(r) SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters Release 3.4.0 Release and Installation Notes ************************************************************************* Postscript picture appears here ************************************************************************* (c) 1993-1994 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, nor translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., 400 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, California, 95060, USA. Copyright infringement is a serious matter under the United States and foreign Copyright Laws. The copyrighted software that accompanies this manual is licensed to the End User only for use in strict accordance with the End User License Agreement, which should be read carefully before commencing use of the software. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. The SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters Release 3.4.0 is commercial computer software and, together with any related documentation, is subject to the restrictions on U.S. Government use as set forth below. If this procurement is for a DOD agency, the following DFAR Restricted Rights Legend applies: RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. Contractor/Manufacturer is The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., 400 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. If this procurement is for a civilian government agency, the following FAR Restricted Rights Legend applies: RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: This computer software is submitted with restricted rights under Government Contract No. _____ (and Subcontract No.____, if appropriate). It may not be used, reproduced or disclosed by the Government except as provided in paragraph (g)(3)(i) of FAR Clause 52.227-14 or as otherwise expressly stated in the contract. Contractor/Manufacturer is The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., 400 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. This product includes software protected by these copyrights: (c) 1991-1994 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. (c) 1991-1994 Compaq Computer Corporation (c) 1992 Microfield Graphics, Inc. SCO, the SCO logo, The Santa Cruz Operation, Open Desktop, SCO Open Server, and SCO MPX are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. All other brand and product names are or may be trademarks of, and are used to identify products or services of, their respective owners. Date: 16 September 1994 Document Version: 3.4.0a Chapter 1 SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters Release 3.4.0 1 Contents of the SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters Release 3.4.0 ........ 1 Supported operating environments .................................... 2 New and updated features of the SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters ...... 2 Supported Graphics Adapters, chips and chip sets ................. 3 Conventions used in this document ................................... 5 Chapter 2 Installing and Removing SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters Release 3.4.0 7 Installation procedure .............................................. 8 Removing the Advanced Graphics Adapters ............................ 10 Chapter 3 Configuring your video system 13 About grafinfo and moninfo files ................................... 13 Configuring monitors and graphics adapters ......................... 14 Step 1: Running mkdev graphics ................................. 15 Step 2: Selecting the desired graphics adapter ................. 16 Step 3: Selecting the desired adapter resolution ............... 17 Step 4: Selecting the desired monitor .......................... 18 Step 5: Assigning console multiscreens ......................... 18 Step 6: Verifying the new video configuration .................. 19 Step 7: Implementing the new video configuration ............... 19 Step 8: Testing the new video configuration .................... 20 Chapter 4 Supported graphics adapters and chip sets 21 Supported card list ............................................. 22 Adapters based on the ATI mach64 chip set ....................... 26 Cirrus Logic(TM) CL-GD5434 special configuration ................ 26 ColorGraphics TwinTurbo(TM) Accelerator special configuration ... 26 COMPAQ(r) ProLinea 4 (Tseng Labs ET4000/W32 local bus) special configuration ................................................. 29 COMPAQ QVision 1024 and 1280 special configuration .............. 30 DECpc(TM) 33W with DEC IGC special configuration ................ 30 Diamond Stealth Pro(TM), SpeedStar Pro(TM) and Stealth 24(TM) special configuration ......................................... 30 Adapters using S3 chip sets special configuration ............... 31 Microfield(TM) X8 special configuration ......................... 34 Number Nine GXe(TM) special configuration ....................... 34 Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 Plus/VA(TM) special configuration ........ 35 STB Horizon VL(TM) special configuration ........................ 35 STB Pegasus(TM) special configuration ........................... 36 Chapter 5 Known limitations 37 Drawing problems when moving Desktop icons ......................... 37 TrueColor and DirectColor with SCO X clients ....................... 37 TMS 340x0-based grafinfo files ..................................... 38 Problems exiting the server ........................................ 38 WordPerfect problems ............................................... 38 Using IslandPaint with the Microfield X8 graphics adapter .......... 38 The xsrvr package and fixperm ...................................... 39 Appendix A Graphics adapter modes 41 Index .................................................................. 61 Chapter 1 SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters Release 3.4.0 These SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters Release and Installation Notes, which are referred to here as simply Release Notes document the Advanced Graphics Adapters Release 3.4.0. This section includes: + ``Contents of the SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters Release 3.4.0'' + ``Supported operating environments'' + ``New and updated features of the SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters'' + ``Conventions used in this document'' Contents of the SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters Release 3.4.0 The SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters contains: + one 3 1/2" Advanced Graphics Adapters diskette containing the Advanced Graphics Adapters software. (To obtain a 5 1/4" diskettes contact your SCO system distributor) + these Release and Installation Notes Keep the floppy diskette until you upgrade your SCO(r) Open Desktop(r) or SCO Open Server(TM) Enterprise Release 3.0 System (which will include these drivers) in case you need to install or reinstall the Advanced Graphics Adapters. Supported operating environments This version of the SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters provides enhanced graphics functionality to machines using SCO Open System Software Release 3.0, including: + SCO Open Desktop(r) Release 3.0 + SCO(r) Open Desktop Lite Release 3.0 + SCO Open Server(TM) Enterprise System Release 3.0 SCO MPX(TM) Release 3.0 can be used with any of these platforms. This release supports up to three graphics adapters on any given machine. The only exception is the ColorGraphics TwinTurbo(TM) Accelerator. The ColorGraphics graphics adapter supports two monitors per card. Thus, this release of the Advanced Graphics Adapters supports three monitors attached to two of the four ports contained on two ColorGraphics TwinTurbo Accelerator cards. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE This release of the Advanced Graphics Adapters is not supported on any SCO UNIX system running SCO(r) Xsight(r) If you install it on a UNIX platform running Xsight, you may get grafinfo syntax (or other) errors when you start the X server and your server may fail to start. _________________________________________________________________________ New and updated features of the SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters This release of the Advanced Graphics Adapters provides support for new monitors and graphics adapters and expands support for several existing adapters and monitors. In addition to new and enhanced support for the most popular graphics adapters, this release of the Advanced Graphics Adapters includes more support for adapters using generic `chips' or `chip sets'. If your graphics adapter is not on these lists but uses one of the generic chip sets, it still may work with Release 3.4.0. The following lists detail all graphics adapters and generic chips and chip sets supported by this release of Advanced Graphics Adapters. For more information on any given adapter, see Chapter 4, ``Supported graphics adapters and chip sets''. Supported Graphics Adapters, chips and chip sets Support for the following graphics adapters has been updated since Release 3.0 of SCO Open Server and SCO Open Desktop. + ATI Ultra Plus and Ultra Pro + COMPAQ ProLinea 3 using the WD 90C11 chip set + DECpc 433W with DEC IGC + Hewlett-Packard UltraVGA + IBM XGA 2 + Trident TVGA, and TVGA 512K Support for the following graphics adapters has been added since Release 3.0 of SCO Open Server and SCO Open Desktop. + Adapters based on the ATI mach64 chip set + BOCA Voyager based on the Chips & Technology 64300 chip set + BOCA Vortek-VL based on the AGX015 chip set + Adapters based on the Chips & Technology C&T 655x0 and 6430x series chip set + Adapters based on the Cirrus Logic CL-GD5426, CL-GD5428 and CL-GD5434 chip sets. + ColorGraphics TwinTurbo Accelerator + COMPAQ LTE Elite (WD90C24) + COMPAQ LTE Lite (VGA LCD) + COMPAQ LTE Lite E, C (AVGA) + COMPAQ Portable 386 (Plasma) + COMPAQ Portable 486, 486C (AVGA) + COMPAQ ProLinea MT using the CL-GD5428 chip set + COMPAQ ProLinea Net1 using the CL-GD5420 chip set + COMPAQ ProLinea 4 using the Tseng Labs ET4000/W32 chip set + COMPAQ QVision 1024 and 1280 + COMPAQ ProSignia using the WD 90C11 chip set + COMPAQ ProSignia/ProLiant using the CL-GD5420 chip set + DECpc computers using S3 86C805, S3 86C924, S3 86C928 and S3 Vision864/964 chip sets on PCI bus VL buses + DECpc computers using the Intelligent Graphics Controller (IGC) + DECpc computers using the Diamond Viper PCI adapter + Diamond Stealth Pro, SpeedStar Pro, Stealth 24, Stealth 64 (VRAM S3 964) Viper VLB and Viper PCI + Hewlett-Packard (HP) Vectra 386/33NI series computers using the S3 86C801 chip set, HP Vectra486 N/NI series computers using the S386C805, chip set, HP Vectra 486 XM series computers using the S3 86C928 chip set, and the Vectra XP/60 series computer using the S3 86C928 chip set + IBM ValuePoint graphics adapters using the Tseng Labs ET4000/W32 chip. + IBM computers using the S3 Vision864 chip set + generic support for cards using the IIT/Xtec AGX015 chip set + Intel Ultra Pro or Ultra Plus + Microfield X8 + miro CRYSTAL 8S graphics adapter using the S3 805 chip set + miro CRYSTAL 16Si graphics adapter using the S3 805i chip set + miro CRYSTAL 20SD graphics adapter using the S3 Vision864 chip + miro CRYSTAL 20SV graphics adapter using the S3 Vision964 chip + Number Nine GXe BIOS 1.09 and GXe BIOS 1.1x + Number Nine GXe64 using the S3 Vision864 chip + Olivetti