable that is a TEXT or BYTE locator structure, but combines it with data of some other type, for instance in an expression or by inserting it into a column of another type. This is not supported; host variables of these types may only be used for selecting from, creating, or inserting into columns of the same type. -610 Index not allowed on blob columns. This CREATE INDEX statement names a column of the TEXT or BYTE type; however these types are not supported for indexing. The reason is that there is no defined lexical ordering for these types, so the database server does not know how to sort or compare them; hence it cannot build an inverted index. Possibly you understand the data well enough to understand how to extract an ordered set of key values from it; if so, then do the extraction into a separate column in the same table and index that column. -611 Scroll cursor can't select blob columns. The cursor named in this statement is associated with a SELECT that returns one or more TEXT or BYTE columns; also the cursor is declared with the SCROLL keyword. This is not supported. The reason is that rows fetched through a scroll cursor are also stored in a temporary table. Because of the bulk of TEXT and BYTE values, this would produce an unacceptable cost in time and disk space. Revise the declaration of the cursor to select the desired columns of other types, and also the ROWID. After fetching a row through the scrolling cursor, use a separate, non-scrolling cursor to fetch the BYTE or TEXT value(s), WHERE ROWID=host-var. -612 Blobs are not allowed in the "group by" clause. This SELECT statement selects one or more BYTE or TEXT values, and also specifies those columns in the GROUP BY clause. This is not supported. Since there is no defined lexical order to BYTE or TEXT values, the database server cannot order or compare them; hence it cannot group rows on their values. (This is true even of substrings selected from a BYTE or TEXT column.) Review your SELECT statement to make sure the correct columns are named in the GROUP BY clause. -613 Blobs are not allowed in the "distinct" clause. This statement specifies DISTINCT values, but it also selects a BYTE or TEXT value. The database server does not know how to compare or order these values; hence it cannot sort them; hence it cannot locate duplicate values. Thus the DISTINCT keyword may not be used when these data types are selected. Reword your SELECT statement to either remove the keyword or select only normal columns. -614 Blobs are not allowed in the "order by" clause. This SELECT statement selects one or more BYTE or TEXT values, and also specifies those columns in the ORDER BY clause. This is not supported. Since there is no defined lexical order to BYTE or TEXT values, the database server cannot order them. (This is true even of substrings selected from a BYTE or TEXT column.) Review your SELECT statement to make sure the correct columns are named in the ORDER BY clause. -615 Blobs are not allowed in this expression. This statement uses one of the aggregate expressions such as COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, or AVG, but applies it to a column that has a BYTE or TEXT data type. This is not supported. Review the use of functions and make sure they are applied only to simple columns. -616 A blob subscript is not allowed within this context. This UPDATE or INSERT statement specifies as a destination, a subscripted column of BYTE or TEXT type. Subscript notation is not allowed in this context; a BYTE or TEXT (or any other) value must be replaced in full. Revise the statement to assign into whole columns. -617 A blob data type must be supplied within this context. This statement assigns a non-BLOB value to a BLOB (BYTE or TEXT) column, or assigns a BLOB column to a non-BLOB one. Neither is supported. BYTE and TEXT values must be assigned as whole units to columns of the same type. Review the statement to make sure it specifies the columns you intended. -618 Error on copying blob data. This statement copies a BYTE or TEXT value from one row to another, and some unexpected error interfered with the operation. Roll back the current transaction. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information; possibly there has been a hardware error, or data corruption of the blobspace or tblspace, or a shortage of disk space, or an invalid blobspace named. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -619 A blob error has occurred in the front-end application. This statement transfers a BYTE or TEXT value between the database and the user program, and something has happened to prevent that. For example, it might not have been possible to allocate a buffer for a value located in memory. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. -620 Unable to update next extent size. This is an internal error. It shows that the database server is unable to change an internal data structure (not a system catalog) stored in the root dbspace. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. Possibly there has been corruption of the root dbspace. Have the OnLine administrator run the tbcheck or oncheck utility. -621 Unable to update new lock level. This is an internal error showing that the database server is unable to convert a lock from shared to exclusive. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. Possibly there is a hardware error or a problem with shared memory. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -622 Error on locating constraint index index-name. This is an internal error showing that the database server is trying to test a new or updated row for uniqueness under a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint, and the index that implements the constraint cannot be found. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. There may be corruption of the system catalog tables or the root dbspace, or a hardware problem. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -623 Unable to find CONSTRAINT constraint-name. The constraint specified in this statement cannot be found. Review the spelling of the name shown. If it is as you intended, check the names of existing named constraints by querying the sysconstraints table as shown in the following example. If the owner name shown for the desired constraint is not yours, you need to be a Database Administrator to reference it (and, if this database is ANSI-compliant, you need to qualify the name with its owner-name). SELECT constrname, owner FROM informix.sysconstraints -624 Unable to drop CONSTRAINT constraint-name. This is an internal error showing that the database server had an unexpected error while dropping a constraint or the index that implemented it. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. There may be corruption of the system catalogs or the root dbspace, or a hardware problem. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -625 Constraint name constraint-name already exists. The constraint name shown already exists. Review the spelling; if it is as you intended, you must select another name, or drop and redefine the existing constraint. See the discussion of error -623 for a way to list all constraints. -626 Cannot obtain or set serial value This is an internal error message; it does not refer to a problem with a SERIAL column in a table you defined. The database server uses unique integer values for many purposes, for instance the table id number for a new or altered table. Some internal error has made it impossible to generate a new, unique number; for example, in host systems that use files for locking, something may have prevented the creation of a lock file. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -627 Cannot prepare coordinator for two-phase commit. Since the coordinator cannot prepare this IBM INFORMIX-STAR two-phase commit transaction, all work associated with the transaction is eventually rolled back by all participants. No administrative intervention is required. See the ISAM error for more information about why the database server could not prepare to commit the local transaction. -628 Cannot end two-phase commit transaction at coordinator. The coordinator OnLine database server cannot end this IBM INFORMIX-STAR two-phase commit transaction and the transaction remains open. Eventually, IBM INFORMIX-STAR automatic recovery mechanics will end the transaction. No administrative intervention is required. See the ISAM error for more information about why the database server could not end the transaction properly. -629 Cannot end heuristically rolled back transaction. The coordinator OnLine database server cannot end this IBM INFORMIX-STAR two-phase commit transaction and the transaction remains open. Eventually, IBM INFORMIX-STAR automatic recovery mechanics will end it. No administrative intervention is required. See the ISAM error for more information about why the database server could not end the transaction properly. -630 Cannot prepare database server server-name for commit. The specified OnLine database server cannot prepare the local transaction associated with this IBM INFORMIX-STAR two-phase commit transaction. Eventually, all work associated with the transaction will be rolled back by all participants. No administrative intervention is required. See the ISAM error for more information about why the database server could not prepare to commit the local transaction. -631 Cannot create optical cluster on non-blob column column-name. You can only create optical clusters on columns of type TEXT or BYTE. The column name shown is of some other type. Make sure the column is the one you meant to specify, and review the definition of the table. -632 Cannot create optical cluster. An attempt to create an optical cluster has failed. See the ISAM error for more information. -633 Cannot drop optical cluster. An attempt to drop an optical cluster has failed. See the ISAM error for more information. -634 Object does not exist. You are trying to drop a trigger that does not exist. Check that you are spelling the name of the trigger correctly. Also, you might query the systriggers system catalog table to review the names of triggers in the database. -635 Not owner of object. You are trying to drop a trigger that you do not own. You might query the systriggers system catalog table to see who owns the trigger. You probably need to ask the owner of the trigger or the DBA to drop the trigger. -636 Total size of key fields is too large or there are too many key fields. You have violated one of the following constraints on the cluster key specified in the ON clause of the CREATE OPTICAL CLUSTER statement: The number of columns included in a composite cluster key exceeds 16. The length of a CHARACTER column exceeds 256 bytes. -637 Cannot alter optical cluster. An attempt to alter the size of an optical cluster has failed. See the ISAM error for more information. -638 Cannot cluster blob columns on non-optical media. You can only create an optical cluster on TEXT or BYTE columns stored on optical media. Be sure that you have not specified the name of a blob column stored in a dbspace or blobspace. -639 Cannot cluster blob columns on different optical families. All of the blob columns specified in the FOR clause of the CREATE OPTICAL CLUSTER statement must belong to the same optical family. Check to be sure that the columns specified for an optical cluster do not belong to different families. -640 QPlan sanity failure line-number. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -641 Cannot reserve/release family on non-optical media. The family name specified in the RESERVE or RELEASE statement must exist on optical media. Check to be sure that you have not specified a dbspace or blobspace with either of these statements. -642 Family name must be a character string. The optical family name specified in the RESERVE or RELEASE statement must be either a character string, or a host or procedural variable that evaluates to a character string. If you have specified a character string make sure that you have enclosed it in quotes. -643 Volume must be a number. The volume argument in the RESERVE or RELEASE statements must be an INTEGER or SMALLINT. -644 FAMILY(), VOLUME(), and DESCR() require BLOB column on optical medium. The argument to the FAMILY(), VOLUME(), or DESCR() function must be a TEXT or BYTE column stored on optical media. Check that you have not specified a column of a different data type, or a blob column stored in a dbspace or blobspace. -645 Cannot reserve volume. An attempt to reserve an optical volume with the RESERVE statement has failed. See the error from the optical subsystem (an error in the 7000-7199 range) for more information. -646 Cannot release volume. An attempt to release a requested optical volume with the RELEASE statement has failed. See the error from the optical subsystem (an error in the 7000-7199 range) for more information. -647 Error evaluating math library function function-name. The data type of the argument is correct, but the value passed to the function is not appropriate for the math function. Check to make sure that you are passing a legitimate value to the function. -648 Cannot open DEBUG file for stored procedure trace. An error occurred trying to open DEBUG trace file. This can happen when one of the directories in the specified debug file name does not exist, or the directory is write-protected. Make sure that the directory path is valid and that group informix is able to write to the directory. -649 The debug file name must be a NON-NULL CHAR or VARCHAR. The argument specified for the debug file in the SET DEBUG statement must be a character type. -650 Maximum varchar size has been exceeded. This statement specifies a VARCHAR(m, r) column with a maximum width m greater than allowed (255). Check the punctuation of the column definition. If it is as you intended, redesign the table to use a VARCHAR width of 255 or less. -651 Reserved column size > maximum column size (varchar). This statement specifies a VARCHAR(m, r) column with a reserved width r that is greater than the maximum width m. Check the punctuation of the column definition. If it is as you intended, revise the statement so that m r. -652 Local variables do not allow default values. An attempt was made to define a local variable with a default value. Only global variables and parameters can have default values. Example of error: DEFINE var INT DEFAULT 10; -- error Correction: DEFINE var INT; LET var = 10; -653 Variables declared as LIKE cannot be global. A global variable was defined as LIKE. LIKE variables must be local variables. Example of error: DEFINE GLOBAL var LIKE tab.col; -- error Correction: Do not use the LIKE keyword with global variables. Rather, specify the data type explicitly. -654 Bad use of PROCEDURE declaration type. The procedure declaration was used either in the parameters or the RETURNING clause. Stored procedures cannot accept or return procedures. Example of error: CREATE PROCEDURE testproc (proc1 procedure) -- error RETURNING procedure; -- error ... END PROCEDURE Correction: Do not attempt to use the procedure declaration type within a parameter or the RETURNING clause. -655 RETURN value count does not match procedure declaration. The number of values a procedure was declared to return in the RETURNING clause does not match the number of values in a RETURN clause. Example of error: CREATE PROCEDURE testproc () RETURNING INT, INT; ... RETURN 1,2,3; -- error ... RETURN 1; -- error END PROCEDURE Correction: In this example, return exactly two arguments. -656 Procedure is not declared to return values. When the procedure was declared, it did not contain a RETURNING clause indicating that the procedure would not return any value, but then a RETURN statement was found in the body of the procedure. Example of error: CREATE PROCEDURE testproc() DEFINE a INT; LET a = 10; RETURN a + 1; -- error END PROCEDURE Correction: Add a RETURNING clause before the DEFINE or remove the RETURN statement. -657 Cannot create a procedure within a procedure. You cannot have a CREATE PROCEDURE statement within a CREATE PROCEDURE statement. -658 Variables declared as GLOBAL require a default value. A global variable was not given a default value. Global variables require a default value. Example of error: DEFINE GLOBAL glob INT; -- error Correction: DEFINE GLOBAL glob INT DEFAULT 10; -659 INTO TEMP table required for SELECT statement. A SELECT statement did not specify where to put the returned values. SELECT statements within a procedure require either an INTO TEMP clause or an INTO clause that references the appropriate procedural variables. Example of error: CREATE PROCEDURE testproc() ... SELECT col1, col2 FROM tab; -- error END PROCEDURE Correction: CREATE PROCEDURE testproc() ... SELECT col1, col2 INTO var1, var2 FROM tab; SELECT col1, col2 FROM tab INTO TEMP another_table; END PROCEDURE -660 Loop variable variable-name cannot be modified. An attempt was made to modify the value of a loop variable in a FOR statement. Loop variables cannot be modified inside a loop. Example of error: FOR i IN (1,2,3,4) LET i = i + 1; -- error END FOR Correction: Use another variable in the LET statement. -661 Number of variables does not match number of values returned. The number of variables on the left side of a LET statement does not match the number of values on the right side. Example of error: LET a,b = 10,20,39; LET i,j = proc1()+proc2(); LET a,b = (SELECT c1 FROM tab) Correction: Match the number of expressions on both sides of the LET statement. -662 Loop variable variable-name specified more than once. A loop variable was used more than once in a FOREACH statement. Example of error: FOREACH SELECT col1, col2 INTO var, var FROM tab -- error ... END FOREACH Correction: FOREACH SELECT col1, col2 INTO var1, var2 FROM tab ... END FOREACH -663 You are using more than one procedure-calling syntax for procedure procedure-name. While calling a procedure, some of the arguments were named while others were not. Example of error: LET var = proc (arg1 = 10, 20, arg3 = 30); -- error Correction: LET var = proc (arg1 = 10, arg2 = 20, arg3 = 30); --correct LET var = proc (10,20,30);--correct -664 Wrong number of arguments to system function function-name. An incorrect number of arguments was specified to the function. Make sure that you are passing the correct number of arguments to the function. -665 Internal error on semantics - code-number. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -666 Variable variable-name must be declared INTEGER or SMALLINT. In a FOR statement, loop variables that contain ranges must be declared to be INT or SMALLINT. Example of error: DEFINE var CHAR(10); FOR var IN (e1, e2 TO e3, e4) -- error ... END FOR; Correction: Since the FOR statement contains a range operator (the TO clause), "var" must be declared as INT or SMALLINT. -667 Variable variable-name not declared. The specified variable was not declared. Check the spelling of the "undeclared" variable to make sure that is not causing the error. -668 System command cannot be executed. A system call failed in the operating system. The following example shows a statement that might cause an error. SYSTEM `hello'; -669 Variable variable-name redeclared. A variable has been declared twice in the same scope. See the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Tutorial, Chapter 14, for an explanation of the scope of procedural variables. -670 Variable variable-name declared as SERIAL type. SERIAL type is not a legal procedure type. Use the integer type to match the SQL SERIAL type. -671 Procedure call procedure-name has duplicate parameter name. A procedure call named a parameter more than once. Example of error: LET var = proc (arg1 = 10, arg2 = 20, arg1 = 30);-- error -672 Invalid data structure execution-tree. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -673 Procedure procedure-name already exists in database. An attempt was made to create a procedure that already exists in the database. If you want to create a new version of the procedure, drop the procedure using the DROP PROCEDURE statement before attempting to create the new version of the procedure. -674 Procedure procedure-name not found. A procedure was called that does not exist in the database. If you prepare an EXECUTE PROCEDURE statement and then the procedure is dropped by your application or another application before you execute the prepared statement, you receive this error. -675 Illegal SQL statement in stored procedure. A restricted statement was executed in a procedure. This occurs when a procedure is called from an SQL data manipulation statement. Example of error: CREATE PROCEDURE testproc (arg INT, id INT) RETURNING INT; UPDATE tab SET col = arg WHERE key = id; -- error RETURN id; END PROCEDURE; SELECT col FROM tab WHERE testproc(tab.col, tab.key) = 10; Correction: Do not use a restricted statement (like the preceding UPDATE). -676 Invalid check constraint column. A check constraint that is specified at the column level can only reference that column. To specify a check constraint that spans more than one column, specify the check constraint at the table level. You cannot create a check constraint for columns across tables. -677 Check constraint cannot contain subqueries or procedures. A check constraint cannot have subqueries or procedure calls. -678 Invalid subscript for column column-name in check constraint. A subscripted column in a check constraint has subscripts outside the bounds of the column. Check that the maximum length of the column is not exceeded by the bounds specified in the subscripted column. If you know the table name of the column, you can use the following subquery to query the system catalog tables to find out the maximum length of the column. SELECT collength FROM syscolumns WHERE colname = `column-name' AND tabid = (SELECT tabid FROM systables WHERE tabname = `table-name') -679 Cannot read constraint violation data for constraint constraint-name. This is an internal error. See the ISAM error for more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -680 Cannot write constraint violation data for constraint constraint-name. This is an internal error. See the ISAM error for more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -681 Column specified more than once in the INSERT list. The error occurs if the user specifies a column name more than once in the INSERT column list. -682 Error reading constraint index on table table-name. The system was unable to validate the constraint. This is an internal error. See the ISAM error for more information. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -683 Specified STEP expression will not traverse RANGE. The evaluated value of the STEP expression in the FOR statement will lead to an infinite loop. Example of error: FOR i = 10 TO 20 STEP -1; -- error ... END FOR Correction: Correct either the range or the step expressions so that the incremented values are within the range. -684 Procedure procedure-name returns too many values. The number of returned values from a procedure is more then the number of values the caller expects. Example of error: CREATE PROCEDURE testproc (arg INT) RETURNING INT, INT; RETURN 1,2; END PROCEDURE SELECT col FROM tab WHERE col = testproc(1); -- error -685 Procedure procedure-name returns too few values. The number of returned values from a procedure is less than the number of values the caller expects. Example of error: CREATE PROCEDURE testproc (arg INT) RETURNING INT, INT; RETURN 1,2; END PROCEDURE UPDATE tab SET (c1, c2, c3) = (testproc(1)); -- error -686 Procedure procedure-name has returned more than one row. A procedure returned more than one row of values (for example, it executed RETURN... WITH RESUME) when the caller expected only one row of values. Example of error: CREATE PROCEDURE testproc (limit INT) RETURNING INT; DEFINE i INT; FOR i IN (1 TO limit) RETURN i WITH RESUME; END FOR END PROCEDURE; CREATE PROCEDURE gettest() DEFINE var INT; LET var = testproc (10); -- error END PROCEDURE -687 Set debug file before tracing stored procedures. A TRACE statement (except TRACE OFF) was executed before a SET DEBUG FILE statement. It is unknown where the output of the TRACE statement would go. Example of error: TRACE procedure; -- error Correction: SET DEBUG FILE TO `trace.out'; TRACE procedure; -688 Variable variable-name must be declared CHAR or VARCHAR. You declared the variable as some type other than CHAR or VARCHAR. Correct the declaration and try again. -689 Global variable variable-name declared inconsistently. Two or more procedures were executed that defined the same global variable with different types. Example of error: CREATE PROCEDURE test1() DEFINE GLOBAL glob INT DEFAULT 10; ... END PROCEDURE CREATE PROCEDURE test2() DEFINE GLOBAL glob CHAR (9) DEFAULT USER; ... END PROCEDURE Correction: Declare global variables consistently. (Using appropriate naming conventions would be useful.) Two variables of the same type but of different lengths are considered inconsistent. -690 Cannot read keys from referencing table table-name. The referential constraint could not be validated. See the ISAM error for more information. -691 Missing key in referenced table for referential constraint constraint-name. A referential constraint has been violated. This usually occurs when you are trying to insert a value into, or update the value of, a column that is part of a referential constraint. The value you are trying to enter does not exist in the referenced (parent key) column(s). -692 Key value for constraint constraint-name is still being referenced. You have violated a referential constraint. This usually occurs when you are trying to delete a row in a column (parent key) that is being referenced by another row (child key). -693 System command expects a non-null value. A null value was passed to the SYSTEM statement. Example of error: DEFINE c CHAR(100); LET c = NULL; ... SYSTEM c; -- error -694 Too many arguments passed to procedure procedure-name. More arguments were passed to a procedure than a procedure was declared to accept. -695 Argument is not a parameter of procedure procedure-name. A named parameter was passed to a procedure and the named parameter does not exist. Example of error: CREATE PROCEDURE testproc (arg1 INT, arg2 INT) RETURNING INT; ... RETURN 1; END PROCEDURE SELECT col FROM tab WHERE testproc (arg1 = 10, arg5 = 20); -- error -696 Variable variable-name has undefined value. A variable was used that was never assigned a value. Example of error: DEFINE i, j INT; LET i = j + 1; -- error Correction: Assign all variables and parameters a legal value before using them. -697 STEP expression evaluated to ZERO. The STEP expression of a FOR statement evaluated to zero. Example of error: LET e = -1; FOR i = 10 TO 20 STEP e+1; -- error ... END FOR Correction: Change the STEP expression so that it evaluates to a non-zero value. -698 Inconsistent transaction. Number and names of servers rolled back - servers. This message is returned if an IBM INFORMIX-STAR two-phase commit or a distributed transaction is implemented with a mixed result. That is, some OnLine database servers participating in the transaction rolled back their parts of the global transaction while other database servers committed their parts of the global transaction. The number of database servers that rolled back work is always accurate but the list of server names (specified by DBSERVERNAME values) can be incomplete. If a large number of servers rolled back work, the list may be truncated to save space. Refer to the coordinator OnLine message log for a complete list of server names. If this error message is returned, you must determine whether your networked database system is in an inconsistent state. This procedure is described in detail in the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Administrator's Guide (or, for Version 6.0, in the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server Administrator's Guide). -699 Transaction heuristically rolled back. This message is returned if an IBM INFORMIX-STAR two-phase commit transaction is heuristically rolled back by all participating OnLine database servers. Since all database servers rolled back the transaction, the networked database system remains consistent. -700 Statement is invalid within a global transaction. This error is generated when a user attempts to execute a BEGIN WORK, COMMIT WORK, or ROLLBACK WORK statement within a global transaction. -701 Statement is invalid within the XA environment. This error is generated when you attempt to execute any of the following statements within an X/Open distributed transaction processing environment: CLOSE DATABASE CREATE DATABASE DROP DATABASE SET LOG Within this environment, you may specify a current database by executing a single DATABASE statement after an xa_open call. However, after this database is selected, no other DATABASE statement can be executed. Error -701 is generated when you attempt to execute a second DATABASE statement. -702 Cannot open database in exclusive mode. Within an X/Open distributed transaction processing environment, you cannot open a database in exclusive mode. -703 Primary key on table table-name has a field with a null key value. You cannot insert a null value into a column that is part of a primary key. -704 Primary key already exists on the table. A table can have only one primary key. -705 Cannot drop/modify procedure procedure-name. It is currently in use. An attempt was made to either drop a currently executing procedure or run UPDATE STATISTICS on a currently running procedure. This can occur if a procedure tries to drop itself or if a nested procedure tries to drop a procedure that called it. Example of error: CREATE PROCEDURE testproc() ... DROP PROCEDURE testproc; -- error END PROCEDURE Correction: You can use an ON EXCEPTION statement to trap for this error and not carry out the DROP PROCEDURE or UPDATE STATISTICS. -706 Execute privilege denied on procedure procedure-name. A user must have Execute privilege to run a procedure if he or she does not own the procedure or is not DBA. -707 Blob columns in optical cluster must be distinct. The same column is specified more than once in the column list of the FOR clause in the CREATE OPTICAL CLUSTER statement. Change your statement so that no column appears more than once. -708 Optical cluster cluster-name already exists. You have attempted to create a new optical cluster with the name of an existing cluster. You must either drop the existing cluster, or re-execute your statement using a different cluster name. -709 Blob column column-name is already clustered. You have already created an optical cluster using the named blob column. Since a single blob column can only be part of one optical cluster, your attempt to create a new cluster on this column has failed. -710 Table table-name has been dropped, altered, or renamed. After a statement has been prepared in the database server and before the user executes it, the table has been renamed or altered, possibly changing the structure of the table. Problems may occur as a result. -711 Cannot insert encoded BLOB descriptor. An attempt to insert an encoded blob descriptor by means of the DESCR() function has failed. See the ISAM error for more information. -712 Cannot insert encoded BLOB descriptor in non-optical BLOB columns. You have attempted to use the DESCR() function to insert an encoded blob descriptor into a TEXT or BYTE column stored in a dbspace or blobspace. You can only use this function to insert descriptors into blob columns stored on optical media. -713 Cannot decode encoded BLOB descriptor. The decoding of a blob descriptor prior to its insertion into a data row has failed. See the error from the optical subsystem (an error in the 7000-7199 range) for more information. -714 Cannot encode BLOB descriptor. The encoding of a blob descriptor for storage on optical media has failed. See the error from the optical subsystem (an error in the 7000-7199 range) for more information. -715 Transaction state error. Error retrieving transaction state. See the ISAM error for more information. -716 Possible inconsistent transaction. Unknown servers are server-name-list. This message appears after an administrator kills a coordinator OnLine database server process, thread, or session using tbmode -z or onmode -z any time after the coordinator issues its decision to either commit or roll back a two-phase commit transaction. You must examine the OnLine message log or the OnLine logical log at each of the unknown database servers to determine whether the local transaction was committed or rolled back. If some participating OnLine database servers rolled back the transaction and others committed it, you must determine whether your networked database system is in an inconsistent state. This procedure is described in detail in the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Administrator's Guide (or, for Version 6.0, in the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server Administrator's Guide). -717 Invalid argument passed to system function function-name. An invalid data type has been passed to one of the arithmetic functions (i.e., HEX(), TRUNC(), ROUND()). -718 Statement is invalid while a global transaction is suspended. If an OnLine database server acting as a Resource Manager in an X/Open distributed transaction processing environment has suspended a transaction, its next statement must be xa_start. All other statements are disallowed. -719 Loop variable variable-name cannot be declared GLOBAL. A global variable cannot be used as a loop variable. Redefine the variable in question so that it is local to the loop, or use another (local) variable as the loop variable. -720 Number of columns in FOREACH SELECT does not match number of variables. There is a mismatch in the number of columns the SELECT returns and the number of variables specified in the INTO list. Correct the number of variables in the INTO list. -721 Stored procedure procedure-name is no longer valid. You are attempting to execute a procedure from an EXECUTE statement that has been redefined since the PREPARE statement was run. You must use the PREPARE statement again on the EXECUTE PROCEDURE statement. For example, the following sequence of code would cause this error: $prepare pr_stat from `execute procedure testproc()'; ... /* drop procedure testproc create procedure testproc() ...... [same application or different] */ ... $execute pr_stat; /* triggers error -721 */ -722 Out of stack space. The server has run out of memory for stack space. Ask the IBM Informix database administrator to increase the STACKSIZE parameter specified in the $ONCONFIG (or $TBCONFIG) file to allocate more memory. OnLine must be re-started for the change to take effect. -723 Cannot disable logging in an ANSI-compliant database. You attempted to use the START DATABASE WITH NO LOG syntax to remove database logging on an SE database that is ANSI-compliant. You cannot turn off logging by running this statement on this kind of database. -724 System initialization file $INFORMIXDIR/cnv50t60.sql is missing. Make sure that $INFORMIXDIR/cnv50t60.sql is in place and readable. If it is, and the system still fails, reinstall the system. -725 Error occurred while reading system initialization file $INFORMIXDIR/cnv50t60.sql. Make sure the script file $INFORMIXDIR/cnv50t60.sql is readable. If it is, and the failure still occurs, reinstall the product. -726 First argument to dbinfo() must be a quoted string constant. Make sure that the first argument to dbinfo() is a quoted string corresponding to one of the following values: `dbspace,' sqlca.sqlerrd1,' or `sqlca.sqlerrd2.' -727 Invalid or NULL tblspace number given to dbinfo(dbspace). You have called the dbinfo() function with the `dbspace' string constant as the first parameter. You must provide either the number of a valid tablespace or an expression that evaluates to such a number as the second parameter. Check that you have supplied a number as your second parameter, and that it corresponds to the number of a valid tablespace. -728 Unknown first argument of dbinfo argument-name. The valid arguments to the dbinfo() function are the quoted string `dbspace' followed by the number of a valid tablespace, or one of the following two values: `sqlca,sqlerrd1' or `sqlca.sqlerrd2.' Make sure that you have supplied one of these values, and have enclosed the string in quotes. -729 Trigger has no triggered action. Your CREATE TRIGGER statement does not include a triggered action. Add a triggered action list to the trigger definition and then resubmit the CREATE TRIGGER statement. -730 Cannot specify REFERENCING if trigger does not have FOR EACH ROW. You included a REFERENCING clause in a CREATE TRIGGER statement that does not include a FOR EACH ROW triggered action section. Either remove the REFERENCING clause or, if it is appropriate, add the missing keywords FOR EACH ROW, followed by the triggered actions that are to occur at that time. -731 Invalid use of column reference in trigger body. For insert and delete triggers, this means the offending column is being used in the INTO clause of the EXECUTE PROCEDURE statement (which is only allowed for an update trigger). Remove the column names from the INTO clause. -732 Incorrect use of old or new values correlation name inside trigger. You cannot use the new or old correlation name outside the FOR EACH ROW section, or in the INTO clause of the EXECUTE PROCEDURE statement. It is also not valid to use the new or old correlation name to qualify the SELECT COUNT DISTINCT column. For example, the following statement returns error -732: SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT oldname.colname) You cannot specify an old correlation name for an insert trigger. You cannot specify a new correlation name for a delete trigger. -733 Cannot reference procedure variable in CREATE TRIGGER or CREATE VIEW statement. You have a CREATE TRIGGER or CREATE VIEW statement inside a stored procedure, and within the CREATE TRIGGER or CREATE VIEW statement you reference a variable that is defined in the stored procedure. This is not legal. Remove the reference to the stored procedure variable from the CREATE TRIGGER or CREATE VIEW statement, and try again. -734 Object name matches old or new values correlation name. This error is returned in three cases: The name of the triggering table, or the synonym, if it is used, matches the old or new correlation name in the REFERENCING clause. The name of a table or a synonym referenced in the action clause matches either the old or new correlation name in the REFERENCING clause. The old correlation name matches the new correlation name. As appropriate, change either the correlation name or the table name and then execute the CREATE TRIGGER statement again. -735 Cannot reference table that participates in cascaded delete. If a child table is referenced in a correlated subquery that is part of a DELETE statement, the child table can not be one of the tables on which a delete would cascade. This is disallowed because the result depends on the order in which the rows are processed. Rewrite your query so that the child table is not referenced in a correlated subquery. -736 Resolution is not meaningful for LOW mode. Since data distributions are only constructed in MEDIUM or HIGH modes, specifying the resolution is not meaningful. Remove the RESOLUTION clause or change the mode from LOW to either MEDIUM or HIGH. -737 Confidence is not meaningful for HIGH mode. Remove the confidence value from the statement, that is, if the offending statement were: UPDATE STATISTICS HIGH RESOLUTION 0.1 0.99; change it to: UPDATE STATISTICS HIGH RESOLUTION 0.1; If you want a distribution based upon sampling rather than one that uses all of the data in a column, you should replace HIGH with MEDIUM. -738 DROP DISTRIBUTIONS is only valid in LOW mode. By default, LOW mode does not remove distributions, hence the need for the DROP DISTRIBUTIONS clause. If you want to remove HIGH or MEDIUM distributions, then use the DROP DISTRIBUTIONS clause. -739 Confidence must be in the range [0.80, 0.99] (inclusive). If the value of the confidence desired is greater than 0.99, use HIGH mode. A value of less than 0.80 is not allowed because it will probably yield a poor distribution. If you are reducing the confidence to reduce the time required to execute the update statistics command, you should consider using a larger resolution value. -740 Resolution must be greater than 0.005 and less than, or equal to, 10.0. The value of this parameter determines how finely the data distribution is resolved. A resolution of 10.0 implies that the accuracy of any estimate for the application of any single selection filter is limited to (+, or -) 5 percent. A value greater than 10.0 would be of little value because it would not provide sufficient detail about the distribution of the data. -741 Trigger for the same event already exists. You are creating a trigger for an event, and another trigger already exists for that event. You can only have one insert or delete trigger on a table. If you are defining multiple triggers that occur on an update, the column lists in the UPDATE statements must be mutually exclusive-that is, you cannot name a column as a triggering column in more than one UPDATE clause. -743 Object object_name already exists in database. You are trying to define an object that already exists in the database. -744 Illegal SQL statement in trigger. This error is returned when the triggered SQL statement is BEGIN WORK, COMMIT WORK, ROLLBACK WORK, or SET CONSTRAINTS. These statements are not allowed as triggered actions. Remove the offending statement. -745 Trigger execution has failed. This message is defined for general use to apply to error conditions that you specify in a stored procedure that is a triggered action. -746 message-string This is a message for which you supply message-string. You can apply this message to error conditions that you specify in a stored procedure that is a triggered action. The corrective action for this error depends on the condition that caused it. Both the condition and the message text are defined by you, the user. -747 Table or column matches object referenced in triggering statement. This error is returned when a triggered SQL statement acts on the triggering table, or when both statements are updates and the column being updated in the triggered action is the same as the column being updated by the triggering statement. -748 Exceeded limit on maximum number of cascaded triggers. You exceeded the maximum number of cascading triggers, which is 61. You may be setting off triggers without realizing it. You can query the systriggers system catalog table to find out what triggers exist in the database. You might consider tracing the triggered actions by placing the action clause of the initial trigger in a stored procedure and using the SPL TRACE statement. -749 Remote cursor operation disallowed with pre-5.01 server. The triggering statement or cursor operation has been sent by an external pre-Version 5.01 database server. This is not allowed. -750 Invalid distribution format found for table_name This is an internal error and should not occur unless the database has been corrupted in some way. Rebuild the distribution using UPDATE STATISTICS. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -751 Remote procedure execution disallowed with pre-5.01 server. The action clause of the trigger contains a stored procedure that is not called in a data manipulation statement, and the procedure will be executed by an external pre-5.01 database server. This is not allowed. A stored procedure that is called within a data manipulation statement is restricted from executing certain SQL statements, including transaction-related statements. Transaction-related statements are not allowed within a stored procedure that is a triggered action. A pre-5.01 database server is not equipped to check for this, so the procedure is disallowed. If possible, execute the procedure on a 5.01 database server. -752 All Smart Disk devices are busy. Wait awhile and retry your Smart Disk operation. -753 Access denied - Single user limit has been exceeded. Licensing enforcement is configured for only one user; multiple users cannot use the product at the same time. If you are using the product from a remote machine, the product is licensed only for a non-networked environment; if you are using the product from a local machine, wait until the current user exits and try again. -754 Cannot access the license file. The system cannot find the user license file. The user license file might not have been installed or it might have been installed improperly. Also, you might not have the correct file or directory permissions to access the user license file. Consult your installation documentation. -755 Cannot access the license file to release license. You may not have appropriate permission for your particular action. Check with your system administrator. -756 Evaluation version has expired. The evaluation version of this product will work only for a specified period of time. This allows you to evaluate the product, but not use it permanently. When the evaluation version expires, call IBM Informix to order a standard version of the product. -758 Cannot implicitly reconnect to the new server server_name. If you connect to a server using the CONNECT TO statement, you cannot implicitly reconnect to another server through one of the DATABASE statements - that is, DATABASE, START DATABASE, and so on. You must switch to it with the SET CONNECTION statement. -759 Cannot use database commands in an explicit database connection. If you connect to a database and server using the CONNECT TO database@server syntax, then you cannot select another database until you close your current connection. -761 INFORMIXSERVER does not match either DBSERVERNAME or DBSERVERALIASES. Your INFORMIXSERVER environment variable does not match the DBSERVERNAME or any of the DBSERVERALIASES settings in the $ONCONFIG configuration file of the server that you are trying to connect to. Check your environment variables and the $ONCONFIG configuration file. Make sure INFORMIXSERVER matches one of the settings in the $ONCONFIG file. -762 Stack overflow occurred during statement parse. You will see this error if an internal memory limitation in the SQL parser has been reached. This can occur if your query contains many nested expressions. For example, the query contains many ANDs and/or ORs in the WHERE clause. To work around this, you must rewrite the query to eliminate some of the nested expressions. -763 Error in auditing environment initialization. This is an all-purpose message that indicates a problem when a user tries to connect to a secure database server. Contact your security administrator or DBA for how to proceed. -764 Only DBA can run update statistics on a database in this mode. You have tried to run the UPDATE STATISTICS statement with the DROP DISTRIBUTIONS clause on the entire database in a mode other than LOW. Only user informix or the database administrator can do this. -765 Cannot EXECUTE a statement that has been DECLAREd. You cannot execute a prepared statement that has been declared. You can, however, specify output variables for a prepared singleton SELECT statement by using EXECUTE INTO (or EXECUTE PROCEDURE INTO) instead of executing DECLARE, OPEN, and FETCH statements. -766 String must be null terminated. With IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C, if you use a host variable in an INSERT statement or in the WHERE clause of an SQL statement, and the database is ANSI-compliant, the string must be null-terminated. -768 Internal error in routine routine-name. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -791 Cannot open the IBM Informix password file. Check the INFORMIXDIR environment variable to make sure it is set to the correct value. Also, check the IBM Informix password file INFORMIXDIR\ETC\PASSWD. If the IBM Informix password file is corrupted or deleted, reinstall the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server. -795 Error in finding interrupt. The IBM INFORMIX-NET for Windows TSR probably is not loaded. If you intend to communicate with an IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare database server across a network, you must run the INETIPX.EXE TSR in the DOS environment. Make sure you have enough memory to load this TSR. -801 SQL Edit buffer is full. The text editor cannot expand the buffer in which it stores your SQL statements because there is no more data space memory available. If you have multiple statements in the buffer, execute them one at a time. -802 Cannot open file for run. The SQL command file you specified cannot be opened for reading. Review the file name specified. If it is spelled as you intended, make sure that it exists in the current directory or in a directory named in the DBPATH environment variable and that your account has read permission for it. -803 The file is too large for internal editing. The SQL command file you selected with the Choose option is too large to be held in the edit buffer. The size of the edit buffer is dynamic, and the program was unable to allocate enough memory to hold the contents of the command file. (In DOS, this error also appears if the command file exceeds 64 kilobytes.) Make sure you specified the file you intended, and that it is really an SQL command file. If it is the file you intended, you will have to break it into smaller parts and use them separately. -804 Comment has no end. This statement includes a comment enclosed in braces { } except that the closing brace is missing. Review the punctuation of the statement and make sure that all braces appear in matching pairs. -805 Cannot open file for load. The input file specified in this LOAD command could not be opened. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. Possible causes include: a more complete pathname is needed; the file does not exist; your account does not have read permission for the file or a directory it is in. -806 Cannot open file for unload. The output file specified in this UNLOAD command could not be opened. Check the accompanying ISAM error code for more information. Possible causes include: a more complete pathname is needed; the file exists and your account does not have write permission for it; or the disk is full. -807 Cannot open file for output. The program cannot create the file you specified with the Save option. The file should be saved in the current directory. Possibly your account does not have write permission in that directory. Possibly there exists a read-only file of the same name (you can eliminate this possibility by trying to save the file under a different name). Possibly the disk is full. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -808 Cannot open file for choose. The SQL command file you specified for the Choose menu option cannot be opened for input. Make sure that the file is in the current directory and readable to your account. -809 SQL Syntax error has occurred. The INSERT statement in this LOAD statement has invalid syntax. Review it for punctuation and use of keywords. -810 Cannot open file for save. The SQL command file could not be saved. Check that your account has operating system permission to write in the current directory and that the disk is not full. -811 Cannot open printer for output. The application is trying to open the device specified in the DBPRINT environment variable and is failing. Check the setting of that variable and rerun the program. -812 Cannot open pipe for output. Under the Output option you selected To-pipe and specified a program or command to receive the output. However, IBM INFORMIX-SQL was unable to open the pipe to that program or command. Review the program or command you typed, making sure that it is syntactically valid as a UNIX or DOS command and that it names only programs that can be found in your current execution path. Look also for operating system error messages, since it is possible you may have exceeded some kind of system quota on memory or processes. -813 Cannot write to pipe for output (no reading process). Under the Output option you sent output to a command or program through a pipe. Although the pipe was established (indicating that the command had correct syntax and named existing programs), it has since closed unexpectedly. This indicates that the (first) program in the pipe terminated before it had received all the output. Possibly it quit due to an error, or possibly you or another user terminated it with a kill command. Look for messages from the pipe program that may explain why it quit. -816 Cannot write file (check file permissions). The file specified in the prior command cannot be written. The most likely cause is that your account does not have operating system permission to write to it. Check the permissions and run the program again. -817 Cannot read file (check file permissions). The file specified in the prior command cannot be read. The most likely cause is that your account does not have operating system permission to read it. Check the permissions and run the program again. -818 Specified user menu not found. The user menu requested cannot be found. Check the spelling of the menu name. If it is as you intended, check the contents of the sysmenus table in the current database; the menu may not be defined in this database. -819 There are no menu items in the menu. The menu you have selected has no items in it. You can choose a different menu or modify the current one. If you think it should have items, check the contents of the sysmenuitems table in the current database. -820 No more data to display. The display of selected rows is finished. This is not a scrolling display; the rows cannot be shown again. You can restart the query from the beginning or enter a new query. -821 Cannot open file for default report. You have requested creation of a default report specification. This file is saved in the current directory, but some problem prevented it. Possibly the disk is full or possibly your account does not have operating system permission to write there. -822 Statements are already saved. The current SQL statement has already been saved under the name shown at the top of the screen. (This message appears to no longer occur.) -823 There are no statements to run. You have selected the Run option but no SQL statement has been entered. Either enter one or use Choose to load one. -824 Missing values clause on insert statement. This message is probably not returned by any current IBM Informix product. If it does appear, refer to the discussion of error -836. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -825 Program not found. A supporting executable file could not be located. It should have existed in the directory named by the INFORMIXDIR environment variable. Consult the person who installed the IBM Informix software. -826 Fork system call failed. This is an internal error, showing an inability to start a subordinate process, possibly stemming from an attempt to enter vi from DB-Access when using the Use-editor option. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. Retry the operation. If the error recurs, contact your system administrator. In DOS systems, you probably are out of memory; exit to the operating system command line and resubmit your program. -827 Database not found. See the discussion of error -329. -828 Command file not found. The SQL command file you specified is not to be found in the current directory or in the directory listed in the DBPATH environment variable. Check the spelling of the name and the setting of DBPATH. -829 Form not found. The compiled form specification you specified is not to be found in the current directory or in the directory listed in the DBPATH environment variable. Check the spelling of the name and the setting of DBPATH. -830 Report not found. The compiled report specification you specified is not to be found in the current directory or in the directory listed in the DBPATH environment variable. Check the spelling of the name and the setting of DBPATH. -831 Error(s) found in Report specifications. One or more errors was found during compilation of the report specification. Edit the report- specification file and compile it again. Follow the prompts to see the error messages. They can be looked up in this book. -832 Error(s) found in Form specifications. One or more errors was found during compilation of the report specification. Edit the report specification file and compile it again. Follow the prompts to see the error messages. They can be looked up in this book. -833 Saceprep could not compile Report. The report compiler, saceprep, encountered an error while compiling a report specification. Look for other error messages, from saceprep and the operating system, that may give more information. -834 Sformbld could not compile Form. The report compiler, sformbld, encountered an error while compiling a report specification. Look for other error messages, from sformbld and the operating system, that may give more information. -835 Current clause is invalid in interactive mode. The clause WHERE CURRENT OF is only meaningful in a program that uses a cursor to read rows. In this interactive context you must specify a condition other than CURRENT in your WHERE clause. -836 Insert statement has no values clause. The INSERT statement entered as part of this LOAD command requires a VALUES clause. Revise the statement to include one. -837 There is not enough memory available. IBM INFORMIX-SQL needed to allocate memory for one of a number of small work areas and was not able to do so. Stop the program and restart it. If this does not eliminate the problem, see your system administrator about getting more memory. On DOS systems, you will need to free up some disk space. This error message is not produced by any database server after Version 4.1. For a related error, see error message -208. -838 A line in the load file is too long. Each line of the input file to LOAD must be read into storage in full to be processed. IBM INFORMIX-SQL resizes its memory buffer as required to hold the current line, but in this case it was not able to allocate a large enough buffer. This error is most likely when the load file contains TEXT or BYTE data values or very large CHAR values. All of the values for one row must be contained in one line of the file. If you cannot rerun the program with more memory available, you will have to modify the input file to have fewer or shorter values in each row. Alternatively you can try loading the file using the dbload utility. -839 Table not found. You have specified the name of a table that does not exist in the current database. Review the spelling of the table name and make sure you are using the correct database. Refer to the discussion of error -310 for a way to display all table names. -840 Name is too long. Names of databases, and names of reports, forms, and other files must be 10 characters or less. Select a new, shorter name and repeat this operation. In DOS systems, file names can be a maximum of 8 characters plus a 3-character extension. -841 Name must start with a letter or "_" and contain letters, digits, or "_". Names of databases, and names of reports, forms, and other files must conform to the rule shown. Repeat this operation giving a conforming name. Beginning with Version 6.0, the name of the following identifiers can begin with an underscore: column, connection, constraint, database, index, procedure, synonym, table, trigger, view, as well as server and cursor names. -842 Cannot read temp file. IBM INFORMIX-SQL created a temporary file; now it is trying to read the temporary file back. However, it received an unexpected operating system return code. Possibly you or another user removed the file, or possibly there has been a hardware error. -843 Cannot write temp file. IBM INFORMIX-SQL is trying to write the current SQL source into a temporary file for editing and has received an unexpected operating system return code. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. Possibly your account, on UNIX systems, does not have write access to /tmp or the directory named in the DBTEMP environment variable, or the disk may be full. Since Version 5.01, the DBTEMP environment variable is used by the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server but not by the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. -844 Statement is too long (maximum count characters). IBM INFORMIX-SQL was unable to allocate a memory buffer large enough to hold this statement. You will have to find a way to shorten the statement or run it in two or more parts. -845 There are no user-menus in the database. This database does not contain the sysmenus table, or it is empty, or possibly the top-level menu is not named main. Make sure you are using the database you intended. Consult with the person who defined the user menus for this database. -846 Number of values in load file is not equal to number of columns. The LOAD processor determines the number of values in the load file by counting the delimiters in the first line of the file. There must be one delimiter for each column in the table, or each column in the list of columns if one is specified. Make sure that you specified the file that you intended, and that it uses the correct delimiter character. If you are in doubt about this point, specify the delimiter in the LOAD command. Note: A blank line in a load file can cause this error. Make sure your load file does not contain an empty, final line. -847 Error in load file line number. There is a problem with the data on the indicated line of the load data file. The operation stopped after inserting lines up to but not including the line noted (number-1 rows have been inserted). If this operation is inside a transaction, roll back the transaction. If not, you will have to either delete the inserted rows from the table or remove the used lines from the file before repeating the operation. To correct the file, look for additional error messages that may help isolate the problem. Possibly there are not enough, or too many, fields (delimiters) on the indicated line. Possibly there is a data conversion problem, for example non-numeric characters in a numeric field, an improperly-formatted DATETIME value, or a character string that is too long. Possibly there is a null (zero-length) field in a column where nulls are not allowed. Edit the load file to correct the problem; look for similar problems in following lines; then repeat the operation. -848 Form4gl could not compile Form. You asked for a form specification to be compiled, but the form compiler reported one or more errors. Correct the errors in the form specification and repeat the operation. The error messages can be found in the formname.err file. -849 Warning(s) found in Form specifications. You asked for a form specification to be compiled and it was done, but the form compiler reported one or more warnings. It is not essential to correct a warning before trying the form, but it is recommended. The error messages can be found in the formname.err file. -850 User does not have permission to modify this menu. Only the user who created the sysmenus table in this database can modify the menu structure. That is the person who first selected the Modify option of the User-Menu display while this database was current. You can find out who that person is by querying systables as follows. SELECT owner FROM systables WHERE tabname LIKE `sysmenu*' If this is not appropriate, ask that person to drop the sysmenus and sysmenuitems tables, and then have the person who should maintain the menus re-create them. -851 Cannot drop file (check file permissions). You requested that a file be dropped, but it could not be dropped, probably because your account does not have write permissions on it or on the directory in which it is stored. Use operating system commands to check the file permissions. -852 Write failed. count rows unloaded (check ulimit or disk space). After writing count lines of output to the unload file, an error occurred trying to write the next line. Look for operating system messages that might give more information. Possible causes include a full disk or a disk quota limit. -853 Current transaction has been rolled back due to error or missing COMMIT WORK. While executing SQL statements from a command file, IBM INFORMIX-SQL received an error return code, or else reached the end of the file and found no COMMIT WORK statement. Since a transaction was in progress (either the file contained BEGIN WORK or the database is ANSI-compliant), IBM INFORMIX-SQL rolled the transaction back. (It cannot leave the transaction open and it cannot assume success even when no error was returned.) -854 Back end not found. Or back end is busy. In DOS, the application cannot establish a connection to the local IBM INFORMIX-SE engine or to the IBM INFORMIX-NET PC communications module. The SE engine (for accessing a local database) or the IBM INFORMIX-NET PC communications module (for accessing a remote database) must be loaded before trying to connect to it by means of, for example, a DATABASE statement. To load the SE engine, run PSTARTSQ. To load the IBM INFORMIX-NET PC communications module, run REMSQL. If the SE engine or the IBM INFORMIX-NET PC communications module has previously been loaded and you get this error message, either another application currently has a connection to the SE engine or the IBM INFORMIX-NET PC communications module (they can have only one connection at a time) or the current application has encountered an internal error and lost the connection. If another application has a connection to the SE engine or to the IBM INFORMIX-NET PC communications module, you must first release that connection before you can connect the current application. If the other application is a 4GL or an ESQL/C program, that application releases its connection by executing a CLOSE DATABASE, by calling the SQLEXIT( ) function, or by exiting. In extreme situations where an internal error has occurred, you must exit the application and kill the SE engine or the IBM INFORMIX-NET PC communications module from the DOS command line. To kill the SE engine, run PSTARTSQ with the -T option. After killing the SE engine, you should reload it by running PSTARTSQ with no options.To kill the IBM INFORMIX-NET PC communications module, run SETNET with the -T option. After killing the IBM INFORMIX-NET PC communications module, you should reload it by running REMSQL. This error message also might appear when a client Windows application uses the wrong .DLL file to connect to a database server across a network. Client Windows applications that work with IBM INFORMIX-NET PC Version 4.1 (such as 4.1 ESQL/C, Powerbuilder, and ODBC) can also work with IBM INFORMIX-NET for Windows Version 5.01. Check to see whether IBM INFORMIX-NET PC Version 4.1 and IBM INFORMIX-NET for Windows Version 5.01 reside on the same client computer concurrently. If this is the case, make sure that the 5.01 version of the LDLLSQLW.DLL file appears in your PATH environment variable setting before the 4.1 version of the LDLLSQLW.DLL file. In addition, the 4.1 version of the LDLLSQLW.DLL file must not reside in the current directory, the MS-Windows directory, the MS-Windows \SYSTEM directory, or the directory that contains the executable file of the application you are running. -990 Recovered from dup value in UNIQUE INDEX column to complete rollback. SE does not support key level locking. This caused a duplicate symbol error to be encountered during rollback of delete operation(s). This could have caused the delete operation(s) to not have been rolled back unless the insert of the record(s) also was within the scope of the rollback. -903 Licensed IBM INFORMIX-SQL server not accessible. This statement refers to another host computer system, and that system is active and accessible. However, the sqlexecd network daemon has not been started on it, so no database services can be gotten from it. Contact the DBA of the other system. Make sure the IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET software is correctly installed. -904 Authorization file not on licensed IBM INFORMIX-SQL server. This message indicates that the installation of the IBM Informix networking software was not completed correctly. Review the installation steps on the workstation and on the network server(s) to make sure that it was completed without error. -905 Cannot locate sqlexec service/tcp service in /etc/services. The IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET software has not been properly installed on this system. In particular, entries in the system configuration file /etc/services (UNIX) or \etc\services (DOS) have not been made. Contact the person who installs your IBM Informix software. -906 Cannot locate remote system (check DBPATH). IBM INFORMIX-NET is searching for the database requested in the current statement. It is using the entries in the DBPATH environment variable and is trying one which, by use of //sitename, specifies a directory on another computer system. That system cannot be accessed. Review the setting of the DBPATH environment variable. Make sure that any other systems it specifies have got IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET installed and active. (This message appears in versions prior to Version 6.0.) -906 Cannot locate database server (check DBPATH). A server name specified in your DBPATH environment variable is invalid. Make sure that each server name listed in your DBPATH setting is valid and is no longer than 18 characters. (This message appears starting with Version 6.0.) -907 Cannot create socket on current database server. IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET is trying to access another computer system and is unable to create a connection. Contact your system administrator and ask for a check that TCP/IP is correctly installed and functioning. -908 Attempt to connect to database server (servername, conerr=connection- error- number, oserr=system-error-number) failed. The program or application is trying to access another database server and has failed. Note the server name in the current statement. Note also the connection error number and/or system error number shown in the message. The desired database server is unavailable, or the network is down or is congested. Ask your DBA and system administrator to verify that the server and network are operational. If the network is congested, use the environment variables INFORMIXCONTIME and INFORMIXCONRETRY to tune connection timing. See Chapter 4 in the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference for information on setting these environment variables. This message appears starting with Version 6.0. -908 Attempt to connect to remote system failed. IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET is trying to access another computer system and has failed. Note the sitename in the current statement. Start your daemon with a log file and check for operating system errors in the log file. If this is inconclusive, contact your system administrator and ask for a check that the network is operational and that the particular site is active. This message appears in database servers prior to Version 6.0. -909 Invalid database name format. This statement seems to refer to a database from another database server, but the database name, the site name or server name, or the punctuation is incorrect. Review the statement and make sure that all identifiers start with a letter (or underscore, starting with Version 6.0) and contain only letters, digits, and underscores, and that the reference is in the form dbname@sitename or //sitename/dbname (before Version 6.0), or dbname@servername or //servername/dbname (starting with Version 6.0). If you are using IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare, check that you provided the remote database name in one of the forms explained in the product manual. -910 Cannot create an IBM INFORMIX-OnLine database from an IBM INFORMIX-SE client. This CREATE DATABASE statement cannot be carried out because the database server in your workstation and the one in the other computer system are different products: one is OnLine and the other is IBM INFORMIX-SE. While you can manipulate databases in this configuration, you cannot create one. To create a database, either start the same product in both locations, or run this command locally in the other computer system. The SQLEXEC environment variable (for database servers before Version 6.0) determines which database server your application uses. -911 System error - Cannot read from pipe. This is an internal error that reflects a failure in communication between your application and the IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET software. Look for operating system error messages that might give more information. Restart the application. If the problem recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -912 Network error - Could not write to database system. There is a failure in the network. Look for operating system error messages that might give more information. Restart the application. If the problem recurs, contact your system administrator and ask for network diagnostics to be run. -913 Network error - Could not read from database system. There is a failure in the network. Look for operating system error messages that might give more information. Restart the application. If the problem recurs, contact your system administrator and ask for network diagnostics to be run. -914 System error - Cannot write to pipe. This is an internal error that reflects a failure in communication between your application and the IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET software. Look for operating system error messages that might give more information. Restart the application. If the problem recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -915 Cannot create an IBM INFORMIX-SE database from an IBM INFORMIX-OnLine client. This CREATE DATABASE statement cannot be carried out because the database server in your workstation and the one in the other computer system are different products: one is OnLine and the other is IBM INFORMIX-SE. While you can manipulate databases in this configuration, you cannot create one. To create a database, either start the same product in both locations, or run this command locally in the other computer system. The SQLEXEC environment variable determines which database server your application uses (for database servers prior to Version 6.0). -916 NFS mount table error. The database server you tried to access, or a path specified in your DBPATH environment variable, is located on an NFS-mounted file system. However, the database server or client application encountered an error accessing the NFS-mounted table file /etc/mtab (or, on some operating systems, /etc/mnttab). This probably occurred because your account does not have read permission for the file. Contact your system administrator and have the file made readable to public. This message appears beginning with Version 6.0. -916 Cannot open /etc/mtab. The database server needs to verify the location of a file system, which it does by checking the system configuration file /etc/mtab. However, it got an error when trying to read that file, probably because your account does not have read permission for it. Contact your system administrator and have the file made readable to public. This message appears in versions prior to Version 6.0. -917 Must close current database before using a new database. This statement (DATABASE or CREATE DATABASE) requires opening a different database. However, the current database is located on another computer system, and for that reason you must explicitly close it with the CLOSE DATABASE command. (When you work with databases located in the same computer as your application program, the database server will close the current database for you automatically in this case.) If this error is received by a program, review the program logic and make sure it executes a CLOSE DATABASE statement before a [CREATE] DATABASE statement. This will work in all situations, networked or local. -918 Unexpected data received from database system. This is an internal error that reflects a failure in communication between your application and the IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET software at another site. Restart your application. If the problem recurs, ask your system administrator to run network diagnostics. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -919 System error. Wrong number of arguments to database server process. This is an internal error that reflects a failure in communication between your application, IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET software, and the database server in the other computer system. First make sure that all three of these software components are at compatible software levels. (For versions prior to Version 6.0, see the appropriate IBM INFORMIX-NET/IBM INFORMIX-STAR Installation and Configuration Guide for a compatibility chart). Recompile and relink your application program if necessary. If the problem recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -921 System error. Illegal or wrong number of arguments to sqlexec server. This is an internal error that reflects a failure in communication between your application, IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET software, and the database server in the other computer system. First make sure that all three software components are at compatible software levels. (For versions prior to Version 6.0, see the appropriate IBM INFORMIX-NET/IBM INFORMIX-STAR Installation and Configuration Guide for a compatibility chart). Recompile and relink your application program if necessary. If the problem recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -922 Cannot get name of current working directory. There is something wrong with the current working directory, in this system or in another computer system which your application is using. Possibly your account does not have read access to the directory, or possibly the file system that contains it is improperly mounted. Exit your application and retry. If the problem persists, see your system administrator for assistance. -923 IBM INFORMIX is not licensed to access the current database server only. This version of the IBM Informix product is not licensed for network use. Locate the version of the software that is licensed for use with IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET and reset your INFORMIXDIR environment variable and the SQLEXEC environment variable (for database server versions prior to 6.0) to point to it. -924 IBM INFORMIX is not licensed to access the specified database server. If you have only installed an IBM INFORMIX-NET NETstation package on your client machine, you cannot access locally resident databases. If the database you are attempting to access is not locally resident, enter the command again specifying a sitename with the database name, or set your DBPATH environment variable to indicate searches only in specific sites. If you wish to use your IBM Informix product to access both local and remote databases, please contact your IBM Informix representative for details on purchasing the appropriate IBM Informix product. -925 The protocol type should be tcp. The protocol type shown in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts on OnLine, or in \INFORMIX\etc\sqlhosts on IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare, should be tcp. -926 IBM INFORMIX-OnLine is not licensed for distributed data access. This statement refers to a database in a different database server, for example, by qualifying the name of a table with dbname@sitename:table. However, this version of OnLine is not licensed for such use. Using this version, you can refer only to tables in databases that are all in the same database server. Contact your IBM Informix representative to find out about upgrading this database server to full IBM INFORMIX-STAR status. If you believe that you have IBM INFORMIX-STAR installed, then check the contents of the INFORMIXDIR environment variable. If you are using IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare, you cannot access tables or databases on remote systems unless you have IBM INFORMIX-NET PC. -927 Exceeded limit on maximum number of servers you can reference. This statement contains references to more sites than the database server can cope with. The limit on different sitenames that may appear in one statement, through Version 4.1, is 32 (later versions may allow more). Review the statement and make sure that only necessary sites are named. If so, revise the operation to use fewer sites; for example, by selecting some data into a local, temporary table. -928 The database server is not licensed for distributed data access. This statement refers to a database in a different computer system, for example, by qualifying the name of a table with dbname@sitename:table. However, the version of OnLine active at sitename is not licensed for such use. This indicates an error in the setup of the other computer system: it was configured for network access but the wrong database server was started. Contact the network administrator and ask for a check of the environment variables when starting the sqlexecd daemon.If you are using IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare, you tried to access a table on an OnLine system that is not licensed for remote access; you can only access other IBM INFORMIX-NET PC systems. -930 Cannot connect to database server servername. The application is trying to access another computer system and has failed. Note the server name in the current statement. Ask your network administrator and DBA to check that the network is operational and that the particular database server is active. This message appears starting with Version 6.0. -930 Cannot connect to remote host sitename. IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET is trying to access another computer system and has failed. Note the sitename in the current statement. Contact your network administrator and ask for a check that the network is operational and that the particular site is active. This message appears in database servers prior to Version 6.0. -931 Cannot locate servicename service/tcp service in /etc/services. The service noted is not listed in the network configuration file /etc/services (UNIX) or \etc\services (DOS). Check the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts file and make sure that the service name for the desired server is correct. If so, contact your network administrator and find out why the service is not known. If you are using IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare, check the \etc\services file on the client for the required entries. -932 Error on network connection, function system call failed. This is an internal error that reflects a failure in communication between your application and the network software (IBM INFORMIX-STAR, IBM INFORMIX-NET, IBM INFORMIX-NET for Windows, and so on) at another site. Restart your application. Look for operating system messages that might give more information. If you are using IBM INFORMIX-NET for Windows, this could be a Windows Sockets problem; check your Windows Sockets 1.1 documentation for more information. Check the sqlerrm field of the sqlca structure for the particular Windows Sockets message. If the problem recurs, ask your network administrator to run network diagnostics. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -933 Unknown network type specified in DBNETTYPE. The DBNETTYPE environment variable is used on certain machines to distinguish which network protocol to use when there are two protocols available. The value currently set in it is not a supported one. Display the variable and make sure it is set correctly. For versions prior to Version 6.0, refer to the IBM INFORMIX-NET/IBM INFORMIX-STAR Installation and Configuration Guide for the correct setting. If you are using IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare, set DBNETTYPE to starlan, tcp/ip, or some other supported network. -934 Connection to remote site no longer valid. This statement uses data from another computer system, and the connection has been lost. Roll back the transaction and try again after reestablishing the connection. -935 Cannot obtain IPX address for service name servicename. You are trying to connect to a database server with the indicated servicename via the IPX/SPX network protocol on a system with portable IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare. The client application, IBM INFORMIX-NET or IBM INFORMIX-STAR, is not able to determine the IPX address associated with the specified servicename. Possible reasons include: the servicename is misspelled in your sqlhosts file, the sqlexecd daemon or the OnLine database server is not running, or the portable IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare software is not operating properly. Verify the service name in your sqlhosts file. Ask your DBA or system administrator to verify that the sqlexecd daemon , the database server, and the portable IBM INFORMIX-OnLine for NetWare software are operational. -936 Cannot find mount command. The database server needs to verify the location of a file system, which it does by using the mount command. However, it got an error when trying to execute it, probably because the mount command is not in any of the directories in your path. Locate the mount command and put it's directory in your path. -951 User username is not known on the database server. The database server you tried to access does not accept either your user id, the login name specified for the desired server host in your ~/.netrc file, or the user name specified in the USER clause of a CONNECT statement. If you are explicitly specifying your user name in the ~/.netrc file or in a CONNECT statement, make sure that the name is correct. If you do not have a valid user id on the server machine, see your system administrator. (This message appears beginning with Version 6.0.) -951 User is not known on remote host. This statement refers to a database on another computer system, but your account name is not accepted by the other system. You must have a valid login identity on any computer system you access. See your network administrator about getting a login id. (This message appears in versions prior to Version 6.0.) -952 User's password is not correct for the database server. The password specified for the server computer in your ~/.netrc file or in the USER clause of a CONNECT statement is incorrect. The database server does not accept (or cannot find) your account password. Make sure that your password is specified correctly and try again. (This message appears beginning with Version 6.0.) -952 Incorrect user password for remote host. The database server resides on another computer system that does not accept (or cannot find) your account password. Verify that your password is correctly entered in the appropriate authorization or password file. (This message appears in versions prior to Version 6.0.) -953 Network server could not exec sqlexec program. The network server was unable to start the database server thread. The most common cause for this is a failure to define the INFORMIXDIR environment variable, by root, at the time the database server process was started. Contact your network administrator and ask that the database server process on the remote system be restarted with a valid path to the informix software. (This message appears beginning with Version 6.0.) -953 Remote host could not exec sqlexec program. The network daemon, sqlexecd, in the other computer system was unable to start the database server process. The most common cause for this is a failure to define the INFORMIXDIR and SQLEXEC environment variables, by root, at the time the daemon was started. Contact your network administrator and ask that the daemon on the remote system be restarted with a valid path to the informix software. (This message appears in versions prior to Version 6.0.) -954 Client is not known to remote host. The computer in which your application is running is not known to the computer you are trying to access. Contact your network administrator and ask that your machine be made known. The usual way of making a machine known is through the configuration file /etc/hosts.equiv on the other system. Refer to the IBM INFORMIX-NET/IBM INFORMIX-STAR Installation and Configuration Guide. (This message appears in versions prior to Version 6.0.) -954 Client is not known to database server. The machine on which your application is running is not known to the database server that you are trying to access. Contact your network administrator and ask that your machine be made known, most likely through the configuration file /etc/hosts on the other system. (This message appears beginning with Version 6.0.) -955 Remote host could not receive data from client. This is an internal error that reflects a failure in communication between your application and the IBM INFORMIX-STAR or IBM INFORMIX-NET software at another site. Restart your application. Look for operating system messages that might give more information. If the problem recurs, ask your network administrator to run network diagnostics. