2008-07-14 22:30 mhall |
Non-dynamic is a lot faster.
2008-07-14 02:29 mhall |
Small changes to support environment variables
2008-07-14 02:26 mhall |
Small changes to support environment variables
2008-07-14 02:26 mhall |
Small changes to support environment variables
2008-07-13 23:22 mhall |
Added LatentSemanticAnalysis
2008-07-07 23:14 mhall |
branches: 1.1.2;
Initial import
2008-07-07 22:37 mhall |
Peter's changes to allow export of EPS images and setting of background and legend border text
2008-07-06 02:18 mhall |
Initial import. Amri Napolitano's GSoC contribution: latent semantic analysis
2008-07-01 02:17 mhall |
No longer uses serialization to create copies of BinarySMO. Apparantly speeds things up when the option for cross-validation is turned on.
2008-06-25 03:17 mhall |
Updated for changes to clusterers
2008-06-25 03:16 mhall |
Updated for changes to clusterers
2008-06-25 03:15 mhall |
Updated for changes to clusterers
2008-06-25 03:14 mhall |
branches: 1.1.2;
Clusterer and DensityBasedClusterer renamed to AbstractClusterer and AbstractDensityBasedClusterer respectively; Clusterer and DensityBasedClusterer now interfaces
2008-06-25 03:14 mhall |
Clusterer and DensityBasedClusterer renamed to AbstractClusterer and AbstractDensityBasedClusterer respectively; Clusterer and DensityBasedClusterer now interfaces
2008-06-23 09:43 mhall |
branches: 1.1.2;
Initial import
2008-06-23 09:21 mhall |
Wrong default filter in setOptions
2008-06-22 22:16 mhall |
Doc update
2008-06-19 21:18 mhall |
Doc fix
2008-06-19 04:17 mhall |
Javadoc update
2008-06-19 04:17 mhall |
Javadoc update
2008-06-19 01:19 fracpete |
added unicode support
fixed parsing of strings (crapped out when encountering numbers within strings) using a different state in the lexer
2008-06-18 02:10 mhall |
Doc update
2008-06-16 22:45 mhall |
Doc fix
2008-06-16 01:19 mhall |
Changed so that failures on nominal attribute/class now report failure due to multi-valued nominal attribute/class
2008-06-13 02:25 mhall |
Made safe for execution in a headless environment.
2008-06-12 23:07 mhall |
Fix for partitionOptions by Ingo Mierswa - allows additional options to the search to be given after the -- without having to explicitly specify the estimator with -E
2008-06-11 04:24 mhall |
Fixed null ptr exception in incremental loading. Added some progress output for incremental loading.
2008-06-09 03:22 mhall |
Improved stopping.
2008-06-09 02:44 mhall |
Added a method for stopping all flows. If the thread that the FlowRunner is running in gets interrupted, then all flows get stopped
2008-06-09 02:44 mhall |
Removed some debugging output
2008-06-05 23:51 mhall |
Fixed formating of coefficients/odds ratio column
2008-06-05 23:48 mhall |
Fixed formatting of priors in toString()
2008-05-29 02:23 mhall |
Added support for GraphListeners
2008-05-20 22:36 mhall |
Fixed bug in the handling of nominal values with the 'is' operator when missing values are present
2008-05-19 04:21 mhall |
Fixed parameter rounding (now uses Math.rint() so that, for example, -1 is not rounded to 0.
2008-05-15 04:14 mhall |
Fixed bug where class-distribution-spreads < 1 caused the minority class to be undersampled as well as the other classes.
2008-05-15 02:16 fracpete |
added filter for selecting subsets of a dataset, based on CUP and JFlex
fixed "=" in MathematicalExpression parser
simplified parser/lexer generation in parsers.xml ANT build file
2008-05-13 04:10 mhall |
Now uses the current class loader rather than the system class loader to load icons
2008-05-13 04:01 mhall |
Now uses the current class loader rather than the system class loader to load icons
2008-05-13 03:58 mhall |
Updated year to 2008
2008-05-13 03:57 mhall |
Now uses the current class loader rather than the system class loader
2008-05-12 01:01 cvs_rrb |
Enable datagenerator properly
2008-05-09 09:14 fracpete |
rewrite of weka.core.MathematicalExpression using JFlex and CUP parser generators:
2008-05-09 09:14 fracpete |
rewrite of weka.core.MathematicalExpression using JFlex and CUP parser generators:
2008-05-05 04:10 mhall |
Associator renamed to AbstractAssociator; Associator has turned into an interface
2008-05-05 04:10 mhall |
branches: 1.1.2;
Associator renamed to AbstractAssociator; Associator has turned into an interface
2008-04-29 03:07 mhall |
Added another constructor
2008-04-29 03:04 mhall |
Added another constructor
2008-04-23 04:53 mhall |
Added Arne Muller's methods to shuffle attribute values
2008-04-21 23:39 mhall |
Removed a couple of infinite recursive loops.
2008-04-21 04:26 mhall |
Changed a & to &&
2008-04-20 02:47 mhall |
Initial import
2008-04-17 05:55 mhall |
branches: 1.2.2;
Updated javadocs.
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
branches: 1.2.2;
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
branches: 1.1.2;
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
branches: 1.1.2;
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete |
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 02:08 mhall |
Refactored to convert SubsetEvaluator and AttributeEvaluator from abstract classes to interfaces
2008-04-15 02:56 mhall |
Now safe for a headless environment
2008-04-14 23:08 mhall |
Now safe for a headless environment
2008-04-08 03:36 mhall |
Updated some informational messages
2008-04-07 04:23 mhall |
Added support for custom component names
2008-04-07 04:19 mhall |
Added support for custom component names
2008-04-07 04:17 mhall |
Added a couple of methods for getting/setting a custom name for a component
2008-04-04 01:52 mhall |
Added relative path support
2008-04-03 23:30 mhall |
Moved relative path stuff to Utils.
2008-04-03 22:29 mhall |
Added support for relative paths for files/directories
2008-04-03 22:22 mhall |
Added ability to use relative file/directory paths
2008-03-31 22:12 mhall |
Fixed null ptr bug introduced by David Zerbetto's changes
2008-03-18 03:33 mhall |
Initial import of Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo's classes for string-based distance functions.
2008-03-15 08:30 fracpete |
DatabaseUtils now returns ResultSets that are scrollable, if the JDBC driver allows that
SqlViewer works now also with databases that do not return a scrollable ResultSet (like sqlite 3.x or older HSQLDB versions)
corrected key shortcuts of buttons in SqlViewer GUI
fixed Javadoc
2008-03-05 03:23 mhall |
branches: 1.1.2;
Initial import
2008-03-05 03:20 mhall |
branches: 1.1.2;
Initial import
2008-03-05 02:55 mhall |
Changed the train/test constants to have public rather than private access.
2008-02-29 01:26 mhall |
Added ability to output progress info to the status bar and the option to output per-class info retrieval stats.
2008-02-29 01:25 mhall |
branches: 1.1.2;
Initial import
2008-02-20 03:09 mhall |
Made improvements to code for stopping these components when the stop button is pressed in the KnowledgeFlow.
2008-02-20 02:35 mhall |
Made some methods synchronized
2008-02-20 00:38 mhall |
Made serializable
2008-02-18 02:20 mhall |
Fixed bug where if the window was closed (rather than ok or cancel being pressed) the connection would be made. Closing the window is now the same as canceling.
2008-02-18 02:17 mhall |
Fixed a couple of bugs where database connection was not being closed if close/cancel was pressed. Thanks to Miryam Gomez and Raquel Porras for the bug fix
2008-01-31 01:59 mhall |
Small addition about double-click support.
2008-01-29 21:00 mhall |
Changed so that percentage split now uses double rather than int for expressing the percentage.
2008-01-18 04:21 fracpete |
removed proprietary com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec etc classes and replaced them with javax.imageio ones
2008-01-11 02:33 fracpete |
added memory usage frame for keeping an eye on Weka and where the memory gets eaten up
can be configured via the "weka/gui/MemoryUsage.props" props file
2008-01-11 02:33 fracpete |
branches: 1.1.2;
added memory usage frame for keeping an eye on Weka and where the memory gets eaten up
can be configured via the "weka/gui/MemoryUsage.props" props file
2008-01-08 03:00 mhall |
branches: 1.1.2;
Initial import
2007-12-19 00:01 mhall |
Updated to 3-5-7