Weka-3-5-1 Changelog

Designed for use with Ant.

2005-09-30 04:26 eibe
Added tests for empty datasets
2005-09-30 04:23 eibe
Added tests for empty datasets
2005-09-30 03:10 fracpete
added hack to remove ResultProducers from the ResultListener list
2005-09-30 03:09 fracpete
tooltip has been disabled in general for now...
2005-09-30 02:14 mhall
branches:  1.1.2;
New icons from Jeffrey
2005-09-30 02:11 mhall
Updated icons thanks to Jeffrey
2005-09-29 02:06 fracpete
display of ToolTip for PrintableComponent/Panel now depends on weka/gui/visualize/Visualize.props property "PrintableComponentToolTipShow"
user is asked the first time whether ToolTip is wanted or not
Visualize.props then gets stored in user's home directory
2005-09-28 03:18 eibe
Added sub-package nestedDichotomies.
2005-09-27 22:58 fracpete
print/println methods are now synchronized, prevents BadLocationExceptions
2005-09-27 01:30 fracpete
added button to enter a perl regular expression for selecting items
2005-09-26 06:04 fracpete
branches:  1.1.2;
added support for default Experimenter values/setup
2005-09-26 06:04 fracpete
added support for default Experimenter values/setup
2005-09-26 05:33 fracpete
removed safeDoubleToString since not used (also exists in DatabaseUtils)
2005-09-26 05:31 fracpete
safeDoubleToString returns NaNs now as SQL NULL
2005-09-25 05:03 fracpete
option -M was missing in getOptions()
2005-09-22 05:08 eibe
Area under ROC is now available for each class from the command-line, the Explorer, the Experimenter, and the KnowledgeFlow.
2005-09-22 01:18 fracpete
added preamble (GPL etc.)
2005-09-22 01:18 fracpete
added preamble (GPL etc.)
2005-09-22 01:18 fracpete
added preamble (GPL etc.)
2005-09-22 01:18 fracpete
added preamble (GPL etc.)
2005-09-22 00:50 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:50 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:49 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:49 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:48 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:48 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:48 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:47 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:47 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:47 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:47 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:47 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:46 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:46 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:46 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:46 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:46 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:45 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-22 00:45 fracpete
fixed Revision tag
2005-09-21 05:21 eibe
Replaced computation of the area under the ROC curve. Now uses Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney statistic instead of trapezoidal method. Results should be identical.
2005-09-21 05:10 fracpete
fixed Javadoc
2005-09-21 05:09 fracpete
SPARSE1/2,GAUSSIAN now public
added Revision tag
fixed Javadoc
2005-09-21 05:07 fracpete
fixed getOptions (-I instead of -R)
fixed Javadoc
2005-09-19 19:45 eibe
Fixed problem that could cause stack overflow when attributes had very large values (due to lack of arithmetic precision).
2005-09-19 01:15 fracpete
Liangxiao Jiang fixed the classindex problem (class had to be last attribute)
2005-09-18 00:08 fracpete
fixed printing of options
2005-09-17 04:16 fracpete
fixed check for zero training instances (used wrong dataset)
2005-09-17 04:16 fracpete
now checks for zero training instances
2005-09-17 04:15 fracpete
now checks for numeric class
2005-09-17 04:14 fracpete
now checks for numeric class and string attributes in the correct order
2005-09-17 04:13 fracpete
now checks for numeric class
2005-09-17 04:12 fracpete
removed try-catch-block that blocked an exception necessary for testing
2005-09-17 04:11 fracpete
now deletes all instances with missing class first
2005-09-17 04:10 fracpete
now checks first whether class is numeric
2005-09-17 01:53 fracpete
added support for string attributes
all check methods return now a boolean array of length 2 (0=success yes/no, 1=acceptable yes/no)
all System.out.print/println are redirected to internal print/println, in order to suppress output in silent mode
number of instances in test/train sets can now be specified (some classifiers need more instances)
2005-09-14 21:41 fracpete
changed private members/methods to protected
2005-09-14 06:30 fracpete
RANDOMIZED input order not yet implemented, therefore always set to ORDERED
2005-09-13 23:47 fracpete
Ashraf fixed a small bug relating to the white background of
plot labels (rather than the background color of the panel), occurring
in JDK1.4 and above
2005-09-13 21:55 fracpete
added Generate button for datagenerators support
2005-09-13 21:54 fracpete
panel for datagenerators
2005-09-13 21:43 fracpete
added datagenerators and clusterdefinitions
2005-09-13 21:24 fracpete
increased the scrollbar increment from 1 to 20, for better mouse wheel support
2005-09-13 21:23 fracpete
added Edit button
2005-09-13 21:18 fracpete
new structure for data generators
2005-09-13 21:18 fracpete
new structure for data generators
2005-09-13 21:17 fracpete
new structure for data generators
2005-09-13 21:17 fracpete
new structure for data generators
2005-09-13 21:16 fracpete
removed due to new structure
2005-09-12 23:42 fracpete
added paper references to Javadoc and globalInfo
2005-09-12 23:39 fracpete
fixed javadoc
2005-09-12 23:38 fracpete
added paper references to Javadoc
2005-09-08 23:42 eibe
REPTree can now deal with datasets that have no attributes other than the class attribute. That is necessary for the wrapper attribute selection technique to work. In that case it simply uses ZeroR.
