Weka-3-5-8 Changelog

Designed for use with Apache Ant.

2008-07-14 22:30 mhall
Non-dynamic is a lot faster.
2008-07-14 02:29 mhall
Small changes to support environment variables
2008-07-14 02:26 mhall
Small changes to support environment variables
2008-07-14 02:26 mhall
Small changes to support environment variables
2008-07-13 23:22 mhall
Added LatentSemanticAnalysis
2008-07-07 23:14 mhall
branches:  1.1.2;
Initial import
2008-07-07 22:37 mhall
Peter's changes to allow export of EPS images and setting of background and legend border text
2008-07-06 02:18 mhall
Initial import. Amri Napolitano's GSoC contribution: latent semantic analysis
2008-07-01 02:17 mhall
No longer uses serialization to create copies of BinarySMO. Apparantly speeds things up when the option for cross-validation is turned on.
2008-06-25 03:17 mhall
Updated for changes to clusterers
2008-06-25 03:16 mhall
Updated for changes to clusterers
2008-06-25 03:15 mhall
Updated for changes to clusterers
2008-06-25 03:14 mhall
branches:  1.1.2;
Clusterer and DensityBasedClusterer renamed to AbstractClusterer and AbstractDensityBasedClusterer respectively; Clusterer and DensityBasedClusterer now interfaces
2008-06-25 03:14 mhall
Clusterer and DensityBasedClusterer renamed to AbstractClusterer and AbstractDensityBasedClusterer respectively; Clusterer and DensityBasedClusterer now interfaces
2008-06-23 09:43 mhall
branches:  1.1.2;
Initial import
2008-06-23 09:21 mhall
Wrong default filter in setOptions
2008-06-22 22:16 mhall
Doc update
2008-06-19 21:18 mhall
Doc fix
2008-06-19 04:17 mhall
Javadoc update
2008-06-19 04:17 mhall
Javadoc update
2008-06-19 01:19 fracpete
added unicode support
fixed parsing of strings (crapped out when encountering numbers within strings) using a different state in the lexer
2008-06-18 02:10 mhall
Doc update
2008-06-16 22:45 mhall
Doc fix
2008-06-16 01:19 mhall
Changed so that failures on nominal attribute/class now report failure due to multi-valued nominal attribute/class
2008-06-13 02:25 mhall
Made safe for execution in a headless environment.
2008-06-12 23:07 mhall
Fix for partitionOptions by Ingo Mierswa - allows additional options to the search to be given after the -- without having to explicitly specify the estimator with -E
2008-06-11 04:24 mhall
Fixed null ptr exception in incremental loading. Added some progress output for incremental loading.
2008-06-09 03:22 mhall
Improved stopping.
2008-06-09 02:44 mhall
Added a method for stopping all flows. If the thread that the FlowRunner is running in gets interrupted, then all flows get stopped
2008-06-09 02:44 mhall
Removed some debugging output
2008-06-05 23:51 mhall
Fixed formating of coefficients/odds ratio column
2008-06-05 23:48 mhall
Fixed formatting of priors in toString()
2008-05-29 02:23 mhall
Added support for GraphListeners
2008-05-20 22:36 mhall
Fixed bug in the handling of nominal values with the 'is' operator when missing values are present
2008-05-19 04:21 mhall
Fixed parameter rounding (now uses Math.rint() so that, for example, -1 is not rounded to 0.
2008-05-15 04:14 mhall
Fixed bug where class-distribution-spreads < 1 caused the minority class to be undersampled as well as the other classes.
2008-05-15 02:16 fracpete
added filter for selecting subsets of a dataset, based on CUP and JFlex
fixed "=" in MathematicalExpression parser
simplified parser/lexer generation in parsers.xml ANT build file
2008-05-13 04:10 mhall
Now uses the current class loader rather than the system class loader to load icons
2008-05-13 04:01 mhall
Now uses the current class loader rather than the system class loader to load icons
2008-05-13 03:58 mhall
Updated year to 2008
2008-05-13 03:57 mhall
Now uses the current class loader rather than the system class loader
2008-05-12 01:01 cvs_rrb
Enable datagenerator properly
2008-05-09 09:14 fracpete
rewrite of weka.core.MathematicalExpression using JFlex and CUP parser generators:
2008-05-09 09:14 fracpete
rewrite of weka.core.MathematicalExpression using JFlex and CUP parser generators:
2008-05-05 04:10 mhall
Associator renamed to AbstractAssociator; Associator has turned into an interface
2008-05-05 04:10 mhall
branches:  1.1.2;
Associator renamed to AbstractAssociator; Associator has turned into an interface
2008-04-29 03:07 mhall
Added another constructor
2008-04-29 03:04 mhall
Added another constructor
2008-04-23 04:53 mhall
Added Arne Muller's methods to shuffle attribute values
2008-04-21 23:39 mhall
Removed a couple of infinite recursive loops.
2008-04-21 04:26 mhall
Changed a & to &&
2008-04-20 02:47 mhall
Initial import
2008-04-17 05:55 mhall
branches:  1.2.2;
Updated javadocs.
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
branches:  1.2.2;
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
branches:  1.1.2;
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
branches:  1.1.2;
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 22:11 fracpete
introduction of interface RevisionHandler which enables classes to return their CVS/Subversion revision string
2008-04-16 02:08 mhall
Refactored to convert SubsetEvaluator and AttributeEvaluator from abstract classes to interfaces
2008-04-15 02:56 mhall
Now safe for a headless environment
2008-04-14 23:08 mhall
Now safe for a headless environment
2008-04-08 03:36 mhall
Updated some informational messages
2008-04-07 04:23 mhall
Added support for custom component names
2008-04-07 04:19 mhall
Added support for custom component names
2008-04-07 04:17 mhall
Added a couple of methods for getting/setting a custom name for a component
2008-04-04 01:52 mhall
Added relative path support
2008-04-03 23:30 mhall
Moved relative path stuff to Utils.
2008-04-03 22:29 mhall
Added support for relative paths for files/directories
2008-04-03 22:22 mhall
Added ability to use relative file/directory paths
2008-03-31 22:12 mhall
Fixed null ptr bug introduced by David Zerbetto's changes
2008-03-18 03:33 mhall
Initial import of Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo's classes for string-based distance functions.
2008-03-15 08:30 fracpete
DatabaseUtils now returns ResultSets that are scrollable, if the JDBC driver allows that
SqlViewer works now also with databases that do not return a scrollable ResultSet (like sqlite 3.x or older HSQLDB versions)
corrected key shortcuts of buttons in SqlViewer GUI
fixed Javadoc
2008-03-05 03:23 mhall
branches:  1.1.2;
Initial import
2008-03-05 03:20 mhall
branches:  1.1.2;
Initial import
2008-03-05 02:55 mhall
Changed the train/test constants to have public rather than private access.
2008-02-29 01:26 mhall
Added ability to output progress info to the status bar and the option to output per-class info retrieval stats.
2008-02-29 01:25 mhall
branches:  1.1.2;
Initial import
2008-02-20 03:09 mhall
Made improvements to code for stopping these components when the stop button is pressed in the KnowledgeFlow.
2008-02-20 02:35 mhall
Made some methods synchronized
2008-02-20 00:38 mhall
Made serializable
2008-02-18 02:20 mhall
Fixed bug where if the window was closed (rather than ok or cancel being pressed) the connection would be made. Closing the window is now the same as canceling.
2008-02-18 02:17 mhall
Fixed a couple of bugs where database connection was not being closed if close/cancel was pressed. Thanks to Miryam Gomez and Raquel Porras for the bug fix
2008-01-31 01:59 mhall
Small addition about double-click support.
2008-01-29 21:00 mhall
Changed so that percentage split now uses double rather than int for expressing the percentage.
2008-01-18 04:21 fracpete
removed proprietary com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec etc classes and replaced them with javax.imageio ones
2008-01-11 02:33 fracpete
added memory usage frame for keeping an eye on Weka and where the memory gets eaten up
can be configured via the "weka/gui/MemoryUsage.props" props file
2008-01-11 02:33 fracpete
branches:  1.1.2;
added memory usage frame for keeping an eye on Weka and where the memory gets eaten up
can be configured via the "weka/gui/MemoryUsage.props" props file
2008-01-08 03:00 mhall
branches:  1.1.2;
Initial import
2007-12-19 00:01 mhall
Updated to 3-5-7