Release Description: rev2.0v00.scl3 VERSION/ID: rev2.0v00.scl3 Release script: /u/catcom/release/rev2.0v00.scl3.rel Tue May 8 23:06:20 AEST 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # rev2.0v00.scl3.des /u/catcom/release /u/catcom/release rev2.0v00.scl3.des 444 catcom catcom 29254 # relorder.lst /tmp /tmp relorder.lst 444 catcom catcom ---------------------------------------------------------------------- : rev2.0v00.scl3 :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : Scripting Call Loggers : (incl. Transmit PCCLU and Cisco Callmanager) :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : ccmcdr - creates user and folders for Unfied CM to ftp data : CCM - code for Cisco Call Manager VER 3/4/5.1/6/7/8 : doccm - exclude 0 duration calls : - duration in seconds : - ignore IP address : scl - envvar for WARNNOCALLS_nodename :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : Base Telmax21 clu/clp polling 44484 # rtty_clu /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin rtty_clu 551 catcom catcom 44892 # rtty_clp /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts rtty_clp 555 catcom catcom 37042 # keepupclp /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts keepupclp 555 catcom catcom 32217 # invoke_clu /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts invoke_clu 555 catcom catcom 26108 # updnpoll /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts updnpoll 555 catcom catcom 06290 # clupoll /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin clupoll 6551 catcom catcom 49913 # clu /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin clu 6551 catcom catcom 34001 # clp /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin clp 6551 catcom catcom 60192 # clu_comms /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin clu_comms 6551 catcom catcom 58290 # clu_comms.4gx /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin clu_comms.4gx 6551 catcom catcom 12071 # clu_comms.42e /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin clu_comms.42e 6551 catcom catcom ------------------- Installation inline select4gl --------------------- : Select D4GL or I4GL : select4gl rev2.0v00.scl3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10117 # tstclu /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts tstclu 555 catcom catcom 16850 # tstclp /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts tstclp 555 catcom catcom 28093 # doclp /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts doclp 555 catcom catcom 55332 # dopppup /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts dopppup 555 catcom catcom 49812 # dopppdown /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts dopppdown 555 catcom catcom : SQL Based Call Manager 3/4 52876 # gextrng /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts gextrng 555 catcom catcom 35424 # tstgextrng /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts tstgextrng 555 catcom catcom 19809 # cnvep /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin cnvep 6551 catcom catcom 48141 # cm3 /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin cm3 6551 catcom catcom 14904 # docm3 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts docm3 555 catcom catcom 30891 # docm3.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts docm3.awk 555 catcom catcom 27358 # tstdocm3 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts tstdocm3 555 catcom catcom 09880 # .cm3env.TSTCM3 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom .cm3env.TSTCM3 555 catcom catcom 15790 # .cm3.sqshrc /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom .cm3.sqshrc 555 catcom catcom : Base Scripting Call Logger 13204 # scl /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin scl 6551 catcom catcom 26466 # stowrec.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts stowrec.awk 555 catcom catcom 01058 # tstsclclupoll /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/clu tstsclclupoll 555 catcom catcom : Scripting Call Logger Generic example 61547 # doscl /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts doscl 555 catcom catcom 53209 # tstdoscl /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts tstdoscl 555 catcom catcom 13188 # .sclenv.SCL1 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom .sclenv.SCL1 555 catcom catcom : Scripting Call Logger for PCCLU 08697 # doclp2 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts doclp2 555 catcom catcom 03620 # tstdoclp2 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts tstdoclp2 555 catcom catcom 16696 # .clpenv.CLPA /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom .clpenv.CLPA 555 catcom catcom : Scripting Call Logger for Callmanager 3/4/5/6/7/8 : Both SQL based and Unified ftp based : create Cisco CM user for ftp of cdr 25545 # mkccmcdr /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts mkccmcdr 775 catcom catcom ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : mkccmcdr ---------------------------------------------------------------------- : create ccmcdr user folders : /u/catcom/scripts/MkDir /u/catcom/database/ccmcdr 775 ccmcdr catcom : /u/catcom/scripts/MkDir /u/catcom/database/ccmcdr/save 775 ccmcdr catcom : /u/catcom/scripts/MkDir /u/catcom/database/ccmcdr/save/cmr 775 ccmcdr catcom : /u/catcom/scripts/MkDir /u/catcom/database/ccmcdr/save/cdr 775 ccmcdr catcom : 53328 # ccmget /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts ccmget 555 catcom catcom 44495 # ccmget.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts ccmget.awk 555 catcom catcom 31466 # ccmstow /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts ccmstow 555 catcom catcom 33045 # ccmstow.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts ccmstow.awk 555 catcom catcom 38740 # doccm /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts doccm 555 catcom catcom 09164 # doccm.awk /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts doccm.awk 555 catcom catcom 41396 # tstdoccm /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/scripts tstdoccm 555 catcom catcom 27841 # tstccmget /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/clu tstccmget 555 catcom catcom 03505 # ccmarc /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom/database/ccmcdr/save ccmarc 775 catcom catcom 44622 # .ccm.sqshrc /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom .ccm.sqshrc 555 catcom catcom 47248 # .ccmenv.TSTCM3 /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom .ccmenv.TSTCM3 555 catcom catcom 28383 # .ccmenv.TRIALCCM /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom .ccmenv.TRIALCCM 555 catcom catcom 62013 # .ccmenv.CM8A.pcstats /u/catcom/AccTraf/src/clupoll /u/catcom .ccmenv.CM8A.pcstats 555 catcom catcom : FREETDS release file 57937 # cm3.interfaces /u1/tx/freetds/rel /usr/local/freetds cm3.interfaces 555 catcom catcom 61337 # readme /u1/tx/freetds/rel /usr/local/freetds readme 555 catcom catcom 38038 # freetds-0.63RC2.cpio.Z /u1/tx/freetds/rel /usr/local/freetds freetds-0.63RC2.cpio.Z 555 catcom catcom 05820 # t1 /u1/tx/freetds/rel /usr/local/freetds t1 555 catcom catcom 27002 # senv /u1/tx/freetds/rel /usr/local/freetds senv 555 catcom catcom : SQSH release file 52563 # sqsh20.pdf /u1/tx/sqsh/rel /usr/local/sqsh sqsh20.pdf 555 catcom catcom 52808 # sqsh-2.1-SCO5.tar.gz /u1/tx/sqsh/rel /usr/local/sqsh sqsh-2.1-SCO5.tar.gz 555 catcom catcom 05757 # tstsqsh /u1/tx/sqsh/rel /usr/local/sqsh tstsqsh 555 catcom catcom 44622 # .ccm.sqshrc /u1/tx/sqsh/rel /usr/local/sqsh .ccm.sqshrc 555 catcom catcom :-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo "A Cisco CM cdr node and clu_poll entries must be created" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo "Also a /u/catcom/.ccmenv.NODENAME configuration file must be created" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo "Site table entries must have nodename set to the new node" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo "Or" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo "/u/catcom/direc_vars should have an entry like.." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo "# clupoll site table nodename override for CCM1" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo "SITE_NODENAME_CCM1="ALTNODENAME"; export SITE_NODENAME_CCM1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : End