; ; Thyroid disease records supplied by the Garavan Institute and J. Ross ; Quinlan, New South Wales Institute, Syndney, Australia. ; ; 1987. ; This directory contains the latest version of an archive of thyroid diagnoses obtained from the Garvan Institute, consisting of 9172 records from 1984 to early 1987. Each record looks like (29 attribute values), diagnoses [record identification] The attributes are given in order and separated by commas. Unknown attribute values are indicated by question marks. The attributes are Attribute Name Possible Values -------------- --------------- age: continuous. sex: M, F. on thyroxine: f, t. query on thyroxine: f, t. on antithyroid medication: f, t. sick: f, t. pregnant: f, t. thyroid surgery: f, t. I131 treatment: f, t. query hypothyroid: f, t. query hyperthyroid: f, t. lithium: f, t. goitre: f, t. tumor: f, t. hypopituitary: f, t. psych: f, t. TSH measured: f, t. TSH: continuous. T3 measured: f, t. T3: continuous. TT4 measured: f, t. TT4: continuous. T4U measured: f, t. T4U: continuous. FTI measured: f, t. FTI: continuous. TBG measured: f, t. TBG: continuous. referral source: WEST, STMW, SVHC, SVI, SVHD, other. The diagnosis consists of a string of letters indicating diagnosed conditions. A diagnosis "-" indicates no condition requiring comment. A diagnosis of the form "X|Y" is interpreted as "consistent with X, but more likely Y". The conditions are divided into groups where each group corresponds to a class of comments. Letter Diagnosis ------ --------- hyperthyroid conditions: A hyperthyroid B T3 toxic C toxic goitre D secondary toxic hypothyroid conditions: E hypothyroid F primary hypothyroid G compensated hypothyroid H secondary hypothyroid binding protein: I increased binding protein J decreased binding protein general health: K concurrent non-thyroidal illness replacement therapy: L consistent with replacement therapy M underreplaced N overreplaced antithyroid treatment: O antithyroid drugs P I131 treatment Q surgery miscellaneous: R discordant assay results S elevated TBG T elevated thyroid hormones In experiments with an earlier version of this archive, decision trees were derived for the most frequent classes of comments, namely hyperthyroid conditions (A, B, C, D) hypothyroid conditions (E, F, G, H) binding protein (I, J) general health (K) replacement therapy (L, M, N) discordant results (R)