2000-10-17 17:03 mhall * weka/Makefile (1.28): Added remote.policy entry. Modified code for adding the pointer to the Tutorial.pdf file etc. to work properly with 1.2 javadoc's emulation of the 1.1 doc style. 2000-10-16 16:39 mhall * weka/converters/: ArffToArff.java (1.2), Converter.java (1.2): Doc fix. 2000-10-16 12:06 mhall * weka/filters/AttributeExpressionFilter.java (1.3): Doc fix. 2000-10-16 12:05 mhall * weka/experiment/InstanceQuery.java (1.8): No longer says "Read 0 instances" :-) 2000-10-16 12:03 mhall * weka/gui/explorer/PreprocessPanel.java (1.19): Added converter support to the preprocess panel. 2000-10-16 12:01 mhall * weka/gui/: GenericObjectEditor.java (1.21), GenericObjectEditor.props (1.25): Added converters to GenericObjectEditor.props; added tip text to the open and save buttons on the GOE. 2000-10-16 11:55 mhall * weka/converters/: Makefile (1.1), ArffToArff.java (1.1), Converter.java (1.1), CsvToArff.java (1.1): Initial import. 2000-10-16 11:43 mhall * weka/gui/visualize/VisualizePanel.java (1.13): Added some code to prevent the combo boxes from growing out of control with long attribute names. 2000-10-16 11:40 eibe * weka/filters/: SplitDatasetFilter.java (stable-3-0-patches.1), SplitDatasetFilter.java (1.4): "-V" didn't get returned in all cases in getOptions. 2000-10-16 11:34 eibe * weka/classifiers/SMO.java (1.17): Made two changes involving options (basically reverting the option-handling to what it was like in weka-3-1-7) Change 1: data is now being normalized by default (and option -R has been replaced by option -N) Change 2: the default value for C is now 1 (instead of 1000) Both these changes have been made to improve speed on standard datasets (and for consistency with the book version). 2000-10-16 10:07 mhall * weka/classifiers/AdditiveRegression.java (1.2): Added option for turning on debugging output. 2000-10-13 10:10 mhall * weka/gui/GenericObjectEditor.props (1.24): AdditiveRegression added. 2000-10-13 10:09 mhall * weka/classifiers/: AdditiveRegression.java (1.1), Makefile (1.18): AdditiveRegression initial import. 2000-10-10 16:05 mhall * weka/core/Attribute.java (1.12): javadoc fix. 2000-10-03 11:49 mhall * weka/gui/explorer/Explorer.java (1.15): VisualizePanel now does message logging. 2000-10-03 11:48 mhall * weka/gui/visualize/: AttributePanel.java (1.5), VisualizePanel.java (1.12), Visualize.props (1.6): Due to a limitation in GridBagLayout, the AttributePanel can display a maximum of 512 attribute bars. VisualizePanel will not render the AttributePanel if a data set contains more than 512 attributes. There is now a property for turning the AttributePanel on or off. 2000-09-29 10:59 trigg * weka/core/SerializedObject.java (1.2): Made this Serializable. 2000-09-25 17:17 trigg * weka/core/Attribute.java (1.11): Changed compression threshold to be more useful in practise. 2000-09-25 10:07 trigg * weka/core/Matrix.java (1.8): Fixed the matrix transpose problem introduced with last checkin. 2000-09-21 11:56 trigg * weka/: filters/Makefile (1.16), filters/StringToWordVectorFilter.java (1.1), gui/GenericObjectEditor.props (1.23): Simple version of a filter to convert string attributes to word vector representation. 2000-09-20 16:50 trigg * weka/classifiers/evaluation/ThresholdCurve.java (1.7): Adds FMeasure to the thresholdcurve. Added method for calculating n-point precision. 2000-09-20 15:34 trigg * weka/: classifiers/evaluation/ConfusionMatrix.java (1.2), core/Matrix.java (1.7): implements Cloneable Matrix now has add method. This and another couple of methods now work as they should with subclasses. 2000-09-20 14:48 trigg * weka/core/Instances.java (1.22): Added a method to get a certain attribute value for all instances. Rearranged a couple of methods to use this array in conjunction with Utils.sort, rather than having to sort a copy of the instances -- approx 20% speedup when getting instance summary on waveform data. 2000-09-20 14:41 trigg * weka/core/Utils.java (1.23): Sort on double arrays now treats NaN as MAX_VALUE (to give consistent behaviour with how missing values are treated when instances are sorted). 