| Telmax21 rev2.0v00 ---- Make target directories ---- # - - /u/catcom/clu - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/clu/data - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/cdir - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/cdir/net - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/rejects - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/debug - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/reports - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/database - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/database/cdr - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/raw - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/alarm/keys/pollers - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/alarm/keys/maintenance - 777 catcom catcom : - - /u/catcom/formatter - 777 catcom catcom : - - /u/catcom/fep - 777 catcom catcom : - - /u/catcom/database/NCA/work - 777 catcom catcom : - - /u/catcom/database/NCA/queue - 777 catcom catcom : - - /u/catcom/database/NCA/lock - 777 catcom catcom : - - /u/catcom/gnet/gnetdata - 777 catcom catcom |==================================================================== | Additions for D4GL | Modified D4GL environment file x test -f /usr/fgl2c/envf4gl && cp /usr/fgl2c/envf4gl /usr/fgl2c/envf4gl.$$ # envf4gl /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /usr/fgl2c - 644 root other | Modified D4GL config profile x test -f /usr/fgl2c/etc/fglprofile && cp /usr/fgl2c/etc/fglprofile /usr/fgl2c/etc/fglprofile.$$ # fglprofile /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /usr/fgl2c/etc - 644 root other | T21 bit map pic used by fglwinbutton etc... # telmax21.bmp /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /usr/fgl2c/bmp - 644 root other # telmax21mono.bmp /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /usr/fgl2c/bmp - 644 root other | memory fault bug fix to D4GL 201 version | NOW FIXED in D4GL210 |x test -f /usr/fgl2c/bin/pager.42e && cp /usr/fgl2c/bin/pager.42e /usr/fgl2c/bin/pager.42e.$$ |x test -f /usr/fgl2c/bin/pager.42r && cp /usr/fgl2c/lib/pager.42r /usr/fgl2c/lib/pager.42r.$$ |x test -f /usr/fgl2c/bin/pager.42m && cp /usr/fgl2c/lib/pager.42m /usr/fgl2c/lib/pager.42m.$$ |# pager.42e /usr/fgl2c/src /usr/fgl2c/bin - 555 root other |# pager.42r /usr/fgl2c/src /usr/fgl2c/lib - 644 root other |# pager.42m /usr/fgl2c/src /usr/fgl2c/lib - 644 root other | new scripts # dobars /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # addbars /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # gett21rptopts /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # ipinfo /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # srct21rptopts /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # opent21rpt /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # handlet21rpt /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # r4 /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # runont21 /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # t21raisewin /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # t21lowerwin /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # t21sm /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # t21reprep /u/catcom/bin - - 555 catcom catcom | new binaries # t21rptopts /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # fgl_system /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # fglwinbutton /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # fglwinmessage /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # fglwinquestion /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # fglwint21.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # fglyesno /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # fglyesno.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom | ec file moved to bin & symbolic link in database dir # droptable /u/catcom/database - - 6551 catcom catcom # droptable /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom | 4gl file moved to bin & symbolic link in database dir # crcatcomdbs /u/catcom/database - - 6551 catcom catcom # crcatcomdbs /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom | 4gl file moved to bin & symbolic link in database dir # crdblog /u/catcom/database - - 6551 catcom catcom # crdblog /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom |==================================================================== | Scripts to Install & to Check installed software # t21install /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # chkreldes /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # chkall /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # chkrordf /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # select4gl /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # doinstall /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # doupg1.5 /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # configsetup /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # mkt21prts /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # exdmen /u/catcom/Menu/scosh - - 444 catcom catcom # dirmenu /u/catcom/Menu/scosh - - 444 catcom catcom # dobatmenu /u/catcom/Menu/scosh - - 444 catcom catcom # savemenu /u/catcom/Menu/scosh - - 444 catcom catcom # dosqlmenu /u/catcom/Menu/scosh - - 444 catcom catcom # mailmenu /u/catcom/Menu/scosh - - 444 catcom catcom # mailform /u/catcom/Menu/scosh - - 444 catcom catcom # pollrep /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # pollwarn /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # nowarn /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/database - 644 catcom catcom # domail /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # dosql /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # dobatch /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # dodirmenu /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # doexpdir /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # checklogs /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # dirstats /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # dirstats.awk /u/catcom/scripts - - 444 catcom catcom # usrstat /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # t21laserjet /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /usr/spool/lp/model - 550 bin lp # splitlog /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # rstalarm /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # catwarn /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # catcp /u/catcom/bin - - 4551 catcom catcom # cmdque /u/catcom/scripts /usr/spool/lp/model - 555 lp lp # rptque /u/catcom/scripts /usr/spool/lp/model - 555 lp lp # tsize /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # MkDir /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # wtkterm /usr/lib/terminfo/w - - 644 root other # wtnvt /usr/lib/terminfo/w - - 644 root other # vt100 /usr/lib/terminfo/v - - 644 root other # vt220 /usr/lib/terminfo/v - - 644 root other # vt220w /usr/lib/terminfo/v - - 644 root other # esprit /usr/lib/terminfo/e - - 644 root other # h6310 /usr/lib/terminfo/h - - 644 root other # termcap /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /u/catcom - 664 root other # banner.tcp /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles - - 444 catcom catcom # banner.cnp /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles - - 444 catcom catcom # banner.rnp /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles - - 444 catcom catcom # catcom.prof /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /u/catcom - 444 catcom catcom # netdir.prof /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /u/catcom/cdir/net - 444 catcom catcom # crontab.cnp /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles - - 444 catcom catcom # crontab.rnp /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles - - 444 catcom catcom # crontab.tcp /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles - - 444 catcom catcom # inittab.cnp /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles - - 444 catcom catcom # inittab.rnp /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles - - 444 catcom catcom # inittab.tcp /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles - - 444 catcom catcom # mscreencap /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles - - 444 bin bin # docleantabs /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # rrpt /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # catenv /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # callprice /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # sc /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # rp /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # reps.lst /u/catcom/scripts - - 444 catcom catcom # pr_rep /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # loadpricing /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # rmsread /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # clean /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # catstartstop /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 744 catcom catcom # catcom_boot /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 744 catcom catcom # tabchk /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # catcom_vars /u/catcom/Config/data /u/catcom - 444 catcom catcom # catsysadm /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # sysmaint /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # sysmaint2 /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # sss /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/reports - 444 catcom catcom # instssmen /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # sysback /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # notecdr /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # runisql /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # trimall /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # rmcalls /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # rmoldcalls /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # olddir.awk /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # newdir.awk /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # pskill /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # rtrun /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 root other # catrun /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # holidays /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # orgstruct /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # orgcheck /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # routetrunk /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : workhours /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # netstruct /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # nodestruct /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # extranges /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : destcharge /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # UpSysTb /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # unload /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # load /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # delete /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # trimfile /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # catcom_restart /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # csum /u/catcom/tools/csum /u/catcom/bin - 551 catcom catcom # group_rpt /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : dialpr_rpt /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom : holday_rpt /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom : netwrk_rpt /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom : node_rpt /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom : route_rpt /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom : tarconrpt /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom : unit_rpt /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom : workhr_rpt /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # cfg_errs /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # addcr /usr/local/bin /u/catcom/bin - 551 catcom catcom # sz /usr/local/bin /u/catcom/bin - 551 catcom catcom # rz /usr/local/bin /u/catcom/bin - 551 catcom catcom # kermit /usr/local/bin /u/catcom/bin - 551 catcom catcom # rtmntinp.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # tlmntinp.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # rtmlist /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # rtmlsrpt.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # cfgerrs.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # grp_rpt.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # chcode_s.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # client.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # plstyp_s.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # callty_s.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # clientnd.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # pollform.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # date_sel.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # extrng.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # extsite.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # grp_sel.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # groups.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # holidays.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # network.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # netwrk_s.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # node_sel.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # route_s.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # trunk_s.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # ttype_s.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # cluform.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # extuse.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # carrform.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # carrexgp.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # batchfm.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom -- following is old config stuff : destcharge /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : unalloc_trk /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom : altcatcomdbs /u/catcom/database - - 551 catcom catcom : rmlpjob /u/catcom/bin - - 551 root bin : comms_rpt /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : hier_rpt /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : site_rpt /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : commslink /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : compress /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : uncompress /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : watchdog /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : comms.