Release Description: rev2.0v00.CU204
         VERSION/ID: rev2.0v00.CU204
     Release script: /u/catcom/release/rev2.0v00.CU204.rel

Tue Nov 17 18:24:31 AESST 2009
# rev2.0v00.CU204.des /u/catcom/release /u/catcom/release rev2.0v00.CU204.des 444 catcom catcom
06817 # relorder.lst /tmp /tmp relorder.lst 444 catcom catcom
| CU204 Telmax21 Directory - Curtin
| - Added JobNo and Date Received
| - Fix to CP_PARGRID in getrec.4
60192 # Direc.CU2 /u/catcom/Directory/CU2/Direc /u/catcom/bin Direc 555 catcom catcom
29328 # Direc.CU2.4gx /u/catcom/Directory/CU2/Direc /u/catcom/bin Direc.4gx 555 catcom catcom
10661 # Direc.CU2.42e /u/catcom/Directory/CU2/Direc /u/catcom/bin Direc.42e 555 catcom catcom
60192 # DnLd2MPC.CU2 /u/catcom/Directory/CU2/Direc /u/catcom/bin DnLd2MPC 555 catcom catcom
20165 # DnLd2MPC.CU2.4gx /u/catcom/Directory/CU2/Direc /u/catcom/bin DnLd2MPC.4gx 555 catcom catcom
18432 # DnLd2MPC.CU2.42e /u/catcom/Directory/CU2/Direc /u/catcom/bin DnLd2MPC.42e 555 catcom catcom
29839 # template.frm /u/catcom/Directory/CU2/Direc /u/catcom/forms template.frm 444 catcom catcom
62013 # template.42f /u/catcom/Directory/CU2/Direc /u/catcom/forms template.42f 444 catcom catcom
32456 # template.CU2 /u/catcom/Directory/CU2 /u/catcom/scripts template.templ 444 catcom catcom
27452 # dircust.frm /u/catcom/Directory/CU2/Direc /u/catcom/forms/standard dircust.frm 444 catcom catcom
34727 # directcustom /u/catcom/Directory/CU2/Direc /u/catcom/database directcustom 555 catcom catcom

: Standard Directory lib Forms
49229 # custpick.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms custpick.frm 444 catcom catcom
09025 # custpick.42f /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms custpick.42f 444 catcom catcom
64629 # wbdc_maint.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms wbdc_maint.frm 444 catcom catcom
16596 # wbdc_maint.42f /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms wbdc_maint.42f 444 catcom catcom
37720 # wbdl_maint.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms wbdl_maint.frm 444 catcom catcom
36627 # wbdl_maint.42f /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms wbdl_maint.42f 444 catcom catcom
19284 # extrng_s.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms extrng_s.frm 444 catcom catcom
40993 # extrng_s.42f /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms extrng_s.42f 444 catcom catcom
17124 # grname_s.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms grname_s.frm 444 catcom catcom
30100 # grname_s.42f /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms grname_s.42f 444 catcom catcom
48033 # grname_s1.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms grname_s1.frm 444 catcom catcom
62133 # grname_s1.42f /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms grname_s1.42f 444 catcom catcom
52543 # grname_s2.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms grname_s2.frm 444 catcom catcom
47458 # grname_s2.42f /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms grname_s2.42f 444 catcom catcom
19393 # grname_s3.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms grname_s3.frm 444 catcom catcom
13124 # grname_s3.42f /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms grname_s3.42f 444 catcom catcom
37350 # site_sel.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms site_sel.frm 444 catcom catcom
11820 # site_sel.42f /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms site_sel.42f 444 catcom catcom
34602 # dirmsgf.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms dirmsgf.frm 444 catcom catcom
38690 # dirmsgf.42f /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms dirmsgf.42f 444 catcom catcom
65306 # extr_code1.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms extr_code1.frm 444 catcom catcom
14700 # extr_code1.42f /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms extr_code1.42f 444 catcom catcom
14004 # code1_sel.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms code1_sel.frm 444 catcom catcom
56625 # code1_sel.42f /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms code1_sel.42f 444 catcom catcom
49451 # report.frm /u/catcom/Directory/Reports /u/catcom/forms report.frm 444 catcom catcom
55604 # report.42f /u/catcom/Directory/Reports /u/catcom/forms report.42f 444 catcom catcom
07358 # d_stats.frm /u/catcom/Directory/Stats /u/catcom/forms d_stats.frm 444 catcom catcom
53978 # d_stats.42f /u/catcom/Directory/Stats /u/catcom/forms d_stats.42f 444 catcom catcom
------------------- Installation inline select4gl ---------------------
: Select D4GL or I4GL
: select4gl rev2.0v00.CU204

: DirUpdate queue
20672 # DirUpdate /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /usr/spool/lp/model DirUpdate 555 lp lp
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: echo "Copying DirUpdate model to interface directory"
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: cp /usr/spool/lp/model/DirUpdate /usr/spool/lp/admins/lp/interfaces/DirUpdate    

: Directory queue
49361 # Directory /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /usr/spool/lp/model Directory 555 lp lp
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: echo "Copying Directory model to interface directory"
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: cp /usr/spool/lp/model/Directory /usr/spool/lp/admins/lp/interfaces/Directory    

: Directory Stats and Enquiry Email stats are found in rev2.0v00.u12

: Directory History...