2000-09-19 13:04 trigg * weka/: core/Attribute.java (1.10), core/SerializedObject.java (1.1), experiment/OutputZipper.java (1.3), experiment/RemoteExperiment.java (1.4), gui/GenericArrayEditor.java (1.8), gui/GenericObjectEditor.java (1.20), gui/experiment/RunPanel.java (1.13), gui/explorer/ClassifierPanel.java (1.38), gui/explorer/ClustererPanel.java (1.25), gui/explorer/PreprocessPanel.java (1.18): Added a mechanism for serializing objects in memory. Replaced several versions of the same type of code to use this object. Changed Attribute to support internal compression of strings longer than Attribute.STRING_COMPRESS_THRESHOLD characters (currently 200). 2000-09-19 13:01 trigg * weka/classifiers/Evaluation.java (1.34): Reading cost files uses buffered readers. Minor speedup. 2000-09-15 16:13 mhall * weka/gui/experiment/RunPanel.java (1.12): If user aborts a RemoteExperiment, start button is now enabled only once all currently excecuting sub-experiments complete. 2000-09-15 16:12 mhall * weka/experiment/RemoteExperiment.java (1.3): Individual hosts are now removed from the list during running if max failures occur. Previously, a host on which tasks were starting but then failing would be tried repeatedly until global max failures was exceeded and the experiment aborted. 2000-09-15 09:46 trigg * weka/core/: Instance.java (1.6), Instances.java (1.21): Really minor doc changes. (really :-)) 2000-09-15 09:43 trigg * weka/: classifiers/DistributionMetaClassifier.java (1.1), clusterers/DistributionMetaClusterer.java (1.1): First versions. 2000-09-14 17:17 trigg * weka/filters/SpreadSubsampleFilter.java (1.2): Extra features. 2000-09-14 15:46 trigg * weka/gui/GenericObjectEditor.java (1.19): Now lets you load and save objects to disk. Quite handy when you have a nice configuration for an object that takes a while to set up manually. 2000-09-13 17:28 trigg * weka/filters/NumericTransformFilter.java (1.6): Added a default transform method, so this filter can be used from the GUI. 2000-09-13 14:32 trigg * weka/classifiers/FilteredClassifier.java (1.5): Refactored some code out into a separate method. 2000-09-13 13:48 trigg * weka/classifiers/FilteredClassifier.java (1.4): Memory reduction when using string attributes. 2000-09-12 17:02 mhall * weka/core/Range.java (1.4): Changed so that the maximum value (m_Upper) can be 0. Previously could not apply filters that use ranges to a single attribute data set. 2000-09-11 15:23 trigg * weka/gui/GenericObjectEditor.props (1.22): Sorted a couple of the lists... :-) 2000-09-07 14:22 mhall * weka/core/Utils.java (1.22): Added a method to replace all occurences of a substring in a given string with a new substring. 2000-09-07 12:20 mhall * weka/filters/AttributeExpressionFilter.java (1.2): Forgot to add a globalInfo method. Also set a default expression and made inner classes serializable. 2000-09-07 11:52 mhall * weka/gui/GenericObjectEditor.props (1.21): Added the AttributeExpressionFilter 2000-09-07 11:45 mhall * weka/filters/Makefile (1.15): Added AttributeExpressionFilter 2000-09-07 11:40 mhall * weka/filters/AttributeExpressionFilter.java (1.1): Initial import. 2000-09-05 15:09 mhall * weka/attributeSelection/RaceSearch.java (1.4): When checking for no difference between attribute sets significance was not being tested---only the threshold was. Fixed. 2000-08-31 16:23 mhall * weka/gui/: GenericObjectEditor.java (1.18), PropertyText.java (1.3): Changed PropertyText so that notifications are given for every key press rather than just when the user presses enter or focus is lost. Added a method to copy objects via serialization to GenericObjectEditor. This allows the cancel button to work a bit better than before :-) 2000-08-29 13:46 mhall * weka/clusterers/: EM.java (stable-3-0-patches.2), EM.java (1.10): Changed back from using the normal estimator. The normal estimator gives a probability rather than a density estimate. Now throws an exception if the joint density overflows precision (normally happens when there are many singletons or near singletons resulting in very small standard deviations; this was causing some exceptions when normalizing arrays). Added an option to set the minimum allowable standard deviation for normal density estimation---increasing this value can prevent density overflow. Added global info and tip text methods. 2000-08-23 15:33 mhall * weka/clusterers/Cobweb.java (stable-3-0-patches.3): Stats were not being updated properly when new nodes were considered for addition to the tree. 2000-08-23 11:44 mhall * weka/clusterers/Cobweb.java (1.8): Stats were not being updated properly when new nodes were considered for addition to the tree. 2000-08-17 15:22 mhall * weka/experiment/Makefile (1.10): Forgot to uncomment the rmic command. 2000-08-17 15:05 mhall * weka/gui/experiment/: Makefile (1.4), RunPanel.java (1.11), SetupPanel.java (1.13): Incorporated support for remote experiments. 2000-08-17 15:04 mhall * weka/gui/experiment/: HostListPanel.java (1.1), DistributeExperimentPanel.java (1.1): Initial import. 2000-08-17 15:01 mhall * weka/experiment/: DatabaseUtils.java (1.12), Experiment.java (1.12), Makefile (1.9), RemoteExperiment.java (1.2), RemoteExperimentEvent.java (1.2), Task.java (1.2): Small changes to enable RemoteExperiment to be integrated with the Experimenter. 2000-08-17 14:34 mhall * weka/experiment/RemoteExperimentSubTask.java (1.1): Initial import. 2000-08-15 16:52 trigg * weka/: associations/ItemSet.java (1.5), attributeSelection/ConsistencySubsetEval.java (1.4), classifiers/DecisionTable.java (1.15), classifiers/Evaluation.java (1.33), core/Attribute.java (1.9), core/SelectedTag.java (1.2): Fixed buggy equals methods, after reading http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-01-1999/jw-01-object_p.html 2000-08-14 11:51 trigg * weka/: classifiers/Classifier.java (1.5), clusterers/Clusterer.java (1.5): Documentation clarification. 2000-08-11 16:13 mhall * weka/experiment/Makefile (1.8): Added RemoteExperiment related classes (commented out at present). 2000-08-11 16:07 mhall * weka/experiment/: RemoteEngine.java (1.1), Compute.java (1.1), Task.java (1.1), RemoteExperimentEvent.java (1.1), RemoteExperimentListener.java (1.1), RemoteExperiment.java (1.1), remote.policy (1.1): Initial import. 2000-08-11 15:48 mhall * weka/experiment/Experiment.java (1.11): Options can now be passed to the result listener on the command line if name of result listener + its options are surrounded by quotes. 2000-08-11 14:17 trigg * weka/classifiers/evaluation/NominalPrediction.java (1.5): Added a serialVersionUID to counter serialization problems. 2000-08-11 10:59 trigg * weka/classifiers/FilteredClassifier.java (1.3): Added constructor that lets an initial classifier and filter be specified. 2000-08-11 10:58 trigg * weka/classifiers/evaluation/NominalPrediction.java (1.4): Added a method to create a uniform distribution. 2000-08-03 15:57 trigg * weka/gui/SimpleCLI.java (1.3): Added some startup text. 2000-08-03 15:51 trigg * weka/gui/visualize/VisualizeUtils.java (1.4): Doing the same properties loading extraction here too. 2000-08-03 15:48 trigg * weka/: core/Utils.java (1.21), experiment/DatabaseUtils.java (1.11), gui/GenericObjectEditor.java (1.17): Pulled out common properties file reading code into a single routine in Utils. 2000-08-03 15:18 mhall * weka/associations/: Apriori.java (1.6), ItemSet.java (1.4): Added new rule "goodness" measures plus a few other options. 2000-08-01 16:07 trigg * weka/classifiers/evaluation/: ConfusionMatrix.java (1.1), Makefile (1.4): First version. When the Great Modular Evaluation Reorg happens, (or maybe before), this class should be made an AdditionalMeasureProducer (although I think AdditionalMeasureProducer should actually just be called MeasureProducer). 2000-08-01 15:55 trigg * weka/classifiers/CostMatrix.java (1.5): Now uses addElement method. 2000-08-01 15:55 trigg * weka/core/Matrix.java (1.6): Made toString non-final (who's dumb idea was that anyway -- not very forward-thinking :-)) Added addElement method to avoid having to use setElement/getElement pairs to add or subtract from cells. 2000-07-25 17:15 trigg * weka/classifiers/evaluation/ThresholdCurve.java (1.6): Removing one point that shouldn't be there. 2000-07-25 14:31 trigg * weka/classifiers/evaluation/NumericPrediction.java (1.2): Made Serializable. 