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : comms_s.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : config.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : site_mnt.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : site_sel.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : handlers /u/catcom/scripts /usr/spool/ACSnet/_lib - 444 catcom catcom : archive.sh /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom : sysadm.sh /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom : remote.sh /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom : newuser.sh /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom : deluser.sh /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom : setdate.sh /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom : changepw.sh /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom : sys_status /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom : sysadm /u/catcom/bin - - 4555 root bin : lpd /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /etc/default - 444 catcom catcom : diskchk /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom : diskchk.awk /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom : writemessage /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : alarmdemon /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : hardpoller /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : parport /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : alarmdetal /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : almdetal /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : sel_alm /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : daily_alm /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : alarm_rspns /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : act_gnet /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : almenq /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : almtrxenq /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : almgpconf /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : almprconf /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : alminfconf /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : almhdconf /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : almgp_rpt /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : info_rpt /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : almgroup.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : almprior.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : alminfo.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : mastsel.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : hardcont.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : alarmfrm.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : almfrm.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : almgpsel.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : almprsel.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : gnet_ver.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : gp_frm.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : info_frm.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : s_alminp.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : d_alminp.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : r_alminp.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : almadd.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : almenqf.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : almtrx.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : act_info.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : almdisp.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : alarmgroup /u/catcom/alarm/data - - 444 catcom catcom : alarminfo /u/catcom/alarm/data - - 444 catcom catcom : loadalarms /u/catcom/alarm/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom : almscript /u/catcom/alarm/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom : gnet2 /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : startup /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom : callnode /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : catcom_trans /u/catcom/bin /usr/spool/ACSnet/_lib - 4551 root catcom : que_download /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : que_upload /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : que_update /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : que_rem_proc /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : que_schedule /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : download /u/catcom/bin - - 4551 catcom catcom : upload /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : update /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : remote_process /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : reply /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : retry /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : transfer /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : que_down_alarm /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : que_down_conf /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : que_down_hier /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : que_down_nbr /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : que_down_netwk /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : nca_invoker /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom : call.rnp /u/catcom/scripts /usr/spool/ACSnet/_lib/rnp call 555 daemon root : callargs.rnp /u/catcom/scripts /usr/spool/ACSnet/_lib/rnp callargs 644 daemon root : - - /usr/spool/ACSnet/_lib/centre - 777 daemon root : weekbackup /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : dailyback /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : fullrecover /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : partialrecover /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : tables.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : NCR0292 - unix dialer config files only work on SCO 504 dialer # os504dialer /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles/uucp /usr/lib/uucp - 100 uucp uucp : example uucp Devices & Systems config files # Devices.clp /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles/uucp /usr/lib/uucp - 444 catcom catcom # Systems.clp /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles/uucp /usr/lib/uucp - 444 catcom catcom :make dir incase it doesn't exist # - - /usr/lib/uucp/default - 757 uucp uucp : dialer config files # atdial336 /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles/uucp /usr/lib/uucp/default - 444 catcom catcom # atdial336_300 /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles/uucp /usr/lib/uucp/default - 444 catcom catcom # atdial336_1200 /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles/uucp /usr/lib/uucp/default - 444 catcom catcom # atdial336_2400 /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles/uucp /usr/lib/uucp/default - 444 catcom catcom # atdial336_4800 /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles/uucp /usr/lib/uucp/default - 444 catcom catcom # atdial336_9600 /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles/uucp /usr/lib/uucp/default - 444 catcom catcom # atdial336_14400 /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles/uucp /usr/lib/uucp/default - 444 catcom catcom # atdial336_19200 /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles/uucp /usr/lib/uucp/default - 444 catcom catcom # atdial336_28800 /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles/uucp /usr/lib/uucp/default - 444 catcom catcom # atdial336_33600 /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles/uucp /usr/lib/uucp/default - 444 catcom catcom : create dialer links x rm -f /usr/lib/uucp/atdial336* x ln /usr/lib/uucp/os504dialer /usr/lib/uucp/atdial336 x ln /usr/lib/uucp/os504dialer /usr/lib/uucp/atdial336_300 x ln /usr/lib/uucp/os504dialer /usr/lib/uucp/atdial336_1200 x ln /usr/lib/uucp/os504dialer /usr/lib/uucp/atdial336_2400 x ln /usr/lib/uucp/os504dialer /usr/lib/uucp/atdial336_4800 x ln /usr/lib/uucp/os504dialer /usr/lib/uucp/atdial336_9600 x ln /usr/lib/uucp/os504dialer /usr/lib/uucp/atdial336_14400 x ln /usr/lib/uucp/os504dialer /usr/lib/uucp/atdial336_19200 x ln /usr/lib/uucp/os504dialer /usr/lib/uucp/atdial336_28800 x ln /usr/lib/uucp/os504dialer /usr/lib/uucp/atdial336_33600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Informix forms for TELMAX 21 / NMS tables. Forms for the tables are needed : because form can not be generated under Informix-SQL runtime facility : software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # dirstats.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # pricing.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # callcat.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # calldata.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # calltype.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # carriers.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # clu_poll.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # dialled.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # direct.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # extrange.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # fcmdque.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # ftrfadm.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # gengroup.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # groupnam.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # groupsum.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # keydesc.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # lev1menu.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # lev2menu.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # lev3menu.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # network.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # node.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # pabxinfo.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # repcount.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # routetrk.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # site.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # sumlog.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # tariff.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # tarifftp.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # trketsum.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # untpulse.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # workhour.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # dirmess.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # clucomm.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # callexc.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # diallist.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # rte_typ.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # designat.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # systab.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom # sysindx.frm /u/catcom/forms/standard - - 444 catcom catcom : Menu.rel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Menu files for entering the catcom application environment. This file contains those menu files required in a catcom release. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # loadmenu /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # topmenu /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : topmen_rpt /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # topmenu.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # menuwind.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # lev1menu /u/catcom/Menu/menudata/cnp - - 444 catcom catcom # lev2menu /u/catcom/Menu/menudata/cnp - - 444 catcom catcom # lev3menu /u/catcom/Menu/menudata/cnp - - 444 catcom catcom # lev1menu /u/catcom/Menu/menudata/rnp - - 444 catcom catcom # lev2menu /u/catcom/Menu/menudata/rnp - - 444 catcom catcom # lev3menu /u/catcom/Menu/menudata/rnp - - 444 catcom catcom # lev1menu /u/catcom/Menu/menudata/tcp - - 444 catcom catcom # lev2menu /u/catcom/Menu/menudata/tcp - - 444 catcom catcom # lev3menu /u/catcom/Menu/menudata/tcp - - 444 catcom catcom # keydescription /u/catcom/Menu/menudata - - 444 catcom catcom : AccTraf.rel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accounting & Traffic files for the catcom application environment. This file contains those acctraf files required in a catcom release. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # acctrafsetup /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # callextdet /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # gengroupsum /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # extgroupsum /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # extgpptc /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # rtdistsum /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # trkdistsum /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # tribgpsum /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # dialledno /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # group_except /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # route_occupncy /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # req_trunks /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # extn_usage /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # carriers /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # batchproc /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # route_summary /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom | example batch - sql script # transits /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # analyse /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # messlog.awk /u/catcom/scripts - - 444 catcom catcom # reject.awk /u/catcom/scripts - - 444 catcom catcom : fep /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # rttyclulp /u/catcom/cnet/src /u/catcom/scripts - 551 catcom catcom # rtty_clu /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom # rtty_clp /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # keepupclp /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # invoke_clu /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # updnpoll /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # clupoll /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # clu /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # clp /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # clu_comms /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # tstclu /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # tstclp /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # doclp /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # dopppup /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # dopppdown /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # form_clu /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # doformat /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # cleantabs /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom # invoke_fep /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom # extgsum.