: standard form and build, batch
55236 # dirhist.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard /u/catcom/forms/standard dirhist.frm 444 catcom catcom
53870 # builddirhist /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts builddirhist 555 catcom catcom
40776 # dirhist.t21batch /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts dirhist.t21batch 555 catcom catcom

: standard load will run custom script if exists else does standard load
07042 # lddirhist /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts lddirhist 555 catcom catcom

: ---- CU2 Custom dirhist ----
: custom clr, form, build, and load...
58575 # custclrdirupd_cu2 /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts custclrdirupd_cu2 555 catcom catcom
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: rm -f /u/catcom/scripts/custclrdirupd    
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: ln -s /u/catcom/scripts/custclrdirupd_cu2 /u/catcom/scripts/custclrdirupd   
31281 # custdirhist_cu2.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard /u/catcom/forms/standard custdirhist_cu2.frm 444 catcom catcom
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: rm -f /u/catcom/forms/standard/custdirhist.frm    
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: ln -s /u/catcom/forms/standard/custdirhist_cu2.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard/custdirhist.frm   
51794 # custbuilddirhist_cu2 /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts custbuilddirhist_cu2 555 catcom catcom
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: rm -f /u/catcom/scripts/custbuilddirhist    
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: ln -s /u/catcom/scripts/custbuilddirhist_cu2 /u/catcom/scripts/custbuilddirhist   
21969 # custlddirhist_cu2 /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts custlddirhist_cu2 555 catcom catcom
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: rm -f /u/catcom/scripts/custlddirhist    
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: ln -s /u/catcom/scripts/custlddirhist_cu2 /u/catcom/scripts/custlddirhist   

: custom batch report
48070 # dirhist_cu2.t21batch /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts dirhist_cu2.t21batch 555 catcom catcom

------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: echo -n "Build CU2 Custom Directory Update History table Y/N ?"; read x; echo "answer was $x"; if [ $x = "y" -o $x = "Y" ]; then echo "Building dirhist table"; /u/catcom/scripts/custbuilddirhist; fi

: Directory Extn Moved...
22983 # exmvd /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts exmvd 555 catcom catcom
48615 # exmvd_cu2.awk /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts exmvd_cu2.awk 555 catcom catcom
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: rm -f /u/catcom/scripts/exmvd.awk    
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: ln -s /u/catcom/scripts/exmvd_cu2.awk /u/catcom/scripts/exmvd.awk   

54130 # buildexmvd_cu2 /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts buildexmvd_cu2 555 catcom catcom
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: rm -f /u/catcom/scripts/buildexmvd    
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: ln -s /u/catcom/scripts/buildexmvd_cu2 /u/catcom/scripts/buildexmvd   

56754 # exmvd_cu2.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard /u/catcom/forms/standard exmvd_cu2.frm 444 catcom catcom
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: rm -f /u/catcom/forms/standard/exmvd.frm    
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: ln -s /u/catcom/forms/standard/exmvd_cu2.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard/exmvd.frm   

34516 # exmvd_cu2.t21batch /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts exmvd_cu2.t21batch 555 catcom catcom

------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: echo -n "Build CU2 Custom Directory Extns Moved table Y/N ?"; read x; echo "answer was $x"; if [ $x = "y" -o $x = "Y" ]; then echo "Building exmvd table"; /u/catcom/scripts/buildexmvd; fi

: Web Billing Distribution config tables standard forms & build...
29667 # wbdconf.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard /u/catcom/forms/standard wbdconf.frm 444 catcom catcom
39986 # wbdlist.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard /u/catcom/forms/standard wbdlist.frm 444 catcom catcom
13969 # buildwbdmaint /u/catcom/Directory/lib /u/catcom/scripts buildwbdmaint 555 catcom catcom
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: echo -n "Build Standard Web Billing Distribution Configuration Maintenance tables Y/N ?"; read x; echo "answer was $x"; if [ $x = "y" -o $x = "Y" ]; then echo "Building Web Billing Distribution Configuration Maintenance tables..."; /u/catcom/scripts/buildwbdmaint; fi

: run directory custom setup scripts
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: dcsetup      
------------------- Installation inline commannd ---------------------
: rm -f /u/catcom/forms/direnq.frm /u/catcom/bin/Direnq   