2005-08-23 05:01 fracpete
meta classifier divides the training data into equally sized chunks and feeds those to copies of the base classifier
it uses Vote, based on all previously generated base classifiers, for predictions
2005-08-21 07:22 fracpete
classes like weka.core.Instances expect fixed order of arguments from commandline, therefore the first two empty strings have to be removed
2005-08-18 03:41 fracpete
the scrollbar increments are now customizable
the layout dimensions can be defined (default 1024x768)
preferred layout extension definable (default .kf)
user components can be stored in XML (default no)
the connection to and fro MetaBeans from the user toolbar still pointed to the old location, the MetaBean was added to the toolbar - positions are now updated, as soon as MetaBean is placed in layout
2005-08-18 03:38 fracpete
fixed java warning
2005-08-18 03:37 fracpete
the scrollbar increments are now customizable
the layout dimensions can be defined (default 1024x768)
preferred layout extension definable (default .kf)
user components can be stored in XML (default no)
2005-08-18 03:31 fracpete
added support for UserToolBar
2005-08-16 00:55 mhall
Fixed bug that prevented polyline and polygon selection options from working with single button mice. The Alt key can now be held down to simulate button 2
2005-08-15 02:35 eibe
Forgot to delete printStackTrace() statement.
2005-08-09 00:12 mhall
Fixed a bug in adding to the user tool bar
2005-08-04 23:49 fracpete
updated classname in Exception: LogitBoost -> RacedIncrementalLogitBoost
2005-08-04 23:48 fracpete
removed restriction on string atts
2005-08-04 23:47 fracpete
removed restriction on string atts
2005-08-02 03:05 fracpete
added "Close" button, which is displayed if parent frame is set
2005-08-02 02:53 fracpete
changed option -matlab into more intuitive -cost-matrix
2005-08-01 06:03 kurtd
Adding the new Gaussian Processes classifier
2005-08-01 04:17 fracpete
minor clean-up, after XMLSerialization got upgraded
2005-08-01 04:16 fracpete
added support for Matrix (new+old) and CostMatrix
2005-08-01 04:14 fracpete
added output in and parsing of Matlab notation (one line notation)
2005-08-01 04:13 fracpete
added output in and parsing of Matlab notation (one line notation)
2005-08-01 04:12 fracpete
getArrayDimensions now more general
2005-07-29 01:33 mhall
Adjusted the size of the KnowledgeFlow window
2005-07-29 01:32 mhall
Now provides a mechanism to add a MetaBean to a user tab in the tool bar. User components are saved on exit and loaded on start up.
2005-07-27 02:50 fracpete
Experimenter generated Exception with the toString() method, while adding the classifier
2005-07-22 01:17 mhall
Nicer to use now
2005-07-22 00:01 mhall
Is now a WeightedInstancesHandler
2005-07-13 06:39 fracpete
fix for XML serialization: setRefreshWidth() only if getGraphics() not null
2005-07-13 06:32 fracpete
for XML serialization: made get methods for source/target public,  added get method for eventname
2005-07-13 06:22 fracpete
command line options now state that you can load normal and XML setup files with -l option and save with -s, depending on extension
2005-07-13 06:19 fracpete
cleaned up imports
2005-07-13 06:16 fracpete
register-method automatically adds read/write method for class
2005-07-13 06:10 fracpete
fixed ignored handling
2005-07-13 03:59 mhall
Fixed bug in field width setting for merit output
2005-07-12 22:02 fracpete
removed testEigen(...) call (was commented out)
2005-07-12 21:58 fracpete
branches:  1.2.2;
added toString() method
2005-07-11 23:51 fracpete
clone() no longer throws a CloneNotSupportedException
due to changes of the superclass weka.core.Matrix
2005-07-11 23:12 fracpete
branches:  1.1.2;
matrix sub-package replaces the old weka.core.Matrix class
based on JAMA
2005-07-10 00:36 fracpete
changed "enum" into "enm" to make it Java 1.5 compatible
2005-07-08 07:02 eibe
Introduced relation-valued attributes.
2005-07-08 02:48 mhall
Initial import
2005-07-08 02:48 mhall
branches:  1.1.2;
Initial import
2005-07-07 04:20 mhall
Changed getRanges() to use a StringBuffer instead of string concatenation
2005-07-05 04:15 mhall
Fixed bug in event constraints that prevented a BatchClassifier event from being generatable in the case where a classifier has already been trained and there is only an incoming testSet connection
2005-07-04 03:14 mhall
Changed so that the link in the docs now points to the ExplorerGuide
2005-07-04 03:12 eibe
Changed year and URL in LogPanel.
2005-07-04 00:56 eibe
FilteredClassifier now extends SingleClassifierEnhancer. Note that this means that the double hyphen construct now needs to be used to specify the classifier options. Another change: Discretize is now the default filter.
2005-07-04 00:54 eibe
Fixed some bugs in handling of option setting errors.
2005-07-04 00:04 mhall
Now extends the appropriate base class
2005-07-03 23:59 eibe
Decorate now extends RandomizableIteratedSingleClassifierEnhancer for simplified option handling. Unfortunately, the letters for the command line options had to be changed. What used to be I is now E, and what used to be M is now I. Also, the maximum and desired number of iterations are now both set to 10 by default (instead of 50 and 15 respectively).
2005-07-03 23:16 eibe
Now allows random codes with fewer columns than classes (handy for datasets with lots of classes). Now implements RandomizableSingleClassifierEnhancer for easier option handling.
2005-07-03 22:55 eibe
Changed letter for command line option speciyfing tolerance parameter as it conflicted with the option for specifying a test set.
2005-07-03 22:50 eibe
Now implements RandomizableSingleClassifierEnhancer to simplify option handling.