var paywin = null; var payurl = "\"Mobile Phone Repayment $EXBILLPERIOD\"&BillPeriod=\"$EXBILLPERIOD\"&StaffNumber=$EMPID&Phone=$MOBILE&UnitAmountIncTax=$AMOUNT&GLCode=$GLCODE&EMAIL=$EMAIL"; function paylink() { var outp = ""; outp += ''; if ( pu_wr_select_count > 0 ) { // rjs removed cashier payment button 20/01/2014 // rjs putback cashier payment button 04/02/2014 outp += ''; outp += ''; outp += '' outp += ''; outp += ''; outp += ''; outp += '' outp += ''; outp += ''; outp += ''; outp += '' outp += ''; } else { outp += ''; outp += ''; outp += '' outp += ''; } outp += '
'; outp += ' '; outp += '' outp += ""; outp += '
'; outp += ' '; outp += '' outp += ""; outp += '
'; outp += ' '; outp += '' outp += ""; //outp += '
'; outp += ' '; outp += '' outp += ""; outp += '
'; return outp; } function popprintwin() { // show only pu calls and total tick_show_wr_only.checked = false; tick_show_pu_only.checked = true; show_pu_wr(); if ( ynConfirm("Print a Copy?") ) window.print(); } function popCashierPaymentwin() { // show only pu calls and total tick_show_wr_only.checked = false; tick_show_pu_only.checked = true; show_pu_wr(); // additional GST removed 27/03/2013 //var gstcost = 10 * pu_wr_totalcost / 100; var gstcost = 0; var totalpayable = strcost(pu_wr_totalcost + gstcost); //totalpayable = Math.round(totalpayable * 100) / 100; //var glcode = centre + "." + project; var grname1 = getCookie("WB_grname1"); var glcode = "NOT FOUND"; if ( grname1 == null || grname1 == "" ) { grname1 = "NOT FOUND"; alert("GLCODE cannot be found for UserID: " + this_userid); return; } else { glcode = grname1.substr(0,5) + "." + grname1.substr(6,4) + "." + "1614" + "." + grname1.substr(16,2) + "." + grname1.substr(19,2) + "." + "01"; } //alert("grname1=[" + grname1 + "]\n" + "glcode=[" + glcode + "]"); if ( !ynConfirm("Cashier Payment?") ) { return; } var cashpayurl = '../wbt_cashpay.cgi' + '?' + 'servicetypeid="' + this_servicetypeid + '"' + '&' + 'this_userid="' + this_userid + '"' + '&' + 'centre="' + centre + '"' + '&' + 'centredesc="' + centredesc + '"' + '&' + 'name="' + name + '"' + '&' + 'mobile="' + mobile + '"' + '&' + 'glcode="' + glcode + '"' + '&' + 'exbillperiod="' + exbillperiod + '"' + '&' + 'totalpayable="' + totalpayable + '"' var enccashpayurl = encodeURI(cashpayurl); paywin =,'','resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,location=no,status=yes,directories=no,top=0,left=0,height=550,width=950'); } function poppaywin() { // show only pu calls and total tick_show_wr_only.checked = false; tick_show_pu_only.checked = true; show_pu_wr(); // additional GST removed 27/03/2013 //var gstcost = 10 * pu_wr_totalcost / 100; var gstcost = 0; var totalpayable = strcost(pu_wr_totalcost + gstcost); //totalpayable = Math.round(totalpayable * 100) / 100; var email = getCookie("WB_email"); //var glcode = centre + "." + project; var grname1 = getCookie("WB_grname1"); var glcode = "NOT FOUND"; if ( grname1 == null || grname1 == "" ) { grname1 = "NOT FOUND"; alert("GLCODE cannot be found for UserID: " + this_userid); return; } else { glcode = grname1.substr(0,5) + "." + grname1.substr(6,4) + "." + "1614" + "." + grname1.substr(16,2) + "." + grname1.substr(19,2) + "." + "01"; } //alert("grname1=[" + grname1 + "]\n" + "glcode=[" + glcode + "]"); if ( !ynConfirm("Open Pay Site?") ) { return } if ( !popconfirmreviewwin() ) { return } var fullpayurl = payurl; fullpayurl = fullpayurl.replace(/\$EXBILLPERIOD/g,exbillperiod); fullpayurl = fullpayurl.replace(/\$NAME/g,name); fullpayurl = fullpayurl.replace(/\$EMAIL/g,email); fullpayurl = fullpayurl.replace(/\$EMPID/g,this_userid); fullpayurl = fullpayurl.replace(/\$MOBILE/g,mobile); fullpayurl = fullpayurl.replace(/\$AMOUNT/g,totalpayable); fullpayurl = fullpayurl.replace(/\$GLCODE/g,glcode); var encfullpayurl = encodeURI(fullpayurl); //alert("\n" + "fullpayurl=[" + fullpayurl + "]\n\n" + "encfullpayurl=[" + encfullpayurl + "]"); paywin =,'','resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,location=no,status=yes,directories=no,top=0,left=0,height=550,width=950'); } function confirm_no_pu() { // show only pu calls and total tick_show_wr_only.checked = false; tick_show_pu_only.checked = true; show_pu_wr(); if ( ynConfirm("Please confirm that there isn't any non-business charges in this bill?") ) { set_pu_reviewed(0); alert("No personal usage confirmed."); } } function popconfirmreviewwin() { // show only pu calls and total tick_show_wr_only.checked = false; tick_show_pu_only.checked = true; show_pu_wr(); var grname1 = getCookie("WB_grname1"); var glcode = "NOT FOUND"; if ( grname1 == null || grname1 == "" ) { grname1 = "NOT FOUND"; alert("GLCODE cannot be found for UserID: " + this_userid); return; } else { glcode = grname1.substr(0,5) + "." + grname1.substr(6,4) + "." + "1614" + "." + grname1.substr(16,2) + "." + grname1.substr(19,2) + "." + "01"; } if ( ynConfirm("Please Confirm you have identified all non-business charges in this bill?") ) { set_pu_reviewed(pu_wr_totalcost); alert("Review Confirmed."); return true; } return false; } function set_pu_reviewed(pu_wr_totalcost) { var now = new Date; var dd = now.getDate(); var dd = ((dd < 10) ? "0" : "") + dd; var mm = now.getMonth() + 1; var mm = ((mm < 10) ? "0" : "") + mm; var yyyy = now.getFullYear(); var ddmmyyyy = dd + "-" + mm + "-" + yyyy; pu_reviewed_date = ddmmyyyy; var accntprocfee = 0 // 0.05 * XTOTAL var usertotal = XTOTAL + accntprocfee //var gstcost = 10 * pu_wr_totalcost / 100; var gstcost = 0; var totalpayable = strcost(pu_wr_totalcost + gstcost); var grname1 = getCookie("WB_grname1"); var glcode = "NOT FOUND"; if ( grname1 == null || grname1 == "" ) { grname1 = "NOT FOUND"; } else { glcode = grname1.substr(0,5) + "." + grname1.substr(6,4) + "." + "1614" + "." + grname1.substr(16,2) + "." + grname1.substr(19,2) + "." + "01"; } pu_reviewed_amount = strcost(totalpayable); wr_reviewed_amount = strcost(usertotal - pu_wr_totalcost); mobilebill_save_userData(); // confirmation - send email notification var url = '../wbt_confirmmobilereview.cgi' + '?' + 'servicetypeid="' + this_servicetypeid + '"' + '&' + 'this_userid="' + this_userid + '"' + '&' + 'centre="' + centre + '"' + '&' + 'centredesc="' + centredesc + '"' + '&' + 'name="' + name + '"' + '&' + 'mobile="' + mobile + '"' + '&' + 'glcode="' + glcode + '"' + '&' + 'exbillperiod="' + exbillperiod + '"' + '&' + 'totalpayable="' + totalpayable + '"' var encurl = encodeURI(url); var result = getFile(encurl, '', "POST", null, null); if ( result.indexOf("Review confirmation received.") < 0 ) { alert("Error: url=[" + url + "]\n" + "result=" + result); } } function strcost(val) { var f = 0; var isneg = 0; if (val != null && val != "") f = parseFloat(val); if ( f < 0 ) { isneg = 1 f = f * -1 } var dollars = Math.floor(f); var cents = Math.round((f * 100) % 100); if ( cents == 100 ) { dollars += 1; cents = 0; } if ( dollars == 0 && cents == 0 ) return "0.00" var dollars_str = dollars var str = (isneg ? "-" : "") + "" + dollars_str + "."; if ( cents < 10 ) str = str + "0" + cents; else str = str + cents; return str; }