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. (This message appears in versions prior to Version 6.0.) -955 Database server could not receive data from client. This is an internal error that reflects a failure in communication between your client application and the database server software at another site. Restart your application. Look for operating system messages that might give more information. If the problem recurs, ask your DBA to run network diagnostics. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. (This message appears beginning with Version 6.0.) -956 Client client-name is not in /etc/hosts.equiv on the remote host. This operation cannot be completed because the name of the client machine (the local host, whose name is returned by the hostname command) is not recognized by the specified remote machine. Client names are normally recorded in the configuration file /etc/hosts.equiv. The rhosts file on the remote machine may also need modification. For more information on these files and the relation between them, try man rhosts on a UNIX system. See the remote host administrator; ensure that the client host name is specified in the remote host's /etc/hosts.equiv file. (This message appears in versions prior to Version 6.0.) -956 Client client-name or user is not trusted by the database server. The client computer or your user id is not considered trusted by the desired database server. Ask the system administrator to include the client computer as a trusted host and/or your user id as a trusted user in the /etc/hosts.equiv file on the server computer or in the .rhosts file in your home directory on the server computer. See the UNIX manual pages regarding HOSTS.EQUIV(5) for more information. Alternatively, you can explicitly specify your user name and password in the USER clause of a CONNECT statement or in the .netrc file in your home directory on the client computer. See the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax for information on the CONNECT statement, and the UNIX manual pages regarding NETRC(5) for information on the .netrc file. (This message appears beginning with Version 6.0.) -999 Not implemented yet. This is an internal error that should not appear. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1003 Invalid ACCEPTKEY set in the environment. The key specified in the ACCEPTKEY environment variable is not decipherable; either it does not start with F or it has an invalid number. Specify a different key. -1004 The selected ACCEPTKEY has been pre-assigned for ISQL. The key specified in the ACCEPTKEY environment variable is one that is always used by IBM INFORMIX-SQL. Set a different value in the environment variable. -1005 Your specified termcap file cannot be read. The TERMCAP environment variable specifies a file, and that file cannot be opened. Either it does not exist, or else your account does not have operating system permissions to read it. Check the environment variable and the file it names. -1006 Error number. The error code shown was returned, but the program was unable to display the message text for that number, probably because one of the .iem message files is missing from the directory specified by the INFORMIXDIR environment variable. Look up number in this manual. Also consult with the person who installed the IBM Informix software to see if you can find out why the message files are not available. -1007 Invalid value for the INFORMIXTERM environment variable. The only valid settings for the INFORMIXTERM environment variables are termcap and terminfo. Setting the variable to termcap (or leaving it undefined) directs 4GL to use the TERMCAP facility for terminal control. Setting it to terminfo causes 4GL to use the TERMINFO facility. Other settings, including variations of the words termcap and terminfo with capital letters in them, cause this message. -1008 Termcap entry too long. The contents of the TERMCAP environment variable, or of the termcap entry from the termcap database, are read into storage when the application is initializing. However, the memory buffer allocated to hold the termcap entry is 1,024 bytes, and the entry in use is longer than that. You will have to use a simpler termcap. -1009 Bad termcap entry. The contents of the TERMCAP environment variable, or of the termcap entry from the termcap database, are read into storage when the application is initializing. While doing this, the program found improper punctuation in the termcap entry, in particular a colon separator did not appear where one was expected. Review the specified termcap and choose a different one or correct the one in use. -1010 Too many tc= indirections. In a termcap definition for a terminal, the entry tc= causes the use of a different terminal's definition for default values. That terminal may also have a tc= entry, and so on. However, 4GL cannot follow more than four tc= commands. The termcap definition in use at this time (as specified by the TERM or TERMCAP environment variable) exceeds the limit. You will have to write or find a termcap definition that is more self-contained. -1101 Variable address is NULL. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1102 Field name not found in form. A field name listed in an INPUT, INPUT ARRAY, CONSTRUCT, SCROLL or DISPLAY statement does not appear in the form specification of the screen form that is currently displayed. Review the program logic to make sure that the intended window is current, the intended form is displayed in it, and that all the field names in the statement are spelled correctly. Note: A common problem is the attempted use of field tags instead of field names. The field tag is the name that is written in the screen picture and which appears at the left side of the ATTRIBUTES statement for that field. It is not the name of the field for input or display purposes. The field name is the column name with which it is associated. This name appears to the right of the equal sign in the ATTRIBUTES section: ATTRIBUTES f000 = customer.customer_num,color=red; The name of the field in the preceding example is customer_num. Use of the tag f000 in an INPUT statement will produce an error. -1103 This value is not among the valid possibilities. A list or range of acceptable values has been established for this column (via an INCLUDE attribute in the form specification file). You must enter a value within the acceptable range. Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1301. -1104 The two entries were not the same -- please try again. To guard against typographical errors, this field has been designated VERIFY (in the form specification file). The value in this field must be entered twice, identically. Carefully reenter the data. Alternatively you may cancel the form entry with the Interrupt key (usually CTRL-C, but see the operating instructions supplied by the program author). Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1302. -1105 You cannot use this editing feature because a picture exists. This field is defined (in the form specification file) with a PICTURE attribute to specify its format. You are not allowed to use certain editing keys (for example, CTRL-A, CTRL-D, and CTRL-X) while you are editing such a field. Enter the value using printable characters and backspace only. Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1303. -1106 Error in field. You have entered a value in this field which cannot be stored in the program variable meant to receive it. For example, you might have entered a decimal number when the application provided only an integer variable; or you might have entered a character string longer than the application expected. Note all the circumstances and then discuss the problem with the person who wrote the application program. Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1304. -1107 Field subscript out of bounds. The subscript of a screen array in an INPUT, DISPLAY, or CONSTRUCT statement is either less than 1 or greater than the number of fields in the array. Review the program source in conjunction with the form specification to see where the error lies. -1108 Record not in form. The screen record named in an INPUT ARRAY or DISPLAY ARRAY statement does not appear in the screen form now displayed. Review the program source in conjunction with the form specification to see if the screen record names match. -1109 List and record field counts differ. The number of program variables does not agree with the number of screen fields in a CONSTRUCT, INPUT, INPUT ARRAY, DISPLAY, or DISPLAY ARRAY statement. Review the statement in conjunction with the form specification to see where the error lies. Common problems include: a change in the definition of a screen record which is not reflected in every statement that uses the record, and a change in a program record which is not reflected in the form design. -1110 Form file not found. The form file specified in an OPEN FORM statement was not found. Inspect the "form-file" parameter of the statement. It should not include the file suffix .frm. However, if the form is not in the current directory, it should include a complete path to the file. -1111 Field table offset out of bounds. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1112 A form is incompatible with the current 4GL version. Rebuild your form. The form file specified in an OPEN FORM statement is not acceptable. It might have been corrupted in some way, or might simply have been compiled with a version of the Form Compiler that is not compatible with the version of the 4GL compiler that compiled this program. Recompile the form specification using a current version of the Form Compiler. -1113 Memory allocation error. A BYTE or TEXT variable has been located in memory and a value has been assigned to the variable. However, there is not enough data memory available to hold the variable. Review the program and locate the large value in a file instead. Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1319. -1114 No form has been displayed. The current statement requires the use of a screen form. For example, DISPLAY...TO or an INPUT statement must use the fields of a form. However, the DISPLAY FORM statement has not been executed since the current window was opened. Review the program logic to make sure that it opens a form and displays a form before it tries to use a form. -1115 Numeric value too long for field. 4GL tried to format a numeric value for display in a form field and the resulting string was too long for the field. Review the program logic to find out what large numeric value is being assigned. Note: For 4GL programs compiled at Version 5.0 and above or running under 4GL/gx, this error cannot occur. -1116 Default value from form field cannot be converted to input variable type. This statement takes input from a form field whose default value (specified in the form using the ATTRIBUTES keyword DEFAULT) is not compatible with the program variable that receives it. Review all the program variables named in this statement and compare them to the definitions of the fields in the form specification. Make sure that each variable corresponds to the intended field, and has a compatible data type. -1117 Cannot convert date value to string. This message is not believed to be in use in any current product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1119 NEXT FIELD name not found in form. This statement (an INPUT or INPUT ARRAY) contains a NEXT FIELD clause that names a field that is not defined in the form. Perhaps the form has been changed and the program has not. Also see the note under error -1102, above. Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1371. -1120 Message file not found. The message file specified in the HELP FILE clause of the most recent OPTIONS statement does not exist. Find that OPTIONS statement in the program and review the "help-file" parameter. It must contain the complete filename of the prepared message file and, if the file is not in the current directory, it must have a full pathname. Message files are prepared using the mkmessage utility. Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1227. -1121 Message number not found in message file. A message number given in the HELP clause of an INPUT, PROMPT, or MENU statement cannot be found in the current message file. The message file is established by the OPTIONS HELP FILE statement most recently executed. Find that statement in the program and verify that the message file is the one intended. Then review the source of that message file and ensure that it contains definitions for all the message numbers used in the program. Recompile the message file with the mkmessage utility and try the program again. Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1228. -1122 Incompatible message file. The message file named in the OPTIONS HELP FILE statement most recently executed was not acceptable. Possibly it has been corrupted in some way. Possibly the OPTIONS statement named the message source file instead of the compiled message file (the output of mkmessage). Possibly the file was compiled with an outdated version of the mkmessage utility. Recompile the message file with the current version of the utility; and review the program source to make sure it names the correct file. Note: for 4GL programs this error is replaced by -1229. -1123 No help file specified. This INPUT, PROMPT, or MENU statement contains a HELP help-number clause; however, no message file has been established. The message file is established by the OPTIONS HELP FILE statement; and none has yet been executed. Review the program logic and modify it to execute an OPTIONS statement with a HELP FILE clause before it is needed. Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1343. -1124 This field requires an entered value. The cursor is in a form field which has been designated REQUIRED. You must enter some value before the cursor can move on to another field. You may, however, enter a null value by typing any printable character and then backspacing. Alternatively you may cancel the form entry with the Interrupt key (usually CTRL-C, but see the operating instructions supplied by the program author). Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1305. -1125 Please type again for verification. The cursor is in a form field which has been designated VERIFY. You must enter the value twice, identically, before the cursor can move on to another field. This is to help ensure that there are no typographical errors during data entry. Alternatively you may cancel form entry with the Interrupt key (usually control-C, but see the operating instructions supplied by the program author). Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1306. -1126 Cannot insert another row - the input array is full. You are entering data into an array of records which is represented in the program by an array of program variables. That array is now full; there is no place to store another record. Press the ACCEPT key (usually Escape, but see the operating instructions supplied by the program author) to process the records you have entered. Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1307. -1127 Cannot delete row - it has no data. You have pressed the Delete Row function key (usually F2, but see the operating instructions supplied by the program author) in an empty row. Nothing was deleted. Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1308. -1128 There are no more rows in the direction you are going. You are attempting to scroll an array of records farther than it can go; either scrolling up at the top or scrolling down at the bottom of the array. Further attempts will have the same result, but go ahead if it amuses you. Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1309. -1129 Field in BEFORE/AFTER clause not found in form. This statement includes a BEFORE FIELD clause or an AFTER FIELD clause which names a field that is not defined in the form that is currently displayed. Review the program to make sure that the intended form was displayed; and review this statement against the form specification to make sure that existing fields are named. Also see the note on field names under message -1102. -1130 You cannot have multiple BEFORE clauses for the same field. This statement includes at least two BEFORE FIELD clauses that name the same form field. Only one can be supported. Find all the BEFORE FIELD clauses relating to one field and combine them into a single clause. -1131 You cannot have multiple AFTER clauses for the same field. This statement includes at least two AFTER FIELD clauses that name the same form field. Only one can be supported. Find all the AFTER FIELD clauses relating to one field and combine them into a single clause. -1132 The destination string of the CONSTRUCT statement is not large enough. The outcome of a CONSTRUCT statement is a character string containing all the conditions entered by the user. This string is in a form suitable for use as the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement. In this CONSTRUCT statement, the result string is longer than the program variable specified to receive it. As a general rule the length of the variable must allow enough room for the names of all the screen fields used in the statement, plus room for the field contents, plus room for punctuation and relational operators. Review the statement and revise the definition of the receiving variable accordingly. -1133 The NEXT OPTION name is not in the menu. This MENU statement contains a NEXT OPTION clause naming a menu-option that is not defined in the statement. The string following NEXT OPTION must be identical to one that follows a COMMAND clause in the same MENU statement. Review the statement to make sure that these clauses agree with each other. -1134 There is no termcap entry for this function key. The key specified in one clause of this OPTIONS statement is not defined in the termcap file (or the terminfo file if it is being used instead). Review the HELP KEY, INSERT KEY, NEXT KEY, PREVIOUS KEY, and DELETE KEY clauses. Compare the function keys they specify to the current termcap definition. -1135 The row or column number in DISPLAY AT exceeds the limits of your terminal. Review the DISPLAY...AT statement. Make sure that the position numbers are in the correct order (row number first, then column) and that they make sense for the current terminal or window. The dimensions of the terminal for UNIX systems are determined when the program starts by reading termcap information (or terminfo information, depending on the value of the INFORMIXTERM environment variable). Thus a screen location that is correct for one user of the program may not be correct for all. On DOS systems, the window size is always 24x80. -1136 Window is too large to fit on the screen. The window dimensions specified in the WITH clause of this OPEN WINDOW statement conflict with the size of the screen. The entire window cannot be displayed, so the statement is not executed. If the WITH clause specifies dimensions, you can use smaller ones; if it specifies a form, the dimensions are set by the SCREEN statement in the form specification. Alternatively you may be able to get the window into the screen by changing the origin given in the AT clause. The dimensions of the terminal for UNIX systems are determined when the program starts by reading termcap information (or terminfo information, depending on the value of the INFORMIXTERM environment variable). Thus, screen dimensions that are correct for one user of the program may not be correct for all. On DOS systems, the window size is always 24x80. -1137 Cannot open window. The cause of the problem is a lack of data memory. Change the logic of the program to keep fewer windows open concurrently, or by using fewer global variables. Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1319. -1138 Border does not fit on screen. Window is too large. The window described by this OPEN WINDOW statement cannot be opened because its border does not fit on the screen. Despite the wording of the message, the window is not necessarily too large for the screen. However, one or more of its borders (top, bottom, left, or right) cannot be drawn. The position of the window is set in the OPEN WINDOWS statement; make sure it starts no higher than row 2 and no further left then column 2 (or else remove the BORDER attribute). The size of the window is set by the OPEN WINDOW statement or by the form that it names. The dimensions of the terminal for UNIX systems are determined when the program starts by reading termcap information (or terminfo information, depending on the value of the INFORMIXTERM environment variable). If the termcap entry includes sg#1 (terminfo: xmc#1), 4GL reserves an additional column to the left and right of a bordered window. On DOS systems, the window size is always 24x80. -1139 Form line cannot be set using LAST keyword. This OPTIONS statement includes a FORM LINE clause that uses LAST. This is not allowed; you may specify an absolute form line or one relative to FIRST, but you may not specify it relative to LAST. -1140 NEXT OPTION is a hidden option. The option named in this NEXT OPTION statement has previously been hidden with the HIDE OPTION statement. Since it is not visible to the user, it cannot be highlighted as the next choice. -1141 Cannot close window with active INPUT, DISPLAY ARRAY, or MENU statement. This CLOSE WINDOW statement cannot be executed because there is still an input operation active in that window. The CLOSE WINDOW statement must have been contained in, or called from within, the input statement itself. Review the program logic and revise it so that the statement is completed before the window is closed. -1142 Window is too small to display this form. The window dimensions of the current window are too small to contain the form that is to be displayed. Review the window dimensions and compare them to all forms that will be displayed in that window. The dimensions of the form are established in the form specification file using the SCREEN statement. The dimensions of the window are set during the OPEN WINDOW statement, either directly or by opening the window WITH a particular form. -1143 Window is already open. This OPEN WINDOW statement names a window that is already open. Review the program logic and see whether it should contain a CLOSE WINDOW statement, or whether it should simply use a CURRENT WINDOW statement to bring the open window to the top. -1144 Cannot open window. Window origin is not on the screen. The row and column position in the AT clause of this OPEN WINDOW statement points off the physical screen. The statement is not executed. Review the program and make sure the numbers are given in the correct order (first row, then column). The dimensions of the terminal are determined when the program starts by reading termcap information (or terminfo information, depending on the value of the INFORMIXTERM environment variable), so a window origin that is correct for some users may not be correct for all. -1145 Cannot open ERROR window. 4GL attempted to open a one-line, 80-column window in which to display an error message, and was not able to do so. Possible causes include a shortage of data memory and internal errors. Note: For 4GL programs, this error is replaced by -1319. -1146 PROMPT message is too long to fit in the window. Although 4GL will truncate the output of MESSAGE and COMMENT to fit the window dimensions, it will not do so for PROMPT and the user's response. Reduce the length of the prompt string or make the window larger. You could display most of the prompting text with DISPLAY and then prompt with a single space or colon. -1147 You cannot CLOSE, CLEAR or make CURRENT an unopened window. This CLOSE WINDOW, CLEAR WINDOW, or CURRENT WINDOW statement names a window that has not been opened or has been closed. Review the program logic to make sure it does not refer to an unopened window except to open it. -1148 Size of a window may not be negative. The AT clause of this OPEN WINDOW statement uses a negative number. The row and column sizes must be positive integers. Revise the statement. -1149 An unknown code has been detected in the form. The screen form currently displayed is unacceptable in some way. Possibly it has been corrupted; possibly it was compiled by a an obsolete version of form4gl. Recompile the form. If the problem recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1150 Window is too small to display this menu. Review the OPEN WINDOW statement for the current window in conjunction with this MENU statement. The window must be at least two rows tall, and it must be wide enough to display the menu title, the longest option name, two sets of three-dot ellipses, and six spaces. Revise the program to make the window larger to give the menu a shorter name and shorter options. -1151 IBM INFORMIX-4GL Run Time Facility. This message is not believed to be in use in any current product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1152 Enter value in range. This is a version of message -1103/-1301 which is used by IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF with handheld terminals having very small screens. See message -1103. -1153 Bad verify -- reenter. This is a version of message -1104/-1302 which is used by IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF with handheld terminals having very small screens. See message -1104. -1154 Cannot use edit key. This is a version of message -1105/-1303 which is used by IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF with handheld terminals having very small screens. See message -1105. -1155 Enter value in field. This is a version of message -1124/-1305 which is used by IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF with handheld terminals having very small screens. See message -1124. -1156 Enter value again. This is a version of message -1125/-1306 which is used by IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF with handheld terminals having very small screens. See message -1125. -1157 No more rows. This is a version of message -1127/-1309 which is used by IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF with handheld terminals having very small screens. See message -1127. -1158 FMP has run out of memory. "FMP" means IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF. See the installation documentation for your system. -1159 FMP has exceeded its number of concurrent INPUT statements. "FMP" means IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF. See the installation documentation for your system. -1160 FMP has exceeded its number of concurrent DISPLAY ARRAY statements. "FMP" means IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF. See the installation documentation for your system. -1161 FMP currently is not in the midst of an INPUT statement. "FMP" means IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF. See the installation documentation for your system. -1162 FMP has exceeded the number of concurrently open forms. "FMP" means IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF. See the installation documentation for your system. -1163 The FMP version number is incompatible with the 4GL program. Relink the 4GL program and run again. "FMP" means IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF. See the installation documentation for your system. -1164 A NEXT FIELD specified in the instructions section of the form is not used within the current input statement. The current form field has a NEXT FIELD specification (in the INSTRUCTIONS section of the form). However, the specified next field is not named in the current INPUT statement, so the cursor cannot move to that field. -1165 This statement is not allowed for the FMP. "FMP" means IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF. See the installation documentation for your system. -1166 An illegal code has been received from the FMP. "FMP" means IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF. See the installation documentation for your system. -1167 An unknown form name has been received by the FMP. "FMP" means IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF. See the installation documentation for your system. -1168 Command does not appear in the menu. The SHOW OPTION, HIDE OPTION, or NEXT OPTION statement cannot refer to an option (command) that does not exist. Check the spelling of the name of the option. -1170 The type of your terminal is unknown to the system. Check the setting of your TERM environment variable and the setting of your TERMCAP or TERMINFO environment variable. Check with your system administrator if you need help with this action. -1171 A disallowed data type has been enountered by the FMP. "FMP" means IBM INFORMIX-4GL/RF. See the installation documentation for your system. -1200 Number is too large for a DECIMAL data type. The float DECIMAL data type accommodates numbers from 10-130 through 10124 in absolute value. The precision (number of significant digits) varies from 1 to 32; however the source of this error is not in the length of the number but in its magnitude. -1201 Number is too small for a DECIMAL data type. The DECIMAL data type accommodates numbers from 10-130 through 10124 in absolute value. The precision (number of significant digits) varies from 1 to 32; however the source of this error is not in the length of the number but in its magnitude. -1202 An attempt was made to divide by zero. A divisor is not allowed to be zero. In some cases this error can arise because the divisor is a character value which does not convert properly to numeric. -1203 Values used in a MATCH must both be type CHARACTER. The MATCHES relationship applies only to character data; both its operands must be CHAR or VARCHAR columns or variables, or literal character strings. If you need to apply a regular-expression pattern match to a numeric value you can do so in 4GL by assigning the numeric value to a CHAR variable, and testing that variable. -1204 Invalid year in date. The year in a DATE value or literal must be given as either two or four decimal digits; that is, from 00 to 99 or from 0001 to 9999. The number 0000 and other numbers of digits are not acceptable. -1205 Invalid month in date. The month in a DATE value or literal must be given as a one- or two-digit number from 1 to 12. -1206 Invalid day in date. The day number in a DATE value or literal must be given as a one- or two-digit number from 1 to 28 (or 29 in a leap year), 30, or 31 depending on the month given with it. -1207 Converted value does not fit into the allotted space. A noncharacter value, after conversion to a character string, is too long to fit in the buffer that was provided. If the conversion was automatic, change the program to provide a larger host variable to receive the string. If this was an explicit call to conversion function, pass a larger buffer. -1208 There is no conversion from non-character values to character values. If you are using a database server prior to Version 4.0, in SQL statements such as INSERT and UPDATE, there is no automatic conversion from numeric values to character ones. Make sure that the value specified for each column agrees with the data type of that column. By using a database server of version 4.0 or later, this message should not appear. -1209 Without any delimiters, this date must contain exactly 6 or 8 digits. When a literal date value is entered in numeric form, not enclosed in quotes to make it a character string, it must be entered as a number of precisely 6 digits (representing mmddyy) or 8 digits (representing mmddyyyy). Since there is no punctuation, a date with any other number of digits is ambiguous; it cannot be divided into month, day, and year with certainty. -1210 Date could not be converted to month/day/year format. The DATE type is compatible with the INTEGER type, but not all integer values are valid dates. This error arises when trying to convert to character from a date whose numeric value is less than -693,594, or greater than 2,958,464. Numbers outside this range have no representation as dates. -1211 Out of memory. 4GL is unable to allocate memory for a small, temporary work area used for processing an expression. Simplifying the program in almost any way will release enough space to avoid this error. -1212 Date conversion format must contain a month, day, and year component. When a date value is converted between internal binary format and display or entry format, the conversion is directed by a pattern. When conversion is done automatically, the pattern is taken from the environment variable DBDATE. When it is done with an explicit call to the rfmtdate(), rdefmtdate(), or USING functions, a pattern string is passed as a parameter. In any case, the pattern string (the "format" of the message) must include letters showing where the three parts of the date are to go: 2 or 3 letters d; 2 or 3 letters m; and either 2 or 4 letters y. -1213 A character to numeric conversion process failed. A character value is being converted to numeric form for storage in a numeric column or variable. However, the character string cannot be interpreted as a number: it contains some characters other than white space, digits, a sign, a decimal, or the letter e; or else the parts are in the wrong order so the number cannot be deciphered. If you are using NLS, the decimal character or thousands separator might be wrong for your locale. -1214 Value too large to fit in a SMALLINT. The SMALLINT data type can accept numbers with absolute values from 0 through 32,767 (215-1). If it is necessary to store numbers outside this range, the column or variable must be redefined to use INTEGER or DECIMAL type. (The value -32,768 is a 16-bit value but is not acceptable; it is used in 4GL to indicate a null value.) -1215 Value too large to fit in an INTEGER. The INTEGER data type can accept numbers with absolute values from 0 to 2,147,483,647 (231-1). If it is necessary to store numbers outside this range, the column or variable must be redefined to use DECIMAL type. (The value -2,147,483,648 is a 32-bit value but is not acceptable; it is used in 4GL to indicate a null value.) -1216 Illegal exponent. The exponent of a numeric literal may not exceed 32,767. In fact, none of the available data types can accommodate an exponent that large; however this message is triggered by the exponent itself, before checking the destination of the number. Check the statement for missing or misplaced punctuation that might have caused two numbers to run together. -1217 The format string is too large. The pattern string used to format a date (either the DBDATE environment variable or the pattern passed to rfmtdate( ) or the USING function) is too long. The limit is 80 bytes. -1218 String to date conversion error. The input to the rstrdate() function does not properly represent a date: either it has nondigits where digits are expected, or an unexpected delimiter, or numbers that are too large or are inconsistent. -1219 Numeric value from database is too large for COBOL data item. This message is not believed to be in use in any current product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1220 Numeric value from database is too small for COBOL data item. This message is not believed to be in use in any current product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1221 Cannot convert null data types. This message is not believed to be in use in any current product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1222 Value will not fit in a SMALLFLOAT. The SMALLFLOAT data type can accept numbers within a certain range of exponents. The maximum and minimum exponent values are different depending on the host operating system (the range is the same as is supported by the C compiler for float values in this system). In the current statement, a constant number is being converted for storage in a FLOAT variable or column, and the exponent is too large or too small. -1223 Value will not fit in a FLOAT. The FLOAT data type can accept numbers within a certain range of exponents. The maximum and minimum exponent values are different depending on the host operating system (the range is the same as is supported by the C compiler for double values in this host system). In the current statement, a constant number is being converted for storage in a FLOAT variable or column, and the exponent is too large or too small. -1224 Invalid decimal number. This message is not believed to be in use in any current product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1225 Column does not admit a NULL value. This statement attempted to store a null value in a column that has been defined as not allowing nulls. Review the definition of the table, and revise the statement so it supplies values for all required columns. -1226 Decimal or money value exceeds maximum precision. 4GL is attempting to convert a number in character format into a DECIMAL or MONEY variable. However, the number has more digits to the left of the decimal point than are allowed by the declaration of the variable. Revise the program to assign the converted number to a variable with greater precision. -1227 Message file not found. 4GL cannot locate a file of message texts. The file should have a suffix of .iem and exist in the etc subdirectory of the path identified by the INFORMIXDIR environment variable. Reinstall such files from the distribution materials. If you have started to modify the user-message file, 4glusr.msg, make sure that its compiled form has been replaced in the correct directory. -1228 Message number not found in message file. 4GL cannot find a message number that should appear in a message file that was installed with the product. Reinstall all files of type .iem from the distribution materials. If you have modified the contents of the file, 4glusr.msg, review all deletions you might have made, and recompile that file. -1229 Incompatible message file. 4GL is trying to look up a message text in a message file and the file has contents that do not match the current version of the product. Possibly the file is corrupt; possibly a message file from a prior version is being found. The file has a suffix of .iem and exists in the etc subdirectory of the path identified by the INFORMIXDIR environment variable. Reinstall such files from the distribution materials. If you have started to modify the user-message file, 4glusr.msg, make sure that you are recompiling it with a current version of the mkmessage utility. -1230 Bad message file name formulation. An invalid filename has been supplied for the message file used for displaying error messages such as the ones in this book, so it cannot be opened. Check the value of the DBLANG environment variable, if one is specified. -1231 Cannot seek within message file. 4GL is trying to look up a message text in a message file and is receiving an error code when it tries to position within the file. This indicates some problem with the file itself; possibly it has been corrupted or truncated. Reinstall all files of type .iem from the distribution materials. If you have modified the user-message file, 4glusr.msg, recompile it as well. -1232 Message buffer too small. 4GL is reading a message text from a compiled message file, and is unable to resize the buffer to be large enough to hold the complete message. This may indicate a critical shortage of data space, but more probably indicates a corrupted or invalid message file. Reinstall all files of type .iem from the distribution materials. If you have modified the user-message file, 4glusr.msg, recompile it as well. -1233 Invalid hour, minute, or second. This message is not believed to be in use in any current product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1234 Function may be applied only to datetime data types. This message is not believed to be in use in any current product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1235 Character host variable is too short for the data. In an ESQL/C program, the program has attempted to fetch a column value into a host variable that is not large enough. Use the DESCRIBE command to find out the sizes of column values. Note: If this arises in a 4GL program, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1250 Unable to create pipes. Your application is initializing its communication with the database server using an operating system facility called a pipe. The operating system returned an unexpected error code. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. -1251 Unable to create shared memory. semget failed. Your application is initializing its communication with the database server, which is a version that uses shared memory for communications. An unexpected error has occurred using an operating system function, semget. Look for operating system messages that may give more information. Consult with the person who installed the IBM Informix shared-memory product. -1252 Unable to create shared memory. shmget failed. Your application is initializing its communication with the database server, which is a version that uses shared memory for communications. An unexpected error has occurred using an operating system function, shmget. Look for operating system messages that may give more information. Consult with the person who installed the IBM Informix shared-memory product. -1254 Unable to connect to remote host. The program is attempting to open a database managed by a database server in another system, but could not open a network connection to the other system. Check the site name specified in the DATABASE or CREATE DATABASE statement. If it is as intended, look for other error messages from the networking component or the operating system. Contact the operator of the other system and verify that it is active and accepting network connections. -1257 Operating system cannot fork process for back end. By "back end" the message means the database server. This is an internal error. Look for operating system messages that might give more detail. In DOS systems, you probably are out of memory; exit to the operating system command line and resubmit your program. After verifying that it is not the result of a system limit or local problem, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1258 Cannot attach to shared memory used to communicate with back end. By "back end" the message means the database server. This is an internal error. Look for operating system messages that might give more detail. After verifying that it is not the result of a system limit or local problem, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1260 It is not possible to convert between the specified types. The system will attempt any data conversion that makes sense. However some, such as INTERVAL to DATE, or DATETIME to MONEY, are not supported. You may have referenced the wrong variable or column. Make sure that you have specified the data types that you intended, and that literal representations of data values are correctly formatted. -1261 Too many digits in the first field of datetime or interval. The first field of a DATETIME literal must contain either 1 or 2 digits (if it is not a YEAR) or else either 2 or 4 digits (if it is a YEAR). The first field of an INTERVAL literal represents a count of units, and may have up to 9 digits, depending on the precision specified in its qualifier. Review the DATETIME and INTERVAL literals in this statement and correct them. -1262 Non-numeric character in datetime or interval. The form of a DATETIME or INTERVAL literal is very limited. One may contain only decimal digits and the allowed delimiters: the hyphen between year, month, and day numbers; the space between day and hour; the colon between hour, minute, and second, and the decimal point between second and fraction. Any other characters, or these characters in the wrong order, will be detected as an error. -1263 A field in a datetime or interval is out of range. Inspect the DATETIME and INTERVAL literals in this statement; at least one of them contains at least one incorrect field. In a DATETIME literal, the year may be zero; the month may be other than 1-12; the day may be other than 1-31 or inappropriate for the month; the hour may be other than 0-23; the minute or second may be other than 0-59; or the fraction may have too many digits for the specified precision. In an INTERVAL literal the constraints are the same except that the first field is a count and may have as many digits as the qualifier specifies. -1264 Extra characters at the end of a datetime or interval. Nothing but spaces may follow a DATETIME or INTERVAL literal. Inspect this statement for missing or incorrect punctuation. -1265 Overflow occurred on a datetime or interval operation. Both DATETIME and INTERVAL values are stored internally as DECIMAL values. In this statement, an arithmetic operation using DATETIME and/or INTERVAL values has caused an arithmetic overflow. This should not occur. Check the precision specified for an INTERVAL value. If the INTERVAL value you want to enter is greater than the default number of digits allowed for that field, you must explicitly identify the number of significant digits in your definition. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1266 Intervals or Datetimes are incompatible for the operation. Some arithmetic combinations of DATETIME, INTERVAL, and numeric values are meaningless and are not allowed. Review the arithmetic expressions in this statement. Possibly one of them is using a DATETIME or INTERVAL column or variable by mistake. If not, see your SQL reference material for the valid use of these data types. -1267 The result of a datetime computation is out of range. In this statement a DATETIME computation has produced a value that cannot be stored. This can happen, for example, if a very large interval is added to a DATETIME. Review the expressions in the statement and see if you can change the sequence of operations to avoid the overflow. -1268 Invalid datetime or interval qualifier. This statement contains a DATETIME or INTERVAL qualifier that is not acceptable. These qualifiers may contain only the words YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, FRACTION, and TO. FRACTION may be followed by a number from 1 to 5 in parentheses. Inspect the statement for missing punctuation and misspelled words. It is a common error to add an s, as in MINUTES, which is incorrect. -1269 Locator conversion error. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1270 Interval literal may not have embedded minus sign. You may use a minus sign as an arithmetic operator between an INTERVAL literal and other values, and you may use a minus sign as a prefix to an INTERVAL literal to indicate it is a negative quantity. However you may not embed a minus sign among the fields of the literal. If you did not intend to do this, inspect the statement for missing or misplaced punctuation. -1271 Missing decimal point datetime or interval. A decimal point is expected to appear in a DATETIME or INTERVAL literal when the qualifier of the literal contains the word FRACTION. This statement has such a literal but no decimal point was found. Inspect the literal qualifiers and look for missing or misplaced punctuation. -1272 No input buffer has been specified. You have not specified an input string for this function, so the conversion cannot proceed. Set the input string argument and call the function again. (This function may require that formatting directives be defined with the DBTIME environment variable.) -1273 Output buffer is NULL or too small to hold the result. This error is returned when the function is called and the address space for the output buffer is null or smaller than the format string length. Redefine the size of the address and execute the function again. (This function may require that formatting directives be defined with the DBTIME environment variable.) -1274 No output buffer has been specified. This error message is caused when the output buffer length is zero, or the buffer pointer is a null pointer. This error message is not used by database servers after Version 5.01. -1275 Invalid field width or precision in datetime or interval format string. The field width or precision in DATETIME or INTERVAL format specification must make sense. The field width must be a decimal number, with a leading zero or minus ('-') sign. If there is a precision specification, it must also be decimal, separated from the field width specification by a period ('.'). -1276 Format conversion character not supported. A format conversion character in the format string is not valid. Check the string against the table of format conversion directives for DATETIME and INTERVAL format conversion functions in the manual for your embedded language product. See also the discussion of the DBTIME environment variable in Chapter 4 of the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference. -1277 Input does not match format specification. Make sure that the ASCII string containing a DATETIME or INTERVAL value conforms to the format string. For example, a percent character (%) in a DATETIME or INTERVAL ASCII string must have a matching "%%" sequence in the format string. See also the discussion of the DBTIME environment variable in Chapter 4 of the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference. -1278 Invalid escape sequence. Check the pattern matching string specified in the statement's LIKE or MATCHES clause. In an ANSI database, the only valid characters that can be escaped are: %, _, and the escape character for the LIKE clause, and *, ?, [, ], and the escape character for the MATCHES clause. -1301 This value is not among the valid possibilities. A list or range of acceptable values has been established for this column (via an INCLUDE attribute in the form specification file). You must enter a value within the acceptable range. -1302 The two entries were not the same -- please try again. To guard against typographical errors this field has been designated VERIFY (in the form specification file). The value in this field must be entered twice, identically. Carefully reenter the data. Alternatively, you may cancel the form entry with the Interrupt key (usually CTRL-C, but see the operating instructions supplied by the program author). -1303 You cannot use this editing feature because a picture exists. This field is defined (in the form specification file) with a PICTURE attribute to specify its format. You are not allowed to use certain editing keys (for example, CTRL-A, CTRL-D and CTRL-X) while you are editing such a field. Enter the value using printable characters and backspace only. -1304 Error in field. You have entered a value in this field which cannot be stored in the program variable meant to receive it. For example, you might have entered a decimal number when the application provided only an integer variable; or you might have entered a character string longer than the application expected. Note all the circumstances and then discuss the problem with the person who wrote the application program. -1305 This field requires an entered value. The cursor is in a form field which has been designated REQUIRED. You must enter some value before the cursor can move on to another field. You may, however, enter a null value by typing any printable character and then backspacing. Alternatively you may cancel the form entry with the Interrupt key (usually CTRL-C, but see the operating instructions supplied by the program author). -1306 Please type again for verification. The cursor is in a form field which has been designated VERIFY. You must enter the value twice, identically, before the cursor can move on to another field. This is to help ensure that there are no typographical errors during data entry. Alternatively you may cancel the form entry with the Interrupt key (usually CTRL-C, but see the operating instructions supplied by the program author). -1307 Cannot insert another row - the input array is full. You are entering data into an array of records which is represented in the program by an array of program variables. That array is now full; there is no place to store another record. Press the ACCEPT key (usually Escape, but see the operating instructions supplied by the program author) to process the records you have entered. -1308 Cannot delete row - it has no data. You have pressed the Delete Row function key (usually F2, but see the operating instructions supplied by the program author) in an empty row. Nothing was deleted. -1309 There are no more rows in the direction you are going. You are attempting to scroll an array of records farther than it can go; either scrolling up at the top or scrolling down at the bottom of the array. Further attempts will have the same result, but go ahead if it amuses you. -1312 FORMS statement error number number. There is a problem with a screen form. Look up error number in this document. Consider it in relation to the current statement. -1313 SQL statement error number number. The current statement calls on the database server which detected an error and returned an error code number. Look up number in this document. Also look for other error messages. -1314 Program stopped at statement, line number line. At the indicated point in the program an error was detected. Look for other error messages that give details of the error. Use the numbers in this message to locate the error in the program source file. -1315 4GL run-time error number number. The program has stopped because an error was detected. Look up error code number in this document. Also look for other error messages for more details. -1316 ISAM error number number. The current statement called on the database server, which detected an error (probably reported in a display of error -1313). This message contains additional detail on the cause of the error. Look up number in this document. -1317 A numeric conversion error has occurred due to incompatibility between a calling program and its function parameters or between a variable and its assigned expression. 4GL converts between one data type and another automatically whenever it can do so without losing information. In the current statement, it was not able to do so. Look first for function calls, and inspect the values passed as parameters. Make sure that the values passed agree in type with the parameters as they are defined in the function bodies. (An example of such an error would be calling a function fun("X") when within the function its parameter was defined as an integer.) If the statement is a LET statement, make sure that the value computed on the right can be accommodated in the variable named on the left. -1318 A parameter count mismatch has occurred between the calling function and the called function. Either too many or too few parameters were given in the call to the function. The call is probably in a different source module from the called functions. Inspect the definition of the function and check all places where it is called to make sure they use the number of parameters it declares. -1319 The 4GL program has run out of runtime data space memory. You will have to reduce the data space required by the program. Review the size of large character variables and the dimensions of arrays. It may be necessary to split the program up into separate programs that load separately, if that is possible. -1320 A function has not returned the correct number of values expected by the calling function. If the function was invoked as part of an expression, then it returned more than one value. If it was invoked with a CALL statement, then the number of expressions following the RETURN statement (in the function) was different from the number of variables listed in the RETURNING clause (in the CALL). Make sure the correct function was called. Review the logic of the function, especially its RETURN statements, to make sure it always returns the expected number of values. -1321 A validation error has occurred as a result of the VALIDATE command. The VALIDATE statement tests the current value of variables against rules stored in the syscolval table. It has detected a mismatch. Ordinarily the program would use the WHENEVER statement so as to trap this error and display or correct the erroneous values. Inspect the VALIDATE statement to see which variables were being tested and find out why they were wrong. -1322 A report output file cannot be opened. The file specified in the REPORT TO statement cannot be opened. Make sure your account has permission to write such a file, that the disk is not full, and that you have not exceeded some limit on the number of open files. -1323 A report output pipe cannot be opened. The pipe specified in the REPORT TO PIPE statement could not be started. Make sure that all programs named in it exist and are accessible from your execution path. Look also for operating system messages that might give more specific errors. -1324 A report output file cannot be written to. The file specified in the REPORT TO statement was opened but an error occurred while writing to it. Possibly the disk has filled up. Look for operating system messages that may give more information. -1325 A report PRINT FILE source file cannot be opened for reading. The file named in a PRINT FILE statement cannot be opened. Review the file name. If it is not in the current directory, a full path must be specified. If the file is specified correctly, make sure that it exists and that your account has file permissions to read it. Look for operating system error messages that may give more details. -1326 An array variable has been referenced outside of its specified dimensions. The subscript expression for an array has produced a number that is either less than one or greater than the number of elements in the array. Review the program logic leading up to this statement to determine how the error was made. -1327 An insert statement could not be prepared for inserting rows into a temporary table used for a report. Within the report function, 4GL generated an SQL statement to save rows into a temporary table. The dynamic preparation of the statement (see the reference material on the PREPARE statement) produced an error. The most likely cause is that the database tables are not defined now, at execution time, as they were when the program was compiled: either the database has been changed or the program has selected a different database than the one that was current during compilation. Another possibility is that the database administrator has revoked SELECT privilege from you for one or more of the tables used in the report. Look for other error messages that may give more details. -1328 A temporary table needed for a report could not be created in the selected database. The user must have permission to create tables in the selected database. Within the report function, 4GL generated an SQL statement to save rows into a temporary table. However the temporary table could not be created. The most likely cause is that there is no disk space left in the database. Another possibility with some database servers is that you have exceeded an operating system limit on open files. Look for other error messages that may give more details. -1329 A database index could not be created for a temporary database table needed for a report. Within the report function, 4GL generated SQL statements to save rows into a temporary table. However, an index could not be created on the temporary table. The most likely cause is that there is no disk space left in the database. Another possibility with some database servers is that you have exceeded an operating system limit on open files. Look for other error messages that may give more details. -1330 A row could not be inserted into a temporary report table. Within the report function, 4GL generated SQL statements that would save rows into a temporary table. However an error occurred while rows were being inserted. The most likely cause is that there is no disk space left in the database. Look for other error messages that may give more details. -1331 A row could not be fetched from a temporary report table. Within the report function, 4GL generated SQL statements to select rows from a temporary table. The table was built successfully but now an error occurred while rows were being retrieved from it. Almost the only possible cause is a hardware failure or an error in the database server. Check for operating system messages that might give more details. -1332 A character variable has referenced subscripts that are out of range. In the current statement, a variable used in taking a substring of a character value contains a number less than one, or a number greater than the size of the variable, or the first substring expression is larger than the second. Review the program logic leading up to this statement to find the cause of the error. -1333 Strings of length > 512 cannot be returned from function calls. The current RETURN statement contains an expression that evaluates to a character string longer than 512 characters. This is not supported. Review the logic of the function and modify it so that it does not return such a long character value. A longer string can be assigned to a global variable. -1334 The 4GL program cannot allocate any more space for temporary string storage. This message should not be seen from a program compiled at a version higher than Version 4.1; however programs compiled by 4GL Version 4.1 and earlier must deal with this issue. "Temporary" string storage is used while evaluating a character expression. It is allocated by a simple algorithm from a fixed-size buffer. Space in this buffer is not reclaimed until the last pending character expression is finished. Since most expressions complete immediately, the string buffer is normally emptied as fast as it is used. However when expressions involve function calls, expression evaluation is suspended during the function call. The buffer is not cleared until the function returns. For example in this statement, LET charvar = numvar USING `###', myfunc() temporary space is used for the literal "###" and the result of the USING operator. These pending values remain in the string buffer for the duration of the call to myfunc( ). If the aggregate total of all temporary character values used during the evaluation of myfunc( ) and its sub-functions exceeds the buffer size, this error will occur. It is usually possible to prevent the error by isolating function calls in separate statements, as in the following example: LET charvar = myfunc() LET charvar = numvar USING `###', charvar clipped The string buffer is free during the call to myfunc( ) in the first statement, and free again as soon as the second statement completes. The short form of a WHEN clause in a CASE statement also creates a suspended character expression. In the following example temporary string storage will be tied up throughout the calls to func_A( ) and func_B( ). CASE charvar WHEN `A' CALL func_A() WHEN `B' CALL func_B() ... The longer form of the WHEN clause does not do this because evaluation of the character expression is completed before the function call begins. CASE WHEN charvar = `A' CALL func_A() WHEN charvar = `B' CALL func_B() Finally, a known error in some versions of IBM INFORMIX-4GL version 4.1 causes a spurious error of this type when the WORDWRAP clause appears in a PRINT statement. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1335 A report is accepting output or being finished before it has been started. The program has executed an OUTPUT TO REPORT or FINISH REPORT statement before it has executed a START REPORT. Review the logic of the program leading up to this statement to find the cause of the error. -1336 Module name in the pcode file contains pcode version compile-version. This program can run pcode version runner-version. Run the pcode compiler with the -V option to check the pcode version that it produces and then recompile all modules of your program and run it again. The program runner or a customized runner must be at the same software version as the program compiler. First make sure that the programs are at the same level by executing each with the -V options. That option makes them display their version numbers. When you know you are using compatible software, recompile your program. -1337 The variable name has been redefined with a different type or length. The variable shown is defined in the GLOBALS section of two or more modules, but it is defined differently in some modules than in others. Possibly modules were compiled at different times, with some change to the common GLOBALS file between. Possibly the variable is declared as a module variable in some module that does not include the GLOBALS file. -1338 The function name has not been defined in any module in the program. The named function is called from at least one module of the program, but it is defined in none. If you are using the Programmer's Environment, possibly one module was not defined as part of a multi-module program. If you are working at the command line, possibly one or more compiled .4go modules were omitted when the program files were concatenated to form the .4gi file. -1339 Global variable name cannot be found in the descriptor table. This is an internal problem in the runner. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1340 The error log has not been started. The program has called the errorlog( ) function without first having called the startlog( ) function. Review the program logic to find out the cause of this error. -1343 No help file specified. This INPUT, PROMPT, or MENU statement contains a HELP help-number clause; however no message file has been established. The message file is established by the OPTIONS HELP FILE statement; and none has yet been executed. Review the program logic and modify it to execute an OPTIONS statement with a HELP FILE clause before it is needed. -1344 IBM INFORMIX-4GL Run Time Facility. This message is not displayed by any current IBM Informix product. -1345 Undefined opcode. The p-code file for the program (whose file suffix is .4go) has become corrupted. Recompile the whole program and run it again. If the same error occurs, make sure that you are running both the p-code compiler and the p-code runner at the identical version level. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1346 Number is too large for a DECIMAL data type. The DECIMAL data type accommodates numbers from 10-130 through 10124 in absolute value. The precision (number of significant digits) varies from 1 to 32; however the source of this error is not in the length of the number but in its magnitude. -1347 Number is too small for a DECIMAL data type. The DECIMAL data type accommodates numbers from 10-130 through 10124 in absolute value. The precision (number of significant digits) varies from 1 to 32; however the source of this error is not in the length of the number but in its magnitude. -1348 An attempt was made to divide by zero. A divisor is not allowed to be zero. In some cases this error can arise because the divisor is a character value which does not convert properly to numeric. -1349 Character to numeric conversion error. A character value is being converted to numeric form for storage in a numeric column or variable. However, the character string cannot be interpreted as a number: it contains some characters other than white space, digits, a sign, a decimal, or the letter e; or else the parts are in the wrong order so the number cannot be deciphered. -1350 It is not possible to convert between the specified types. The system will attempt any data conversion that makes sense. However some, such as INTERVAL to DATE, or DATETIME to MONEY, are not supported. You may have referenced the wrong variable or column. Make sure that you have specified the data types that you intended, and that literal representations of data values are correctly formatted. -1351 The function (or report) name has already been defined. Function and report cannot both have the same name. Each function (or report, which is similar to a function) must have a unique name within the program. Either this use or the prior one must be changed. -1352 name may not be used as both a function (or report) name and a variable name. The name shown has been defined at least two ways. Names at the global or module level (function names, report names, and names of global or module variables) must be unique. Locate all the definitions of this name and change all but one of them. -1353 Use '!' to edit TEXT and BYTE fields. The built-in form editor cannot deal with TEXT or BYTE columns. However it is possible to designate an external program that can display or edit a value from a TEXT or BYTE column. To call the external program for any field, put the cursor in that field and key the exclamation mark (!) character. If an external program has been defined (using the PROGRAM attribute in the form specification) it will be started. In a TEXT field, if no external program is specified in the form, the program named in the DBEDIT environment variable will be started. -1355 Cannot build temporary file. A TEXT or BYTE variable has been located in a temporary file using the LOCATE statement. The current statement assigns a value into that variable, so 4GL attempted to create the temporary file, but an error occurred. Possibly there is no disk space, or possibly your account does not have permission to create a temporary file. 4GL creates a temporary file in the directory specified by the DBTEMP environment variable. Look for operating system error messages that might give more information. Check the value of DBTEMP. Since Version 5.01, the DBTEMP environment variable is used by the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server but not by the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. -1356 Write error on temporary file filename. The operating system signalled an error during output to a temporary file in which a TEXT or BYTE variable was being saved. Possibly the disk has filled up, or there may have been a hardware failure. Look for operating system messages for more information. -1357 Read error on temporary file filename. The operating system signalled an error during input from a temporary file in which a TEXT or BYTE variable was saved. Possibly there may have been a hardware failure. Look for operating system messages for more information. -1358 Write error on blob file filename. The operating system signalled an error during output to a temporary file in which a TEXT or BYTE variable was being saved. Possibly the disk has filled up, or there may have been a hardware failure. Look for operating system messages for more information. -1359 Read error on blob file filename. The operating system signalled an error during output to a temporary file in which a TEXT or BYTE variable was being saved. Possibly the disk has filled up, or there may have been a hardware failure. Look for operating system messages for more information. -1360 No PROGRAM= clause for this field. You have pressed the exclamation-mark key (!) while the cursor was in a TEXT or BYTE field. However, no external program has been designated for this field (using the PROGRAM attribute in the form specification file). If this is a TEXT field, you can specify a text editor by setting the DBEDIT environment variable before starting the program. -1361 Illegal blob file name. Null names are not permitted. The BYTE or TEXT variable has been located in a file using the 4GL statement LOCATE. However, the filename given for the variable is a null string. Since the file does not exist, 4GL cannot do anything with it. -1371 The field fieldname does not exist in the current form. The indicated field name has been given to the NEXT FIELD statement or to the pf_nxfield( ) function, but it is not defined in the current form. A common error is to confuse the tag name, which is used in the screen layout and to the left of the equals sign in the ATTRIBUTES section, with the field name which is the column name used to the right of the equals sign in the ATTRIBUTES section. The latter is used when referring to fields. -1372 The number entered is too large to fit in the decimal or money variable. This message is probably not returned by any current IBM Informix product. If it should appear, refer to the explanation of error -1226. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department.. -1373 The field fieldname is not in the list of fields in the CONSTRUCT/INPUT statement. The built-in function get_fldbuf( ) or field_touched( ) has been called with the field name shown. However, input from that field was not requested in this CONSTRUCT or INPUT statement. As a result, the function cannot return any useful value. Review all uses of these functions and compare them to the list of fields at the beginning of the statement. -1374 SQL character truncation or transaction warning. The program set WHENEVER WARNING STOP, and a warning condition arose. If the statement involved is a DATABASE statement, the condition is that the database just opened uses a transaction log. On any other statement, the condition is that a character value from the database had to be truncated to fit in its destination. -1375 SQL NULL value in aggregate or mode ANSI database warning. The program set WHENEVER WARNING STOP, and a warning condition arose. If the statement involved is a DATABASE statement, the condition is that the database just opened is ANSI-compliant. On any other statement, the condition is that a null value has been used in the computation of an aggregate value. -1376 SQL IBM INFORMIX-OnLine or program variable mismatch warning. The program set WHENEVER WARNING STOP, and a warning condition arose. If the statement involved is a DATABASE or CREATE DATABASE statement, the condition is that the database was opened by the OnLine database server. On any other statement, the condition is that a SELECT statement returned more values than there were program variables to contain them. -1377 SQL float-to-decimal conversion warning. The program set WHENEVER WARNING STOP, and a warning condition arose. The condition is that in the database just opened, the database server will use the DECIMAL data type for FLOAT values. -1378 SQL non-ANSI extension warning. A database operation was performed that is not part of ANSI SQL, although the current database is ANSI-compliant. This is an informational message only. -1379 Report functions may not be called directly. Please use the OUTPUT TO REPORT statement. A report function has been entered as a result of a CALL statement. Report functions can only be executed using the START REPORT, FINISH REPORT, and OUTPUT TO REPORT statements. Review the program looking for places where the report function name is called like a normal function and change them. If you want to use some of the code in the report function as a subroutine, place it in a separate subroutine and call it from the report function and other places. -1381 Cannot execute another runner when debugging. An instance of the 4GL runner is currently executing. While debugging, you cannot launch additional instances of the runner through a RUN command, the RUN accelerator button, or directly from Windows. To launch a new instance of the runner, first quit the currently running 4GL application. -1800 Invalid transaction state. You must commit or rollback the current transaction before you disconnect. -1801 Multiple-server transaction not supported. You are attempting to span multiple connections within a single transaction. You can switch to a different connection while a transaction is active if you use the WITH CONCURRENT TRANSACTION clause when you establish the connection. This error message can occur when you try to switch connections as follows: If the current connection is to a 6.0 database server without specifying the WITH CONCURRENT TRANSACTION clause when you establish the connection, and there is an active transaction in the current connection. If the current connection is to a 5.0 database server without specifying the WITH CONCURRENT TRANSACTION clause when you establish the connection, and there is a database currently open on this connection. -1802 Connection name in use. A connection with the same connection name has already been made. Each connection must have a unique connection name. Rename the connection and try again. -1803 Connection does not exist. The connection name in a SET CONNECTION or DISCONNECT statement does not refer to an established connection. Check your program to see that the connection was made and, if so, that it was not disconnected. Also, check the spelling of the connection name in the statement that is failing. -1804 Invalid database environment. The database server cannot connect to the database environment you have specified. The server cannot locate either the database server or the database that you have specified. Check the syntax of your statement. If you are specifying a database server, you must use the @ sign. You cannot use //. -1805 Invalid connection name The connection name is invalid. It must conform to the same rules as any other identifier; that is, it can be up to 18 characters long and can contain letters, digits, and the underscore character. Also, it cannot be an ANSI reserved word. If a connection name was used with the original CONNECT TO statement, you must use the connection name in subsequent connection statements. Make sure that the connection name is a valid identifier and that you are using the connection name and not some other value. -1807 No connection to disconnect. You are attempting to disconnect a connection that does not exist at this time. Check your program to see that you have not already performed a DISCONNECT statement for this connection. -1808 Reconnect to server_name server to perform the database operation. If you connect to a database server using the CONNECT statement, you cannot implicitly reconnect to a server through one of the DATABASE statements - that is, DATABASE, START DATABASE, etc. You must switch to it with the SET CONNECTION statement. -1809 Server rejected the connection. Check to see that you have permission to connect to the server that you specified. If you specified both a database server and a database, check also to see that you have permission to access the database. -1810 Disconnect error. A connection has not been disconnected by a DISCONNECT ALL statement. The database server for one of the connections may have terminated. If this is not the case, then the cause is internal to the software. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -1811 Implicit connection not allowed after an explicit connection. Once you have used the CONNECT TO statement to establish an explicit connection to a database server, you cannot implicitly connect to another database server using one of the DATABASE statements. After an explicit connection, you must use the CONNECT TO statement to connect to other database servers. -1812 Internal error. This is an internal error message. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -2013 The output form file filename cannot be opened. Possibly your account does not have permission to write in the specified directory; possibly the disk is full. In some systems the problem may be related to a limit on the number of open files. Look for operating system messages for more information. -2014 There were an incorrect number of arguments on the operating system command line. At least one (1) argument is expected. When running the Form Compiler from the command line, you must specify either the -d option or the name of a form. -2015 An open comment symbol, {, was found inside an already open comment on line line, character column. This could be due to a failure to close the previously opened comment, which was begun on line line, character column. Nested comments are not supported. Review the form specification, inspecting all comments. Make sure that each open brace has a matching close brace. -2016 A comment has been opened, but not closed. The last comment begun was opened on line line, character column. Insert a close-comment symbol where appropriate in the report specification. -2017 The character data value does not convert correctly to the field type. You have entered a character value (a quoted string) into a field that has a different data type, for example INTEGER. However, the characters you entered cannot be converted to the field's type. Consult the operating instructions for this application, then re-enter the data. -2018 A grammatical error has been found on line line, character column. The construct is not understandable in its context. This message points to the exact spot in a source file where the compiler could no longer understand the input. The actual mistake may be earlier in the file, perhaps several lines earlier; however it will not be later. Other, more specific error messages should also appear. -2019 This integer exceeds the maximum size allowed. The INTEGER data type can accept numbers with absolute values from 0 to 2,147,483,647 (231-1). If it is necessary to store numbers outside this range, the column or variable must be redefined to use DECIMAL type. (The value -2,147,483,648 is a 32-bit value but is not acceptable; it is used in 4GL to indicate a null value.) -2020 The table table-name could not be opened. The operating system was asked to open it for writing. You are using a database server that manages tables as ordinary disk files. The current database is managed as a directory, and tables are files within it. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. Locate the database directory (either in the current directory or on a path named in the DBPATH environment variable). Make sure there is available disk space. In UNIX, it is not necessary for your personal account to have write access to the directory and table files; however they must be writable to the group-id informix. -2021 An illegal color has been specified. Colors 0 through 7 are white, yellow, magenta, red, cyan, green, blue, and black. Whether in a COLOR attribute in a form specification or in a display attribute in a 4GL program, colors must be specified by name, spelled as shown in the message. Check the spelling and punctuation of the statement. -2022 This identifier exceeds the maximum length for identifiers, which is length. All names of fields and other identifiers must be no longer than the length shown. You must revise the form specification and recompile it. -2023 This quoted string exceeds the maximum length for quoted strings, which is length. No longer quoted strings may be used. In a form there is no way to join shorter strings to make longer ones, so this is an absolute length limit.You must revise the form specification and recompile it. -2024 There is already a record name specified. If the record name is the same as a table name in the form, a default record of the same name has been created. Make sure that the record-name of every screen record and screen array is unique in the form specification. A screen record is automatically defined for each table that is used in the ATTRIBUTES section to define a field. Thus if you define a record with the name of a table, it will be seen as a duplicate. -2025 The comment close symbol, }, has been found on line line, character column, even though no comment has been opened. Unless they are enclosed in quotes, comment symbols must be balanced. Probably the open-comment symbol was accidentally deleted during editing. Change the form specification so that comments are properly delimited. -2026 The FORMONLY field fieldname did not have a type specified. A type must be specified if include lists or default values are specified. The usual way of defining a form-only field (one not linked to a database column) is: tagname = DISPLAYONLY.fieldname TYPE datatype The TYPE clause is required. Review the attribute statements and recompile the form. (The keyword FORMONLY is used in forms compiled by the 4GL compiler. It has the same meaning as DISPLAYONLY.) -2027 An illegal (invisible, control) character has been found on line line, character column. It has been replaced by a blank in the listing, but it is still in the source (input) table, and should be removed before attempting to compile again. Illegal characters can be introduced into files by using a word-processing editor in document mode instead of text mode, or by striking nonprinting keys while editing the file, or by data corruption. -2028 The symbol name does not represent a table prefix used in this form. It cannot be used here to select record elements. In a SCREEN RECORD statement, each component must be introduced by the name of the table as defined in the TABLES section, or by the word FORMONLY. Review the spelling of the indicated name against the TABLES section, and check the punctuation of the rest of the statement. -2029 Screen record array name has component sizes which either differ from the specified dimension of the array or differ among themselves. The dimension of the screen array is written in square brackets following its name, as in this example where the dimension is 12. SCREEN RECORD details [12] (items.item_num, items.item_desc, items.unit_price) In this case there should be exactly 12 screen fields associated with each of the three columns listed in the screen record. This error message appears when one or more of the columns appears a different number of times. -2030 A typographical error has been found on line line, character column. The single character at the indicated position, although printable, is unexpected and does not fit the syntax of a form specification. -2031 The WORDWRAP attribute can only be specified for CHAR, VARCHAR and TEXT fields. This PRINT statement applies the WORDWRAP function to a value that is not character data. Check that the field named is the one you intended, and check the punctuation of the rest of the statement. -2032 The number above could not be successfully converted to either an INTEGER or a DOUBLE or a LONG. There is something wrong with the numeric constant: probably it has too many digits. Check the punctuation of the statement; possibly two numbers have been run together. -2033 The field name has a default value not within the range of its include list values. The indicated field has both a DEFAULT attribute and an INCLUDE attribute, and unfortunately they disagree: the default value is not one of the allowed ones. Modify one of the attributes and recompile the form specification. -2034 This feature is not available for IBM INFORMIX-SQL. It is available for IBM INFORMIX-4GL by using the "form4gl" form builder. The PERFORM form compiler and the 4GL form compiler accept very similar form specifications, but they differ in some features. This statement uses a 4GL feature and PERFORM cannot process it. -2035 The WORDWRAP attribute, if specified, should apply to all the columns in a join. Ignore this message. It applies to a feature of PERFORM (joins) that 4GL does not support. -2036 The display lines of a multi-line field lie in different screen pages. A multiline field (multiple fields with identical tags, given the WORDWRAP attribute) must be complete within a screen page. Possibly you did not intend the field to be on two pages. If your page layout, plus 4 reserved lines, is taller than the physical screen (as specified in the SCREEN statement or in the lines dimension on the command line), the form is divided by starting a new page after the last line that can fit on the page, and this may accidentally split a multiline field. In any case, rearrange fields so that the multiline field fits on a single page. -2037 The PROGRAM attribute can only be specified for BYTE and TEXT fields. The field attribute PROGRAM specifies an external program to edit or display a BYTE or TEXT value; these values are assumed to be too large and specialized for the normal form display methods. However, in this statement the attribute is applied to a column of another type, which is not supported. Check the table and column names to make sure they are as you intended, and verify the current definition of the table in the database named in the DATABASE statement. -2038 BLOB fields cannot be joined. Columns of BYTE and TEXT types cannot be compared; hence they cannot be used joining tables; hence they cannot be named as join columns or in a COMPOSITES statement. Check the table and column names to make sure they are as you intended, and verify the current definition of the table in the database named in the DATABASE statement. -2039 The attributes AUTONEXT, DEFAULT, INCLUDE, VERIFY, RIGHT and ZEROFILL are not supported for BLOB fields. Columns of BYTE and TEXT types cannot be used in the ways implied by these attributes. Check the table and column names to make sure they are as you intended, and verify the current definition of the table in the database named in the DATABASE statement. -2040 The form name name exceeds the maximum length of length characters. The form compiler's limit on names may be shorter than that of the host operating system. You will have to rename the form specification file and issue the command again. -2041 The form filename cannot be opened. This is probably because it does not exist, or the user does not have read permission. Check the spelling of filename. Check that the form file exists in your current directory, or if it is in another directory check that the correct pathname has been provided. On a UNIX system, if these things are correct, verify that your account has read permission on the file. -2042 The usage of a BLOB field in or around the above statement is incorrect. Columns of BYTE and TEXT types cannot be used in the ways implied by this statement. Check the table and column names to make sure they are as you intended, and verify the current definition of the table in the database named in the DATABASE statement. -2043 Screen layout exceeds the specified screen width. This is a warning only. The assumed screen width is taken from the SCREEN statement or a command line parameter to the form compiler, with a default of 80 characters. If the current form specification is displayed on a terminal of that width, either some lines will be truncated or lines will "wrap" unattractively. -2044 At most one color attribute may be specified for each field with each condition. Review this ATTRIBUTES statement; there is a problem near a COLOR attribute. Look for missing punctuation. -2045 The conditional attributes of a 4GL field cannot depend on the values of other fields. The Boolean expression in a WHERE clause of a COLOR attribute may only use the name of that field and constants. Revise this attribute and recompile the form. -2100 Field field has validation string error, String = string. One of the formatting or validation strings stored in the syscolval or syscolatt tables is improperly coded. The string is shown as is the field to which it applies. Use the Column Attributes Dictionary utility in Windows or the upscol utility in DOS and UNIX to update the string. -2800 The first line of the specification must be the keyword database followed by the database name, or the FORMONLY keyword (4GL only). An optional WITHOUT NULL INPUT may also follow. Aside from comment lines, a form specification must begin by naming a database. Review the file for punctuation and spelling errors. Refer to the reference manual for this product for the options allowed in the DATABASE statement. (This message is not currently used. It may be encountered with products of Version 4.0 or earlier.) -2810 The name name is not an existing database name. This name, which was found in the DATABASE statement at the start of the form specification, is not a database that can be found. Unless you are using OnLine, the database must reside either in the current directory or in a directory named in the DBPATH environment variable. -2811 The temporary table table-name could not be opened for writing. The application is attempting to create a temporary table in the database or some other temporary file and received an error code from the database server. The most probable cause is a lack of disk space. Look for other error messages, including operating system messages, that may give more information. -2812 The temporary table table-name could not be read. The application created and filled a temporary table in the database or created and filled some other temporary file, but when trying to read rows from it, received an error code from the database server. The most probable cause is a hardware failure. Look for other error messages, including operating system messages, that may give more information. -2820 The label name between brackets is incorrectly given or the label is missing. In this line of the SCREEN section of a form specification there is a field indicated by square brackets; however there should be a simple name written within the brackets and there is not: there is either nothing but spaces, or an invalid name. Review the punctuation of the line; make sure there is only a simple identifier between brackets. -2830 A left square bracket has been found on this line, with no right square bracket to match it. A screen field may not span lines. Review the SCREEN section to make sure all fields are properly marked. To create a multiline field, mark off multiple complete fields all with the same field tag. -2831 The control block has exceeded the maximum of limit fields. There are too many columns or tables listed in the OF clause of this control block. You will have to write separate control blocks, each for part of the list. -2832 This form uses "|" to both start and end a field placement. Because of this, the form must specify left and right delimiters which are the same character. This is done with the DELIMITERS command in the INSTRUCTIONS section. Make sure that there is a DELIMITERS statement and that it specifies the same character for both left and right delimiters. -2834 NULL cannot be used as the default. It is already the default if you specify nothing. This ATTRIBUTES statement contains a DEFAULT clause specifying NULL. Either delete the clause or specify another value. -2840 The label tag was not defined in the form. The indicated name appears at the left of this ATTRIBUTES statement, but it does not appear within brackets in the SCREEN section. Review the field tags that have been defined to see why this one was omitted. -2841 The form must include a tables declaration before the attributes section. Review the form specification file to make sure it contains a DATABASE statement, a SCREEN section, a TABLES section, and an ATTRIBUTES section in that order. -2843 The column column-name does not appear in the form specification. A name in this ATTRIBUTES statement should have been defined previously in the form specification. Review the spelling of all names in the statement and make sure they are properly defined. -2844 The column column-name is associated with more than one field in the form specification. Any one table column may be related to just one field in an ATTRIBUTES statement. Possibly you are trying to display columns from two or more tables which have the same column names; in that case, prefix the table names to the column names to distinguish them. -2845 The composite column for table table-name containing column column is not indexed. Performance will be much improved by creating an index on the column. The presence of an index can reduce the time needed to join tables manyfold. However an index is not essential, especially when the tables are small, or during initial testing. -2846 The field field-name is not a member of the table table-name. Something in this statement suggests that the name shown is part of this table, but that is not true in the current database. Review the spelling of the two names. If they are as intended, make sure the correct database is in use and that the table has not been altered. -2850 The name name is not a column name in this database. The tables specified in the TABLES section of the form do exist, but the column name, which is named in the ATTRIBUTES section, does not. Check its spelling against the actual table. The table may have been altered or the column may have been renamed. You can use IBM INFORMIX-SQL to check column names under the Tables menu, Info selection. -2856 The TODAY attribute may be assigned only to date columns. The TODAY function (not attribute) returns the value of today's date. That value may only be assigned to a field having the DATE or DATETIME data type. The field in this statement has a different type. Automatic data conversion is provided in 4GL programs, but not in the context of a form. -2857 There can be only one dominant composite column in a join list. This statement defines a join list, a list of two or more column names related to the same form field. In such lists, an asterisk preceding a column name indicates that column is the dominant column in a verify join. Only one such column is allowed in any join, but in this list there are two or more. Review the documentation on verify joins and choose a single dominant table. -2858 The table table-1 is joined to the table table-2, but its joined columns do not belong to a composite key. You have defined two or more different joining columns between the two indicated tables. However, there is not a composite index on the joining columns. Such an index is required to ensure that a composite key exists, that is, that any combination of values from the joining columns will occur only once. Review the two or more ATTRIBUTES statements that define join columns for these two tables. Make sure they are as you intended; for example, make sure that you intended to join two tables on two or more columns, instead of joining three or more tables on one column each. If you intended the composite key, then use the CREATE INDEX command to create a composite unique index on those columns for at least table1. -2859 The column column-name is a member of more than one table -- you must specify the table name. Two or more tables named in the TABLES section have columns with the name shown. You must make it clear which table you mean. The way to do this is to write the table name as a prefix of the column name, as table.column. Do this wherever this name is used in the form specification. -2860 There is a column/value type mismatch for column-name. This statement assigns a value to the field with the DEFAULT clause, or uses its value with the INCLUDE clause, but does so with data that does not agree with the data type of the field. Review the data type of the field (which comes from the column it is associated with) and make sure that only compatible values are assigned. -2861 You have exceeded the maximum of number tables. There is a limit on the number of tables that may be in use at one time. (This limit may be different on different host systems or with different database servers.) You will have to reduce the number of tables used in the form. -2862 The table table-name cannot be found in the database. All tables used in a form must exist at the time the form is compiled, so that the compiler can verify the data types of the columns. The indicated table does not exist in the database named in the form. Check the spelling of the table name and database name. If they are as intended, either you are not using the version of the database you expected (check the value in the DBPATH environment variable) or the database has been changed. -2863 The column column-name does not exist among the specified tables. The tables specified in the TABLES section of the form do exist, but the column- name, which is named in the ATTRIBUTES section, does not. Check its spelling against the actual table. The table may have been altered or the column may have been renamed. You can use IBM INFORMIX-SQL to check column names under the Tables menu, Info selection. -2864 The table table-name is not among the specified tables. The indicated table is used in this statement but is not defined in the TABLES section of the form specification. Check its spelling; if it is as you intended, then add the table in the TABLES section. -2865 The column column-name does not exist in the table table-name. Something in this statement implies that the column shown is part of the indicated table (most likely the statement refers to table-name.column). However, it is not defined in that table. Check the spelling of both names. If they are as you intended, then check the contents of the database; possibly the table has been altered or the column renamed. -2866 The NOW attribute may be assigned only to datetime columns. This message is not in use in any current product. There is no NOW attribute or function supported by SQL; use the CURRENT function. -2867 The CURRENT attribute may be assigned only to datetime columns. The CURRENT function (not attribute) produces the current date and time as a DATETIME value. The field referenced in this statement, however, does not have the DATETIME data type. Automatic data conversion is not supported in this context. Review the statement to make sure it refers to the field you intended, and revise the form to assign DATETIME values only to DATETIME fields. -2870 The subscripted column size does not match the space allocated in the display field. This attribute statement relates a substring of a column to a display field. However, either the substring numbers are wrong (the first less than 1 or greater than the size of the column, the second less than the first) or else they are correct but the number of characters they select is different from the size of the display field. Revise the substring numbers to select exactly as many characters as the field requires. -2880 The word 'screen' or 'end' has been left out. Every form specification must end in the keyword END and must contain the keyword SCREEN. Both must begin in the first column of a line. Review the contents of the form specification and make sure it has all the necessary sections properly marked. -2890 A screen definition must begin with a left curly bracket '{'. Each screen layout must be enclosed in braces ({ }). The open-brace must be the first character on its line. Review the form specification to make sure the screen layout is properly punctuated. -2892 The column column-name name appears more than once. If you wish a column to be duplicated in a form, use the same display field label. The expected way to display the same column in two or more places is to put two or more fields in the screen layout, each having the same tag-name. Then put a single statement in the ATTRIBUTES section to associate that tag-name with the column name. The current column value will be duplicated in all fields. If you intended to display different columns, the column names as listed in the ATTRIBUTES section must differ. If you intend to display different columns which happen to have the same column-names, prefix each with its table-name. -2893 The display field label tag-name appears more than once in this form, but the lengths are different. You may put multiple copies of a field in the screen layout (all will display the same column) but all copies must be the same length. Review the SCREEN section to make sure that, if you intended to have multiple copies of one field, all copies are the same. -2895 Display field length of field-size does not match the database column length of column-size. This is a warning only. The size of the character field defined in this statement (as shown by its appearance in the SCREEN section) is different from the size of the associate column. You asked for warnings of this type by specifying the -v option to the form compiler. -2901 Field name contains two conflicting attributes, first and second. This statement contradicts itself. The UPSHIFT and DOWNSHIFT attributes cannot be applied to the same field; nor can NOENTRY and REQUIRED or NOETNRY and VERIFY. Review the statement and correct the selection of attributes. -2920 The column column is a dominant column but it is not indexed. Performance will be much improved by creating an index on the column. You have defined the indicated column as dominant in a verify join. This means that whenever the operator enters a value in the field, it will be looked up in this column. Such a lookup operation is very quick when an index is present. There is no index on the column at this time. Without one, a lookup may be extremely slow. Unless the field does not allow operator input (in which case you should remove the asterisk) or the table is very small (a few dozen rows at most) you should create an index for this column before putting the form into use. -2921 The database dbname is not compatible with the current version of IBM INFORMIX-SQL. The database named in the DATABASE statement in this form was created by a prior version of IBM Informix software. Before the present system can use it, it must be converted using the sqlconv utility. -2930 Portions of the column name are displayed on the screen more than once. This form displays subscripted portions of the indicated column in different fields. This is permitted; however any single character may not appear in more than one field. That is, the subscripts may not overlap. For example, you could display name[25,49] in one field and name[50,74] in another. However you could not display name[25,49] and name[25,74] since some characters would be displayed twice. -2931 There is an error in the format specification. Check the content of the FORMAT string in this statement. It is not correct for the data type; that is, for a numeric column it has characters other than # and . while for a DATE column it has an incorrect internal length, for example, yyy which calls for a three-digit year. -2932 Formats may be specified only for float, smallfloat, decimal, or date columns. This attribute statement specifies a FORMAT string but the data type of the field is not one of the four that support formatting: FLOAT, SMALLFLOAT, DECIMAL (or MONEY), and DATE. If this is not a DISPLAYONLY column, check that it has been associated with the right column and make sure that the column is defined in the database as you expected. -2933 The format width is larger than the allocated display width. The length of the FORMAT string specified for this field is greater than the length of the field itself as shown in the SCREEN section. Review the screen layout and revise it or the format so they agree. -2934 The format width is less than the allocated display width. The length of the FORMAT string specified for this field is less than the length of the field itself as shown in the SCREEN section. Review the screen layout and revise it or the format so they agree. -2935 The number of lines specified with the '-l' option or in the screen section must be a positive integer from 6 to 600. The vertical size of the screen, as given in the SCREEN statement or in the -l (lowercase L) command line option, is out of range. Change it to specify the expected size of the terminal where the form will be used. -2936 The number of columns specified with the '-c' option or in the screen section must be a positive integer from 30 to 600. The horizontal size of the screen, as given in the SCREEN statement or in the -c command line option, is out of range. Change it to specify the expected size of the terminal where the form will be used. -2940 The column name appears both with and without subscripts. This form displays all of the indicated column, and subscripted portion of it, in different fields. You may display different, subscripted parts of a column in different fields, but the parts may not overlap. That is, portions of a column may not be displayed twice on the same screen. Review all uses of the indicated column. Perhaps you did not intend to name it in both places; or perhaps there are two or more columns of the same name in different tables, and you need to use the table name to distinguish them. Otherwise, use nonoverlapping subscripts on each field of the column. -2941 name is not a display field name on the form. This statement refers to a field as name but no such name is defined. Check the spelling and review the ATTRIBUTES section to see how the field was defined. -2943 You have exceeded the pseudo machine capacity. The expression in this statement is too complex to process. Simplify it and recompile the form. (See also error message -2988.) -2944 You may apply the after add, update, query, or remove commands to a table only -- not a column. The operations of Add, Update, Remove, and Query all apply to whole rows. Consequently these control blocks must list only table-names, not names of individual columns, in their opening command. Review the names in this statement and change column-names to the names of their tables. -2945 You may apply the after add, update, query, or remove commands to a table only -- not a column. Aggregates (AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, TOTAL) can only be performed on fields that are associated with tables (not on DISPLAYONLY fields), and the tables must be listed in the opening command of the same control block. Revise the form specification and recompile. -2946 You may not calculate an aggregate on the display-only field name. Aggregates can only be performed on fields that are associated with tables (not on DISPLAYONLY fields), and the tables must be listed in the opening command of the same control block. Revise the form specification and recompile. -2950 The column name has no section which starts at 1. Remember that the first subscript is one, not zero. Multiple substrings from the same column are assigned to display fields. However, the substrings do not cover adjacent, nonoverlapping portions of the column. Either there is no first section (starting from column 1), or one section overlaps another. Review the substrings specified. Consider using a multiline edit field instead of a group of substrings; it is simpler to code and provides better editing for data entry. -2951 The left and right delimiters must be specified in a two character string. The DELIMITERS instructions requires a string of exactly two characters, the left and right delimiter (marker) characters to be used when displaying fields. The characters may be the same but there must be two of them. -2952 In order to use a picture, the picture length must be the same as the display field length. The string specified with the PICTURE attribute must have exactly the same length as the field as depicted in the SCREEN section. Review the definition of this field and make the two lengths agree. -2953 The name name is not a database column in this form. All the columns named in a COMPOSITES list must be defined in the ATTRIBUTES section. Check the spelling of all the names and make sure they have been defined. -2954 You have exceeded the maximum of number control instructions. The INSTRUCTIONS section of this form has exceeded the ability of the form compiler to handle it. You will have to simplify the form, removing some instructions. -2955 The name field-tag is not a displayed field in this form. The name shown appears in the ATTRIBUTES section but nowhere in the SCREEN section. Check the spelling of the name; it is wrong in one of those places, or it has been omitted from the screen layout. -2956 You may not set display field field-tag to a value because none of its associated database column(s) belong to the same table as table, nor is it a variable display-only field. You cannot assign values in a LET statement across tables. All columns associated to the field-tag in a LET statement must belong to tables named in the opening command of the control block, or it must be a display-only field. -2957 You may not set the next field to that-tag because none of its associated database column(s) belong to the same table as this-tag. The field named in a NEXTFIELD statement must be associated with the same table as the current field. Review the relationships between columns and tables in this form and revise it. -2958 You may have a maximum of ten parameters in a C-function. This call to an external C function (the use of external C functions is described in the ESQL/C manual) is improper because it has too many parameters. You will have to find some way to pass the same information in fewer parameters. -2959 Two tables may join with a maximum of limit column pairs, including all components of composite columns. There is a limit on the number of columns involved in a join. This includes both the join columns named in an ATTRIBUTES statement and those named in a COMPOSITES statement for the same table. -2970 The column name joins with other columns, but it is not indexed. It is recommended that columns be indexed for cross-table queries. Performance will be much improved by creating an index. The presence of an index on at least one of the columns involved in a join can make join operation much, much faster. However, an index is not required when one or both tables is very small (dozens of rows). Consider creating an index on all join columns before putting the form into production. -2971 This column is not a character column, and therefore cannot be subscripted. This statement contains a subscript, a pair of numbers in square brackets, after a column name. However, the data type of the column is not CHAR, VARCHAR, or TEXT. Only such columns can be subscripted. Check that you named the correct column; if you did, then check its definition in the database. -2972 This column cannot be right justified or zero-filled because its displayed width does not match the actual column width. In order to use the RIGHT or ZEROFILL attributes, you must make sure that the field size (as depicted in the SCREEN section) is exactly the same as the width of the database column. Review this statement, the screen layout, and the definition of the table in the database to make sure these sizes agree. -2973 There may be only one dominant column in a display field description. This statement defines a join list, a list of two or more column names related to the same form field. In such lists, an asterisk preceding a column name indicates that column is the dominant column in a verify join. Only one such column is allowed in any join, but in this list there are two or more. Review the documentation on verify joins and choose a single dominant table. -2975 The display field label tag-name has not been used. The indicated name was defined in the SCREEN section but not in the ATTRIBUTES section. Review the tags in each section and revise the form so all tags are defined. -2976 The end of the form has been reached prematurely. This form specification has a SCREEN section but no TABLES or ATTRIBUTES sections. Complete the form specification. -2977 Table table1 cannot be a master of table table2 because they do not join. The two tables named in a MASTER OF instruction must be joined. A join between tables is expressed by naming columns from both tables in one statement in the ATTRIBUTES section. Check the spelling of the table names here, and review the attribute statements. -2978 The column column1 and the column column2 cannot be joined columns because their types or lengths are different. The columns in a join must contain data from the same domain. The fact that these columns have different types or (if they are character columns) different lengths indicates that their contents are not from the same domain. Check the spelling of the column names to make sure that you named the correct columns. Review the design of the database and make sure that these tables are meant to be joined on these columns. -2984 The table identifier table is defined more than once. Correct the statements in the TABLES section so that each table is defined just once. Possibly you have defined an alias that is the same as a real table name. -2985 The table identifiers name1 and name2 represent the same table. In the TABLES section these two names are defined in such a way that they refer to the same database table. One or both of them is a table alias. Change the statements so that each name stands for just one table and each table has just one name. -2986 The form specification has exceeded the maximum of limit master/detail pairs. There is a restriction on the number of master-detail pairs that can be supported in one form. You must find a way to simplify the form. -2987 The form specification has exceeded the maximum of limit screens. There is a restriction on the number of screen layouts that can be supported in one form. You must find a way to simplify the form. -2988 FORMBUILD has run out of memory. The form compiler cannot get enough data memory to process the form specification. You must find a way to simplify the form. -2989 The column name is a reference column, but it is not indexed. It is recommended that reference columns be indexed for lookups. Performance will be much improved by creating an index. You have defined the indicated column as a reference column using the LOOKUP attribute. This means that whenever the operator enters a value in the field, it will be looked up in this column. Such a lookup operation is very quick when an index is present. There is no index on the column at this time. Without one, a lookup may be extremely slow. Unless the field does not allow operator input (in which case you should remove the asterisk) or the table is very small (a few dozen rows at most) you should create an index for this column before putting the form into use. -2990 The columns column1 and column2 are not in the same database table. All columns cited in a single LOOKUP attribute must belong to the same table. Check the spellings of the names and make sure they are the columns you intended. -2991 Warning: Only the first screen of your multiple-screen form will be displayed under 4GL. This warning appears when you compile a multipage PERFORM screen using the 4GL forms compiler. A 4GL program can display only the first page of a multipage form. If the form specification has more than one SCREEN section, it has been purposely divided into multiple pages, and will have to be redesigned for 4GL. If it has only a single screen layout, the 4GL forms compiler has split it into two pages because it will not fit on the screen. The form design may not allow for the four screen lines that are reserved by 4GL. -2992 The display label name has already been used. For some reason the forms compiler thinks the indicated name has been defined twice. These names must be defined uniquely in the form specification. Review all uses of the name and see if one of them is an error. -2993 There is a circular join path specified in the form. This form defines a series of three or more joins such that table A joins to table B, table B joins to table C, and table C joins to table A. The circularity may not be obvious owing to the use of table-alias names. Review all the statements in the ATTRIBUTES section and any COMPOSITES statements, and draw a diagram of the join relationships. Then modify the form so that no circular joins are created. -2994 The form has exceeded the maximum number of joins between tables. There is a limit on the number of joins that can be specified. You must find a way to simplify the form. -2995 The form has exceeded the maximum number of tables contained in joins. There is a limit on the number of tables that can be contained in one join. You must find a way to simplify the form. -2996 The unanticipated error number os-error has occurred. Please call RDS. The error number displayed came from the host operating system. "RDS" was at one time the name of IBM Informix Software. This message should not occur. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -2997 See error number number. The error number shown was returned by the database server. Look it up in this document. Also look for other error messages that may give more information. -2998 Operating system error os-error: text. The error displayed came from the host operating system. This message should not occur. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -2999 SQL server terminated. The application has lost contact with the database server. Under UNIX, someone may have killed the database server daemon process or OnLine thread accidentally, or an internal error may have damaged a pipe between the application and the database server. In a local area network system, the database server process or thread in the file server may have been terminated or the file server may be down. Look for other messages, especially operating system messages, that may give more detail. -3000 ISAM or system error number number. Look up error number in this manual. -3001 There are no forms in the current directory. You can only run forms that are present in the current directory or a directory named in your DBPATH environment variable. Change directories to the one containing the desired form(s), or change the contents of DBPATH. -3002 There are no BLOB fields to view. You have selected the View menu option. This option is for viewing the contents of TEXT and BYTE fields of a form; however this form has none. -3003 This BLOB field is empty. You have selected the View menu option. The cursor is positioned in a field that represents a BYTE column, and you have pressed the "!" key to edit the contents of the field. However, the field is null; there is no data to view. Use Query to select a row that includes non-null data in this field. -3005 You do not have permission to access the form form-name. The form file form-name does exist; however your account does not have operating system permissions to read and write it. -3006 An unknown code has been found in the .frm file. Please re-compile your form before running it again. Recompile the form to make sure that the .frm file has not been corrupted. If the same error occurs, make sure that you are running FORMBUILD and PERFORM products at the identical version level (version numbers are displayed when the commands are executed from the command line, provided the -s option is not used). If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -3007 Your form is incompatible with the current version of PERFORM. Please re-compile your form before running it again. Use FORMBUILD to compile the form, then run PERFORM again. -3010 Database database-name not found. The database named in the DATABASE section of the form could not be opened. Either it could not be found, or your account has not been granted CONNECT privilege for it. You can use IBM INFORMIX-SQL to separate these cases. Use the Database menu, Select option. If database-name is listed, the database can be found but could not be opened. The database server looks for a database first in the current directory, and then in directories named in the DBPATH environment variable. Check to see if a directory database-name.dbs exists in one of those directories. -3011 A table is locked -- no reading or writing is permitted. Because another user has locked a table in exclusive mode, PERFORM cannot continue. Rerun the transaction when the table is not locked. -3019 Unanticipated error number has occurred, please call IBM Informix Software. Please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -3020 The table table-name is not in the database -- build your form again. A table listed in the TABLES section of the form cannot be found. Review the DATABASE statement to make sure that the form is using the correct database. If so, and if the table name is spelled as you intended, the table has been dropped or renamed. You can use IBM INFORMIX-SQL to check table names under the Tables menu, Info selection. Revise the form to use the correct name. -3030 The column column-name is not in the database -- build your form again. The tables specified in the TABLES section of the form do exist, but the column column-name, which was named in the ATTRIBUTES section, does not. Check the spelling of column-name against the actual table. The table may have been altered or the column may have been renamed. You can use IBM INFORMIX-SQL to check column names under the Tables menu, Info selection. Revise the form to use the correct column name. -3031 The form form-name cannot be found or opened. PERFORM cannot locate the compiled form form-name.frm in the current directory or in a directory named in the DBPATH environment variable-or if it did find the file, it could not open it. Check the spelling of the name; verify that the file exists; and check that your account has read access to it. -3035 The column column-name has changed column type -- build your form again. The column column-name, which is named in the ATTRIBUTES section of the form, no longer has the data type that it had when the form was compiled (the table has been altered since). Check the present data type; then examine the form specification to make sure it will display the column in a field of the appropriate size. Modify the form as required and rebuild it. -3037 The column column-name is not a composite column -- build your form again. The column column-name is mentioned as part of a COMPOSITE in the INSTRUCTIONS section of the form specification. However, there is no composite index (an index over all the columns of a composite key) over this column and its fellows in the database. After the form was compiled the composite index was dropped. Either it should be restored, or the form should be revised. -3050 Operating system error Cannot open a temporary file. PERFORM is trying to open a temporary file which it created earlier. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. It is possible that you have exceeded a limit on the number of open files. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -3060 Operating system error Cannot create a temporary file. PERFORM is trying to create a temporary file and cannot. Check that, on UNIX systems, your account is allowed to write in the /tmp directory or the directory named in the DBTEMP environment variable, and that the directory is not full. It is possible that you have exceeded an operating system limit on the number of open files. In that case you will have to reduce the number of tables used in this form. -3081 The specified output file name has a bad extension. The output filename may not end in any of the following suffixes: .dat .idx .aud .per .frm .ace .arc .sql .unl Select a different filename. -3082 No program specified to edit this BYTE field. The form user has keyed "!" in the display of a BYTE field. However, no program= attribute was defined for this field. -3101 The column column-name does not allow null values. When adding data to a table, no data was specified for the column shown. However, that column is defined in the database as not allowing null values. The row cannot be added unless a value is supplied. -3120 Error in field. The data entered into the current field is not appropriate for the data type of the field. -3200 There are no rows in the current list. You must first query the table before executing the UPDATE, REMOVE, NEXT or PREVIOUS command. -3210 The current row position contains a deleted row. The row now displayed has just been deleted by another user and no longer exists. You cannot use the UPDATE, REMOVE, NEXT, or PREVIOUS commands until you have used QUERY to display a valid row. -3260 This is an invalid value -- it does not exist in table-name table. This column has a verify join with a column in table table-name. Any value entered in this field must be found in that table. The value just entered was not found. Enter a correct value. -3261 Invalid value -- its composite value does not exist in table-name table. This column is listed with others as a COMPOSITE in the INSTRUCTIONS section of the form specification, and shown there as needing to be verified against matching columns of table table-name. The value you have entered, considered with the other values in the composite, do not occur in table-name. -3265 A required index on column-name is missing -- please restore. All dominant columns (those with asterisks before their names) in verify joins must be indexed. Perhaps the index has been dropped since the form was compiled. Re-create the index and run the form again. -3300 There are no more rows in the direction you are going. You reached the beginning or the end of the current list of rows. You can start a new query with the QUERY command, or use the PREVIOUS or NEXT command to reverse through the list the other way. -3400 There are no rows satisfying the conditions. There are no rows in the database that match the values entered in the form. Enter different values and query again. -3420 This value is not among the valid possibilities. A list or range of acceptable values has been established for this column (via an INCLUDE attribute in the form specification file). You must enter a value within the acceptable range. -3421 The joined field table.column cannot be selected by the current user. This form queries the column in the table shown in joining two tables. However your account name does not have SELECT privilege for that table and column. Contact the owner of the table or a Database Administrator to be given this privilege. -3430 This field requires an entered value. The row cannot be added to the table until a value has been entered in the indicated field. A REQUIRED attribute in the form specification file has been associated with the column. Enter a value in the field. -3450 Someone else has deleted a row which is in your list. Another user, accessing a table which is queried by your form, has deleted a row that was selected by your latest query. Restart your query to get an accurate selection of rows. This error message may be returned by version 4.0 and earlier of PERFORM when querying a view, because early versions of the product did not support views. -3451 This form has no fields requiring data entry. None of the fields in this form specification permit data entry; they are all marked as either LOOKUP or as DISPLAYONLY without the ALLOWING INPUT keywords. -3452 Add, Update and Remove operations not allowed on a remote table. The table being queried is in a database that is external to the current database (the one named in the DATABASE section of the form). Such tables may not be modified. (This message is not currently used. It may be encountered with products of Version 4.0 or earlier.) -3460 This row has been locked by another user -- try again later. The table is currently being used by another individual. Wait a few moments and reenter your statement. -3500 The two entries were not the same -- please try again. To guard against typographical errors, the value in this field must be entered twice. The values entered must be identical. Carefully reenter the data. (A VERIFY attribute in the form specification file has been associated with this column.) -3600 No detail table has been specified for this table. You must first establish this table as the master of another table in the INSTRUCTIONS section of the form. -3610 No master table has been specified for this table. You must first establish this table as the detail of another table in the INSTRUCTIONS section of the form. -3620 You do not have permission to write into this table. You do not have insert or update privilege for the table and so cannot insert or update a column. Check with the owner of the table or the person who has Database Administrator (DBA) privilege for the database for the necessary permission. -3630 Operating system error Cannot write into a temporary file. PERFORM earlier created a temporary file but now cannot write into it. The most likely cause is that the disk has filled up. Alternatively, another user might have deleted the temporary file after it was created. -3650 You must first remove table-name rows which join this row. The row you wish to remove is the dominant member of a verify join. You cannot remove this row without first removing any rows that join it. -3651 You have exceeded the number of opened tables allowed by your system. Executing the statement would require that PERFORM exceed an operating system limit on the number of open files. You will have to reduce the number of tables included in the form specification. -3660 You must first update table-name rows which join this row. The row you wish to update is the dominant member of a verify join. You are not allowed to change a row value in this column that would invalidate joined rows in other tables. You must first update the rows in table-name that join this column. -3670 Operating system error Cannot seek into a temporary file. Earlier PERFORM created a temporary file; now it cannot change the file position in that file. Perhaps the file was deleted by another user after it was created. Look for messages from the operating system that might give more detail on the problem. -3680 PERFORM has run out of memory. PERFORM cannot get the memory data space it needs. You will have to reduce the complexity of the form. -3690 Detail cannot be executed -- tables first and second do not join. A master-detail relationship for these two tables is specified in the INSTRUCTIONS section of the form. However, the two tables do not join. Add a join attribute in the ATTRIBUTES section. -3700 Permission not granted to allow reading of table-name. Your account has not been granted SELECT privilege for the table table-name. The owner of the table, or a person who has Database Administrator (DBA) privilege for the database, can grant this privilege level to you. -3710 Permission not granted to allow update of table-name. Your account has not been granted UPDATE privilege for the table table-name. The owner of the table, or a person who has Database Administrator (DBA) privilege for the database, can grant this privilege level to you. -3720 Permission not granted to allow add of table-name. Your account has not been granted INSERT privilege for the table table-name. The owner of the table, or a person who has Database Administrator (DBA) privilege for the database, can grant this privilege level to you. -3730 Permission not granted to allow remove of table-name row. Your account has not been granted DELETE privilege for the table table-name. The owner of the table, or a person who has Database Administrator (DBA) privilege for the database, can grant this privilege level to you. -3731 Cannot open the table table-name. The database server cannot open the file that represents this table. You may have exceeded an operating system limit on open files; if that is the case, then you will have to reduce the number of tables included in the form. However, first make sure that in the database directory (its name is database-name.dbs) there is a file for this table and that your account has read access to it. The name of the table file is composed of table-name, a three-digit number, and the suffix .dat. -3750 Command aborted. This message is not returned by any current IBM Informix product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -3751 Type carriage return to continue. This message is not returned by any current IBM Informix product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -3752 You cannot use this editing feature because a picture exists. This field is defined (in the form specification file) with a PICTURE attribute to specify its format. You are not allowed to use certain editing keys (for example, CTRL-A, CTRL-D, and CTRL-X) while you are editing such a field. Enter the value using printable characters and backspace only. -3754 You have exceed the pseudo machine stack space. Reduce the complexity of the form. In particular, reduce the level of nesting of loops and IF statements, and break very complicated expressions in LET statements up into simpler ones. -3755 The selected display-only field tagname cannot be accessed. The field tag name passed to the C function pf_nxfield() is the name of a display-only field. Since the user is not allowed to enter data in a display-only field, the cursor cannot be located in one. Check the tagname supplied; if it is the one intended, review the attributes of that field and find out why it has been set display-only. -3756 The selected field tag-name cannot be assigned a value at this time. The specified field is not in the current table. The cursor is not allowed to enter such fields and values cannot be set in them. -3757 A conversion error has occurred for the field tag-name. The data type of the value passed to pf_putval() could not be converted into the data type of the screen field tag-name. Review the value and the valtype flag versus the data type of the field in the form definition. -3758 The next selected field tag-name is not in the current table. The field tag name passed to the C function pf_nxfield() is the name of a field that is not in the current table. The cursor is not allowed to enter such fields. -3759 The display field field-name does not exist in the form. The field tag name passed to the C function pf_nxfield() is not defined in this form. Review the string passed; if it is as intended, inspect the form definition to see what has been changed. A common error is to confuse the tag name, which is used in the screen layout and to the left of the equals sign in the ATTRIBUTES section, with the field-name which is the column name used to the right of the equals sign in the ATTRIBUTES section. The latter is used when referring to fields. -3760 Matching may not be used between non-character fields or expressions. An IF-THEN-ELSE statement in the INSTRUCTIONS section of the form uses the keyword MATCHES to compare two fields. However, at least one of the fields is not a character field, and MATCHES can be used only with character fields. Review all uses of MATCHES in the INSTRUCTIONS section to make sure it is applied only to character fields. -3761 ERROR -- attempt to divide by zero has occurred. A division expression in the INSTRUCTIONS section has a zero divisor. Review all uses of division in the INSTRUCTIONS section, looking for any that might have a denominator of zero (possibly the denominator is a field into which the user entered a zero). Protect these expressions with tests for zero using IF-THEN-ELSE. -3762 The user function funcname defined in the form could not be found in the C function definition table userfuncs. The INSTRUCTIONS section of the form includes a call to a function funcname, and sperform assumes this is the name of an external C function. (The use of external C functions with ACE reports and PERFORM screens is covered in the ESQL/C manual.) However, the name and address of each such function must appear in a static array named userfuncs. That array, along with the machine code of the external functions, is linked with a custom version of sperform. Since name did not appear in the array, sperform cannot call it. Check that you are executing the correct, customized version of sperform (the original version of the program has no external functions linked to it). Check to see if funcname is correctly spelled. Then examine the source of the C functions to make sure that the userfuncs array is defined correctly. -3763 This program has an invalid serial number. Please consult your installation instructions. The IBM Informix software product has been improperly installed. Review the installation procedure. If you need help, contact your IBM Informix representative. -3764 Screen too small. Must be at least 6 lines and 30 columns. Perform cannot operate in a screen or window smaller than 6 lines by 30 columns. You must increase the size of the terminal window in which you are executing perform. Six lines by 30 columns is the absolute minimum; however, the window must also be large enough to contain the form that will be displayed. -3765 Form image too large to fit in the screen window. The screen image as defined in the form file is larger (either wider or taller) than the dimensions of the current window. If the current window is the main window, its size is set by the dimensions of the terminal in use. If the current window was opened with OPEN WINDOW, then more rows or columns should be specified. Review the form file and either reduce the size of the screen image or display it as a bigger window. -3766 Usage: SPERFORM [-s] [-d database] filename . . . This message displays the command line option of the sperform program. -3767 An unknown option option name was found on the command line. Make sure you have typed the correct command line option. -3999 System internal error in file filename at line number. This error should not occur. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -4300 This statement contains too many levels of function call nesting. This statement has calls to functions nested within the parameter lists of other function calls, to a level exceeding four. The maximum level supported is four, as in the expression: Afun(2-Bfun(3+Cfun(4*Dfun(5)))). Rewrite the expression to store the result of the innermost function calls in a variable, and use the variable in the expression. -4301 The program has too many levels of WHILE, FOR, MENU, and/or CASE statements. There is a limit of 25 on the total depth of nested CASE, FOR, MENU, and WHILE statements (in any combination). Rearrange the program so that the nesting depth does not exceed 25, for example by moving some of the inner structures to a separate module or isolating them in a function. -4302 The record description is nested too deep. A record structure may contain components which are records; however there is a limit of five levels of nested records. Rewrite the record definition so that it does not exceed this limit. -4303 A blob variable or cursor name expected. The argument to the FREE statement must be the name of a cursor or prepared statement or, in 4GL, the name of a variable with the BYTE or TEXT data type. -4304 A different database has already been declared. If your program uses a global definition file, it must contain the same database name as this one. This module contains a non-procedural DATABASE statement; and it also uses the GLOBALS filename statement to include a file of global definitions. In that file there is a DATABASE statement naming a different database. Only one database may be specified for declarative purposes. Change either the module or the global definitions file so they name the same database. -4305 The database name cannot be found or opened. If the database exists, check the database permissions on the database. In addition, on UNIX systems, check the system permissions on the database directory and its ascendant directories. Check the spelling of the database name. Check that the database name exists in your current directory or in a directory included in your DBPATH environment variable. On UNIX systems, if the database is in a different directory, make sure that you have the ability to read that directory (to test this, make it the current directory and list the names of files in it). If these things are correct, make sure that you have at least CONNECT privilege for the database. -4306 The GLOBALS file pathname cannot be opened for reading. The file specified in the GLOBALS statement cannot be opened. Check that the file exists and that you can read it, for example by displaying it with an operating system command. If these things are correct, double-check the spelling of the pathname. If the file is not in the current directory, be sure that the complete path is given. -4307 The number of variables and/or constants in the display list does not match the number of form fields in the display destination. There must be exactly as many items in the list of values to display as there are fields listed following the TO keyword. -4308 The number of input variables does not match the number of form fields in the screen input list. Your INPUT statement must specify the same number of variables as it does fields. When checking this, keep in mind that when you refer to a record using an asterisk or THRU, it is the same as if you listed each record component individually. -4309 Printing cannot be done within a loop or CASE statement contained in report headers or trailers. 4GL needs to know how many lines of space will be devoted to page headers and trailers; otherwise it could not know how many detail rows to allow on a page. Since it cannot predict how many times a loop will be executed, or which branch of a CASE will be executed, it forbids the use of PRINT in these contexts within FIRST PAGE HEADER, PAGE HEADER, and PAGE TRAILER sections. You have to rearrange the code to place the PRINT statements where they will always be executed. -4310 Files cannot be printed within report headers or trailers. 4GL needs to know how many lines of space will be devoted to page headers and trailers; otherwise it could not know how many detail rows to allow on a page. Since it cannot predict how many lines are in a file, it forbids printing a file in a header or trailer. You may write PRINT statements in the control blocks for FIRST PAGE HEADER, PAGE HEADER, and PAGE TRAILER. However, you may not write PRINT FILE statements in these control blocks. -4311 The variable variable-name was not defined as a record. It cannot be used in this fashion. The variable whose name is shown is being used with THRU (or THROUGH) notation, or with .* notation, yet it is not defined as a record. Check that the variable name is the one you intended. If it is, find the place where it is defined (which may be in a global definition file included with the GLOBALS statement) and find out why it is no longer defined as a record. -4312 The NEED statement is allowed only within reports. The NEED n LINES statement is used in a report to cause a conditional page skip. This is only relevant in the context of the FORMAT section of a report. Check to see if a REPORT statement has been omitted. -4313 The NEED statement cannot be used within report headers or trailers. The NEED n LINES statement is used in a report to cause a conditional page skip. In the context of a FIRST PAGE HEADER, PAGE HEADER, or PAGE TRAILER section, however, it is irrelevant. If it did cause a page skip, an endless loop could ensue. -4314 The program cannot continue or exit a menu at this point because it is not within a MENU statement. This CONTINUE or EXIT statement uses the MENU keyword, yet it is not located within a COMMAND section of a MENU statement. Either the statement is in error, or some other error has prevented 4GL from recognizing the MENU statement. -4315 The program cannot exit a FOREACH statement at this point because it is not within a FOREACH statement. This CONTINUE or EXIT statement uses the FOREACH keyword, yet it is not located within a FOREACH loop. Either the statement is in error, or some other error has prevented 4GL from recognizing the FOREACH statement. -4316 The program cannot exit a WHILE statement at this point because it is not within a WHILE statement. This CONTINUE or EXIT statement uses the WHILE keyword, yet it is not located within a WHILE loop. Either the statement is in error, or some other error has prevented 4GL from recognizing the WHILE statement. -4317 The program cannot exit a FOR statement at this point because it is not within a FOR statement. This CONTINUE or EXIT statement uses the FOR keyword, yet it is not located within a FOR loop. Either the statement is in error, or some other error has prevented 4GL from recognizing the FOR statement. -4318 The program cannot exit a CASE statement at this point because it is not within a CASE statement. This CONTINUE or EXIT statement uses the CASE keyword, yet it is not located within a CASE statement. Either the statement is in error, or some other error has prevented 4GL from recognizing the CASE statement. -4319 The symbol variable-name has been defined more than once. The variable shown has appeared in at least one other DEFINE statement before this one. If this DEFINE is within a function or the MAIN section, the prior one is also. If this DEFINE is outside any function, the prior one is also outside any function; however, it may be within the file included by the GLOBALS statement. -4320 The symbol table-name is not the name of a table in the specified database. The named table does not appear in the database named in the latest DATABASE statement. It may be spelled wrong in the program, or the table might have been dropped or renamed since the last time the program was compiled. -4321 An array may have the maximum of three dimensions. You have written more than three subscripts following the name of an array. However, 4GL only supports arrays of three dimensions or fewer. Check the syntax of the subscript; an extra comma may have been entered in error. -4322 The symbol column-name is not the name of a column in the specified database. The preceding statement suggests that the named column is part of a certain table in the database named in the last DATABASE statement. The table exists, but the column does not appear in it. Check the spelling of the column name. If it is spelled as you intended, then either the table has been altered, or the column renamed, or you are not accessing the database you expected. -4323 The variable variable-name is too complex a type to be used in an assignment statement. The named variable is a record or an array. 4GL does not support the assignment of whole records or arrays. In the case of a record you must assign the individual record components, or you may assign groups of components to groups of components using asterisk notation. In the case of an array you must use a subscript to designate a single array element. Note: This error is not produced by any version of 4GL higher than Version 4.1. -4324 The variable variable-name is not a character type, and cannot be used to contain the result of concatenation. This statement attempts to concatenate two or more character strings (using the comma as the concatenation operator) and assign the result to the named variable. Unfortunately it is not a character variable. 4GL will not do automatic conversion from characters in this case. Assign the concatenated string to a character variable; then, if you want to treat the result as numeric, assign the string as a whole to a numeric variable. -4325 The source and destination records in this record assignment statement are not compatible in types and/or lengths. This statement uses asterisk notation to assign all components of one record to the corresponding components of another. However, the components do not correspond. Note that 4GL matches record components strictly by position, the first to the first, second to second, and so on; it does not match them by name. If the source and destination records do not have the same number and type of components, you will have to write a simple assignment statement for each component. -4326 A NULL value may not be applied to substrings. The value NULL is a whole value which is relevant to complete variables only. You can assign NULL to the name of this variable (omitting the substring notation) to make the entire variable contain the null string. Alternatively, you can assign spaces to a substring to make it blank. The only way to delete a portion of a string is to write an expression that extracts the leading and trailing substrings that are to be retained, and concatenates them. -4327 The variable variable-name is not of type INTEGER or SMALLINT. It cannot be used as a loop index. The index variable in a FOR loop must be an integer type. Specify a different variable or redefine the one named. -4328 The variable variable-name has too complex a type to be used as the destination of a return from a function. The named variable is a record or an array. Only simple variables may be returned by a function, although the function may return a list of simple variables. In the case of a record, you can use the asterisk or THRU notation as a shorthand to specify a list of components. -4329 The variable variable-name is not a record. Only record variables may be expanded using the .* or THROUGH shorthand. You have used the displayed name with either dot-asterisk or the word THRU (or THROUGH), which is shorthand notation to specify a list of the components of a record. Unfortunately, the variable is not defined as a record. Make sure that you specified the right variable and that it is defined as a record. -4330 RETURN statements can be executed only within functions. This RETURN statement is used to exit from a function, returning a value. In order to exit from the MAIN section of the program, use the EXIT PROGRAM statement. -4331 Only variables of type INTEGER or SMALLINT may be used to index display fields. This statement uses a subscript to refer to one element of a screen array. However, the subscript variable is not an integer type. Make sure that the subscripting variable is the one you intended to use, and make sure it is defined as INTEGER or SMALLINT. -4332 The LET statement must have at least one source expression. This LET statement has no valid expression to the right of the equal sign. Check the punctuation; perhaps part of the statement was deleted in error, or perhaps a comment delimiter has been inserted in the wrong place. -4333 The function function-name has already been called with a different number of parameters. Earlier in the program there is a call to this same function with a different number of parameters in the parameter list. At least one of these calls must be in error. Examine the FUNCTION statement for function-name to find out the correct number of parameters. Then examine all calls to it and make sure they are written correctly. When this error appears near the top of a function in conjunction with error -4336, fix the error -4336 first and -4333 will usually disappear. -4334 The variable variable-name in its current form is too complex to be used in this statement. By "too complex" 4GL means "has too many component parts." In this statement only simple variables - those that have a single component - may be used. If variable-name is an array, you will have to provide a subscript to select just one element. If it is a record, you will have to choose just one of its components. (However, if this statement permits a list of variables, as in the INITIALIZE statement, you can use asterisk or THRU notation to convert a record name into a list of components.) -4335 The symbol field is not an element of the record record. This statement refers to record.field. While the variable record is indeed a record, field is not the name of one of its component fields. Find the definition of record (it may be in the GLOBALS file) and verify the names of its fields. Then correct the spelling of field. -4336 The parameter variable-name has not been defined within the function or report. The name variable-name appears in the parameter list of the FUNCTION statement for this function. However, it does not appear in a DEFINE statement within the function. All parameters must be defined in their function before use. Possibly you wrote a DEFINE statement but did not spell variable-name the same way in both places. -4338 The symbol variable-name has already been defined once as a parameter. The name shown appears in the parameter list of the FUNCTION statement and in at least two DEFINE statements within the function body. Only one appearance in a DEFINE statement is permitted. -4339 4GL has run out of data space memory. The program is too large to compile. Divide it into modules and compile the modules separately. -4340 The variable variable-name is too complex a type to be used in an expression. By "too complex" 4GL means "has too many component parts." In an expression only simple variables - those that have a single component - may be used. If variable-name is an array, you will have to provide a subscript to select just one element. If it is a record, you will have to choose just one of its components. -4341 Aggregate functions are only allowed in reports and SELECT statements. Aggregate functions such as SUM, AVG, and MAX may only appear in SQL SELECT statements and within certain statements you use in the context of a report body. They are not supported in ordinary expressions in program statements. You may be able to write an application-specific function to perform this aggregate function on your data; however, you must name it something else since names such as SUM, AVG, and MAX are reserved words. -4342 PAGENO and LINENO are allowed only in reports. These functions are only relevant in the body of a report function (one following a REPORT statement). Only within the report-generating code is the idea of a current page or line meaningful. You can make these values available outside a report through global variables. For example, you could put a statement like this one in the PAGE HEADER control block: LET CURR_PAGE = PAGENO This would assign the current page to a global variable (called CURR_PAGE in the example) that could be tested by code outside the report function. -4343 Subscripting cannot be applied to the expression because it is not a character or array reference. You can write subscript expressions (integer-valued expressions separated by commas and enclosed in square brackets) following an expression that evaluates to an array. You can specify a substring (two integer expressions in square brackets) following a character expression. However, in this statement, expressions in square brackets follow something that is neither character nor an array. Review the punctuation of the statement and the declaration of the variables in it. Note: Error -4343 with this text is produced by 4GL later than Version 4.1. -4343 Subscripting cannot be applied to the variable variable-name because it is not a character or array variable. You can write a subscript expression (one, two, or three numbers in square brackets) following the name of an array variable. You can write a substring expression (two numbers in square brackets) following the name of a variable of type CHAR or VARCHAR. However, variable-name is none of those things. Either it is not the variable you intended, or it is not correctly defined. Note: Error -4343 with this text is produced by 4GL through Version 4.1. -4344 The variable variable-name cannot be used with substrings because it is not a character variable. This statement contains what appears to be a substring expression (two numbers in square brackets) following the identifier shown. However, that variable is not of type CHAR or VARCHAR. If you intended this as a substring, then you either named the wrong variable or the variable is not correctly defined. If you meant this as an array subscript, the same is true. -4345 The variable variable-name has already had substrings applied to it. This name shown is followed by one substring expression (two numbers in square brackets) and then by another. This is not valid. Perhaps in editing the name of another variable, some punctuation was deleted accidentally. Or if you meant this to be a subscript of a two-dimensional array of character items followed by a substring of the chosen element, the problem is that variable-name has not been defined as an array. -4346 Subscripts may contain only INTEGER or SMALLINT expressions. Array subscripts are integer values, and only integer expressions may be used to form them. This statement contains a subscript that evaluates to a fractional number, or character or other data type. No automatic conversion of data types is performed in a subscript expression. Review the subscript expressions in the statement to make sure they refer only to integer variables, constants and functions. Note: Error -4346 with this meaning is issued by 4GL later than Version 4.1. -4346 Subscripts may contain only INTEGER or SMALLINT variables. Array subscripts are integer values, and only integer variables may be used to form them. This statement contains a subscript in which a FLOAT, CHAR, or some other type of variable is used. No automatic conversion of data types is performed in a subscript expression. Review the subscript expressions in the statement; perhaps you simply entered the wrong variable name. If not, you will have to revise the program to store array subscripts in integer variables only (you might expect that a DECIMAL value with a scale factor of zero would be permitted also, but this is not the case). Note: Error -4346 with this meaning is issued by 4GL through Version 4.1. -4347 The variable variable-name is not a record. It cannot reference record elements. In this statement variable-name appears followed by a dot, followed by another name. This is the way you would refer to a component of a record variable; however, variable-name is not defined as a record. Either you have written the name of the wrong variable or else variable-name is not defined the way you intended. -4348 This type of aggregate must be applied to an expression, not '*'. Only PERCENT and COUNT aggregates use '*'. An aggregate function in this statement is one of those, such as MIN and SUM, that must be applied to a specific column, or to an expression involving specific columns. The asterisk notation in an SQL statement means "the whole row." With an aggregate function it is useful only when counting entire rows. -4349 The PERCENT and COUNT report aggregates cannot be used with an expression. These aggregate functions simply count entire rows, without regard for the contents of the rows. COUNT returns a count of the rows, and PERCENT returns the count of rows as a percentage of the entire table. The only permitted parameters of these functions '*' meaning "the entire row." They cannot be applied to specific columns or to expressions involving specific columns. -4350 The program cannot continue a FOR loop at this time because it is not within a FOR loop. There is a CONTINUE FOR statement that is not between a FOR statement and its matching END FOR statement. Perhaps the FOR statement has been accidentally deleted, or perhaps you changed to another type of loop such as FOREACH or WHILE. -4351 The program cannot continue a WHILE loop at this time because it is not within a WHILE loop. There is a CONTINUE WHILE statement that is not between a WHILE statement and its matching END WHILE statement. Perhaps the WHILE statement has been accidentally deleted, or perhaps you changed to another type of loop such as FOREACH or FOR. -4352 The program cannot continue a FOREACH loop at this time because it is not within a FOREACH loop. There is a CONTINUE FOREACH statement that is not between a FOREACH statement and its matching END FOREACH statement. Perhaps the FOREACH statement has been accidentally deleted, or perhaps you changed to another type of loop such as WHILE or FOR. -4353 An ORDER BY or GROUP item specified within a report may not be a blob variable. The database server does not support comparison functions on TEXT or BYTE columns. As a result, columns with these types may not be used to order or group rows. Use other columns (usually the primary key of the table) for ordering and grouping. -4354 Aggregate functions cannot be performed with blob variables. This statement applies an aggregate function such as SUM to a variable defined as BYTE or TEXT. Such variables are not in the domain of the aggregate functions. Review the use of functions in the statement and make sure they are applied to the variables you intended. -4356 A page header has already been specified within this report. Only one PAGE HEADER control block is allowed in a report. The statements in this control block must be suitable for all pages of the report (except the very first page, for which you may write a FIRST PAGE HEADER block). Find the other PAGE HEADER control block(s) and combine all their statements into one control block. -4357 A page trailer has already been specified within this report. Only one PAGE TRAILER control block is allowed in a report. The statements in this control block must be suitable for all pages of the report. Find the other PAGE TRAILER control block(s) and combine all their statements into one control block. -4358 A first page header has already been specified within this report. Only one FIRST PAGE HEADER control block is allowed in a report. (After all, there is only one first page.) Find the other FIRST PAGE HEADER control block(s) and combine all their statements into one control block. -4359 An ON EVERY ROW clause has already been specified within this report. Only one ON EVERY ROW control block is permitted in a report. Find the other ON EVERY ROW control block(s) and combine their statements into one block. -4360 An ON LAST ROW clause has already been specified within this report. Only one ON LAST ROW control block is permitted in a report. Find the other ON LAST ROW control block(s) and combine their statements into one block. -4361 Group aggregates can occur only in AFTER GROUP clauses. The aggregate functions that apply to a group of rows (GROUP COUNT, GROUP PERCENT, GROUP SUM, GROUP AVG, GROUP MIN, GROUP MAX) may only be used at the point in the report when a complete group has been processed, namely, in the AFTER GROUP control block. Make sure that the AFTER GROUP statement exists and was recognized. If you need the value of a group aggregate at another time, for instance in a PAGE TRAILER control block, you can save it in a global variable with a LET statement in the AFTER GROUP control block. -4362 The report cannot skip to the top of page while in a header or trailer. When SKIP TO TOP OF PAGE is executed, the page trailer clause must be executed (so as to display fixed page-end material) followed by the page header clause. If the statement was allowed in a header or trailer clause, an infinite loop could ensue. -4363 The report cannot skip lines while in a loop within a header or trailer. 4GL needs to determine how many lines of space will be devoted to the page header and trailer (otherwise it could not know how many detail rows to allow on the page). It cannot predict how many times a loop will be executed, so it has to forbid the use of SKIP statements in loops in the PAGE HEADER, PAGE TRAILER, and FIRST PAGEHEADER sections. -4365 Deferments of interrupt or quit may be executed only in the main program. The statements DEFER INTERRUPT and DEFER QUIT may only appear in the MAIN section of the program. They may appear only once each in a program. -4366 The number of variables does not match the number of database columns in this statement. There must be a program variable to receive data from or supply data to each column named in the statement. Possibly there is an ambiguity between column names and variable names. When a program variable has the same name as a database column, you can force 4GL to use the database column by prefixing it with the at-sign (@) character or with its table-name. -4367 Interrupt has already been deferred once in the main program. Each main program may defer interrupts only once. The statements DEFER INTERRUPT and DEFER QUIT may only appear in the MAIN section of the program. They may appear only once each in a program. -4368 Quit has already been deferred once in the main program. Each main program may defer quit only once. The statements DEFER INTERRUPT and DEFER QUIT may only appear in the MAIN section of the program. They may appear only once each in a program. -4369 The symbol variable-name does not represent a defined variable. The name shown appears where a variable would be expected, but it does not match any variable name in a DEFINE statement that applies to this context. Check the spelling of the name. If it is the name you intended, then look back and find out why it has not yet been defined. Possibly the GLOBALS statement has been omitted from this source module, or it names an incorrect file. Possibly this code has been copied from another module or another function, but the DEFINE statement was not copied also. -4370 The variable variable-name cannot be used in validation. The VALIDATE statement operates on only simple variables; it cannot accept records or arrays. If you have named a record, you can use asterisk notation or THRU notation as shorthand for a list of the component fields of the record. However, if a record component is itself a record, you must list its components individually as well. -4371 Cursors must be uniquely declared within one program module. In the statement DECLARE cname CURSOR, the identifier cname may be used in only one DECLARE statement in the source file. This is true even when the DECLARE statement appears inside a function. Although a program variable made with the DEFINE statement is local to the function, a cursor within a function is still global to the whole module. -4372 The cursor cursor-name has not yet been declared in this program module. It must be declared before it can be used. The name shown appears where the name of a declared cursor or a prepared statement is expected; however no cursor (or statement) of that name has been declared (or prepared) to this point in the program. Check the spelling of the name. If it is the name you intended, look back in the program to see why it has not been declared. Possibly the DECLARE statement appears in a GLOBALS file which was not included. -4373 A grammatical error has been found on line line-number, character char-number. The construct is not understandable in its context. This is the general message showing an inability to parse a 4GL statement. The line and character numbers show the point at which the parser detected a problem. However, this is almost never the point at which the error exists. Start there and work backward in the program looking for other error messages, and for missing punctuation, missing END statements, and other mistakes. If the statement at line-number is END FUNCTION, END MAIN, or END REPORT, one probable cause is the absence of another END, possibly many lines earlier. Usually a missing END IF is the culprit. If the cause for this error is not obvious, concentrate on eliminating any other, more specific error messages and this one will probably go away also. -4374 This type of statement can only be used within a MENU statement. This statement, for example a SHOW OPTION statement, only makes sense within the context of a MENU statement. Review the program in this vicinity to see if an END MENU statement has been misplaced. If you intended to set up the appearance of a menu before displaying it, use a BEFORE MENU block within the scope of the MENU. -4375 The page length is too short to cover the specified page header and trailer lengths. Examine the statements in the OUTPUT section and in any HEADER and TRAILER clauses. The total of lines used by these statements must be sufficiently less than the specified page length that some detail rows can be printed. -4376 The temporary file filename cannot be created for writing. Check that your account, on UNIX systems, has permission to create files in the /tmp directory, or in the directory named in the DBTEMP environment variable if that is different. Look for other, more explicit, error messages from the operating system. It may be that the disk is full or that you have reached a limit on the number of open files. -4377 The output file filename cannot be created or opened. On UNIX systems, check that your account has permission to create files in the directory where filename would be created. Look for other, more explicit, error messages from the operating system. It may be that the disk is full or that you have reached a limit on the number of open files. -4378 No input file was specified. You invoked the C-code or the p-code compiler from the command line but did not specify the name of a source file to be edited. Repeat the command, specifying a source file. -4379 The input filename filename cannot be opened. Either the file does not exist, or, on UNIX, your account does not have permission to read it. Possibly the filename is misspelled, or the directory path leading to the file was specified incorrectly. -4380 The listing file filename cannot be created. Check that the directory path leading to the file is specified correctly and, on UNIX systems, that your account has permission to create a file in that directory. Look for other, more explicit, error messages from the operating system. It may be that the disk is full or that you have reached a limit on the number of open files. -4381 The input file filename has an invalid extension. The file name must have .4gl as the extension. It is not necessary to enter the file extension or suffix of .4gl when you type the name of a program source file. However, if you do type a file suffix it must be .4gl; no other is allowed. If you type the suffix incorrectly, enter the command again omitting the suffix. If the file really has a different suffix, you will have to change it. -4382 Record variables that contain array type elements may not be referenced by the ".