Release Description: rev2.0v00.u17 VERSION/ID: rev2.0v00.u17 Release script: /u/catcom/release/rev2.0v00.u17.rel Thu Aug 30 17:20:40 AEST 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # rev2.0v00.u17.des /u/catcom/release /u/catcom/release rev2.0v00.u17.des 444 catcom catcom 52699 # relorder.lst /tmp /tmp relorder.lst 444 catcom catcom ---------------------------------------------------------------------- : rev2.0v00.u17 :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : NCR0620 - fix rejects on callcat O and F, add reject callcat J, A, N, P : NCR0630 - fix to get_ext_trk_site - missging unique on extension query : causing 'E' extension errors on calls where route/trunk : does NOT exist on any site, but extsion is in the directory : multiple time for site site and grid 08342 # /u/catcom/Config/data /u/catcom 444 catcom catcom 38215 # form_clu /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin form_clu 6551 catcom catcom :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : NCR0611 - fix to stderr in rtty_clp script : - fis missing " in if's in srct21rptopts script 44892 # rtty_clp /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts rtty_clp 555 catcom catcom 14589 # srct21rptopts /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts srct21rptopts 555 catcom catcom :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : : NCR0623 - fix to call detail report for groupid on no_rpt : NCR0631 - Mods for BOM... : a. Extended Call Type in report & exception params : b. CLI in heading 60192 # callextdet /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin callextdet 6555 catcom catcom 14977 # callextdet.4gx /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin callextdet.4gx 6555 catcom catcom 44381 # callextdet.42e /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin callextdet.42e 6555 catcom catcom 41032 # calltpfm.frm /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms calltpfm.frm 444 catcom catcom 21578 # calltpfm.42f /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms calltpfm.42f 444 catcom catcom 10999 # detailfm.frm /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms detailfm.frm 444 catcom catcom 21507 # detailfm.42f /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms detailfm.42f 444 catcom catcom 57833 # extgrpfm.frm /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms extgrpfm.frm 444 catcom catcom 12765 # extgrpfm.42f /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms extgrpfm.42f 444 catcom catcom 19990 # extnexcp.frm /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms extnexcp.frm 444 catcom catcom 08945 # extnexcp.42f /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms extnexcp.42f 444 catcom catcom 14809 # extnfm.frm /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms extnfm.frm 444 catcom catcom 27966 # extnfm.42f /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms extnfm.42f 444 catcom catcom ------------------- Installation inline select4gl --------------------- : Select D4GL or I4GL : select4gl rev2.0v00.u17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : End rev2.0v00.u17