C0001|P0001|Programming 1|COSC1073|12|Semester 1, 2010|Charles Thevathayan|This course introduces object-oriented programming using the Java programming language. C0002|P0001|Programming Techniques|COSC1284|12|Semester 1, 2010|Xiaodong Li|This course extends the study of programming principles developed in pre-requisite courses, including use of defensive programming, debugging, testing, coding standards and practices; This course may serve as a foundation for further studies in Computer Science and Software Engineering. C0003|P0001|Artificial Intelligence|COSC1125|12|Semester 1, 2009|Andy Song|This course introduces the basic concepts and techniques of Artificial Intelligence. C0004|P0006|Artificial Intelligence|COSC1127|12|Semester 2, 2005|Andy Song|This course introduces the basic concepts and techniques of Artificial Intelligence. C0005|P0002|Introduction to Programming|COSC1519|12|Semester 2, 1998|Ken Gardiner|In this introductory course, you will acquire foundational knowledge about: computer systems; their components and interactions between components, etc. C0006|P0002|Web Programming|COSC2413|12|Semester 2, 2010|Margaret Hamilton|The course introduces you to the basic concepts of the World Wide Web (Web), and the principles and tools that are used to develop Web applications.