This image was saved by Clonezilla at 2024-04-23 06:03:06 UTC. Saved by clonezilla-live-3.1.0-22-amd64. The log during saving: ---------------------------------------------------------- Starting /usr/sbin/ocs-sr at 2024-04-23 05:59:46 UTC... *****************************************************. Clonezilla image dir: /home/partimag Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager Finished Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager The selected devices: nvme0n1 PS. Next time you can run this command directly: /usr/sbin/ocs-sr -q2 -c -j2 -z1p -i 0 -sfsck -senc -p choose savedisk PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img nvme0n1 *****************************************************. The selected devices: nvme0n1 Searching for data/swap/extended partition(s)... The data partition to be saved: nvme0n1p1 nvme0n1p3 The swap partition to be saved: nvme0n1p2 The selected devices: nvme0n1p1 nvme0n1p3 The following step is to save the hard disk/partition(s) on this machine as an image: *****************************************************. Machine: MINIPC PN41-S1 nvme0n1 (128GB_KINGSTON_OM8PDP3128B-AB1__KINGSTON_OM8PDP3128B-AB1_50026B7685D91120) nvme0n1p1 (2G_vfat(In_KINGSTON_OM8PDP3128B-AB1_)_KINGSTON_OM8PDP3128B-AB1_50026B7685D91120) nvme0n1p3 (113.2G_xfs(In_KINGSTON_OM8PDP3128B-AB1_)_KINGSTON_OM8PDP3128B-AB1_50026B7685D91120) *****************************************************. -> "/home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img". Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager Finished Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager Starting saving /dev/nvme0n1p1 as /home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img/nvme0n1p1.XXX... /dev/nvme0n1p1 filesystem: vfat. *****************************************************. *****************************************************. Use partclone with pigz to save the image. Image file will not be split. *****************************************************. If this action fails or hangs, check: * Is the disk full ? *****************************************************. Running: partclone.vfat -z 10485760 -N -L /var/log/partclone.log -c -s /dev/nvme0n1p1 --output - | pigz -c --fast -b 1024 --rsyncable > /home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img/nvme0n1p1.vfat-ptcl-img.gz 2> /tmp/img_out_err.PEOYXz Partclone v0.3.23 Starting to clone device (/dev/nvme0n1p1) to image (-) Reading Super Block memory needed: 21495812 bytes bitmap 524288 bytes, blocks 2*10485760 bytes, checksum 4 bytes Calculating bitmap... Please wait... done! File system: FAT32 Device size: 2.1 GB = 4194304 Blocks Space in use: 34.6 MB = 67674 Blocks Free Space: 2.1 GB = 4126630 Blocks Block size: 512 Byte Total block 4194304 Syncing... OK! Partclone successfully cloned the device (/dev/nvme0n1p1) to the image (-) >>> Time elapsed: 9.25 secs (~ .154 mins) *****************************************************. Finished saving /dev/nvme0n1p1 as /home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img/nvme0n1p1.vfat-ptcl-img.gz *****************************************************. Starting saving /dev/nvme0n1p3 as /home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img/nvme0n1p3.XXX... /dev/nvme0n1p3 filesystem: xfs. *****************************************************. *****************************************************. Use partclone with pigz to save the image. Image file will not be split. *****************************************************. If this action fails or hangs, check: * Is the disk full ? *****************************************************. Running: partclone.xfs -z 10485760 -N -L /var/log/partclone.log -c -s /dev/nvme0n1p3 --output - | pigz -c --fast -b 1024 --rsyncable > /home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img/nvme0n1p3.xfs-ptcl-img.gz 2> /tmp/img_out_err.u5uR8L Partclone v0.3.23 Starting to clone device (/dev/nvme0n1p3) to image (-) Reading Super Block xfsclone.c: Open /dev/nvme0n1p3 successfully xfsclone.c: fs_close memory needed: 24682254 bytes bitmap 3710730 bytes, blocks 2*10485760 bytes, checksum 4 bytes Calculating bitmap... Please wait... xfsclone.c: Open /dev/nvme0n1p3 successfully xfsclone.c: bused = 1387419, bfree = 28298418 xfsclone.c: fs_close done! File system: XFS Device size: 121.6 GB = 29685837 Blocks Space in use: 5.7 GB = 1387419 Blocks Free Space: 115.9 GB = 28298418 Blocks Block size: 4096 Byte Total block 29685837 Syncing... OK! Partclone successfully cloned the device (/dev/nvme0n1p3) to the image (-) >>> Time elapsed: 104.42 secs (~ 1.740 mins) *****************************************************. Finished saving /dev/nvme0n1p3 as /home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img/nvme0n1p3.xfs-ptcl-img.gz *****************************************************. Dumping the device mapper table in /home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img/dmraid.table... Saving block devices info in /home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img/blkdev.list... Saving block devices attributes in /home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img/blkid.list... Checking the integrity of partition table in the disk /dev/nvme0n1... Reading the partition table for /dev/nvme0n1...RETVAL=0 *****************************************************. Saving the primary GPT of nvme0n1 as /home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img/nvme0n1-gpt-1st by dd... 34+0 records in 34+0 records out 17408 bytes (17 kB, 17 KiB) copied, 0.00158415 s, 11.0 MB/s *****************************************************. Saving the secondary GPT of nvme0n1 as /home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img/nvme0n1-gpt-2nd by dd... 32+0 records in 32+0 records out 16384 bytes (16 kB, 16 KiB) copied, 0.00157432 s, 10.4 MB/s *****************************************************. Saving the GPT of nvme0n1 as /home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img/nvme0n1-gpt.gdisk by gdisk... The operation has completed successfully. *****************************************************. Saving the MBR data for nvme0n1... 1+0 records in 1+0 records out 512 bytes copied, 0.00152462 s, 336 kB/s End of saveparts job for image /home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img. *****************************************************. Saving swap partition nvme0n1p2 info in /home/partimag/PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img/ if it exists... *****************************************************. End of savedisk job for image PCCLU_Rev1.15_2024-04-23-05-img. Checking if udevd rules have to be restored... This program is not started by Clonezilla server, so skip notifying it the job is done. This program is not started by Clonezilla server, so skip notifying it the job is done. Finished! Finished! ### End of log ### ### Image created time: 2024-0423-0603