GAM Graphics Adapter 2MB VRAM (using the Weitek P9000 chip set) + Olivetti M4-6X + Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 Plus/VA + generic support for S3 chip sets (86C801, 86C805, and 86C928) + SNI Ergo I, II and III + SNI 86C805 + SNI 68800 + Spider 32 VLB using the Cirrus Logic GD 5426 chip set + STB PowerGraph X-24 and VL-24 + STB Horizon VL + STB Pegasus + Trident TVGA/TGUI graphics adapters + Tulip P9000 graphics adapter + UNISYS MPE series computers + UNISYS MPI series computers + Weitek P9000 graphics adapters + Western Digital WD90C24 and WD90C33 chip sets + Xtec AGX-VL Conventions used in this document These notes use the following notational conventions: bold represents commands, command options, parameters in files, data structures, and special keys that you press. For example, xset -bc is a complete command line that is executed when you press . x means to hold down the Control key and press the x key, then release them. italics represents files and directories, as well as variables that you supply. For example, in the command argument path:pathname, you replace pathname with an actual pathname when you type the command. courier represents system responses, excerpts from files, and programming examples. For example, the following is a line from a file: XDRIVER = "xga"; Chapter 2 Installing and Removing SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters Release 3.4.0 When you install this release of Advanced Graphics Adapters, new graphics drivers and supporting software are installed on your system. Subdirectories containing graphics information (grafinfo) files are added to the /usr/lib/grafinfo directory. Additionally, some previously existing grafinfo files are replaced with updated files. As part of the installation process, your old graphics configuration files are saved in /usr/lib/custom/save/xaga. If you remove the Advanced Graphics Adapters at a later date, the installation reinstalls your original configuration files. If you attempt a second installation without first removing the Advanced Graphics Adapters, your original graphics configuration files will be lost. Please note the following: + To install Release 3.4.0 of the Advanced Graphics Adapters, you must have 3 MB of free disk space. + This release is not supported on any version of the SCO UNIX system with SCO Xsight, nor is it supported on Release 3.0 of the SCO Open Server Network System. If you install it on either of these platforms you may get grafinfo syntax (or other) errors when you start the X server and your server may fail to start. + If you have installed an earlier version of the Advanced Graphics Adapters, you must remove it before installing the Advanced Graphics Adapters Release 3.4.0. For information on how to remove the earlier version of the Advanced Graphics Adapters see ``Removing the Advanced Graphics Adapters''. + If you have already installed the Advanced Graphics Adapters and are now attempting to change your graphics adapter or monitor configuration, see ``Configuring monitors and graphics adapters''. Installation procedure The following procedure installs the Advanced Graphics Adapters: _________________________________________________________________________ CAUTION If you do not switch to the (tty01) multiscreen before you start this procedure, you may render you system unusable. To switch to the multiscreen, press (or if you are using the graphical environment). _________________________________________________________________________ 1. Log in as root. 2. Issue the following command to bring your machine into system maintenance mode. /etc/shutdown -i1 _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE shutdown -i1 safely shuts down networking services before allowing you to enter system maintenance mode. For more information on the shutdown command, see the shutdown(ADM) manual page. _________________________________________________________________________ As root, you have access to all the system files so be careful not to overwrite, delete or corrupt any files by accident. 3. Run custom from the command line by typing custom and pressing , or from sysadmsh by making the following sysadmsh selection: System->Software 4. Choose Install, A New Product, and Entire Product. When you are prompted to insert the requested volume, insert the Advanced Graphics Adapters disk, then select Continue. Several messages indicate the installation's progress. 5. After a minute or so, you are prompted for the SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters. Select Continue. It takes a few minutes for the files to be extracted. 6. Several messages indicate the installation's progress. 7. When prompted, select the Update option from the mkdev graphics menu. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE Before you configure your graphics adapter, make sure you are familiar with the information found in your graphics adapter documentation and the configuration information for your graphics adapter or chip set found in Chapter 4, ``Supported graphics adapters and chip sets''. _________________________________________________________________________ If you do not wish to update your monitor and graphics adapter at this time, select Quit and Exit to end the installation process. You can configure or reconfigure your graphics adapter at any later time. 8. If you decide to configure or reconfigure your graphics adapter and monitor, select Update. 9. Use the arrow keys or the and keys to highlight your machine's graphics adapter, then press . If your card is not found on this list, see ``Configuring unsupported cards'' or your Graphical Environment Configuration Guide . 10. Highlight the resolution at which you would like your graphics adapter to function, then press . 11. Highlight your monitor, then press . _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE If your monitor is not on the list of monitors, choose ``Other 14 inch'', ``Other 15 inch'', ``Other 16 inch'', ``Other 17 inch'', ``Other 18 inch'', ``Other 19 inch'', ``Other 20 inch'', ``Other 21 inch'' or whichever is closer. This will usually get your video system up and running. You can experiment later with monitor types, or you can create a moninfo file for your monitor. For more information about creating moninfo files, see your Graphical Environment Administrator's Guide. _________________________________________________________________________ 12. Select Default or Specify to assign the graphics adapter to the console multiscreens. If you select Specify, you must also use to indicate the desired console multiscreens from the pop-up list. For more information on configuring console multiscreens, see ``Configuring monitors and graphics adapters''. When you are finished, select Accept. 13. Verify the new selections by selecting View from the Video Configuration menu. 14. When you are satisfied with your new choices, select Quit, then select: + Save to store your new graphics configuration choices + Exit to end your configuration session without saving your new configuration + Cancel to return to the Video Configuration menu _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE Some driver changes require that you create a new kernel. If you need to relink the kernel, do so when prompted. _________________________________________________________________________ 15. When prompted, press any key to continue. The custom menu returns. 16. Select Quit and yes to exit custom. 17. When the system prompt returns, make sure you remove the Advanced Graphics Adapters distribution from your floppy drive. 18. If you had to relink the kernel, you have to reboot your system for the changes to take effect. Type init 6, then press to reboot your system. When the system comes up, the Advanced Graphics Adapters are installed. Store the distribution media in a safe place. If you add or change your monitor and/or graphics adapter at a later date, see, ``Configuring monitors and graphics adapters''. Removing the Advanced Graphics Adapters As part of the installation process, your old graphics configuration files were saved in /usr/lib/custom/save/xaga. When you remove the Advanced Graphics Adapters, custom reinstalls your original configuration files. To remove the Advanced Graphics Adapters: _________________________________________________________________________ CAUTION If you do not switch to the (tty01) multiscreen before you start this procedure, you may render you system unusable. To switch to the multiscreen, press (or if you are using the graphical environment). _________________________________________________________________________ 1. Log in as root. 2. Use the following command to bring your machine into system maintenance mode (make sure you are using the tty01 multiscreen): /etc/shutdown -i1 _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE shutdown -i1 safely shuts down networking services before allowing you to enter system maintenance mode. For more information on the shutdown command, see the shutdown(ADM) manual page. _________________________________________________________________________ As root, you have access to all the system files so be careful not to overwrite, delete or corrupt any files by accident. 3. Run custom from the command line by typing custom and pressing , or from sysadmsh by making the following sysadmsh selection: System->Software 4. Select Remove, and select ``SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters.'' 5. Select ALL to remove the entire Advanced Graphics Adapters. 6. Select Yes to confirm the removal. 7. When prompted, press any key to continue. The custom menu returns. 8. Select Quit to exit custom. The SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters Release 3.4.0 has been removed. Chapter 3 Configuring your video system If you want to verify that your new video hardware is supported for use with your system, refer to the SCO list of compatible hardware that came with your SCO Open Desktop SCO Open Server system or to Chapter 4, ``Supported graphics adapters and chip sets'' About grafinfo and moninfo files To configure your graphics adapter and monitor, you must supply your system with the necessary graphics configuration parameters. Your SCO system uses two kinds of files to provide graphics configuration parameters--grafinfo and moninfo files. Graphics information, or grafinfo, files serve two purposes: to configure the operating system for different classes of graphics adapters and to supply the X server with graphics adapter parameter values. Monitor information, or moninfo, files are used by the X server to determine the physical dimensions of your screen so fonts can be displayed in the correct size. When you configure your video system, the graphics configuration utility (mkdev graphics) reads the information in the grafinfo file that relates to your graphics adapter and the moninfo file that relates to your specific monitor. It then generates two configuration files, /usr/lib/grafinfo/grafdev and /usr/lib/grafinfo/grafmon. The X server uses the grafdev and grafmon files to determine the pathnames of the grafinfo and moninfo files that describe your graphics adapter and monitor. The X server also uses the grafdev file to determine which graphics adapter mode information it needs to extract from the specified grafinfo file. _________________________________________________________________________ CAUTION Do not move the grafinfo and moninfo files after you run mkdev graphics. If you do, the X server cannot find the files it needs when it is started. _________________________________________________________________________ Configuring monitors and graphics adapters If you add or change the monitor and/or the graphics adapter used by your system, you need to configure (or reconfigure) the new hardware so the X server can recognize the change. The configuration process is the same for both monitors and graphics adapters. You need to supply information for both pieces of hardware, even if you are only configuring one of the items. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE If you are updating the grafinfo file of an existing adapter, it is a good idea to make a backup copy of that grafinfo file before you begin. If your new configuration does not work, you can restore your old one. _________________________________________________________________________ You must be logged in as root to perform this procedure. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE If this task is performed in multi-user mode, users currently logged in and running the X server through scologin do not see any changes until they restart the server. If scologin is being used to start the X server, users must exit the current X session, then log back in. _________________________________________________________________________ To configure a new graphics adapter and/or monitor, perform the following steps. For more information on each of these steps, see the sections immediately following this procedure. 1. At the system prompt, run the video configuration utility by entering the following command: mkdev graphics Then select the Update option from the Video Configuration menu. 2. From the Update screen, use the arrow keys or the and keys to move the highlight through the list of supported graphics adapters. When you have highlighted the desired adapter, press . If your adapter is not on the list of adapters, and you are using an IBM VGA(TM) compatible adapter, you may want to either try using the IBM VGA entry or try creating your own grafinfo file. (see ``Configuring unsupported cards'') 3. Highlight the resolution at which you want your graphics adapter to function and press . 4. Highlight the monitor that you are configuring and press . Again, if your monitor is not on the list, or if you don't know which monitor most closely resembles your own, choose ``Other 14 inch'', ``Other 15 inch'', ``Other 16 inch'', ``Other 17 inch'', ``Other 18 inch'', ``Other 19 inch'', ``Other 20 inch'', ``Other 21 inch'', or whichever is closer. This will usually get your video system up and running. 5. Select Default or Specify to assign the graphics adapter to the console multiscreens. If you select Specify, you must also indicate the desired console multiscreens from the pop-up list. When you are finished, select Accept. 6. Verify the new selections by selecting the View option from the Video Configuration menu. 7. When you are satisfied with your new choices, select Quit to exit mkdev graphics, then select Save to store your new graphics configuration choices. 8. Test the video configuration by starting the X server. Step 1: Running mkdev graphics When changing aspects of your video system, you need to run the mkdev graphics script. This script is located in the /usr/lib/mkdev directory. The mkdev graphics script derives the choices it provides from three sources: grafinfo files, moninfo files, and device files. The grafinfo and moninfo files are ASCII text files that are located in subdirectories of the /usr/lib/grafinfo directory. These files describe the attributes of the graphics adapters and monitors that are supported by the Graphical Environment. The grafinfo files use the name of the particular adapter they describe and an .xgi extension (for example, wonder.xgi); the moninfo files use the name of the particular monitor they describe and a .mon extension (for example, 8514.mon). The devices files are text files that are located in the /usr/lib/vidconf/devices directory. These files contain the device names for all the console multiscreens on your system and use the device designations for filenames (for example, console, tty01). Every console multiscreen on your system using a graphics adapter needs a devices file. When you run the mkdev graphics script, the program stores your configuration settings in the /usr/lib/grafinfo/grafdev and the /usr/lib/grafinfo/grafmon files. On startup, the X server uses the information in these files and the appropriate grafinfo and moninfo files to interact correctly with your system's video hardware. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE Previous versions of the X server used the grafinfo.def file, in /usr/lib/grafinfo, to obtain video configuration information. In the current release, this file is not used, but is created by mkdev graphics for backward compatibility with older versions. If the grafdev file is missing, grafinfo.def is used as input to the X server. _________________________________________________________________________ If you are installing a newly created or updated grafinfo file, you should make a backup copy of that file before you run mkdev graphics. For several graphics adapters (Microfield X8 and Number 9 GXe), mkdev graphics invokes installation scripts to obtain additional configuration information. These scripts delete any original grafinfo files for the selected adapter, then create new ones based on the information entered. If you have one of these graphics adapters and have a corresponding grafinfo file that you do not want deleted, make a backup copy of that file before you run mkdev graphics. In addition, if you press while running a configuration script for one of the above adapters, the script exits without creating a new grafinfo file. To restore a saved copy of an initial template grafinfo file, exit from mkdev graphics then restart the program. Once you have started the mkdev graphics utility, select the Update option from the Video Configuration menu to begin configuring your new hardware. The Update screen appears. Step 2: Selecting the desired graphics adapter The Update screen prompts you to select the graphics adapter that you want to configure for your system. You see a point-and-pick list that displays all of the adapters that are supported for use with the X server. Move through the list using the arrow keys or by entering the first character of the graphics adapter's name. To select the desired graphics adapter, highlight the adapter entry and press . The graphics adapter entry is placed in the ``Adapter Type'' field. If your adapter is not on the list, see ``Configuring unsupported cards'' If you are prompted for additional configuration information specific to your supported graphics adapter, see your adapter's documentation and Chapter 4, ``Supported graphics adapters and chip sets'' before continuing the graphics adapter configuration process. You are prompted for the additional information after you select the graphics adapter from the menu. After you supply the requested information, proceed to step 3. _________________________________________________________________________ CAUTION If you are reconfiguring an existing graphics adapter and you are prompted for new I/O and memory selections, please be sure to write down your current selections. Your current I/O and memory addresses from previous adapter selections are not saved. You must enter an I/O and/or software configurable memory address each time you select to configure your adapter. In addition, if you reconfigure an adapter, then later choose not to save the configuration, the previous I/O and/or memory settings for the grafinfo file are not restored. _________________________________________________________________________ Configuring unsupported cards If your graphics adapter is not on the supported list but is compatible with one that is, or uses the same chip set as one that is, try one of the following at the Video Adapter Configuration window. + Select the compatible graphics adapter. + Select the generic chip set name + Copy a compatible grafinfo file and adjust the file to fit your graphics adapter. + If your card is not compatible with one of the supported cards or chip sets or if you don't know your chip set name, try selecting IBM VGA. Selecting IBM VGA will usually get your graphics system up and running. If you copy a compatible grafinfo file and try to adapt it, you may have to supply details about your adapter not commonly found in adapter user documentation (for example the coordinates of off-screen memory). Check for special configuration information for the compatible card, chip or chip set on the supported list before you attempt to adapt a compatible grafinfo file. If you do not have the necessary information, try one of the other solutions listed above. Step 3: Selecting the desired adapter resolution After you select the graphics adapter that you want to configure, you are prompted to select the resolution you want the adapter to use. You see a point-and-pick list that displays the resolution modes that are supported for your graphics adapter. _________________________________________________________________________ CAUTION It is possible to choose a resolution supported by your video adapter and not by your monitor. You should consider the capabilities of your monitor when determining the resolution you want to configure your adapter to use. Do not select a resolution that is higher than the maximum resolution supported by your monitor. Also, if you select resolutions of 1024x768 or 1280x1024, you may need to determine if your monitor works in interlaced or non-interlaced mode at this resolution. Consult your monitor's documentation for information regarding supported resolutions. _________________________________________________________________________ Move through the list using the arrow keys. Highlight the desired adapter mode and press . When you make your choice, the adapter mode is placed in the ``Adapter Mode'' field. Step 4: Selecting the desired monitor The mkdev graphics script also prompts you to indicate the type of monitor that is connected to your system. This selection determines the physical dimensions of your screen so that fonts are displayed in the correct size. You see a point-and-pick list that displays several monitor options. To select the monitor entry that best matches the monitor used by your system, highlight the desired entry and press . The monitor entry is placed in the ``Monitor Type'' field. If your monitor is not on the list of monitors, choose ``Other 14 inch'', ``Other 15 inch'', ``Other 16 inch'', ``Other 17 inch'', ``Other 18 inch'', ``Other 19 inch'', ``Other 20 inch'', ``Other 21 inch'', or whatever is closer. This will usually get your video system up and running. Step 5: Assigning console multiscreens You can assign different multiscreens to use different graphics adapters. For example, if your system has both monochrome and VGA adapters, you can assign the /dev/tty01 and /dev/tty02 multiscreens to the VGA graphics adapter and the /dev/tty03 through /dev/tty12 multiscreens to the monochrome graphics adapter. At the Specify the devices to associate with the currently selected adapter prompt, you can select either Default or Specify.. Select: + Default to associate all of the console multiscreens with the new adapter. If you select Default, you see no further prompts. + Specify to assign only selected multiscreens to the adapter. If you select Specify, you see a point-and-pick list that displays all of the multiscreen devices, starting with the system console. To select devices from this list, highlight the desired device and press the bar. When selected, an asterisk is displayed to the left of the device name. You can remove a selection by highlighting the selected device entry and pressing the bar again. When you have finished assigning multiscreens to your graphics adapter, press . Whether you select Default or Specify, you are prompted to accept the new video configuration setup. Select the Accept option. You are returned to the Video Configuration menu. If you select the Ignore option, the video configuration session is ended and all your changes are lost. Step 6: Verifying the new video configuration When you have made all of the video configuration choices that you want, you may want to verify that your selections are correct before saving them. From the Video Configuration menu, select the View option. You see a screen that displays information as below. Note that there are two different graphics adapters configured in the following example. Current Configuration /dev/console:paradise.vga1024.svga.640x480-256 /dev/tty01:paradise.vga1024.svga.640x480-256 /dev/tty02:paradise.vga1024.svga.640x480-256 /dev/tty03:hercules.mono.hga.720x350-2 /dev/tty04:hercules.mono.hga.720x350-2 /dev/tty05:hercules.mono.hga.720x350-2 /dev/tty06:hercules.mono.hga.720x350-2 /dev/tty07:hercules.mono.hga.720x350-2 /dev/tty08:hercules.mono.hga.720x350-2 /dev/tty09:hercules.mono.hga.720x350-2 /dev/tty10:hercules.mono.hga.720x350-2 /dev/tty11:hercules.mono.hga.720x350-2 /dev/tty12:hercules.mono.hga.720x350-2 Press the key to return to the Video Configuration menu when you are finished reviewing your new configuration settings. Step 7: Implementing the new video configuration When you are completely satisfied with the new video configuration settings, you must exit the mkdev graphics utility and save your changes so the X server can communicate with your new hardware. From the Video Configuration menu, select the Quit option. The Quit menu is displayed with the following choices: Save, Exit, and Cancel. To end your mkdev graphics session without saving your new configuration, select Exit. To return to the Video Configuration menu, select Cancel. To save your new configuration, select the Save option. You see the following message: Updating system configuration. Please wait... Parsing grafinfo files The system configuration has been updated. This message indicates the grafinfo files are being examined to determine if a new kernel should be created; no data is altered in these files. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE Depending on the graphics adapter you are configuring and the current configuration of your system, you might be prompted to relink the kernel. If you need to relink the kernel, do so. _________________________________________________________________________ When prompted, press to return to the system prompt. Step 8: Testing the new video configuration When you have completed your mkdev graphics session, test your new configuration by running the X server. If you are using a DEC 433W or a DEC IGC, pay special attention to the way in which ``zero'' width diagonal lines are drawn on the display. In some cases, these graphics adapters do not display ``zero'' width diagonal lines the same way as most other X server hardware. This may cause some incorrectly written X clients to have drawing problems. To force the X server to draw ``zero'' width lines the same way as the MIT Sample X Server you can specify the -ppp, or ``point-perfect pixelization'', option to the X server (Xsco). The -ppp option disables the hardware diagonal line-drawing functions of graphics adapters that use the TMS34010 and TMS34020 CPUs. Instead, a software algorithm is used to draw the lines. The software algorithm draws the lines more slowly than the graphics adapter can, but it draws lines the same way as the MIT Sample X Server. Chapter 4 Supported graphics adapters and chip sets This chapter contains configuration information about the graphics adapters supported by graphics information (grafinfo) files in this supplement. To determine whether your adapter is supported, consult the following list. Consult your graphics adapter documentation for configuration details about class (for example, VGA), chip set (for example, S3 86c805) and supported resolutions (for example 800x600). Some video cards require additional configuration information. If there is any additional SCO system specific information that you need to configure your graphics adapter, it can be found by locating your graphics adapter or chip set on the following list and turning to the page indicated. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE If your graphics adapter is not on the supported list, you may still be able to use it with your SCO system. See ``Configuring unsupported cards'' and your SCO system Graphical Environment Configuration Guide for more information. _________________________________________________________________________ All of the supported adapters have one or more grafinfo files listed after them. Supported modes for these adapters are listed in Appendix A, ``Graphics adapter modes''. For more information about grafinfo files, see ``About grafinfo and moninfo files''. Supported card list ATI Ultra Plus and Ultra Pro /usr/lib/grafinfo/ati/68800.xgi ATI mach64 chip set /usr/lib/grafinfo/ati/mach64.xgi For additional information see ``Adapters based on the ATI mach64 chip set''. BOCA Vortek-VL based on the AGX015 chip set /usr/lib/grafinfo/boca/vortek-vl.xgi BOCA Voyager based on the CT64300 chip set /usr/lib/grafinfo/boca/6430x.xgi Chips & Technology C&T 655x0 chip set /usr/lib/grafinfo/chips/655x0.xgi Chips & Technology C&T 6430x VLB Wingine DCX /usr/lib/grafinfo/chips/6430x.xgi Cirrus Logic CL-GD5426, CL-GD5428, and CL-GD5434 chip sets /usr/lib/grafinfo/cirrus/gd5426.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/cirrus/gd5428.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/cirrus/gd5434.xgi For additional information see ``Cirrus Logic(TM) CL-GD5434 special configuration''. ColorGraphics TwinTurbo Accelerator /usr/lib/grafinfo/colorgraphic/tta.xgi For additional information see ``ColorGraphics TwinTurbo(TM) Accelerator special configuration''. COMPAQ LTE Elite(WD90C24) /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/elite.xgi COMPAQ LTE Lite (VGA LCD) /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/lite1.xgi COMPAQ LTE Lite E,C (AVGA) /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/lite2.xgi COMPAQ Portable 386 (Plasma) /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/port3.xgi COMPAQ Portable 486, 486C (AVGA) /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/port4.xgi COMPAQ ProLinea MT (CL-GD5428 local bus) /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/pl-mt.xgi COMPAQ ProLinea Net1 (CL-GD5420) /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/pl-net1.xgi COMPAQ ProLinea 3 (WD 90C11) /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/pl3.xgi COMPAQ ProLinea 4 using the Tseng Labs ET4000/W32 local bus /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/pl4-w32.xgi For additional information, see ``COMPAQ(r) ProLinea 4 (Tseng Labs ET4000/W32 local bus) special configuration''. COMPAQ QVision 1024 and 1280 /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/qvis1024.xgi for the 1024 /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/qvis1280.xgi for the 1280 For additional information, see ``COMPAQ QVision 1024 and 1280 special configuration''. COMPAQ ProSignia/ProLiant (CL-GD5420) /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/ps-cl.xgi COMPAQ ProSignia (WD 90C11) /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/ps-wd.xgi DEC graphics adapters using S3 86C805, 86C924, 86C928, and Vision864/964 chip sets /usr/lib/grafinfo/dec/86c805.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/dec/86c924.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/dec/86c928vlb.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/dec/86c928pci.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/dec/dec864.xgi For additional information on DEC S3-based graphics adapters, see ``Adapters using S3 chip sets special configuration''. DECpc computers using the Intelligent Graphics Controller (IGC) /usr/lib/grafinfo/dec/decicg.xgi DECpc 433W with DEC IGC /usr/lib/grafinfo/dec/eclipse.xgi For additional information, see ``DECpc(TM) 433W with DEC IGC special configuration'' DECpc computers using Diamond Viper based graphics adapters /usr/lib/grafinfo/diamond/viperpci.xgi Diamond Stealth Pro, SpeedStar PRO, Stealth 24 /usr/lib/grafinfo/diamond/slthpro.xgi for the Stealth Pro /usr/lib/grafinfo/diamond/sspro.xgi for the SpeedStar Pro /usr/lib/grafinfo/diamond/stlth24.xgi for the Stealth 24 For additional information, see ``Diamond Stealth Pro(TM), SpeedStar Pro(TM) and Stealth 24(TM) special configuration''. Diamond Stealth 64 VRAM /usr/lib/grafinfo/diamond/stlth64v.xgi Diamond Viper VLB and PCI /usr/lib/grafinfo/diamond/viper2m.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/diamond/viperpci.xgi Hewlett-Packard (HP), Vectra 486 XM and XP/60 Vectra 486/50NI and Vectra 486/33NI series computers /usr/lib/grafinfo/hp/86c801.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/hp/86c805.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/hp/86c928.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/hp/86c9281.xgi For additional information on HP S3-based graphics adapters, see ``Adapters using S3 chip sets special configuration''. Hewlett-Packard UltraVGA /usr/lib/grafinfo/hp/ultravga.xgi IBM S3 864 /usr/lib/grafinfo/ibm/ibm864.xgi IBM ValuePoint using the Tseng Lab ET4000/W32 /usr/lib/grafinfo/ibm/vp-w32.xgi IBM XGA-2 /usr/lib/grafinfo/ibm/xga-2.xgi Intel Ultra Pro or Ultra Plus /usr/lib/grafinfo/intel/68800.xgi Microfield X8 /usr/lib/grafinfo/microfield/x8.xgi For additional information, see ``Microfield(TM) X8 special configuration''. miro CRYSTAL 8S, 16Si, 20SD,, and 20SV /usr/lib/grafinfo/miro/crystal8s.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/miro/crystal16si.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/miro/crystal20sd.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/miro/crystal20sv.xgi Number 9 GXe BIOS 1.09, GXe BIOS 1.1x and GXe 64 /usr/lib/grafinfo/numbernine/n9gxe.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/numbernine/n9gxe1x.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/numbernine/n9gxe64.xgi For additional information, see ``Number Nine GXe(TM) special configuration''. Olivetti M4-62/64/66 based computers /usr/lib/grafinfo/olivetti/m4-6x.xgi Olivetti P9000-based adapters /usr/lib/grafinfo/olivetti/p9000.xgi Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 Plus/VA /usr/lib/grafinfo/orchid/f1280+va.xgi For additional information, see ``Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 Plus/VA(TM) special configuration''. S3 chip sets (86C801, 86C805 and 86C928) /usr/lib/grafinfo/s3/86c801.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/s3/86c805.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/s3/86c928.xgi For additional information, see ``Adapters using S3 chip sets special configuration''. SNI Ergo I, Ergo II, Ergo III, 68800 and 86C805 /usr/lib/grafinfo/sni/pro23x.xg (Ergo I) /usr/lib/grafinfo/sni/wd90c31.xgi (Ergo II) /usr/lib/grafinfo/sni/gd5428.xgi (Ergo III) /usr/lib/grafinfo/sni/68800.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/sni/86c805.xgi Spider 32 VLB /usr/lib/grafinfo/spider/32vlb.xgi STB PowerGraph X-24 and VL-24 /usr/lib/grafinfo/stb/pgraph.xgi STB Horizon VL /usr/lib/grafinfo/stb/horizon.xgi For additional information, see ``STB Horizon VL(TM) special configuration''. STB Pegasus /usr/lib/grafinfo/stb/pegasus.xgi For additional information, see ``STB Pegasus(TM) special configuration''. Trident TVGA 8900B, TVGA 8900B 512K, and TVGA/TGUI /usr/lib/grafinfo/trident/tvga.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/trident/tvga512k.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/trident/tvgatgui.xgi Tulip P9000 /usr/lib/grafinfo/tulip/tulip.xgi UNISYS MPE and MPI series computers /usr/lib/grafinfo/trident/mpe.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/trident/mpi.xgi Weitek P9000 /usr/lib/grafinfo/weitek/p90001m.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/weitek/p90002m.xgi Western Digital WD90C33 and WD90C24 chip sets /usr/lib/grafinfo/wd/wd90c33.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/wd/wd90c24.xgi Xtec AGX015 chip set /usr/lib/grafinfo/xtec/agx.xgi Adapters based on the ATI mach64 chip set The associated grafinfo file is /usr/lib/grafinfo/ati/mach64.xgi For more information about grafinfo files, see ``About grafinfo and moninfo files''. To use resolutions higher then 640x480 you must reconfigure your video adapter using your vendor supplied, DOS video adapter configuration program. For more information about your DOS video adapter configuration program, see your card's documentation. Cirrus Logic(TM) CL-GD5434 special configuration The associated grafinfo file is /usr/lib/grafinfo/cirrus/gd5434.xgi For more information about grafinfo files, see ``About grafinfo and moninfo files''. The gd5434.xgi file contains a flag called GD5434IMAGE that is normally set to 0. If you have consistent problems with the server locking, they might be caused by the CL-GD5434 video adapter hanging. You can log in as root, edit the file /usr/lib/grafinfo/cirrus/gd5434.xgi and set GD5434IMAGE=1 to correct the problem. However, setting GD5434IMAGE=1 will slow the graphics adapter by as much as a factor of 10, so use it only when it corrects the server locking problems. ColorGraphics TwinTurbo(TM) Accelerator special configuration The associated grafinfo file is /usr/lib/grafinfo/colorgraphic/tta.xgi For more information about grafinfo files, see ``About grafinfo and moninfo files''. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE The X server has an internal limit of 3 video adapters. In the case of a ColorGraphics TwinTurbo Accelerator this means that you can configure 2 chips on 1 graphics adapter, and 1 chip on a second graphics adapter. _________________________________________________________________________ The ColorGraphics TwinTurbo Accelerator is a ``multi-headed'' card. That means it is designed to control two monitors with a single card. Because mkdev graphics can only associate one video adapter and monitor with a console function key, to configure the multi-headed ColorGraphics TwinTurbo Accelerator graphics adapter, you must complete the following steps. (Each console function key or tty can be associated with a different video configuration) _________________________________________________________________________ CAUTION If you do not switch to the (tty01) multiscreen before you start this procedure, you may render you system unusable. To switch to the multiscreen, press (or if you are using the graphical environment). _________________________________________________________________________ 1. Log in as root. 2. Use the following command to bring your machine into system maintenance mode: /etc/shutdown -i1 _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE shutdown -i1 safely shuts down networking services before allowing you to enter system maintenance mode. For more information on the shutdown command, see the shutdown(ADM) manual page. _________________________________________________________________________ As root, you have access to all the system files so be careful not to overwrite, delete or corrupt any files by accident. 3. Either select the ColorGraphics TwinTurbo Accelerator graphics adapter during your initial installation or use mkdev graphics to configure the first head or chip just as if the ColorGraphics Card is a conventional graphics adapter. Both procedures create the file /usr/lib/grafinfo/grafdev. For a detailed description of how to run mkdev graphics see ``Configuring monitors and graphics adapters''. 4. Use a text editor (for example, vi) to edit /usr/lib/grafinfo/grafdev to reflect the number of ``heads'' or monitors you want to associate with a given tty. For example, after you complete the initial graphics adapter configuration using mkdev graphics the /usr/lib/grafinfo/grafdev looks something like the following: /dev/console:colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-1-1 /dev/tty01:colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-1-1 /dev/tty02:colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-1-1 /dev/tty03:colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-1-2 /dev/tty04:colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-1-1 /dev/tty05:colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-1-1 /dev/tty06:colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-1-1 /dev/tty07:colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-1-1 /dev/tty08:colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-1-2 /dev/tty09:colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-2-1 /dev/tty10:colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-1-2 /dev/tty11:colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-2-1 /dev/tty12:colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-2-1 In this case, /dev/tty02 is configured to run the adapter at a resolution of 1024x768 with 256 colors, at a I/O base address of 0x34C with ID=1 on chip number 1. /dev/tty03 is the same except for the chip which is chip number 2. To run both chips simultaneously on /dev/tty02 you must add configuration information to the line configuring /dev/tty02. To add the second mode add the following: ,colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-1-2 That is, to add the second adapter to: /dev/tty02:colorgraphic.tta.s3c.1024x768-256-0x34C-1-1 add the second mode to the line, separated by a comma. Mode names must be separated by a comma (no space). _________________________________________________________________________ CAUTION The last screen to appear on the line is the monitor where the console text screen returns when you exit the X server. In the above example, that is, the screen defined after the comma. Thus, it is very important that you make sure that the console text screen is the last screen configured on any given /dev/tty line in the grafdev file. _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Save the grafdev file 6. Return to multi-user mode. 7. Start the X server (using startx, for example). Both screens should start up with the X server. COMPAQ(r) ProLinea 4 (Tseng Labs ET4000/W32 local bus) special configuration The associated grafinfo file is /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/pl4-w32.xgi For more information about grafinfo files, see ``About grafinfo and moninfo files''. Some COMPAQ mice (a subset of M/N: M-SF14-6MD) are not recognized when booting on some newer 486-based ProLinea machines. If your mouse is not recognized, it does not function when running the Desktop, X Windows, or SCO DOS Services. If the kbmouse device does not appear in the boot-up hardware list for a system configured to use the keyboard mouse, perform the following procedure: _________________________________________________________________________ CAUTION If you do not switch to the (tty01) multiscreen before you start this procedure, you may render you system unusable. To switch to the multiscreen, press (or if you are using the graphical environment). _________________________________________________________________________ 1. Log in as root. 2. Use the following command to bring your machine into system maintenance mode: /etc/shutdown -i1 _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE shutdown -i1 safely shuts down networking services before allowing you to enter system maintenance mode. For more information on the shutdown command, see the shutdown(ADM) manual page. _________________________________________________________________________ As root, you have access to all the system files so be careful not to overwrite, delete or corrupt any files by accident. 3. Change directories to /etc/conf/pack.d/cn. 4. Copy Driver.o to Driver.o.orig. 5. Enter: /etc/_fst -w Driver.o. 6. At the _fst prompt, enter: reset8042+8c? w9090 7. _fst responds with: reset8042+0x8c: 0x1275= 0x9090 8. Quit _fst by entering $q. 9. Change directories to /etc/conf/cf.d. 10. Enter ./link_unix -y to relink the kernel. 11. After the kernel relinks, enter init 6 to reboot the system. COMPAQ QVision 1024 and 1280 special configuration The associated grafinfo files are /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/qvis1024.xgi for the 1024 /usr/lib/grafinfo/compaq/qvis1280.xgi for the 1280 For more information about grafinfo files, see ``About grafinfo and moninfo files''. After using the COMPAQ EISA System Configuration Utility to enable or disable QVision High Memory Address (HMA) mode or to change the HMA address, rerun mkdev graphics and re-select QVision 1024 to effect this change. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE The COMPAQ QVision 1280 and 1024 grafinfo files are recreated each time you invoke mkdev graphics if a QVision /I or /E adapter is installed in your EISA system. _________________________________________________________________________ DECpc(TM) 433W with DEC IGC special configuration The associated grafinfo file is /usr/lib/grafinfo/dec/eclipse.xgi For more information about grafinfo files, see ``About grafinfo and moninfo files''. On the DEC PC 433W, when you switch from a character screen to a screen running the X server, there is a three-second delay before the new image displays. Diamond Stealth Pro(TM), SpeedStar Pro(TM) and Stealth 24(TM) special configuration The X server uses the BIOS on these graphics adapter to set graphics and text modes. Diamond supplies software to program the monitor type in EPROM in the adapter. This software only runs under DOS. To correctly initialize your Diamond adapter you must boot DOS and run the Diamond-supplied programs following the instructions for those programs. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE If you remove your Diamond graphics adapter and then replace it, you must rerun the Diamond initialization programs. _________________________________________________________________________ Information used by the X server to set graphics and text modes for these graphics adapters is found in the following grafinfo files: /usr/lib/grafinfo/diamond/slthpro.xgi for the Stealth Pro /usr/lib/grafinfo/diamond/sspro.xgi for the SpeedStar Pro /usr/lib/grafinfo/diamond/stlth24.xgi for the Stealth 24 For more information about grafinfo files, see ``About grafinfo and moninfo files''. Adapters using S3 chip sets special configuration The associated grafinfo files are /usr/lib/grafinfo/s3/86c801.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/s3/86c805.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/s3/86c928.xgi For more information about grafinfo files, see ``About grafinfo and moninfo files''. These generic S3 grafinfo files have been provided for use on untested and therefore unsupported video graphics adapters based on the S3 chip set. If they do not work with a non-supported video adapter, they may need to be edited by hand with an ascii editor (such as vi). If your non-supported S3-based video adapter does not work with the generic S3 grafinfo files, we have provided some configuration help for the S3 chip sets (86C801, 86C805, 86C928) in the grafinfo file /usr/lib/grafinfo/s3/86c801. In addition, some of the important features listed in that file are also explained in the following example. Because S3 Vision864 and Vision964 implementations vary widely from graphics adapter to graphics adapter, much of the configuration is card specific. Consequently, there is no generic support for S3 864 or 964 adapters. If your card is based on an S3 Vision864/964 chip set, try using one of the S3 864/964 based cards (for example, Number Nine GXe 64 or Diamond Stealth 64) or see ``Configuring unsupported cards''. Some important settings + In PROCEDURE SetGraphics, (see Example 4-1, ``Sample grafinfo file for an 86C928 based video adapter'') the following code sets up a call to the video BIOS supplied with the graphics adapter. In this example, this mode (1280x1024-16bpp) corresponds to S3 BIOS mode number 0x21A. Note, bpp indicates bits-per-pixel. r0 = 0x4F02; r1 = 0x821A; int10(r0, 2); If your graphics adapter uses a different BIOS mode number to initialize the graphics adapter for a required mode, modify the assignment to r1 in the SetGraphics procedure. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE The 0x8000 bit in r1 tells the BIOS not to clear the frame buffer after setting the mode. _________________________________________________________________________ Example 4-1 Sample grafinfo file for an 86C928 based video adapter ______________________________________________________________________ VENDOR S3 "S3" MODEL 86C928 "86C928" CLASS S3C "" MODE 1280x1024-64K "1280x1024 64K colors" MEMORY(0xA0000,0x10000); PORT(EFF,VGA); DATA { XDRIVER = "nte16"; VISUAL = "TrueColor"; DEPTH = 16; PIXWIDTH = 1280; PIXHEIGHT = 1024; } PROCEDURE SetGraphics { r0 = 0x4F02; r1 = 0x821A; int10(r0, 2); out(0x3d4, 0x38); out(0x3d5, 0x48); out(0x3d4, 0x39); out(0x3d5, 0xad); out(0x3d4, 0x40); in(r0, 0x3d5); or(r0, 0x1); out(0x3d5, r0); } PROCEDURE SetText { r0 = 0x4F02; r1 = 0x0003; int10(r0, 2); } ______________________________________________________________________ All video BIOS mode numbers in the grafinfo file are obtained from the data sheet provided by S3 called S3 86C928 Video BIOS OEM Guide. + After initialization, the video drivers attempt to determine the location of any off-screen memory on the graphics adapter by calling VESA BIOS mode 6. If this mode does not work correctly with the BIOS on your graphics adapter then add the following lines to the grafinfo file DATA section for the mode you are using. OSX = x coordinate of off-screen memory OSY = y coordinate of off-screen memory OSWIDTH = width of off-screen memory OSHEIGHT = height of off-screen memory If your mode is 1280x1024-16bpp with 4 MB of video RAM on a 86C928- based graphics adapter, the values would probably be the following: OSX =1280; OSY =0; OSWIDTH =768; OSHEIGHT =1024; If you are uncertain of the coordinates of off-screen memory, then set all these values to 0. This degrades your X server performance, but it allows the server to run. + Some graphics adapter manufacturers have implemented VESA BIOS mode 6 but parts of the information returned by the BIOS are incorrect. If your BIOS returns a correct value for: BX - Bytes per scan line but returns incorrect values for: CX - Actual pixels per scan line DX - Maximum number of scan lines then add the following line to the DATA section of the grafinfo mode you are trying to use: VESABIOS6BUG = 1; This instructs the X server to use only the correct BX value and to disregard the incorrect values. + If the X server prints the error message: nte: BIOS scanline size query failed, continuing... it is very likely that BIOS mode 6 has not been implemented by the graphics adapter manufacturer. In this case, you need to determine off-screen memory yourself and add the OSX, OSY, OSWIDTH, and OSHEIGHT variables to the DATA section of the grafinfo mode you are trying to use. Otherwise, off-screen memory coordinates are set to zero. This allows the X server to run, but it degrades performance. + If the X server appears to correctly start and exit but the cursor is either not visible or is incorrectly drawn, then it is likely that the manufacturer has not implemented the S3 hardware cursor. In this situation add the following line to the DATA section of the grafinfo entry: S3HWCURSOR = 0; Microfield(TM) X8 special configuration + During configuration, the Microfield X8 installation scripts obtain additional configuration information. (such as memory mapped I/O addressees, and so on) If you are reconfiguring this adapter, these scripts delete any original grafinfo files for the selected adapter, then create new ones based on the new information entered. If you have one of these graphics adapters and have a corresponding grafinfo file that you do not want deleted, make a backup copy of that file before you run mkdev graphics. In addition, if you interrupt the configuration process of one of the above adapters by pressing , the script exits without creating a new grafinfo file. To restore a saved copy of an initial template grafinfo file, exit from mkdev graphics then restart the program. The associated grafinfo file is /usr/lib/grafinfo/microfield/x8.xgi For more information about grafinfo files, see ``About grafinfo and moninfo files''. + Occasionally incorrect pixels are drawn if the IslandPaint Arc and Irregular Polygon tools are used. Using Refresh from the Motif Window Manager (Mwm) Root menu clears the incorrectly drawn pixels. Number Nine GXe(TM) special configuration + Some early versions of this hardware have exhibited problems both with video noise and with corruption of frame buffer data. Later versions do not show these problems. Make sure you note the BIOS version of your GXe graphics adapter before you install your adapter. You will need that information to complete the video configuration process. The associated grafinfo files are /usr/lib/grafinfo/numbernine/n9gxe.xgi /usr/lib/grafinfo/numbernine/n9gxe1x.xgi For more information about grafinfo files, see ``About grafinfo and moninfo files''. + During configuration, the Number 9 GXe installation scripts obtain additional configuration information. (such as memory mapped I/O addressees, and so on) If you are reconfiguring this adapter, these scripts delete any original grafinfo files for the selected adapter, then create new ones based on the new information entered. If you have one of these graphics adapters and have a corresponding grafinfo file that you do not want deleted, make a backup copy of that file before you run mkdev graphics. In addition, if you interrupt the configuration process of one of the above adapters by pressing , the script exits without creating a new grafinfo file. To restore a saved copy of an initial template grafinfo file, exit from mkdev graphics then restart the program. Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 Plus/VA(TM) special configuration The X server uses the BIOS on the graphics adapter to set the graphics and text modes. Orchid requires that certain dip switches be set on the adapter to specify the type of monitor connected to the adapter. The BIOS reads the switches when setting these modes. Please check the Fahrenheit documentation to ensure that the switches are at the correct settings. If you have an Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 graphics adapter on an Omnipro 486/50 DX EISA motherboard with an AMI BIOS, the system does not boot DOS or UNIX systems unless the compatibility jumper (labeled CMP) located at JP2 on the Fahrenheit board is jumpered on pins 2 and 3. Also, DIP switch #3 on the Fahrenheit board must be set to ON (closed). The associated grafinfo file is /usr/lib/grafinfo/orchid/f1280+va.xgi For more information about grafinfo files, see ``About grafinfo and moninfo files''. STB Horizon VL(TM) special configuration Some versions of this adapter exhibit video noise in the hardware cursor at high refresh rates. The associated grafinfo file is /usr/lib/grafinfo/stb/horizon.xgi For more information about grafinfo files, see ``About grafinfo and moninfo files''. STB Pegasus(TM) special configuration Video signal problems have been observed with some version of this graphics adapter (especially in 1280x1024-256 color modes). STB claims to have a BIOS fix for this problem. The associated grafinfo file is /usr/lib/grafinfo/stb/pegasus.xgi For more information about grafinfo files, see ``About grafinfo and moninfo files''. Chapter 5 Known limitations The following are known limitations in this release. Drawing problems when moving Desktop icons Occasionally, if Desktop icons are moved across the top of the Desktop under the menu bar, incorrect pixels are drawn. Using Refresh from the Motif Window Manager (Mwm) Root menu clears the incorrectly drawn pixels. TrueColor and DirectColor with SCO X clients scocolor, scopaint, and scoterm with the -cmap option do not work with TrueColor or DirectColor visual types. (DirectColor and TrueColor cards typically support 32K, 64K and 16 Million colors). This is also true if you start Xsco with the -static option. These are the visual types where the rgb values are stored directly in the display memory of the adapter. Consult the documentation accompanying your graphics adapter. If there are display modes that support 32K, 64K, or 16 Million colors, do not use these modes. Also, these applications do not work with fixed colormap graphics adapters. TMS 340x0-based grafinfo files All TMS 340x0-based grafinfo files are recreated when you select them during graphics configuration. Problems exiting the server If you use startx to start the X server, you may notice problems when exiting your SCO system Desktop or server. Sometimes, the screen remains in graphics mode or the keyboard does not function correctly after exiting. To prevent this problem, use /etc/clean_screen along with startx by typing this command line: startx; /etc/clean_screen If you log in via scologin you should not encounter any problems. WordPerfect problems If you use WordPerfect(r) with a non-VGA graphics adapter and you move a window or the cursor off the screen, the text screen does not display correctly. If you run WordPerfect with a VGA-based adapter, and you move the WordPerfect cursor off the screen to the left and then type, you see multiple cursor images (to the right of the text you are typing). In both cases, you can restore the correct screen display by selecting Refresh from the Root menu. Using IslandPaint with the Microfield X8 graphics adapter Occasionally incorrect pixels are drawn if the IslandPaint(TM) Arc and Irregular Polygon tools are used. Using Refresh from the Motif Window Manager (Mwm) Root menu clears the incorrectly drawn pixels. The xsrvr package and fixperm When you install the Advanced Graphics Adapters, a few files from the existing xsrvr package are removed. Thus, if you run fixperm on /etc/perms/xsrvr at a later time, you receive error messages resembling the following: fixperm: file not found: ./usr/lib/grafinfo/moninfo/olivetti/svga.mon fixperm: file not found: ./usr/lib/grafinfo/trident/impact2.xgi fixperm: file not found: ./usr/lib/grafinfo/trident/impact3.xgi These messages can be safely ignored. Appendix A Graphics adapter modes These are the supported modes found in the grafinfo files for each adapter. _________________________________________________________________________ CAUTION You should consider the capabilities of your monitor when determining your graphic adapter's resolution. Do not select a resolution that is higher than the maximum resolution supported by your monitor. Also, if you select resolutions of 1024x768 or 1280x1024, you may need to determine if your monitor works in interlaced or non-interlaced mode at this resolution. Consult your monitor's documentation for information regarding supported resolutions. _________________________________________________________________________ Adapter Mode Colors Hertz _____________________________________________________________________ ATI Ultra Pro or Ultra Plus 1280x1024 256 74 (first 3 use ATI 68875 DAC) 1280x1024 256 70 1280x1024 256 60 1280x1024 256 87 interlaced 1024x768 256 76 1024x768 256 72 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 87 interlaced 800x600 256 76 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 56 640x480 256 72 640x480 256 60 (Continued on next page) (Continued) Adapter Mode Colors Hertz _________________________________________________________________________ ATI mach64 1280x1024 256 60 - (first 3 require 2 MB VRAM) 1024x768 256 60 800x600 256 60 (requires 1 MB VRAM) 640x480 256 60 _________________________________________________________________________ Boca Vortek-VL 1024x768 256 - 800x600 256 - 640x480 256 - _________________________________________________________________________ Boca Voyager 1280x1024 256 - interlaced 1024x768 64K - interlaced 1024x768 32K - interlaced 1024x768 256 - 1024x768 256 - interlaced 800x600 64K - 800x600 32K - 800x600 256 - 640x480 64K - 640x480 32K - 640x480 256 - _________________________________________________________________________ Chips & Technology 655x0 1024x768 16 lcd 1024x768 16 crt 1024x768 16 crt interlaced 800x600 256 lcd 800x600 256 crt 800x600 16 lcd 800x600 16 crt 640x480 256 lcd 640x480 256 crt 640x480 256 lcd+crt 640x480 16 lcd 640x480 16 crt 640x480 16 lcd+crt _________________________________________________________________________ Chips & Technology 6430x 1280x1024 256 - interlaced VLB Wingine DGX 1024x768 64k - interlaced 1024x768 32K - interlaced 1024x768 256 - 1024x768 256 - interlaced 800x600 64K - 800x600 32K - 800x600 256 - 640x480 64K - 640x480 32K - 640x480 256 - _________________________________________________________________________ Cirrus Logic GD5426 1280x1024 256 43 interlaced 1024x768 64k 43 interlaced 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 43 interlaced 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 56 800x600 64k 60 640x480 64k 72 _________________________________________________________________________ Cirrus Logic GD5428 1280x1024 256 43 interlaced 1024x768 64k 43 interlaced 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 43 interlaced 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 56 800x600 64k 60 640x480 64k 72 _________________________________________________________________________ Cirrus Logic GD5434 1280x1024 256 60 1280x1024 256 43 interlaced 1024x768 64k 72 1024x768 64k 70 1024x768 64k 43 interlaced 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 43 interlaced 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 56 _________________________________________________________________________ ColorGraphic 1280x1024 16 - TwinTurbo Accelerator 1024x768 256 - 800x600 256 - 640x480 256 - _________________________________________________________________________ Compaq LTE Elite 1024x768 256 60 WD 90C24 1024x768 16 60 800x600 256 60 800x600 16 60 640x480 256 60 640x480 16 60 _________________________________________________________________________ Compaq LTE Lite (VGA LCD) 640x480 16 - _________________________________________________________________________ Compaq LTE Lite E, C (AVGA) 800x600 16 60 640x480 256 60 640x480 16 60 _________________________________________________________________________ Compaq Portable 386 (Plasma) 640x400 2 - _________________________________________________________________________ Compaq Portable 486, 800x600 16 60 486C (AVGA) 640x480 256 60 640x480 16 60 _________________________________________________________________________ Compaq QVision 1024 (1MB) 1024x768 256 72 1024x768 256 66 (72) 1024x768 256 66 (75) 1024x768 256 60 800x600 256 75 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 640x480 256 75 640x480 256 60 _________________________________________________________________________ Compaq QVision 1280 (2MB) 1280x1024 256 76 1280x1024 256 68 1280x1024 256 60 1024x768 256 76 1024x768 256 72 1024x768 256 66 (72) 1024x768 256 66 (75) 1024x768 256 60 800x600 256 75 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 640x480 256 75 640x480 256 60 _________________________________________________________________________ Compaq ProLinea 4 1024x768 256 72 Tseng ET4000/W32 1024x768 256 60 local bus 800x600 256 75 800x600 256 60 640x480 256 60 _________________________________________________________________________ Compaq ProLinea 3 1024x768 16 60 WD90C11 1024x768 16 43 interlaced 800x600 256 60 800x600 16 60 640x480 256 60 640x480 16 60 _________________________________________________________________________ Compaq ProLinea Net1 1024x768 16 43 interlaced CL-GD5420 800x600 256 60 800x600 16 60 640x480 256 72 640x480 16 72 _________________________________________________________________________ Compaq ProLinea MT 1024x768 256 72 CL-GD5428 1024x768 256 70 local bus 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 43 interlaced 1024x768 16 72 1024x768 16 70 1024x768 16 60 1024x768 16 43 interlaced 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 56 800x600 16 72 800x600 16 60 800x600 16 56 640x480 64k 72 640x480 64k 60 640x480 256 72 640x480 256 60 640x480 16 72 640x480 16 60 _________________________________________________________________________ Compaq ProSignia/ 1024x768 16 72 ProLiant CL-GD5420 1024x768 16 70 1024x768 16 60 1024x768 16 43 interlaced 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 56 800x600 16 72 800x600 16 60 800x600 16 56 640x480 256 72 640x480 256 60 640x480 16 72 640x480 16 60 _________________________________________________________________________ Compaq ProSignia 1024x768 16 60 WD90C11 1024x768 16 43 interlaced 800x600 256 56 800x600 16 60 640x480 256 60 640x480 16 60 _________________________________________________________________________ DEC Intelligent 1280x1024 256 - Graphics Controller _________________________________________________________________________ DECpc 433W 1280x1024 256 - with DEC IGC _________________________________________________________________________ DECpc Viper PCI 1280x1024 256 74 2MB VRAM 1280x1024 256 60 1024x768 256 80 1024x768 256 72 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 56 640x480 256 72 640x480 256 60 _________________________________________________________________________ DECpc S3 86c805 1024x768 256 - 800x600 64k - 800x600 256 - 640x480 64k - 640x480 256 - (Continued on next page) (Continued) Adapter Mode Colors Hertz ____________________________________________________________________________ DECpc S3 86c924 1280x1024 16 46 interlaced 1280x960 16 48 interlaced 1024x768 16 47 interlaced 1024x768 16 60 1024x768 256 47 interlaced 1024x768 256 60 800x600 256 56 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 76 800x600 16 56 800x600 16 60 800x600 16 76 640x480 256 60 640x480 256 78 640x480 32k 60 ____________________________________________________________________________ DECpc S3 86c928 PCI 1280x1024 256 - 1024x768 64k - 1024x768 256 - 800x600 256 - 640x480 64k - 640x480 256 - ____________________________________________________________________________ DECpc S3 86c928 VLB 1280x1024 64k - 1280x1024 256 - 1024x768 16m - 1024x768 64k - 1024x768 256 - 800x600 16m - 800x600 64k - 800x600 256 - 640x480 16m - 640x480 64k - 640x480 256 - ____________________________________________________________________________ DECpc S3 864/964 1280x1024 64K 75 (first 4 require 4 MB VRAM) 1280x1024 64K 72 1280x1024 64K 60 1280x1024 64K 43 (next 4 require 2 MB VRAM) 1280x1024 256 75 1280x1024 256 72 1280x1024 256 60 1280x1024 256 43 (next 5 require 4 MB VRAM) 1024x768 16M 75 1024x768 16M 72 1024x768 16M 70 1024x768 16M 60 1024x768 16M 43 (next 5 require 2 MB VRAM) 1024x768 64K 75 1024x768 64K 72 1024x768 64K 70 1024x768 64K 60 1024x768 64K 43 1024x768 256 75 1024x768 256 72 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 43 800x600 256 60 640x480 256 60 ____________________________________________________________________________ Diamond Stealth Pro 1280x1024 256 - 1024x768 64k - 1024x768 256 - 800x600 64k - 800x600 256 - 640x480 64k - 640x480 256 - ____________________________________________________________________________ Diamond Stealth 24 1024x768 256 - 800x600 64k - 800x600 256 - ____________________________________________________________________________ Diamond Stealth 64 1024x768 256 - (first 4 require 4 MB VRAM) 1280x1024 64K 72 1280x1024 64K 60 1280x1024 64K 43 (next 4 require 2 MB VRAM) 1280x1024 256 75 1280x1024 256 72 1280x1024 256 60 1280x1024 256 43 (next 5 require 4 MB VRAM) 1024x768 16M 75 1024x768 16M 72 1024x768 16M 70 1024x768 16M 60 1024x768 16M 43 (next 5 require 2 MB VRAM) 1024x768 64K 75 1024x768 64K 72 1024x768 64K 70 1024x768 64K 60 1024x768 64K 43 1024x768 256 75 1024x768 256 72 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 43 800x600 256 60 640x480 256 60 ____________________________________________________________________________ Diamond SpeedStar PRO 1024x768 256 - 800x600 256 - 800x600 64k - 640x480 64k - ____________________________________________________________________________ Diamond Viper 640x480 256 60 VLB 2MB VRAM 640x480 256 72 800x600 256 56 800x600 256 72 1024x768 256 72 1024x768 256 80 1280x1024 256 60 1280x1024 256 74 ____________________________________________________________________________ Diamond Viper PCI 1280x1024 256 74 2MB VRAM 1280x1024 256 60 1024x768 256 80 1024x768 256 72 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 56 640x480 256 72 640x480 256 60 ____________________________________________________________________________ HP Ultra VGA 1280x960 16 48 interlaced 1280x1024 16 46 interlaced 1024x768 16 47 interlaced 1024x768 16 60 1024x768 16 72 1024x768 256 47 interlaced 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 72 800x600 16 56 800x600 16 60 800x600 16 76 800x600 256 56 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 76 640x480 256 60 ____________________________________________________________________________ HP Vectra 386/33NI 1024x768 256 - S3 86C801 800x600 64K - 800x600 256 - 640x480 16M - 640x480 64K - 640x480 256 - ____________________________________________________________________________ HP Vectra 486 N/NI 1024x768 256 - S3 86C805 800x600 64k - 800x600 256 - 640x480 64k - 640x480 256 - ____________________________________________________________________________ HP Vectra 486 XM and XP/60 series 1280x1024 64k - S3 86C928 1280x1024 256 - 1024x768 16m - 1024x768 64k - 1024x768 256 - 800x600 16m - 800x600 64k - 800x600 256 - 640x480 16m - 640x480 64k - 640x480 256 - (Continued on next page) (Continued) Adapter Mode Colors Hertz ___________________________________________________ IBM XGA-2 640x480 2 60 640x480 2 72 640x480 2 75 640x480 16 60 640x480 16 72 640x480 16 75 640x480 256 60 640x480 256 72 640x480 256 75 640x480 64K 60 640x480 64K 72 640x480 64K 75 800x600 2 60 800x600 2 72 800x600 2 75 800x600 16 60 800x600 16 72 800x600 16 75 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 75 800x600 64K 60 1024x768 2 - interlaced 1024x768 16 - interlaced 1024x768 256 - interlaced 1024x768 2 60 1024x768 2 70 1024x768 2 72 1024x768 2 75 1024x768 16 60 1024x768 16 70 1024x768 16 72 1024x768 16 75 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 72 1024x768 256 75 1176x882 256 60 (Continued on next page) (Continued) Adapter Mode Colors Hertz _____________________________________________________________________ IBM S3 864 1280x1024 256 75 (first 7 require 2 MB VRAM) 1280x1024 256 72 1280x1024 256 60 1280x1024 256 43 1024x768 64K 70 1024x768 64K 60 1024x768 64K 43 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 43 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 640x480 256 60 _____________________________________________________________________ IBM ValuePoint 1024x768 256 72 (Tseng ET4000/W32) 1024x768 256 60 800x600 256 75 800x600 256 60 640x480 256 60 _____________________________________________________________________ Intel Ultra Pro 1280x1024 256 74 or Ultra Plus 1280x1024 256 70 (first 3 use ATI 68875 DAC) 1280x1024 256 60 1280x1024 256 87 interlaced 1024x768 256 76 1024x768 256 72 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 87 interlaced 800x600 256 76 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 56 640x480 256 72 640x480 256 60 _____________________________________________________________________ Microfield X8 1280x1024 256 - _____________________________________________________________________ miro Crystal 16Si 1024x768 256 - 800x600 256 - 640x480 16m - 640x480 64k - 640x480 256 - _____________________________________________________________________ miro Crystal 8S 1024x768 256 - 800x600 256 - 640x480 64k - 640x480 256 - _____________________________________________________________________ miro Crystal 20SD 1280x1024 256 70 (first 6 require 2 MB DRAM) 1280x1024 256 60 1280x1024 256 43 1024x768 64K 70 1024x768 64K 60 1024x768 64K 43 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 43 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 640x480 256 60 _____________________________________________________________________ miro Crystal 20SV 1280x1024 256 75 (first 8 require 2 MB VRAM 1280x1024 256 72 1280x1024 256 60 1280x1024 256 43 1024x768 64K 75 1024x768 64K 70 1024x768 64K 60 1024x768 64K 43 1024x768 256 75 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 43 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 640x480 256 60 _____________________________________________________________________ Number 9 GXe 1280x1024 256 72 BIOS 1.09 1280x1024 256 70 1280x1024 256 60 1024x768 64k 72 1024x768 64k 70 1024x768 64k 60 1024x768 256 72 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 640x480 16m 60 _____________________________________________________________________ Number 9 GXe 64 1280x1024 256 75 (first 8 require 2 MB VRAM) 1280x1024 256 72 1280x1024 256 60 1280x1024 256 43 1024x768 64K 75 1024x768 64K 70 1024x768 64K 60 1024x768 64K 43 1024x768 256 75 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 43 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 640x480 256 60 _____________________________________________________________________ Number 9 GXe 1280x1024 64k 72 BIOS 1.1x 1280x1024 64k 70 1280x1024 64k 60 1280x1024 256 72 1280x1024 256 70 1280x1024 256 60 1024x768 16m 72 1024x768 16m 70 1024x768 16m 60 1024x768 64k 72 1024x768 64k 70 1024x768 64k 60 1024x768 256 72 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 640x480 16m 60 _____________________________________________________________________ Orchid Fahrenheit 1280x1024 16 - 1280 Plus/VA 1024x768 256 - 800x600 64k - 800x600 256 - 640x480 64k - 640x480 256 - _____________________________________________________________________ Olivetti GAM Graphics 640x480 256 60 Adapter 2MB VRAM 640x480 256 72 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 72 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 72 1280x1024 256 60 1280x1024 256 72 _____________________________________________________________________ Olivetti M4-62/64/66 SVGA 1024x768 256 60 _____________________________________________________________________ S3 86c801 1024x768 256 - 800x600 64k - 800x600 256 - 640x480 16m - 640x480 64k - 640x480 256 - _____________________________________________________________________ S3 86c805 1024x768 256 - 800x600 64k - 800x600 256 - 640x480 16m - 640x480 64k - 640x480 256 - _____________________________________________________________________ S3 86c928 1280x1024 64k - 1280x1024 256 - 1024x768 16m - 1024x768 64k - 1024x768 256 - 800x600 16m - 800x600 64k - 800x600 256 - 640x480 16m - 640x480 64k - 640x480 256 - (Continued on next page) (Continued) Adapter Mode Colors Hertz _____________________________________________________________________ SNI Ergo I 640x350 16 - 640x480 16 60 640x480 16 70 800x600 16 56 800x600 16 60 800x600 16 70 640x480 256 60 640x480 256 70 800x600 256 56 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 70 1024x768 256 45 interlaced 1024x768 256 60 _____________________________________________________________________ SNI Ergo II 640x480 16 - 640x480 256 - 640x480 32K - 800x600 16 - 800x600 256 - 800x600 32K - 1024x768 16 - 1024x768 256 - _____________________________________________________________________ SNI Ergo III 1280x1024 256 43 interlaced 1024x768 64K 43 interlaced 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 43 interlaced 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 56 800x600 64K 60 640x480 64K 72 _____________________________________________________________________ SNI 86C805 1024x768 256 - 800x600 64K - 800x600 256 - 640x480 64K - 640x480 256 - _____________________________________________________________________ SNI 68800 1280x1024 256 74 (first 3 use ATI 68875 DAC) 1280x1024 256 70 1280x1024 256 60 1280x1024 256 87 interlaced 1024x768 256 76 1024x768 256 72 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 87 interlaced 800x600 256 76 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 56 640x480 256 72 640x480 256 60 _____________________________________________________________________ Spider 32 VLB 1280x1024 256 43 interlaced 1024x768 64K 43 interlaced 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 43 interlaced 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 56 800x600 64K 60 640x480 64K 72 _____________________________________________________________________ STB Horizon VL 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 43 interlaced 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 56 800x600 64k 60 640x480 64k 72 _____________________________________________________________________ STB Pegasus 1280x1024 64k 60 1280x1024 256 60 1024x768 16m 72 1024x768 16m 70 1024x768 16m 60 1024x768 256 72 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 640x480 16m 60 _____________________________________________________________________ STB PowerGraph 1024x768 256 72 X-24 and VL-24 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 43 interlaced 800x600 64k 72 800x600 64k 60 800x600 64k 56 _____________________________________________________________________ Trident TVGA 8900B 640x480 16 - 640x480 256 - 800x600 2 - 800x600 16 56 800x600 16 72 800x600 256 56 800x600 256 72 1024x768 2 - 1024x768 16 - interlaced 1024x768 16 - 1024x768 256 - interlaced 1024x768 256 - _____________________________________________________________________ Trident TVGA 8900B 512k 640x480 16 - 640x480 256 - interlaced 800x600 2 - 800x600 16 56 800x600 16 72 800x600 256 - interlaced 1024x768 2 - 1024x768 16 - interlaced 1024x768 16 - _____________________________________________________________________ Trident TVGA/TGUI 640x480 16 - 800x600 2 - 800x600 16 56 800x600 16 72 640x480 256 - 800x600 256 56 800x600 256 72 1024x768 2 - 1024x768 16 - interlaced 1024x768 16 - (last 2 require 1 MB DRAM) 1024x768 256 - interlaced 1024x768 256 - _____________________________________________________________________ Tulip Tulip P9000 640x480 256 60 640x480 256 72 800x600 256 56 800x600 256 72 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 80 1280x1024 256 60 1280x1024 256 74 _____________________________________________________________________ UNISYS MPI series computers 640x480 256 60 640x480 256 72 640x480 32K 60 640x480 64K 60 800x600 16 56 800x600 16 60 800x600 16 72 800x600 256 56 800x600 256 60 800x600 256 72 1024x768 16 43 interlaced 1024x768 16 60 1024x768 16 70 1024x768 256 43 interlaced 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 70 1280x960 16 43 interlaced 1280x1024 16 43 interlaced _____________________________________________________________________ UNISYS MPE series computers 1024x768 256 72 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 60 1024x768 256 87 interlaced 800x600 256 76 800x600 256 72 800x600 256 60 640x480 256 60 (Continued on next page) (Continued) Adapter Mode Colors Hertz _____________________________________________________ Weitek P9000 1MB VRAM 640x480 256 60 640x480 256 72 800x600 256 56 800x600 256 72 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 80 _____________________________________________________ Weitek P9000 2MB VRAM 640x480 256 60 640x480 256 72 800x600 256 56 800x600 256 72 1024x768 256 70 1024x768 256 80 1280x1024 256 60 1280x1024 256 74 _____________________________________________________ Western Digital 90c33 640x480 16 - 640x480 256 - 640x480 32k - 640x480 64k - 640x480 16m - 800x600 16 - 800x600 256 - 800x600 32k - 800x600 64k - 1024x768 16 - 1024x768 256 - _____________________________________________________ Western Digital 90c24 640x480 16 - 640x480 256 - 800x600 16 - 800x600 256 - 1024x768 16 - _____________________________________________________ Xtec AGX 640x480 256 - 800x600 256 - 1024x768 256 - Index colors, fixed color maps, 37 configuring grafinfo files, 13 graphics adapters, 13 moninfo files, 13 monitors, 13 conventions, 5 desktop, icons, problems when moving, 37 DirectColor with X clients, 37 drawing, problems when moving icons, 37 file grafinfo, 13, 15 moninfo, 13, 15 grafdev file, 13, 15 grafinfo files, defined, 13, 15 grafinfo.def file, 15 grafmon file, 13, 15 graphics adapter See also grafinfo files configuring, 13, 14 console multiscreens, 18 grafdev file, 13, 15 resolution, 17 selecting, 16 graphics adapters, unsupported, 17 IslandPaint, drawing problems with Microfield X8, 34, 38 mkdev graphics utility, 13, 15 moninfo files, defined, 13, 15 monitor See also moninfo files configuring, 13, 14 console multiscreens, 18 grafmon file, 13, 15 selecting, 18 scocolor, TrueColor and DirectColor, 37 scopaint, TrueColor and DirectColor, 37 scoterm, TrueColor and DirectColor, 37 server, video configuration, 13 TrueColor with X clients, 37 video card See also Graphics adapter configuring, 13 configuring unsupported, 17 WordPerfect, cursor problems, 38