|------------------------------------------------------------------------ | UWS08 Telmax21 Directory | | NCR0916 - mods | - add UWS mobiles list | - prompt for Y/N on IAC when makeing VACANT | - Master handling for old record of a move extn | - View display order to show Master records foirst | - remove W field | - add UWSMobiles to CSV output | NCR0916 - UWS Directory Mods | - TECadd RSC and SFC TxxRxxSxx | - Alt. Mobile changed to NON UWS Mobile | - EmpID changed to StaffID | - Removed Mobile (Now in Bilmax21 Mobile Phone Maintenance) | - Remove Mobile Carrier Code. | - Added UWS Mobile exists Y/N | - Added CM button to switch to Mobile Phone Maintenace screen) | - Renamed WBDM to BDM | - code to create /u/catcom/database/dobuildnew_SIDMAINT_DIRENQ | if changes are made, (see wbt_SIDMAINT_DIRENQ.cgi) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Direc.UWS /u/catcom/Directory/UWS/Direc /u/catcom/bin Direc 555 catcom catcom # DnLd2MPC.UWS /u/catcom/Directory/UWS/Direc /u/catcom/bin DnLd2MPC 555 catcom catcom # template.frm /u/catcom/Directory/UWS/Direc /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # template.UWS /u/catcom/Directory/UWS /u/catcom/scripts template.templ 444 catcom catcom # dircust.frm /u/catcom/Directory/UWS/Direc /u/catcom/forms/standard - 444 catcom catcom # directcustom /u/catcom/Directory/UWS/Direc /u/catcom/database - 555 catcom catcom :------------------------------------------------------------------ : Standard Directory lib Forms # custpick.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # wbdc_maint.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # wbdl_maint.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # extrng_s.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # grname_s.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # grname_s1.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # grname_s2.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # grname_s3.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # site_sel.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # dirmsgf.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # extr_code1.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # code1_sel.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # report.frm /u/catcom/Directory/Reports /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # d_stats.frm /u/catcom/Directory/Stats /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom :------------------------------------------------------------------ : Web Billing Distribution config tables standard forms & build... # wbdconf.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # wbdlist.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # buildwbdmaint /u/catcom/Directory/lib /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom x echo -n "Build Standard Web Billing Distribution Configuration Maintenance tables Y/N ?"; read x; echo "answer was $x"; if [ $x = "y" -o $x = "Y" ]; then echo "Building Web Billing Distribution Configuration Maintenance tables..."; /u/catcom/scripts/buildwbdmaint; fi :------------------------------------------------------------------ : run directory custom setup scripts x dcsetup x rm -f /u/catcom/forms/direnq.frm /u/catcom/bin/Direnq x rm -f /u/catcom/forms/direnq.frm /u/catcom/bin/Direnq :------------------------------------------------------------------