# @(#) init.base 83.1 99/10/21 # # Copyright (C) 1988-1999 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # The information in this file is provided for the exclusive use of # the licensees of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Such users have the # right to use, modify, and incorporate this code into other products # for purposes authorized by the license agreement provided they include # this notice and the associated copyright notice with any such product. # The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty. # # /etc/inittab on 286/386 processors is built by Installable # Drivers (ID) each time the kernel is rebuilt. /etc/inittab is replaced # by /etc/conf/cf.d/init.base appended with the component files in the # /etc/conf/init.d directory by the /etc/conf/bin/idmkinit command. # # To comment out an entry of /etc/inittab, insert a # at start of line. # bchk::sysinit:/etc/bcheckrc /dev/console 2>&1 ifor::sysinit:/etc/ifor_pmd /usr/adm/pmd.log 2>&1 tcb::sysinit:/etc/smmck /dev/console 2>&1 p6u:234:bootwait:/etc/p6update /dev/console 2>&1 ck:234:bootwait:/etc/asktimerc /dev/console 2>&1 ack:234:wait:/etc/authckrc /dev/console 2>&1 is:S:initdefault: r0:056:wait:/etc/rc0 1> /dev/console 2>&1 /dev/console 2>&1 /dev/console 2>&1 /dev/console 2>&1 /dev/console 2>&1 /dev/console 2>&1 /dev/console 2>&1 /dev/null 2>&1 Se2a:234:off:/etc/getty tty2a m Se2A:234:off:/etc/getty -t60 tty2A 3 Se1A:234:respawn:/etc/getty tty1A o Se1a:234:off:/etc/getty tty1a o http::sysinit:/etc/scohttp start scl:b:once:/etc/rc2.d/P86scologin start no_switch sclb:2:bootwait:/etc/scologin init fep1:23:off:/u/catcom/scripts/invoke_fep /dev/tty1a 100 clu1:23:respawn:/u/catcom/scripts/invoke_clu -t -g ALFRED -n 100000 -o /u/catcom/clu/data -l /u/catcom/clu/clu1.log en2a:234:off:/u/catcom/scripts/doenq tty2a 19200 vt220