============================================= Windows 95 Manual Driver Installation: ============================================= The installation program automatically installs the Extranet Access Client and required Extranet Access Client drivers on both Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. In the unlikely event that you received an error during the installation of the Extranet Access Client drivers which indicated that the installation of the Extranet Access Client drivers failed, it is possible to manually install the drivers through the Network Control Panel. The following steps outline this procudure: 1. Open the Network Control Panel. To do this, Open the Start menu on your taskbar and select Settings-> Control Panel. From the Control Panel open the Network icon. 2. Verify there are no more than 3 bindings to the TCP/IP transport. A binding is represented in the box labeled "the following network components are installed". Look for "TCP/IP->Dial-Up Adapter". Each representation of "TCP/IP->" represents a binding between TCP/IP and an adapter. Verify that there are 3 or less TCP/IP bindings listed. Windows 95 supports only four TCP/IP bindings. If you try to add the Extranet Access Client Adapter, with four or more TCP/IP bindings already listed, the adapter may not successfully work. It is best to remove unused TCP/IP bindings and/or adapters. It is recommended that this is done only by your Network Administrator. 3. Add the Extranet Access Client Adapter. To do this, click on the Add button and double click the Adapter selection. From the "Selected Network adapters" Dialog box, scroll down through the Manufactures list and select New Oak Communications. Under Network Adapters select New Oak Extranet Access CLient Adapter and click the OK button. 4. Verify the Adapter has been added. Scroll through the list of installed network components. You should see the New Oak Extranet Access Client Adapter listed. Scroll further through the list and you should see TCP/IP->New Oak Extranet Access Client Adapter. This represents the binding between the TCP/IP transport and the Extranet Access Client adapter. 5. Click the OK button and reboot the system. The manual installation is complete.