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # extngrps.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # childptc.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # extgpptc.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # gengsum.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # r_sum.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # t_sum.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # stddial.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # diallist.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # destlist.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # grp_exc.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # tribsum.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # rte_occ.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # rte_oty.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # siterout.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # detailfm.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # extnexcp.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # extgrpfm.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # calltpfm.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # extnfm.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # req_trks.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom # rte_sum.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : tribpabxsum /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom : unallocsum /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : unalloc.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : dosummariser /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : Neax2400 /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : MD110 /u/catcom/bin - - 4551 catcom catcom : MD110p1 /u/catcom/bin - - 4551 catcom catcom : md110p3 /u/catcom/bin - - 4551 catcom catcom : md110p3_i /u/catcom/bin - - 4551 catcom catcom : donewtask /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : php_clu /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : rttrafsum /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : selective /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : routesum /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom : rt_trf.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : selinput.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : routesum.frm /u/catcom/forms - - 444 catcom catcom : :------------------- : ---- Most expensive report (without equip type & calltype) :# mostexp /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/Reports/traffic/mostexp /u/catcom/bin - 6551 catcom catcom :# c_type.frm /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/Reports/traffic/mostexp /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom :# mostexp.frm /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/Reports/traffic/mostexp /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom :--- Data files for Telmax21 /NMS AccTraff # alarmdata /u/catcom/AccTraf/data - - 666 catcom catcom # calltypedef /u/catcom/AccTraf/data - - 666 catcom catcom # tariff /u/catcom/AccTraf/data - - 666 catcom catcom # pabxinfo /u/catcom/AccTraf/data - - 666 catcom catcom # diallist /u/catcom/AccTraf/data - - 666 catcom catcom # dsignatedno /u/catcom/AccTraf/data - - 666 catcom catcom # callcat /u/catcom/AccTraf/data - - 666 catcom catcom # gengroup /u/catcom/AccTraf/data - - 666 catcom catcom # groupname /u/catcom/AccTraf/data - - 666 catcom catcom : dirs.rel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Standard software for Directory modules ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | this directory holds all batch file's etc # - - /usr/spool/Directory/CATCOM - 777 catcom catcom |---------------------- | Standard Directory scripts |---------------------- # DirLp /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # DirPg /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # DownLoad /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # DoDownLoad /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # clrdirupd /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # autodown /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # ToMPC /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # DoToMPC /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # DbCheck /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # DoDbCheck /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # MPCmaint /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # LogDirectory /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom |----------------------------- | old Diretcory files |----------------------------- : remote.login /u/catcom/Directory/remote /u/catcom/remote .login 444 catcom catcom : direc_env /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 444 catcom catcom : UnloadDir /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom : dirld.com /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 444 catcom catcom : dropdirec /u/catcom/Directory/dropdirec /u/catcom/bin - 551 catcom catcom |----------------------------- | Standard Directory 'C' Programs |----------------------------- # MPCconv /u/catcom/Directory/MPCconv /u/catcom/bin - 555 catcom catcom # SessionLog /u/catcom/Directory/SessionLog /u/catcom/bin - 555 catcom catcom # DirHand /u/catcom/Directory/DirHand /u/catcom/bin - 555 catcom catcom # DbUpdate /u/catcom/Directory/DbUpdate /u/catcom/bin - 555 catcom catcom |----------------------------- | Standard Directory 4GL Programs |----------------------------- # DirReps /u/catcom/bin - - 555 catcom catcom # dupdstat /u/catcom/bin - - 555 catcom catcom |----------------------- | Standard Directory Forms |----------------------- # extrng_s.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # grname_s.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # site_sel.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # grp_chng.