Release Description: rev2.0v00.u8 VERSION/ID: rev2.0v00.u8 Release script: /u/catcom/release/rev2.0v00.u8.rel Tue Jul 4 15:22:06 EST 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # rev2.0v00.u8.des /u/catcom/release /u/catcom/release rev2.0v00.u8.des 444 catcom catcom 42233 # relorder.lst /tmp /tmp relorder.lst 444 catcom catcom ---------------------------------------------------------------------- : rev2.0v00.u8 :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : Install script to select I4GL or D4GL Informix versions : NCR0457 - Fix to select4gl install script to remove only files on release 06069 # select4gl /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts select4gl 555 catcom catcom :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : NCR0422 - New exmvd scripts and changes to standard checklogs : (Re: New exmvd scripts see rev2.0v00.ptc03) : NOTE: for PTC you must uncomment lines in checklogs : (search for lines containing robyn) 29679 # checklogs /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts checklogs 555 catcom catcom 45234 # exmvd /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts exmvd 555 catcom catcom 41772 # exmvd.awk /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts exmvd.awk 555 catcom catcom :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : Reports Output Options Mods & Fixes : NCR0413 - CSV file format in Report Output Options, + t21txtrpt2csv script : NCR0445 - Fix to handling Combined RichText and Concatenation Options : - Handle multiple report in foreground at the same time : NCR0448 - E-Mail as attatchments in Report Output Options : NCR0449 - Rich text Word97 Landscape and Portrait page alignment fix : NCR0466 - Crystal file format in Report Output Options : - (incl. last t21txrpt2csv conversion script Re: Orminnett NCR462) 34786 # .t21rtftemplate.rtf /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts .t21rtftemplate.rtf 555 catcom catcom 34786 # .t21rtftemplate_WordPad.rtf /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts .t21rtftemplate_WordPad.rtf 555 catcom catcom 46911 # .t21rtftemplate_land_Word97.rtf /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts .t21rtftemplate_land_Word97.rtf 555 catcom catcom 18842 # .t21rtftemplate_port_Word97.rtf /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts .t21rtftemplate_port_Word97.rtf 555 catcom catcom 43214 # convt21rpt /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts convt21rpt 555 catcom catcom 63116 # dobatch /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts dobatch 555 catcom catcom 48914 # dosql /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts dosql 555 catcom catcom 20218 # handlet21rpt /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts handlet21rpt 555 catcom catcom 62697 # opent21rpt /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts opent21rpt 555 catcom catcom 16932 # pr_rep /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts pr_rep 555 catcom catcom 64819 # reps.lst /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts reps.lst 555 catcom catcom 47890 # rp /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts rp 555 catcom catcom 55690 # runont21 /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts runont21 555 catcom catcom 13036 # sc /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts sc 555 catcom catcom 20967 # sqlrep /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts sqlrep 555 catcom catcom 43556 # srct21rptopts /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts srct21rptopts 555 catcom catcom 63897 # gett21rptopts /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts gett21rptopts 555 catcom catcom 06644 # t21lowerwin /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts t21lowerwin 555 catcom catcom 61034 # t21raisewin /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts t21raisewin 555 catcom catcom 25141 # t21txtrpt2csv /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts t21txtrpt2csv 555 catcom catcom 24547 # t21txtrpt2csv.awk /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts t21txtrpt2csv.awk 444 catcom catcom 07421 # rptque /u/catcom/scripts /usr/spool/lp/model rptque 555 lp lp ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : echo "copying rptque model to interface directory" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : cp /usr/spool/lp/model/rptque /usr/spool/lp/admins/lp/interfaces/rptque ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 60192 # t21rptopts /u/catcom/Config/src/t21rptopts /u/catcom/bin t21rptopts 551 catcom catcom 03314 # t21rptopts.4gx /u/catcom/Config/src/t21rptopts /u/catcom/bin t21rptopts.4gx 551 catcom catcom 24866 # t21rptopts.42e /u/catcom/Config/src/t21rptopts /u/catcom/bin t21rptopts.42e 551 catcom catcom 63360 # t21rptopts.frm /u/catcom/Config/src/t21rptopts /u/catcom/forms t21rptopts.frm 444 catcom catcom 38619 # t21rptopts.42f /u/catcom/Config/src/t21rptopts /u/catcom/forms t21rptopts.42f 444 catcom catcom ------------------- Installation inline select4gl --------------------- : Select D4GL or I4GL : select4gl rev2.0v00.u8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : NCR0471 - Mod to tabcheck to check ECD opcalls table : - Mod to configsetup to make K72/I72 Telmax21 auto start link : so that on bootup the system wait for Telmax2 table : checking and fixing to finish before going multiuser. : - Mod to catwarn so email subject heading is "Catwarn Failure" 01647 # tabchk /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts tabchk 555 catcom catcom 00393 # catwarn /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts catwarn 555 catcom catcom 21301 # configsetup /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts configsetup 555 catcom catcom 54692 # fixautostart /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts fixautostart 555 catcom catcom ------------------- Installation inline commannd --------------------- : fixautostart ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : NCR0469 - Auto download fixes (Re: Ordminnett) : (auto down needs WTK on Client PC) 45339 # downwin /u/catcom/scripts /u/catcom/scripts downwin 755 catcom catcom 26411 # cdirload /u/catcom/Directory/cdir/scripts /u/catcom/scripts cdirload 555 catcom catcom :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : End rev2.0v00.u8