Background Knowledge for Meningitis
Differential Diagnosis:
For Analysis
Information about Attributes
(Attributes labeled "*" are additional grouped attributes.)
Sample Size: 140
Attribute: 38
Categorical (18) 2,3,4,11,14,15,17,18,22,23,24,30,31,32,35,36,37,38
Rank (1) 13
Numerical (19) 1,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,16,19,20,21,25,26,27,28,29,
(1) Personal Information
1. AGE: age
2. SEX: sex
(2) Diagnosis
3. DIAG: Diagnosis described in a database
ABSCESS: brain abscess
BACTERIA: bacterial meningitis
BACTERIA(E): bacterial meningoencephalitis
TB(E) : tuberculosis meningoenchephalitis
VIRUS: virus meningitis
VIRUS(E): virus meningoencephalitis
(If a patient of meningitis have some symptoms
of brain damage, he/she is diagnosed as
*4. Diag2: Grouped Attribute of DIAG (Grouped)
and TB(E)
(3) Present History
5. COLD: Since when the patient has symptoms like common
6. HEADACHE:Since when he/she has a headache. (0:no headache)
7. FEVER: Since when he/she has a fever. (0:no fever)
8. NAUSEA: when nausea starts (0:no nausea)
9. LOC: when loss of consciousness starts (0: no LOC)
10. SEIZURE: when convulsion or epilepsy is observed (0: no)
RECURR: recurrent
(4) Physical Examination at Admission
12. BT: Body Temperature
13. STIFF: Neck Stiffness
14. KERNIG: Kernig sign
15. LASEGUE:Lasegue sign
16. GCS: Glasgow Coma Scale (Score evaluating the degree of loss
*Minimum 3: comatose Max 15: normal
17. LOC_DAT:loss of consciousness (-: negativeˇ˘ +: positive) (Grouped)
*Even in the case with GCS being 15, some patients
drowsy. GCS will measure the score of eye opening,
utterance and movement after the order, and GCS cannot
detect a small disturbance of consciousness if the patients
can obey the order.
18. FOCAL: Focal sign (-: negativeˇ˘ +: positive) (Grouped)
(5) Laboratory Examination at Admission
19. WBC: White Blood Cell Count
20. CRP: C-Reactive Protein
21. ESR: Blood Sedimentation Test
22. CT_FIND: CT Findings (Grouped)
23. EEG_WAVE: Electroencephalography(EEG) Wave Findings (Grouped)
24. EEG_FOCUS: Focal Sign in EEG
25. CSF_CELL: Cell Count in Cerebulospinal Fluid
26. Cell_Poly: Cell Count (Polynuclear cell) in CSF
27. Cell_Mono: Cell Count (Mononuclear cell) in CSF
28. CSF_PRO: Protein in CSF
29. CSF_GLU: Glucose in CSF
*30. CULT_FIND: Whether bacteria or virus is specified or not.
(T: found, F: not found) (Grouped)
31. CULTURE: The name of Bacteria or Virus (-: not found)
(6) Therapy and Course
32. THERAPY2: Therapy
no_therapy: No therapy
ARA_A, Zobirax: anti-virus chemicals
INH: anti tuberculosis drug
multiple: Antibiotics changed several times
Other: names of antibiotics
(ABPC, CZX, FMOX, Dara_P,CTX, etc.)
33. CSF_CELL3: Cell Count CSF 3 days after the treatment
((Missing values included))
34. CSF_CELL7: Cell Cound of CSF 7 days after the treatment
35. C_COURSE: Clinical Course at discharge
negative: no symptoms
EEG_abnormal: the patient had abnormality of EEG
CT_abnormal: abnormality of CT
frontal_sign: frontal sign is observed.
attention: loss of attentions is observed.
aphasia: the patient cannot speak.
amnesia: retrograde amnesia
ataxia: motor disturbance is observed.
epilepsy: the patient suffered from epilepsy after
memory_loss: memory disturbance.
dead: death
*36. COURSE(Grouped): Grouped attribute of C_COURSE
(n:negative, p:positive)
37. RISK: Risk Factor
n: normal
LC: liver cirrhosis
bechet: bechet disease
sinusitis: chronic sinusitis
broncho: bronchial asthma
myeloma: multiple myeloma
TB: tuberculosis
DM: Diabetes mellitus
*38. RISK(Grouped): Grouped attribute of RISK
(n:netative, p:positive)
Database consists of a single table:
This database was donated by Dr. Shusaku Tsumoto (Department of Medical Informatics, Shimane Medical University). E-mail: