2003-04-17 11:54 mhall * weka/gui/beans/README_KnowledgeFlow (1.3): removed a linefeed 2003-04-17 11:52 mhall * weka/gui/beans/README_KnowledgeFlow (1.2): Removed reference to Tools toolbar 2003-04-17 11:46 mhall * weka/gui/beans/KnowledgeFlow.java (1.11): Added help button 2003-04-17 11:44 mhall * weka/gui/beans/: icons/Help24.gif (1.1), README_KnowledgeFlow (1.1): Initial import 2003-04-17 10:42 rkirkby * weka/gui/AttributeVisualizationPanel.java (1.10): Performance improvements by Ashraf, plus attempts to make more thread safe, avoiding use of stop(). 2003-04-17 10:13 rkirkby * weka/gui/explorer/PreprocessPanel.java (1.34): Prevented multiple "visualize all" windows from being opened. 2003-04-16 15:52 eibe * weka/gui/AttributeVisualizationPanel.java (1.9): Fixed a bug. 2003-04-16 14:46 eibe * weka/gui/AttributeVisualizationPanel.java (1.8): Made thread safe 2003-04-16 12:24 rkirkby * weka/filters/unsupervised/attribute/RemoveUseless.java (1.4): Fixed so that it will not remove the class attribute if set. 2003-04-16 11:36 rkirkby * weka/gui/GenericObjectEditor.props (1.78): Added Nnge. 2003-04-16 11:33 rkirkby * weka/classifiers/rules/Makefile (1.5): Added Nnge. 2003-04-16 11:33 rkirkby * weka/classifiers/rules/Nnge.java (1.1): Initial import. 2003-04-16 11:30 rkirkby * weka/gui/visualize/VisualizeUtils.java (1.7): Suppressed some warning messages. 2003-04-16 11:28 rkirkby * weka/gui/explorer/ClassifierPanel.java (1.60): Suppressed console output of random seed. 2003-04-16 11:24 rkirkby * weka/gui/visualize/: Plot2D.java (1.18), PlotData2D.java (1.15): Suppressed some warning messages. 2003-04-16 11:20 rkirkby * weka/gui/visualize/: VisualizePanel.java (1.19), AttributePanel.java (1.8): Suppressed some warning messages. 2003-04-16 11:06 rkirkby * weka/gui/: experiment/Experimenter.java (1.6), beans/KnowledgeFlow.java (1.10): Now uses the system look & feel. 2003-04-16 11:03 rkirkby * weka/gui/: GUIChooser.java (1.11), explorer/Explorer.java (1.27): Now uses the system look & feel. 2003-04-16 09:25 eibe * weka/classifiers/functions/SimpleLinearRegression.java (1.2): Added some checks to SimpleLinearRegression. 2003-04-16 09:19 eibe * weka/: classifiers/functions/Makefile (1.6), classifiers/functions/SimpleLinearRegression.java (1.1), classifiers/functions/UnivariateLinearRegression.java (1.2), gui/GenericObjectEditor.props (1.77): Renamed UnivariateLinearRegression to become SimpleLinearRegression 2003-04-15 14:09 mhall * weka/gui/explorer/PreprocessPanel.java (1.33): Now displays color combo box for histograms and a button to popup a panel of histograms above the singe histogram display 2003-04-15 14:08 mhall * weka/gui/AttributeVisualizationPanel.java (1.7): Changed to allow color combo box to be either visible or invisible and added a method to return the combo box so that another component can place this control wherever it likes 2003-04-15 14:06 mhall * weka/gui/beans/Makefile (1.2): Added beans to makefile 2003-04-15 14:06 eibe * weka/attributeSelection/SVMAttributeEval.java (1.15): Location of SMO has changed 2003-04-15 14:05 mhall * weka/gui/beans/AttributeSummarizerBeanInfo.java (1.1): Initial import 2003-04-15 14:01 mhall * weka/gui/beans/: AttributeSummarizer.java (1.3), ClassAssigner.java (1.5), CrossValidationFoldMaker.java (1.3), TrainTestSplitMaker.java (1.3): Added globalInfo and tool tip stuff 2003-04-15 13:58 eibe * weka/classifiers/functions/Logistic.java (1.26): Changed some exceptions. 2003-04-15 13:56 eibe * weka/classifiers/meta/AdaBoostM1.java (1.16): AdaBoostM1 now produces much better probability estimates (Thanks, Xin :-) 2003-04-15 13:17 eibe * weka/gui/GenericObjectEditor.props (1.76): SMO, etc., now in supportVector package. 2003-04-15 13:12 eibe * weka/classifiers/functions/: Logistic.java (1.25), Makefile (1.5), SMO.java (1.49), supportVector/Kernel.java (1.1), supportVector/Makefile (1.1), supportVector/NormalizedPolyKernel.java (1.1), supportVector/PolyKernel.java (1.1), supportVector/RBFKernel.java (1.1), supportVector/SMO.java (1.1), supportVector/SMOreg.java (1.1), supportVector/SMOset.java (1.1): Replaced implementation of logistic regression. SMO has moved into a new supportVector package that also includes SMO for regression. 2003-04-15 11:20 rkirkby * weka/filters/unsupervised/attribute/RemoveUseless.java (1.3): The maximum variance parameter default is now 99, and now only applies to nominal attributes. 2003-04-14 16:10 mhall * weka/gui/PropertySheetPanel.java (1.12): set number of columns to 30 for the text area that displays the about info 2003-04-14 10:10 mhall * weka/gui/beans/AttributeSummarizer.java (1.2): Added a coloring index property 2003-04-14 10:09 mhall * weka/gui/explorer/PreprocessPanel.java (1.32): Added ability to pop up a matrix of AttributeVisualizationPanels 2003-04-14 10:08 mhall * weka/gui/AttributeVisualizationPanel.java (1.6): Added methods to set and get the coloring index 2003-04-11 12:21 mhall * weka/gui/beans/: AttributeSummarizer.java (1.1), icons/AttributeSummarizer.gif (1.1), icons/AttributeSummarizer_animated.gif (1.1): Initial import 2003-04-11 12:20 mhall * weka/gui/beans/: DataVisualizer.java (1.5), KnowledgeFlow.java (1.9), ScatterPlotMatrix.java (1.3): Some mods to allow beans to determine whether they are running inside an editor environment or not 2003-04-11 12:19 mhall * weka/gui/beans/Beans.props (1.4): Split the tools toolbar into evaluationa and visualization 2003-04-10 18:10 mhall * weka/gui/AttributeVisualizationPanel.java (1.5): Made this component respect the class attribute (if set in the data) and fixed a couple of negative array size exceptions on construction 2003-04-10 09:03 eibe * weka/core/Utils.java (1.36): Added Bernhard's method for converting log(P) back into P. 2003-04-09 15:49 mhall * weka/gui/beans/DataVisualizer.java (1.4): Changed a couple of variables to protected to allow easier subclassing 2003-04-09 15:48 mhall * weka/gui/beans/ScatterPlotMatrix.java (1.2): Now extends DataVisualizer 2003-04-09 14:45 mhall * weka/gui/beans/ScatterPlotMatrixBeanInfo.java (1.1): Initial import 2003-04-09 10:52 mhall * weka/gui/beans/DataVisualizer.java (1.3): Fixed some docs 2003-04-09 10:52 mhall * weka/gui/beans/Beans.props (1.3): Added scatter plot matrix 2003-04-09 10:49 mhall * weka/gui/beans/: icons/ScatterPlotMatrix.gif (1.1), icons/ScatterPlotMatrix_animated.gif (1.1), ScatterPlotMatrix.java (1.1): Initial import 2003-04-08 15:58 mhall * weka/gui/beans/ClassifierPerformanceEvaluator.java (1.3): Fixed eventGeneratable bug 2003-04-08 15:57 mhall * weka/gui/beans/KnowledgeFlow.java (1.8): Changed log to hidden type 2003-04-04 10:07 mhall * weka/classifiers/trees/REPTree.java (1.10): GetOptions now returns an integer value for tree depth rather than a double. This is in line with setOptions that parses tree depths as an integer 2003-04-04 09:20 eibe * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/BoundaryVisualizer.java (1.11): Fixed reference 2003-04-04 09:17 eibe * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/BoundaryVisualizer.java (1.10): Added reference 2003-04-04 09:14 eibe * weka/: classifiers/lazy/LWL.java (1.6), classifiers/lazy/LWR.java (1.16), classifiers/lazy/Makefile (1.5), gui/GenericObjectEditor.props (1.75): LWR has been replaced by the more general LWL class. 2003-03-31 16:36 rkirkby * weka/gui/experiment/ResultsPanel.java (1.23): Will now pass the folds column if detected to the T-Tester, to ensure correct ordering. 2003-03-31 16:34 rkirkby * weka/experiment/PairedTTester.java (1.17): Added option for fold column, so that the folds can be taken into account when sorting. 2003-03-31 08:40 eibe * weka/filters/supervised/attribute/ClassOrder.java (1.2): Xin made it a bit safer. 