2000-07-25 14:30 trigg * weka/classifiers/evaluation/NominalPrediction.java (1.3): Made Serializable 2000-07-25 11:44 mhall * weka/gui/visualize/Makefile (1.4): Changed VisualizePanelUtils to VisualizeUtils 2000-07-24 11:45 mhall * weka/associations/Apriori.java (stable-3-0-patches.1): Fixed precision problem. Added extra check to stop rule generation when min support equates to less than one instance. 2000-07-24 11:25 mhall * weka/associations/Apriori.java (1.5): Fixed precision problem. Added extra check to stop rule generation when min support equates to less than one instance. 2000-07-21 16:39 trigg * weka/gui/visualize/Makefile (1.3): Added missing source file. 2000-07-21 14:56 mhall * weka/clusterers/: EM.java (1.9), ClusterEvaluation.java (1.13), DistributionClusterer.java (1.5): EM's distributionForInstance now returns an array that sums to 1. ClusterEvaluation now reports the number of instances (if any) that were unclustered. 2000-07-20 14:44 mhall * weka/classifiers/CostSensitiveClassifier.java (1.4): Now loads old format as well as new format cost files. 2000-07-19 17:35 trigg * weka/experiment/PairedTTester.java (1.12): Fixed some buggy comparisons and rearranged code a bit. 2000-07-19 17:34 trigg * weka/experiment/Stats.java (1.5): Fixed some NaN problems with Std Devs. 2000-07-19 17:32 trigg * weka/experiment/: LearningRateResultProducer.java (1.1), Makefile (1.7): Added ResultProducer for generating learning rate graphs. 2000-07-19 17:30 trigg * weka/experiment/Experiment.java (1.10): Added static for experiment file extensions. 2000-07-19 17:28 trigg * weka/gui/experiment/RunPanel.java (1.10): Slightly clearer status lines during experiment iterations. 2000-07-19 17:28 trigg * weka/gui/experiment/SetupPanel.java (1.12): Checks file extension when loading experiment files. 2000-07-19 17:26 trigg * weka/: classifiers/MultiClassClassifier.java (1.9), classifiers/RegressionByDiscretization.java (1.7), core/Instances.java (1.20): Factored out some shared code for resampling with weights defined by the instance weights. 2000-07-19 17:23 trigg * weka/classifiers/Bagging.java (1.10): Fixed bug (spotted by stuart@intelligenesis.net) in determining subsample size. 2000-07-18 13:13 mhall * weka/clusterers/EM.java (stable-3-0-patches.1): Now uses a NormalEstimator instead of custom code for normal distributions. 2000-07-17 15:28 mhall * weka/Makefile (1.27): Added properties file for visualize package. 2000-07-13 15:39 mhall * weka/gui/visualize/: ClassPanel.java (1.6), Plot2D.java (1.12), VisualizePanel.java (1.11), Visualize.props (1.5), VisualizeUtils.java (1.3): Added a max numeric precision property. 2000-07-13 14:53 mhall * weka/clusterers/EM.java (1.8): Now uses a NormalEstimator instead of custom code for normal distributions. 2000-07-13 14:52 mhall * weka/gui/explorer/ClustererPanel.java (1.24): Moved the call to taskStarted to before where any exceptions are thrown. 2000-07-13 14:50 mhall * weka/gui/WekaTaskMonitor.java (1.4): Added a check to prevent the number of active tasks from being less than zero. 2000-07-12 17:14 mhall * weka/gui/visualize/VisualizeUtils.java (1.2): Fixed spelling mistake in error message. 2000-07-10 16:30 mhall * weka/gui/GUIChooser.java (1.4): Sets bird icon for the GUIChooser. 2000-07-05 11:46 mhall * weka/experiment/PairedTTester.java (1.11): Added latex output for the summary and ranking tables. 2000-06-26 16:50 trigg * weka/core/SparseInstance.java (1.2): Updated class comments a bit, to clarify what a sparse instance is, and what it means for nominal attributes. 2000-06-26 11:12 mhall * weka/classifiers/VFI.java (1.2): Is now a WeightedInstanceHandler. 2000-06-22 10:48 mhall * weka/gui/GenericObjectEditor.props (1.20): Added VFI classifier. 2000-06-22 10:48 mhall * weka/classifiers/: Makefile (1.17), VFI.java (1.1): Added VFI classifier. Modified Makefile. 2000-06-15 14:54 mhall * weka/gui/explorer/ClustererPanel.java (1.23): Added check for numeric class in class based evaluation mode. 2000-06-15 14:54 mhall * weka/clusterers/ClusterEvaluation.java (1.12): Fixed bug that stopped class based evaluation from working when class was the first attribute. Added check in evaluateClusterer for numeric class. 2000-06-15 14:35 mhall * weka/gui/explorer/ClustererPanel.java (1.22): Added a class based cluster evaluation mode. 2000-06-15 14:34 mhall * weka/clusterers/ClusterEvaluation.java (1.11): Added routines to do class to cluster evaluation if a class attribute is set. 2000-06-14 11:54 trigg * weka/: filters/EmptyAttributeFilter.java (1.1), filters/Makefile (1.14), filters/NonSparseToSparseFilter.java (1.1), filters/NonsparseToSparseFilter.java (1.2), filters/SparseToNonSparseFilter.java (1.1), filters/SpreadSubsampleFilter.java (1.1), gui/GenericObjectEditor.props (1.19): Added a bunch of new filters (yippee!). Renamed one existing one. Updated the GenericObjectEditor.props for these changes. 2000-06-14 11:49 trigg * weka/core/Instances.java (1.19): Niggly spelling correction :-) 2000-06-12 09:44 mhall * weka/gui/explorer/ClustererPanel.java (1.21): Added the ablity to ignore columns during clustering. The ignored columns remain in the data for visualization purposes. 2000-06-06 17:12 mhall * weka/experiment/PairedTTester.java (1.10): Added a method to output comparison tables in Latex table format. 2000-06-06 09:40 mhall * weka/gui/visualize/: AttributePanel.java (1.4), ClassPanel.java (1.5), Plot2D.java (1.11), PlotData2D.java (1.5), VisualizePanel.java (1.10): Handles no attribute, no instances datasets without crashing :-) 2000-06-02 12:40 mhall * weka/gui/explorer/PreprocessPanel.java (1.17): Added a warning dialog that appears when the user has unselected all attributes and pressed apply filters. 2000-05-30 16:57 mhall * weka/gui/AttributeSummaryPanel.java (1.3): When a new dataset is loaded the summary panel is cleared. 2000-05-30 16:57 mhall * weka/gui/AttributeSelectionPanel.java (1.3): When a new dataset is loaded any selected row is now cleared. 2000-05-22 16:26 mhall * weka/gui/visualize/Plot2D.java (1.10): Fixed bug that caused array out of bounds exceptions to occur when changing axis when jitter was any value but 0. 2000-05-19 13:56 mhall * weka/gui/visualize/Visualize.props (1.4): Removed the spaces from Threshold and Margin curve relation names to allow the default properties for these types of relations to be read properly under java 1.1. 2000-05-19 13:55 mhall * weka/gui/visualize/VisualizePanel.java (1.9): Was disabling the colour combo when colouring index was being set from a definition in the property file---fixed. 2000-05-19 13:53 mhall * weka/classifiers/evaluation/: MarginCurve.java (1.3), ThresholdCurve.java (1.5): Removed spaces from the relation names. This allows the default visualization properties for these types of curves to work properly under java 1.1 (which doesn't handle escape characters). 2000-05-18 12:43 trigg * weka/gui/visualize/Visualize.props (1.3): Added default axes for threshold curves and margin curves. 2000-05-17 15:49 mhall * weka/gui/visualize/: VisualizePanel.java (1.8), Visualize.props (1.2): Changed so that preferred visualization dimensions can be specified with regards to specific dataset relation names. 2000-05-17 11:57 mhall * weka/gui/visualize/: AttributePanel.java (1.3), Plot2D.java (1.9), VisualizePanel.java (1.7): Now reads a Visualize.props property file for setting up colours and preferred viewing dimensions. 2000-05-17 11:56 mhall * weka/gui/visualize/: Visualize.props (1.1), VisualizeUtils.java (1.1): Initial import. 2000-05-15 11:40 mhall * weka/gui/GUIChooser.java (1.3): Flashed up the GUI chooser a wee bit. 2000-05-15 11:39 mhall * weka/gui/weka3.gif (1.1): Initial checkin 2000-05-11 21:32 eibe * weka/classifiers/j48/J48.java (1.17): "SafeInstanceData" replaced by "SaveInstanceData" 2000-05-11 10:59 mhall * weka/gui/visualize/: ClassPanel.java (1.4), Plot2D.java (1.8): Improved the field width + precision calculation for numeric axis labels. 2000-05-09 12:09 mhall * weka/gui/LogPanel.java (1.8): Now runs the garbage collector before reporting the free memory. 2000-05-08 11:47 mhall * weka/gui/experiment/DatasetListPanel.java (1.11): Added a check box that allows users to choose to store paths to datasets relative to the user (start) directory. 2000-05-08 11:01 mhall * weka/gui/LogPanel.java (1.7): Fixed a local variable name confusion. 2000-05-08 10:32 mhall * weka/gui/LogPanel.java (1.6): Added a popup menu to display free memory and run the garbage collector.