Record # 67. Outgoing ISDN call to a Local Number (2271807) Record # 2. Outgoing ISDN call to an STD Number (0311661) @ 14.08 Records 9 & 10. Outgoing call made by Extn 5715 to 2173321 and then transferred after connection to extn 5899. Call terminated at extn 5899. Time of call 14.15 Record # 27. Direct indial call to Extn 5715 & terminated there. Time of call 14.29 Record #'s 34 & 36. Incoming call to Extn 5707, then transfers call to Extn 5899 where call terminates. Time if call 14.32 Record # 38. Incoming call to Operator(extn 5896) then transferred to extn 5899 where call terminates. Time of call 14.34 Notes.: (1) At approximately 14.39 meter pulse units were converted from cost to units per period. The units indicated are number of ISDN units, not PSTN units. This change in measurement is also changed in the Header File Descriptor. (2) At 14.46 the digit masking was removed to show full dialled number in Dialling Number Sent Field. (3) No Tie Lines are present with this PABX. (4) Darryl Heggarty is speaking to Alcatel to see if a trunk number can be sent out with each call, rather than the Trunk Group (Tg) number. (5) We are still trying to identify what the 3 & 4 relate to in the 'Connect'. column. (6) Record one number is the first and only call before the first header, and record numbers continue sequentially from there. (7) This PABX is configured for ISDN only. No PSTN available.