*" or THROUGH shorthand, or used as a function parameter. You may define a record that contains an array as one of its components. However you must always list that component by its full designation of record.part[n]. The asterisk or THRU notation is only shorthand for a list of the names of the components of the record. It cannot produce the bracketed subscript after the name of the array component. A record that contains an array component may not be used as a parameter to a function. However you may use the array component itself as a function parameter if you spell out its name as record.part. -4383 The elements name-1 and name-2 do not belong to the same parent record. The two names shown are used where two components of one record are required; however they are not components of the same record. Check the spelling of both names. If they are spelled as you intended, go back to the definition of the record and see why it does not include both names as component fields. -4384 The symbol name does not represent the element of any record. The name shown is used where 4GL expects the name of a record component. Check the spelling of the name. If it is spelled as you intended, go back to the definition of the record variable and see why it does not include name as a component field. -4385 Report aggregates may not be nested. Aggregate functions may not be nested, primarily because the value of the inner aggregate is not known at the time the outer aggregate is being accumulated. Rewrite aggregate expressions to refer only to columns and simple expressions on columns. In an AFTER GROUP OF clause, you can save the aggregate value from one group of rows in a program variable, so as to use it in computing an aggregate over a subsequent group. -4386 There are too many ORDER BY fields in this report. The maximum number is number. There is a limit on the number of ordering fields. You will have to redesign the report so that it requires ordering by no more than number columns. Alternatively you can order the data before passing it to the report, and specify the EXTERNAL keyword on the ORDER BY statement in the report body. It is generally more efficient to have the database server produce the rows in the correct order (using SELECT ... ORDER BY in the cursor that produces the rows). -4387 The right margin must be greater than the left margin. If the right margin of a report were no greater than the left margin, there would be no room on each line for data. Check both MARGIN statements in the OUTPUT section for reasonable values. -4388 There is one BEFORE GROUP OF clause and one AFTER GROUP OF clause allowed for each report input parameter. The report is attempting to define a second BEFORE GROUP OF or AFTER GROUP OF block for a single report parameter. Only one such control block is allowed. Find all the block(s) for this parameter and combine their statements into one. -4389 There are too many levels of nesting of IF statements in this report. You have exceeded the maximum of five levels of nesting of IF statements. Possibly an END IF statement has been omitted. If not, you will have to revise the logic of the report so that decisions are nested less deeply. -4390 Only one BEFORE MENU clause is allowed for each MENU statement. There may be only one BEFORE block of statements in a MENU. Make sure that the scope of your MENU statements are correctly marked with an END MENU. Then combine all the preparation code for this menu into a single BEFORE MENU block. Note: This error is returned only by 4GL at Version 4.1. -4391 When doing INPUT BY NAME or INPUT ARRAY, the BEFORE/AFTER field names can be specified only by the field name suffix. Screen array and screen record elements are not allowed. Only names of single form fields may be used with a BEFORE or AFTER clause. The name of a field is defined in the ATTRIBUTES section of the form definition; it is often the same as the name of a database column. Here are example lines from an ATTRIBUTES section: atag = customer.customer_num,noentry; tag2 = formonly.total,format="#######.##"; The names of these fields are customer_num and total, respectively. In the 4GL statement in question, you have written a name prefixed with another name and a dot. That is the syntax used for specifying components of screen records or screen arrays, or database columns of the same name in different tables, but it is not appropriate here. -4392 The 4GL compiler has run out of data space memory to contain the 4GL program symbols. If the program module is very large, dividing it into separate modules may alleviate the situation. Reorganize your program source as a group of modules that can be compiled separately. Alternatively, revise the program so that fewer unique symbols are required, for instance by replacing many similar variables with an array. This error may also be related to the CONSTRUCT statement. If there is a CONSTRUCT over a large number of fields, moving that statement to a function and putting the function in a different source module may alleviate the problem with no other changes. -4393 The MENU statement has exceeded the maximum number of selections. There is a maximum of 25 selections in a menu. Make sure that you have not omitted an END MENU statement, thus combining two menus. If the menu is as you intended it, you will have to revise the program so as not to exceed the limit, for example by creating a hierarchy of menus. -4394 The MENU statement has two or more selections using the key-name key. There is at least one keyboard equivalent for each menu selection. It is either the keys listed in the KEY clause if one is given for the selection, or the initial letter of the selection if one is not. The keyboard equivalents for all selections must be distinct. Review each COMMAND statement in the menu and make sure that each has a unique keyboard equivalent. If you must give two selections names that start with the same initial letter, then you must give at least one of them a KEY clause. Note: This message is not currently used. It may be encountered with Version 4.0 or earlier. -4395 There are too many subscripts specified with a database column name. In this statement the name of a database column is followed by square brackets with several numbers between them. The only valid use for square brackets with a database column is to select a substring from a character column. However, for that use you must write exactly two numbers, the subscripts of the first and last letters of the substring. Here there are more than two numbers. Check and correct the punctuation. -4396 The MENU declaration at line line-number is not terminated. 4GL could not identify an END MENU statement to match the MENU statement on the line number shown. Start at that line and work down until you find where the terminating statement should have been, and insert it. -4397 The IF statement at line line-number is not terminated. 4GL could not identify an END IF statement to match the IF statement on the line number shown. Start at that line and work down until you find where the terminating statement should have been, and insert it. -4398 The CASE statement at line line-number is not terminated. 4GL could not identify an END CASE statement to match the CASE statement on the line number shown. Start at that line and work down until you find where the terminating statement should have been, and insert it. -4399 The WHILE statement at line line-number is not terminated. 4GL could not identify an END WHILE statement to match the WHILE statement on the line number shown. Start at that line and work down until you find where the terminating statement should have been, and insert it. -4400 The FOR statement at line line-number is not terminated. 4GL could not identify an END FOR statement to match the FOR statement on the line number shown. Start at that line and work down until you find where the terminating statement should have been, and insert it. -4401 A concatenation operation has created a string too long to fit in the destination string variable. This statement concatenates two or more character strings and stores the result in another variable of type CHAR or VARCHAR. However, the result of concatenation was longer than the receiving variable. If the excess length is due to trailing spaces, you can use the CLIPPED function to prevent them from being included in the combined result. Otherwise you will have to define the length of the receiving variable as at least the sum of the lengths of the input variables. -4402 In this type of statement, subscripting may be applied only to array variables to select individual array elements. The statement contains a name followed by square brackets, but the name is not that of an array variable. Check the punctuation of the statement and the spelling of all names. Names that are subscripted must be arrays. If you intended to use a character substring in this statement, you will have to revise the program. -4403 The number of dimensions for the variable variable-name does not match the number of subscripts. In this statement, the array whose name is shown is subscripted by a different number of dimensions than it was defined to have. Check the punctuation of the subscript. If it is as you intended, then review the DEFINE statement where variable-name is defined. -4405 The function has exceeded the maximum number of allowed parameters. This message is not returned by any current IBM Informix product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -4406 There is an unmatched quote in the above line. The source line contains an odd number of quote symbols. Inspect it from left to right and make sure that all literal character strings begin and end with a quote. All literal strings must begin and end on the same logical line. However there are two ways to write long literal strings. First, you may escape the end of line by making the final character in the line be a backslash (however, there is a fixed maximum of 80 characters on the total length of a single quoted string). Second, in the DISPLAY and LET statements you may concatenate shorter literal strings using the comma. Here are two examples. DISPLAY "abcdefghijkl\ mnopqrstuvwxyz" DISPLAY "abcdefghijkl", "mnopqrstuvwxyz" Both display the alphabet with no embedded white-space. -4407 There is an unprintable character in the above line. This source line contains an unusual character. 4GL suggests that the source file might be corrupt. Edit the file and remove the bad character. If you cannot see or select it with your editor, you may have to delete and retype the line. -4408 There is a quoted string that is too long in the above line. The limit on the length of a literal character string is 80 characters. However, in the DISPLAY and LET statements you may concatenate shorter literal strings using the comma. See message -4406 for an example. -4409 There is an invalid character in the above line. This source line contains some character other than printable text and normal white-space. Remove the invalid characters (which may be invisible under normal editing). If you cannot see or select the invalid characters with your editor program, you may have to delete the line and retype it. -4410 There is a numeric constant in the previous line that is too large or too small. A numeric constant in this line cannot be processed. Check the digits and punctuation of all literal numbers; for example, make sure that you have not typed a letter for a digit. No number may have more than 50 digits. Depending on the context, numbers may be restricted to one of three ranges: SMALLINT: absolute value not exceeding 32,767 INTEGER: absolute value not exceeding 2,147,483,647 DECIMAL: absolute value from 10-130 through 10124 -4411 There is an alphanumeric identifier that is too long in the above line. No identifier may exceed 50 characters. Check the spelling and punctuation of all identifiers (perhaps two names have run together). -4412 Values from the RUN command can be returned only to INTEGER or SMALLINT variables. The RUN command only returns the integer return code from the program that was executed. There is no automatic conversion of data in this case; its result must be assigned to an integer variable. -4413 The label label-name has already been defined within this main program or function. The name shown appears in two or more LABEL statements. Check the spelling of the name; if it is as you intended, then look back through this function or main program for other LABEL statements and find the one that uses this same name. Change one of them to use a different name. -4414 The label label-name has been used but has never been defined within the above main program or function. A GOTO or WHENEVER statement refers to the label shown, but there is no corresponding LABEL statement in the current function. Check the spelling of the label. If it is as you intended it, find and inspect the LABEL statement that should define it. You cannot transfer out of a function with GOTO; labels must be defined in the same function body where they are used. -4415 An ORDER BY or GROUP item specified within a report must be one of the report parameters. The names used in an ORDER BY, AFTER GROUP OF, or BEFORE GROUP OF statement must also appear in the parameter list of the REPORT statement. It is not possible to order or group based on a global variable or other expression. Check the spelling of the names in the statement and compare them to the REPORT statement. -4416 There is an error in the validation string: "%s". Change the appropriate DEFAULT or INCLUDE value in the syscolval table. -4417 This type of statement can be used only in a report. Statements such as PRINT, SKIP, or NEED are meaningful only within the body of a report function, where there is an implicit report listing to receive output. -4418 The variable used in the INPUT ARRAY or DISPLAY ARRAY statement must be an array. The name following the words DISPLAY ARRAY or INPUT ARRAY must be that of an array of records. Check the spelling of the name. If it is as you intended, find and inspect the DEFINE statement to see why it is not an array. (If you want to display or input a simple variable or a single element of an array, use the DISPLAY or INPUT statement.) -4419 The variable used in the CONSTRUCT statement must be a character variable. The name following the word CONSTRUCT must be that of a variable defined as CHARACTER or VARCHAR. It ought to be a long variable, since the string it receives may be long. Check the spelling of the name and, if it is as you intended, find and inspect the DEFINE statement to see why it is not a character type. -4420 The number of lines printed in the IF part of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement of a header or trailer clause must equal the number of lines printed in the ELSE part. 4GL needs to know how many lines will be filled in header and trailer sections (otherwise it could not know how many detail rows to put on the page). Since it cannot tell which part of an IF statement will be executed, it requires that both produce the same number of lines of output. -4421 You may not use an INPUT statement within another INPUT statement or PROMPT statement, even if it is enclosed within a conditional or looping statement. You may execute an INPUT statement from within another one, or from a PROMPT statement, but in order to do so you must place the INPUT statement in a function and call the function. You may not embed the text of an INPUT statement within another. -4422 You may not use a CONSTRUCT statement within another INPUT statement. This includes situations when CONSTRUCT is enclosed within a conditional or looping statement. You must call a function that executes the CONSTRUCT statement. You may execute a CONSTRUCT statement from within an INPUT statement, but in order to do so you must place the CONSTRUCT statement in a function and call the function. You may not embed the text of a CONSTRUCT statement in an INPUT statement. -4423 The CLIPPED and USING options for the DISPLAY statement may not be used when displaying to a form field. The CLIPPED and USING keywords may not be used in the DISPLAY TO and DISPLAY BY NAME statements. The display format of a form field is controlled by the attributes of that field, as specified in the form file. Trailing spaces are not displayed in a field. To get the effect of USING, edit the form file and add a USING attribute to the field or fields. -4424 The variable variable-name has not been defined as a record. The variable shown has been used with an asterisk, or with the THRU or THROUGH keywords. However, it has not been defined as a record. Check the spelling of the name. If it is as you intended, locate the definition of the variable and find out why it was not defined as a record. -4425 The variable variable-name has not been defined LIKE the table table-name. The named variable has been used in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement. However, it was not defined to be LIKE the table being updated. As a result, 4GL cannot associate record components with table columns. You can change the definition of the variable, or you can rewrite the UPDATE statement to show the explicit relationship between column names and record components. -4426 The PRINT statement may be used only within reports. If you wish to print without screen positioning, use the DISPLAY statement without any field or screen destination. The keyword PRINT is used specifically to produce lines of output to a report. The keyword DISPLAY introduces output to the screen. Possibly this statement was accidentally copied from a report body; more likely it was a hasty attempt to display casual output on the screen. In the latter case, simply changing PRINT to DISPLAY will usually be enough. -4427 The COLUMN feature for the DISPLAY statement may be used only when displaying without screen or field destination. The COLUMN function returns a string of spaces long enough to reach a certain column in the display output. You may use it with unqualified DISPLAY and with DISPLAY AT, but it is not appropriate with DISPLAY TO or DISPLAY BY NAME. -4428 You may not use a PROMPT statement within an INPUT or PROMPT statement, even if it is enclosed within a conditional or looping statement. You may execute a PROMPT statement from within another one or from within an INPUT statement, but in order to do so you must place the PROMPT statement in a function and call the function. You may not embed the text of a PROMPT statement within an INPUT statement or another PROMPT. -4429 Report and function parameters cannot be arrays. You may not pass a whole array as a parameter of a function. You may pass an individual element of the array by using a subscript. It is possible that the array that is causing this error is one component of a record variable being passed using asterisk notation. -4430 Record parameters for a report cannot contain elements that are arrays. You may not pass a whole array as a parameter of a function. You may pass an individual element of the array by using a subscript. In this case, a record variable is specified as a parameter using asterisk notation, but one of the components of the record is an array. -4431 The number of expanded report parameters has exceeded the maximum allowed. This message is not returned by any current IBM Informix product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -4432 An element in a GROUP clause must be a member of the ORDER BY clause. In order to perform grouping, the set of selected rows must be ordered on the same columns. This is the only way to force all the equal values to be found together, as a group. Rewrite the statement so that each selected value that you want to group also appears in an ORDER BY clause. Note that both these clauses allow you to refer to selected values by their position number, as in the following example: SELECT customer_num, month(order_date), avg(ship_weight ) FROM orders ORDER BY 1, 2 GROUP BY 1, 2 -4433 A variable used in the above statement must be of type CHAR or VARCHAR. The filename in the REPORT TO statement must be given as a character value; and the program name in the REPORT TO PIPE statement must also be given as a character value. In either case this may be a constant, a variable of either of the types mentioned, or an expression. However it may not be a number or other data type; there is no automatic type conversion in these statements. -4434 The limits of the IBM INFORMIX-4GL Demo Version have been exceeded. Please call IBM Informix Software, Inc. at (415) 926-6300 for licensing information. A program compiled using the demonstration version of IBM INFORMIX-4GL can contain only one module with no more than 150 statements. This program either has too many statements or it refers to a function in another module. Contact your IBM INFORMIX sales representative for information on full development licenses. -4435 An acceptable hyphenated key format is CONTROL-X, where X is any letter except A, D, H, L, R, or X. When a key is trapped by an ON KEY clause, it loses other special functions; for example, if you trap the Escape key, you must use the OPTIONS statement to set up a different Accept key. You are not allowed to use one of the control keys A, D, H, L, R, or X because these have editing functions, and there is no method of assigning alternate keys to those functions. -4436 There are too many variables to VALIDATE or INITIALIZE in one statement. There is a limit of 250 (through Version 4.0) names in the VALIDATE and INITIALIZE statements. Simply divide this statement into multiple statements so as not to exceed the limit. -4437 All table names in the SELECT list must be the same as the table name in the FROM clause. One of the table names used in the list of columns to select does not appear in the FROM clause. Possibly you simply misspelled the name in one of the two places. Or you may have used a table alias in the select-list but forgot to define it in the FROM clause. -4438 You cannot SELECT into a substring of a character variable. Substring notation is not allowed in the INTO clause. You may specify a substring of a column in the list of columns to select and in the WHERE clause. But you have to select into an entire variable. Define a variable to select into, and move the data into the destination substring using a LET statement. -4439 You cannot SELECT into record record because element name is a record or an array. The INTO clause may name only simple variables. The use of asterisk or THRU notation is a shorthand for listing all the component fields of a record. The resulting list of fields must consist of simple variables. In this case, the field name is not simple. Perhaps you have referred to the wrong record. If not, you will have to list the name component separately, specifying one or more of its component parts. -4440 The field name1 precedes name2 in the record record-name and must also precede it when used with the THROUGH shorthand. The THROUGH or THRU shorthand requires you to give the starting and ending fields as they appear in physical sequence in the record. Check the spelling of the names; if they are as you intended, then refer to the DEFINE statement where the record was defined to see why they are not in the sequence you expected. -4441 The ISAM cursor cursor-name has not yet been declared in this program module. It must be declared before it can be used. The cursor named in this statement has not been declared. A cursor must be declared in the source module where it is used, and the declaration must physically precede any references to it. Check the spelling of the cursor name; if it is as you intended, then locate the DECLARE CURSOR statement and move it to the top of the module. -4442 fetch-direction is not a recognized row selector in the ISAM FETCH statement. The word shown appears in this FETCH statement at the point where a fetch direction is expected. A fetch direction must be one of the words NEXT, FIRST, LAST, CURRENT, RELATIVE, ABSOLUTE, PRIOR, PREVIOUS, or ROWID. (All but NEXT require a scroll cursor.) Possibly you simply misspelled the word you intended; possibly due to an error earlier in the statement, 4GL is looking at the wrong word. -4443 Only constants and variables of type INTEGER or SMALLINT may be used to specify the size and/or position of windows. The WITH and AT clauses of the OPEN WINDOW statement require integer parameters. There is no automatic data conversion here; you must specify integer constants or name variables of an integer type. Possibly you misspelled the name of a variable. -4444 Too many colors specified for window. You may include only one color in the ATTRIBUTES clause of the OPEN WINDOW statement. It specifies the foreground (text) color for the window. Once the window is open you can display text in other colors through the attributes in a form, or the ATTRIBUTES clause of a DISPLAY, INPUT, or CONSTRUCT statement. -4445 You may not open or close window SCREEN. The word SCREEN may be used in the CLEAR WINDOW and CURRENT WINDOW statements, but because it refers to the physical terminal, it is not appropriate in the OPEN WINDOW and CLOSE WINDOW statements. -4446 Key value key-name may not be used in this context. The acceptable key values are F1 through F36, ESC or ESCAPE, and CONTROL-K where K is any letter except A, D, H, L, R, and X (those control characters are reserved for text-editing functions). CTRL-Z, CTRL-C, CTRL-S, and CTRL-Q are reserved for special functions by some operating systems. -4447 value is not a recognized key value. The acceptable key values are F1 through F36, ESC or ESCAPE, and CONTROL-K where K is any letter except A, D, H, L, R, and X (those control characters are reserved for text-editing functions). -4448 Cannot open the file filename for reading or writing. Verify that the filename is correctly spelled and that your account has permission to read or write to it. -4449 Cannot write to the pcode file. The compiler is unable to write the compiled form of the program. This output file has the same name as the source file and the extension .4go or .4gi. It is located in the current working directory, or if you are compiling from the command line, in the directory you specified with the -p option. Possibly there is already a file of the same name which is read-only to your account, or your account may not have write permission in the destination directory. Or the disk may by full. Look for messages from the operating system that may give more information. -4450 Error while reading pcode file filename, or it is incomplete. Either the operating system returned an error code while 4GL was loading the named file, or the file has somehow been truncated so 4GL could not locate an end-marker that it expected. Look for messages from the operating system. In any event, it is probably best to re-create the file by compiling the program again. -4451 The size of the pcode generated from this function has exceeded the 32K per function limit. The function will have to be simplified. Extract some portion of its code to a separate function and call that function. -4452 The function (or report) name has already been defined. Function and report cannot both have the same name. Each function (or report, which is similar to a function) must have a unique name within the program. Change the function or report name. -4453 The size of the global string table has exceeded the limit of 32767. The table is used to hold literal strings and identifiers used in the main function and at the global and module levels. The table also holds the identifiers of forms, windows, and cursors. To avoid this error, move some code that uses many literal strings into a separate module or into a function. Alternatively, find a way to initialize character variables without assigning literal strings, for example by reading the initial values from a database or file. Reducing the number of global and module variables will also help. -4454 The size of the local string table has exceeded the limit of 32767. The table is used to hold literal strings and identifiers used in the current function. To avoid this error, split the function into two or more sub-functions. Alternatively, find a way to initialize character variables without assigning literal strings, for example by reading the initial values from a database or file. -4455 This variable definition is too complex. The number of levels of record nesting plus the maximum number of array dimensions at each level cannot exceed 10. An internal 4GL compiler limit has been exceeded. Find a way to simplify the structure of the record. -4456 This help number is not acceptable or reserved. Acceptable help numbers are in the range -32767 to 32767. -4457 You may have at most 4 keys in the key list. This is the limit on keys in a single ON KEY clause in this context. -4458 One dimension of this array has exceeded the limit of 32767. Array dimensions are limited to 32,767. You must either split the array into multiple arrays, or use multiple dimensions. -4459 The total size of an array cannot exceed number. The product of the array dimensions times the size of one element of the array is limited to the amount shown. You will have to reduce the size of one element or else reduce the dimensions. -4460 Invalid attribute name attribute. Check the spelling of the attribute shown. Built-in attributes are WHITE, YELLOW, MAGENTA, RED, CYAN, GREEN, BLUE, BLACK, REVERSE, BLINK, and UNDERLINE. In addition you may define new names in the colornames file. -4461 Line number in the colors file must have the form 0-9. The compiler is reading the colornames file located in the current directory or in the incl directory pointed to by the INFORMIXDIR environment variable, and it cannot parse the line whose number is shown. Each line of the file should contain only a name for a color followed by a single digit. -4462 Scroll direction must be either UP or DOWN. The SCROLL statement requires a direction word, either UP or DOWN. Look for earlier errors that may have mislead 4GL at this point. -4463 The NEXT FIELD statement can only be used within an INPUT or CONSTRUCT statement. Something has caused 4GL to think this NEXT FIELD statement is not part of an INPUT statement: possibly an earlier error, possibly a misplaced END INPUT statement. Check to make sure that all the parts of the INPUT or INPUT ARRAY statement are properly delimited. -4464 The number of columns must match the number of values in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement. Review the punctuation of this UPDATE statement. The two lists, one of columns and one of expressions, must have matching numbers of items. Possibly there is a comma missing between two expressions, an easy mistake to overlook when expressions are complex. -4465 The FOREACH statement at line number is not terminated. A FOREACH statement must be closed with an END FOREACH statement. (EXIT FOREACH is not equivalent.) Possibly the END FOREACH statement is missing; or possibly it was written incorrectly or 4GL was not able to recognize it owing to some other error. -4466 Column column of table tablename has too many default values. While compiling the INITIALIZE LIKE statement, 4GL has found more than one default value for the column noted. These defaults are put into the syscolval table by the Column Attributes Dictionary utility in Windows and the upscol utility in DOS and UNIX. Use that utility to revoke all but one of the defaults before compiling again. -4467 Array array-name must have just 1 dimension for INPUT ARRAY or DISPLAY ARRAY. Check that the array used in this statement is defined with only one dimension. These statements do not support multi-dimensional arrays. -4468 Column column does not belong to table tablename. The program indicates that column is part of the table shown, but that table in the database does not have such a column. Make sure that the column and the table are both spelled as you intended. Then check the definition of the table in the database. The database that is checked at compile time is the one named in the first DATABASE statement in the source module. -4469 FOR UPDATE cannot be used with SCROLL cursors. This DECLARE CURSOR statement contains both the FOR UPDATE clause and the SCROLL keyword. That combination is not allowed. If you must use a scroll cursor, you will have to use a separate cursor for updating. -4470 A SCROLL cursor was not declared. This FETCH statement uses a direction keyword other than NEXT; however the cursor being used was not declared with the SCROLL keyword. Only a scroll cursor can perform operations such as FETCH PREVIOUS. -4471 UPDATEs may not be used with singleton selects. The FOR UPDATE clause may only follow a SELECT statement that is part of a cursor declaration. If you intend to select a row and then update it, you will have to declare a cursor for that purpose. Then OPEN the cursor, FETCH the row, and use UPDATE with the clause WHERE CURRENT. -4472 The INPUT statement at line number is not terminated. When an INPUT statement contains a BEFORE, AFTER, or ON KEY clause, it must be terminated with an END INPUT statement. Make sure there is such a statement. (Possibly 4GL was not able to recognize it owing to some other error.) -4473 The DISPLAY ARRAY statement at line number is not terminated. When a DISPLAY ARRAY statement contains an ON KEY clause, it must be terminated with an END DISPLAY statement. Make sure there is such a statement. (Possibly 4GL was not able to recognize it owing to some other error.) -4474 The PROMPT statement at line number is not terminated. When a PROMPT statement contains an ON KEY clause, it must be terminated with an END PROMPT statement. Make sure there is such a statement. (Possibly 4GL was not able to recognize it owing to some other error.) -4475 "name" may not be used as both a function (or report) name and a variable name. The name shown has been defined at least two ways. Names at the global or module level (function names, report names, and names of global or module variables) must be unique. Locate all the definitions of this name and change all but one of them. Note: Error -4475 is issued with this meaning through 4GL Version 4.1. -4476 Record members may not be used with database column substring. Possible misspelling or usage of undefined host variables. This statement has a reference of the form name1.name2[...]. This is the form in which you would refer to a substring of a column: table.column[...]. However, the names are not a table and column in the database, so 4GL presumes they refer to a field of a record. Inspect the statement and determine what was intended: a reference to a column or to a record. If to a column, verify the names of the table and column in the database. If to a record, verify that the record and component are properly defined, and if the record has the same name as a table, prefix it with @ to make it clear you mean the variable not the table. -4477 The variable name is an array. You must specify one of its elements in this statement. In this context you may not refer to an array, but only to a simple variable. Check the spelling of the variables in the statement. If they are as you intended, then use a subscript to select one element of name. -4478 The size of the local variables used in this function has exceeded the 32K per function limit. The total size of the local variables in this function has exceeded the limit. (You have probably defined large local character strings or arrays.) You will have to redesign the function or else make some of the local variables into module variables. If you would prefer to not have a large number of module-level variables, consider setting up a separate source module just for this function and its variables. -4479 Warning: non-ANSI comment indicator. Use "--" for ANSI compatibility. If you want your SQL statements to comply with ANSI standards, you must use the two-dash comment delimiter (--). The comment delimiters of the number sign (#) and the braces ({ }) are not portable to ANSI-compliant systems. This message is seen because you used the -ansi command-line parameter. -4480 Warning: this statement is not compatible with ANSI Standard SQL syntax. This SQL statement uses IBM INFORMIX extensions to the ANSI standard. Refer to the SQL reference material. This message is seen because you used the -ansi command-line parameter. -4481 Subscripting cannot be applied to the variable name because it is not an array variable. The substring operator cannot be used with host variables in this statement. This statement includes a reference to name followed by square brackets. However, name is not defined as an array, and a character substring is not allowed in this statement. Check that the name used is the one that you intended. If you meant it as a reference to an array element, check the definition of the variable. If you meant to take a substring of a character variable, that is not allowed in SQL statements, in which substrings can only be taken of character column-names. -4482 BY NAME may not be used with owner names or remote database names. The BY NAME clause asks 4GL to match up variable names to the column names associated with form fields. Unfortunately this does not work when the field is qualified with an owner name, a database name, or a site name. To get around this restriction, change the form. In the TABLES section, define an alias for the fully-qualified table name. Use that alias in defining the fields. -4483 No more than two subscripts may be used to specify a substring. This statement contains the name of a character column or variable followed by more than two expressions in square brackets. If you intend this as a reference to a substring of the character value, edit the statement to show two expressions in square brackets, one giving the first character (counting from 1) and the other the last character in the substring. -4484 Cannot specify UNIQUE CONSTRAINT name for TEMP table. Remove the constraint definition from this CREATE TEMP TABLE statement. Constraints may only be applied to permanent tables. -4485 Only blob variables of type BYTE or TEXT may be used in a LOCATE statement. The LOCATE statement is used to assign a BYTE or TEXT variable to a medium, either memory or a file. This is supported only for these data types; all other types of variables are located in memory. -4486 Blob variables and wordwrap fields cannot be printed in report headers or trailers. 4GL has to be able to predict how many lines will be used up in a report header or trailer. Since the size of a TEXT variable and the number of lines in a WORDWRAP field are unpredictable, you may not display one in these contexts. Note: Error -4486 with this meaning is produced by 4GL after Version 4.1. -4486 Blob variables cannot be printed within report headers or trailers. 4GL has to be able to predict how many lines will be used up in a report header or trailer. Since the size of a TEXT variable is unpredictable, you may not display one in these contexts. Note: Error -4486 with this meaning is produced by 4GL through Version 4.1. -4487 It is not possible to mix parameter and local record definitions where the record contains variables of type TEXT or BYTE. Please make a second definition for the local record variable. In this report body, use separate DEFINE statements for parameters of the report and for local variables of any type. -4488 The program cannot CONTINUE or EXIT statement-type at this point because it is not immediately within statement-type statement. This CONTINUE or EXIT statement is not appropriate in its context. Possibly the statement is misplaced, or possibly the type of statement was specified wrongly. -4489 The statement above does not allow the use of local variables or report parameters in its expressions. Because of the time at which it is executed, this statement may only refer to variables defined at the module level. Change it so that it refers only to constants, other functions, and to variables declared at the module level. Note: Error -4489 with this meaning is issued by 4GL after Version 4.1. -4489 A variable used in the above statement must be a global variable. This statement may not refer to an argument of the function nor to a variable defined in the function. It may use only variables defined at the module level (before the MAIN section) or in the GLOBALS section. In the case of OUTPUT REPORT TO, the statement takes effect during the execution of a START REPORT statement. At this time no arguments are passed into the report function, and no report function statements are executed which could initialize a local variable. Change the statement to refer to a variable that can be initialized before the report is started. Note: Error -4489 with this meaning is issued by 4GL until Version 4.1. -4500 A numeric conversion error has occurred due to incompatibility between a calling program and its function parameters or between a variable and its assigned expression. See error -1317, which has replaced this error. -4501 A parameter count mismatch has occurred between the calling function and the called function. See error -1318, which has replaced this error. -4502 The 4GL program has run out of runtime data space memory. See error -1319, which has replaced this error. -4503 A function has not returned the correct number of values expected by the calling function. See error -1320, which has replaced this error. -4504 A validation error has occurred as a result of the VALIDATE command. See error -1321, which has replaced this error. -4505 A report output file cannot be opened. See error -1322, which has replaced this error. -4506 A report output pipe cannot be opened. See error -1323, which has replaced this error. -4507 A report output file cannot be written to. See error -1324, which has replaced this error. -4508 PRINT FILE error - cannot open file filename for reading. See error -1325, which has replaced this error. -4509 An array variable has been referenced outside of its specified dimensions. See error -1326, which has replaced this error. -4510 An insert statement could not be prepared for inserting rows into a temporary table used for a report. See error -1327, which has replaced this error. -4511 A temporary table needed for a report could not be created in the selected database. The user must have permission to create tables in the selected database. See error -1328, which has replaced this error. -4512 A database index could not be created for a temporary database table needed for a report. See error -1329, which has replaced this error. -4513 A number used as a DISPLAY AT location or SCROLL count must be positive. For a DISPLAY AT statement see error -1135, which has replaced this error. Since version 4.0 the SCROLL statement accepts negative numbers. -4514 A row could not be inserted into a temporary report table. See error -1330, which has replaced this error. -4515 A row could not be fetched from a temporary report table. See error -1331, which has replaced this error. -4516 A character variable has referenced subscripts that are out of range. See error -1332, which has replaced this error. -4517 Strings of length > 512 cannot be returned from function calls. See error -1333, which has replaced this error. -4518 The 4GL program cannot allocate any more space for temporary string storage. See error -1334, which has replaced this error. -4519 A report is accepting output or being finished before it has been started. See error -1335, which has replaced this error. -4520 Module name in the pcode file contains pcode version compile-version. This program can run pcode version runner-version. Run the pcode compiler with -V to check the pcode version that it produces and then recompile all the modules of your program and run it again. See error -1336, which has replaced this error. -4521 Cannot read pcode file or it is shorter than expected. Either the operating system returned an error code while 4GL was loading the compiled program, or the file has somehow been truncated so 4GL could not locate an end-marker that it expected. Look for messages from the operating system. In any event, it is probably best to re-create the file by compiling the program again. -4522 The variable name has been redefined with a different type or length. See error -1337, which has replaced this error. -4523 The function name has not been defined in any module in the program. See error -1338, which has replaced this error. -4524 The program cannot be executed. This message is not returned by any current IBM Informix product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -4525 Global variable name cannot be found in the descriptor table. See error -1339, which has replaced this error. -4526 The error log has not been started. See error -1340, which has replaced this error. -4527 Undefined opcode in function name. The p-code file for the program (whose file suffix is .4go) has become corrupted. Recompile at least the module that contains the named function (preferably the whole program) and run it again. If the same error occurs, make sure that you are running both the p-code compiler and the p-code runner at the identical version level. If you are, please record all the circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -4528 Undefined opcode. This message is not returned by any current IBM Informix product. If it appears, refer to the discussion of error -4527. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -4529 A select statement could not be prepared for selecting rows from a temporary table used for a report. Within a report function, 4GL has dynamically created a temporary table and saved rows into it. Now it is dynamically preparing a SELECT statement to retrieve the saved rows, and has received an error message (see the reference material on the PREPARE statement). The only user-initiated action that could account for this would be that someone, while the report program was running, opened the database from another process or thread and deleted the temporary table. Other than that, only an internal error could account for this event. Recompile the program and run it again. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -4530 Cannot close and free a cursor used to process a report. Within a report function, 4GL has set up a database cursor to read rows from a temporary table. Now it is closing and freeing the cursor and an error has been reported. Recompile the program and run it again. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -4531 The file filename starts with a bad magic number. You may have tried to run a file that was not created by the 4GL pcode compiler. A magic number is a constant written at the start of the .4go or .4gi file to identify it as coming from the 4GL compiler. The runner program did not see the magic number it expected. Verify that the program file was really written by the compiler, or created from .4gi files written by the compiler. If so, it may be that the file has since been truncated to zero length or corrupted in some way. It might be best to recompile all modules. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -4532 IBM INFORMIX-4GL Run Time Facility. This error message should never be displayed. -4533 Please install an IBM INFORMIX-4GL Run Time Facility and run this program again. The 4GL run-time package has not been properly installed. Consult the person who installed your IBM Informix software. -4534 Wordwrap may not be used within report headers or trailers. 4GL has to be able to predict how many lines will be used up in a report header or trailer. When the WORDWRAP function is used the number of lines of output is unpredictable, hence you may not use it in these contexts. -4600 No form by specified name found. The form specified cannot be found as a file named formname.frm. The system looks in the current directory, and in each directory named in the DBPATH environment variable. Possibly the form name was misspelled, or the form file might have been renamed, or possibly the DBPATH variable is not set correctly. -4601 No 4GL module by specified name found. The source module specified cannot be found as a file module.4gl. The system looks in the current directory and in directories named in the DBPATH environment variable. Possibly the module name was misspelled, or the file might have been renamed, or possibly the DBPATH variable is not set correctly. -4602 No 4GL program by specified name found. The multi-module program specified cannot be found in the program database. Possibly the module name was misspelled. Possibly, if the DBPATH environment variable has been changed since the program was defined, you are now using a different program database than before. -4603 No executable 4GL program by specified name found. The executable program specified cannot be found as a file module.4go. The system looks in the current directory and in directories named in the DBPATH environment variable. Possibly the name was misspelled, or the file might have been renamed, or possibly the DBPATH variable is not set correctly. -4604 Error(s) found in 4GL module. Select the Correct menu choice. You will be shown the module source with error messages included. -4607 The following errors were discovered during compilation. Errors were found that are not related to specific lines of source code, for example, undefined functions. There may be .err files as well which you can display to see more error messages. Modify the program definition and the source modules as required and recompile. -4608 The compilation of the program was not successful. There should be other error messages visible, or in a file with a suffix of .err, to explain the lack of success. -4609 Insufficient memory is available to complete program compilation. The only practical recourse is to divide the source files into smaller units. -4610 Warning(s) found in 4GL module. You have compiled with the -ansi command line option, which asks that you be warned about any use of SQL that does not comply with ANSI standard SQL. The compiler did find one or more uses of IBM Informix extensions to standard SQL. Edit the module.err file to see the warning messages. -4611 There is no 4GL source available for this program. You have requested that a program be compiled, but the system cannot locate one of the module source files. It is looking for files with the suffix .4gl and having the names shown in the program source list. It looks in the current directory and in directories named in the DBPATH environment variable. Check that the program is correctly defined, and locate the source modules. Make sure that the DBPATH environment variable is correctly set. -4612 Data validation table does not currently exist for this database. The program uses a statement such as VALIDATE or INITIALIZE which requires input from the syscolval table; however that table does not exist in the current database. Possibly it has not been created (using the Column Attributes Dictionary utility in Windows or the upscol utility in DOS and UNIX); possibly it was inadvertently dropped from the database; or possibly the database now being used is not the one you expected, owing to a change in the value of the DBPATH environment variable. -4613 Screen display attribute table does not currently exist for this database. The program uses a statement that requires input from the syscolatt table; however that table does not exist in the current database. Possibly it has not been created (using the Column Attributes Dictionary utility in Windows or the upscol utility in DOS and UNIX); possibly it was inadvertently dropped from the database; or possibly the database now being used is not the one you expected, owing to a change in the value of the DBPATH environment variable. -4614 A program already exists by this name. You have specified as a new program, one whose name already appears in the program database. Programs must have unique names. Choose a different name. -4615 Invalid program name. You have specified an unacceptable name for a new program. The name may be too long (at most 10 characters in some operating systems, at most 8 in others). If not, make sure that it starts with a letter and contains only letters, digits, and underscore characters. -4616 The 4GL program database does not exist. Please create via PROGRAM section. In UNIX, the program database, named syspgm4gl, is not accessible. If you select the Program menu option you will be asked if you want to create it. If you think that this database ought to exist already (for instance, if you have previously defined multi-module programs), then exit the Programmer's Environment and check the value of the DBPATH environment variable. It determines which databases are visible (if you are using the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server). If it is correct, or if you are using an OnLine database server, then the program database either never existed or has been dropped. -4617 You may not edit a program located on a different device. You cannot specify a pathname to a source file in a directory that is not on the device that holds your current directory. Use a system utility to copy the source file to your current directory (or to a directory on the current device). -4618 An error has occurred in accessing the requested file. Something prevented the program from reading the file you specified. Look for other messages including operating system messages that might give more details. -4620 ESQL/C from IBM Informix Software is not installed on the system. In order to use ESQL/C modules (source files with a .ec suffix) in a program definition you must have the IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C product installed in your system. If you believe it has been installed, review the installation procedure because the product is not visible in the directory named in the INFORMIXDIR environment variable. -4621 Error occurred while writing to output file filename. While writing to the named file the operating system reported an error. The problem may be a full disk or a hardware failure. Look for operating system error messages that give more information. -4622 No runable 4GL program by specified name found. The program you asked to run is not accessible as a file named program.4go. 4GL looks in the current directory and in directories named in the DBPATH environment variable. Check the spelling of the program name. If it is as you intended, check the existence of the file and the setting of DBPATH. Possibly you need to compile the program before running it. -4623 memory allocation error. It has proven impossible to allocate memory for a small work area of fixed size needed by a print function such as USING or ASCII. The amount of memory needed is small; almost any reduction in program size should avoid the error. -4624 Owner name identifier has exceeded 8 characters in length. The name shown appears in this statement where an owner name is expected, for example preceding the name of a table: identifier.table. However, the name exceeds eight characters, and the database server only allows eight-character owner names. Review the punctuation of the statement and the spelling of the identifier. -4625 FIXTIME FAILED. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -4626 Could not open file filename. Either the file does not exist, or your account does not have permission to access it, or some hardware failure occurred while it was being opened. Verify that the file exists; if it does, look for operating system error messages for more information. -4627 The program cannot exit an INPUT statement at this point because it is not within an INPUT statement. The current statement is EXIT INPUT but it is not in the context of an INPUT statement. Inspect the source module backward from this point to determine what happened to the INPUT statement. Perhaps the current statement was misplaced, or perhaps an END INPUT statement was inserted at an earlier point. -4628 The program cannot exit a DISPLAY ARRAY statement at this point because it is not within a DISPLAY ARRAY statement. The current statement is EXIT DISPLAY but it is not in the context of an DISPLAY statement. Inspect the source module backward from this point to determine what happened to the DISPLAY statement. Perhaps the current statement was misplaced, or perhaps an END DISPLAY statement was inserted at an earlier point. -4629 Load from file filename failed. The LOAD statement failed, either because of an error reading the named file, or because of an error converting data from one form to another. Look for other messages from 4GL or the operating system for more information. -4630 Unload to file filename failed. The UNLOAD statement failed, either because of a problem with the SELECT statement or because of an error producing the output file. Look for other messages from 4GL or the operating system for more information. -4631 Startfield of DATETIME or INTERVAL qualifiers must come earlier in the time-list than its endfield. The qualifier for a DATETIME or INTERVAL consists of start TO end, where the start and end are chosen from this list: YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE SECOND FRACTION The keyword for the start field must come earlier in the list than, or be the same as, the keyword for the end field. For example, qualifiers of DAY TO FRACTION and MONTH TO MONTH are valid but one of MINUTE TO HOUR is not. -4632 Parenthetical precision of FRACTION must be between 1 and 5. No precision can be specified for other time units. In a DATETIME qualifier only the FRACTION field may have a precision in parentheses, and it must be a single digit from 1 to 5. Check the DATETIME qualifiers in the current statement; one of them violates these rules. The first field of an INTERVAL qualifier may also have a parenthesized precision from 1 to 5. Consult the SQL reference material for the distinction between DATETIME and INTERVAL. -4633 DATETIME units can only be YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, and FRACTION. In the current statement there is an error of some sort either in the qualifier of a DATETIME or INTERVAL value, or in the argument of the UNITS function. The only valid precision keywords for these uses are listed in the message. Possibly a keyword has been misspelled, or possibly some other syntax error has prevented 4GL from recognizing the keywords. -4634 Symbol name must be a SQL database item name -- either a database name, a tablename or a column name. The name shown is used in a context that suggests you intend to name a database or an item in a database. However, there is nothing of that name in the current database. Check the spelling of name. If it is as you intended, then make sure that the current database is the one you meant to use. -4635 Cannot create temporary file filename to contain a blob variable. A TEXT or BYTE variable has been located in a temporary file using the LOCATE statement. The current statement assigns a value into that variable, so 4GL attempted to create the temporary file, but an error occurred. Possibly there is no disk space, or possibly your account does not have permission to create a temporary file. 4GL creates a temporary file in the directory specified by the DBTEMP environment variable. Look for operating system error messages that might give more information. Check the value of DBTEMP. -4638 The maximum size for varchar must be between 1 and 255. To store strings longer than 255 characters you must use the CHAR data type. -4639 Real column name cannot be specified here. The symbol "*" is expected instead. When defining a RECORD LIKE a table you may not write the name of a single column. Use an asterisk to mean all columns. -4640 Table name is expected here. When defining a variable or record LIKE a table you must specify a table that exists in the current database (the database selected by the first DATABASE statement in the source file). Only tables in that database can be named in a LIKE definition. Review the spelling of the name and the choice of databases. -4641 Column name is expected here. When defining a variable LIKE a column you must specify a table and column. The name here is not a column that appears in the current database (the database selected by the first DATABASE statement in the source file). Review the spelling of the name and the choice of databases. -4642 Subscripting is NOT allowed here. This message is not returned by any current IBM Informix product. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -4643 A field in the INTERVAL qualifier is out of range. The acceptable ranges are from YEAR to MONTH and from DAY TO FRACTION. An INTERVAL may specify a period of years and/or months, or a period of days and/or parts of days. However, an interval value may not mix months and days. The qualifier for an INTERVAL may use fields from YEAR and MONTH, or fields from DAY through FRACTION, but it may not have fields from both sets. -4644 The HELP and ATTRIBUTE clauses each can be specified only once. Within the scope of an INPUT or DISPLAY ARRAY statement, only one of each of these clauses may be given. Search backward in the source module from this statement; locate all the statements of this type, and reconcile them into one. -4645 4GL does not support returning a blob variable. The RETURN statement may not name either a BYTE or a TEXT value. The only way to return such a value from a function is through a global variable. -4646 The specified WORDWRAP RIGHT MARGIN value is out of range. It must be greater than or equal to the current column and less than or equal to the report's right margin. Modify this PRINT statement to specify a right margin for the WORDWRAP function that does not exceed the report right margin. The report right margin is set in the OUTPUT section of the report. -4647 Cannot open file filename to read a TEXT variable value. This PRINT statement refers to a file or to a TEXT variable has been located in a file using the LOCATE statement. When 4GL attempted to open the file to fetch the value an error occurred. Possibly the file does not exist; possibly your account does not have permission to access it; possibly there was a hardware error. Verify that the file exists and is spelled as shown; then look for operating system messages giving more details. -4648 I/O error while running the 4GL C or p-code compiler. The compiler received an unexpected operating system error code while opening an input or an output file (a source file, a listing file, an error file etc.) Look for operating system errors that may give more information. -4649 I/O error while running fglc: %s. This messages is not returned by any current IBM Informix product. If it appears refer to the discussion of error -4648. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -4650 Cannot find Runner runner. Either the normal program runner or the debugger could not be found in the directory named by the INFORMIXDIR environment variable. Check the setting of the environment variable. -4651 The p-code compiler is not contained in your path. The source module or program cannot be compiled because the compiler cannot be executed. It should be located in the bin directory pointed to by the INFORMIXDIR environment variable; however, that directory also must be listed in the PATH environment variable before the program can be called. -4652 The function function name can only be used within an INPUT or CONSTRUCT statement. The function shown is being used outside of an INPUT or CONSTRUCT statement. However, it returns a result that is only meaningful in the context of INPUT or CONSTRUCT. Review the code to make sure that an END INPUT or END CONSTRUCT statement has not been misplaced. Review the operation and use of the function to make sure you understand it. -4653 No more than one BEFORE or AFTER INPUT/CONSTRUCT/MENU clause can appear in an INPUT/CONSTRUCT/MENU statement. There may be only one BEFORE block of statements to initialized each of these statement types. Make sure that the scope of all your INPUT, CONSTRUCT and MENU statements is correctly marked with END statements. Then combine all the preparation code into a single BEFORE block for each one. Note: Error -4653 with this meaning is issued by 4GL after Version 4.1. -4653 No more than one BEFORE or AFTER INPUT/CONSTRUCT clause can appear in an INPUT/CONSTRUCT statement. There may be only one BEFORE block of statements in each of these statement types. Make sure that the scope of all your INPUT and CONSTRUCT statements is correctly marked with END INPUT or END CONSTRUCT. Then combine all the preparation code into a single BEFORE block for each one. Note: Error -4653 with this meaning is issued by 4GL through Version 4.1. -6000 Tried to perform an operation on an unopened table or database. Database not yet opened. Before a program can access data, it must select a database and then a table using the dbselect() function. Review the program logic to see why these calls were not made. -6001 The database or table does not exist. Either the table or the database specified to this function does not exist. Possibly the name is incorrect or the wrong database has been selected, or the database has been altered. -6002 Tried to open more than one database. The program has called dbselect() twice in succession passing the DBOPEN flag. The program must close a database by calling dbselect() with the DBCLOSE flag before opening another database. -6004 No database open. The program has called a function that requires a database to be open, but none is. The program must call dbselect() before calling this function. -6005 A column cannot be found. At least one of the column names passed to this function does not exist in the table whose name was passed. Review the name of the table and the names of the columns. If they are correct, either the wrong database has been selected or the database has been altered. -6006 Tablename has not been opened. The table whose name was passed to this function has not been opened. The program must open the table first by calling dbselect(). -6007 Column or index cannot be found in the current table. The column name passed to this function does not exist in the table. Review the spelling of the name. If it is correct, either the wrong database is selected or the table has been altered. -6008 Tablename has not been opened. The table to be used by dbselfield() must first be opened by a call to dbselect. Review the program logic to make sure this is done. -6009 There is no data in the table. This indication is returned by either dbselfield() or dbfind() when they are called for an empty table. It does not reflect an error in the program but a condition of the table. -6010 Value cannot be found. This call to dbfind() for a keyed search returned no data. The value requested was not found in the selected index column. -6011 End of file. This call to dbfind() for the NEXT row produced no data. The end of the table has been reached. -6012 Beginning of file. This call to dbfind() for the PRIOR row produced no data. The beginning of the table has been reached. -6014 No such flag value. The flag parameter to this function was not one of the defined values. When calling functions that take predefined flag values, you should employ the names defined in the dbio.h include file; and you must pass only the flags defined for the particular function. -6015 Tablename has not been opened. The tablename specified to this function must first be opened using dbselect(). Review the program logic to make sure this is done. -6016 No view has been set. Before calling dbfind(), the program must establish a view, that is, a specification of the columns to be returned and the buffer to receive them. This is done by calling dbsetview(). Review the program logic to see this is done. -6017 Cannot add a duplicate value; the index has been defined as UNIQUE. At least one of the column values presented to dbadd() is a duplicate of a value that exists in its column. However, that column is constrained to contain unique values. The row cannot be inserted. -6018 Tablename has not been opened. The table to be used by dbadd() must first be opened by a call to dbselect. Review the program logic to make sure this is done. -6019 No view has been set. Before calling dbadd(), the program must establish a view, that is, a specification of the columns to be returned and the buffer to receive them. This is done by calling dbsetview(). Review the program logic to see this is done. -6020 There is no current row. The dbdel() and dbupd() functions operate on the row last chosen using dbfind(). Review the program logic to see that dbfind() is called to establish a row. If the call was to dbfind() itself, it was passed a flag such as CURRENT which presumes that a row had been selected in a prior call, but none had been. -6021 Tablename has not been opened. The table to be used by dbdel() must first be opened by a call to dbselect. Review the program logic to make sure this is done. -6022 Lock was denied. Probably the table is already locked by some other process. The program should wait a short time and attempt the lock again. If the condition persists, the program should roll its transaction back and retry the entire operation. -6023 Tablename has not been opened. The table to be used by dblock() or dbunlock must first be opened by a call to dbselect. Review the program logic to make sure this is done. -6024 Memory allocation error, out of memory. During certain operations memory is allocated to hold internal data structures. On this call, memory allocation failed. It may be possible to avoid this problem by opening fewer tables and/or creating dbview structures with fewer columns. -6025 The table is already open. This call to dbselect() passed the name of a table that is already open. The table continues to be open. Review the program logic to see if it is making redundant calls to dbselect(). -6026 The named column must be indexed or sequential search must be selected. This call to dbselfield() names a column that does not have an index in the database, but the flag passed was ACCKEYED. Make sure the correct column was named and that the correct database and table have been opened. If that is the case, then the index has been dropped and should be re-created before running the program again. -6027 Cannot insert a NULL value into a NOT NULL column. This call to dbadd() or dbupdate() has attempted to insert a row that contains a null value for a column which is constrained to be not-null. This could be because the program placed a null in the record buffer using dbsetnull(); or it could be that the current view omits a column that is constrained to be not-null. The row is not inserted. Review the definition of the table and the program logic and change it so it defines values for all not-null columns before an add or update. -6028 Tablename has not been opened. The table to be used by dbupdate() must first be opened by a call to dbselect. Review the program logic to make sure this is done. -6029 No view has been set. Before calling dbupdate(), the program must establish a view, that is, a specification of the columns to be returned and the buffer to receive them. This is done by calling dbsetview(). Review the program logic to see this is done. -6030 Cannot add a duplicate value; the index has been defined as UNIQUE. At least one of the column values presented to dbupdate() is a duplicate of a value that exists in its column. However, that column is constrained to contain unique values. The row cannot be inserted. -6031 The user does not have SQL permission to SELECT the specified columns. The user account running this program has not been granted SELECT privilege on the current table or on the particular columns being selected. Database privileges are set using the SQL statement GRANT. Have the necessary privilege granted by a user with DBA privileges for the database, then run the program again. -6032 The user does not have SQL permission to INSERT rows into the table. The user account running this program has not been granted INSERT privilege on the current table. Database privileges are set using the SQL statement GRANT. Have the necessary privilege granted by a user with DBA privileges for the database, then run the program again. -6033 The user does not have SQL permission to UPDATE the specified columns. The user account running this program has not been granted UPDATE privilege on the current table. Database privileges are set using the SQL statement GRANT. Have the necessary privilege granted by a user with DBA privileges for the database, then run the program again. -6034 The user does not have SQL permission to DELETE rows from the table. The user account running this program has not been granted DELETE privilege on the current table. Database privileges are set using the SQL statement GRANT. Have the necessary privilege granted by a user with DBA privileges for the database, then run the program again. -6035 No current row. The flag parameter passed to dbfind() implies a current row (for example, a flag of CURRENT or NEXT as opposed to one of FIRST); however, no current row has been established by a prior call. Review the program logic and make sure it establishes a current row before a call of this kind. -6036 An aliasname is the same as an existing table name within the database. The newname parameter given to dbalias() already exists as a table in the database. Review the program logic and change it to use only unique aliases. -6037 An aliasname has been used previously. The newname parameter given to dbalias() has already been defined as an alias in a previous call. An alias may only be defined once in the run of a program. Review the program logic an change it to use aliases only once. -6038 An alias cannot be an alias of an existing alias. The oldname parameter presented to dbalias() has been defined as an alias in a previous call. The program may define multiple aliases for a table, but it may not define an alias for an alias. Review the program logic and change it so the oldname parameter is always the name of a real table in the database. -6040 The aliased table was not found as a table name in the database. The oldname parameter presented to dbalias() cannot be found in the current database as a tablename. Check the value of the parameter; if it as intended, then perhaps the wrong database is current, or the intended table has been renamed. -6041 The column number is greater than the number of columns in the table. The colnum parameter presented to dbnfield() is greater than the total number of columns in the table whose name was passed. If the program was iterating over the column numbers from 0 upward, this return code signals the end of the table. Otherwise check the number passed; if it was as intended, either the wrong database is current or the table has been altered. -6042 Invalid format passed to dbprusing. The format string passed to dbprusing() is not acceptable. Verify the value passed and review the rules of the USING function as described in the reference material for the REPORT feature of IBM INFORMIX-4GL. -6043 Column is not a composite key. The columname parameter passed to dbselfield() is not the name of a column in the specified table, nor is it the name of a composite index on that table. Review the tablename and columname parameters. If they are as intended, make sure the correct database has been selected. If so, the desired index may have been dropped or created under a different name. -6044 The column number is greater than the number of columns in the composite key. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -6045 No column or index has been selected. Before calling dbfind() the program must establish a retrieval method by calling dbselfield(). This is the case even if no index is to be used. Review the program logic to make sure this is done. -6050 Bad key description: internal error. This error should not be returned. The most likely cause is that some internal data structure used by ALL has been overwritten in memory. Review the program logic. When you are certain that the program cannot have stored into ALL data, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -6052 Not all of the composite index is contained in the current view of this table. When the program calls dbselfield() to set a composite index, all columns of that index must be included in the current view established by calling dbsetfileview() or dbstructview(). Review the program logic, especially the calls to the latter two functions, to make sure this is done. If the view is set as you intended, possibly the composite index has been dropped and re-created using more or different columns. -6055 BEGIN WORK failed. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -6056 COMMIT WORK failed. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -6057 ROLLBACK WORK failed. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -6062 Dbsetfileview cannot be used when any column within the table allows nulls. Because the buffer it constructs does not use alignment, dbsetfileview() cannot build a buffer for columns that may have null values. -6063 NULL pointer parameter. A parameter to this function call which is supposed to contain a pointer to memory in fact contains a C null pointer value (zero). Review the logic of the program to find out how this error occurred. -6064 Tried to terminate a transaction that hasn't been started. The program has called either dbcommit() or dbrollback() when a transaction is not in effect. Either dbbegin() had not been called to start a transaction, or the transaction had already been ended by a call to or dbcommit(), dbrollback() or dbselect(). Review the program logic to see why this error has been made. -6065 Database does not have transactions. This call to dbbegin(), dbcommit() or dbrollback() is inappropriate because the current database does not support transactions. The database can be converted to using transaction processing; see the reference material for your database server. -6066 Database server protocol error. This is an internal error that should not occur. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -6067 Tried to unlock a table inside a transaction. It is an error to call dbunlock() inside a transaction, that is, after calling dbbegin() and before calling dbcommit() or dbrollback(). When using transaction processing, all locks must remain in effect until the transaction is committed or rolled back. Ending the transaction releases all locks automatically. -6068 Data type not supported. A column has a data type that is not supported by this version of ALL; for example the BYTE data type. Review the requested column(s) against the actual table and use only the columns having numeric or CHAR data types. -6069 Tried to lock a table outside a transaction. When using a database that has transactions, all tables must be opened within the bounds of a transaction; that is, after a successful call to dbbegin(). Review the program logic to see that this is done. Possibly transaction-logging has been applied to the database since the last time the program was used. -6070 Tried to close a database with a transaction open. Before closing the database with dbselect() the program must end the current transaction. This can be done with a call to dbcommit() or dbrollback(). OnLine-7000 Error error-number from the optical subsystem. Consult your appropriate subsystem manual. Check the error number in the documentation for the subsystem you are using. -7202 Database was created without NLS functionality. You attempted to create an NCHAR (or NVARCHAR) column, or declare an NCHAR (or NVARCHAR) variable, in a non-NLS database. -7203 DBNLS is not set or LC_COLLATE must be category-value. This message may be returned when you try to access an external database that has a different locale than the current database. In order to use this NLS database, you must set the DBNLS environment variable to 1 or 2 and the LC_COLLATE environment variable to the specified category-value. -7204 LANG or LC_COLLATE environment variable is invalid. Either the LANG or the LC_COLLATE environment variable setting is invalid. Set either or both variables to the values that are supported by your system. -7205 DBNLS is not set or LC_CTYPE must be set to category-value. This message may be returned when you try to access an external database that has a different locale than the current database. In order to access this NLS database, you must set the DBNLS environment variable to 1 or 2 and the LC_CTYPE environment variable to the specified category-value. -7206 LANG or LC_CTYPE environment variable is invalid. Either the LANG or the LC_CTYPE environment variable setting is invalid. Set either or both variables to the values that are supported by your system. -7207 LANG or LC_MONETARY environment variable is invalid. Either the LANG or the LC_MONETARY environment variable setting is invalid. Set either or both variables to the values that are supported by your system. -7208 LANG or LC_NUMERIC environment variable is invalid. Either the LANG or the LC_NUMERIC environment variable setting is invalid. Set either or both variables to the values that are supported by your system. -7209 LANG or LC_TIME environment variable is invalid. Either the LANG or the LC_TIME environment variable setting is invalid. Set either or both variables to the values that are supported by your system. -7210 This server does not have NLS capability. This message is returned when you try to access an NLS database from a non-NLS-ready database server. This database server does not support NLS. Contact IBM Informix for a version that does support NLS. -7211 Cannot reference an external NLS database. If your current database is not an NLS database, you cannot access an NLS database on another database server or on the same database server. However, if the NLS environment variables are set correctly, you can drop an external NLS database even if your current database is not an NLS database. -7212 Incorrect value for the DBNLS environment variable. Valid settings when using IBM INFORMIX-4GL and IBM INFORMIX-SQL are 0, 1, or 2. When using IBM INFORMIX-4GL or IBM INFORMIX-SQL, you must set the DBNLS environment variable to a value of 0, 1, or 2. -8001 The number of newlines specified for TOP MARGIN, FIRST PAGE HEADER (PAGE HEADER), PAGE TRAILER, and BOTTOM MARGIN must leave enough room on the page for the printing of the ON EVERY RECORD clause. The total number of lines defined for all the above statements exceeds the page length. Check that you have entered the desired number of lines in each statement in the OUTPUT section and in the header and trailer specifications of the FORMAT section. -8002 The ACE report specification is too complex or large to be properly compiled. The number of instructions needed to implement this specification is greater than the space allocated in the compiler's instruction tables. Reduce the size of the report. Since there is no means of dividing a report into parts to be compiled separately, you must find a way to simplify the report. -8003 A SMALLINTEGER constant may not be larger than 32767. The allowable range of values for a SMALLINT is -32,767 through 32,767. Whole numbers only are allowed, with only digit characters. -8004 Illegal FLOAT constant. The FLOAT constant is not written correctly. The exponent may be too small or too large (the allowable range of exponents depends on your computer and operating system, but is the same as is allowed by your C compiler for the DOUBLE data type), or there may be incorrect punctuation or a nondigit character other than "e." -8005 Too many user variables, parameters, or functions have been defined. You may not define any more than number in an ACE specification. The total number of identifiers defined for ASCII fields, parameters, and variables may not exceed the number shown. You will have to simplify the report. -8006 A quoted string may not exceed 80 characters in length. You must reduce the quoted string to a maximum of 80 characters. In a PRINT statement, simply divide the string into shorter parts and separate the parts with commas. -8007 There is an unmatched quote in a quoted string. This line of the report specification contains an odd number of quote (") symbols. A quoted string may not include a newline; all quoted strings must be complete in one line. In order to print a longer string, store its parts in variables and list them all in a PRINT statement. -8008 The file filename could not be opened. The operating system was asked to open it for reading. Check the spelling of the filename. Make sure that it really exists, and that your account name has read access to it. If it is in a directory other than the current directory you may have to enter a complete pathname. -8009 A memory allocation error has occurred. The ACE report specification is probably too large. The ACE compiler was unable to allocate memory that it needed. Try reducing the size of the report specification. -8010 The file filename could not be opened. The operating system was asked to open it for writing. It is possible that a file by the same name already exists, but the user has no permission to write over it, or, if -o is used, the destination directory does not exist. Ensure that filename is spelled correctly, and that your account name has write access to the directory where it will be stored. (That directory may be the one named in the environment variable DBTEMP.) If a file of that name already exists, either erase it or make sure your account has write access to it. -8011 The user function called name has not yet been defined by the user. There is a call to a function with the name shown. ACE assumes it is an external C function (the use of external C functions with reports is discussed in the ESQL/C manual). However, external functions must be defined in the DEFINE section of the report using FUNCTION funcname statements, and this name is not defined. If name was intended as the name of an external function, insert a FUNCTION statement for it. -8013 An error occurred when an attempt was made to open the listing file filename. Be certain that the user has write permissions in the current directory. Ensure that your account has write access to the current directory, and that if a file filename already exists, your account has write access to it. -8014 Usage: SACEPREP [-q][-o output_directory] input_filename (etc.) Something in the command line you entered was not acceptable to saceprep. Read the message to remind yourself of the syntax of the various options, then retype the command line. -8015 An open comment symbol, {, was found inside an already open comment on line line-number, character char-number. This could be due to a failure to close the previously opened comment, which was begun on line lnum, character cnum. You may not nest comments. Insert a close-comment symbol where appropriate in the report specification. -8016 A comment has been opened, but not closed. The last comment begun was opened on line line-number, character char-number. Insert a close-comment symbol where appropriate in the report specification. -8017 An illegal (invisible, control) character has been found on line line-number, character char-number. It has been replaced by a blank in the listing, but it is still in the source (input) file, and should be removed before attempting to compile again. Illegal characters can be introduced into files by using a word-processing editor in document mode instead of text mode, or by striking nonprinting keys while editing the file, or by data corruption. -8018 A grammatical error has been found on line line-number, character char-number. The construct is not understandable in its context. A syntax error exists in the source file. A keyword may be misspelled or misplaced in the file. Check the spelling of the keyword or the sequence of control blocks within the report specification file. -8019 Cannot open temporary file filename for reading of a TEXT column. For each TEXT column that is selected for the report, ACEGO prepares a temporary file in the directory named in the DBTEMP environment variable. This message says that the file was created, and loaded with a copy of a TEXT value, but now cannot be read. Look for operating system error messages that might give more details. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -8021 The source file filename can not be opened. This is probably because the file does not exist. Check the spelling of filename. Check that the report specification file exists in your current directory, or if it is in another directory check that the correct pathname has been provided. If these things are correct, verify that your account has read permission on the file. -8022 This identifier exceeds the maximum length for identifiers, which is 50. You will have to devise a shorter identifier. -8025 The comment close symbol, }, has been found on line line-number, character char-number, even though no comment has been opened. Unless they are enclosed in quotes, comment symbols must be balanced. Probably the open-comment symbol was accidentally deleted during editing. Change the file so that comments are properly delimited. -8030 A typographical error has been found on line line-number, character char-number. The single character at the location shown is not syntactically correct; it cannot be interpreted as part of a report specification. -8033 The source file name filename exceeds the maximum length of 10. The form compiler imposes a limit on the length of source file identifiers. You must rename the file before using it. In DOS systems, file names can be a maximum of 8 characters plus a 3-character extension. -8034 An unknown option option was found on the command line. The command line options supported by ACEPREP are: -s to suppress messages. -o to name an output destination. -ansi to test for ANSI compliance. Command line options supported by ACEGO are: -s to suppress messages. -d to name a database. -8051 The LEFT MARGIN must be no less than zero and no greater than the RIGHT MARGIN. Revise the left and right MARGIN statements in the OUTPUT section for reasonable margin values. -8052 There is insufficient space in the compiler string table for the storage of CHAR variables. Reduce the length or number of character variables in the report specification. -8053 Neither the PAGE LENGTH, TOP MARGIN, nor BOTTOM MARGIN are allowed to be less than zero. Revise the statements in the OUTPUT section to have reasonable values. -8054 The string string does not fit into remaining space in the compiler's string table. Reduce the length or number of strings in the report specification. Identical strings are stored only once. -8055 This constant causes the constant table in ACEPREP to overflow. Reduce the number of numeric constants used in the report specification file. -8056 Skipping lines inside of WHILE or FOR loops is not allowed within PAGE HEADER or TRAILER. ACEPREP needs to determine how many lines of space will be devoted to the page header and trailer (otherwise it could not know how many detail rows to allow on the page). It cannot predict how many times a loop will be executed, so it has to forbid the use of SKIP statements in loops in these sections. -8057 Only user variables of type CHARACTER may be subscripted or have lists in the LET statement. You may use a subscript (two numbers in square brackets, used to extract a substring of characters) with names of character variables only. In a LET statement you may assign multiple strings, separated by commas, to a character variable only. Variables of other types may receive only single values. -8058 The ASCII field field-name has already been defined. A field name may only be defined once. Field names must be unique in the DEFINE section; that is, a name may not be used both for a PARAM and for a field. -8059 The limit for IF statement nesting has been exceeded. There are too many IF statements within IF statements for ACE to properly compile this specification. You have exceeded the maximum levels of nested IF statements. You will have to simplify the logic of the report. -8060 An end-of-file has been prematurely found in the report specification. ACEPREP encountered the end of the report specification file while it still expected input. You may have omitted an END statement. A minimal FORMAT section is required containing at least an EVERY ROW statement, and any control block must have at least one statement in it. -8061 This report contains a READ statement but no ASCII record definition has been specified. In order to use the READ statement you must define the expected fields of the ASCII file using the ASCII statement in the DEFINE section. -8062 This report contains a SELECT statement, but a READ statement should be used instead because an ASCII record definition has be specified. A report may be based on an ASCII file or on database rows, but not on both. The ASCII statement in the DEFINE section means that file input will be used, and a READ statement is used to read the file. If you want to base the report on database rows, retain the SELECT statement and delete the ASCII. -8102 There may be only one AFTER or BEFORE GROUP OF clause for any single column specified in the ORDER BY command. The report contains more than one AFTER GROUP OF clause for a certain column, or else more than one BEFORE GROUP OF clause. Only one of each may name a given column. However, you can combine the statements from the multiple clauses into a single clause. -8103 In order for the BEFORE or AFTER GROUP OF clause to function properly the column specified in the clause must also have been specified as a sort column in the ORDER BY command. If the sort column is subscripted, the column in the BEFORE or AFTER GROUP OF clause must be also. Make sure that the control columns are specified identically in both statements: the ORDER BY statement and the GROUP OF clauses. -8104 Group aggregates can only be used in an AFTER GROUP OF clause. Aggregate values over a group are accumulated while the rows of the group are being processed, so they are not available until the end of the group is seen. Hence the report may not refer to them except in an AFTER GROUP OF clause. -8105 Aggregates may not be used within another aggregate. Nor may aggregates be used within the WHERE clause of another aggregate. Aggregate functions may not be nested, primarily because the value of the inner aggregate is not known while the outer aggregate is being accumulated. Rewrite aggregate expressions to refer only to columns and simple expressions on columns. In an AFTER GROUP OF clause you can save the aggregate value from one group of rows in a variable, so as to use it in computing an aggregate over a subsequent group. -8107 A user variable or parameter has been defined by the user more than once. A name may be defined only once in a DEFINE section. You have used a name more than once in the ASCII, PARAM or VARIABLE statements. -8108 A user variable or parameter must have a length which is greater than zero. Make sure that every CHAR and VARCHAR field in the DEFINE section has a nonzero length specification. -8109 Wordwrap may not be used within PAGE HEADERS or TRAILERS. ACEPREP needs to know how many lines will be filled in header and trailer sections (otherwise it could not know how many detail rows to put on the page). However, printing with the WORDWRAP function can fill a variable number of lines, depending on the words. Therefore it is not allowed in page header or trailer sections. -8110 The user variable called name has not yet been defined. The variable, parameter or field name was not defined in the DEFINE section. If name is spelled correctly, it must be defined. -8111 User variables and run-time parameters may not be used in an ORDER BY statement. Only names of columns may be used in an ORDER BY clause. Check the spelling of the column names or display labels in the clause. You cannot request ordering by the contents of defined variables, parameters or ASCII fields. -8112 Within an IF-THEN-ELSE statement of a header or trailer clause the number of lines printed in the IF part must equal the number of lines printed in the ELSE part. ACEPREP needs to know how many lines will be filled in header and trailer sections (otherwise it could not know how many detail rows to put on the page). Since it cannot tell which part of an IF statement will be executed, it requires that both produce the same number of lines of output. -8113 SKIP TO TOP OF PAGE is not allowed in any header or trailer clause. When SKIP TO TOP OF PAGE is executed, the page trailer clause must be executed (so as to display fixed page-end material) followed by the page header clause. If the statement was allowed in a header or trailer clause, an infinite loop could ensue. -8114 The number of lines to be printed in the top and bottom margins plus the lines to be printed in the page header and trailer clauses exceeds or equals the page length. Examine the statements in the OUTPUT section and in any HEADER and TRAILER clauses. The total of lines used by these statements must be sufficiently less than the specified page length that some detail rows can be printed. -8115 There may be no more than 8 sort columns specified in the ORDER BY command. ACEGO limits the number of columns that can be ordered. You must reduce the number of columns listed following ORDER BY. -8116 Illegal subscripting in ORDER BY command. You may only subscript a character field. Check the subscripts. There may be no negative numbers; the numbers must fall within the length of the character column; and the first number must be less than or equal to the second number. -8121 The specified WORDWRAP RIGHT MARGIN value is out of range. It must be greater than or equal to the current column and less than or equal to the report's right. The right margin of a WORDWRAP clause is used to set a narrower right margin than the one that applies to the report as a whole. The effective left margin of a WORDWRAP display is the current column when WORDWRAP is processed. The right margin must fall between the current column and the report margin. -8122 NEED n LINES may not be used in PAGE HEADER or PAGE TRAILER clauses. The size of a page header or trailer is established by the PRINT statements in it. TO set a larger size, use PRINT statements with no parameters. -8123 The PRINT FILE command is not allowed within the FIRST PAGE HEADER, PAGE HEADER, or PAGE TRAILER clauses. ACEPREP needs to know how many lines will be filled in header and trailer sections (otherwise it could not know how many detail rows to put on the page). Since the size of a file cannot be predicted when the report is compiled, the PRINT FILE command is not allowed. You will have to produce the data using PRINT statements. -8124 A user variable used in the above query has not been defined in the DEFINE section. A variable named in the SELECT statement is not defined in the DEFINE section of the report. Check that all names in the SELECT are the ones you intended, and that you have not misspelled any column or variable names. -8125 The keyword END was found more than once inside the SELECT section. Within the SELECT section, use semicolons to separate SQL statements. Use the keyword END only after the final SELECT. Review the contents of the SELECT section making sure that each SELECT statement except the last ends in a semicolon, and that the last is followed by an END statement. Perhaps you have omitted the FORMAT statement at the beginning of that section. -8126 PARAM[0] may not be defined. The first parameter you can define in the PARAMETER statement is number 1. In some host operating systems, the zeroth parameter is preset to the program name, but this value is not available within a report. -8127 You cannot use more than one REPORT TO statement in a report specification. The entire report is directed to one destination, which is chosen with the REPORT TO statement in the OUTPUT section. The report cannot be divided between multiple destinations, so remove all REPORT TO statements after the first. If you want to produce separate report files for different sets of data, you can do one of these things: Write a separate report for each set of data (the specifications would differ only in their SELECT statements). Produce a full report, but with sets of data on separate pages, and use operating system utilities and tools to separate the files afterward. Use parameter variables in the SELECT statements so you can choose a subset of data dynamically, when running the report, and use REPORT TO PRINT so you can control the output destination by setting the DBPRINT variable before starting the report. -8128 Minimum length of a VARCHAR variable must be smaller than the maximum size. A VARCHAR variable is defined with a two numbers: name(n,r) where n is the maximum length of the variable, and r is the reserved length. In fact, the reserved length is meaningful only in the context of a database table definition, although it is allowed when defining a report variable. If you specify it, you must write a number for r that is less than or equal to the size, n. -8129 Specified page length length is too short for default report. A report page cannot fit in the number of lines specified. Allow more lines per page, or revise the report specification to use fewer lines, for instance by changing the top or bottom margins. -8130 An INTEGER constant may not be larger than 2147483647. This statement specifies a value which cannot be contained in an integer. Either use a smaller value or a different data type, for example DECIMAL. -9001 Only columns of type CHARACTER may be subscripted or printed without trailing blanks. Either you have attempted to subscript, or apply the CLIPPED function to, a non-character variable; or else you specified a variable to have the wrong data type. -9002 An unknown operation code was found in the PMIM. An internal ACEGO error has occurred. Make sure that your report was compiled by a version of ACEPREP at the same version level as ACEGO. If that is the case, recompile the report to make sure the .arc file is not corrupted. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -9003 A USING format string may contain only one '.'. The format string specifying the display of a number contains more than one decimal point. Remove all but one of the decimal points. Refer to the discussion of the USING function in the reference manual. -9004 The column name is not in the current table, or the user variable name has not been defined. The name shown cannot be related to either a column in a database table or a defined variable. Check its spelling. If you meant it to be a variable, add it in the DEFINE section. If you meant to name a column in the database, check to see if the table has been altered or its columns have been renamed. -9014 Usage: SACEGO [-q][-d database] report-filename. flags: -q SACEGO will not print any messages or errors -d SACEGO will use the database name that follows the -d option instead of the database name specified in the DATABASE section of the report specification. This message is displayed when ACEGO is not given appropriate command-line arguments. There may be other messages saying explicitly what it is complaining about. Incidentally, you may use the -s option, as described in the manual, in place of -q as shown in the message; they have the same effect. -9025 The column name is not in the current table. Any column used as an ORDER BY column must be in the current table. The name displayed appears after the words ORDER BY, but it is not the name of a column or the display label of an expression selected in this statement. -9046 The report output file filename could not be opened. This is probably due to permissions. The report was directed to the destination shown, either with a REPORT TO statement or through the contents of the DBPRINT environment variable. Make sure that the destination was spelled correctly. Verify that your account has operating system permissions to write the destination file and that the destination disk is writable and not full. -9047 The output file filename could not be created. The likely cause is that your account does not have write permission in that directory, or that the disk is full, or that you have exceeded a limit on open files. -9048 The pipe pipe-specification could not be opened. The report was directed to the pipe shown in the REPORT TO statement. Make sure that all program names in it are correctly spelled; that the programs exist; and that they can be found on the current execution path. Look for other messages from the operating system which might indicate the source of trouble - for example, a message saying that there was not enough system memory. -9049 A value entered as a command line parameter cannot be converted to the data type type. One of the values from the command line w-9052 as defined in a PARAMETER statement in the DEFINE section as having data type type. However, the value actually given on the command line cannot be converted to that type. Check the following points: If type is numeric, that the parameter can be read as a number. If type is MONEY, the parameter should nevertheless not include a currency symbol. If type is CHARACTER or VARCHAR, the parameter is not longer than the length defined for the variable. If type is DATETIME, that the parameter is correctly punctuated (refer to the appendix on DATETIME and INTERVAL data in the user guide). If type is DATE, that the parameter is correctly punctuated as a date. Note that correctly-punctuated DATE, DATETIME and INTERVAL values contain characters that may have special meaning to the operating system. The problem may be that the parameter was correct but needed quotes around it to protect it. -9050 The user variable name is of type type. The value entered is out of range or cannot be converted to that type. A value was entered in response to a PROMPT statement, which stores the value in a variable of the name and type shown. However, it was impossible to convert the entered value to the data type of the variable (see the discussion of error -9049 for details on conversion). Rerun the report and enter appropriate data (also consider revising the prompt string to better guide the user.) -9051 The number of defined parameters in the ACE program does not equal the number of actual parameters passed to ACEGO on the command line. The number of parameters defined using PARAMETER statements in the DEFINE section does not agree with the number of items given as parameters on the command line. Check that parameters which contain spaces or other special characters are enclosed in quotes; the lack of quotes can cause a single parameter to be taken as more than one. -9052 The format string is too large. It may not be larger than 79 characters. There is a limit on the size of the format string presented to the USING function. -9053 An unknown entry in the .arc file has been detected. Recompile your ACE report specification using SACEPREP and then re-run SACEGO. Be certain that the version numbers for SACEPREP, and SACEGO are identical. The versions of ACEPREP and ACEGO must agree. (To check the version of either program, run it from the command line giving the -v option.) Recompile the report using a version of the compiler, ACEPREP, identical to the version of the runner, ACEGO. If this is already the case, recompile the report anyway to ensure that the .ace file has not been corrupted. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -9054 The ACE report was compiled by version A compiler. This runner can only run 5 thru B. Recompile your ACE report specification using SACEPREP and then re-run SACEGO. The versions of ACEPREP and ACEGO must agree. (To check the version of either program, run it from the command line giving the -v option.) Recompile the report using a version of the compiler, ACEPREP, identical to the version of the runner, ACEGO. If this is already the case, recompile the report anyway to ensure that the .ace file has not been corrupted. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -9055 The compiled report file filename could not be found or opened. The report filename was named on the ACEGO command line. It expects to locate the file filename.arc in the current directory or a path named in the DBPATH environment variable, but either could not find it or could not open it for reading. Check that the file name was spelled correctly and that your account has read access to it. -9059 A select statement which is not the final select statement in an ACE report must select into a temporary table. The SELECT section of the report may contain more than one SELECT statement. However, only the last one of these may produce the rows that are the report contents. The preceding SELECT statements are used to prepare data in temporary tables which the final statement delivers to the report. Change the report specification so all but the last SELECT statement contain INTO TEMP clauses. -9060 The values m and n used to subscript name are outside the bounds for the column's defined length. A column substring in the ORDER BY clause is incorrect. When taking a substring of a column, the first number in brackets specifies the position of the first character, and second number specifies the position of the last character of the substring. Both numbers must be at least 1 and not greater than the total length of the column or variable. -9061 A 'SELECT INTO' statement cannot be executed as the last select statement in an ACE report. The SELECT section of the report may contain more than one SELECT statement. The last (or only) one of these must produce the rows that are the contents of the report. Any preceding SELECT statements are used to prepare data in temporary tables which the final statement delivers to the report. Change the report specification so all but the last SELECT statement contain INTO TEMP clauses. -9062 An error has occurred during the conversion of a numeric value to a CHARACTER type user variable. The CHARACTER type variable is not long enough to hold the result. The conversion of a numeric value to character produced more numeric characters than the destination could hold. Rather than truncate the result, ACEGO stops with an error. You can either redefine the destination variable, or you can limit the size of the converted value, for example with a USING format string. -9063 The user function name, defined by the user in the DEFINE statement of ACE, could not be found in the C function definition table userfuncs in the user's C static data area. The DEFINE section of the report contains a FUNCTION statement indicating that an external function name would be linked with the report. (The use of external C functions with ACE reports and PERFORM screens is covered in the ESQL/C manual.) However, the name and address of each such function must appear in a static array named userfuncs. That array, along with the machine code of the external functions, is linked with a custom version of ACEGO. Since name did not appear in the array, ACEGO cannot call it. Check that you are executing the correct, customized version of ACEGO (the original version of the program has no external functions linked to it). Check to see if name is correctly spelled. Then examine the source of the C functions to make sure that the userfuncs array is defined correctly and that it contains an entry for name. -9064 The run-time string table is full. No more memory can be allocated. The data space available for temporary characters strings is full. Temporary strings are built when calling external C functions and when processing the USING, SPACE and ASCII built-in functions. Reduce the use of these things. -9065 Memory allocation has failed. ACEGO was unable to allocate memory to hold a row, a line, or an SQL data structure. The space needed is not (as the message text suggests) directly related to the size of the report specification. The report lacks only a few thousand bytes, at most, to run. -9066 An error has occurred while writing to the output report. The report destination was opened correctly, but while output was being written the operating system reported an error. Look for error messages from the operating system explaining the problem. The most common error is to fill up the available disk space. -9067 ACEs arithmetic stack has exceeded its bounds. The expression here is too complicated. Reduce the complexity of the arithmetic expression. One way to do this is to divide the expression into subexpressions, assigning the values of each to a variable. -9068 An SQL statement has been found in the SELECT section that is not a SELECT statement. Only SELECT statements or SELECT statements that create temporary tables are allowed in the SELECT section. Possibly the word SELECT has been misspelled in the report specification. If you intentionally wrote another SQL statement such as UPDATE or INSERT, remove it; only SELECT statements are permitted in reports. (You can execute other SQL statements in a C function called from a report. Linking external C functions with reports is discussed in the ESQL/C manual.) -9070 A record in the flat ascii input file contains more data fields than what was specified in the DEFINE ASCII statement of the report. A "field" in the ASCII file is a sequence of zero or more characters ending in a delimiter character (the delimiter is specified in the READ statement). Effectively, there are as many fields as there are delimiter characters in each record. The number of fields must be the same in each record, and each field must be defined in an ASCII statement in the DEFINE section of the report. Extra fields are not ignored. Look for message -9072; it will help you locate the record in error. -9071 A record in the flat ascii input file contains less data fields than what was specified in the DEFINE ASCII statement of the report. A "field" in the ASCII file is a sequence of zero or more characters ending in a delimiter character (the delimiter is specified in the READ statement). Effectively, there are as many fields as there are delimiter characters in each record. The number of fields must be the same in each record, and each field must be defined in an ASCII statement in the DEFINE section of the report. There is no default for missing fields. Look for message -9072; it will help you locate the record in error. -9072 count record(s) from the ascii input file have been read in. This is an informational message to help you locate the source of a problem in the ASCII input file. The problem described in another message was found in the count line of the file. -9140 An attempt was made to divide by zero on line number. The result was set to zero. An expression on line number of the report specification file contains a division operation. At some point in the report run, the divisor in the expression was zero. Examine the expression and the data it uses, and write the report so that division by zero will not occur (for example, by testing for zero in an IF statement). This error can result from applying an aggregate function to a defined variable before the first row of data is processed. To avoid this, make sure that any variable has a value before it is used, for example by setting it from a command-line parameter or with a PROMPT FOR statement. -9142 Date conversion error. ACEGO is trying to convert from characters into a DATE data type and has found an error. Either the date is not punctuated correctly, or there are unwanted nonnumeric characters, or the date itself is inconsistent, for example "01/32/91". -9143 Character, Text, and Byte data cannot be printed with using formats. The USING function can only be applied to numeric data. Revise the report specification. -9500 A subscript is out of bounds. This statement takes a substring of a character variable. The substring values, that is, two numbers in square brackets, are incorrect. The first is less then zero or greater than the length of the column, or the second is less than the first. Correct the form specification and recompile. -9503 The table tablename could not be opened. Check that the table name is correctly spelled. If so, the table tablename may not exist in the database (it might have been dropped or renamed); or if it exists, your account may not have SELECT access to it. Alternatively, if you are using the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server, you may have exceeded the limit on open files, which can limit the number of tables you may name in a SELECT statement. In this case you may have to revise the SELECT section of the report so as to use more SELECT statements each of which names fewer tables. (This message is not current. Products after Version 4.0 do not issue it.) -9503 PRINT FILE filename could not be opened. The file shown could not be opened for output. Look for operating system error messages that may give more information. Possible causes include a lack of the correct permissions for the file or directory, and a full disk. -9504 The argument number is out of bounds for the ascii function. Arguments must be between 0 and 255, inclusive. The input to the ASCII function must be a number between 0 and 255. Examine the use of this function in the report specification. If the improper value number came from a command-line parameter, you might consider testing it with an IF statement. -16300 Identifier is too long. An identifier in this statement is too long for its context. See if you have omitted a separator between two identifiers, or select a shorter identifier. -16301 A syntax error has occurred. A syntax error has been detected in a Debugger command. Check that you have not misspelled or omitted a keyword or identifier, or included an extra command argument, or placed keywords out of sequence. See if you have omitted parentheses after a function name in a CALL command, or included them in a VIEW command. You can enter help all to display a two-page synopsis of all the commands. -16302 An illegal character has been found in the command. Characters in Debugger commands are restricted to letters, numbers, blanks, underscores, and the special characters listed in the section "Conventions for Command Syntax Notation" in the Debugger manual. You may have pressed a key inadvertently, or you may have introduced illegal characters when you edited a file that provided input to a READ command. If you create or modify a .4db file with a word-processing program, be sure to save it in "non-document" or "text-only" mode. -16303 An illegal integer has been found in the command. Your expression or search pattern includes a numeric string of more than 50 characters. Repeat the command specifying a shorter expression or search pattern. -16304 An illegal floating point number has been found in the command. Your expression or search pattern includes a floating point numeric string of more than 50 characters, or includes more than one decimal point. Repeat the command specifying a shorter expression or search pattern, or fewer decimal points. -16305 Memory allocation failed. Not enough system memory is available to execute your command. Repeat the command at another time, when other users are making smaller demands on system memory. On DOS systems, you will need to free up some disk space. -16306 Found a quote for which there is no matching quote. You may have omitted a quotation mark from a name or string, or included an extraneous quotation mark. Repeat the command, using an even number of single (') or double (") quotes. -16307 Quoted string is too long. The maximum length of a quoted string is 256 characters. Repeat the command with a shorter string. -16308 Missing function name. You must specify the name of a function in a CALL command. Repeat the command, specifying the name of a function followed by left- and right-parentheses ( ). If the function requires arguments, include the list of arguments within the parentheses, separating multiple arguments by commas. -16309 Internal buffer limit exceeded. Your command has too many characters. A Debugger command can include no more than 256 characters. If you are specifying an ALIAS, BREAK, or TRACE command that includes many command lines within braces, you might consider using nested aliases. You can cause a function key or a short string to stand for hundreds of keystrokes by specifying it as the alias of a list of aliases that each represents fewer than 256 characters. Another alternative is to use READ commands, rather than aliases, to enter multiple commands. -16310 Keyword expected. You have omitted a required command option. You can enter help all to display the names of all the Debugger commands, or refer to the manual. -16311 Command name is not recognized. You have misspelled the name of the command, or improperly abbreviated it. You can enter help to see a display of the names of all the Debugger commands. If the string name appears to be a valid command name, you may have also pressed a non-printing key when entering it. -16312 Missing or misplaced = sign. The LET command always requires an equal sign (=), as does ALIAS without the asterisk option. Repeat the command making sure that you use the equals sign in the appropriate place. -16313 Missing module line number. In a BREAK or TRACE command you have specified the name of a module, followed by a dot, followed by a noninteger. The module name must be followed by a dot and a line number that is an integer. -16314 Missing filename. If the Debugger is already loaded, you have not specified a filename after a READ command, or after a command to redirect output to a file. Repeat the command, specifying the name of an input or output file. If you were at the system prompt, you have used the -F command-line option to invoke the Debugger, but you have not specified the name of an initialization file. Repeat the command, but this time either omit the -F or specify the name of a .4db initialization file following the -F. -16315 Missing ). Either you omitted a right parenthesis from a command argument, or you have included a superfluous left parenthesis. -16316 A small integer is expected. You must supply a positive or negative integer as an argument of a GROW command. Repeat the command, specifying the number of lines to be added to the size of the window. The sum of this integer and the current size must be in the range from 1 to L-6 where L is the number of lines your terminal can display (often 24). -16317 Program variable name expected. A Debugger LET command requires three arguments: The identifier of a program variable an equals sign (=) An expression whose value is assigned to the variable. The identifier could not be recognized in the command you entered. -16318 Positive number or name expected. The ENABLE, DISABLE, NOBREAK, and NOTRACE commands all require an argument. This can be a breakpoint or tracepoint name, reference number, function name, or the ALL option. If the argument that you entered in the Command window looks valid, you may have also pressed a non-printing key. -16319 Internal error - illegal command. This message reflects an unexpected condition in the command-parsing module of the Debugger. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -16320 Missing left brace. Left and right brace characters ({ and }) must be used in balanced pairs. -16321 Alias alias-name is an existing command keyword. The name of an alias cannot be the complete form of a Debugger command. (You are allowed, however, to assign an abbreviated form of a command keyword as an alias.) Repeat the command using another alias identifier. -16322 Missing directory list. You have used the -I command-line option when invoking the Debugger, but you have not specified a source-file search path. Repeat the command and either omit the -I or specify a search path with it. -16323 User cannot specify more than one directory list. You can only use the -I option once on the command line. However, you may specify more than one search path in the list following -I. Repeat the command listing all the desired source-file search paths, separated by commas, following a single -I option. -16324 User cannot specify more than one filename. You can only use the -F option once on the command line. Repeat the command specifying only one initialization file. After the Debugger has started, you can enter READ commands to execute additional .4db files. -16325 Missing or extra parameter. You have omitted or repeated a command line option. Repeat the command after checking the description of the fgldb command in the Debugger manual. Note: This message also appears if you attempt to pass parameters to the program being debugged. The right way to give command-line parameters to the subject program is to include them with the run command when starting the program. -16326 Missing program name. If you invoke the Debugger at the system prompt, you must include as an argument the name of a compiled 4GL program (or else, in UNIX, use the option -V to indicate that you only want a display of the software version number). Repeat the command this time specifying the name of a compiled program. -16327 Cannot locate file filename. You may have omitted or misspelled the filename of a .4db input file (either in a READ command or following the -F command line option), or you may have misspelled the filename or pathname of a .4gl source file in a VIEW command or on the command line. If filename is spelled correctly and names a file that exists, then you may need to specify a complete pathname. You must specify the full pathname of a file when referring to a .4db file that is not in the current directory, or to a .4gl source file that is not in the current directory or any directory specified with the -I command-line option. -16328 Cannot read initialization file filename. Although the Debugger found the file you specified with the -F parameter, it encountered an error trying to read from it. Check for operating system error messages that might give more details. If the problem is not a hardware error, make sure your account has read access to the file, for instance by displaying its contents. -16329 Pathname too long. The Debugger will accept pathnames of up to 70 total characters. -16330 Cannot open file filename for reading. Make sure that you specified the correct filename in your READ or VIEW command, or after the -F option when you invoked the Debugger from the command line. If the name was correct, the file may be damaged or read-protected. If you do not have permission to read it, you should refer to the discussion of access privileges in your operating system documentation, or contact your system administrator. -16331 Too many recursive aliases. In some debugging tasks, aliases that reference other aliases can save time or circumvent limits on the number of characters in a Debugger [command line. For example, you can specify alias1 to be a substring of alias2, which can be a substring of alias3, and so forth up to alias5. You cannot, however, specify more than five levels of aliases between your keystrokes and the fully-expanded commands which they stand for. -16332 Duplicate function name function-name. The function name shown was found in a module being loaded. However, a function of that name had already been seen in a module loaded earlier. This is not allowed. You will have to change the application so that all functions in it have unique names. -16333 Duplicate module name module-name. The module whose name is shown is being loaded, but a module of that name had already been loaded. Using the Program menu of the Programmer's Environment, make sure that the program being debugged is composed of only one copy of each module. -16334 Internal error - null keyword encountered. This message reflects a condition that was expected never to occur. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -16335 Window can't be adjusted by number of lines specified. The minimum number of lines in the Source window or in the Command window is one (1), not counting the Source window line that displays the current module name. On a standard 24-line terminal, the maximum number of lines in either window is 18, or L-6 where L is the number of lines the terminal supports. The argument of a GROW command is not the new window size, but the increment to the current window size. If you want to change the size of a window in the Debugger screen, enter a GROW command to produce window sizes within this range. -16336 User must specify source file to view. The VIEW command requires the name of a 4GL source file. -16337 No previous search pattern. You cannot enter a Search command without specifying a search pattern, unless earlier in the same debugging session you specified a search pattern. Repeat the command, specifying a valid search pattern. -16338 Cannot continue execution. You cannot invoke CONTINUE or STEP commands unless a 4GL program has begun (but not terminated) execution. terminated normally or by a fatal error, use CALL or RUN. After execution begins, you must then suspend execution by a breakpoint (or, in UNIX environments, by an Interrupt command) before you can invoke CONTINUE or STEP. See also the section on "Active Functions and Variables" in the Debugger manual. -16339 Break or trace name name is not unique. A name that you assign to a breakpoint or tracepoint in a BREAK or TRACE command cannot duplicate the name of any existing reference point (including disabled breakpoints or tracepoints). This message will also appear after a READ command that sets a named breakpoint or tracepoint, if you read the same input file twice. -16340 Invalid backslash encountered. Your command includes a backslash symbol that cannot be interpreted as a command-line continuation symbol. Repeat the command without invalid backslashes. -16341 Line number line-number not in specified module. Your BREAK or TRACE command cannot specify a line number that is greater than the line number of the last executable statement in the specified module. If you specified no module name, the line number cannot be greater than the last executable statement in your current module. Check to see if you have specified the correct module and line number. -16342 Internal error - cannot set breakpoint. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -16343 Invalid module name module-name specified. You have specified a module that is not part of the current 4GL program. Check to see if you have misspelled the name or if you are confusing the names of modules or functions from different programs. Repeat the command, specifying a valid name. -16344 Invalid function name function-name specified. You have specified a function that is not part of the current 4GL program. Check to see if you have misspelled the name or if you are confusing the names of modules or functions from different programs, or if you neglected to compile a program module that contains this function. Repeat the command, specifying a valid name. -16345 Cannot set breakpoint in 4GL library function or user C function. You can only set a breakpoint at a function written in 4GL - not at a function written in another language such as C or ESQL/C, and not at the name of a built-in function. In order to suspend program execution when a C function is called, set a breakpoint by specifying the line number of the 4GL statement that calls the C function, rather than specifying the name of the function. -16346 Cannot open output file filename. See if the output file already exists, but is damaged or write-protected. In UNIX, make sure you have permission to write in the specified directory (or in the current directory, if you specified no pathname). -16347 Invalid breakpoint or tracepoint number name specified. You cannot specify a reference number in an ENABLE, DISABLE, NOBREAK, or NOTRACE command with a zero or negative value, or a value for which no corresponding breakpoint or tracepoint currently exists. (You can enter list break trace to display your current reference numbers.) -16348 Breakpoint or tracepoint name is not active. You have asked the DISABLE command to deactivate a breakpoint that is already disabled. Make sure that you named the breakpoint you really mean. You can enter list break trace to display your current breakpoints and tracepoints. -16349 Use nobreak for breakpoints and notrace for tracepoints. You have specified a breakpoint to the NOTRACE command, or a tracepoint to the NOBREAK command. Each command can deal only with its own objects. -16350 Breakpoint/tracepoint already disabled/enabled or can't be determined. The Debugger cannot find a corresponding breakpoint or tracepoint on which to carry out your ENABLE or DISABLE command. You can enter list break trace to display all your current reference points. -16351 Variable variable-name could not be located. The Debugger cannot reference a variable unless it is defined in a 4GL module. For 4GL variables, make sure that you have correctly entered the variable's name. If the variable is not in the current function or module, you must qualify its name. See the section on "Scope of Reference" in the Debugger manual. (If in a BREAK or TRACE command you enter what you intend to be a module name, but you omit the dot at the end of the name, this message may appear.) -16352 File filename has been modified. (.4gl is newer than .4go) The Debugger executes the .4go module but it displays lines from the .4gl source file. Since the source file has been changed since the module was compiled, the lines displayed in the Source window may not correspond to the statements in the compiled program. If you change the source code in a .4gl file, you must recompile it. If your program is composed of several modules, you must also concatenate the compiled modules before you start debugging. Check also to see if files exist with both the .4go and .4gi suffixes for this program. Even if your .4go file is the appropriate recompiled version, the Debugger will attempt first to interpret the .4gi version. -16353 Executable command is invalid when executing tracepoint commands. The list of command lines in your TRACE command includes a CALL, CONTINUE, RUN, or STEP command. These commands are not supported within a TRACE command. -16354 Function function-name not found. You have specified a function that is not part of the current 4GL program. Check to see if you have misspelled the name, or if you are confusing the names of functions from different programs. Make sure that your 4GL source code defines and calls the function that you want to execute. -16355 Function function-name requires parameters. The function named in the CALL command is defined as taking one or more parameters. You must enter a matching number of parameters in the parentheses following the name of the function. If you are not sure what parameters should be passed to the function, you can use a VIEW command to display its source code. -16356 Too many parameters passed to function function-name. Your argument list in a CALL command includes more parameters than the function is defined as receiving. If you are not sure how many parameters should be passed to the function, you can use a VIEW command to display the source code of the function. -16357 Function function-name is not active. You can only display variables defined in the active function. This variable is defined in function name which is not active. -16358 Variable name expected. A LET command requires as its first argument a variable name. Do not put quotes around the name. -16359 Cannot assign values to records; Assignments must be to record members. A LET command can assign a value to a simple variable or to a specific member of a record, but not to a whole record. -16360 Cannot assign values to arrays; Assignments must be to array elements. A LET command can assign a value to a simple variable or to a single element of an array designated with a subscript in brackets. Enter help let to see an example. -16361 Invalid variable name variable-name. The identifier variable-name is not the name of a variable. The VARIABLE command requires the name of a variable. Check the spelling of the name. -16362 No current function. There is no current 4GL function if you have not yet invoked a RUN or CALL command. Even after RUN or CALL, there is no current function if execution terminated normally, rather than being stopped by a breakpoint, by an Interrupt or STEP command, or by a fatal error. Use RUN or CALL to begin or restart program execution. -16363 Variable in function function-name is not active. You have named a variable whose value is assigned by a function that has not yet been called or by one that has already returned. A LET or PRINT command can only refer to an active variable; that is, one global or else assigned in a function that is currently executing (a function listed by a WHERE command). When entering a CALL command, you must substitute a literal value for an expression that needs an inactive variable. -16364 Unknown option option. The Debugger cannot identify an argument of your command. The thing it cannot understand is displayed as option. Repeat the command, specifying option differently. Enter help turn to display the many options of TURN. -16365 Breakpoint or tracepoint name is already active. The ENABLE command has no effect on breakpoints or tracepoints that are already enabled. Check that you entered the name or reference number that you intended. If you did, and you still feel that the name should have been inactive, use list break trace or search the command buffer to see if a previous DISABLE command deactivated the wrong breakpoint or tracepoint. -16366 Error occurred while trying to write to a file. Either your file system is full or a hardware error occurred. Use the Escape feature to display the space remaining on your current drive. -16367 Need to specify a specific record member or array element. You cannot use the name of an array as an argument of a CALL command. You cannot use the unqualified name of an array or record in an expression or as the object of a breakpoint or tracepoint. In all these cases you must use a subscript in brackets to specify a particular array element, or the full name of a member of a record. -16368 Expression contains variables from different functions. You may not combine variables from different functions in the same expression. If you need to know the value of such an expression, you must use PRINT to evaluate the variables from each function separately. Then enter these values as constants in the BREAK, LET, or PRINT command in place of the names of the variables. -16369 Cannot initialize application device device-name. You must specify the name of another terminal that has the same termcap or terminfo entries as the terminal from which you invoked the Debugger. The second terminal must be logged in under your account name. -16370 No application device specified. You must specify the name of another terminal that has the same termcap or terminfo entries as the terminal from which you invoked the Debugger. (However, it may not be the name of the device from which you invoked the Debugger.) Enter tty from the terminal that you want to use as your application device. Its screen will display its terminal pathname. Repeat the APPLICATION DEVICE command specifying an appropriate terminal device name. -16371 Read file not specified. You must specify the name of a .4db file in a READ command. -16372 Variable or expression expected. You must identify what you want the Debugger to display in a PRINT command. Repeat the command specifying the name of a variable, record or array, or an expression. -16373 Cannot print or make assignments before execution has started. You cannot use a LET command to assign a value to a variable, or a DUMP or PRINT command to display information about a variable or function until after execution starts. The same restriction applies after execution has terminated normally, or after a CLEANUP command. Invoke the RUN or CALL command to begin execution and then repeat the command. (It may be necessary to set a breakpoint or, in UNIX, press the Interrupt key to prevent normal termination.) -16374 Break command contains 'if' without having a condition specified. The IF keyword in a BREAK command must be followed by an expression. The breakpoint has no effect while the condition is false (zero). Repeat the command without IF, or with IF and a condition. -16375 Cannot view C-library function function-name. The VIEW command cannot display the source code of C functions or ESQL/C functions. To examine C source code, you must use the Escape feature and use an operating system command that displays the C source file. -16376 Break or trace name name does not begin with an alpha character. The first character in the name of a breakpoint or of a tracepoint must be a letter. The subsequent characters can be letters, numbers, or underscores ( _ ). The name must be enclosed between single apostrophes ( ' ) or double-quote characters ( " ). Repeat the command specifying a valid name enclosed in quotes. -16377 Cannot retrieve values of global variables before execution begins. A PRINT command cannot display the value of a global program variable until after execution commences. Invoke the RUN or CALL command to begin execution, and then repeat the PRINT command. In this situation you can specify constants or the names of global variables as arguments of CALL. (It may be necessary to set a breakpoint or to press the Interrupt key to suspend the program before normal termination.) -16378 A small positive integer is expected. You cannot enter a TIMEDELAY command without an argument, or with a negative number as the argument. Repeat the command specifying zero or a positive integer as the number of seconds delay in the Source window or Command window. -16381 Cannot set breakpoint or tracepoint - no current module. You cannot set a breakpoint or tracepoint without referencing a module or function unless there is a program module in the Source window. You have probably ignored an error message that appeared when you were unable to load a 4GL source file. -16382 Command file filename is currently being processed. You have used a READ command, either nested in an initialization file or in the input file of another READ command, that refers to one of the following: To itself. To a previous READ command input file. To a .4db initialization file that has not yet completed execution. In short, you cannot execute a READ command that might create an infinite loop. -16383 Number of nested read commands limit exceeded. You started a READ command that invoked another, which invoked another, and so on for more than ten nested READ commands. You will have to simplify your arrangement of .4db command files. -16384 Line in .4db file exceeds maximum length. You cannot have more than 256 characters in a single Debugger command line. If you are using semicolon (;) command separators, break the line instead into separate commands. You should avoid Debugger commands that have more characters in a single line than your screen or list device can display. Use the backslash continuation symbol to divide long command lines into shorter segments, or use aliases. -16385 Call to function function-name failed. The logic in your 4GL or C language function may be defective or may not support the argument list that you specified in a CALL command. Use the VIEW command to examine the source code of a 4GL function. Use the Escape feature to examine the source file of a C function. -16386 Search string exceeds maximum length. The maximum length of a search pattern specification whose first character is a quote (") is 80 characters, or a maximum length of 50 after any other first character. See if you unintentionally pressed a Search command key (? or /). Repeat the Search command but specify a shorter pattern. -16387 Program is not currently being executed. A WHERE command cannot display your active functions until after execution commences. Invoke the RUN or CALL command to begin execution, and then repeat the command. (It may first be necessary to set a breakpoint to suspend execution before normal termination.) See the topic "Active Functions and Variables" in the Debugger manual. -16388 Cannot create Debugger window. You are probably out of memory. Take whatever steps your operating system permits to increase the amount of available memory. -16389 File name exceeds maximum length. A filename may not exceed 80 characters. If the name actually has this length (if the message is not the result of some mistake in punctuation), you will have to rename it before using it with the Debugger. -16390 Error occurred while reading file filename. The Debugger encountered an error while trying to read a 4GL source file. Look for other messages, for example from the operating system, giving more details of the failure. Check to make sure that the file exists and that you have read permission. -16391 Internal error - attempt to highlight invalid line number. Repeat the command. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. . -16392 No database name specified. The database command requires as its argument the name of a database. -16393 Expression or variable contains invalid substring. The Debugger cannot interpret a reference to a substring of a character value. A substring is specified by two numbers in square brackets, as in the expression charvalue[n1,n2] Here the name charvalue must be of type CHAR(n), while n1 specifies the first character of the substring and n2 specifies the last. This error message appears when n1 is larger than n, the length of the character value, or when n1 is greater than n2. -16394 Cannot access the help messages. The Debugger help messages are in a file called fgldb.iem. The INSTALL program copies this file into the msg directory pointed to by the INFORMIXDIR environment variable. The file must have been damaged, deleted, or read-protected. Ask your system administrator to restore your access to it. -16395 Cannot compare BLOBs to any other value. You have asked the Debugger to compare a TEXT or BYTE variable in an expression. Variables of these types cannot be used for comparisons. (However, you can refer to a substring of a TEXT variable.) -16396 Cannot use BLOBs in this expression. You have asked the Debugger to use a TEXT or BYTE variable in an expression. Variables of these types can only be displayed with PRINT or DUMP, or assigned null values with LET. -16397 Can print only BLOB variables with program =. The PROGRAM= clause of the PRINT statement is used to specify an external program (for instance an editor) that can display the contents of a BYTE or TEXT value. The clause is not relevant with any other type of data. -16398 Illegal BLOB file name. Null name not permitted. The BYTE or TEXT variable has been located in a file using the 4GL statement LOCATE. However, the filename given for the variable is a null string. Since the file does not exist, the Debugger cannot do anything with it. -16399 No program name specified. The PROGRAM= clause of the PRINT statement is used to specify an external program (for instance an editor) that can display the contents of a BYTE or TEXT value. In this command the keyword was specified but no program name followed it. -16400 Bad file name name. The file name shown is not appropriate for its intended use. It is too long, or contains improper special characters, or is null. Enter an appropriate file name. -16401 No program loaded. A program has been unloaded with the command UNLOAD PROGRAM and no program was subsequently loaded with the command LOAD PROGRAM. -21400 brand: invalid serial number and/or key. Check that the serial number and key you entered during installation correspond with those on the keycard. Restart installation, or contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department for verification of your serial number and key. -21401 brand: cannot open file -- file probably not in current directory. File might not have been transferred correctly from media. Reload the product from the media and reinstall. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21402 brand: location is incorrect for file. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21403 brand: file already branded. For some products, installation cannot be restarted without reloading files from the media. Reload files from the media before you run the installation script. -21404 brand: identifier string multiply found in file. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21405 brand: serial number is wrong length in file. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21406 program: Cannot open file. File might not have been transferred correctly from media. Reload the product from the media and reinstall. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21407 Error Reading from File. File might not have been transferred correctly from media. Reload the product from the media and reinstall. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21408 Error Writing to File. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21410 verstamp: cannot create stream for file. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21411 verstamp: identify string not found in file. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21412 verstamp: Warning: string found number times in file. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21413 Cannot open file; system error number. File might not have been transferred correctly from media. Reload the product from the media and reinstall. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21414 Unexpected EOF on file. File might not have been transferred correctly from media. Reload the product from the media and reinstall. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21600 Usage: mkmessage [-v] [-dMACRO] input_file output_file. This is an internal error. You probably used incorrect syntax in the command line. Check the usage indicated in the message and try again. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21601 Source and object files the same, would overwrite `filename'. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21602 Input file could not be opened. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21603 Output file could not be created. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21604 Error writing to result file filename. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21605 Error writing to output file filename. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21606 Error reading from temporary text file. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21607 Number of errors counted: number. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21608 You have exceeded the limits of 8 defines. Extra defines will be ignored. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21609 Unmatched ^ELSE at line line-number. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. . -21610 Unmatched ^ENDIF at line line-number. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21611 Syntax error at line line-number. Expect ifdef, ifndef, else or endif after `^'. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21612 Unexpected EOF. Expected an ^endif. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21613 Syntax error at line line-number. Expect ifdef, ifndef, else or endif. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21614 Expected identifier not found following ^ifdef or ^ifndef at line line-number. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21615 Output file could not be opened for read/write. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21616 Temporary text file could not be created. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -21617 Temporary text file could not be opened for read/write. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22201 variable-name is not a unique record component. The name used in the record has already been used and is thus not unique. Change the name of the record variable and try again. -22202 This feature is not supported in this preprocessor. The IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL preprocessor does not support the feature requested in this statement. Please check the IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL Programmer's Manual for information on preprocessor functionality in this version. -22203 Invalid keyword name on the PICTURE clause. The PICTURE clause contains an illegal keyword, as specified in the error message. Check the syntax of the variable declaration for the PICTURE clause and try again. -22204 COBOL group USAGE clause contradiction (variable OF record). The USAGE clause for a record component does not match the USAGE clause of the record group to which it belongs. Usage clauses for the elements of a record are inherited from the group record declaration. A mismatch causes an error. -22205 COBOL group SIGN clause contradiction (variable OF record). The SIGN clause of the record component does not match the SIGN clause of the record group to which it belongs. Sign clauses for the elements of a record are inherited from the group record declaration. A mismatch causes an error. -22206 INTERNAL ERROR: Bad COBOL function call. Make sure the CALL syntax is correct and verify whether data is corrupted before you call the IBM Informix Technical Support Department for more assistance. -22207 Host variables may only be 01-49 or 77 level. IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL supports only level 01 through level 49 COBOL variables and record types, plus COBOL variable level 77 if it is supported by your COBOL compiler. Check the level number of the host variable to see if it is valid. -22208 Host variables may not be USAGE INDEX. Change the USAGE clause for the host variable so that it is not USAGE IS INDEX and try again. IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL does not support USAGE INDEX. -22209 No hyphen allowed in SQL object identifier, cursor name, or statement id. You must change the name of the object identifier, cursor, or statement id so that it does not contain a hyphen. -22210 Repeated data item variable-name is not expanded The IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL preprocessor does not expand the record that contains repeated data items. Please change the record and try again. -22227 Invalid COBOL compiler compiler-name. The compiler specified is not supported. Please check the IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL Programmer's Manual for information on compilers supported in this version. -22229 Host object variable-name not declared. The specified host variable was accessed but was not declared. You must declare the host variable in the declaration section and try again. -22230 Identification error on host symbol variable-name. The host variable has been declared more than once. Check for the duplicate variable declaration and redeclare one of the variables. -22231 Record nesting limit exceeded. The maximum number of levels for valid record nesting is 100. Reduce the number of nested records and try again. -22232 variable-name is not a component of record-name. The variable name is not part of the components of the record. Check the record declaration and its components to verify that you have correctly declared the variable with this name. -22233 compiler-name does not allow array elements to be passed as parameters. If you are not using either the RMCOBOL 85 compiler or the Micro-Focus COBOL/2 compiler, then you cannot pass array elements as parameters. Use one of the specified compilers or rewrite this section of code involving arrays. -22234 Buffer provided by user is too small. Result will be truncated to fit buffer. The buffer used to store the result of the function's operation is too small to hold the entire result. As much of the result as possible was copied, and extra characters were truncated. Increase the buffer declaration so it can hold larger strings. -22245 Invalid BCD type (rvalhlvar). This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22246 INTERNAL ERROR: BCD buffer too small (rhlvarval). This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22247 Invalid BCD type (rhlvarval). This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22248 Date conversion error : rfmtdate in toadate This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22249 Internal error: Invalid integer size (toaint). This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. . -22250 BCD buffer length is too small. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22251 Error in decimal conversion (frombcd: deccvasc). This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22252 Error in decimal conversion (frompbcd: deccvasc). This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22253 Error in C var to val conversion (frombcd). This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22254 DATE type variable size is too large. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22255 Date conversion error: rdefmtdate. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22256 Error in C var to val conversion (fromadate). This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22257 Error in C var (short) to val conversion. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22258 Error in C var (int) to val conversion. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22259 Error in C var (long) to val conversion. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22260 Internal Error: Invalid integer size. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22261 Error in decimal conversion (valtoasc: deccvasc). This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22262 Error in decimal conversion (valtoasc: dectoasc). This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22263 Internal error: Invalid C type (valtoasc). This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22264 Host data items must not be alphanumeric or numeric edited items. Change the declaration of the PICTURE clause to one of the following valid categories for host variables: alphabetic, numeric, or alphanumeric. IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL does not support alphanumeric edited or numeric edited items. -22265 A sign clause was specified for an unsigned numeric type. If you have a SIGN clause but did not specify "S," then the compiler cannot process the data type. Check whether the variable is signed or unsigned and declare it accordingly. -22266 Type not supported by ESQL/language-name for compiler-name. The type specified for the variable is not supported for the compiler name used. Check your compiler documentation for valid type declarations. -22268 P in the PICTURE clause not implemented. Currently, IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL does not support the declaration P (decimal scaling position) in a PICTURE clause. -22274 Host variables may not be USAGE POINTER. Change the USAGE clause for the host variable so that the host variable is not a pointer and try again. -22275 INTERNAL ERROR: Temporary buffer length has been exceeded. The string or buffer parameter to the function is longer than the internal buffer. Change the string or buffer declaration so that the string or buffer has a smaller maximum size. -22276 Floating point variables are not allowed. This compiler does not support floating point numbers. -22277 Invalid storage mode. Assuming byte-storage mode. Micro-Focus COBOL/2 has either byte or word storage mode for USAGE COMP/BINARY variables. Check the current storage mode. You can specify byte or word storage by setting the INFORMIXCOBSTORE environment variable, as discussed in Chapter 4 of the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference. -22278 Cannot open COBOL 'whenever' file file-name. The directory in which the COBOL temporary files are being created (usually /tmp or whatever is specified when the DBTEMP environment variable is set) is full. There is no room to open up new files. Check this directory and free up some space. Since Version 5.01, the DBTEMP environment variable is used by the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server but not by the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. -22279 Cannot open COBOL temp file file-name. The directory in which the COBOL temporary files are being created (usually /tmp or whatever is specified when the DBTEMP environment variable is set) is full. There is no room to open up new files. Check this directory and free up some space. Since Version 5.01, the DBTEMP environment variable is used by the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server but not by the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. -22280 Line is too long. The SQL string in the EXEC SQL statement is too long to fit in the internal buffer. The maximum SQL string length should be less than 32767. -22281 FILLER variables can only be used as fields in a record. In IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL, the FILLER keyword must identify all filler items. Filler variables can only be used as fields in a record and must also have a PIC clause associated with them. Check the declaration of the variable and change its name. -22282 Invalid numeric data length The length and precision of the data is too large or otherwise incorrect. The length cannot be greater than 18, and the precision cannot be greater than the length. -22283 Numeric value from database cannot be stored in COBOL data item In IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL, a number of conditions can cause this error message to appear: the value is too large ; or, data cannot contain a negative value; or, a signed value cannot be stored in an unsigned data item; or, a float overflow has occurred. -22284 Incorrect level(s) of indirection on variable variable-name. A pointer variable is used with the wrong number of level indirection. Check the indirection levels in the ESQL statement. -22285 Incorrect dimension on table variable variable-name An entry in a multidimensional array is illegally accessed. Indexes for multidimensional arrays must be specified when used. For example, a host variable declared in ESQL/COBOL as 01 VARA X(10) OCCURS 3 TIMES. will return an error if used in an SQL statement as INSERT INTO TAB VALUES ($VARA) because you must specify which index you want to insert into (i.e., VARA(1)). -22554 Field type field-type-name has been used out of context. This error is generated when, for example, the field type TYPE is used where COUNT is expected. Check the syntax and usage for system descriptor field names in the discussion of the ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR and GET DESCRIPTOR statements in Chapter 1 of the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax. For a discussion of the system descriptor area, see the manual for your embedded-language product. -22555 The type of host-variable does not match the expected type for this field. This error is generated when a variable is expected to have a certain type but does not. For example, an TYPE field accepts only integer types when a value is assigned to it or retrieved from it. If the variable type is not integer, an error is generated. Check the syntax and usage for system descriptor field names in the discussion of the ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR and GET DESCRIPTOR statements in Chapter 1 of the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax. For a discussion of the system descriptor area, see the manual for your embedded-language product. -22600 Invalid SQL type type-name. Internal error. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. Check the symbol's data type. Type-name must be a valid SQL data type. -22601 Whenever raise not supported by ESQL/FORTRAN. You cannot specify RAISE in a WHENEVER statement. Delete the statement, or substitute a valid option. -22602 Whenever perform not supported by ESQL/FORTRAN. You cannot specify PERFORM in a WHENEVER statement. Delete the statement, or substitute a valid option. -22617 STRUCTURE declaration not supported. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. The STRUCTURE statement is only supported with the Green Hills and Sun versions of FORTRAN that include the VMS FORTRAN extensions. -22618 RECORD statement not supported. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. The RECORD statement is only supported with the Green Hills and Sun versions of FORTRAN that include the VMS FORTRAN extensions. -22619 UNION declaration not supported. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. The UNION statement is only supported with Green Hills and Sun versions of FORTRAN that include the VMS FORTRAN extensions. -22620 Host object host variable not declared. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. An SQL statement contains a host variable that has not been declared. Host variables are declared like other FORTRAN variables except that the declaration must be contained in a declaration block between a pair of EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION and EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION statements. You cannot use the SQL data types to declare host variables. You must specify a FORTRAN data type or one of the IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN data types when you declare a host variable. The data type of the host variable should reflect the data type of the database column to which it corresponds. -22621 Out of Memory for symbol table. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. The preprocessor is unable to allocate more memory for the symbol table. If possible, reduce the number of processes that are running at the same time as the preprocessor, or reduce the number of symbols defined by your FORTRAN program. -22622 Type type-name is unknown. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. The symbol is not a declared type. Declare type-name and try again. -22623 Data type length must be greater than zero. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. The length specified for the data type is less than zero. Assign a length to the data type and try again. -22624 INTEGER type length must be 2 or 4. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. A FORTRAN host variable of type INTEGER must be declared as INTEGER*2 or INTEGER*4. Correct the length of the INTEGER declaration and try again. -22625 REAL type length must be 4 or 8. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. A FORTRAN host variable of type REAL must be declared as REAL*4 or REAL*8. Correct the length of the REAL declaration and try again. -22626 Empty SQL statement. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. SQL statements and precompile instructions that are embedded in a FORTRAN program must be preceded by the keywords EXEC SQL. No statement terminator is required, except when you specify a multiple-statement object in a PREPARE statement. -22628 Record component component-name not declared. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. Examine the related structure declaration for this record. The component-name element does not exist as typed within the structure declaration. -22635 INTERNAL ERROR. Temporary buffer length has been exceeded. This is an internal error message. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -22645 Incorrect dimension on array variable. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. The symbol is not an array variable or the dimension is incorrect. -22646 Incorrect level(s) of indirection. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN error message. An incorrect index has been accessed in your array. Check the usage of your array. See error message -33203 for a similar message in IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C. -22647 Use of non-SQL descriptors not supported by ESQL/FORTRAN. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. In ESQL/FORTRAN only system descriptor areas that have been allocated with the ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement can be used in a DESCRIBE statement. -22648 Line is too long. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. The SQL statement is too long (> 32K). In standard FORTRAN format, any non-blank character, except for zero, in column 6 is a continuation symbol. In UNIX-style FORTRAN format, an ampersand in column 1 is the continuation symbol. Shorten the SQL statement and try again. -22649 Unmatched END statement-name statement. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. An END STRUCTURE/UNION/MAP does not have a corresponding STRUCTURE/UNION/MAP statement. Make sure that each END STRUCTURE/UNION/MAP statement is paired with a corresponding STRUCTURE/UNION/MAP statement and try again. -22650 Missing END statement-name statement. This is an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN preprocessor error. A STRUCTURE/UNION/MAP statement does not have a corresponding END statement. Make sure each STRUCTURE/UNION/MAP statement is paired with a subsequent END statement and try again. Errors -23075 Unable to open the log file. The ESQL processor cannot open the log file specified on the command line. The log files are specified after the -log option. Check that you have specified the log file correctly. -23076 Incompatible file extension for `-e' option. The filename specified after the -e option on the command line for the ESQL processor has an incompatible file extension. Verify the file extension and try again. -23077 Missing target file name. No output filename has been specified after the -o option on the command line for the ESQL processor. Enter the command again and specify an output file. -23078 Incompatible file extension for `-c' option. The filename specified after the -c option on the command line for the ESQL processor has an incompatible file extension. Verify the file extension and try again. -23079 Missing log filename. No log filename has been specified after the -c option on the command line for the ESQL processor. Enter the command again and specify a log file. -23080 Memory model conflict. More than one memory model option has been specified on the command line for the ESQL processor. Try again, specifying only one memory model option. -23081 Compiler option conflict. More than one compiler option has been specified on the command line for the ESQL processor. Try again, specifying only one compiler option. -23082 Missing list filename. No list filename has been specified for the -f option on the command line for the ESQL processor. Enter the command again and specify a list file. -23083 Application option conflict. More than one application option has been specified on the command line for the ESQL processor. Try again, specifying only one application option. -23084 Cannot open Esql response file `file-name'. The ESQL processor cannot open the Esql response file specified on the command line. -23085 Unable to allocate memory. The ESQL processor is unable to allocate memory dynamically. -23086 Unable to spawn the preprocessor. The ESQL processor is unable to spawn the ESQL preprocessor. -23087 No source or object file. You have not specified either a source file or an object file on the command line for the ESQL processor. Enter the command again and specify either a source file or an object file. -23088 Windows application or DLL needs a module definition file. No module definition file has been specified on the command line for the ESQL processor. Enter the command again and specify a module definition file. -23091 Cannot open file `file-name'. The ESQL processor cannot open the specified file. Check that you have specified the file correctly. -23092 Unable to spawn the compiler. The ESQL processor is unable to spawn the compiler. -23093 Unable to spawn the linker. The ESQL processor is unable to spawn the linker. -23094 Unable to spawn the resource compiler. The ESQL processor is unable to spawn the resource compiler. -23095 Unable to create the temporary file. The ESQL processor is unable to create the temporary file. Delete the temporary files starting with "eq" in the specified directory. -23096 Missing command line parameter file. No command line parameter file has been specified for the ESQL processor. Try again, specifying a command line parameter file. -23097 Too many parameters. Too many parameters have been specified on the command line for the ESQL processor. Enter the command again, specifying fewer parameters. -23098 No source file. No source file has been specified on the command line for the ESQL processor. Enter the command again and specify a source file. -23099 `file-name' has incompatible file format. The specified list file or response file has an incompatible file format for the ESQL processor. -23100 Compilation error(s). The ESQL processor has terminated processing due to one or more compilation errors. -25546 Invalid association control. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -25548 Too many active connections. This is an sqlexecd internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -25553 Sqlhosts file not found or cannot be opened. The sqlhosts file is required to determine information to establish connection to a local or remote server. Create an sqlhosts file in the directory $INFORMIXDIR/etc according to the format described in the manual for your database server product. -25554 INFORMIXSERVER environment variable too long. Make sure the server name is 18 characters or less in length. The server name must start with a letter and must be all in lowercase characters. It can include letters, numbers, and underscores. Beginning with Version 6.0, server names can start with an underscore. -25555 Server server-name is not listed as a dbserver name in sqlhosts. The database server name mentioned in the current command is not listed in the sqlhosts file. Check the server name for accuracy. Make sure that all database servers to be accessed are included in the sqlhosts file. If you are using IBM INFORMIX-SE, your current working directory may be an NFS-mounted directory. Change your current working directory to a local directory or add appropriate local directories to your DBPATH. -25556 Invalid sqlhosts file format. Make sure each field in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts file is correct and contains supported values. If you are using the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server, check the DBSERVERNAME, DBSERVERALIASES, and NETTYPE parameters in the $ONCONFIG configuration file, as described in the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server Administrator's Guide. -25557 Network internal error. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -25558 The NFS/RFS host host-name is not listed as a dbserver name in sqlhosts. The database server mentioned in the current command resides on an NFS- or RFS-mounted file system. However, there is no entry with the NFS or RFS host for the dbservername listed in the sqlhosts file. Ask your IBM Informix database administrator to add the entry to the sqlhosts file. If you are using IBM INFORMIX-SE, be sure that there is an sqlexecd daemon running on the NFS or RFS host. -25559 DBPATH server server-name is not listed as a dbserver name in sqlhosts. The database server specified in your DBPATH environment variable setting is not listed in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts file. Make sure that every database server mentioned in DBPATH corresponds to an entry in the sqlhosts file. -25560 Environment variable INFORMIXSERVER must be set. A default database server must be specified by the INFORMIXSERVER environment variable. Set INFORMIXSERVER using a "setenv" command in C shell or a "set" command in Bourne shell. -25561 Invalid authentication type. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -25565 Cannot get process information. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -25566 System time error. This is an operating system error. See the system administrator. Make sure the system clock is set correctly. -25567 Internal communications buffer management error detected. This error is usually caused by memory corruption or wrong use of buffer management routines. Make sure there is no memory corruption problem in the current process space.If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -25568 Debugging utility error. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -25570 Network driver cannot execute the fork system call. A system call has failed. See the UNIX system administrator for assistance. -25571 Exceeded the maximum number of user threads. Check the value of the USERTHREADS parameter in the ONCONFIG configuration file and the value of the userthreads field of the NETTYPE parameter. -25572 Network driver cannot bind a name to the port. A system call has failed. The sqlexecd daemon or the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server cannot access the network port specified by the servicename in the sqlhosts file for the database server. This may occur because the network port is already in use by another sqlexecd, database server, or other application. Use a different servicename on the command line (prior to Version 6.0) or in the sqlhosts file (beginning with Version 6.0). Contact your UNIX system administrator for assistance. -25573 Network driver cannot accept a connection on the port. A system call has failed. See the UNIX system administrator for assistance. -25574 Network driver cannot open the network device. A system call has failed. See the UNIX system administrator for assistance. -25575 Network driver cannot allocate the call structure. A system call has failed. See the UNIX system administrator for assistance. -25576 Network driver cannot allocate the return structure. A system call has failed. See the UNIX system administrator for assistance. -25577 Network driver cannot get a host structure. A system call has failed. See the UNIX system administrator for assistance. -25578 Network driver cannot disconnect from the network. A system call has failed. See the UNIX system administrator for assistance. -25579 Network function was issued in the wrong sequence. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -25580 System error occurred in network function. A system call has failed. See the UNIX system administrator for assistance. -25581 Transport Layer memory free error. This is a system problem. It may be a problem with freeing memory. You can retry the connection, then see the UNIX system administrator for assistance. -25582 Network connection is broken. This may indicate that the database server has terminated or there may be a problem on the network itself. Check to make sure that the network is functioning and that the server is still running. -25583 Unknown network error. See the UNIX system administrator or the network administrator for assistance. -25584 Network driver cannot access the server program program-name. Make sure that the default server name is correctly specified in the INFORMIXSERVER environment variable and that the default server name and the service name entries in the sqlhosts file are correct. -25585 Invalid buffer size. The buffer size specified in the servicename column is not valid. Make sure that the servicename column of your sqlhosts file is correct. -25586 Network send failed. A system call has failed. See the UNIX system administrator for assistance. -25587 Network receive failed. A system call has failed. Do a DISCONNECT and then check on the status of the server. See your UNIX system administrator for assistance. -25588 The appl process cannot connect to OnLine server server-name. This error can be caused by an error in the application. Check your CONNECT statement and the sqlhosts file. The error can also be caused by a system failure. If no immediate cause can be found for the failure, note the circumstances and contact your OnLine database administrator for assistance. The shared memory communication subsystem is down or not functioning. Contact the OnLine database administrator to report the problem. -25589 Invalid OnLine server mail-box message type. A system call has failed. See the UNIX system administrator for assistance. -25590 Authentication error. This error indicates that an invalid user ID or password was used to connect to the database server. Re-define a valid user ID and password. -25591 Transport control received an invalid connection address. Check the hostname and servicename entries in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts file for the desired database server. Verify with the DBA and the UNIX system administrator that the hostname and servicename are spelled correctly. If using TCP/IP, also verify that the hostname and servicename have corresponding entries in the /etc/hosts and the /etc/services files, respectively, on the client computer. -25592 Communications service not supported by network driver. The network service requested for this connection, such as TCP with sockets or TCP with TLI, is not available on the desired system or the specified database server. Use a supported network service; verify that the nettype field is correctly specified for the desired database server in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts file. If the network service is available on the system but not on the database server, ask your DBA to turn on the service when initializing the database server. -25593 Network listener failed to make an open I/O channel to be non-blocking. This is an operating system error. Report this problem to the operating- system administrator. It may require a system reboot. -25594 Shared Memory client failed to alert OnLine server for service. This problem is usually caused by memory corruption, or, the operating system is not able to perform a semaphore operation. Report the problem to the OnLine database administrator. It may be necessary to restart the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server or to perform a reboot of the entire system. -25595 Invalid message received during connection attempt. An error occurred when connecting to the desired database server. If using the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server, verify that the database server is still online. If using the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server, verify that the sqlexecd daemon for the database server is still running. Also, verify that the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts file entry for the database server is correct. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -25596 The INFORMIXSERVER value is not listed in the sqlhosts file. The default database server name specified by the INFORMIXSERVER environment variable must be a valid database server name in the file $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts. Make sure the specified server is listed in the sqlhosts file. -25597 Error in system pipe processing. This is a system failure. There may be a problem with accessing environment variables. Note the system error number and see the operating-system administrator for assistance. -25598 Invalid state transition. This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -25599 Network connection error - no listener. The client application is attempting to connect to a remote server. However, there is no listener daemon running on the remote host. Make sure the listener daemon is started on the remote host and retry the connection. -25600 The relay module cannot get environment variable SQLRM. System error error-number. Check with your system administrator for problems with the system. -25601 This relay module cannot execute relay module module-name for another protocol. Validate that the named relay module is installed on your system. -25602 The local database server server name cannot be forked by the relay module. System error number. Check with your system administrator for problems with the system. -25603 Attempt to prepare more than one statement before connecting to a database. Check your application and make sure that you prepare only one of the CREATE DATABASE, START DATABASE, or DROP DATABASE statements before connecting to a database. -25604 The database name syntax conflicts with the options in the statement. Check your application and make sure that your database syntax uses the correct options accordingly in the statements. -25605 SQLEXEC must be set to create a local database using the relay module. Make sure that you have set the SQLEXEC environment variable to the local IBM INFORMIX-SE database server (for database server versions prior to 6.0). -25606 Unknown product identification string in the database server on the local machine. Make sure that you have installed either the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server or the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. -25607 Statement not supported. Database not selected yet. You issued an SQL statement that requires an open database, but you did not select a database. Select the desired database and then retry the statement. -25701 You do not have permission to access the specified host table. You do not have permission to access the specified host table. Either your Answer/Extractor profile name is incorrect, or your host-table glossary is out of date. Make sure your Answer/DB Profile Name parameter on the SETUP screen is correct. If it is correct, refresh your host-table glossary. -25702 Glossary database does not exist. The glossary database has not been created yet. Select the Refresh option from the HOST-TABLE Menu. The database will be created automatically. -25705 Host table table-name is not in your glossary. The host table you specified is not listed in your glossary. One of the following causes may apply: You misspelled the host-table name. Your Answer/Extractor profile name is incorrect. You do not have permission to access the table. Your host-table glossary is out of date. Check the spelling of the host-table name and your Answer/DB Profile Name parameter on the SETUP screen. Consult your Answer/Extractor DBA to verify that you have permission to access the specified table. Refresh your host-table glossary, if needed. -25709 There are no host tables listed in your glossary. There is no information in your host-table glossary. One of the following causes may apply: You misspelled your Answer/Extractor profile name. You do not have access to any tables on the host. You have not refreshed your glossary. The glossary database is corrupt. Verify that the Answer/DB Profile Name parameter on the SETUP screen is correct. Refresh your host-table glossary, if needed. -25713 The standard database engine is not supported. You are using the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server. DataExtract does not support the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server. Exit DataExtract. Change the SQLEXEC environment variable to indicate sqlturbo and set the TBCONFIG environment variable, if needed. Restart DataExtract. -25714 Host Process Timeout limit has expired while waiting for host data. You are running an EXTRACT statement or are refreshing your host glossary. The time limit set in the Host Process Timeout parameter expired while DataExtract was waiting for the host to return the selected data. One of the following causes may apply: The timeout limit is too short. The Answer/Extractor batch processor did not run within the specified time limit. The host is very busy. Host communication is unavailable or is interrupted. Verify that the host communication is operational. Increase the Host Process Timeout parameter in the SETUP screen. Rerun the EXTRACT statement or refresh the glossary by choosing the Refresh option on the HOST-TABLE Menu. If the error occurs while you are running an EXTRACT statement, consult your Answer/Extractor DBA to check the schedule of the batch processor that processes the selected host table. Adjust the Host Process Timeout parameter according to the schedule, or rerun the EXTRACT statement at another time. -25715 Warning: no matching field for retrieved description. This is only a warning message. While DataExtract is retrieving the glossary, it retrieves a description for a field that is not listed in the glossary. -25716 Error loading field description. DataExtract encountered an error while inserting a host field description into the glossary database during a glossary refresh. Either another user locked the glossary database, or a table update error occurred. If the database is locked, refresh the glossary again. -25718 This statement is not supported or is invalid. An SQL statement was entered that is either invalid or not supported by DataExtract. Refer to Appendix A of the IBM INFORMIX-OpenView User Manual for a list of supported SQL statements. -25719 Number of host fields does not match number of target columns. When host data is extracted into a table, the number of listed host fields is not the same as the number of listed target-table columns. Check the EXTRACT statement to make sure that the number of host fields you listed is the same as the number of target-table columns. -25720 Host data field field-name may overflow in target column column-name. The defined length of the specified host field is longer than the defined length of the specified IBM Informix table column in which data is to be retrieved. Check the defined length of the host field in the glossary. Redefine the length of the target column, and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -25721 BLOB data type not supported. An extract of host data into a column that is defined as a BLOB was attempted. Redefine the column to a supported data type, or modify the EXTRACT statement to use a different column that is not a BLOB. Rerun the EXTRACT statement. -25722 Unknown host data type type. The host field to retrieve is listed as having a data type other than character or numeric. The glossary database is incorrect. Refresh the glossary and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -25723 Invalid output media. This is a DataExtract internal error. Rerun the EXTRACT statement. If the error recurs, exit DataExtract. Restart DataExtract, and then rerun the EXTRACT statement. -25724 Job status not available. The status of the Answer/Extractor SELECT clause that was submitted to the host is being checked. The status of the SELECT clause is not available at this time. Resubmit your request. -25727 Unknown predefined definition. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -25728 Cannot create parameter SQLDA. DataExtract cannot create the data structure for Answer/API to submit your EXTRACT statement. There probably is not enough memory. Exit DataExtract. Restart DataExtract, and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -25730 Cannot initialize Answer/API. DataExtract cannot initialize Answer/API. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25731 Cannot establish connection to the host. DataExtract cannot establish the connection to Answer/Extractor on the host computer. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25732 Cannot terminate the host session. DataExtract cannot terminate the connection to Answer/Extractor on the host computer. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25733 Cannot initialize status communication area for API. DataExtract cannot initialize the status communication data structure for Answer/API. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25734 Cannot initialize environment descriptor for API. DataExtract cannot initialize the environment descriptor data structure for Answer/API. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25735 Cannot initialize query statement descriptor for API. DataExtract cannot initialize the query statement descriptor for Answer/API. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25736 Cannot initialize field descriptor for API. DataExtract cannot initialize the field descriptor for Answer/API. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25737 Cannot initialize cursor descriptor for API. DataExtract cannot initialize the cursor descriptor for Answer/API. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25738 Cannot terminate Answer/API. While exiting, DataExtract cannot terminate Answer/API. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25739 Cannot determine size of communication area for API. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -25740 Cannot determine size of environment descriptor for API. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -25741 Cannot determine size of field descriptor for API. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -25742 Cannot determine size of cursor descriptor for API. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -25743 Invalid SQL/ADB SELECT clause. The SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement is invalid. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25744 Cannot execute the SQL/ADB SELECT clause. The SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement cannot be executed on the host. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25745 Cannot prepare to access host data. This is an internal error. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25746 Cannot retrieve host data. DataExtract cannot retrieve the results of the current EXTRACT statement from the host. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25747 Cannot retrieve next row of host data. DataExtract encountered an error while retrieving data from the host. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25748 Cannot terminate access to host data. DataExtract cannot successfully terminate access to the results for the current EXTRACT statement. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25749 Cannot purge host data. DataExtract cannot purge the data on the host. DataExtract purges host data after it has finished retrieving the results for the current EXTRACT statement, after it has encountered an error while retrieving the data, or after the user has cancelled the job. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25750 Cannot retrieve job status information. DataExtract cannot retrieve the status of the current SELECT clause that has been submitted to the host. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25751 Cannot cancel job on the host. DataExtract cannot cancel the current SELECT clause that has been submitted to the host. See the accompanying API error message for more information. -25753 Cannot write to host configuration file. DataExtract cannot write to the host configuration file, config.txt. The file is in the path specified in the ANSAPI environment variable, or in the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. Either the file or path does not have the correct permissions, or there is not enough disk space. Verify that the file and path have the correct permissions and that there is enough disk space. -25754 Cannot write to local configuration file. DataExtract cannot write to the local configuration file, openview.cfg. The file is in the path specified in the ANSAPI environment variable, or in the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. Either the file or path does not have the correct permissions, or there is not enough disk space. Verify that the file and path have the correct permissions and that there is enough disk space. -25755 Cannot read host configuration file. DataExtract cannot read the host configuration file, config.txt. The file is in the path specified in the ANSAPI environment variable, or in the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. Verify that the file and path have the correct permissions. -25756 Cannot read local configuration file. DataExtract cannot read the local configuration file, openview.cfg. The file is in the path specified in the ANSAPI environment variable, or in the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. Verify that the file and path have the correct permissions. -25757 Glossary database not open. DataExtract cannot open the glossary database. Either DataExtract encountered an internal error, or the system permissions to the glossary database have been modified. Check the glossary database to make sure that the system permissions to the database have not been altered. If the problem persists, request the glossary database owner to drop the glossary database and re-create it by running the glossary Refresh option. -25761 Host Environment parameter is invalid. The value you entered in the Host Environment parameter on the SETUP screen is not valid or is not supported. Change the value to one of the following: CICS, CMS, IMS, TSO. -25762 CICS Paging Code parameter is required. A paging code is required if you are using Answer/Extractor in CICS. Consult your Answer/Extractor DBA to find out the CICS paging code. -25763 CICS Termination Code parameter is required for the CICS host environment. A termination code is required if you are using Answer/Extractor in CICS. Consult your Answer/Extractor DBA to find out the CICS termination code. -25764 Answer/DB Profile Name parameter is required. The Answer/Extractor profile name is required to determine your access permissions to the host tables. Consult your Answer/Extractor DBA to find out your Answer/Extractor profile name. -25765 Answer/DB invocation code is required. The Answer/Extractor invocation code is required to invoke Answer/Extractor. Consult your Answer/Extractor DBA to find out the Answer/Extractor invocation code for your host environment. -25766 Lock Time parameter must be from 1 to 300 seconds. The lock time you entered is invalid. Change the lock time to a number from 1 to 300. -25767 Stable Time parameter must be from 2 to 18 seconds. The stable time you entered is invalid. Change the stable time to a number from 2 to 18. -25768 Connect Script parameter is required. The Connect Script parameter on the SETUP screen is blank. Enter the filename of a valid connect script. You can use the Scripter utility to create a valid connect script if it does not exist. -25769 Cannot access the specified connect script file. The specified connect script file does not exist or does not have the correct permissions. Check the spelling of the filename. Check that the file exists in the path specified in the ANSAPI environment variable, or in the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. -25770 Disconnect Script parameter is required. The Disconnect Script parameter on the SETUP screen is blank. Enter the filename of a valid disconnect script. Use the Scripter utility to create a valid script if it does not exist. -25771 Cannot access the specified disconnect script file. The specified disconnect script file does not exist or does not have the correct permissions. Check the spelling of the filename. Check that the file exists in the path specified in the ANSAPI environment variable, or in the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. -25772 Class parameter must be from 1 to 15. The specified Answer/Extractor processing class is incorrect. Change the Class parameter to a number from 1 to 15. -25773 The Host Process Timeout parameter must be from 1 to 1440 minutes. The specified processing timeout limit is incorrect. Change the Host Process Timeout parameter to a number from 1 to 1440. -25774 Max Records to Process parameter must be from 1 to 99,999,999. The specified value is incorrect. Change the value to within the accepted range. -25775 Max Records to Retrieve parameter must be from 0 to 9,999. The specified value is incorrect. Change the value to within the accepted range. -25776 Commit Frequency parameter must be from 1 to 99,999,999 rows. The specified value is incorrect. Change the value to within the accepted range. -25777 Invalid value. Must be either Y or N. You answered a prompt with a letter other than Y or N. Change your answer to Y or N. -25778 Error writing to output file. While extracting host data into a file, DataExtract cannot write to the specified file. Verify that there is enough disk space and that the file has the correct permissions. -25779 Cannot open output file. While extracting host data into a file, DataExtract cannot open the specified output file. If the file already exists, make sure the file has the correct permissions. -25780 Warning: No field descriptions defined for the host table. While refreshing your glossary, DataExtract found that no field descriptions are defined on the host computer for the host table being refreshed. This is only a warning. Consult your Answer/Extractor DBA about adding field descriptions for the host table. -25781 Missing host table name or FROM clause. The current EXTRACT statement is missing the host table name or the entire FROM clause. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -25782 Warning: Incomplete results have been returned from the host. The data you selected probably exceeded the disk space available to you on the host. The results retrieved from the host are incomplete. Take one or more of the following actions: Modify your SELECT clause to select less data or fewer fields. Consult your host Systems Administrator for more disk space. Modify your SIZE clause to retrieve fewer rows. Modify the Max Records to Retrieve parameter on the SETUP screen. -25783 Value in SIZE clause is invalid. SIZE clause contains unacceptable characters. Acceptable values must be a number from 1 to 9,999. -25784 Value in SIZE clause is out of range. The specified value is incorrect. Acceptable values must be a number from 1 to 9,999. -26104 API error: Out of memory. Memory-allocation error. Memory Manager could not allocate memory. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26201 API error: Cannot find message file. The Answer/Extractor message file, message.txt, cannot be found. Make sure that the ANSAPI environment variable is set correctly. If necessary, copy the message file from $INFORMIXDIR/etc to your ANSAPI directory, or the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. -26202 API error: No room for message file. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26203 API error: Message file is too short. The Answer/Extractor message file, message.txt, is incorrect or corrupt. Recopy the message file from $INFORMIXDIR/etc to the directory specified in the ANSAPI environment variable, or the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. -26204 API error: Message file is too long. The Answer/Extractor message file, message.txt, is incorrect or corrupt. Recopy the message file from $INFORMIXDIR/etc to the directory specified in the ANSAPI environment variable, or the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. -26205 API error: Error reading message file. The Answer/Extractor message file, message.txt, does not have the correct permissions or is corrupted. Verify that the file has the correct permissions. The file should be in the directory specified by the ANSAPI environment variable, or in the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. If the file is corrupt, recopy the file from $INFORMIXDIR/etc. -26206 API error: Cannot find configuration file. The host configuration file, config.txt, cannot be found. Use the Setup option on the DataExtract Main Menu to access the SETUP screen and create the configuration file. -26207 API error: No room for configuration file. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26208 API error: Configuration file is too short. The host configuration file, config.txt, is incorrect or corrupt. Use the Setup option on the DataExtract Main Menu to access the SETUP screen and re-create the configuration file. -26209 API error: Configuration file is too long. The host configuration file, config.txt, is incorrect or corrupt. Use the Setup option on the DataExtract Main Menu to access the SETUP screen and re-create the configuration file. -26210 API error: Error reading configuration file. The host configuration file, config.txt, does not have the correct permissions or is corrupt. Verify that the file has the correct permissions. Check that the file is in the directory specified by the ANSAPI environment variable, or in the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. If the file is corrupt, use the Setup option on the DataExtract Main Menu to access the SETUP screen and re-create the configuration file. -26211 API error: Invalid SQLCA structure. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26212 API error: Communications board not present. The hardware required for communicating to the host computer is not installed or is not functioning properly. Verify that the communications board is installed and configured properly. -26217 API error: Inconsistent driver scan code file. The controller instructions file, driver.dsc, is invalid or corrupt. Recopy the file from $INFORMIXDIR/etc to the directory specified in ANSAPI, or to the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. -26224 API error: Host session busy. The emulation software is unavailable, or the host session specified in the Host Session parameter on the SETUP screen is currently in use. Verify that the emulation software is available. If it is, change the Host Session parameter on the SETUP screen to a different host session. Be sure to change any configuration file required by your emulation software accordingly. -26225 API error: Host session does not exist. The host session name specified in the Host Session parameter on the SETUP screen is invalid. Correct the host session name. Be sure to change any configuration file required by your communications software accordingly. -26230 API error: Session cannot be set up as model 5 terminal. DataExtract does not support model 5 terminals. Reconfigure your 3270 emulator software to a model 2 terminal and then restart DataExtract. -26231 API error: Keyboard permanently locked. The Keyboard Inhibit signal on the host session did not clear within the timeout period set in the Lock Time parameter. This may have occurred for the following reasons: The time specified in the Lock Time parameter is too short. The host session went down. The host session is very slow. Exit DataExtract. Use your 3270 emulator software (e.g., te3278) to verify that the host session is available. If the host session is available, manually exit the session to the starting point specified in your connect script. Restart DataExtract. If the host session is very slow, increase the Lock Time parameter. -26233 API error: Invalid character. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26234 API error: Invalid script. The connect or disconnect script is invalid. Use the Scripter utility to re-create your connect or disconnect script. Make sure that the scripts are in the directory specified in the ANSAPI environment variable. -26235 API error: Invalid script password. The password for the connect or disconnect script is incorrect. Verify your connect or disconnect script password on the SETUP screen. -26236 API error: Input beyond end of screen. Your 3270 emulator session is not at the terminal session screen expected by the connect script. Exit DataExtract and confirm that your connect script is correct. Use the 3270 emulator software to make sure it is at the screen expected by the connect script. -26237 API error: Input too long for field. Your 3270 emulator session is not at the terminal session screen expected by the connect script. Exit DataExtract and confirm that your connect script is correct. Use the 3270 emulator software to make sure it is at the screen expected by the connect script. -26238 API error: Lock Time limit expired while waiting for host response. The host did not respond within the time limit set in the Lock Time parameter in the SETUP screen. The host is either not available at the moment or is busy. Use the Setup option on the Main Menu to access the SETUP screen. If the error recurs, resubmit your request. -26239 API error: Invalid Host Environment parameter. The specified host environment is invalid. Correct the Host Environment parameter on the SETUP screen. -26240 API error: Invalid Answer/DB Password parameter. The specified Answer/Extractor password is invalid. Verify the Answer/DB Password parameter on the SETUP screen. -26241 API error: Invalid Answer/DB Profile Name parameter. The specified Answer/Extractor profile name is invalid. Verify the Answer/DB Profile Name parameter on the SETUP screen. -26242 API error: Unintelligible response. Your 3270 emulator session is not at the terminal session expected by the connect script. Exit DataExtract and confirm that your connect script is correct. Use the 3270 emulator software to make sure it is at the terminal expected by the connect script. -26245 API error: Answer/DB invocation failed. Your 3270 emulator session is not at the terminal session expected by the connect script. Exit DataExtract and confirm that your connect script is correct. Use the 3270 emulator software to make sure it is at the terminal expected by the connect script. -26246 API error: Cannot open script. The connect or disconnect script cannot be opened. Verify that the connect or disconnect script file has the correct permissions. -26247 API error: Invalid SQLEA structure. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26248 API error: SQLDA size below minimum. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26249 API error: SQLST size below minimum. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26250 API error: Invalid query name. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26251 API error: Invalid SQLDA structure. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26252 API error: Invalid SQLST structure. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26253 API error: SQLDA structure too small. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26254 API error: SQLST structure too small. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26255 API error: SQLDA does not contain field name. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26256 API error: SELECT not found. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26257 API error: FROM not found. The SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement is missing the FROM clause. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26258 API error: Invalid SELECT reference. The SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement is invalid. Correct the EXTRACT statement and rerun it. -26259 API error: Invalid FROM reference. The SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement has an invalid FROM reference. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26260 API error: Invalid range variable. The SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement contains an invalid range variable. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26262 API error: Invalid comparison in WHERE clause. The WHERE clause in the current EXTRACT statement contains an invalid comparison. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26263 API error: Invalid function reference. The function referenced in the SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement is invalid. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26265 API error: ORDER BY contains fields not selected. Some of the fields specified in the ORDER BY clause in the EXTRACT statement have not been selected. Modify the SELECT clause to select the fields and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26267 API error: Invalid wildcard. The wildcard in the SELECT clause of the current EXTRACT statement is invalid. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26268 API error: Invalid substitution. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26269 API error: Unintelligible keyword. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26270 API error: Invalid predefined query. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26271 API error: Host connection not established. The connection to Answer/Extractor on the host cannot be established at the moment. Exit DataExtract and resubmit the request. -26272 API error: Host connection not terminated. The connection to Answer/Extractor on the host cannot be terminated. The host session has probably been disconnected unexpectedly. Use the emulator software, for example te3278, to verify that the host connection is terminated. The session may need to be terminated manually. -26273 API error: Invalid class number. The value set in the Class parameter is invalid. Consult your Answer/Extractor DBA to determine the valid class numbers. Correct the class number on the SETUP screen and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26274 API error: Invalid item count. The value set in the Max Records to Process parameter is invalid. Correct the parameter on the SETUP screen, and then rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26275 API error: Invalid record count. The value set in the Max Records to Retrieve parameter is invalid. Correct the parameter on the SETUP screen, and then rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26276 API error: Invalid query in SQLST. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26277 API error: Table does not exist on the host. The host table specified in the current EXTRACT statement does not exist, although it is listed in your glossary. The host- table glossary is probably out of date. Refresh the entire host-table glossary. -26278 API error: Field does not exist on the host. One of the host fields specified in the current EXTRACT statement does not exist on the host, although it is listed in your host table glossary. Your host-table glossary is probably out of date. Refresh the host-table information for the problem host table. -26279 API error: Query too large for Answer/Extractor. The SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement is too long. -26280 API error: CICS Paging Code parameter is missing. The CICS paging code is missing. Use the SETUP screen to set the CICS Paging Code parameter. -26281 API error: Cannot find message text. An expected message was not received from the mainframe when DataExtract tried to retrieve host data or check the status of a job. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26282 API error: Invalid SQLCR structure. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26283 API error: Environment already has open cursor. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26284 API error: SQLCR structure already open. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26285 API error: Query data not available at host. The result for the SELECT clause of the current EXTRACT statement is not available at the host. Rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26286 API error: SQLCR structure not open. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26287 API error: ORDER BY field duplicated. The host fields in the ORDER BY clause in the current EXTRACT statement are duplicated. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26288 API error: GROUP BY field duplicated. The host fields in the GROUP BY clause in the current EXTRACT statement are duplicated. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26289 API error: Expression element too long. The expression in the SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement is too long. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26290 API error: Cannot recognize expression element. The expression in the SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement is invalid. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26291 API error: Missing connector between expressions. The SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement is missing the connector between expressions. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26292 API error: Missing close parenthesis. The SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement is missing a matching parenthesis. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26293 API error: Data type incorrect for context. The SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement contains an item of an incorrect data type. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26294 API error: Missing open parenthesis. The SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement is missing an open parenthesis. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26295 API error: ESCAPE value must be single character. The SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement contains an invalid ESCAPE value. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26296 API error: Field name required. At least one host field name is required in the SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26297 API error: Query contains extra text. The SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement contains extra text. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26298 API error: Internal query parser error. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26299 API error: Must select at least one field or function value. The SELECT clause of the current EXTRACT statement does not contain any host field or function value references. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26300 API error: DISTINCT not supported. The SELECT clause of the current EXTRACT statement contains the keyword DISTINCT, which is not supported. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26301 API error: Cannot use ALL in this context. The ALL keyword is misused in the SELECT clause of the current EXTRACT statement. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26302 API error: Invalid summary function. The aggregate function in the SELECT clause of the current EXTRACT statement is invalid. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26303 API error: Bad GROUP BY clause. The GROUP BY clause in the current EXTRACT statement is invalid. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26304 API error: Bad ORDER BY clause. The ORDER BY clause in the current EXTRACT statement is invalid. Correct and rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26305 API error: Cannot initialize NULL SQLDA. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26306 API error: Cannot initialize NULL SQLCA. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26307 API error: Cannot initialize NULL SQLEA. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26308 API error: Cannot initialize NULL SQLST. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26309 API error: Cannot initialize NULL SQLCR. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26310 API error: SQLST not prepared. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26311 API error: Invalid predefined query. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26312 API error: Predefined query not implemented. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26313 API error: Invalid query name. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26314 API error: Cursor already in use and open. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26315 API error: Cursor not open. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26316 API error: No sessions available. There are no host sessions available at the moment. Resubmit your request. Make sure that the prior session or previously started processes have been terminated. -26317 API error: Driver scan code file not found. The driver scan code file, driver.dsc, cannot be found. Verify that the driver.dsc file exists in the path specified by the ANSAPI environment variable, or in the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. Copy the file from $INFORMIXDIR/etc, if necessary. -26318 API error: Invalid message file. The message file, message.txt, is invalid or corrupted. Recopy the message file from $INFORMIXDIR/etc to the path specified by the environment variable ANSAPI, or to the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. -26319 API error: Message file too long. The message file, message.txt, is invalid or corrupt. Recopy the message file from $INFORMIXDIR/etc to the path specified by the environment variable ANSAPI, or to the current directory if ANSAPI is not set. -26320 API error: Error while reading file. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26321 API error: Not enough memory to read file. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26322 API error: File not found. The message.txt or config.txt files cannot be found. Confirm that they exist. -26323 API error: Bad option descriptor. The entry in the message.txt file, config.txt file, or parameter string is invalid. Correct the error. -26324 API error: Invalid parameter value. The message.txt file, config.txt file, or parameter string contains an invalid parameter value. Correct the error. -26325 API error: Invalid option keyword. The message.txt file, config.txt file, or parameter string contains an invalid option keyword. Correct the error. -26326 API error: Stable Time parameter missing. The Stable Time parameter is missing from the host configuration file. Use the SETUP screen to set the Stable Time parameter. -26327 API error: Lock Time parameter missing. The Lock Time parameter is missing from the host configuration file. Use the SETUP screen to set the Lock Time parameter. -26328 API error: Host Environment parameter missing. The Host Environment parameter is missing from the host configuration file. Use the SETUP screen to set the Host Environment parameter. -26329 API error: Answer/DB Invocation Code parameter missing. The Answer/DB Invocation Code parameter is missing from the host configuration file. Use the SETUP screen to set the Answer/DB Invocation Code parameter. Consult your Answer/Extractor DBA to determine the Answer/Extractor invocation code. -26330 API error: Answer/DB Profile Name parameter missing. The Answer/DB Profile Name parameter is missing from the host configuration file. Use the SETUP screen to set the Answer/DB Profile Name parameter. Consult your Answer/Extractor DBA to determine your Answer/Extractor profile name. -26331 API error: CICS Paging Code parameter missing. The CICS Paging Code parameter is missing from the host configuration file. Use the SETUP screen to set the CICS Paging Code parameter. Consult your Answer/Extractor DBA to determine the CICS paging code. -26332 API error: CICS Termination Code parameter missing. The CICS Termination Code parameter is missing from the host configuration file. Use the SETUP screen to set the CICS Termination Code parameter. Consult your Answer/Extractor DBA to determine the CICS termination code. -26337 API error: No more data in report. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26338 API error: Invalid timer number. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26339 API error: Help file does not exist. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26341 API error: Parameter is wrong type. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26342 API error: Not enough parameter values. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26343 API error: Host table does not contain field. This is an internal error. Either the host table does not contain the field listed in the SELECT clause, or the table does not contain any fields. -26344 API error: Class value out of range. The value set in the Class parameter is out of range. Use the SETUP screen to correct the Class parameter. -26345 API error: Max value out of range. The value in the Max Records to Process parameter or the Max Records to Retrieve parameter is out of range. Use the SETUP screen to correct the parameter. -26346 API error: No more data in report. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26347 API error: Report contains incomplete data. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26348 API error: Report size exceeded; no data. The result data selected by the SELECT clause in the current EXTRACT statement exceeds the allowed size on the host. Modify the EXTRACT statement to select less data. Rerun the EXTRACT statement. -26349 API error: Report buffer too small. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26350 API error: Summary variable conflicts with host. This is an internal error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -26351 API error: Script file could not be read. The connect or disconnect script file cannot be read. Verify that the connect or disconnect script file has the correct permissions. Re-create it using the Scripter utility, if necessary. -26352 API error: Not enough memory for script file. Memory allocation error. Exit DataExtract and retry the option. -27000 Cannot support multiple connections over shared memory. An application cannot use the CONNECT statement to make more than one connection that uses shared memory communication (IPC). Ensure that the application makes only one shared memory connection at a time. If the application must use concurrent connections, the OnLine administrator might need to change the connection type (as specified in the nettype field of the sqlhosts file) from a shared memory connection to a network connection. -27001 Read error occurred during connection attempt. A network I/O error occurred when connecting to the desired database server. If using the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server, verify that the database server is still online. If using the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server, verify that the sqlexecd daemon for the database server is still running. Also, verify that the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts file entry for the desired database server is correct. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -27002 No connections are allowed in OnLine quiescent mode. You are attempting to connect to a database server that is in quiescent mode. Verify that your INFORMIXSERVER environment variable is set correctly. Ask the OnLine administrator to bring the appropriate OnLine database servers to on-line mode. -27003 Internal Communications Error: internal inconsistency detected. The IBM Informix client/server communication system has detected an internal inconsistency. Typically, this error is reported by a client application. It might be a memory corruption error due to a programming bug. If the error is reported by the database server or by a utility, it is an IBM Informix internal error. Report it to the OnLine administrator. IBM INFORMIX-Gateway-29000 Application server error (server_error_number). A generic application server error. Examine the original foreign SQLCODE. It can be found in either SQLERRD[1] or as part of SQLERRM. Look up the explanation for this SQLCODE in the documentation for the foreign server product. Apply the token(s) (if any) returned in the SQLERRM field to the explanation. -29002 Supplied real-RDB-name does not match the real-RDB-name in sqlhosts. A mismatch was detected between the user-supplied real-RDB-name and the real-RDB-name that was derived from the user-supplied alias-RDB-name using the sqlhosts file. Check the spelling of the user-supplied real-RDB-name. Ensure that the user supplied alias-RDB-name is the correct one. Check the real-RDB-name column (the servicename field) in the sqlhosts file for the alias-RDB-name entry and make sure it is spelled correctly. -29003 RDB real-RDB-name not found at the application server. Although a communication conversation has been allocated, the application server refused to connect because it has a real-RDB-name that is different from what the application would like to connect to. Examine the sqlhosts file on the Gateway machine. Identify the entry with the alias-RDB-name that the application is referring to. Ensure that a correct values has been entered in the servicename field. -29004 DRDA protocol error. ReplyMsg[,sub-code]: ReplyMessage-codepoint[,sub- code]. A DRDA protocol error prevents the successful execution of the current SQL statement. This error will not affect the successful execution of subsequent SQL statements. A DRDA internal Distributed Data Management (DDM) reply message (RM) was received from the application server indicating an error has occurred. This indicates an error was detected by the application server, or possibly, by the application requestor (AR). A hex codepoint and possibly a hex sub-code are returned as a token in SQLERRM. To interpret the hex codepoint and the hex sub-code requires DDM knowledge. The hex codepoint is the two-byte hex codepoint for the DDM reply message that represents the error and is one of the following: X'220A' -- DSCINVRM X'124C' -- SYNTAXRM X'1245' -- PRCCNVRM X'1254' -- CMDCHKRM X'220E' -- DTAMCHRM X'2202' -- QRYNOPRM X'220F' -- QRYPOPRM X'2207' -- RDBACCRM X'2204' -- RDBNACRM A 2-byte hex sub-code is accompanied with the first three reason codes (DSCINVRM, SYNTAXRM, and PRCCNVRM). In all other cases, the sub-code is zero. When nonzero, the high-order byte of the sub-code indicates the site at which the error was detected. If the AR detects the error, it is X'01. If the application server detects the error, it is X'02'. The lower-order byte is as follows: Description Error Code (DSCERRCD) if reason code = DSCINVRM Syntax Error Code (SYNERRCD) if reason code = SYNTAXRM Conversational Protocol Error Code (PRCCVNCD) if reason code = PRCCNVRM Notify the DBA for assistance in analyzing the SQL statement that yielded this SQLCODE. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. . -29005 Hard DRDA protocol error. ReplyMsg[,sub-code]: ReplyMessage-codepoint[,sub-code]. A DRDA protocol error caused deallocation of the conversation. A DRDA internal Distributed Data Management (DDM) reply message (RM) was received from the application server indicating an error has occurred. This indicates an error was detected by the application server, or possibly, by the application requestor (AR). A hex codepoint and possibly a hex sub-code are returned as a token in SQLERRM. To interpret the hex codepoint and the hex sub-code requires DDM knowledge. The hex codepoint is the two-byte hex codepoint for the DDM reply message that represents the error and is one of the following: X'220A' -- DSCINVRM X'124C' -- SYNTAXRM X'1245' -- PRCCNVRM X'1218' -- MGRDEPRM X'1232' -- AGNPRMRM X'1254' -- CMDCHKRM X'220E' -- DTAMCHRM X'2202' -- QRYNOPRM X'220F' -- QRYPOPRM X'2207' -- RDBACCRM X'2204' -- RDBNACRM A two-byte hex sub-code is accompanied with the first four reason codes (DSCINVRM, SYNTAXRM, PRCCNVRM, and MGRDEPRM). In all other cases, the sub-code is zero. When nonzero, the high-order byte of the sub-code indicates the site at which the error was detected. If the AR detects the error, it is X'01. If the application server detects the error, it is X'02'. The lower-order byte is as follows: Description Error Code (DSCERRCD) if reason code = DSCINVRM Syntax Error Code (SYNERRCD) if reason code = SYNTAXRM Conversational Protocol Error Code (PRCCVNCD) if reason code = PRCCNVRM Manager Dependency Error Code (DEPERRCD) if reason code = MGRDEPRM Notify the DBA for assistance in analyzing the SQL statement that yielded this SQLCODE. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -29006 DRDA connect protocol error. Manager,level: (manager,level) not supported. The connect process failed. The application server cannot support a DRDA manager level the AR requested during the DRDA connection process. The hex codepoint of the manager (MGRLVL) and the hex codepoint of the level requested are returned as a token in SQLERRM. Attempt to connect to the application server again. If the problem persists, notify the DBA for assistance. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -29007 RDB authorization failure. RDB-userID,RDB: RDB-userID,RDB-name. The user is not authorized to access the target RDB. The request is rejected. Contact the DBA of the RDB side if necessary. Correct the authorization problem and rerun the application program. -29008 DDM parameter (parameter-codepoint) not supported error. Disconnected from AS. An unsupported DDM parameter is encountered. The remote RDB received an unsupported/unrecognized DDM parameter. The current SQL statement is terminated. The application is disconnected from the application server. The hex codepoint of the DDM parameter in question is returned as a token in SQLERRM. To interpret the hex codepoint of the DDM parameter requires DDM knowledge. Attempt to rerun the application again. If the problem persists, notify the DBA for assistance in analyzing the SQL statement that yields this SQLCODE. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -29009 DDM parameter value (parameter,parameter-value) not supported. Disconnected from AS. The remote RDB received an unsupported/unrecognized parameter value for a DDM parameter. The current SQL statement is terminated. The application is disconnected from the application server. The hex codepoints of the DDM parameter and the parameter value in question are returned as a token in SQLERRM. To interpret the hex codepoints of the DDM parameter and the parameter value requires DDM knowledge. Attempt to rerun the application again. If the problem persists, notify the DBA for assistance in analyzing the SQL statement that yields this SQLCODE. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -29010 AS reply message (codepoint=codepoint) not supported by Gateway. The Gateway received an unsupported/unrecognized DDM reply message. The current SQL statement is terminated. The application is disconnected from the application server. The hex codepoint for the received DDM reply message is returned as a token in the SQLERRM. To interpret the hex codepoint of the DDM reply message requires DDM knowledge. Attempt to rerun the application again. If the problem persists, notify the DBA for assistance in analyzing the SQL statement that yields this SQLCODE. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -29011 SNA communication error. IBM Informix-SQLCODE,native-SNA-rc: IBM Informix-communication-SQLCODE,native-SNA-return-code. An IBM Informix communication-related SQLCODE and a hex native SNA service return code are returned as a token in SQLERRM. The IBM Informix communication-related SQLCODE is a platform-independent return code generated by the IBM Informix communication adaptation service. Refer to the explanation of this SQLCODE for a more specific description of the error. The native SNA service return code is a return code generated by the local SNA service that provides the SNA support on each particular platform. Refer to the manufacturer's documentation for the SNA support that provides the underlying communication service for explanation of this return code. Ensure that the native SNA/APPC service is installed correctly. Check if all the required SNA daemon processes (if any) are running. Also check if the connection file for the target RDB is set up correctly. In a Sun environment, also check if the Sun APPC Gateway is set up correctly. -29012 One or more tables have been dropped, altered, or removed. A prepared statement is no longer valid because the schema of the table(s) which it references has changed. You must re-prepare the statement. -29013 AS resource not available. Reason,Type,Name,PrdID,RDB: Reason,ResourceType,ResourceName,ProductID,RDBname. Resource not available at the remote RDB. The current SQL statement is terminated. The Reason, ResourceType, ResourceName, ProductID, and RDBname are returned as a token in SQLERRM. Verify the identity of the resource that was not available. Ensure the application server has the resource needed. -29014 Hard AS resource not available. Reason,Type,Name,PrdID,RDB: Reason, ResourceType,ResourceName,ProductID,RDBname. Resource not available at the remote RDB. The application is disconnected from the application server. The Reason, ResourceType, ResourceName, ProductID, and RDBname are returned as a token in SQLERRM. Verify the identity of the resource that was not available. Ensure that the application server has the resource needed. Rerun the application. -29015 Non-bind related DDM command (codepoint=codepoint) attempted during bind. A remote execution of SQL statement or a remote command was attempted while a remote bind was in progress. The only commands allowed during bind are Bind, End Bind, Rollback, or Commit statement. This is a Gateway internal logic error. The DDM command in question is returned as a token in SQLERRM. Applications from end users should not go into bind mode. The only time a package bind should occur is the package-bind process in the drdadba utility. Rerun the application. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -29016 Bind related command (codepoint=codepoint) encountered when bind not active. Binding of a statement or End Bind was attempted with specific package name and consistency token while the package was not undergoing bind process. This is a Gateway internal logic error. Try the application again. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -29018 AS does not support the DDM command: command-codepoint. The application server does not support the DDM command. This error causes termination of processing of the command. The application is also disconnected from the application server. The SQLERRM contains the hex codepoint of the DDM command in question. Rerun the application. If the problem persists, notify the DBA for assistance in analyzing the SQL statement that yielded this SQLCODE. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -29019 AS does not support the DDM object type: object-codepoint. The application server does not support the DDM object. The processing of the current SQL statement is terminated. The application is disconnected from the application server. The SQLERRM contains the hex DDM codepoint of the object type in question. Attempt to run the application again. If the problem persists, notify the DBA for assistance in analyzing the SQL statement that yielded this SQLCODE. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -29030 Feature feature-name not supported by the Gateway. Feature not supported by the Gateway. (For example, IBM Informix-specific SQL statements or IBM Informix-specific data types are not supported by the Gateway.) The feature not supported is returned as a token in SQLERRM. Correct the application and do not use any feature that cannot be supported by the Gateway on SQL statements that will go through the Gateway during execution. -29035 An incompatible data type is received from the AS. An incompatible data type was received from the application server. The received data type is not supported by the AR/Gateway. (Some examples of unsupported data types are 1-byte integer, 16-byte float. These data types are not supported by IBM Informix.) Do not retrieve from the columns that have the data types the Gateway cannot support. -29036 Character conversion failed. No conversion file for from-CCSID,to-CCSID. CDRA conversion failed because the appropriate CDRA conversion file cannot be located for the translation of character data between two CCSIDs. The two CCSIDs in question are returned as a token in SQLERRM. Ensure that the appropriate CDRA conversion file is available for the translation between the Gateway client application CCSID and the application server CCSID in the $INFORMIXDIR/drda/ccsidtab directory. -29037 There is no CCSID set for the FE locale localename. Check drdalang setup. The locale in question is returned as a token in SQLERRM. Notify the IBM INFORMIX-Gateway administrator. The administrator can add an entry for the locale using the drdadba utility. -29039 Cannot have more than one SQL statement in PREPARE/EXECUTE IMMEDIATE. Modify the application so that it does not include more than one SQL statement in a PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement. -29042 Package info for RDB rdbname not found. Use drdadba to bind. Gateway package information for the target RDB is not found. It appears that the necessary Gateway packages on the RDB have not been bound yet. The real_RDB_name of the target RDB is returned as a token in SQLERRM. The end user should contact the DBA. If desirable, the DBA can use the drdadba utility to bind the needed Gateway packages on the target RDB. -29043 No more section-type sections left. Rebind Gateway packages with more sections. All the available sections in the current package at the application server have been used up. The current SQL statement is terminated. Notify the DBA. The DBA can rebind the Gateway packages with more sections on the target RDB using the drdadba utility. -29044 Gateway internal logic error [diagnostic-error-string]. An internal logic error has been encountered. Rerun the application. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -29045 Gateway internal logic error [diagnostic-error-string]. Disconnected from AS. An internal logic error has been encountered. This error will cause deallocation of conversation. Rerun the application. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -29046 SNA buffer size (size) is not valid. The send buffer allocated by the IBM Informix connectivity network module is less than the minimum DRDA required size, which is 512 bytes, or more than the maximum size, which is 32,767 bytes. Check the sqlhosts file on the Gateway machine. If the send buffer size is configurable through the sqlhosts file, make sure the send buffer size is configured to be from 512 bytes to 32,767 bytes, inclusive. -29048 ISAM Error: error message. An ISAM error occurred while reading data from a Gateway ISAM setup file that is managed by the drdadba utility. The name of the ISAM setup file in question and the ISAM error number are returned in SQLERRM. If the Gateway was spawned by way of IPC-pipe mode, the user must ensure that the INFORMIXDIR environment variable was set correctly before the application starts. Otherwise, notify the DBA. The DBA must ensure that the $INFORMIXDIR/drda/sysinfo directory exists with the proper permissions and the ISAM setup files are present in that directory. If a Gateway setup file is missing or corrupted, run drdadba to create it or run the bcheckgw utility to repair it. If the Gateway was spawned by way of network mode (that is, by the daemon drdagwd), the DBA also must ensure that the INFORMIXDIR environment variable was set correctly in the root login when the drdagwd daemon was started. -29049 Unable to locate/open Gateway setup file filename. An error occurred while locating or opening a Gateway ISAM setup file that is managed by the drdadba utility. The name of the ISAM setup file causing the error is returned in SQLERRM. If you are using IPC-pipe mode to start the Gateway process, you should ensure that the INFORMIXDIR environment variable was set correctly before the application starts. If you are using network connections, the Gateway database administrator must ensure that the named file exists in the $INFORMIXDIR/drda/sysinfo directory. If the file is missing, run drdadba to create it. The DBA also must ensure that the INFORMIXDIR environment variable was set correctly at the time that the drdagwd daemon was started. -32100 MAC check failed. Your session sensitivity label does not permit you to perform the operation on the OnLine/Secure object that you are accessing because it violates the MAC policy of IBM INFORMIX-OnLine/Secure. Log in at the appropriate sensitivity label and retry the operation. -32101 DAC check failed. Your session identity does not permit you to perform the operation on the OnLine/Secure object that you are accessing because it violates the DAC policy of OnLine/Secure. Log in with the appropriate identity or obtain the necessary privileges and retry the operation. -32102 Bad label range. The range specified for an operation involving labels is incorrect. The situation could arise either due to bad user input or an internal error. -32103 Label comparison operation failed. Internal Error. The error could arise because the labels to be compared are incomparable or illegal or the comparison operation was not legal for the label data type. -32104 Internal error; no table descriptor. Internal Error. The table descriptor for the specified table was not found in the core dictionary. -32110 Illegal session level for dropping a database. Your session sensitivity label must equal the sensitivity level of the database. -32112 No DBA privilege for creating a view schema. Contact the database administrator and request DBA privilege. -32113 No DBA privilege for creating a table schema. Contact the database administrator and request DBA privilege. -32114 Cannot drop system catalog tables. System catalog tables are dropped only when the database is dropped. -32115 Cannot change ownership of a table. It is not a legal to change the ownership of a table. -32116 Illegal session level for altering a constraint. Your session sensitivity level must equal the sensitivity level of the table. -32117 Illegal session level for creating an index. Your session sensitivity level must equal the sensitivity level of the table. -32118 No Index privilege for creating an index. Privilege is not granted for you to create an index on the table. -32119 Illegal session level for altering an index. Your session sensitivity level must equal the sensitivity level of the table. -32120 No Resource privilege. The action you are performing requires Resource privilege on the database. Contact the database administrator to request the privilege. -32121 Illegal session level for dropping an index. Your session sensitivity level must equal the sensitivity level of the table. -32122 Cannot modify system catalog tables. It is not legal to change attributes other than the next extent size for the system catalog tables. -32123 Not the owner of the index. Only the owner of the index can perform the operation that you are attempting. -32124 Cannot modify an index on a temporary table. It is illegal to alter indexes on temporary tables. -32125 Current database number out of range. Internal Error. The number of concurrent database opens exceeds the limit set in OnLine/Secure. -32126 Illegal label tag. The tag value that you supplied is unknown to the operating system. -32127 Illegal session level for dropping a table. Your session sensitivity level must equal the sensitivity level of the table. -32128 No privilege for changing a SERIAL column. You need Insert or Alter privilege on the table, or Update privilege on the SERIAL column to change the serial value. -32129 Table was not opened at required label. This is only applicable for multilevel secure applications. You are attempting an operation on a table at a level higher than or incomparable to the level at which you opened the table. Open the table at the appropriate level. -32130 There is no record at the specified level. This is only applicable for multilevel secure applications. There are no records at the level you are accessing. -32131 Internal heap error. Internal Error. -32132 Cannot order by label. Ordering by label is illegal because labels are not ordered linearly. -32133 Illegal session level for granting table-level privileges. Your session sensitivity level must equal the sensitivity level of the table. -32134 Illegal session level for granting database-level privileges. Your session sensitivity level must equal the sensitivity level of the database. -32135 Illegal session level for revoking table-level privileges. Your session sensitivity level must equal the sensitivity level of the table. -32136 Illegal session level for revoking database-level privileges. Your session sensitivity level must equal the sensitivity level of the database. -32137 No Alter privilege to modify a constraint. Alter privilege on the table is required to modify a constraint. -32138 Cannot set the initial SERIAL value. This is only applicable for multilevel secure applications. The initial serial value was not set at table creation. -32139 No initial value has been set for the SERIAL column. This is only applicable for multilevel secure applications. There is no initial serial value for the sensitivity level that you are accessing. The initial serial value must be set at table creation if a SERIAL column exists in the table. -32140 File handle and tabid are not consistent. Internal Error. The table handle provided to an RSAM function is not a legal handle for the table whose tabid is also provided as a function argument. -32154 Label.map file must be owned by DBSSO. Ensure that no other user has created a label.map file in the $LABELMAPDIR directory. Check that the sensitivity label of the label.map file is ixdbssoL. -32155 tbload is locked. Please remove label.lok file. An old label.map file is in use. Update the label.map file if necessary and remove the label.lok file to indicate your concurrence that the label.map file is indeed okay. -32156 Cannot open file. Cannot open the label.map file or the label.lok file. Check the existence, permission, and sensitivity level of these files. -32157 Invalid data in label.map file. Check the integrity and legality of entries in the label.map file according to the current operating system. -32158 The mapped tag does not exist in system. The translation tag for a tag on tape provided in the label.map file does not exist on the operating system. Check the integrity and legality of entries in the label.map file according to the current operating system. -32159 The mapping tag does not exist in system. A tag supplied in the label.map file does not exist on tape. Ensure that you are providing mapping only for those tags that are on the tape. -32160 Unable to sort label.map file. An error occurred during sorting of the label.map file. Check the integrity of the label.map file. -32162 Label tag are not unique. Tags and their translation tags should have strictly one-to-one mapping. Check the label.map file for duplicate tag mappings. -32163 Label tag are not valid. Only the tag representation of labels should be stored in the label.map file. Check the integrity and legality of the tags stored in the label.map file. -32164 Error creating session shared memory. Internal Error. Check the operating system error message. If the cause is the size of the shared memory, you or your DBSA could have set a high value for SM_ROWSIZE or SM_TOTALROWS in the session configuration file. -32165 Error attaching to session shared memory. Internal Error. Check the operating system error message for further information. -32166 RSAM could not be found or executed by the current user. Check $INFORMIXDIR, $SQLEXEC settings. Ensure that you are in the group ix_users, ix_dbsa, or ix_dbsso. Check that the RSAM executable in $INFORMIXDIR/lib is executable by your session. -32167 Table label inconsistent. Internal Error. -32168 Database label inconsistent. Internal Error. -32169 Cannot convert label between internal and external forms. Internal Error. The operating system cannot map between the internal and external forms of the label. Check the external or tag representations that you provided. -32170 SAFE: cannot change object to non-comparable label. You can only upgrade or downgrade an object. The error may also indicate that you are downgrading a view or synonym definition to a level that does not dominate the base table(s) sensitivity levels. -32171 SAFE: new database label not dominated by all tables. The sensitivity level of the database must always be dominated by the sensitivity levels of all tables in the database. -32172 SAFE: failed to upgrade system catalogs. Internal Error. -32173 SAFE: failed to downgrade system catalogs. Internal error. -32174 SAFE: new table label not dominating database. The table sensitivity label must always dominate the sensitivity level of the database. -32175 SAFE: cannot modify label for system catalogs. Cannot upgrade or downgrade a system catalog alone. System catalog tables are upgraded or downgraded only when the database is upgraded or downgraded. -32176 SAFE: cannot modify label for temp table. Only permanent tables can be upgraded or downgraded. -32177 SAFE: new table label not dominated by all rows. The sensitivity label of all rows must always dominate the sensitivity level of the table. -32178 SAFE: new view label not dominating base table. The sensitivity level of a view must always dominate the sensitivity level of all its base tables. -32179 SAFE: new synonym label not dominating base table. The sensitivity level of a synonym must always dominate the sensitivity level of all its base tables. -32181 The number of estimated security labels must be greater than 0. Check for the parameter setting in the tbconfig file or the input to DB-Monitor. -32182 Invalid number of estimated security labels label-name. Check for the parameter setting in the tbconfig file or the input to DB-Monitor to make sure that the number of estimated security labels is always >0. -32183 LUB computation failed. Check the legality of inputs to the LABELLUB() function. -32184 GLB computation failed. Check the legality of the inputs to the LABELGLB() function. -32190 Cannot aggregate label column. Check if label column is supplied to an aggregate function. -32191 Cannot alter table. Alter table failed; check the additional RSAM error message for further information. -32193 Cannot create audit tblspace. The OnLine/Secure database server cannot be initialized. Contact IBM Informix technical support for assistance. -32194 Cannot create reserved tblspace. The OnLine/Secure database server cannot be initialized. Contact IBM Informix technical support for assistance. -32197 Not an OnLine/Secure tape. Use a tape that was generated by an OnLine/Secure database server. -32198 Not an OnLine/Secure root chunk. Modify the tbconfig file to refer to a rootdbs created by an OnLine/Secure database server. -32400 A Table_option has already been altered. You can change only one table option (locking mode, extent size) for each ALTER TABLE session. If you have changed one table option and want to change another, you must first exit the ALTER TABLE Menu and build the modified table. Select the Exit option then the Build-new-table option. Then, select the Table_options option on the ALTER TABLE Menu and make your next modification to the table. -32401 The initial extent size cannot be changed when altering a table. The initial extent size is set when the table is first created. The next extent size can be altered, but the initial extent size cannot. To change the size of the initial extent, you must unload the data from the table, drop the table, re-create the table with the CREATE TABLE statement, and reload the data into the table. -32402 The user cannot change the dbspace name when altering an existing table. You have specified the location in which to table is to be stored. You have explicitly specified a dbspace or the dbspace of the database has already been used. When you attempted to alter a table, you tried to change the dbspace in which the table is stored. This is illegal. You can specify the dbspace only when you create the table. Download any data in the existing table. Drop that table. Create a new table. Specify the dbspace that you want to use and upload the data into the new table. -32403 Illegal serial length has been used. This error occurs when the user creates or alters a table and creates or alters a column of type serial, and has specified that the starting number is less than or equal to zero (illegal) or has entered in a non-numeric value. Enter a number equal to or greater than 1 for the starting number. -32404 Invalid delimiter. Do not use `\\', hex digits, tab or space. The delimiter specified for the LOAD or UNLOAD statement is illegal. You cannot use the newline character, hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F, a-f), the tab character, or a space as a delimiter. Check the statement and change the delimiter symbol. -32405 Incorrectly formed hexadecimal value. The hexadecimal file used to load a BYTE value into the table has an illegal character or an incorrectly formed hexadecimal value. Check the file for any anomalies, and try running your statement again. -32406 Value must be greater than zero. You specified an extent size less than or equal to zero when you created or altered a table. Specify an extent size greater than zero. -32407 Trigger not found. You have specified an invalid trigger name. Enter the name of an existing trigger, or correct your spelling. -32408 Cannot create MODE ANSI database without specifying transaction log pathname. You tried to create an ANSI-compliant database on IBM INFORMIX-SE, but did not specify a pathname for the mandatory unbuffered transaction logging. Select the Mode_ansi option again and enter the full log pathname. -32409 Data is unavailable, cannot open database sysmaster. DB-Access cannot open the sysmaster database, from which you have requested information. Make sure the sysmaster database was built properly and read the OnLine log for the cause of the failure. -32410 Syntax not supported by DB-Access. DB-Access does not support the AS, WITH CURRENT TRANSACTION, or USER clause of the CONNECT TO statement, although it is supported by the database server. Use proper SQL statement syntax when running your CONNECT TO statement in DB-Access. -32500 User does not have discrete privilege to change session levels. You must obtain the PRIV_CANSETLEVEL discrete privilege from the DBSSO before the start of a session in which you use the SET SESSION LEVEL statement. -32501 Login session level not dominating the new session level. You must log in at a session sensitivity level that dominates the session level you specify. -32502 New session level not dominating the database level. You cannot access the database at the new session sensitivity level. Use a different level that dominates the database. -32503 User tables should be closed to change session attribute. Close all tables and relinquish all cursors that remain open before attempting to change session sensitivity levels. -32504 Operations on remote objects are not allowed after session level set. You cannot access objects in remote databases when your current session sensitivity level differs from that of your login session. Return to the sensitivity level of your login session to access remote data. -32505 Cannot set session level. Refer to the accompanying error message for more information. -32506 Bad session label format. The argument to the SET SESSION LEVEL statement was not a valid sensitivity label. -32507 Cannot set session authorization. You must obtain the PRIV_CANSETIDENTITY discrete privilege before the start of a session in which you use the SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION statement. Otherwise, refer to the accompanying error message for more information. -32508 Statement is invalid within a transaction. Abort or commit a transaction before issuing the SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION or SET SESSION LEVEL statement. -32509 Bad session authorization format. The user name supplied as an argument to the SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION statement is invalid. Supply the user name of a valid IBM INFORMIX-OnLine/Secure user. -32510 User does not have discrete privilege to change session authorization. You must obtain the PRIV_CANSETIDENTITY discrete privilege from the DBSSO before the start of a session in which you use the SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION statement. -32513 Cannot rename table or column. Renaming of table or column failed. Refer to the ISAM error number for more information. -32514 Session level is different from the level of the database object. Your session sensitivity label does not permit you to perform the operation on the OnLine/Secure object that you are accessing because it violates the MAC policy of OnLine/Secure. Log in at the appropriate sensitivity label and retry the operation. -32520 Cannot create SL map tblspace. Internal error. -32521 Cannot create IL map tblspace. Internal error. -32522 Cannot create Datalo translation. Internal error. -32523 Cannot create Datahi translation. Internal error. -32524 Cannot create ixdataH translation. Internal error. -32525 Cannot create saved translations. Internal error. -32526 Saved and stored tags disagree. Internal error. -32528 Tag not found. Internal error. -32529 Cannot create ixdbsaL translation. Internal error. -32766 Unknown error message number. The software product cannot find the error message text files. Either the INFORMIXDIR or DBLANG environment variable is set incorrectly. -33000 keyword is a reserved ANSI keyword. This is a warning. If you want your code to be ANSI-compliant, do not use the keyword shown as a variable name. Check the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax for an alternative syntax. -33001 Environment variable variable-name has invalid value. Reset the specified environment variable to a legal value and try again. See Chapter 4 of the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference. -33002 Syntax error in the ESQL INCLUDE statement. The preprocessor cannot interpret this INCLUDE statement. Refer to your embedded-language manual for the correct syntax of the INCLUDE statement. -33003 Bad label format. The label on the current statement is incorrect in form. Refer to the embedded-language manual for accepted label formats. -33004 Option option-name does not exist or has bad format. The specified option from the preprocessor/compiler command line is not supported by this embedded language product. Make sure it is spelled as you intended. Refer to the embedded language manual for supported options. -33005 Incomplete string. A character string is not correctly terminated according to the rules of the host language. For example, it may be missing an end quote, not have a continuation character, etc. Note that with this kind of error, the preprocessor may not recognize the error until a number of source lines beyond the line where you intended the string to end. -33006 Type of variable-name is not appropriate for this use. The specified variable may not be used in the context of this statement. Check that you specified the variable you intended, and that it is declared with the proper type. Then refer to the embedded language manual for variable usage in this type of statement. -33007 '$' assumed before variable-name. The preprocessor has assumed that you intend the symbol variable-name in this statement as a host variable. (A host variable is normally indicated with '$' or ':' preceding it.) Check that you did intend this meaning. -33008 Record component component-name was not declared. This statement uses the symbol component-name as if it was the name of a component of a record, but it was not declared as a component of the record name it is used with. Check the spelling of both the component and the record name. -33009 The component name component-name has already been used. The record component was declared twice in the same record/structure. Check the spelling of component names and the syntax of the declaration. -33010 Internal error: Preprocessor states corrupted. Correct all other processing errors. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -33011 Current declaration of variable-name hides previous declaration. This is a warning from the preprocessor. The specified variable was declared more than once in the current scope. Compilation continues using this latest declaration to the end of the current scope. If you did not intend to redeclare the indicated variable, check the spelling of variable names and the syntax of declarations. In IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C this warning can also be issued if the variable is used as function parameter. In this case use the PARAMETER clause. -33012 Number of digits must be 1 to 32. You have specified a precision or scale for a DECIMAL value that is out of range. A DECIMAL variable must have from 1 to 32 digits. Check the punctuation of the declarations in this statement. -33013 END DECLARE SECTION with no BEGIN. The preprocessor has found this EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION statement but has not seen a preceding EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION. Possibly it was omitted or not recognized due to another error. Make sure that each BEGIN DECLARE is paired with an END DECLARE. -33014 Illegal use of record/structure variable-name. The indicated record was used where only a simple variable can be accepted. Review the declaration of variable-name and make sure it is the variable you intended to use (possibly you need to qualify it with a component name). Refer to the embedded language manual for the requirements of this statement. -33015 Input file name has invalid suffix suffix-text. The name of the input file submitted to the preprocessor must have the correct suffix. Check the command syntax and rename the file if necessary. The following file suffixes are required: .ec for IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C .eco for IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL .ef for IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN -33016 Macro definition for macro-name is incomplete. This preprocessor macro definition statement does not have the ESQL statement terminator. Add a semicolon(;) to the end of the statement. -33017 Incomplete statement. The preprocessor cannot recognize the end of the current statement. Check the syntax of this and preceding lines. Look for omitted ending semicolons, omitted quote marks, or omitted end-of-comment symbols. -33018 Indicator variables are not allowed in this clause. This statement includes a specification of a host variable with an indicator variable, but no indicator variable is allowed in this context. Review each use of an indicator variable and remove the unnecessary ones. -33019 Label is too long. This statement specifies a label that is longer than allowed by this embedded language. Check the spelling and punctuation of the statement. Refer to the embedded language manual for proper formation of label names. -33020 Line is too long. This line is too long either for the host language or to fit into the internal buffers of the preprocessor. Refer to the embedded language manual and to the host language manual for rules on continuing long lines. -33021 The value of macro macro-name is too long. The specified value for the macro is too long to fit in the internal buffer. Shorten the statement and try again. -33022 Include path name too long. The pathname in this INCLUDE statement is too long to fit in the internal buffers. Check the punctuation of the statement; possibly an end-quote has been omitted. If not, you will have to find a way to specify the included file with a shorter pathname. Refer to the embedded language manual for the preprocessor's rules on searching for included files. -33023 Quoted string too long for SQL. The quoted string is too long to fit in the internal buffers. Check the statement for a missing end-quote. -33024 Macro name expected. The macro name of the macro statement is missing. Specify the name and try again. -33025 The name identifier is too long. The specified SQL identifier is too long. SQL identifiers are limited to 18 characters. Check the punctuation of the statement and the spelling of identifier; if all is as you intended, you will have to change the declaration to use a shorter name. -33026 Blocks cannot be nested more than n levels. The preprocessor limits the number of nested levels to the specified value. Review the program structure preceding this point; the punctuation or keywords that close a block might have been omitted, or might not have been recognized due to an earlier error. If all is as you intended it, you will have to reorganize the code to use fewer nested blocks. -33027 Record nesting too deep. Maximum is n. The preprocessor limits the number of levels to which records (data structures) can be nested. Working backward from this point review the declaration of records. Possibly the punctuation or keywords that close a record have been omitted or have gone unrecognized due to an earlier error. If all is as you intended it, you will have to simplify the data structure. -33028 Invalid %s compiler type `%s'. The compiler type must be specified as a command-line option to this preprocessor. Refer to the embedded-language manual. -33029 No input file given. No input file is named on the command line. -33030 Cannot have a insert statement on a SCROLL cursor. This DECLARE statement specifies the SCROLL keyword, but it goes on to specify an INSERT statement. Insert cursors may not use the SCROLL keyword. -33031 Statement label is not allowed in this statement. This is a warning only. You have used a label on a statement that does not generate any real code in the output file. Refer to the embedded-language manual for the correct use of labels. -33032 WITH NO LOG can only be specified for TEMP tables. You have used the WITH NO LOG option in the wrong context. It is used only when creating a TEMP table when you wish to exclude transaction log operations on it. See the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax for the SQL syntax and proper usage of the WITH NO LOG option. -33033 The field field-name is an IBM Informix extension to XPG3 X/OPEN standard. This is a warning only. You used the -xopen option, asking that the source file be checked for compliance with the XPG3 X/Open standard. The ITYPE, IDATA and ILENGTH field names are IBM Informix extensions to the standard. -33034 POWER cursors not available. POWER cursors are not supported. Refer to your embedded-language manual. -33035 A qualifier has not been specified. You attempted to use a datetime qualifier without specifying a specific range of acceptable values for that qualifier. Define the ranges you will use to qualify the datetime qualifer. The datetime qualifier must have a begining and ending range (For instance, year to month, day to hour, and so on). -33036 This line does not conform to ANSI X3.135-1989. This is a warning only. You used the -ansi option, asking that the source file be checked for compliance with the current ANSI standard. This statement uses an IBM Informix extension to the ANSI standard. -33037 Name is not a component of record record-name. Name is used as if it were a member of the record record-name but there is no member of that name. Check the spelling of the two names, and review the declaration of record-name. -33038 This statement does not conform to the X/OPEN standard. This is a warning only. You used the -xopen option, asking that the source file be checked for compliance with the XPG3 X/Open standard. -33039 Updates are not allowed in singleton select. You have an UPDATE statement in combination with a SELECT statement that returns only one row. The UPDATE statement requires a cursor that has been declared FOR UPDATE. See the DECLARE, SELECT, and UPDATE statements in the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax for more information about cursors. -33040 Object hostvar was not declared. The host variable hostvar is either not declared or it is misspelled. If hostvar is not declared as a host variable, declare it. Otherwise, correct the misspelling. -33041 Cannot open output file outfile. The preprocessor cannot open outfile because there is not enough disk space available or you do not have system file permission to open the file. If insufficient disk space is available, make space available in the file system by deleting files or selecting another disk. If you do not have file system permission to open outfile, specify another directory or login with the required permission. -33042 Cannot open input file inputfile The embedded-language preprocessor cannot locate the file that you are trying to include in your program with the -I option. Check that the file is in the location that you have specified and that you have specified the location correctly. Also check that you have permission to open inputfile; if you do not, specify another directory or login with the required permission. -33043 Out of memory. The preprocessor was unable to allocate more memory. If possible, reduce the number of processes that are running at the same time as the preprocessor, or reduce the size of the program. Check that adequate swap disk space exists. On DOS systems, you will need to free up some disk space. -33044 Precision must be greater than 0 and less than the specified number of digits. You have specified the precision and/or the scale for a DECIMAL value incorrectly. See Chapter 3 in the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference and the appropriate IBM INFORMIX-ESQL manual for proper usage. -33045 Overriding the previous definition of macro macro-name. This is only a warning. You have defined the macro macro-name more than once. The preprocessor uses the latest occurrence of macro-name. -33046 Indicator cannot be used with records. This is only a warning. You cannot specify an Indicator variable for input to a host record or data structure. The indicator is ignored. An indicator variable must be associated with a single data item. If you need to use an indicator with a particular member of this record, you must list all the record members. -33047 Record record-name is not allowed in this clause. In this statement you use the specified record where only a simple variable is allowed. Check the spelling of names and rewrite the statement using a simple variable. See the embedded-language manual and the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax. -33049 Field type field-name has been used out of context. The specified field-name is used incorrectly in the GET/SET DESCRIPTOR statement. See the GET DESCRIPTOR and SET DESCRIPTOR statements in the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax for the correct syntax. -33050 The type or subtype type-name has already been used. The statement redefines a user-defined type or subtype that has already been defined. This is not allowed. Review the declarations and use a unique name for this type. -33051 Syntax error on identifier or symbol symbol-name. An error in syntax was found at or near symbol-name. Check the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax for the proper use of identifiers and the appropriate embedded-language manual for the proper use of other symbols. -33052 Unmatched ELSE. This ELSE statement is not preceded by a matching IFDEF or IFNDEF statement. Review the source lines preceding this point; the preceding statement was omitted, or might not have been recognized due to an earlier error. -33053 Unmatched ENDIF. This ENDIF statement is not preceded by an IFDEF or IFNDEF statement. Review the source lines preceding this point; the preceding statement was omitted, or might not have been recognized due to an earlier error. -33054 Updates are not allowed on a scroll cursor. This UPDATE statement refers to a cursor declared with the SCROLL keyword. The UPDATE statement requires a cursor that has been declared FOR UPDATE to ensure that the proper level of locking is applied to the rows that will be updated. See the DECLARE statement in the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax for more information on the correct use of cursors. -33055 The name id-name has already been used. The SQL identifier id-name has already been declared. Check the spelling of names and the declarations in the current name scope. -33056 Error errno during output. The error errno occurred during output. Make sure that there is sufficient disk space for the output file and that you have the necessary file system permissions for the file location. Look up errno in the host operating system manual (or see the list beginning on page 15) for the specific cause of the problem and the appropriate corrective action. -33057 Cannot open error log file errorfile. You have specified the log preprocessor option to have error and warning messages sent to errorfile rather than standard output. However, the preprocessor cannot open errorfile because there is not enough disk space available or you do not have system file permission to open the file. If insufficient disk space is available, make space available in the file system by deleting files or selecting another disk. If you do not have file system permission to open errorfile, specify another directory or login with the required permission. -33058 Option-name is not a valid default option for the column definition. See the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax for the valid DEFAULT clause options in a column definition. -33060 Invalid expression. The specified expression is incorrect. Refer to the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax for the correct syntax and usage for this expression. -33061 Unable to expand recursive macro macro-name. The preprocessor cannot fully expand the macro-name macro because there is a loop in the defined macros. Correct the macro in error and try again. -33062 Missing ENDIF. You have an IFDEF or IFNDEF statement that has no matching ENDIF statement prior to the end of the source file. Working upward from the end of the file, make sure that each IFDEF and IFNDEF statement is paired with a matching ENDIF. Possibly the ENDIF was not recognized due to another error. -33063 Already within BEGIN DECLARE SECTION. This is only a warning. You have an EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION statement inside another BEGIN/END DECLARE block. This statement is ignored. However, the warning might indicate a mixup in the structure of your program. Review all the declaration sections and make sure they are properly delimited. -33064 variable-name has appeared before with a different case. ESQL/language-name is case-insensitive. This is only a warning. The specified variable appears more than once with different combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters. As this product is not case-sensitive, all these names are treated as one. If you intended these names to indicate different variables, change the name (not merely the case) of one of the variable declarations and recompile. -33065 Cursor/statement id name is too long when prefixed by module name. This is only a warning. When you use the -local preprocessing option, cursor names and statement names are prefixed with a unique tag generated from the module name. (On UNIX systems, the inode number of the source program is used as the unique tag.) The combined length of the cursor or statement name and the unique tag should not exceed 18 characters, but in the case of name, it does. As a result, if the same name is used in a different source module, the two names may not be distinct as requested by the -local option. -33066 Cursor/statement ids id1 and id2 are not unique in first 18 characters when prefixed by module name. When you use the -local preprocessing option, cursor names and statement ids are prefixed with a unique tag generated from the module name. (On UNIX systems, the inode number of the source program is used as the unique tag.) In this case, id1 and id2 are at least 14 characters long and they do not differ in their first 13 characters. As a result, they are the same when the tag is added and the result trimmed to 18 characters. Change the two names to avoid name collision and try again. -33067 ELIF without IFDEF. This ELIF statement is not preceded by an IFDEF or IFNDEF statement. Review the source lines preceding this point; the preceding statement was omitted, or might not have been recognized due to an earlier error. -33068 ELIF after ELSE. The ESQL preprocessor ELSE statement indicates the last part of an IFDEF or IFNDEF statement; another ELIF part may not follow. Review the contents of this IFDEF or IFNDEF statement and put its parts in order. -33070 Stack overflow occurred during statement parse This message, which indicates that the parser stack has overflowed, rarely occurs. It might occur, for example, if your embedded-language statement (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.) contains an extremely large or complicated clause (WHERE, MATCHES, LIKE, etc.) that the parser is trying to process. In that case, you should break up the clause and try again. -33200 Invalid statement on symbol variable-name. The specified type was not defined or a $ character was misplaced in a statement. Check for misspellings, misplaced $ characters, or undefined types. -33201 Fixed character pointers are not allowed. Fixchar character pointers are not allowed in this context. Replace the fixchar pointer with a character pointer. -33202 Incorrect dimension on array variable variable-name. You referenced the array variable with an incorrect dimension. Correct the dimension and retry. -33203 Incorrect level(s) of indirection on variable variable-name. A pointer variable is used with the wrong number of level indirection. Check the indirection levels in this statement. -33204 Right curly brace found with no matching left curly brace. The code either includes a stray closing brace (}) or it is missing an opening brace ({). Check the code for unmatched curly braces or other incorrect punctuation such as a missing end-quote or end-comment. -33205 PARAMETER cannot be used inside of a C block. The PARAMETER statement is only allowed in a function declaration block, not within a namely block nested in a function. -33206 Qualifier(s) for variable-name not initialized. This is a warning. Due to the complexity of the specified DATETIME or INTERVAL variable, the qualifiers of its elements cannot be initialized properly. Compilation continues but the variable may not be initialized. -33207 Type typedef-name too complex for ESQL/C. The definition of the typedef variable is too complex. ESQL/C does not support the use of multi-dimensional arrays or unions in a typdef. Simplify the typedef. -33208 Runtime error is possible because size of host-variable-name is unknown. This is a warning; compilation continues. ESQL/C does not know the size of the host character variable. If the variable is used in an INTO clause, memory may be overwritten. Specify the variable as a character array with a numeric size. The numeric size can be a literal value or an ESQL/C macro value. -33209 Statement must terminate with ';'. This is a warning. This statement does not have the necessary semicolon. Even though the preprocessor can proceed without any problems, you should add a semicolon to the statement. This will enable you to avoid future problems if code is added to this program. -33500 filename: Bad environment variable on line number. The entry on the specified line in the specified environment configuration file is incorrect. Modify your entry in the file (the environment variable name and/ or setting) and try again. -33501 Mapping file for DBAPICODE is not found. The SQL API cannot find the character mapping file for the specified DBAPICODE environment variable setting and the standard code set. Check that the mapped code set exists in the message directory for your platform. In NLS-ready systems, the standard code set is defined in the LANG environment variable. In systems that are not NLS-ready, the standard code set is the default 8-bit character set. -33502 Mapping file does not have the correct format. The mapping file for the specified DBAPICODE environment variable is formatted incorrectly. The text file for the character mapping table can consist of any number of lines. A line can be a comment, or a one-to-one character map of a DBAPICODE character code to the equivalent character in the target codeset. The text file should be written in US ASCII or the codeset that has the equivalent representation of US ASCII for the significant characters (#, parentheses, numeric characters). -35036 This line uses an IBM Informix extension to ISO/ANSI SQL, near identifier or symbol name This error message appears only when you use the -ansi option. Revise the statement to comply to ANSI standards. -35038 This statement uses an IBM Informix extension to the X/OPEN standard, near identifier or symbol name This error message appears only when you use the -xopen option. Revise statement to meet X/Open standard. -35200 Fatal parse error; string If you get this error, note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -35201 Cursor name must be an identifier The cursor is not an identifier in the DECLARE CURSOR statement. It is probably given as a host variable and must be changed to a valid cursor identifier. -35202 Too many nested blocks If you get this error, note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -35203 Cursor cursor name already defined The cursor is defined more than once. You can use only one cursor for each cursor id. Rename the cursor so that it is unique within the module. Unique within the application is recommended for maximium portability. -35204 Procedure procedure name already defined The procedure name you used has already been defined. Rename the procedure such that it is unique within the module. -35205 Parameter parameter name already defined You used a parameter name more than once. A parameter name must be unique within each procedure. Rename the parameter such that it is unique within the procedure call. -35206 Language must be Ada, instead of language name You must use "Ada" in the LANGUAGE clause. Either remove the LANGUAGE clause or change the language name to Ada. See Chapter 2 in the IBM INFORMIX-Ada/SAME Programmer's Manual for more information about the LANGUAGE clause. -35207 Module name, module name, does not match end module name, module name The name following the MODULE END clause must match the module name specified in the MODULE name clause. -35208 INTERNAL ERROR module name, line line number: case error This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -35209 INTERNAL ERROR: module name, line line number: assertion error This is an internal error. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -35210 INTERNAL ERROR: feature name not yet implemented This is an internal error. All supported features are implemented. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -35211 Only a single filename expected after command switches Use the adasame command. Refer to the syntax for preprocessor commands provided in Chapter 1 of the IBM INFORMIX-Ada/SAME Programmer's Manual. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -35212 Missing -b or -s option Use either the -b or the -s option. Refer to the syntax for preprocessor commands provided in Chapter 1 of the IBM INFORMIX-Ada/SAME Programmer's Manual. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact the IBM Informix Technical Support Department. -35213 No cursor declaration for procedure name SQL statement requires a cursor id that was not declared in a DECLARE CURSOR statement. Check for misspellings or add a DECLARE CURSOR statement for this cursor. -35214 Cursor cursor name used with OPEN in more than one procedure Cursors can only be referenced in one OPEN statement. Remove multiple open cursor procedures. -35215 Undefined host variable or parameter: name A reference has been made to a host variable or procedure parameter that is not defined. -35216 WHENEVER clause not allowed when SQLCODE appears in parameter list Choose either ANSI error handling with SQLCODE or IBM Informix Ada style error handling. -35217 Language clause required by ANSI X3.135-1989 ANSI requires that a LANGUAGE clause be given. Specify that the language is Ada when you develop ANSI-compliant modules. See Chapter 2 of the IBM INFORMIX-Ada/SAME Programmer's Manual for more information about the LANGUAGE clause. -35218 Authorization clause required by ANSI X3.135-1989 This error message appears only when you use the -ansi option. Include an AUTHORIZATION clause to meet ANSI standards. See Chapter 2 of the IBM INFORMIX-Ada/SAME Programmer's Manual for more information about using the AUTHORIZATION clause. -35219 At least one (SQLCODE) parameter required by ANSI X3.135-1989 ANSI standards require that each procedure have at least one SQLCODE parameter. -35220 No OPEN procedure for cursor name The statement refers to a cursor that has not been opened. Either remove the cursor without an OPEN statement or add an OPEN statement for the subject cursor. -35221 Character string parameter cannot have an OUT mode: parameter name CHAR(*) and VARCHAR(*) parameters cannot be used as OUT parameters change the parameter to CHAR[n]. -35222 CHAR(*) parameter parameter name not supported; use VARCHAR(*) and append ASCII.NUL -35223 Offending word is a language reserved word or type identifier Change the reserved word to a non-reserved word. -35224 INTO phrase cannot appear within a DECLARE CURSOR statement Use of the INTO phrase in a DECLARE cursor can result in unpredictable runtime errors. IBM Informix recommends that the INTO phrase be moved to the OPEN and/or FETCH procedures. -35225 Object reference, object name, cannot appear in a dynamic cursor declaration Remove the referenced object from the dynamic cursor declaration. -35226 This line uses an IBM Informix extension to ISO/ANSI SQL, near identifier or symbol name Use of an IBM Informix extension to ANSI has been detected. Use ANSI-compliant syntax to ensure maximum portability. Note: The SQL standard is a living standard; the syntax might now be ANSI-compliant. -35227 This statement uses an IBM Informix extension to the X/Open standard, near identifier or symbol name Use of an IBM Informix extension to the X/Open SQL syntax has been detected. Use an X/Open-compliant syntax to ensure maximium portability. Note: The X/Open SQL standard is a living standard; the syntax may now be X/Open-compliant. IBM INFORMIX-NET for Windows Errors -41000 Error in reading the [INET_CONNECTION] section of the INFORMIX.INI file. Check the [INET_CONNECTION] section of the INFORMIX.INI file to make sure this section has the following section heading: [INET_CONNECTION] -41001 The INFORMIX.INI file does not have a hostname or has a format error. Check the INFORMIX.INI file. If you did not define a host name variable in the InetLogin structure, the [INET_CONNECTION] section must have a host name. The host name must be defined in the [INET_CONNECTION] section with this format: host=hostname -41002 The INFORMIX.INI file does not have a username or has a format error Check the INFORMIX.INI file. If you did not define a user name variable in the InetLogin structure, the [INET_CONNECTION] section must have a user name. The user name must be defined in the [INET_CONNECTION] section with this format: user=username -41004 The INFORMIX.INI file does not have a protocolname or has a format error Check the INFORMIX.INI file. If you did not define a protocol name variable in the InetLogin structure, the [INET_CONNECTION] section must have a protocol name. The protocol name must be defined in the [INET_CONNECTION] section with this format: protocol=protocolname -41005 Error in reading the [INET_PROTOCOL] section of the INFORMIX.INI file. Check the [INET_PROTOCOL] section of the INFORMIX.INI file to make sure this section has the following section heading: [INET_PROTOCOL] -41006 Protocolname is not in the [INET_PROTOCOL] section of the INFORMIX.INI file. Check the INFORMIX.INI file. The Protocolname specified in the [INET_CONNECTION] section should match the Protocolname specified in the [INET_PROTOCOL] section. Protocolname must define the correct .DLL module for that protocol. If you are using an IPX/SPX protocol, then ipx=INETIPX.DLL. If you are using a Windows Sockets 1.1-compliant TCP/IP protocol, then tcpip=INETWSOK.DLL. -41007 Error in loading IBM INFORMIX-NET for Windows library. Check your path. If you are using a Windows Sockets 1.1-compliant TCP/IP protocol, the INETWSOK.DLL module must be in your path. If you are using the IPX/SPX protocol, the INETIPX.DLL module must be in your path. These modules must be in your path. In addition, you may not have enough memory to load the correct DLL module. -41008 Number of protocols exceeds the number of protocols that are supported in this version. You must communicate with your remote database server using only one protocol at a time. -41009 Error in closing connection. An error occurred when the connection was closed. There is no corrective action. -41020 Connection error. There are too may active applications under Windows. Close some of your applications and try again. -41021 Connection Busy. You are currently making a database server request. You cannot make another argument until the current request is finished. -47086 Cannot specify current as default value with non-datetime column type. You cannot assign a default value consisting of the current time from the system clock when the column data type is not DATETIME. Modify the column data type to DATETIME (if permitted), or specify a different default value for the column. -47087 Cannot specify null default value when column doesn't accept nulls. Select a different (non-null) default value for the column, or modify the column to accept null values. -47088 Cannot specify server or site as a default value with this column type. You cannot specify a default value consisting of the current database server name or current site name for a column that is not a CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, or NVARCHAR data type. Change the column data type (if permitted) or specify a different default value. -47089 Cannot specify server or site as a default value with this column length. In order to specify a default value consisting of the current database server name or current site name for a CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, or NVARCHAR column, the minimum column length must be 18. Increase the column length or specify a different default value. -47090 Cannot specify today as a default value with this column type. You cannot specify a default value consisting of the current system date for a column when the column data type is not DATE. Change the column data type (if permitted) or specify a different default value. -47091 Cannot specify user as a default value with this column type. You cannot specify a default value consisting of the login name of the current user for a column that is not a CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, or NVARCHAR data type. Change the column data type (if permitted) or specify a different default value. -47092 Cannot specify user as a default value with this column length. In order to specify a default value consisting of the login name of the current user for a CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, or NVARCHAR column, the minimum column length must be 8. Increase the column length or specify a different default value. -47093 Cannot create unique or primary key constraint with column type of BYTE or TEXT. In order to create a primary or unique constraint on the column, change the column data type from TEXT or BYTE, if permitted. -47095 Column not found in referenced table. You cannot create a foreign key constraint on a column that does not exist in the referenced table. Specify a different referencing or referenced column for the constraint. -47098 Number of columns in composite list exceeds maximum. You cannot include more than 16 column names in a single primary or unique constraint on the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server, or 8 column names in one primary or unique constraint on the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server. Reduce the number of columns specified in the constraint definition. -47099 You cannot modify an existing constraint. You cannot use the ALTER TABLE menu options to modify an existing constraint. Existing constraints are identified by an asterisk preceding the name. -47100 Column not in this table. You cannot create a constraint on a column that does not exist in the table. -47101 To drop an existing constraint, the current field must be constraint name. The cursor is in the wrong field on the screen. Move the cursor to highlight an entry in the Constraint Name field to drop all columns associated with a primary key, check, or unique constraint. Highlight the Constraint field to drop all columns associated with a foreign key constraint. -47102 You have exceeded the temporary buffer size. The buffer in the SQL editor, which holds the check constraint value and the literal default constraint value, is full. If you are modifying the check constraint, a different editor might have a larger buffer. -47104 The fill factor percentage must be a positive integer not exceeding 100. You tried to specify a fill factor percentage that is a negative number or is greater than 100 percent. Specify a different percentage or press RETURN to accept the default value of 90 percent. --------- 0707070000000000141006440156500001460000010000000755364715500001500000015316msg/isam.iemhF0J+DK*T'U.=V%WPNX3Y5zZ@[&\"]3D^$_`3Zc"e.f"pg$&h?j@$k<l!fm $nNo0$pqr&\s$t.u#lv#$w!xy$\z&{ | } l~ 2    b ,  & d$ #  % L, % & X( !)n0+0v!2##b"B04;|d;ef0egBh"?i#j#kl!Tm0n+oOp)q!r( /s& t% u, v% rw x# y$ ?z& { | } G~ z    O  A$!#H#.$7&0UN E!<@e?$K"."73$3x"&]53P&/l)*,pISAM error: duplicate value for a record with unique key. ISAM error: duplicate value for a record with unique key. ISAM error: file is not open. ISAM error: file is not open. ISAM error: illegal argument to ISAM function. ISAM error: illegal argument to ISAM function. ISAM error: illegal key descriptor (too many parts or too long). ISAM error: illegal key descriptor (too many parts or too long). ISAM error: too many files open. ISAM error: too many files open. ISAM error: bad isam file format. ISAM error: bad isam file format. ISAM error: non-exclusive access. ISAM error: non-exclusive access. ISAM error: record is locked. ISAM error: record is locked. ISAM error: key already exists. ISAM error: key already exists. ISAM error: the key is the file's primary key. ISAM error: the key is the file's primary key. ISAM error: end or beginning of the file. ISAM error: end or beginning of the file. ISAM error: no record found. ISAM error: no record found. ISAM error: there is no current record. ISAM error: there is no current record. ISAM error: the file is locked. ISAM error: the file is locked. ISAM error: the file name is too long. ISAM error: the file name is too long. ISAM error: cannot create lock file. ISAM error: cannot create lock file. ISAM error: cannot allocate memory. ISAM error: cannot allocate memory. ISAM error: bad custom collating sequence. ISAM error: bad custom collating sequence. ISAM error: cannot read log record. ISAM error: cannot read log record. ISAM error: bad log record ISAM error: bad log record ISAM error: cannot open log file. ISAM error: cannot open log file. ISAM error: cannot write log record ISAM error: cannot write log record ISAM error: transaction not available ISAM error: transaction not available ISAM error: no shared memory ISAM error: no shared memory ISAM error: no begin work yet ISAM error: no begin work yet ISAM error: can't use nfs ISAM error: can't use nfs ISAM error: bad row id ISAM error: bad row id ISAM error: no primary key ISAM error: no primary key ISAM error: no logging ISAM error: no logging ISAM error: too many users ISAM error: too many users ISAM error: no such dbspace ISAM error: no such dbspace ISAM error: no free disk space ISAM error: no free disk space ISAM error: rowsize too big ISAM error: rowsize too big ISAM error: audit trail exists ISAM error: audit trail exists ISAM error: no more locks ISAM error: no more locks ISAM error: tblspace does not exist ISAM error: tblspace does not exist ISAM error: no more extents ISAM error: no more extents ISAM error: chunk table overflow ISAM error: chunk table overflow ISAM error: dbspace table overflow ISAM error: dbspace table overflow ISAM error: logfile table overflow ISAM error: logfile table overflow ISAM error: global section disallowing access ISAM error: global section disallowing access ISAM error: tblspace table overflow ISAM error: tblspace table overflow ISAM error: overflow of tblspace page ISAM error: overflow of tblspace page ISAM error: deadlock detected ISAM error: deadlock detected ISAM error: key value locked ISAM error: key value locked ISAM error: system does not have disk mirroring ISAM error: system does not have disk mirroring ISAM error: the other copy of this disk is currently disabled or non-existent ISAM error: the other copy of this disk is currently disabled or non-existent ISAM error: archive in progress ISAM error: archive in progress ISAM error: dbspace is not empty ISAM error: dbspace is not empty ISAM error: IBM INFORMIX-OnLine daemon is no longer running ISAM error: IBM INFORMIX-OnLine daemon is no longer running The limits of the IBM INFORMIX Demo Version have been exceeded. The limits of the IBM INFORMIX Demo Version have been exceeded. ISAM error: Illegal message type received from remote process. ISAM error: Illegal message type received from remote process. ISAM error: not in ISMANULOCK mode. ISAM error: not in ISMANULOCK mode. ISAM error: Lock Timeout Expired ISAM error: Lock Timeout Expired ISAM error: Primary and Mirror chunks are bad ISAM error: Primary and Mirror chunks are bad ISAM error: Interrupted ISAM call ISAM error: Interrupted ISAM call ISAM error: only one blob may be open at any time. ISAM error: only one blob may be open at any time. ISAM err: no blob is open. ISAM err: no blob is open. ISAM err: BlobSpace does not exist. ISAM err: BlobSpace does not exist. ISAM err: begin and end page stamps are different. ISAM err: begin and end page stamps are different. ISAM err: Blob stamp is incorrect ISAM err: Blob stamp is incorrect ISAM err: Blob Column does not exist. ISAM err: Blob Column does not exist. ISAM err: BlobSpace is full ISAM err: BlobSpace is full ISAM err: BlobPage size is not multiple of PAGESIZE. ISAM err: BlobPage size is not multiple of PAGESIZE. ISAM err: archive is blocking BlobPage allocation. ISAM err: archive is blocking BlobPage allocation. ISAM err: BLOB pages can't be allocated from a chunk until chunk add is logged. ISAM err: BLOB pages can't be allocated from a chunk until chunk add is logged. ISAM err: Illegal use of a blobspace ISAM err: Illegal use of a blobspace ISAM error: isam file format change detected ISAM error: isam file format change detected ISAM error: Unexpected internal error ISAM error: Unexpected internal error ISAM err: No Optical Subsystem connection ISAM err: No Optical Subsystem connection ISAM err: Duplicate optical BLOBSpace name ISAM err: Duplicate optical BLOBSpace name Check Data and Index pointers for correctness. 0707070000000000151006440156500001460000010000000755364715600001500000001231msg/nerm.iemh5cU GśG}M/V؛HJDThe relay module cannot get environment variable SQLRM. System error %d. This relay module cannot execute relay module %s for another protocol. The local database server %s cannot be forked by the relay module. System error %d. Attempt to prepare more than one statement before connecting to a database. The database name syntax conflicts with the options in the statement. SQLEXEC must be set to create a local database using the relay module Unknown product identification string in the database server on the local machin e. Statement not supported. Database not selected yet. 0707070000000000161006440156500001460000010000000755364715500001700000005264msg/netsrv.iemh0c;c4c@cB6c0yc<cDc9,cfcucMzc>c6c >c4Ic>~cccFc:6c>qc@c>c>0c'occ?cc6c7 u25500 The sqlexecd daemon is not licensed for remote use. 25501 The sqlexecd daemon must be started by root. 25502 The sqlexecd daemon cannot execute the fork system call. 25503 Informix network support is not available in this version. 25504 The sqlexecd daemon cannot open a socket. 25505 The sqlexecd daemon cannot bind a name to the socket. 25506 The sqlexecd daemon cannot accept a connection on the socket. 25507 The specified service name or protocol is unknown. %s %s %s %s *?* 25510 The database engine %s could not be started by execv, system errno %d 25511 The sqlexecd daemon could not receive data from client. 25512 The database engine program cannot be accessed. sqlsrvlog 25514 The sqlexecd daemon cannot open the log file. 25515 Too many arguments were passed to the sqlexecd daemon. check_rights %s %s %s trusted host %s user %s 25518 Unknown network type specified in DBNETTYPE. Assuming STARLAN. 25519 The sqlexecd daemon cannot open the network device. 25520 The sqlexecd daemon cannot allocate the call structure. 25521 The sqlexecd daemon cannot allocate the return structure. 25522 The sqlexecd daemon cannot allocate the call structure. 25523 The sqlexecd daemon cannot bind the network structures. Listening for connections for %d. . . bind_ret->qlen = %d 25526 The sqlexecd daemon cannot listen on the network device. Call request received 25528 The sqlexecd daemon cannot accept a connection. 25529 The sqlexecd daemon cannot get a host structure. 25530 The sqlexecd daemon cannot bind to the required port address. 25531 The sqlexecd daemon cannot bind to the required address. 25532 The sqlexecd daemon cannot disconnect the network. 25533 The sqlexecd daemon cannot close the network. 25534 The sqlexecd daemon cannot allocate a structure. 25535 Address translation failed in sqlexecd daemon. connecting . . . 25537 The sqlexecd daemon cannot connect to network connected . . . tlook %d - %s listen unknown Binding the local name ... 25543 The specified service name or protocol is unknown. 25544 The sqlexecd daemon cannot get a host structure. 25545 The sqlexecd daemon cannot advertise the specified service name. 25546 The sqlexecd daemon timed out while processing a connection request. 25547 The sqlexecd daemon cannot disassociate from terminal. 0707070000000000171006440156500001460000010000000755364715500001300000011543msg/os.iemh$o"L5  "yc"@!!$lTC# 0"}e!C#p\ O?(         r b O B /         u j Q @ %  *; T_z       ,9L\m} ) 9!F"Z#l$%&'() *!-+O,g-"./001 2 -3 >4$ V5! {6 7 8 9 :! ;" *< M= c>" w? @ A B C D E F G" 6H YI nJ }K L M N$ O 0HNot owner No such file or directory No such process Interrupted system call I/O error No such device or address Arg list too long Exec format error Bad file number No children No more processes Not enough core Permission denied Bad address Block device required Mount device busy File exists Cross-device link No such device Not a directory Is a directory Invalid argument File table overflow Too many open files Not a typewriter Text file busy File too large No space left on device Illegal seek Read-only file system Too many links Broken pipe Argument too large Result too large Operation would block Operation now in progress Operation already in progress Socket operation on non-socket Destination address required Message too long Protocol wrong type for socket Option not supported by protocol Protocol not supported Socket type not supported Operation not supported on socket Protocol family not supported Address family not supported by protocol family Address already in use Can't assign requested address Network is down Network is unreachable Network dropped connection on reset Software caused connection abort Connection reset by peer No buffer space available Socket is already connected Socket is not connected Can't send after socket shutdown Too many references: can't splice Connection timed out Connection refused Too many levels of symbolic links File name too long Host is down Host is unreachable Directory not empty Too many processes Too many users Disc quota exceeded Stale NFS file handle Too many levels of remote in path Not a stream device Timer expired Out of stream resources No message of desired type Not a data message Identifier removed Deadlock situation detected/avoided No record locks available Not owner No such file or directory No such process Interrupted system call I/O error No such device or address Arg list too long Exec format error Bad file number No children No more processes Not enough core Permission denied Bad address Block device required Mount device busy File exists Cross-device link No such device Not a directory Is a directory Invalid argument File table overflow Too many open files Not a typewriter Text file busy File too large No space left on device Illegal seek Read-only file system Too many links Broken pipe Argument too large Result too large Operation would block Operation now in progress Operation already in progress Socket operation on non-socket Destination address required Message too long Protocol wrong type for socket Option not supported by protocol Protocol not supported Socket type not supported Operation not supported on socket Protocol family not supported Address family not supported by protocol family Address already in use Can't assign requested address Network is down Network is unreachable Network dropped connection on reset Software caused connection abort Connection reset by peer No buffer space available Socket is already connected Socket is not connected Can't send after socket shutdown Too many references: can't splice Connection timed out Connection refused Too many levels of symbolic links File name too long Host is down Host is unreachable Directory not empty Too many processes Too many users Disc quota exceeded Stale NFS file handle Too many levels of remote in path Not a stream device Timer expired Out of stream resources No message of desired type Not a data message Identifier removed Deadlock situation detected/avoided No record locks available Cannot open file '%s'. Unknown error message %d. 0707070000000000201006440156500001460000010000000755364715500001400000006713msg/rds.iemhD+ + sH *% 7 $ 8 n 2 ;  ( 6 ; 7 L7 F / < `; $B 3 " / Z/ * -3.4/ 0m1 L2")3 4*5627$q8Y99:$; <>=>u> T?4@"A)B*C&DE`EQF5GEHEI5YJDK-LM3N'O,P,a$1Bt94'1/Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat| Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec| Press RETURN to continue. Cannot find message file. Check INFORMIXDIR and DBLANG. The type of your terminal is unknown to the system. 128-173 January|February|March|April|May|June| July|August|September|October|November|December| Number is too large for a DECIMAL data type Number is too small for a DECIMAL data type An attempt was made to divide by zero. Values used in a MATCH must both be type CHARACTER Invalid year in date Invalid month in date Invalid day in date Converted value does not fit into the allotted space There is no conversion from non-character values to character values Without any delimiters, this date must contain exactly 6 or 8 digits Date could not be converted to month/day/year format Out of memory Date conversion format must contain a month, day, and year component Character to numeric conversion error Value exceeds limit of SMALLINT precision Value exceeds limit of INTEGER precision Illegal exponent The format string is too large String to date conversion error Numeric value from database is too large for COBOL data item. Numeric value from database is too small for COBOL data item. Cannot convert null data types. Value will not fit in a SMALLFLOAT. Value will not fit in a FLOAT. Invalid decimal number Column does not admit a NULL value. Decimal or money value exceeds maximum precision. Message file not found Message number not found in message file Incompatible message file Bad message file name formulation Cannot seek within message file Message buffer too small Invalid hour, minute, or second Function may be applied only to datetime data types Character host variable is too short for the data. Unable to create pipes. Unable to create shared memory. semget failed. Unable to create shared memory. shmget failed. Unable to connect to remote host. Operating system cannot fork process for back end. Cannot attach to shared memory used to communicate with back end. It is not possible to convert between the specified types. Too many digits in the first field of datetime or interval. Non-numeric character in datetime or interval. A field in a datetime or interval value is out of range or incorrect. Extra characters at the end of a datetime or interval. Overflow occurred on a datetime or interval operation. Intervals or datetimes are incompatible for the operation. The result of a datetime computation is out of range. Invalid datetime or interval qualifier. Locator conversion error. Interval literal may not have embedded minus sign Missing decimal point in datetime or interval fraction. No input buffer has been specified. Output buffer is NULL or too small to hold the result. No output buffer has been specified. Invalid field width or precision in datetime or interval format string. Format conversion character not supported. Input does not match format specification. 0707070000000000211006440156500001460000010000000755364715500002100000002006msg/security.iemhZ[$\+f]%@^!_#`aȬbc)d,\eBf%g?ܬh'SISS88S(qSS/S %s: invalid serial number and/or key. %s: cannot open file -- %s probably not in current directory. %s: location %D is incorrect for %s %s: %s already branded. %s: identifier string multiply found in %s %s: serial number is wrong length in %s %s: cannot open %s Error Reading from File Error Writing to File infgen: invalid SQL serial number %s: cannot create stream for %s %s: identify string not found in %s %s: Warning: string found %d times in %s. Cannot open "%s"; system error %d. Unexpected EOF on "%s". ** Verify serial number and key values; restart installation procedure. ** Please type carefully. %s: usage: %s [-p] [-s serialnum key] file1 file2 ... %s: identifer string found at %D in %s usage: %s serialnum key The -l flag has not been implemented. Sorry! %s: usage: %s file1 file2 ... 0707070000000000221006440156500001460000010000000755364715500001400000107672msg/sql.iemhy["GyD6E4F(G/H8GI"$XY/Z,[-}\4H]7^(`Aa?ebA#c!dFeEtf.EgGh/iEj7Ok9lmNn%o5Rp4q&rNst3Tu1"v.w<x<yy1Gz@{3|-Ex;xOxA=x+w3w)wy wXw;Av)v1vvvlCv(vv%u&u'u/u^!u<#u't)tttttttZtF+t ss%ss%stsT+s(,r8rr rrgrGr)r qqq,qqtqZIq0p;p p pa ,p4 p*o5o<ou9o;7oCnnn"ny(nP4n+m!=m"8mx#5mB$Dl%1l&Bl'!lf/)l<0Hk1-k2>k30kU4;k5j6j7'j8Cjs9'jK:1j;'i<%i=2i>,ik?;i/@)iA=hB(hC0hmD2h:E'hFHgG#gH#gI/gQJ-g#K)fL9fMAf}N.fNO-f P/eQ1eR/eS'efT(e=U3e V.dW4dX<dhY;d,Z7c[:c\!c]+ck^cP_+c$`ca1bb&bcbd#boebSf3bg"ah2aiHaj,aSk>al&`m/`n6`o.`Wp,`*q9_r'_s-_t-_lu6_5v(_ w8^x3^y,^rz^Z{^B|G]}]~(]4]]f;]*2\\H\\y\a\C\#7[.[2[8[P1[#Z%Z Z Z)Zh!ZF#Z"8YY7Y5Y^*Y30Y0X0X)Xv#XR0X!0WWWWWWWlWWWBCVV$V3V&Vg7V/0UEU0UUkEU%UTT(TT'Tc TBT%T SS@S/Si&SB0S4R)R0R,RT4R7QQQQQ7QPQ39P.P3POPFJOHOPOa+O5PN@N*Nx3ND?N>MBM6MK"M(*L-LJL$L_LAL/'L)K[KKh!KF,K#J&JJ J)Jd+J8,J .I2I(I"I]!I;I'HHEH6HV(H-6G3G3G#Gj0G9-G !FF-F=FeFP F7 F %E 2EE4Et1EB5E <D<D*Dg6D0 0C!EC"C#C$=CL%GC&B'7B("B)*Bi*0B8+ B,DA-A.A/#A|0Ai1AW2AD3A24"A5#@6@7)@8-@x9@a:@K;@4<@=?>=?N"?O ?|P?\Q ?;R"?S/>T$>U2>V+>dW.>5X8=Y5=Z"=[1=q\=Q]3=^9<_,<`?11/1w 1V1:%1+0%0D0}D08F/&/,//~@/=/#,.7.1..p;.4,. --,-%-z/-J8-2,,,,8,`",=,(#,>+E+'+W+:++#*!*'*-*kH*"*)F)P)R*)'7(3(%(!(s5(=G''C'.'b>'#5&"&,&*&r'&J(&!4%$%-%;%]4%(*$#$>$$~7$F$3$$##)#,#3#L!#*<"2"9"%"Z":"#!F!!E!ZF!  * , ) `/ 0) (  2r /B 6 ($EG2="(3`)6?!+%#^-0, "!."3}#0L$3%<&'1(")!f*#B+",-!./02}13I213L4B54R6678XyqY&yZIy[#y\z]z/czLdKzbeHzf-zg {%2{14{d6{'{){+|"|N!|n|||!|"|#%|$}%},&}@)}U*}j+}y,}-}.}/}0}1}2}3~4~5~*6~;9~K:~[;~m<~}=~>~?~@~A~B~CDE.F=GPHjIyJKLMNOPQ R ST,UEVYWmXYZ[\]^_(8`afgMXEMY MMZYM[#oM\M]M^ M_M`Ma MbMc Md!Me 4MfBMgXMhnMj MkMl/Mm1Mn+Mo %Mp 2Mq>MrOMs eMtrMuMv MwMxMyMzM{M|M}2M~EMTMeMuM M M/M.M-M,M#GM'kM M!MM$MMM-MHM\MzMIdentifier is too long. A syntax error has occurred. An illegal character has been found in the statement. An illegal integer has been found in the statement. An illegal floating point number has been found in the statement. Cannot use ROWID for views with aggregates, group by or on multiple tables. The specified table (%s) is not in the database. Cannot declare a SELECT INTO statement FOR UPDATE. Memory allocation failed during query processing. Incompatible database format. Explicit path name too long. Cannot read system catalog (%s). Cannot add index. Statement interrupted by user. Cannot remove file for table (%s). Cannot open file for table (%s). Cannot remove ISAM index on file. Column (%s) not found in any table in the query. Synonym (%s) not found. Wildcard matching may not be used with non-character types. Cannot begin savepoint. Cannot build temporary file for new table (%s). Cannot write to temporary file for new table (%s). Duplicate table name (%s) in the FROM clause. Cannot open transaction log file. Cannot create file for system catalog (%s). Cannot create index for system catalog (%s). DDL operations on "%s" prohibited. UPDATE or INSERT on "%s" prohibited. Could not open or create a temporary file. Could not read a temporary file. Cannot perform aggregate function with distinct on expression. A SERIAL column (%s) may not be updated. Cannot read record that is locked by another user. Cannot insert into virtual column (%s). Character column size is too big. Number of columns in INSERT does not match number of VALUES. Cannot begin work. Cannot commit work. Could not insert new row - duplicate value in a UNIQUE INDEX column. Could not delete a row. Cannot rollback work. Could not open database table (%s). Could not position within a table (%s). Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row. Could not position within a file via an index. Could not do an indexed read to get the next row. Rollforward database failed. Cannot commit savepoint. Virtual column must have explicit name. Cannot read record from file for update. ORDER BY or GROUP BY column number is too big. Cannot get system information for table. Identifier too long - maximum length is 18. Too many or too few host variables given. Not in transaction. Transaction not available. System limit on maximum number of statements exceeded, maximum is %s. System error - invalid statement id received by the sqlexec process. Cursor not open. Cannot execute a SELECT statement that is PREPAREd - must use cursor. Cannot create file for table (%s). There is no current cursor. Could not lock row for UPDATE. Could not write to a temporary file. Load or insert cursors must be run within a transaction. There is no current row for UPDATE/DELETE cursor. The cursor has been previously released and is unavailable. Unique constraint (%s) violated. Cannot add column (%s) that does not accept nulls. Could not position within a temporary file. Could not insert new row into the table. No SELECT permission. No UPDATE permission. No DELETE permission. No INSERT permission. Cursor not found. UPDATE table (%s) is not the same as the cursor table. Cannot rollback savepoint. Cannot grant or revoke database privileges for table or view. A quoted string exceeds 256 bytes. Could not add index to a temporary table. Found a quote for which there is no matching quote. Found a non-terminated comment ("{" with no matching "}"). A subquery has returned not exactly one row. Invalid cursor received by sqlexec. Default value of the primary key column %s is NULL. Cannot add serial column (%s) to table. Table (%s) not locked by current user. Cannot lock table (%s) in requested mode. Cursor not declared with FOR UPDATE clause. Cannot change lock mode of table. An implied insert column (%s) does not accept NULLs. IS [NOT] NULL predicate may be used only with simple columns. The column (%s) must be in the GROUP BY list. Referenced and referencing tables have to be in the same database. Referenced table %s not found. Cannot find unique constraint or primary key on referenced table (%s). Cannot grant permission to public with grant option. Cannot grant permission to self. There are too many GROUP BY columns. The total size of the GROUP BY columns is too big. No GRANT option or illegal option on multi-table view. Expression mixes columns with aggregates. HAVING can only have expressions with aggregates or columns in GROUP BY clause. Subscripted column (%s) is not of type CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT nor BYTES. Subscript out of range. Illegal subscript definition. Corresponding column types must be compatible for each UNION statement. ORDER BY column (%s) must be in SELECT list. Table (%s) already exists in database. Cannot open system catalog (%s). Cannot update system catalog (%s). Not owner of table. Table (%s) currently in use. No create index permission. Index (%s) already exists in database. Must have the same number of selected columns in each UNION element. File with the same name as specified log file already exists. Index does not exist in ISAM file. Not owner of index. Cannot group by aggregate column. Cannot alter, rename, or create a trigger on view (%s). Cannot grant permission on temporary table. Ambiguous column (%s). Filename must be specified with a full path name. Referential constraint has too many referenced columns. Cannot unlock table (%s) within a transaction. Column (%s) already exists in table. Database not found or no system permission. Cannot create database. Cannot drop database directory. Cannot access audit trail name information. The audit trail file already exists with a different name. Cannot create audit trail. There is no audit trail for the specified table. Cannot create or drop audit on a temporary table (%s). Cannot create view on temporary table (%s). Cannot drop audit trail. The audit trail file name must be given in full directory path. Cannot open audit trail file. Could not read a row from audit trail file. Remote host cannot execute statement. Row from audit trail was added to a different position than expected. Cannot delete row - row in table does not match row in audit trail. Cannot update row - row in table does not match row in audit trail. Could not update a row in the table. Could not open table for exclusive access. Could not read a row from the table. Database not selected yet. Index already exists on column. Database contains tables owned by other users. Column (%s) not found. No table or view specified when granting/revoking privileges. Incorrect database or cursor name format. Cannot rename file for table. Data type of the referencing and referenced columns do not match. Dependent table for view (%s) has been altered. Must close current database before CREATE, START or ROLLFORWARD. Cannot drop current database. Cannot modify table or view used in subquery. Column size too large. Can have only one column of serial type. CURSOR not on SELECT statement. Column (%s) not declared for UPDATE OF. Cursor must be on simple SELECT for FOR UPDATE. The scale exceeds the maximum precision specified. Sums and averages cannot be computed for character columns. Incompatible sqlexec module. Invalid serial number. Please consult your installation instructions. Cannot drop last column. Cannot create unique index on column with duplicate data. Cannot alter table with audit trail on. DBPATH too long. Can only use column number in ORDER BY clause with UNION. Cannot create log file for transaction. Log file already exists. Must terminate transaction before closing database. Record currently locked by another user. Cannot revoke privilege on columns. Cannot erase log file. Cannot grant to someone who has granted you the same privilege before. Same number of columns must be specified for view and select clause. View column for aggregate or expression must be explicitly named. Cannot modify non simple view. Data value out of range. Column contains null values. No connect permission. No resource permission. No DBA permission. Synonym already used as table name or synonym. Cannot insert a null into column (%s). System error - unexpected null pointer encountered. A condition in the where clause results in a two-sided outer join. View (%s) not found. The where clause contains an outer cartesian product. Illegal join between a nested outer table and a preserved table. System catalog (%s) corrupted. Cursor manipulation must be within a transaction. Cannot access log file. Fetch attempted on unopen cursor. Fetch attempted on NULL cursor. Address of a host variable is NULL. The size of a received row disagrees with the expected size. The cursor or statement is not available. The address of a host variable is not properly aligned. Memory allocation failed. Error number zero received from the sqlexec process. Invalid message type received from the sqlexec process. Sqlexec was not found or was not executable by the current user. Prepare statement failed or was not executed. Cannot specify both host variables and descriptor. Command pointer is NULL. Insert attempted on unopen cursor. Insert attempted on NULL cursor. Data conversion error. USING option with open statement is invalid for insert cursor. FLUSH can only be used on an insert cursor. NULL SQLDA descriptor or host variable list encountered. SQLDATA pointer in SQLDA or host variable is null. Cannot execute remote sqlexec. Unknown service for execution of remote sqlexec. Flush attempted on unopen cursor. A "fetch current" was attempted with no current row. Cursor already declared from this "prepared" statement. Database is currently opened by another user. Unknown values have already been supplied. Bind count routine called with a different count. Bind routine called too many times. Indicator variables should be 2-byte integers. Type integer does not match size. Type float does not match size. Type date does not match size. Type money does not match size. Type decimal does not match size. Illegal ESQL locator, or uninitialized blob variable in 4GL. Locator buffer size too small. 'loc_open()' failed. 'loc_close()' failed. 'loc_read()' failed. 'loc_write()' failed. Indicator value cannot fit in host variable. Database server terminated unexpectedly. Long transaction aborted. IBM INFORMIX-OnLine was shut down. Statement length exceeds maximum. File open error. File close error. File read error. File write error. No more memory for locator buffer. File length error. Indicator object is missing. Cannot obtain user id from system: unable to start database engine. This descriptor does not exist. The value of occurrence must be greater than 0. An invalid descriptor name has been used. Occurrence value is out of range. The specified data type is not a X/OPEN standard type. Unknown field type. In a GET statement, if DATA is null, then INDICATOR must be specified. The LENGTH field must be specified when the type is SQLCHAR. Buffer is too small. User must specify TYPE. The number of DESCRIBED columns is greater than the allocated space. A descriptor with the same name already exists. Invalid statement name or statement was not PREPAREd. Invalid operation on a non-SCROLL cursor. SQL descriptor's name is too long. Limit is 18 characters. Statement/cursor's name must be between 1 to 18 characters. Number of host variables does not match SELECT list. Illegal data type found during data conversions. A cursor can only be declared as static or dynamic. Invalid operation on cursor. Clustered index (%s) already exists in the table. Index (%s) is already not clustered. Cannot cluster index. Too many tables locked. Cannot lock a view. Number of columns in UPDATE does not match number of VALUES. Do not have permission to update all columns Cursor (%s) not found. Cannot rename a temporary table. Cannot rename a column in a temporary table. Cannot create synonym for temporary table (%s). Cannot modify system catalog (%s). No References privilege on the referenced columns. Statement not available with this database server. Only DBA can create, drop, or grant for another user. Constraint %s has already been dropped. System error - temporary output file not created yet. The total size of the index is too large or too many parts in index. Child constraint %s not found. Cannot update column to illegal value. Cannot open database tblspace. Cannot lock system catalog (%s). Table (%s) not selected in query. Can only recover, repair or drop table. Lock table can only be used within a transaction. Failure to satisfy referential constraint %s. Updates are not allowed on a scroll cursor. Lock mode is not available on this system. Maximum output rowsize (32767) exceeded. Cannot attach to shared memory. Check constraint (%s) failed. Duplicate column (%s) exists in view. Cannot alter temporary table (%s). Extent size too small, minimum size is %sk. Cannot open EXPLAIN output file. Already in transaction. Number of columns in child constraint does not match number of cols in parent co nstraint. Constraint column %s not found in table. Cursor (%s) has already been declared. DBTEMP too long. write failed on constraints. User does not have ALTER privilege. Cannot specify a column more than once in a constraint, trigger or index. ESCAPE character must be only one character. Cannot have aggregates within aggregates. No write permission for table %s. Cannot have host variables when creating a view (%s). Must rollforward database in the directory where the database is. No referential constraint or trigger allowed on a TEMP table. Column (%s) in UNIQUE constraint is not a column in the table. Total length of columns in constraint is too long. The constraint contains too many columns. Blob host variables are disallowed in multi-statement prepares. Mkdbsdir not found in $INFORMIXDIR/bin. Consult your installation instructions. Syntax disallowed in this database server. Cannot use a select or any of the database statements in a multi-query prepare. Cannot create, drop, or modify an object on an another database server. Cannot locate table on another server after %s levels of synonym mapping. Changrp not found in $INFORMIXDIR/bin. Consult your installation instructions. Cannot create a synonym on top of another synonym. Synonym with tabid %s not found in systables. Sums and averages cannot be computed on datetime values. Database conversion failed. Cannot acquire exclusive lock for database conversion. Cannot sort rows. Cannot read sorted rows. Cannot initiate sort. Cannot write sorted rows. Cannot reference an external database without logging. Cannot reference an external database with logging. Cannot reference an external ANSI database. Cannot reference an external non-ANSI database. The specified wait duration is too long. Cannot set log to buffered in a mode ANSI database. A subquery has returned not exactly one column. LENGTH() requires string type values. Cannot specify CONSTRAINT name for TEMP table. A constraint of the same type already exists on the column set. Owner name is too long. Not owner of synonym. Cannot revoke permission. Error loading message file. Database does not have logging. View permissions are no longer valid. Cannot rename system catalog. Cannot rename column in system catalog. Cursor is already open. Cannot delete file (%s). Invalid host variable number. Cannot update multiple database servers within a single transaction. Procedure cache corrupted. Invalid default value for column/variable (%s). Cannot specify column to be not null when the default value is null. Cannot specify default value for SERIAL column. Cannot specify non-null default value for blob column. Bad use of aggregate in this context. Bad EXIT/CONTINUE statement. Not within a %s loop. [Internal] Premature End Of Buffer. Bad cursor name (%s). Cannot mix IBM INFORMIX-OnLine syntax with IBM INFORMIX-SE syntax. Cannot create blob. Cannot delete blob. Cannot open blob. Cannot close blob. Cannot read blob. Cannot write blob. Invalid blob space name. Text/Byte subscript error. Illegal attempt to convert Text/Byte blob type. Illegal attempt to use Text/Byte host variable. Index not allowed on blob columns. Scroll cursor can't select blob columns. Blobs are not allowed in the "group by" clause. Blobs are not allowed in the "distinct" clause. Blobs are not allowed in the "order by" clause. Blobs are not allowed in this expression. A blob subscript is not allowed within this context. A blob data type must be supplied within this context. Error on copying blob data. A blob error has occurred in the front-end application. Unable to update next extent size. Unable to update new lock level. Error on locating constraint index (%s). Unable to find CONSTRAINT (%s). Unable to drop CONSTRAINT (%s). Constraint name (%s) already exists. Cannot obtain or set serial value. Cannot prepare coordinator for two-phase commit. Cannot end two-phase commit transaction at coordinator. Cannot end heuristically rolled back transaction. Cannot prepare database server %s for commit. Cannot create optical cluster on non-blob column (%s). Cannot create optical cluster. Cannot drop optical cluster. Object does not exist. Not owner of object. Total size of key fields is too large or there are too many key fields. Cannot alter optical cluster. Cannot cluster blob columns on non-optical media. Cannot cluster blob columns on different optical families. QPlan sanity failure (%s). Cannot reserve/release family on non-optical media. Family name must be a character string. Volume must be a number. FAMILY(), VOLUME(), and DESCR() require BLOB column on optical medium. Cannot reserve volume. Cannot release volume. Error evaluating math library function(%s). Cannot open DEBUG file for stored procedure trace. The debug file name must be a NON-NULL CHAR or VARCHAR. Maximum varchar size has been exceeded. Reserved column size > maximum column size (varchar). Local variables do not allow default values. Variables declared as LIKE cannot be global. Bad use of PROCEDURE declaration type. RETURN value count does not match procedure declaration. Procedure is not declared to return values. Cannot create a procedure within a procedure. Variables declared as GLOBAL require a default value. INTO TEMP table required for SELECT statement. Loop variable(%s) cannot be modified. Number of variables does not match number of values returned. Loop variable(%s) specified more than once. You are using more than one procedure-calling syntax for procedure(%s). Wrong number of arguments to system function(%s). Internal error on semantics - %s. Variable(%s) must be declared INTEGER or SMALLINT. Variable(%s) not declared. System command cannot be executed. Variable(%s) redeclared. Variable(%s) declared as SERIAL type. Procedure call(%s) has duplicate parameter name. Invalid data structure (%s). Procedure (%s) already exists in database. Procedure (%s) not found. Illegal SQL statement in stored procedure. Invalid check constraint column. Check constraint cannot contain subqueries or procedures. Invalid subscript for column (%s) in check constraint. Cannot read constraint violation data for constraint (%s). Cannot write constraint violation data for constraint (%s). Column specified more than once in the INSERT list. Error reading constraint index on table (%s). Specified STEP expression will not traverse RANGE. Procedure (%s) returns too many values. Procedure (%s) returns too few values. Procedure (%s) has returned more than one row. Set debug file before tracing stored procedures. Variable(%s) must be declared CHAR or VARCHAR. Global variable(%s) declared inconsistently. Cannot read keys from referencing table (%s). Missing key in referenced table for referential constraint (%s). Key value for constraint (%s) is still being referenced. System command expects a non-null value. Too many arguments passed to procedure (%s). Argument is not a parameter of procedure (%s). Variable (%s) has undefined value. STEP expression evaluated to ZERO. Inconsistent transaction. Number and names of servers rolled back - %s. Transaction heuristically rolled back. Statement is invalid within a global transaction. Statement is invalid within the XA environment. Cannot open database in exclusive mode. Primary key on table (%s) has a field with a null key value. Primary key already exists on the table. Cannot drop/modify procedure (%s). It is currently in use. Execute privilege denied on procedure (%s). Blob columns in optical cluster must be distinct. Optical cluster (%s) already exists. Blob column (%s) is already clustered. Table (%s) has been dropped, altered or renamed. Cannot insert encoded BLOB descriptor. Cannot insert encoded BLOB descriptor in non-optical BLOB columns. Cannot decode encoded BLOB descriptor. Cannot encode BLOB descriptor. Transaction state error. Possible inconsistent transaction. Unknown servers are %s. Invalid argument passed to system function(%s). Statement is invalid while a global transaction is suspended. Loop variable(%s) cannot be declared GLOBAL. Number of columns in FOREACH SELECT does not match number of variables. Stored procedure(%s) is no longer valid. Trigger has no triggered action. Cannot specify REFERENCING if trigger does not have FOR EACH ROW. Invalid use of column reference in trigger body. Incorrect use of old or new values correlation name inside trigger. Cannot reference procedure variable in %s statement. Object name matches old or new values correlation name. Cannot reference table that participates in cascaded delete. Trigger for the same event already exists. Trigger and referential constraint cannot co-exist. Object (%s) already exists in database. Illegal SQL statement in trigger. Trigger execution has failed. %s Table or column matches object referenced in triggering statement. Exceeded limit on maximum number of cascaded triggers. Remote cursor operation disallowed with pre-5.01 server. Remote procedure execution disallowed with pre-5.01 server. Access denied - Single user limit has been exceeded. Cannot exclusively lock the license file. Cannot unlock the license file. Cannot rewind to the beginning of the file. Evaluation version has expired. Cannot access the license file. Remote procedure must commit or rollback before returning. Stack overflow occurred during statement parse. Cannot update/insert to a remote table through views with check options. SQL Edit buffer is full. Cannot open file for run. The file is too large for internal editing. Comment has no end. Cannot open file for load. Cannot open file for unload. Cannot open file for output. Cannot open file for choose. SQL Syntax error has occurred. Cannot open file for save. Cannot open printer for output. Cannot open pipe for output. Cannot write to pipe for output ( no reading process ). Cannot write file (check file permissions). Cannot read file (check file permissions). Specified user menu not found. There are no menu items in the menu. No more data to display. Cannot open file for default report. Statements are already saved. There are no statements to run. Missing values clause on insert statement. Program not found. Fork system call failed. Database not found. Command file not found. Form not found. Report not found. Error(s) found in Report specifications. Error(s) found in Form specifications. Saceprep could not compile Report. Sformbld could not compile Form. Current clause is invalid in interactive mode. Insert statement has no values clause. There is not enough memory available. A line in the load file is too long. Table not found. Name is too long. Name must start with a letter and contain letters, digits, or "_". Cannot read temp file. Cannot write temp file. Statement is too long (maximum 2048 characters). There are no user-menus in the database. Number of values in load file is not equal to number of columns. Error in load file line %s. Form4gl could not compile Form. Warning(s) found in Form specifications. User does not have permission to modify this menu. Cannot drop file (check file permissions). Write failed. %d rows unloaded (check ulimit or disk space). Current transaction has been rolled back due to error or missing COMMIT WORK. Resulting string length must be less than or equal to 255. Cursor must be declared on an INSERT statement with a VALUES clause. Recovered from dup value in UNIQUE INDEX column to complete rollback. Not implemented yet. Script saved in "%s" Query interrupted before it completed No where clause on Delete or Update, every row in table will be affected < Additional lines not displayed > Error in line %d Near character position %d Column name Type User select update insert delete index Table Name Owner Row Size Columns Created Audit File Index name Owner Type Columns Table name No forms are available - Use create to create one No reports are available - Use create to create one No databases are available - Use create to create one Form with the same name already exists Report with the same name already exists Database with the same name already exists Form was successfully compiled Report was successfully compiled %d row(s) unloaded. %d row(s) loaded. No rows found. Database selected. %d row(s) retrieved. %d row(s) retrieved into temp table. %d row(s) updated. %d row(s) deleted. %d row(s) inserted. %d row(s) inserted. Table locked. Table unlocked. Database created. Database dropped. Table created. Table dropped. Index created. Index dropped. Permission granted. Permission revoked. Table renamed. Column renamed. Audit created. Audit dropped. Table recovered. Table checked. Table repaired. Table altered. Statistics updated. Database closed. %d row(s) deleted. %d row(s) updated. Started transaction. Data committed. Transaction rolled back. Savepoint %d. Database started. Database rolled forward. View created. View dropped. Debug. Synonym created. Synonym dropped. Temporary table created. Lockmode set. Index altered. Isolation level set. Log set. Explain set. Schema created. Optimization level set. Procedure created. Procedure dropped. Constraint mode set. Procedure executed. Debug file for trace opened. Optical cluster created. Optical cluster altered. Optical cluster dropped. Reserved optical volume. Released optical volume. Mounting timeout set for optical media. Procedure Statistics updated. Trigger created. Trigger dropped. Cannot read network user authorization file. User not found in network user authorization file. User not authorized or too many entries in authorization file. Licensed IBM INFORMIX-SQL server not accessible. Authorization file not on licensed IBM INFORMIX-SQL server. Cannot locate sqlexec service/tcp service in /etc/services. Cannot locate database server (check DBPATH). Cannot create socket on current database server. Attempt to connect to database server (%s) failed. Invalid database name format. Cannot create an IBM INFORMIX-OnLine database from an IBM INFORMIX-SE client. System error - Cannot read from pipe. Network error - Could not write to database server. Network error - Could not read from database server. System error - Cannot write to pipe. Cannot create an IBM INFORMIX-SE database from an IBM INFORMIX-OnLine client. Cannot open /etc/mtab Must close current database before using a new database. Unexpected data received from another database server. System error. Wrong number of arguments to database server process. Cannot read host address in network data base. System error. Illegal or wrong number of arguments to sqlexec server. Cannot get name of current working directory. IBM INFORMIX is licensed to access the current database server only. IBM INFORMIX is not licensed to access the specified database server. The protocol type should be tcp. IBM INFORMIX-OnLine is not licensed for distributed data access. Exceeded limit on maximum number of servers you can reference. The database server is not licensed for distributed data access. Cannot connect to database server (%s). Cannot locate %s service/tcp service in /etc/services. Error on network connection, %s system call failed. Unknown network type specified in DBNETTYPE. Connection to remote site no longer valid. Cannot obtain IPX address for service name %s. Cannot find mount command. User is not known on remote host. User's password is not correct for the database server. Network server could not exec sqlexec program. Client is not known to database server. Database server could not receive data from client. Client is not in /etc/hosts.equiv on the remote host. QUERY: Subquery: Estimated Cost: %ld Estimated # of Rows Returned: %ld Union Query: Temporary Files Required For: REMOTE PATH SEQUENTIAL SCAN AUTOINDEX PATH INDEX PATH Remote SQL Request: Filters: (%d) Index Keys: (Key-Only) Lower Index Filter: Upper Index Filter: (Temp Table For View) agg cursor declaration(%s) hides outer declaration variable declaration(%s) hides outer declaration identifier(%s) is a variable, not a column SORT SCAN: MERGE JOIN Merge Filters: Other Join Filters: expression: for statement iteration of cursory procedure end cursor error string = trace expression : illegal trace option start select cursor. start procedure cursor. select cursor iteration. for loop variable evaluates to global variable default value raise exception : SQL error ISAM error Participant site %s heuristically rolled back. Prepared participant site %s did not respond. Prepared participant site %s not responding. Mixed transaction result. Possible mixed transaction result. Transaction heuristically rolled back. Line %d: exception : looking for handler exception : handler FOUND exception : no appropriate handler before actions: end before actions for each row actions: after actions: end for each row actions end after actions (Aggregate) Unknown error number %d. 0707070000000000231006440156500001460000010000000755366604700002100000255703release/ENGREL_5 ================================= RELEASE NOTES FOR IBM INFORMIX 5.20.UC2 PRODUCT RELEASE DATE: 10/17/02 ================================= TABLE OF CONTENTS I. OVERVIEW OF RELEASE NOTES II. PRODUCTS CONTAINED IN THE 5.20 SERVERS, CONNECTIVITY, & EMBEDDED PRODUCTS RELEASE III. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR DEVELOPERS USING 5.20 RELEASE SOFTWARE IV. IBM INFORMIX DATABASE SERVER PRODUCTS V. IBM INFORMIX EMBEDDED LANGUAGES VI. IBM INFORMIX CONNECTIVITY PRODUCTS VII. MAINTENANCE SPECIFIC RELEASE NOTES VIII. GREATER THAN 2GB CHUNK OFFSET IX. ENHANCED PIPE CONNECTIVITY X. INTERPRETATION OF TWO DIGIT YEARS WITHIN OBJECTS XI. DBDATE CHECK WITH ESQLC/DBACCESS XII. PRODUCT DEFICIENCIES I. OVERVIEW OF RELEASE NOTES The purpose of these release notes is to make the user aware of changes in products that might affect existing applications. The release notes contain information on changes from previous versions, known problems, and workarounds. Problem IDs are assigned to known problems to assist you in identifying the problems to Client Services personnel. The release notes document is not intended to be all-inclusive; it is a tool to assist you in the update process. Please consult Informix product manuals for additional information on product features and for clarification of product behavior. II. PRODUCTS CONTAINED IN THE 5.20 SERVERS, CONNECTIVITY, & EMBEDDED PRODUCTS RELEASE The following products are contained in the 5.20 servers and connectivity products release: Product Name Generic Name ------------ ------------ IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C Application Development Tool IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Database Server Product IBM INFORMIX-NET Client/Server Product IBM INFORMIX-STAR Client/Server Product The following major features were introduced in the 5.x servers, connectivity, and embedded products release: IBM INFORMIX-OnLine: > 2GB Chunk Offset Integrity Constraints Stored Procedures Optimizer Enhancement DB-Access Triggers (5.01 and greater) Enhanced Pipe Support Parallel Index Build NIST Compliance IBM INFORMIX-STAR: Two-Phase Commit Multi-Site Update IBM INFORMIX-NET: Relay Module IBM INFORMIX-ESQL Products: Dynamic SQL X/Open Interface IBM INFORMIX-OnLine/Optical WORM Interface IBM INFORMIX-TP/XA III. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR DEVELOPERS USING 5.x RELEASE SOFTWARE IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C =================== It is advisable to initialize host variables before using them, otherwise the results can be undefined. COMPATIBILITY OF APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT TOOLS AND DATABASE SERVERS =================================================================== An older version of an application development tool (Versions 4.0 and 4.1) will work with a 5.x database server product. All that is necessary to realize the improvements in the new version of the database server product is to install the database server products and continue using the same application development tool(s). This means it will not be necessary to recompile applications to upgrade to the latest version of the database server. Some new database server product features require new functionality in the application development tools before they can be accessed. For example, the introduction of the Relay Module in IBM INFORMIX-NET is not supported in a Version 4.X of an application development tool. While the Version 5.x products support this new functionality, older application development tools cannot take advantage of this feature. DB-Access and the embedded language products (IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C, IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL, IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN ), except IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/Ada, are part of the 5.x database server and embedded products release. These utilities and products will, therefore, support the IBM INFORMIX-NET capability such as the Relay Module. ORDER OF INSTALLATION ===================== The order of installation for Informix products is important. Refer to the following steps in addition to the steps outlined in the appropriate installation guide to ensure proper installation: 1. If an application development tool or embedded language product from a version prior to 5.x is being used, it must be installed before all Version 5.x products are installed. 2. Next, all Version 5.x application development tools and embedded language products should be installed. 3. Once all of the tools and language products are installed, the Version 5.x database products should be installed. 4. If installing IBM INFORMIX-OnLine/Optical, the product must be installed after IBM INFORMIX-OnLine, but before IBM INFORMIX-STAR, if being used in a distributed environment. 5. If installing IBM INFORMIX-TP/XA, you must first install IBM INFORMIX-OnLine. 6. If you are installing Informix client/server products (IBM INFORMIX-NET or IBM INFORMIX-STAR), they must be installed after their corresponding database server product. If you are installing IBM INFORMIX-NET on your client and intend to use the Relay Module feature, IBM INFORMIX-SE is not required. If you re-install a database server product, you must re-install corresponding client/server products, IBM INFORMIX-TP/XA and IBM INFORMIX-OnLine/Optical where appropriate. For installation instructions pertaining to the following products, please refer to their respective Configuration and Installation Guides and User Manuals for specific instructions: IBM INFORMIX-NET (see UNIX Products Installation Guide) IBM INFORMIX-OnLine/Optical IBM INFORMIX-TP/XA For those users taking advantage of the new Informix Messages and Corrections product (the postscript version of the error messages manual), the product contains 2.7 Megabytes of postscript files. Ensure that sufficient disk space is available prior to installation. For those users taking advantage of the new IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Workstation Manual, the product contains 9.0 Megabytes of files. Ensure that sufficient disk space is available prior to installation. COMPATIBILITY ITEMS FOR EXISTING APPLICATIONS ============================================= Some of the changes, bug fixes or enhancements made in Version 5.x could potentially require changes to existing applications. We expect that incompatibilities will be rare; however, we are providing the information so you can determine if you have any applications that may require updating. Many of the following items have references to additional information contained in the documentation. 1. Prior to Version 4.1, the database server products allowed explicit table name qualification (.) in the column list of INSERT statements and the SET clause of UPDATE statements. For example, INSERT INTO tab (tab.col1, tab.col2) VALUES (1, 2); UPDATE tab SET tab.col = 10; The above syntax is incompatible with the ANSI standard, so Version 4.10.UD1 was modified to return a syntax error if a column was explicitly qualified with a table name in these contexts. The modified syntax which produces results equivalent to the above syntax is as follows: INSERT INTO tab (col1, col2) VALUES (1, 2); UPDATE tab SET col = 10; However, due to backward compatibility problems that this change imposed, in versions later than Version 4.10.UD2, and in Version 5.0, the table.column syntax is allowed again. If the user has the environment variable DBANSIWARN set or uses the -ansi option at runtime, an ANSI warning is returned to the user when s/he uses the above non-ANSI syntax. 2. New syntax has been introduced to support the creation of private synonyms in non-ANSI databases. A private synonym can only be accessed by the owner of the synonym, or by explicitly naming the owner of the private synonym. Existing synonyms in non-ANSI databases are public synonyms and can be accessed by all users. In ANSI databases, synonyms are always private. If a public and a private synonym have the same name, precedence is given to the private synonym. Prior to Version 4.0, synonyms were always private. A change was made in Version 4.00.UC1 that created some problems with backward compatibility. This has been corrected and now private synonyms are supported again in non-ANSI databases. The new syntax is as follows: CREATE [PUBLIC | PRIVATE] SYNONYM [owner.] FOR [dbname[@sitename]:][owner.]
3. In Version 4.1 of the database server products, a change was made to return error -360 (Cannot modify table or view used in subquery.) if you attempted a delete that contained a subquery that references the table being deleted. This conforms to the ANSI standard: prior behavior was a product deficiency in the previous versions of our software. In versions prior to 4.1, such a subquery could return unpredictable results depending on the physical sequence of affected rows. Version 4.1 and higher return the -360 error, thereby ensuring integrity. This modification was also made to resolve some inconsistencies between SELECT, DELETE, and INSERT. 4. There is a new command-line option introduced for static cursor names and statement-id names to be consistent with the behavior of case sensitivity in the Informix Embedded products, Version 4.1. In the following example, $prepare st from "select * from tab1"; $prepare ST from "insert into tab2 values (1,2)"; $declare curname cursor for st; $declare CURNAME cursor for ST; Informix embedded products, Version 4.1 did not return an error in the case of the statement-id and cursor names. In Version 5.0, this syntax is not allowed as both the cursor names and statement-id names are now case insensitive. The database server products have always treated the cursor names as case insensitive. If this change presents a compatibility problem for existing embedded language applications, you may instruct the preprocessor to be sensitive to case differences in statement-id and cursor names, effectively retaining the 4.X behavior. To do so, specify the -cs parameter in your preprocessor command line. However, we do not recommend using this new option except as a temporary solution, as it will be removed in Version 6.0 and later releases. Please make a note to change your applications accordingly. Note that dynamically named cursors and statement-ids have always been case insensitive. 5. You should be aware of the following potential compatibility issues if you have been using IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL Version 4.0 or 4.1 and are upgrading to Version 5.x: A. The default compiling mode is normal mode. You can set an IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL program to X/Open mode by passing the -xopen option to the esqlcobol compiler script as shown in Chapter 1 of the IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL Programmer's Manual. When the esqlcobol compiler script is invoked with the -xopen flag, the X/Open SQL codes are used when a GET DESCRIPTOR or SET DESCRIPTOR statement is executed. *If you use the -xopen flag in an ESQL/COBOL program, you must recompile all previous .eco modules to make use of the new dynamic SQL statements. This must be done to maintain backward compatibility. *If you do not use -xopen flag in your current ESQL/COBOL programs, you do not have to recompile existing programs. B. If you compile with the -ansi flag, esqlcobol generates warning messages on the screen when compiling a program that contains Informix extensions to ANSI standard syntax or ANSI reserved words used as identifiers. If both the -ansi and -xopen flags are used, warnings are generated for both. You might not be able to distinguish between the two types of warnings. 6. Beginning with Version 5.0, when a statement is prepared and executed, the database server performs extra validation checks to make sure that each time the prepared statement is executed, the information gathered at preparation time is still valid. If a DROP TABLE, ALTER TABLE, or RENAME TABLE statement affects a table referenced in the statement, the prepared statement is invalidated. If the statement is invalid, an error is returned, and the user must reprepare the statement. For example, in the following sample ESQL/C program, the open of the cursor will now return an error because the table is dropped after the statement is prepared. $prepare qid from "select * from tab"; $drop table tab; $create table tab(a int); $declare c cursor for qid; $open xx; /* this will return an error -242 or -710 */ 7. Currently Version 5.x conforms with the ANSI SQL89 standard, dated August 1987. Thus, for views created with the WITH CHECK OPTION, the insert statement below succeeds. In other words, a data row inserted into a view created with the WITH CHECK OPTION must result in the WHERE clause of the view definition evaluating to true or unknown. CREATE TABLE t(a int); CREATE VIEW v AS SELECT * FROM t WHERE a > 10 WITH CHECK OPTION; INSERT INTO v VALUES(NULL); Subsequently, the SQL89 standard has been changed to correct an errata. As a result of this correction, the insert above should now fail. In other words, rows inserted into views created with the WITH CHECK OPTION must result in the WHERE clause of the view definition evaluating to true and only true. In order to conform with the corrected ANSI standard, in a future version, the insert statement above will no longer succeed. 8. Due to certain limitations in the Version 4.0 application development tools and database server products, certain statements used within a client/server environment render unexpected results if Version 4.0 application development tools are used in conjunction with Version 4.1 or Version 5.x database server products. If the user attempts to create a database in the root directory on a remote server, the user may see a -330: Cannot create database. Always specify a full pathname, or create the database locally on the remote server. If the user attempts to close a database, a -457: SQL engine terminated unexpectedly may occur. This may cause some inconveniences in applications where error handling is being utilized to trap errors. To alleviate these problems, it is recommended to maintain only Version 4.1 and Version 5.x products in a client/server environment. 9. The following is a list of the compatibility issues for triggers between 5.0X(where X is greater than or equal to 1) and 5.0 servers: A. Triggers and Cursor Operations When a 5.0 database server performs a cursor operation that activates a trigger on a 5.0X database server, the 5.0X database server returns an error. A 5.0 database server is not able to send a message that the 5.0X database server needs to process triggers correctly for a cursor operation. B. Stored Procedures as Triggered Actions When you use a stored procedure as a triggered action and the procedure is not part of a DML statement, a 5.0X database server returns an error if the procedure is a remote procedure that will execute on a 5.0 database server. The 5.0 database server is not able to receive a message that the 5.0X database server normally sends to ensure that the procedure executes properly. C. Cascading Triggers If a 5.0X version of IBM INFORMIX-OnLine executes a remote statement on a 5.0 version of OnLine as part of a triggered action, and if logging is specified, the maximum number of cascading triggers becomes 5 rather than 61. This is due to the limit of savepoints in version 5.0 of IBM INFORMIX-OnLine. If logging is not specified, the maximum number of cascading triggers remains 61. If the maximum number of triggers are exceeded in this case, the database server returns ISAM error -124 rather than SQL error -748 ("Exceeded limit on maximum number of cascaded triggers"). The returned SQL error indicates only that the triggered statement failed. 10. Stored procedures created using a pre-5.02 database server will generate an error when run on a database server that is version 5.02 or later. You can avoid this error by executing the following SQL statement, substituting the name of your procedure for UPDATE STATISTICS FOR PROCEDURE FAST INDEX BUILD ==================== Informix Version 5.0 introduces a way to improve the performance for index creation on large tables. Prior to OnLine Version 5.0, OnLine read each row in the table sequentially and added its key value to the index being built. The first step in creating an index on a large table now involves sorting the index key values. This significantly reduces the amount of i/o during the index build. Fast indexing is the default for tables with more than 500 rows and 30 OnLine data pages. To disable fast indexing and revert to the previous method for index creation you can set NOSORTINDEX as an environment variable before you begin your session. The index key values are sorted using files in /tmp or another directory you can specify by setting DBTEMP. There will be at least one file created whose size can be calculated as follows: (size of key value in bytes + 4) * number of rows in table For machines with multiple processors, the key value sort can benefit from the use of the parallel sort facility in Version 5.0. See the IBM INFORMIX-OnLine Administrator's Guide for documentation on how to make use of this feature. CONVERSION OF LOCKING METHODOLOGY ================================= To determine if the locking mechanism has changed for your platform, refer to the ISAM_5 file in the C-ISAM installation directory or the SE_5 file in the $INFORMIXDIR/release directory for details. This change has also been made to versions later than Version 4.10.UD1. For C-ISAM and IBM INFORMIX-SE, record-level locking can be implemented using any one of several different methods. The locking method is chosen for each given platform after evaluating several criteria, including system call support, reliability, and performance. There are safeguards built into C-ISAM Versions 4.0 and higher that forbid the use of a C-ISAM program (or the IBM INFORMIX-SE database server) which uses a locking method different from the method used when the files were created. This prevents mixing product versions that would not recognize each others' locks; without this safeguard, corruption could result. Sometimes, for reasons relating to performance, reliability, and/or functionality (e.g. support for LOCK MODE WAIT), we change the locking method used in a new release for a given platform. The safeguards mentioned above would prevent the new version from being used with files or tables created using the older version. Therefore, with C-ISAM and IBM INFORMIX-SE Version 5.0, we have introduced a new feature to allow a user to request automatic conversion of the locking method in an otherwise transparent fashion. This one-way automatic conversion is triggered by setting and exporting the environment variable RESETLOCK. (RESETLOCK must simply be set; it can have any value, or no value.) Changes Summary --------------- If C-ISAM files or IBM INFORMIX-SE tables are accessed using a locking method different from that which they were created with, and the RESETLOCK variable is not set, the user will get an error: -171: isam file format change detected To enable the automatic conversion, RESETLOCK must be set and exported in the environment in the manner appropriate for the shell in use: Bourne shell: RESETLOCK= export RESETLOCK C shell: setenv RESETLOCK The first user (with access privileges) that opens the C-ISAM file (or SE table) using the newer version and who has RESETLOCK set will cause the ISAM file header to be updated to note the new locking format. From that time forward, that file can be opened only using the new version. To use this new environment variable in a client/server environment, set RESETLOCK in the environment before your start the "sqlexecd" daemon on the server. Conversion Recommendations -------------------------- To prevent problems with mixing versions and to avoid confusion among users, we recommend that the DBA or systems administrator force the conversion for all C-ISAM files (including SE tables) at once, then remove the C-ISAM executable programs immediately afterward. The actual opening of files to trigger the conversion can be accomplished using any of the following methods. Be sure that RESETLOCK is set in the environment before proceeding. For SE tables: as user "informix", run UPDATE STATISTICS in every SE database on the system. For C-ISAM files or SE tables: as user "informix" or "root", run the bcheck utility: bcheck -inq filename [filename2 ...] where: filename = the base file name of the C-ISAM file, with no extension or the .idx extension (extension is ignored). Multiple C-ISAM file names may be specified with each bcheck command. This latter method can be used in tandem with a find(1) command to search-and-convert all C-ISAM files on a given system. If there are no files named with a .idx suffix that you did *not* want to convert, the following could be used: find / -name "*.idx" -exec bcheck -inq {} \; TEMP TABLE CREATIONS ==================== Since "tmpfs" file systems do not support file and record locking, you cannot use "tmpfs" file systems for C-ISAM files or SE tables. This includes temporary tables; do not set DBTEMP to a directory in a "tmpfs" file system. IV. IBM INFORMIX DATABASE SERVER PRODUCTS IMPORTANCE OF RUNNING UPDATE STATISTICS ======================================= As with every version, it is particularly important to run the UPDATE STATISTICS command occasionally (more frequently when there is a great deal of data manipulation occurring). This command updates the statistics used by the optimizer. The optimizer determines the most effective method for retrieving data from the database. Because the optimizer is cost-based, the statistics it uses (number of rows, minimum or maximum value in an index column, and so on) should be as up-to-date as possible. KEYWORD LIMITATIONS =================== In Version 5.0, with the introduction of referential and entity integrity and stored procedures, new keywords were introduced to the SQL language. As a result, certain uses of these new keywords may now result in ambiguities that did not exist prior to Version 5.0. For example, the following statement now returns a syntax error because "check" is an SQL keyword; in the following context, it can be interpreted as being part of a check constraint definition. CREATE TABLE tab (check INT); For a complete list of keyword limitation, refer to "The Informix Guide to SQL: Reference" Manual, Chapter 7. LOGICAL LOGGING CONSIDERATIONS FOR SOME DDL AND DML STATEMENTS IN ONLINE ======================================================================== IBM INFORMIX-OnLine requires transactions to complete within a certain percentage of the logical log space. This is controlled by two optional tbconfig variables (LTXHWM and LTXEHWM, defaults 50 and 60) but imposes some restrictions on the following DML and DDL statements which do a considerable amount of logging. Correlated Subqueries --------------------- SQL statements which include correlated subqueries often build and erase a temporary table for each row in the dominant table. In databases with logging, these builds and erases are logged. Plan for at least 128 bytes of log space for each dominant table row. Adequate log space can, of course, prevent this from being a problem. In cases where a very large table is the dominant table, you may consider rewriting those statements with correlated subqueries to use joins instead. SQL Statements -------------- The SQL statements 'ALTER TABLE', 'ALTER INDEX', 'TO CLUSTER', and 'CREATE CLUSTER INDEX' are performed by creating a new table and copying row by row from the original table to the new table before dropping the original. In databases with logging, an insert is logged for each row in the original table. Plan for at least 30 bytes plus the new table's row size for each row in the table. There will also be a negligible amount of one-time overhead logged for system catalog changes and the builds and drops of new and old TBLSpaces. Again, adequate log space can prevent this from being a problem. As an alternative, however, when an extremely large table must be altered you can turn logging off for the database through tbmonitor or tbtape prior to the statement. Remember that you must take an archive before you can turn database logging back on. Informix is considering enhancements in a future version to reduce the log requirements for these statements. KEY LOCKING IN ONLINE ===================== The Informix-OnLine locking strategy has 3 objectives beyond the most basic locking goals: - prevent the 'twin paradox' of unique indexes - guarantee repeatable readability - prevent updates, deletes and committed selects from missing any uncommitted changes by another user. These objectives are achieved by implementing index key locking along with row locking in many cases. Key locking is performed according to the following matrix: Right Current key Adjacent key Released when ... -------------- --------------- --------------- SELECT w/ COMMITTED READ S lock test n/a CURSOR STABILITY S lock Fetch Next REPEATABLE READ S lock Commit/Rollback INSERT X lock X lock test Commit/Rollback DELETE X lock test X lock Commit/Rollback Note: S = Shared (compatible with other shared locks) X = Exclusive (incompatible with all other lock types) test = never really acquired but will detect the presence of an incompatible lock While this strategy accomplishes the three objectives, it introduces concurrency issues such that an insert will encounter a lock if the key value to the immediate right of any of the keys in the new row has not been committed. Similarly, a delete will encounter a lock if the key value to the immediate right of any of the keys in the deleted row has not been committed. Updates are also affected because an update of a key value is performed by first inserting the new value, then deleting the old value. In each case, OnLine responds to locks by either waiting, if you've executed SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT, or by returning the isam error -144, "Key value locked". ADDITIONAL FEATURE FUNCTIONALITY ================================ Sort Merge Joins ---------------- Sort merge is a new table join technique implemented in Version 5.0. Sort merge join provides an alternative to the existing nested loop table join where temporary indexes are used. The query optimizer will choose the best path of execution to produce the fastest possible join: either loop join, sort merge, or a combination of the two. Loop joins will create a temporary table and index on the inner table of a join, if such an index does not already exist. A sort merge join instead sorts either one or both of the tables involved in the join. Consequently, if sort merge joins are chosen, sort temp space is required rather than temp space within dbspaces (in the case of IBM INFORMIX-OnLine). The sort temp space is determined by the value of DBTEMP. Unique Constraints ------------------ In Version 5.0, database server products no longer require that a user drop a unique index before creating a unique constraint on the same set of columns. For example, the following sequence of statements will now work. Unique constraints can now coexist with unique indexes. CREATE TABLE tab(a INT); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_tab ON tab(a); ALTER TABLE tab ADD CONSTRAINT UNIQUE(a); If the constraint "a" is later dropped, the "i_tab" index remains. New System Catalog Tables ------------------------- Ten new system catalog tables have been introduced in Version 5.0 of the database server products (only eight in IBM INFORMIX-SE). For more information, please refer to Chapter 2 in "The Informix Guide to SQL: Reference" for additional information. The new catalogs are: sysreferences -- referential constraints syschecks -- check constraints sysdefaults -- default values syscoldepend -- check constraint dependencies sysprocedures -- stored procedures sysprocbody -- stored procedure contents sysprocplan -- query plans for stored procedures sysprocauth -- privileges for stored procedures sysblobs -- blob storage information (OnLine only) sysopclstr -- optical clusters (OnLine only) In addition, the widths of the "tabauth" column in systabauth and the "colauth" column in syscolauth have increased by one character. This was necessary to store the additional references privilege required for referential integrity. The new system catalog tables are automatically created the first time the user opens an existing database using a 5.x database server product. The two existing character columns are increased in width also at this time. Once the database has been converted, you can no longer use a Version 4.1 database server product. Triggers -------- An SQL trigger is a mechanism that automatically sets off a specified set of SQL statements when a triggering event occurs on a table. It enables you to automate logically related changes to the database. Triggers are stored in the database and, therefore, can reduce the amount of code that is required in programs that interact with the database. Two SQL statements, CREATE TRIGGER and DROP TRIGGER, allow you to create triggers on and drop triggers from tables, respectively. Two system catalog tables, systriggers and systrigbody, store information about the triggers in the database. IBM INFORMIX-TP/XA ================== In order to take advantage of the capabilities of IBM INFORMIX-TP/XA, you must use IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C Version 5.0, therefore support for earlier versions of embedded language products is not supported. GTRID_CMP_SZ is a new parameter added to the tbconfig.std file which needs to be set when using IBM INFORMIX-OnLine and IBM INFORMIX-TP/XA in conjunction with a transaction manager. GTRID_CMP_SZ specifies the number of bytes in the GTRID (global transaction identifier) which will be compared to determine equality between two different GTRIDs. The default value for this parameter is 32 bytes. GTRID_CMP_SZ should be set to the number of bytes the Transaction Manager's (TM) GTRID can be compared to. At the time of this release, GTRID_CMP_SZ should be set to 12 bytes if using AT&T Tuxedo /T and is 32 bytes if using any other supported TM. If you have any question about the appropriate value for GTRID_CMP_SZ for your particular TM, please consult your TM vendor for more information. Use of IBM INFORMIX-STAR Within an XA Environment ------------------------------------------------- IBM INFORMIX-STAR is NOT currently supported within an XA environment. The first time a remote site is accessed under XA, the following error will be issued: -926 IBM INFORMIX-OnLine is not licensed for distributed data access. LIMITS IN IBM INFORMIX-SE ========================= Number of tables locked by user: 32 Number of cursors per user: machine specific Number of bytes in key:120 Number of key parts: 8 LIMITS IN IBM INFORMIX-OnLine ============================= Maximum Capacity System-Level Parameters Per Computer System ----------------------------------------------------------------- IBM INFORMIX-OnLine systems per computer..................... 255 (Dependent on available system resources) Maximum number of accessible remote sites ...... machine specific Maximum Capacity Table-Level Parameters (based on 2K page size) per Table ----------------------------------------------------------------- Data rows.......................................... 4,278,190,080 Data pages............................................ 16,777,216 Data bytes........................................ 33,822,867,456 (excludes Binary Large OBjects, BLOBs) Binary Large OBject bytes.................................. 2**31 Row length................................................ 32,767 Number of columns......................................... 32,767 Indexes...................................................... 100 Columns per index............................................. 16 Bytes per index.............................................. 255 Maximum Capacity Access Capabilities per IBM INFORMIX-OnLine System ----------------------------------------------------------------- Maximum databases per OnLine system.......................... 100 Maximum tables per OnLine system...................... 16,777,216 Maximum active users per OnLine system...................... 1000 Maximum active users per database and table................. 1000 (Also limited by the number of available locks, a tunable parameter) Maximum number of open tables per OnLine system........... 32,000 Maximum number of open tables per user and join........ TBLSPACES (Subject to the value set in the TBLSPACES field of TBCONFIG) Maximum locks per OnLine system and database........... 8,000,000 Maximum number of buffers................................ 512,000 Maximum number of page cleaners............................... 32 Maximum number of recursive synonym mappings.................. 16 Number of tables locked by user............................... 32 Number of cursors per user.................................... 64 Maximum size of blob table.................., ............... int Maximum size of user table................................... 32K Maximum size of logical log partition............ 1,000,000 pages Maximum number of open BLOBs.................................. 20 Maximum number of B-tree levels............................... 10 IBM INFORMIX-OnLine System Defaults ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table lock mode............................................. Page Initial extent size...................................... 8 Pages Next extent size......................................... 8 Pages Read-only isolation level......................... Committed Read (w/ database transactions) Read-only isolation level........................ Repeatable Read (MODE ANSI database) DB-Monitor ----------------------------------------------------------------- Number of displayed chunks.................................... 50 Number of displayed dbspaces.................................. 50 Number of displayed databases................................ 100 Number of displayed logical logs.............................. 50 Number of displayed users.................................... 100 V. IBM INFORMIX EMBEDDED LANGUAGES COMPILING AND UPGRADING ESQL/C APPLICATIONS =========================================== The esql command executes a script that ensures appropriate libraries will be linked into the resulting program. The libraries referenced by the esql script may change across versions of ESQL/C. If makefiles are used for compiling an application, it is recommended that the esql script be referenced directly within the makefile. This supported compilation practice will prevent difficulties that could otherwise be encountered during an upgrade. Scope of SQL statement identifiers ================================== In Informix embedded SQL products Version X.10.03 and earlier, prepared SQL statement names and cursor names (as specified in the PREPARE and DECLARE statements) were local to the compilation unit (i.e., .eco source module) in which they were defined. A cursor or prepared statement declared in any paragraph in that source file could be used by any other paragraph in that same source file, but it could not be referenced from other source files. This practice is consistent with the other Informix embedded SQL products and with IBM INFORMIX-4GL. This feature allowed programmers to use identical statement names in separate source files, with each file having its own object identified with that name. The base file name would be prepended to the internal statement name during the preprocessing phase so that the database engine would still be able to uniquely identify the statements. However, this functionality introduced some problems of its own. Since the database engine only recognizes the first 18 characters of a statement name, long source file names and/or statement names which were nonunique in the first few characters could cause the statement names to collide and be misassigned. In Version 4.0, this functionality was changed to consider all database server statement names to be global to the entire program. This practice avoids the disadvantages mentioned in the previous paragraph and is more in line with ANSI requirements. Although well-intentioned, this change can result in behavior changes in applications compiled from multiple source files that had similarly-named cursors or prepared SQL statements. In Version 5.0, we have introduced a new preprocessor option that restores the X.10.03 prepared statement and cursor naming conventions. By specifying the "-local" flag on the command line, the older convention for internally naming cursors and prepared statements can be chosen. Example: esqlcobol -local [other options] main.eco func1.eco func2.eco The COBOL objects main, func1, and func2 will then have their SQL cursor and prepared statement names internally prepended with the inode number of the files "main", "func1", and "func2", respectively. For example, I So, the preprocessor could generate the following name for cursor "cust_cur" while processing a file with inode number 12000: I2EE0cust_cur (2EE0 is hex number for 12000). If a cursor named "cust_cur" was defined in all three files, each would be recognized as a separate cursor by the database server. If longer names are truncated, an error will return if the resulting names are identical. DESCRIBE WITH FLOATS ==================== A DESCRIBE of a prepared statement such as the following: select f from tab where tab is defined as: create table tab ( ffloat ); will describe f as of type DECIMAL instead of FLOAT in some heterogeneous client/server configurations where the floating point formats of the two computers are different. One example of the format difference is the storage methods that the hardware employs. Some chip vendors use the IEEE floating formats, but one stores the float's most significant byte first while the other chip stores the most significant byte last. Some other hardware platforms use their own proprietary formats. Because of the potential problems converting between these known and unknown formats, we chose to use our own decimal format as the intermediary vehicle in transferring floating point data. Loading blobs in memory using locator structure ----------------------------------------------- Beginning with 5.07, when the locator is used for a fetch using loc_bufsize = -1 and loc_mflags = 0, memory is obtained using malloc, and loc_buffer and loc_bufsize are set. To fetch subsequent blobs of larger/smaller size, you must request the system to reallocate a memory buffer by setting loc_mflags to LOC_ALLOC and leaving loc_bufsize to the size of the currently allocated buffer. IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL ======================= Use the ECO-GST or ECO-SQC routine to check the SQLCODE of SQLCA when you call an ESQL/COBOL routine that does not have a STATUS parameter (i.e., ECO-DAT, ECO-DSH, ECO-USH). The ECO-GST routine was implemented in Version 4.0. It was modified and renamed ECO-SQC in Version 4.1. As the ECO-SQC routine has additional functionality, you are encouraged to replace occurrences of ECO-GST in your COBOL code with ECO-SQC, although both are supported in Version 5.0. Both routines are described in Chapter 2 of "The IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL Programmer's Manual". Unsupported routines in Ryan McFarland COBOL/85 ----------------------------------------------- The date manipulation routines: ECO-DAT ECO-DAY ECO-DEF ECO-FMT ECO-JUL ECO-LYR ECO-MDY ECO-STR ECO-TDY are not supported in IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL for use with the Ryan McFarland COBOL/85 cobol compiler. COMPILING AND UPGRADING ESQL/COBOL APPLICATIONS =============================================== Between maintenance releases, bug fixes and enhancements may be made to the ESQL/COBOL preprocessor and its supporting libraries. If any part of an existing application needs to be rebuilt after upgrading to a new maintenance release, the entire application should be recompiled from its base ESQL/COBOL source. In addition, a new "newrun" executable should be created with the "makerun" script, if applicable. This will ensure correct execution of the application. LIMITS IN IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C ============================= Size of host object name: 132 chars Size of host object subscript: 132 chars Size of indicator object name: 132 chars Size of value for fetch relative: 132 chars Size of SQL identifier (table name, etc): 132 chars Size of number constant: 132 chars Size of macro name: 132 chars Size of macro value: 132 chars Size of statement name: 132 chars Size of quoted string literal: 2048 chars Number of statement_ids: 64 Number of levels of host-language block nesting: 16 Number of levels of include-file nesting: 8 Length of line: 512 chars Size of statement label: 70 chars Number of nested records: 100 LIMITS IN IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL ================================= Size of host object name: 132 chars Size of host object subscript: 132 chars Size of indicator object name: 132 chars Size of Value for fetch relative: 132 chars Size of SQL identifier (table name, etc): 132 chars Size of number constant: 132 chars Size of macro name: 132 chars Size of macro value: 132 chars Size of statement name: 132 chars Size of quoted string literal: 256 chars Number of statement_ids: 64 Number of levels of host-language block nesting: 16 Number of levels of include-file nesting: 8 Length of line: 512 chars Size of statement label (sequence area): 6 chars Number of nested records: 100 LIMITS IN IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/FORTRAN =================================== Size of host object name: 132 chars Size of host object subscript: 132 chars Size of indicator object name: 132 chars Size of Value for fetch relative: 132 chars Size of SQL identifier (table name, etc): 132 chars Size of number constant: 132 chars Size of macro name: 132 chars Size of macro value: 132 chars Size of statement name: 132 chars Size of quoted string literal: 256 chars Number of statement_ids: 64 Number of levels of host-language block nesting: 16 Number of levels of include-file nesting: 8 Length of line: 512 chars Size of statement label: 5 chars Number of nested records: 100 IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C-ALL ======================= Esql/c-all is no longer supported in Version 5.x product. VI. IBM INFORMIX CONNECTIVITY PRODUCTS RELAY MODULE ============ Included with the IBM INFORMIX-NET Version 5.0 product is a new feature called the Relay Module. With the use of two new environment variables, SQLRMDIR and SQLRM, a user can create, access, or drop IBM INFORMIX-SE or IBM INFORMIX-OnLine databases on another machine without having a local database server process. The option to use this new feature is available through a new installation script provided with the IBM INFORMIX-NET Version 5.x product. For more information about the Relay Module, refer to your IBM INFORMIX-NET/IBM INFORMIX-STAR Installation and Configuration Guide. This feature is accessible only from Version 5.0 application development tools (listed in Section II above) and DB-Access. RFS SUPPORT ========== The Informix client/server products do not support RFS on platforms running AT&T System V, Release 3. INSTALLATION OF THE RELAY MODULE ================================ Refer to the $INFORMIXDIR/release/NET_5 file to determine which option to choose for the primary API appropriate for your platform. VII. MAINTENANCE SPECIFIC RELEASE NOTES =================================== IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C-ALL ======================= Beginning with Version 5.02, IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C-ALL is no longer supported. IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C-ALL customers should begin migrating applications to IBM INFORMIX-ESQL/C or other application development tools to ensure long-term application viability. IBM INFORMIX-Ada/SAME ===================== This product was first introduced in 1993 after the first offering of the Servers Version 5.0 release. Starting with 5.10, this product will no longer be supported. NETWORK PROTOCOL SUPPORT ======================== Beginning with Version 5.02, IBM INFORMIX-NET and IBM INFORMIX-STAR now support IPX/SPX on designated platforms. Please consult your $INFORMIXDIR/release/NET_5 file to see if your platform supports this new network protocol. However, there is a known product deficiency that the user should be aware of before preparing his/her network to support this new protocol. If an IBM INFORMIX-NET or IBM INFORMIX-STAR user interrupts an ongoing query, the remote server is informed to terminate using an expedited data packet. In the case of the IPX/SPX protocol, there is no support for expedited data. Hence, when an IBM INFORMIX-NET or IBM INFORMIX-STAR product based on IPX/SPX protocol is used and if the user interrupts a remote server query (or distributed database query), the query will not be terminated. Subsequent results may be unpredictable. From release 5.08.UD1 onwards, Informix no longer intends to support the Novell IPX/SPX protocol. LICENSING ADMINISTRATION ======================== Beginning with Version 5.02, the licensing administration utilities that were available in the Servers Version 5.01 release are no longer supported. CURSOR DECLARATION ================== Beginning with Version 5.02, in order to address a deficiency with the SQL interface causing a considerable amount of memory consumption during cursor usage in an application, now when a database is closed, all associated cursors and statement ids are freed. If the user wants to re-use the cursors after a CLOSE DATABASE statement, the application must explicitly re-DECLARE the cursors. This scheme was not enforced til Version 5.02 release, but it was declared a major deficiency that needed to be corrected in order free all memory associated with the use of cursors. DATE MANIPULATION ================= Beginning with Version 5.03, the date manipulation is handled in a more flexible way: if you insert a string value which includes a 3-letter month (e.g. "Dec 25 94") into a date column, the date string is searched for any alphabetic month name first and then the other components are identified. For example, create table tab( c1 date); insert into tab values("Dec 25 94"); will no longer return error -1218 and the correct value will be inserted. insert into tab values("25 Dec 94"); insert into tab values("xxxDecxxx 25 94"); will also work, even with default DBDATE "mdy4/". the correct value of "Dec 25 94" will be inserted. If your DBDATE is set to "mdy2/" (allocating 2 digits for the year) and you "insert into tab values("12/31/1994")", the date will be accepted and SELECT will return 2 digits for the year to match the desired DBDATE format. As a result of this bug fix, in some cases where you would have received error codes -1204 or -1205, you will receive error code -1218. In addition, the following ESQL/C call will not return error code -1218 and instead will convert the date properly: rstrdate("Dec 25 94", &dt); This change is propagated in all the Embedded and Server products. YEAR 2000 SUPPORT (DBCENTURY) ============================= Till now, the present century was used to extend the year in a date or datetime value with less than 4 digits for the year field. With the DBCENTURY support it would be possible to choose either the present, previous or the future century to extend the year. Three new algorithms have been introduced for this purpose. A new environment variable DBCENTURY has been introduced in this release which can be set to a single letter 'P', 'F', 'C', 'R' to indicate the algorithm to be used for extension. 'P' - Past 'F' - Future 'C' - Closest 'R' - Present There are two ways to specify the algorithm for century extension: 1. DBCENTURY environment variable 2. System default - Present Algorithms for Century Extension -------------------------------- 1. DBCENTURY=P - Past ------------------ The past and present centuries are used to extend the year value. These two dates are compared with the current date and the date which is prior to the current date is chosen. If both dates are prior to the current date, whichever is closer is chosen. Examples -------- Example data type: date Current date : 4/6/1996 User enters : 1/1/10 Previous century extension : 1/1/1810 Present century extension : 1/1/1910 Analysis : Both results are prior to the currend date, but 1/1/1910 is closer. Result : 1/1/1910 Example data type: date Current date : 4/6/2010 User enters : 1/1/05 Previous century extension : 1/1/1905 Present century extension : 1/1/2005 Analysis : Both dates are prior to the current date, but 1/1/2005 is closer Result : 1/1/2005 Example data type : date Current date : 4/6/2010 User enters : 1/1/50 Previous century extension : 1/1/1950 Present century extension : 1/1/2050 Analysis : Only 1/1/1950 is prior to the current date Result : 1/1/1950 Example data type : datetime year to month Current date : 4/6/1996 User enters : datetime(1-1) year to month Previous century extension : 1801-1 Present century extension : 1901-1 Analysis: Both dates are prior to the current date, but 1901-1 is closer Result: 1901-1 2. DBCENTURY=F - Future -------------------- The present and next centuries are used to extend the year value. These two dates are compared with the current date and the date which is after the current date is chosen. If both dates are after the current date, whichever is closer is chosen. Examples -------- Example data type : date Current date : 4/6/1996 User enters : 1/1/90 Present century extension : 1/1/1990 Next century extension : 1/1/2090 Analysis : 1/1/2090 is after the current date Result : 1/1/1990 Example data type : date Current date : 4/6/2051 User enters : 1/1/50 Present century extension : 1/1/2050 Next century extension : 1/1/2150 Analysis: 1/1/2150 is after the current date Result : 1/1/2150 Example data type : date Current date : 4/6/2010 User enters : 1/1/25 Present century extension : 1/1/2025 Next century extension : 1/1/2125 Analysis : Both dates are after the current date, but 1/1/2025 is closer. Result : 1/1/2025 Example data type : datetime year to month Current date : 4/6/1996 User enters : datetime(1-1) year to month Present century extension : 1901-1 Next century extension : 2001-1 Analysis : 2001-1 is after the current date. Result : 2001-1 3. DBCENTURY=C - Closest --------------------- The past, present and next centuries are used to extend the year value and the date which is closest to the current date is used. Examples -------- Example data type : date Current date : 4/6/1996 User enters : 1/1/1 Previous century extension : 1/1/1801 to 4/6/1996 is 71318 days Present century extension : 1/1/1901 to 4/6/1996 is 34794 days Next century extension : 1/1/2001 to 4/6/1996 is 1731 days Analysis : 1/1/2001 is closer to the current date Result : 1/1/2001 Example data type : date Current date : 2/1/2001 User enters : 4/1/95 Previous century extension : 4/1/1995 to 2/1/2001 is 2133 days Present century extension : 4/1/2095 to 2/1/2001 is 34392 days Next century extension : 4/1/2195 to 2/1/2001 is 70916 days Analysis : 4/1/1995 is closer to the current date Result : 4/1/1995 Example data type : datetime year to month Current date : 4/6/1996 User enters : datetime(1-1) year to month The number of months from the current date is calculated : Previous century extension : 1801-1 to 1996-4 is 2343 months Present century extension : 1901-1 to 1996-4 is 1143 months Next century extension : 2001-1 to 1996-4 is 57 months Analysis : 2001-1 is closer to the current date Result : 2001-1 4. DBCENTURY=R - Present --------------------- The present century will be used to extend the year Examples -------- Example data type : date Current date : 4/6/1996 User enters : 12/10/1 Result : 12/10/1901 Example data type : date Current date : 4/6/2010 User enters : 12/10/1 Result : 12/10/2001 Example data type : datetime year to month Current date : 4/6/1996 User enters : datetime(1-12) year to month Result : 1901-12 CREATING DATABASES WITH LOG USING IBM INFORMIX-SE ================================================= Beginning with Version 5.03, when you create a database with logging, using IBM INFORMIX-SE, you must specify the absolute path name for the log file. In the past, specifying the full path name was not required. The following statement will return error code -325 using IBM INFORMIX-SE Version 5.03: create database foo with log in "foo.log"; The above statement should be changed to: create database foo with log in "/tmp/foo.log"; ESCAPE CHARACTERS ================= Beginning with Version 5.03, any escape character at the end of a string pattern with nothing following it is treated like a "%". For example: create table tab ( c1 char(10)); insert into tab values ("Abbcc"); insert into tab values ("A"); select * from tab where c1 like "AA%%A" escape "A"; will return both rows and not just the first row. This change affects all Embedded Products. SET DESCRIPTOR ============== Beginning with Version 5.03, in a set descriptor statement, if you set ITYPE to 0 and ILENGTH to 0, the ILENGTH value might be set to 1 depending upon the IDATA value. This change affects all the Embedded products. NEW ERROR MESSAGE ================= Beginning with Version 5.03, the new and more explicit error message -710 is introduced: -710 Table table-name has been dropped, altered, or renamed. This error message is encountered in situations where after a statement is prepared and before the user executes, the table is renamed or altered. Under certain cases, you may get the new -710 error message instead of -206 or -242. For more information, see Section titled "COMPATIBILITY ITEMS FOR EXISTING APPLICATIONS". NEW BEHAVIOUR OF TBINIT ======================= Beginning with version 5.10, tbinit won't try to initialize the system by looking at tbconfig.std when it cannot find/read the TBCONFIG file. An error message will be emitted instead. This is consistent with 7.x behaviour. NEW DEFAULT VALUES FOR LTXHWM AND LTXEHWM ========================================= Beginning with Version 5.04, the default values for the configuration parameters LTXHWM and LTXEHWM have changed from 80 and 90 to 50 and 60, respectively. This eliminates risk of a long transaction having too little logspace in which to rollback. OnLine initialization will emit a warning if your ONCONFIG file contains values for these parameters greater than 50 and 60. The way to overcome these warnings is to reduce your parameters to conform. If your logspace is finely tuned such that your LTXHWM percentage represents precisely what your longest transaction requires, then you will need to add an amount to your log space equal to the difference between your current LTXHWM value and the recommended value of 50. NEW LIMIT FOR MAXIMUM LOCKS PER ONLINE SYSTEM ============================================= Beginning with Version 5.04, limit for the maximum number of locks per IBM INFORMIX-OnLine system is increased from 256,000 to 8,000,000. However, the maximum number of locks may be limited by available resources on the machine running IBM INFORMIX-OnLine. NEW INCREASED LIMIT FOR QUOTED STRING LENGTH ================================================ Beginning with Version 5.04, the maximum length of a quoted string is increased to 2048. If the quoted string length is more than 2048, then embedded preprocessor will return an error. This new increased limit can be utilized for bigger prepared statements. OPTICAL STAGEBLOB CACHING ========================= Beginning with Version 5.04, IBM INFORMIX-OnLine/Optical provides an in memory cache for the Optical StageBLob area that will allow write operation to the Optical platter to occur without first writing to disk when the amount of data is smaller than the cache. In the new implementation, the space will still be allocated in the StageBLob area but reads and writes will bypass the actual insertion of data into the blobspace unless the cache becomes full. This feature is required to improve the performance of writting blobs to optical subsystem. The value for SHMBASE may have to be increased for 5.0x server for large cache size and for multiple concurrent cache users. This may only be a problem for platforms where malloc'd data must fit between the text segment and SHMBASE. A new environment variable has been added to allow the user to set a default size of the cache for that instance of online. This environment variable is called INFORMIXOPCACHE and the value will be the size in K. If the environment variable is not set, the default value will be zero, and the cache will not be used. This environment variable need to be set at online initialization time to enable caching and to set a default cache value for all cache users. The INFORMIXOPCACHE environment variable may be set by the user before starting the client program if the cache size is to be other than the cache size specified at online initialization time. set INFORMIXOPCACHE= or setenv INFORMIXOPCACHE NEW IMPROVED ALGORITHM FOR ALTER TABLE WITH BLOBS ================================================= Beginning with Version 5.04, the "Alter table" command will use a more efficient algorithm to handle blobs. To alter a table, the engine creates a new table and removes the old table in some cases. For these cases the Online engine previously copied blob pages to new locations corresponding to the new table and then remove the pages corresponding to the old table. Instead, old pages are assigned to the new table without copying if all of following conditions are met. - Database has logging. - Blob column is in blobspace. - Blob column is on magnetic media. - Blob column remains in same blobspace after "alter table" This new algorithm will improve the performance of the "alter table" command in the above circumstances. NEW IMPROVED ALGORITHM TO OPTIMIZE MATCHES/LIKE CLAUSES ======================================================= Beginning with Version 5.04, a new improved algorithm is used to optimize queries with "MATCHES" and "LIKE" clauses. This new algorithm is used by both IBM INFORMIX-SE and IBM INFORMIX-OnLine. The old algorithm used constant default selectivity (1/5) for "MATCHES" and "LIKE" clauses as documented in the Informix Guide to SQL: Tutorial, Page: 4-16. The new algorithm uses the following factors to calculate selectivity for "MATCHES" and "LIKE" clauses: 1) The selectivity for "matches" or "like" clauses can be approximated by conjunction of "<" and ">". For example, the selectivity for Column matches "abcd*" can be approximated by the selectivity of Column > "abcd" and column < "abce" 2) Position of first wildcard character in the pattern string. 3) Whether column has an applicable index. 4) Matches/Like clauses without wildcard can be treated as "=". The new algorithm should improve performance by choosing a better path to process "MATCHES" and "LIKE" clauses. If for some reason you prefer the old algorithm and want to turn the new algorithm off, then you can set the environment variable INFORMIXNOOPTMAT. e.g. % setenv INFORMIXNOOPTMAT LOCKING IMPLICATION OF "SELECT COUNT(*)" WITHIN TRANSACTION =========================================================== Beginning with Version 5.04, if you do "select count(*)" on an OnLine table without a "where" clause within a transaction, the table will be locked in shared mode until the transaction is committed or rolled back. For example: Begin work; Select count(*) from customer; The shared lock on table "customer" won't be released until the end of the transaction. (Commit or Rollback). If you do not want to lock the entire table while doing "select count(*)" on a table within a transaction, you can use a dummy "where" clause. For example: Begin work; Select count(*) from customer where 1=1; CHECKING OF HOST VARIABLES FOR VALID VALUES =========================================== Beginning with Version 5.04, datetime and interval host variables are checked for valid values. Both IBM INFORMIX-SE and IBM INFORMIX-OnLine check for legal values in datetime and interval host variables. Decimal (Money, Numeric) host variables are not checked for legal values. i.e. A user can corrupt a decimal host variable structure and use it for an insert/update. CONSTRAINT CHECKING IN ONLINE DATABASES WITH LOGGING ==================================================== Beginning with Version 5.04, for OnLine databases with logging, constraints, if any are checked after doing an insert, delete or update on a table and not before. This change was made to enhance concurrency in multiple user environment. Before this fix an insert/delete/update was performed internally as follows: 1) Do constraint checking; 2) If constraints are not violated do insert/delete/update; Now it is done internally as follows for onLine databases with logging: 1) Do insert/delete/update; 2) Check constraints; 3) If any constraint is violated, then undo insert/delete/update; This change is totally transparent to users with only one side effect: In step (3) above, if a constraint is violated, all deleted or updated rows remain locked until the end of the transaction. This does not affect concurrency. ESQL/C ====== Beginning with Version 5.06, if the array size of a host variable is unknown a warning will be issued at compile time: "Warning -33208: Runtime error is possible because size of 'x' is unknown." This was previously occurring only for global and function parameter host variables. Beginning with Version 5.06, the warning will be issued for all host variables regardless of scope. ESQL/C has been modified to issue a warning for all array host variables. To use macros for array sizes, declare the macros using $ rather than # to avoid warnings. For example: use $define NAME_LEN 7 rather than #define NAME_LEN 7; DBLOAD ====== Beginning with Version 5.06, due to the fix for bug #36963 a new option, -k, has been added to dbload for locking tables in exclusive mode when loading the table. If multiple tables are being loaded, the lock is held on each table only for the duration of the load of that table. This reduces the number of locks needed as the whole table is locked instead of row or page level locking. Beginning with 5.07, due to the fix for bug# 20536, a new error message has been added "Cannot use synonym as a table name". This means that dbload will not load data into a synonym of a table. DBEXPORT ======== Beginning with 5.07, due to fix for bug# 38568, three new messages have been added for dbexport: "File size limit exceeded. Please increase hard resource limit using ulimit". "Could not get resource limit". "Could not set resource limit". When dbexport is unable to continue unloading the database to tape/disk file due to exceeding the maximum file size allowed for a process, it gives the message that the limit has been exceeded. You must first execute 'ulimit' to increase the hard resource limit. The current limit is called a soft limit and the maximum, a hard limit. The soft limit is less than or equal to the hard limit. An error is also reported when dbexport fails to get or set the limit, which can occur when the current limit exceeds the maximum limit or the effective user who tried to get/set is not the superuser. The above note for dbexport is not valid for HP-UX. If dbexport tries to write a file with more blocks than the limit set, the error: "Disk space full. Cannot write to file. Dbexport aborted" is returned. TBUNLOAD ======== Beginning with Version 5.06, tbunload locks all tables in database in shared mode while unloading a database. Similarly while unloading a single table it locks that table in shared mode. This allows other users to access that database or table in read only mode even when database or table is being unloaded. While trying to lock a table in shared mode, tbunload waits for 60 seconds before returning lock error. Because of this change users of tbunload might observe that it takes longer time before the message Please mount tape and press Return to continue... appears. This is because tbunload tries to acquire shared locks on all the tables in the database before proceeding. Based on the size of the database ( number of tables ) and the contention for locks it may take a while for tbunload to acquire all locks. In the event tbunload can't acquire a shared lock on all tables before starting unload, it will return with a lock error. For example, it may be the case that you get the table locked error message after a while because tbunload might have obtained locks on the first fifty tables and failed to obtain a lock on the fifty first table at which point it returns with an error. Tbunload may not be able to acquire a shared lock on the table if it has been locked exclusively by another user. Beginning with 5.07, tbunload -b 2 (a block size of 2) will return the error message: " Invalid block size. The block size must be > 2.". The '-b' option specifies in KB the block size of the tape device. For example, if the OS uses a 512 byte block size and OnLine has a 2K page size, then a block value of 4 will give the same 2K page size as Online. The value following the -b should be greater than 2 (4 or higher), when the page size of OnLine is 2k. When the OnLine page size is 4k, the block value should be 8 or higher. TBSTAT ====== Beginning with Version 5.06, due to the fix for bug # 30271 a new option, -G, has been added to tbstat to display GTRID (Global Transaction Identifiers) of transactions that have aborted. The displayed information will take the following format: Global Transaction Identifiers address abort GTRID x The "flag" under the "abort" column in the output indicates that the first GTRID identifies an "abort-only" transaction. DBACCESS ======== Beginning with 5.07, dbaccess has the capability to display FLOAT and SMALLFLOAT values with a maximum precision of 16 instead of 2. The total number of digits displayed by dbaccess is 14. Users can still give the precision as in FLOAT(n) but SQL will ignore this precision. For example, you might enter a value of 1.1 into a FLOAT field and, after processing the SQL statement, the database server might display this value as 1.10000001. For type DECIMAL, if the user does not specify precision, then a maximum of 16 digits will be displayed. The DBMONEY environment variable specifies the display format for three data types - money, decimal and float. This is now also documented in "Informix Guide to SQL - Reference" and "Informix Guide to SQL - Tutorial". IBM INFORMIX-SE =============== Beginning with Version 5.08, two error messages have been introduced in IBM INFORMIX-SE and the base product, CISAM. Error no. -186 -186 ISAM error : Check Index and data pointers for correctness. Rollback of delete statements may not be complete. Sanity check of indexes using bcheck or secheck is advisable. Error no. -990 -990 Recovered from dup value in UNIQUE INDEX column to complete rollback. The error message has been reflected in the isam.h and the isam.msg file appropriately. File isam.h #define ISRECOVER 186 File isam.iem -186 Check Data and Index pointers for correctness. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Beginning with 5.08, there is a change in the information given on Page no. 2-4 of the IBM INFORMIX-SE Administrator's guide . For table names with more than 5 characters, only the first 5 characters are preserved during the formation of the corresponding *.dat & *.idx files, the rest being truncated. For table names less than 5 characters, appropriate number of "_" characters will be appended to the table name to fill a 5 character table name field, followed by the table id. For a table id less than 5 digits, appropriate number of leading zeros would be added to make the final table id with 5 digits. For e.g.: --------- Table name | table id | *.dat/*.idx filename ------------------------------------------------------ abcdefg | 100 | abcde00100.dat/idx abc | 100 | abc__00100.dat/idx IBM INFORMIX-ISTAR ================== Beginning 5.08, the sqlexecd daemon will timeout after 1800 seconds, if no communication is received from the client during that period. The daemon will then give the following error message. "25546 The sqlexecd daemon timed out while processing a connection request." VIII. GREATER THAN 2GB CHUNK OFFSET ============================= Beginning 5.20.UC1, the OnLine enables you to add chunks with greater than 2GB offsets. This feature removes the 2 GB restriction on chunk offsets and will allow users to fully utilize the entire volume of the disk drives of size up to a maximum of 2TB. OnLine chunks are limited to a size of 2 gigabytes and CHUNK SIZE + OFFSET INTO DEVICE CANNOT EXCEED 2 TERRA BYTES. This feature is not supported for SCO OpenServer as the operating system does not support greater than 2GB file offsets. Hence, CHUNK SIZE + OFFSET INTO DEVICE CANNOT EXCEED 2 GIGABYTES. IX. ENHANCED PIPE CONNECTIVITY ========================== Beginning 5.11.UC2, the OnLine enables you to connect to Version 7.x tools when both server and client are installed in the same machine using unnamed pipes (Ref. Bug# 155465). New environment variable "INFORMIXONLINEDIR" has been introduced to enable this feature. Select one of these installation options: * Combined installation - when the client and server are installed in the same directory. * Separate installation - when the client and server are installed in different directories. Combined Installation --------------------- When the client and server are installed in the same directory, such as /usr/informix, your environment variables should be set to the following: setenv INFORMIXDIR /usr/informix setenv SQLEXEC $INFORMIXDIR/lib/sqlturbo setenv TERMCAP $INFORMIXDIR/etc/termcap setenv TBCONFIG tbconfig.eng setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $INFORMIXDIR/lib/tools:$INFORMIXDIR/lib: $INFORMIXDIR/lib/esql setenv INFORMIXSERVER on_eng setenv INFORMIXSQLHOSTS $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts.eng setenv PATH $INFORMIXDIR/bin:$INFORMIXDIR/lib:$PATH Assuming that the products are installed on a machine with the hostname "cheetah", the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts.eng might look like the following: on_eng onipcpip cheetah sqlturbo Separate Installation --------------------- When the client and server are installed in different directories, you must set the INFORMIXONLINEDIR environment variable in the client. Setting INFORMIXONLINEDIR will ensure that the client can locate the $TBCONFIG file in the server directory. Assuming that the client is installed in directory /usr/informix_client, your environment variables should be set to the following: setenv INFORMIXDIR /usr/informix_client setenv TERMCAP $INFORMIXDIR/etc/termcap setenv INFORMIXONLINEDIR /usr/informix_server setenv TBCONFIG tbconfig.eng setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $INFORMIXDIR/lib/tools:$INFORMIXDIR/lib: $INFORMIXDIR/lib/esql setenv INFORMIXSERVER on_eng setenv INFORMIXSQLHOSTS $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts.eng setenv PATH $INFORMIXDIR/bin:$INFORMIXDIR/lib:$PATH Assuming that the products are installed on a machine with the hostname "cheetah", the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts.eng might look like the following: on_eng onipcpip cheetah /usr/informix_server/lib/sqlturbo Assuming that the server is installed in directory /usr/informix_server, your environment variables should be set to the following: setenv INFORMIXDIR /usr/informix_server setenv SQLEXEC $INFORMIXDIR/lib/sqlturbo setenv TERMCAP $INFORMIXDIR/etc/termcap setenv TBCONFIG tbconfig.eng setenv PATH $INFORMIXDIR/bin:$INFORMIXDIR/lib:$PATH X. INTERPRETATION OF TWO DIGIT YEARS WITHIN OBJECTS This section does not apply if this is a first time installation of Informix, or if two digit years are not used in the expressions of the following objects: stored procedures, triggers, check constraints. Note that not all of these features may be supported on this version of the product. This release introduces a change when date literals with two digit years within expressions of objects are evaluated according to the settings of relevant environment variables, such as, and not limited to, DBCENTURY. Previous to this release, two digit year dates in the expressions of the objects were interpreted by Informix according to the environment variable settings which prevailed at runtime time of the object. However, starting with this release, the date literal will always be interpreted using the environment variable settings prevailing at the creation time or the time of last modification of the object with which the date literal is associated. The settings of environment variable at runtime of the object will not be used. This applies only to date strings having two digit years in the expression of the objects mentioned above; i.e. it does not apply if four digit years are used in the objects. The following two steps are required to take advantage of this change introduced in this software: 1. Upgrade the Informix server to this release 2. Redefine all objects that use two digit year expressions. For all objects, the object must be dropped from the database and recreated. Only after the objects are redefined using this new server will the date literals in the expressions within objects be interpreted according to the environment variable settings at the time the object was created or last modified. The reference date used for this interpretation is the creation date or the last modification date of the object and not the current date when a query is run. If the objects are not redefined using this new server, the behavior of the object will remain the same as prior to the upgrade. However, since any new objects created after the software upgrade will behave differently from those created prior to the upgrade, administration of the database may become difficult because the database will have a mix and match of new and old behavior of objects in the database (with respect to when two digit years within expressions of objects are evaluated). Therefore, it is recommended that the two upgrade steps above be followed. Lastly, in order to avoid any possibility of misinterpreting two digit years within the objects, it is recommended that this opportunity be used to change the use of two digit years to four digit years instead, if possible. Use of DBDATE to interpret dates within objects This section does not apply if this is a first time installation of Informix, or if date literals are not present in the following objects within the database: stored procedures, triggers, check constraints. Note that not all of these objects may be supported for this version of the product. In the rare case that the setting of DBDATE prevailing at creation time or time of last modification of the object differs from the one that is in effect at the runtime of the object, you may either get a runtime error from the server or get erroneous results due to incorrect interpretation of the date literal. In order to maintain consistency, starting with objects created or modified using this release, the date literals within expressions of objects will be evaluated according to the setting of DBDATE prevailing at creation time or time of last modification of the object. The settings of environment variable at runtime of the object will not be used to evaluate the date literal within the objects. However, the prevailing setting at runtime of the query will still be in effect for date related data processed within the query. If your operating environment is such that the objects were created using one set of assumptions regarding the DBDATE setting and the runtime environment uses a different setting, you may encounter some problems. It is recommended that the usage of the database be modified so that the settings of DBDATE at creation, modification, and runtime are consistent throughout. XI. DBDATE CHECK WITH ESQLC/DBACCESS The DBDATE environment variable will be checked for validity by ESQLC and DBACCESS products. This check is introduced to ensure right storage of any object's creation time information as mentioned in Point VIII of this release note. Following diagram shows the supported syntax for DBDATE. --->----- Y2 --------- M -- D -------------------------->----- |__ Y4 __| |__ D __ M __| |__ / __| |__ - __| |__ . __| |__ 0 __| XII. PRODUCT DEFICIENCIES Customer bugs reported on 5.x family may or may not be relevant or addressed for this 5.x release. 0707070000000000241006440156500001460000010000000755366605000002100000006360release/ERRDOC_5 ================================= DOCUMENTATION NOTES FOR IBM Informix Error Messages 5.20.UC2 DATE: 10/17/02 ================================= Table of Contents I. Overview of ERRDOC_5 II. IBM Informix Error Messages A. Change in error # -404: B. New error # -710 C. Change in error # -16234 D. New error # -22099 E. New error # -16254 F. Change in error # -542 G. New error # -21297 H. New error # -21298 I. New error # -21299 =============================== I. OVERVIEW OF ERRDOC_5 ERRDOC_5 describes messages not covered in the manuals or modified since publication. Please examine this file. It contains vital information about new or modified error messages. II. IBM Informix Error Messages A. Change in error # -404: The error message for error number -404 should read like this: -404: The cursor or statement is not available. The cursor or statement has not been declared or prepared. Make sure that a cursor has been declared (or statement has been prepared) prior to the statement where it is used. Look out for misspelled names. Also make sure that earlier errors have been caught. B. New error # -710 -710 Table table-name has been dropped, altered, or renamed. C. Change in error # -16234 This message now reads: -16234 A valid FILE statement must be the first statement in the command file. D. New error # -22099 -22099 Invalid block size. The block size must be > %d. The '-b' option specifies in KB the block size of the tape device. For example, if the OS uses a 512 byte block size and Online has a 2K page size, then a block value of 4 will give the same 2K page size as Online. The value following the -b should be greater than 2 (4 or higher), when the page size of Online is 2k. When the Online page size is 4k, the block value should be 8 or higher. E. New error # -16254 -16254 Cannot use synonym as a table name. dbload is being asked to load data into a synonym of a table. F. Change in error # -542 -542 Cannot specify a column more than once in a constraint, trigger or index. G. New error # -21297 -21297 File size limit exceeded. Please increase hard resource limit using ulimit. dbexport is unable to continue unloading the database to tape/disk file as it has exceeded the maximum file size allowed for a process. You must first execute 'ulimit' to increase the hard resource limit. The current limit is called a soft limit and the maximum, a hard limit. The soft limit is less than or equal to the hard limit. H. New error # -21298 -21298 Could not get resource limit. The current limit has exceeded the maximum limit or must be superuser to get the resource limit. I. New error # -21299 -21299 Could not set resource limit. The current limit has exceeded the maximum limit or must be superuser to get the resource limit. =============================== 0707070000000000251006440156500001460000010000000755366605000002500000001543release/INSTALLDOC_5 ================================= DOCUMENTATION NOTES FOR UNIX Products Installation Guide 5.20.UC2 DATE: 10/17/02 ================================= Table of Contents I. Overview of INSTALLDOC_5 II. UNIX Products Installation Guide =============================== I. OVERVIEW OF INSTALLDOC_5 INSTALLDOC_5 describes messages not covered in the manuals or modified since publication. Please examine this file. It contains vital information about new or modified messages. =============================== II. UNIX Products Installation Guide All feature and performance topics are covered in the manual or the release notes. =============================== 0707070000000000261006440156500001460000010000000755366604600002500000004147release/NETSTARDOC_5 ================================= DOCUMENTATION NOTES FOR IBM INFORMIX-NET/IBM INFORMIX-STAR Installation and Configuration Guide 5.20.UC2 DATE: 10/17/02 ================================= Table of Contents I. Overview of NETSTARDOC_5 II. IBM Informix NET and IBM Informix STAR Installation and Configuration Guide A. IFMXFE_HOST environment variable B. DBNETTYPE environment variable =============================== I. OVERVIEW OF NETSTARDOC_5 NETSTARDOC_5 describes feature and performance topics not covered in the manuals or modified since publication. Please examine this file. It contains vital information about application and performance issues. =============================== II. IBM Informix NET and IBM Informix STAR Installation and Configuration Guide A. IFMXFE_HOST environment variable The environment variable name IFMXFE_HOST has special meaning to IBM Informix products. To avoid any errors, please do not use the same environment variable name in your application program. B. DBNETTYPE environment variable As a result of the IPX/SPX protocol support, the DBNETTYPE environment variable accepts a new value of "ipx/spx" for specifying the IPX/SPX protocol. This value is case insensitive. For any platform that supports IBM Informix connectivity products under multiple network protocols via TLI, DBNETTYPE should to be set to the desired protocol type. If DBNETTYPE is not set, the default network type is "tcp/ip" for non-AT&T platforms. The default for AT&T platforms remains the same as is documented in the IBM Informix NET and IBM Informix STAR Installation and Configuration Guide. =============================== 0707070000000000271006440156500001460000010000000755366604500001600000001267release/NET_5 ================================= MACHINE SPECIFIC NOTES FOR IBM INFORMIX-NET 5.20.UC2 PRODUCT RELEASE DATE: 10/17/02 ================================= PORT NUMBER: 204018(CD ROM), 204019(ELEC. DELIVERY) Machine Specific Notes: ======================= I. Fraction of a second is supported in this release and is implemented using ftime(). II. This port was compiled using TLI over TCP/IP. III. IPX is not supported in this release. IV. Bugs fixed in this release : None. V. TERMINFO is supported in this release. 0707070000000000301006440156500001460000010000000755366604700002200000005667release/SQLRDOC_5 ================================= DOCUMENTATION NOTES FOR IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference 5.20.UC2 DATE: 10/17/02 ================================= Table of Contents I. Overview of SQLRDOC_5.0 II. IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference A. Chapter 4, Environment Variables and Utilities =============================== I. OVERVIEW OF SQLRDOC_5 SQLRDOC_5 describes feature and performance topics not covered in the manuals or modified since publication. Please examine this file. It contains vital information about application and performance issues. =============================== II. IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference A. Chapter 4, Environment Variables and Utilities The information in this section supplements Figure 4-1 in "The IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference". Chapter 4 in that book, "Environment Variables," lists and discusses the uses and settings for environment variables in various IBM Informix products. The table below lists alphabetically the environment variables whose setting can have an impact on specific IBM Informix utilities. For more information on these utilities, see "The IBM Informix OnLine Administrator's Guide" or "The IBM Informix SE Administrator's Guide". |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| | | | | | dbexport dbimport dbload dbschema | |=========================================================================| |DBDATE x x x | |DBDELIMITER x | |DBLANG x x x | |DBMONEY x x x | |DBNETTYPE x x x x | |DBPATH x x x x | |DBTEMP x x | |INFORMIXDIR x x x x | |SQLEXEC x x x x | |SQLRM x x x x | |SQLRMDIR x x x x | |TBCONFIG x x x x | | | |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| Figure 4-2 Environment variables and IBM Informix utilities =============================== 0707070000000000311006440156500001460000010000000755366605000002200000004065release/SQLTDOC_5 ================================= DOCUMENTATION NOTES FOR IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Tutorial 5.20.UC2 DATE: 10/17/02 ================================= Table of Contents I. Overview of SQLTDOC_5 II. IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Tutorial A. Chapter 4, Modification for "MATCHES" and "LIKE" filter selectivity assignments. =============================== I. OVERVIEW OF SQLTDOC_5 SQLTDOC_5.0 describes feature and performance topics not covered in the manuals or modified since publication. Please examine this file. It contains vital information about application and performance issues. =============================== II. IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Tutorial A. Chapter 4, Modification for "MATCHES" and "LIKE" filter selectivity assignments. (Page 4-16) The selectivity of "MATCHES" or "LIKE" filters is calculated using new algorithm to improve the selection of the query plan. The new algorithm uses following factors to calculate the selectivity for "MATCHES" and "LIKE" clauses: 1) The selectivity for "matches" or "like" clauses can be approximated by conjunction of "<" and ">". For example the selectivity for Column matches "abcd*" can be approximated by the selectivity of Column > "abcd" and column < "abce" 2) Position of first wildcard character in pattern string. 3) Whether column has an applicable index. 4) Matches/Like clauses without wildcard can be treated as "=". A new environment variable (INFORMIXNOOPTMAT) is introduced. If you set this new environment variable, then optimizer will assign the old default selectivity (1/5) to "MATCHES" and "LIKE" filters. This environment variable is per user session based, i.e. if only one user has set this environment variable then old default selectivity will be used only for that user. The new algorithm will be used for all other users. =============================== 0707070000000000321006440156500001460000010000000000000000000001300000000000TRAILER!!!M Informix Guide to SQL: Reference 5.20.UC2 DATE: 10/17/02 ================================= Table of Contents I. Overview of SQLRDOC_5.0 II. IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference A. Chapter 4, Environment Variables and Utilities =============================== I. OVERVIEW OF SQLRDOC_5 SQLRDOC_5 describes feature and performance topics not covered in the manuals or modified since publication. Please examine this file. It contains vital information about application and performance issues. =============================== II. IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference A. Chapter 4, Environment Variables and Utilities The information in this section supplements Figure 4-1 in "The IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference". Chapter 4 in that book, "Environment Variables," lists and discusses the uses and settings for environment variables in various IBM Informix products. The table below lists alphabetically the environment variables whose setting can have an impact on specific IBM Informix utilities. For more information on these utilities, see "The IBM Informix OnLine Administrator's Guide" or "The IBM Informix SE Administrator's Guide". |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| | | | | | dbexport dbimport dbload dbschema | |=========================================================================| |DBDATE x x x | |DBDELIMITER x | |DBLANG x x x | |DBMONEY x x x | |DBNETTYPE x x x x | |DBPATH x x x x | |DBTEMP x x | |INFORMIXDIR x x x x | |SQLEXEC x x x x | |SQLRM x x x x | |SQLRMDIR x x x x | |TBCONFIG x x x x | | | |- - - - - -