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # dirmsgf.frm /u/catcom/Directory/forms /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # report.frm /u/catcom/Directory/Reports /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom # d_stats.frm /u/catcom/Directory/Stats /u/catcom/forms - 444 catcom catcom |---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | lp DirUpdate & Directory |----------------------------------- # Directory /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /usr/spool/lp/model - 555 lp lp # DirUpdate /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /usr/spool/lp/model - 555 lp lp |------------------------------------- | ACSnet handler for directory updates |------------------------------------- # IMDBUpdate /u/catcom/Directory/Handlers /usr/spool/ACSnet/_lib - 555 catcom catcom | |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | CDIR - 'C' Directory release |----------------------------------------------------------------------- |-- cron file config # dirmail.cron /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles - 444 catcom catcom x cp /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles/dirmail.cron /u/catcom/cdir/net x crontab -u netdir /u/catcom/cdir/net/dirmail.cron |-- scripts # diremail /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 755 catcom catcom # dodiremail /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/cdir/net - 755 catcom catcom # diremailc /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/cdir/net - 755 catcom catcom # diremail.awk /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/cdir/net - 755 catcom catcom |-- binary files # clrdb /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/release /u/catcom/bin - 4551 catcom catcom # dbstats /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/release /u/catcom/bin - 4551 catcom catcom # dcreat /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/release /u/catcom/bin - 4551 catcom catcom # dcreat1 /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/release /u/catcom/bin - 4551 catcom catcom # dcreat2 /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/release /u/catcom/bin - 4551 catcom catcom # dcreat3 /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/release /u/catcom/bin - 4551 catcom catcom # dcreat4 /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/release /u/catcom/bin - 4551 catcom catcom # dupdate /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/release /u/catcom/bin - 4551 catcom catcom # setmen /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/release /u/catcom/bin - 6551 catcom catcom # enquiry /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/release /u/catcom/bin - 555 catcom catcom : shmtty /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/release /u/catcom/bin - 555 catcom catcom ------------------------------ |-- data files # kctl.wtkterm /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/kctl /u/catcom/cdir/kctl - 664 catcom catcom # kctl.blank /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/kctl /u/catcom/cdir/kctl - 664 catcom catcom # kctl.linux /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/kctl /u/catcom/cdir/kctl - 664 catcom catcom # kctl.pc /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/kctl /u/catcom/cdir/kctl - 664 catcom catcom # kctl.vt100 /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/kctl /u/catcom/cdir/kctl - 664 catcom catcom # kctl.wtnvt /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/kctl /u/catcom/cdir/kctl - 664 catcom catcom # kctl.ansi /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/kctl /u/catcom/cdir/kctl - 664 catcom catcom # kctl.vt220 /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/kctl /u/catcom/cdir/kctl - 664 catcom catcom # kctl.h6310 /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/kctl /u/catcom/cdir/kctl - 664 catcom catcom # kctl.esprit /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/kctl /u/catcom/cdir/kctl - 664 catcom catcom # mainmenu.txt /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/cdir - 664 catcom catcom # dirpar.tab /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/cdir - 664 catcom catcom |----- example installation setup data # template.eg /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/cdir - 664 catcom catcom # data.eg /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/cdir - 664 catcom catcom --------------------- |-- for Install, setup, download, & login scripts, debug # error.h /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/include /u/catcom/cdir - 444 catcom catcom # cdirload /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # cdirsort /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # altenq /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # enquiry.prof /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/cdir - 555 catcom catcom # cdirsetup /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/cdir - 555 catcom catcom # dirsetup /u/catcom/scripts/src /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # dcsetup /u/catcom/scripts/src /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom --------------------- : data.rel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time pricing release script. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Make target directories to store time pricing related tables ---- # - - /u/catcom/tprice - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/tprice/vic - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/tprice/nsw - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/tprice/act - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/tprice/qld - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/tprice/tas - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/tprice/wa - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/tprice/sa - 777 catcom catcom # - - /u/catcom/tprice/nt - 777 catcom catcom # dialled.def /u/catcom/tprice/release /u/catcom/tprice - 444 catcom catcom # unitpuls.def /u/catcom/tprice/release /u/catcom/tprice - 444 catcom catcom # tariff.def /u/catcom/tprice/release /u/catcom/tprice - 444 catcom catcom # carriers.def /u/catcom/tprice/release /u/catcom/tprice - 444 catcom catcom # README /u/catcom/tprice/release /u/catcom/tprice - 444 catcom catcom : NOTE: area files removed 31/01/95 :------------------------------------------------------------------ : sco shell fixes : use sco 3.2v42 oash because of NCR0089 # oash /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom # oafprint /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /usr/lib/scosh oafprint.n 555 bin bin # oaprint /u/catcom/Config/unixfiles /usr/lib/scosh oaprint.n 555 bin bin :------------------------------------------------------------------ : Dummy mudules that are optional upgrades # dummysd /u/catcom/scripts - sdmaint 555 catcom catcom # dummyecd /u/catcom/scripts - doopcalls 555 catcom catcom # dummyarch /u/catcom/scripts - sysrest 555 catcom catcom # dummymostexp /u/catcom/scripts - mostexp 555 catcom catcom # dummylongdur /u/catcom/scripts - longdur 555 catcom catcom # dummyequipu /u/catcom/scripts - equipusage 555 catcom catcom # dummyaltcar /u/catcom/scripts - altcarrier 555 catcom catcom # dummycmpcar /u/catcom/scripts - cmpcarrier 555 catcom catcom : New Dummy overhead modules that are optional upgrades # dummyodmaint /u/catcom/scripts - odmaint 555 catcom catcom # dummyoamaint /u/catcom/scripts - oamaint 555 catcom catcom : These are incase the Directory module is not installed or failled to install # dummyDirec /u/catcom/scripts - Direc 555 catcom catcom # dummyDnLd /u/catcom/scripts - DnLd2MPC 555 catcom catcom # dummygrpchng /u/catcom/scripts - grpchng 555 catcom catcom : Dummy expanded serach module (not all dirs have it) # Direnq.DUM /u/catcom/scripts - Direnq 555 catcom catcom :------------------------------------------------------------------ : install standard dialleno input form (without altenate carrier options) x cp /u/catcom/forms/stddial.frm /u/catcom/forms/dialno.frm >/dev/null 2>&1 x cp /u/catcom/forms/stddial.42f /u/catcom/forms/dialno.42f >/dev/null 2>&1 :------------------------------------------------------------------ : Master installation scripts X zzzzinst /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom