Release Description: rev2.0v00.ecd01 VERSION/ID: rev2.0v00.ecd01 Release script: /u/catcom/release/rev2.0v00.ecd01.rel Tue Apr 13 11:20:19 EST 1999 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # rev2.0v00.ecd01.des /u/catcom/release /u/catcom/release rev2.0v00.ecd01.des 444 catcom catcom 47496 # relorder.lst /tmp /tmp relorder.lst 444 catcom catcom ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Operator Assisted Call Booking System (ECD) - Generic Version 36077 # /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts 555 catcom catcom 65241 # dowinpopup /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts dowinpopup 555 catcom catcom 17507 # doupecd /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts doupecd 555 catcom catcom 53451 # clrtxecd /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts clrtxecd 555 catcom catcom 27959 # doopcalls /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts doopcalls 555 catcom catcom 39785 # buildopcalls /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts buildopcalls 555 catcom catcom 03731 # ecdclean /u/catcom/scripts/src /u/catcom/database/ecd ecdclean 555 catcom catcom 23997 # runkey /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin runkey 555 catcom catcom 60192 # opcalls /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin opcalls 555 catcom catcom 61940 # opcalls.4gx /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin opcalls.4gx 555 catcom catcom 50551 # opcalls.42e /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin opcalls.42e 555 catcom catcom 43194 # opcalls.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard /u/catcom/forms/standard opcalls.frm 444 catcom catcom 44787 # ecdmaint.frm /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms ecdmaint.frm 444 catcom catcom 09137 # ecdmaint.42f /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms ecdmaint.42f 444 catcom catcom 13757 # extnsite.frm /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms extnsite.frm 444 catcom catcom 34614 # extnsite.42f /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms extnsite.42f 444 catcom catcom 56677 # ecd_cdr.frm /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms ecd_cdr.frm 444 catcom catcom 12343 # ecd_cdr.42f /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms ecd_cdr.42f 444 catcom catcom 45186 # ecd_stat.frm /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms ecd_stat.frm 444 catcom catcom 14024 # ecd_stat.42f /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms ecd_stat.42f 444 catcom catcom 60192 # opstats /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin opstats 555 catcom catcom 29202 # opstats.4gx /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin opstats.4gx 555 catcom catcom 44670 # opstats.42e /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin opstats.42e 555 catcom catcom 30531 # opstats.frm /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms opstats.frm 444 catcom catcom 05343 # opstats.42f /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms opstats.42f 444 catcom catcom 60192 # ecdcalls /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin ecdcalls 555 catcom catcom 22521 # ecdcalls.4gx /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin ecdcalls.4gx 555 catcom catcom 59887 # ecdcalls.42e /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin ecdcalls.42e 555 catcom catcom 50129 # ecdcalls.frm /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms ecdcalls.frm 444 catcom catcom 44605 # ecdcalls.42f /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms ecdcalls.42f 444 catcom catcom 55353 # cdir.cron /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /u/catcom/scripts cdir.cron 444 catcom catcom 03592 # upldecd /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts upldecd 555 catcom catcom 20581 # ldecd /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts ldecd 555 catcom catcom 34600 # t21ecd.cron /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles t21ecd.cron 555 catcom catcom 60192 # costecd /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin costecd 555 catcom catcom 22844 # costecd.4gx /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin costecd.4gx 555 catcom catcom 00349 # costecd.42e /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin costecd.42e 555 catcom catcom ------------------- Installation inline select4gl --------------------- : Select D4GL or I4GL : select4gl rev2.0v00.ecd01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------- | ECD system installation ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : buildopcalls ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : cp /u/catcom/scripts/ /u/catcom/scripts/.doopcalls.conf ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo "Please edit /u/catcom/scripts/.doopcalls.conf - Hit "; read x ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo "" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo "Please install into cron the t21ecd.cron entries & the Directory" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo " LOGFILE trim from cdir.cron found in /u/catcom/config/unixfiles." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo "" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo "Hit "; read x ----------------------------------------------------------------------