2003-03-28 10:24 eibe * weka/: attributeSelection/SVMAttributeEval.java (1.14), classifiers/functions/SMO.java (1.48): Eliminated weights() method from SMO. 2003-03-27 10:11 rkirkby * weka/classifiers/functions/SMO.java (1.47): Six utility methods have been added that were submitted by Christopher Bader from Unveil Technologies (cbader@Unveil.com). 2003-03-27 09:46 rkirkby * weka/gui/AttributeVisualizationPanel.java (1.4): Removed a debug message. 2003-03-26 10:13 rkirkby * weka/gui/visualize/MatrixPanel.java (1.5): Point size can now be changed. 2003-03-26 10:12 rkirkby * weka/gui/AttributeVisualizationPanel.java (1.3): Graphs are now colour coded and other improvements. 2003-03-25 15:43 rkirkby * weka/filters/unsupervised/attribute/RemoveUseless.java (1.2): Fixed filtering of instances after the inital batch has been processed. 2003-03-21 10:52 rkirkby * weka/gui/LogPanel.java (1.13): The log can now either be hidden or visible, to keep Experimenter run tab appearance the same as it was. 2003-03-21 10:16 rkirkby * weka/gui/explorer/Explorer.java (1.26): Updated startup log message. 2003-03-20 15:57 rkirkby * weka/gui/LogPanel.java (1.12): Log is now accessible via a button, rather than always on display. 2003-03-20 14:57 rkirkby * weka/gui/explorer/ClustererPanel.java (1.38): Improved error handling by displaying a dialog box when clustering fails. 2003-03-20 14:50 rkirkby * weka/gui/explorer/ClassifierPanel.java (1.59): Improved error handling by displaying a dialog box when something fails. 2003-03-18 15:42 rkirkby * weka/experiment/PairedCorrectedTTester.java (1.3): Forgot to override the main method. 2003-03-13 17:13 mhall * weka/classifiers/bayes/AODE.java (1.2): Fixed getOptions and added get and set methods for the frequency option 2003-03-13 12:12 rkirkby * weka/experiment/RandomSplitResultProducer.java (1.15): Will now stratify the train and test sets if the class is nominal and randomization is enabled. 2003-03-11 16:05 eibe * weka/core/Optimization.java (1.4): Made it more memory efficient. 2003-03-11 16:03 eibe * weka/classifiers/rules/JRip.java (1.9): Fixed bug when class not last attribute. 2003-03-10 13:35 rkirkby * weka/: classifiers/bayes/Makefile (1.5), gui/GenericObjectEditor.props (1.74): Added AODE. 2003-03-10 13:34 rkirkby * weka/classifiers/bayes/AODE.java (1.1): Initial import. 2003-03-07 15:42 rkirkby * weka/gui/AttributeVisualizationPanel.java (1.2): Numeric ranges are now displayed as histograms. 2003-03-03 14:01 mhall * weka/experiment/RemoteEngine.java (1.7): Small change to purge code 2003-03-03 14:01 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/: BoundaryPanel.java (1.17), BoundaryPanelDistributed.java (1.3): Small changes to progress info and bugfix in plot routine 2003-02-27 14:02 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/BoundaryPanelDistributed.java (1.2): Improved progress info 2003-02-26 14:37 rkirkby * weka/classifiers/trees/UserClassifier.java (1.12): Fixed use of classifier so that the user can select which classifier to use. 2003-02-26 14:29 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/: BoundaryPanel.java (1.16), DataGenerator.java (1.3), KDDataGenerator.java (1.4): Small changes to allow distributed boundary visualization 2003-02-26 14:28 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/: BoundaryPanelDistributed.java (1.1), RemoteBoundaryVisualizerSubTask.java (1.1), RemoteResult.java (1.1): Initial import 2003-02-26 14:27 mhall * weka/experiment/: RemoteEngine.java (1.6), RemoteExperimentSubTask.java (1.6), Task.java (1.7): Fix to type unloading code plus some small changes to make distributed boudary visualization possible 2003-02-26 10:37 rkirkby * weka/gui/GenericObjectEditor.java (1.38): Changed 'Set' button to 'Choose'. Changed popup background to match the tree so it doesn't look as ugly when then tree is smaller than the popup. 2003-02-20 16:11 rkirkby * weka/classifiers/trees/RandomForest.java (1.3): Added out-of-bag error estimation. 2003-02-20 15:59 rkirkby * weka/classifiers/meta/Bagging.java (1.23): Added ability to calculate the out-of-bag error and return it as an additional measure. 2003-02-20 14:27 eibe * weka/classifiers/lazy/LWL.java (1.5): Added rescaling of weights 2003-02-20 10:50 rkirkby * weka/classifiers/meta/Bagging.java (1.22): Added Randomizable classifier handling. 2003-02-19 11:31 rkirkby * weka/: classifiers/meta/Makefile (1.5), gui/GenericObjectEditor.props (1.73): Added StackingC, Grading and Vote. 2003-02-19 11:30 rkirkby * weka/classifiers/meta/: Grading.java (1.1), StackingC.java (1.1), Vote.java (1.1): Initial import. 2003-02-19 10:50 rkirkby * weka/classifiers/trees/REPTree.java (1.9): Has been made sourcable thanks to a contribution by Igor Wronsky. 2003-02-18 16:03 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/BoundaryPanel.java (1.15): Fixed bug in main method 2003-02-17 11:30 mhall * weka/gui/explorer/AttributeSelectionPanel.java (1.25): Modified to allow scatter plot matrix to be popped up to show transformed or reduced data 2003-02-17 10:03 mhall * weka/experiment/: RemoteEngine.java (1.5), remote.policy (1.4): Mods that allow remote engine to unload types from its virtual machine. 2003-02-14 16:29 mhall * weka/build.xml (1.10): oops another file left out of the remoteEngine.jar file 2003-02-14 16:17 mhall * weka/build.xml (1.9): some classes were left out of the remoteEngine.jar file 2003-02-14 10:27 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/BoundaryPanel.java (1.14): Merged Len's stuff 2003-02-13 15:50 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/BoundaryVisualizer.java (1.9): Changes to UI and merging of Len's progressive plotting code 2003-02-13 15:49 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/KDDataGenerator.java (1.3): now uses k'th nearest neighbour to set kernel bandwidth 2003-02-13 13:52 eibe * weka/classifiers/bayes/: NaiveBayes.java (1.13), NaiveBayesUpdateable.java (1.3): Included supervised discretization as an option in NaiveBayes (mainly for convenience) 2003-02-11 14:30 trigg * weka/core/: Attribute.java (1.29), Instances.java (1.41): Moved a bunch of strings into constants. Fixed arff parsing bug reported by JK Sakura . 2003-02-10 17:30 eibe * weka/classifiers/lazy/: LWL.java (1.4), LWR.java (1.15): Fixed bugs that I introduced with the last change 2003-02-10 17:20 trigg * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/BoundaryPanel.java (1.13): Use progressive sampling and gridding to allow a faster overall impression of the boundary graph. 2003-02-10 14:48 trigg * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/BoundaryPanel.java (1.12): Fixed warning reported by jikes +P, and a CVS keyword typo. 2003-02-10 14:46 trigg * weka/classifiers/lazy/LWL.java (1.3): Removed warning reported by jikes +P. 2003-02-10 13:14 eibe * weka/classifiers/lazy/: LWL.java (1.2), LWR.java (1.14): Made some small changes to LWL and LWR 2003-02-09 22:31 eibe * weka/: classifiers/lazy/Makefile (1.4), gui/GenericObjectEditor.props (1.72): Added LWL.java 2003-02-09 22:29 eibe * weka/classifiers/lazy/LWL.java (1.1): Locally weighted learning for any base classifier. 2003-02-07 12:08 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/BoundaryPanel.java (1.11): tool tip text now stays on screen until mouse is moved 2003-02-05 15:18 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/BoundaryPanel.java (1.10): Now saves a jpeg when invoked from the command line. Also pops up tooltip for probability vector for a pixel on mouseover 2003-02-04 17:14 eibe * weka/core/Optimization.java (1.3): Fixed bug. 2003-02-04 11:13 rkirkby * weka/gui/explorer/ClassifierPanel.java (1.58): Use of a test set was broken. 