| Operator Assisted Call Booking System (ECD) - Generic Version # .doopcalls.conf.eg /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # dowinpopup /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # doupecd /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # clrtxecd /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # doopcalls /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # buildopcalls /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # ecdclean /u/catcom/scripts/src /u/catcom/database/ecd - 555 catcom catcom # runkey /u/catcom/bin - - 555 catcom catcom # opcalls /u/catcom/bin - - 555 catcom catcom # opcalls.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # ecdmaint.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # extnsite.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # ecd_cdr.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # ecd_stat.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # opstats /u/catcom/bin - - 555 catcom catcom # opstats.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # ecdcalls /u/catcom/bin - - 555 catcom catcom # ecdcalls.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # cdir.cron /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /u/catcom/scripts - 444 catcom catcom # upldecd /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # ldecd /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # t21ecd.cron /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles - - 555 catcom catcom # costecd /u/catcom/bin - - 555 catcom catcom |------------------------------------------------- | ECD system installation x buildopcalls x cp /u/catcom/scripts/.doopcalls.conf.eg /u/catcom/scripts/.doopcalls.conf x echo "Please edit /u/catcom/scripts/.doopcalls.conf - Hit "; read x x echo "" x echo "Please install into cron the t21ecd.cron entries & the Directory" x echo " LOGFILE trim from cdir.cron found in /u/catcom/config/unixfiles." x echo "" x echo "Hit "; read x