Weka-3-5-5 Changelog

Designed for use with Apache Ant.

2007-01-26 02:12 fracpete
updated version number
2007-01-26 02:11 fracpete
added more files to the release (from wekadocs module):
documentation.html/css, weka.gif, weka.ico
2007-01-25 23:38 fracpete
updated copyright
2007-01-25 22:18 fracpete
added new schemes
2007-01-25 21:49 fracpete
fixed line break in -z option (for Sourcable classifiers)
2007-01-25 21:09 fracpete
fixed comments
2007-01-24 20:52 fracpete
added @see Javadoc tags for filters being used (Discretize and, if used as well, NominalToBinary)
2007-01-24 03:37 fracpete
fixed PerformanceComparator for accuracy measure (like correlation coefficient: the bigger the better)
2007-01-23 23:33 fracpete
initial import
2007-01-23 03:54 fracpete
added the BibTeX tags and updated the Javadoc
2007-01-21 20:52 fracpete
fixed typo in globalInto() method
2007-01-21 04:46 fracpete
fixed typo in error message
2007-01-14 21:26 fracpete
fixed technical information from MISC to MASTERSTHESIS
2007-01-14 21:25 fracpete
implements now the weka.core.TechnicalInformationHandler interface
transferred all the references from Javadoc to the getTechnicalInformation() method
fixed Javadoc in general
2007-01-10 01:18 fracpete
batch filtering didn't set the correct dataset for instances of the second dataset before getting passed through the filter, resulting in a dataset with class index -1, even though the class index was set via the '-c' option. this can result in a "headers don't match" exception (e.g., AttributeSelection filter in combination with PCA)
2007-01-08 23:30 fracpete
added merge functionality to commandline: weka.core.Instances merge <file1> <file2>
uses now DataSource to read any data format instead of only ARFF format
2007-01-08 23:29 fracpete
the mergeInstance method produced corrupt results or NullPointerException in case the datasets had different number of attributes
thanks to Scott Davies
2006-12-19 20:22 fracpete
fixed NullPointerExceptions if no file extension was provided explicitely