Please type release Description (ie. System or Module name) Or TYPE 'last' for description from previous run Or Enter for [rev2.0v00.scl0]:========= rev2.0v00.scl0 ========= Please insert volume 1 [default: rev2.0v00.scl0] :/tmp/relorder.lst 4 blocks Processing... [# rev2.0v00.scl0.des /u/catcom/release - - 444 catcom catcom] - crc = Processing... [# relorder.lst /tmp - - 444 catcom catcom] - Handle relorderfile. crc = 08107 Processing... [---------------------------------------------------------------------- ] - - is a comment Processing... [: rev2.0v00.scl0 ] - - is a comment Processing... [:-------------------------------------------------------------------- ] - - is a comment Processing... [: Scripting Call Loggers ] - - is a comment Processing... [: (incl. Transmit PCCLU and Cisco Callmanager) ] - - is a comment Processing... [:-------------------------------------------------------------------- ] - - is a comment Processing... [: NCR0XXX - ] - - is a comment Processing... [: - ] - - is a comment Processing... [:-------------------------------------------------------------------- ] - - is a comment Processing... [ ] - - is a comment Processing... [: Base Telmax21 clu/clp polling ] - - is a comment Processing... [# rtty_clu /u/catcom/bin - - 551 catcom catcom] - crc = 44484 Processing... [# rtty_clp /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 44892 Processing... [# keepupclp /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 37042 Processing... [# invoke_clu /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 32217 Processing... [# updnpoll /u/catcom/scripts - - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 26108 Processing... [# clupoll /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom] - crc = 07158 Processing... [# clu /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom] - crc = 49913 Processing... [# clp /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom] - crc = 34001 Processing... [# clu_comms /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom] - crc = 60192 Processing... [# clu_comms.4gx /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom] - crc = 58290 Processing... [# clu_comms.42e /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom] - crc = 12071 ***** previous entry was the last 4GL program file or form ***** Processing... [# tstclu /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 10117 Processing... [# tstclp /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 16850 Processing... [# doclp /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 31574 Processing... [# dopppup /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 02906 Processing... [# dopppdown /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 05385 Processing... [ ] - - is a comment Processing... [: SQL Based Call Manager 3/4 ] - - is a comment Processing... [# gextrng /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 62999 Processing... [# tstgextrng /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 35424 Processing... [# cnvep /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom] - crc = 19809 Processing... [# cm3 /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom] - crc = 42039 Processing... [# docm3 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 33195 Processing... [# docm3.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 29014 Processing... [# tstdocm3 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 11409 Processing... [# .cm3env.TSTCM3 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 04231 Processing... [# .cm3.sqshrc /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 15790 Processing... [ ] - - is a comment Processing... [: Base Scripting Call Logger ] - - is a comment Processing... [# scl /u/catcom/bin - - 6551 catcom catcom] - crc = 06511 Processing... [# stowrec.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 34459 Processing... [# tstsclclupoll /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/clu - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 01058 Processing... [ ] - - is a comment Processing... [: Scripting Call Logger Generic example ] - - is a comment Processing... [# doscl /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 61547 Processing... [# tstdoscl /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 53209 Processing... [# .sclenv.SCL1 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 13188 Processing... [ ] - - is a comment Processing... [: Scripting Call Logger for PCCLU ] - - is a comment Processing... [# doclp2 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 51961 Processing... [# tstdoclp2 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 03620 Processing... [# .clpenv.CLPA /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 16696 Processing... [ ] - - is a comment Processing... [: Scripting Call Logger for Callmanager 3/4/5 ] - - is a comment Processing... [: Both SQL based and Unified ftp based] - - is a comment Processing... [# ccmget /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 37442 Processing... [# ccmget.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 00333 Processing... [# ccmstow /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 04787 Processing... [# ccmstow.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 12414 Processing... [# doccm /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 33400 Processing... [# doccm.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 05919 Processing... [# tstdoccm /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 54010 Processing... [# tstccmget /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/clu - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 37595 Processing... [# .ccm.sqshrc /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 44622 Processing... [# .ccmenv.TSTCM3 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 47248 Processing... [# .ccmenv.TRIALCCM /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 49555 Processing... [ ] - - is a comment Processing... [: FREETDS release file ] - - is a comment Processing... [# cm3.interfaces /u1/tx/freetds/rel /usr/local/freetds - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 57937 Processing... [# readme /u1/tx/freetds/rel /usr/local/freetds - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 61337 Processing... [# freetds-0.63RC2.cpio.Z /u1/tx/freetds/rel /usr/local/freetds - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 38038 Processing... [# t1 /u1/tx/freetds/rel /usr/local/freetds - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 05820 Processing... [# senv /u1/tx/freetds/rel /usr/local/freetds - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 27002 Processing... [ ] - - is a comment Processing... [: SQSH release file ] - - is a comment Processing... [# sqsh20.pdf /u1/tx/sqsh/rel /usr/local/sqsh - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 52563 Processing... [# sqsh-2.1-SCO5.tar.gz /u1/tx/sqsh/rel /usr/local/sqsh - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 52808 Processing... [# tstsqsh /u1/tx/sqsh/rel /usr/local/sqsh - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 05757 Processing... [# .ccm.sqshrc /u1/tx/sqsh/rel /usr/local/sqsh - 555 catcom catcom] - crc = 44622 Processing... [ ] - - is a comment Processing... [:-------------------------------------------------------------------- ] - - is a comment Processing... [: End ] - - is a comment release: Building Upgrade - rev2.0v00.scl0 - rev2.0v00.scl0.Z /u/catcom/release/rev2.0v00.scl0.des /tmp/relorder.lst /u/catcom/bin/rtty_clu /u/catcom/scripts/rtty_clp /u/catcom/scripts/keepupclp /u/catcom/scripts/invoke_clu /u/catcom/scripts/updnpoll /u/catcom/bin/clupoll /u/catcom/bin/clu /u/catcom/bin/clp /u/catcom/bin/clu_comms /u/catcom/bin/clu_comms.4gx /u/catcom/bin/clu_comms.42e /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/tstclu /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/tstclp /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/doclp /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/dopppup /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/dopppdown /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/gextrng /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/tstgextrng /u/catcom/bin/cnvep /u/catcom/bin/cm3 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/docm3 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/docm3.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/tstdocm3 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/.cm3env.TSTCM3 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/.cm3.sqshrc /u/catcom/bin/scl /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/stowrec.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/tstsclclupoll /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/doscl /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/tstdoscl /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/.sclenv.SCL1 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/doclp2 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/tstdoclp2 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/.clpenv.CLPA /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/ccmget /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/ccmget.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/ccmstow /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/ccmstow.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/doccm /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/doccm.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/tstdoccm /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/tstccmget /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/.ccm.sqshrc /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/.ccmenv.TSTCM3 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll/.ccmenv.TRIALCCM /u1/tx/freetds/rel/cm3.interfaces /u1/tx/freetds/rel/readme /u1/tx/freetds/rel/freetds-0.63RC2.cpio.Z /u1/tx/freetds/rel/t1 /u1/tx/freetds/rel/senv /u1/tx/sqsh/rel/sqsh20.pdf /u1/tx/sqsh/rel/sqsh-2.1-SCO5.tar.gz /u1/tx/sqsh/rel/tstsqsh /u1/tx/sqsh/rel/.ccm.sqshrc /tmp/INSTALL 18570 blocks release: copying to output medium domkrel: Making release rev2.0v00.scl0 on rev2.0v00.scl0 t21upg.Z 14039 blocks ####### ### # # ### ##### # # ####### ###### # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # ##### ####### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # ### # # ### ##### # # ####### ######