usage: fbackup drive: A/T/D/C [N] path
	where:    current dir  c:\files
		  drive        destination drive (floppy)
		  A/T/D/C      T = Telmax Tims
			       D = Telmax Directory
		  N            If used, No format performed. *
		  path         directory containing files for 

	e.g:      fbackup B: T N \files

	Creates  Telmax Directory backup in drive B:  of  files
located in C:\files. * As no format is performed, the disk must  
be formatted using dos format command prior to this operation. ie 
if formatted to 720k by dos then backup will be 720k format.
This  is useful if you  are having problems  with  "Hard error on 
floppy" while converting from dos to Telmax format. 

    Note:    . can be used to refer to the current working directory

usage: frestore drive: path

	where:    drive        Drive where Telmax disk to be read.
		  path         Directory where files restored will
			       be written.

	e.g.:     frestore B: c:\files

	Reads  contents  of  Telmax  backup  disk  and   writes
contents to  C:\files.

Note - Both frestore.exe and fbackup.exe must be in dos path or
       in directory where backup files are located.

		    * * * IMPORTANT NOTE * * * 
	The size of the ascii file to be fbacked up should not exceed 
the size of the Backup disk. If this is necessary then the ascii file 
should be chopped into multiple files. ie DI1211.000 DI1211.001 etc.
This can be done easily with any text based word processor.