P0001|UG|Bachelor of Computer Science|Application Programming|BP094|3|FT|The Bachelor of Computer Science degrees develop a skill set that spans from theoretical and algorithmic foundations to cutting-edge developments in computing.|In this major, you will gain skills in developing practical coding solutions for the widest range of real-world problems using the latest software development skill sets. P0002|UG|Bachelor of Computer Science|Computational Mathematics|BP094|3|FT|The Bachelor of Computer Science degrees develop a skill set that spans from theoretical and algorithmic foundations to cutting-edge developments in computing.|In this major, you will expand your computer science knowledge with courses in Mathematics to enable you to work in areas of computing where more complex knowledge of mathematical modelling need to be automated. P0003|UG|Bachelor of Information Technology|Business Applications|BP162|3|FT|The Bachelor of Information Technology degree trains students to make a living solving, supporting, troubleshooting and designing û from web sites to business applications to programming networks.|In this major, you will be exposed to specific applications of information technology to the business world. P0004|UG|Bachelor of Information Technology|Multimedia Design|BP162|3|FT|The Bachelor of Information Technology degree trains students to make a living solving, supporting, troubleshooting and designing û from web sites to business applications to programming networks.| you will focus your IT skills on the creative world of Web and Time Based Media, Narrative for Multimedia, Advanced 3D Imaging, Animation and Multimedia Authoring, etc. P0005|PG|Master of Information Technology|N/A|MC061|1.5|FT|This program is designed for computer science graduates who want to study advanced postgraduate-level computing and gain exposure to world-class technologies.|N/A. P0006|PG|Master of Computing|N/A|MC062|3|PT|The Master of Computing program is designed for non-computing graduates with good grades in their first university degree.|N/A. P0007|UG|Bachelor of Software Engineering|BP096|4|FT|The Bachelor of Software Engineering degree is centred on the development and management of larger quality-measured software systems.|N/A.