2003-02-04 09:29 rkirkby * weka/gui/visualize/MatrixPanel.java (1.4): Prevented MatrixPanel from altering the class index of the instances. 2003-01-31 15:16 rkirkby * weka/core/Attribute.java (1.28): Added check to disallow a nominal attribute from having duplicate labels. 2003-01-31 15:09 eibe * weka/core/Optimization.java (1.2): Fixed Javadoc. 2003-01-31 11:04 rkirkby * weka/experiment/PairedCorrectedTTester.java (1.2): Removed some debug output. 2003-01-31 11:00 rkirkby * weka/gui/experiment/ResultsPanel.java (1.22): Now uses the PairedCorrectedTTester, plus a tool tip informing users. 2003-01-31 10:58 rkirkby * weka/experiment/PairedTTester.java (1.16): Restored old behaviour - PairedCorrectedTTester now uses the corrected test. Also made some private classes protected. 2003-01-31 10:50 rkirkby * weka/experiment/Makefile (1.13): Added PairedCorrectedTTester. 2003-01-31 10:48 rkirkby * weka/experiment/PairedCorrectedTTester.java (1.1): Initial import. 2003-01-31 09:00 rkirkby * weka/experiment/PairedStatsCorrected.java (1.2): Added paper reference. 2003-01-30 12:05 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/BoundaryPanel.java (1.9): Changed so that white data points are plotted with a black outer circle 2003-01-29 17:21 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/BoundaryVisualizer.java (1.8): Fixed label 2003-01-29 17:12 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/: BoundaryPanel.java (1.8), BoundaryVisualizer.java (1.7): Can now superimpose training data on plot 2003-01-28 17:11 rkirkby * weka/gui/experiment/SimpleSetupPanel.java (1.2): Cross-validation no longer uses AveragingResultProducer. 2003-01-28 17:03 rkirkby * weka/gui/experiment/SetupPanel.java (1.19): Fixed loss of property iterator any time the experiment is set, including when switching from a simple experiment. 2003-01-28 15:53 rkirkby * weka/experiment/Makefile (1.12): Added PairedStatsCorrected. 2003-01-28 15:52 rkirkby * weka/experiment/PairedTTester.java (1.15): Now uses the corrected resampled t which should result in lower Type I error and means that the AveragingResultProducer is not necessary in a cross-validation experiment. 2003-01-28 15:48 rkirkby * weka/experiment/PairedStatsCorrected.java (1.1): Initial import. 2003-01-28 15:46 rkirkby * weka/experiment/ClassifierSplitEvaluator.java (1.18): Modified results to keep track of both test set and training set sizes. 2003-01-28 14:36 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/: BoundaryPanel.java (1.7), BoundaryVisualizer.java (1.6): More UI improvements and tidy up 2003-01-28 10:20 eibe * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/Makefile (1.2): Fixed Makefile. 2003-01-24 17:03 mhall * weka/gui/visualize/ClassPanel.java (1.11): Small change for interoperation with the boundary visualizer 2003-01-24 17:02 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/: BoundaryPanel.java (1.6), BoundaryVisualizer.java (1.5): User interface improvements 2003-01-24 10:57 mhall * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/: BoundaryPanel.java (1.5), BoundaryVisualizer.java (1.4): New groovy colours 2003-01-23 16:05 eibe * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/EMDataGenerator.java (1.2): Isn't compatible anymore and never really worked properly anyway. 2003-01-23 16:02 eibe * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/: BoundaryPanel.java (1.4), DataGenerator.java (1.2), KDDataGenerator.java (1.2): Improved BoundaryVisualizer. 2003-01-23 14:17 rkirkby * weka/attributeSelection/OneRAttributeEval.java (1.12): Was broken since OneR shifted packages. 2003-01-21 14:07 eibe * weka/gui/boundaryvisualizer/BoundaryPanel.java (1.3): Slightly changed (fixed bug). 2003-01-20 14:56 trigg * weka/: core/Randomizable.java (1.2), gui/beans/Filter.java (1.5): Fixed warnings reported by jikes +P