Release Description: rev2.0v00.u4 VERSION/ID: rev2.0v00.u4 Release script: /u/catcom/release/rev2.0v00.u4.rel Mon Oct 18 16:40:51 EST 1999 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # rev2.0v00.u4.des /u/catcom/release /u/catcom/release rev2.0v00.u4.des 444 catcom catcom 14744 # relorder.lst /tmp /tmp relorder.lst 444 catcom catcom ---------------------------------------------------------------------- : rev2.0v00.u4 :---------------------------------------------------------------------- : NCR0387 60220 # DownLoad /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts DownLoad 555 catcom catcom 29254 # autodown /u/catcom/Directory/scripts /u/catcom/scripts autodown 555 catcom catcom :------------------------------------------------------------------ : NCR0400 60192 # group_rpt /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin group_rpt 551 catcom catcom 20455 # group_rpt.4gx /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin group_rpt.4gx 551 catcom catcom 42824 # group_rpt.42e /u/catcom/bin /u/catcom/bin group_rpt.42e 551 catcom catcom 56885 # grp_rpt.frm /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms grp_rpt.frm 444 catcom catcom 33660 # grp_rpt.42f /u/catcom/forms /u/catcom/forms grp_rpt.42f 444 catcom catcom ------------------- Installation inline select4gl --------------------- : Select D4GL or I4GL : select4gl rev2.0v00.u4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :------------------------------------------------------------------ : NCR0401 : PTC - have a prupdate (Dir update log) script used from custom user menu : added here for rev2 which uses common code in checklogs 52070 # checklogs /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts checklogs 555 catcom catcom 21290 # prupdate /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts prupdate 555 catcom catcom ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo "NOTE: for PTC only.. You need to remove comment in checklogs" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo " (search for 'robyn') - Hit "; read x ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :------------------------------------------------------------------ : NCR0402 : default .t21rptopts.txt for non WTK user menu installs : Plus new rtf template files (in sss) : Plus xcatcom to catcom in pr_rep : Plus spool & missing tmp & system/err fix for PRE rev2 user menus 41464 # instssmen /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts instssmen 555 catcom catcom 43459 # sss /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/reports sss 444 catcom catcom 30853 # pr_rep /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts pr_rep 555 catcom catcom 40449 # rrpt /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts rrpt 555 catcom catcom 24023 # srct21rptopts /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts srct21rptopts 555 catcom catcom :------------------------------------------------------------------