SCO(r) Boot-Time Loadable Drivers Release 3.4.0 Release and Installation Notes ************************************************************************* Postscript picture appears here ************************************************************************* (c) 1983-1994 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. (c) 1980-1994 Microsoft Corporation. (c) 1989-1994 UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, nor translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., 400 Encinal, Santa Cruz, California, 95060, U.S.A. Copyright infringement is a serious matter under the United States and foreign Copyright Laws. The copyrighted software that accompanies this manual is licensed to the End User only for use in strict accordance with the End User License Agreement, which should be read carefully before commencing use of the software. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. SCO Boot Time Loadable Drivers is commercial computer software and, together with any related documentation, is subject to the restrictions on U.S. Government use as set forth below. If this procurement is for a DOD agency, the following DFAR Restricted Rights Legend applies: RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. Contractor/Manufacturer is The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., 400 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. If this procurement is for a civilian government agency, the following FAR Restricted Rights Legend applies: RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: This computer software is submitted with restricted rights under Government Contract No. __________ (and Subcontract No. _______, if appropriate). It may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed by the Government except as provided in Paragraph (g)(3)(i) of FAR Clause 52.227-14 or as otherwise expressly stated in the contract. Contractor/Manufacturer is The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., 400 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. SCO, Open Desktop, The Santa Cruz Operation, the Open Desktop logo, the SCO logo, SCO Open Server and SCO MPX are registered trademarks or trademarks of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. in the USA and other countries. All other brand and product names are or may be trademarks of, and are used to identify products or services of, their respective owners. Copyright 1993 Adaptec, Inc., All Rights Reserved Copyright (C) NEC Technologies, Inc., 1990 Copyright (C) Distributed Processing Technology, Inc., 1990-1993 NCR Dual 53C700 SCSI Adapter driver, Copyright 1990 NCR Corp NCR Dual 53C710 SCSI Adapter driver, Copyright 1990 NCR Corp NCR Dual 53C90 SCSI Adapter driver, Copyright 1990 NCR Corp Date: 16th September 1994 Document Version:3.4.0A Table of Contents SCO Boot-Time Loadable Drivers Release 3.4.0 Release and Installation Notes 1 Contents of the SCO Boot-Time Loadable Drivers package .............. 1 New features in this release ........................................ 2 Typographical conventions ........................................... 2 Definition of Boot-Time Loadable Drivers ............................ 2 Installation requirements ........................................... 3 Installation procedure .............................................. 3 Using BTLDs at installation time ................................. 4 Installing BTLDs after initial installation ...................... 6 Adaptec AIC-7870 Host Adapter Driver ................................ 8 Adaptec AIC-7770 Host Adapter Driver ................................ 9 Configuration of twin channel adapters ........................... 9 SCSI Adapter Driver for NCR Microchannel Systems ................... 10 IBM hf SCSI adapter ................................................ 11 Known limitations ............................................... 12 DPT SCSI Host Adapter Driver update with hardware RAID support ..... 12 SCO Boot-Time Loadable Drivers Release 3.4.0 Release and Installation Notes These Release and Installation Notes document the Boot-Time Loadable Drivers (BTLD) Release 3.4.0. The software in this package provides support for SCSI host adapters that may need to be link-edited into the SCOO UNIXO kernel during the booting process. Supported SCSI host adapter drivers are: + Adaptec AIC-7770 driver + Adaptec AIC-7870 driver + NCR 53C90, 53C94, 53C700, 53C710 SCSI adapter chipsets for NCR Microchannel Systems + IBM SCSI Fast/Wide Adapter/A driver + DPT SCSI adapter driver update with hardware RAID support This documentation also explains how these drivers can be installed after installation of one of the products listed in "Installation requirements". Contents of the SCO Boot-Time Loadable Drivers package This package contains: + one Boot-Time Loadable Drivers' disk containing the software + these Release and Installation Notes You should keep the floppy disk until the next release of the SCOO Open DesktopO/SCO Open Server Enterprise System or any of the other products listed in "Installation requirements". If you upgrade the software or hardware on your system, you may need to install or reinstall the Boot-Time Loadable Drivers. After some introductory notes, this documentation describes the installation procedure for the SCO BTLD package followed by some release notes for each of the host adapters. The release notes list supported hardware and known limitations. New features in this release This release contains support for one new driver; the Adaptec AIC-7870 Host Adapter Driver. Typographical conventions This publication presents commands, filenames, keystrokes, and other special elements in these typefaces: ____________________________________________________________________________ Example Used for ____________________________________________________________________________ lp or lp(C) commands, or icons representing commands (the letter in parentheses indicates the reference manual section in which the command is documented) ____________________________________________________________________________ /new/client.listfile and directory names, or icons representing them ____________________________________________________________________________ root system, network, or user names ____________________________________________________________________________ filename placeholders (user replaces with appropriate name or value) ____________________________________________________________________________ Esc keyboard keys ____________________________________________________________________________ Edit menu names ____________________________________________________________________________ Copy menu items ____________________________________________________________________________ File - sequences of menus and menu items > Find - > Text ____________________________________________________________________________ SIGHUP named constants, signals ____________________________________________________________________________ ``adm3a'' data values ____________________________________________________________________________ Definition of Boot-Time Loadable Drivers Boot-Time Loadable Drivers are drivers which can be link-edited into the UNIX system kernel during the booting process. The link-editing is done by boot(HW) after the driver is loaded into memory (RAM) but before the kernel is started. A BTLD enables SCO UNIX System V to be installed either onto, or using, new hardware as soon as a driver for the hardware is available. The disk provided in this package is all you need to use this facility; no additional software is required to use BTLDs since boot(HW) is part of the SCO UNIX System V Operating System. Installation requirements If you are about to install one or more of the drivers in the BTLD package, you will either be installing one of the following products or one of the following products will already be installed: + SCO Open Server Enterprise System Release 3.0 + SCO Open Server Network System Release 3.0 + SCO Open Desktop Lite Release 3.0 + SCO UNIX System V Release 3.2 Operating System Version 4.2 + SCO MPX 3.0 Before installing a driver, you should read the relevant release notes for the driver in this document. The release notes contain configuration notes and known limitations for the drivers in this package. Installation procedure There are two possible scenarios in which you may need to install the SCO BTLD package: 1. For installing new hardware which is required for your system at installation time. In this case, you need to add one of the drivers included in the BTLD package before you can install one of the products listed in "Installation requirements". To follow this procedure, you should proceed to "Using BTLD's at installtion time". 2. For installing new hardware which you wish to add to your system after the installation of one of the products listed in "Installation requirements". In this case, the BTLD package is treated as a package of drivers to be added to the Link Kit by installpkg(ADM). To follow this procedure, proceed to "Installing BTLD's after initial installation". Using BTLDs at installation time This section describes how to install the new driver which is required for the installation of one of the SCO products listed in "Installation requirements". If you need to use your BTLD disk at installation time, you should have already inserted your N1 (boot) disk. After inserting the N1 disk, the boot prompt is displayed; this is the point at which you begin the installation procedure for this SCO BTLD package. At this stage the N1 (boot) floppy disk should be in the drive, and the system should be displaying: SCO Unix System V/386 Boot : 1. Enter link at the ``:'' prompt. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE If you are installing a DPT SCSI host adapter, you must, at the colon prompt, enter: restart link=dptr disable=dpt If you are installing the NCR SCSI host adapter, you must, at the colon prompt, enter: restart link=ncr If you are installing the IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Adapter/A host adapter, the xhf driver expects the root disk to be set to ID 6. By default the root disk is set to ID 6, but if you have a system on which the root disk is not set to ID 6, you must, at the colon prompt, enter: restart link-xhf Sdsk=hf(0,n,0) where n is the ID of the root disk. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. The screen displays the following prompt: What packages do you need linked in the system, or `q' to quit? : Available packages in this SCO BTLD package are: alad Adaptec AIC-7870 Host Adapter Driver arad Adaptec AIC-7770 Host Adapter Driver dptr DPT SCSI adapter driver update with hardware RAID support ncr SCSI Host Adapter Driver for NCR Microchannel Systems xhf IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Adapter/A in SCB Locate Mode Enter only the package which is required by the installation. If you want to install the other packages on the disk, you should use the post-installation procedure as described in "Installing BTLD's after initial installation". 3. Next, you will see a boot line similar to the following example: fd(64)unix root=fd(96) swap=ram(0) swaplo=0 nswap=16 ronly mem=/plink=pkg \ btld=fd(x) Memory found: 0k - 640k, 1m - 9600k pkg in the line above is replaced by the actual name of the driver package for boot-time loading and x is replaced by the minor number for your floppy device. After a moment, a series of prompts are displayed with trailing dots; these messages progress as software is loaded. 4. Next you see: Please insert the fd(x)pkg volume and press : At this point you should insert the requested volume (the SCO BTLD disk). If the wrong volume is inserted or the drive is empty, the system displays the following: Sorry, that volume does not contain the pkg package followed by the insertion request again: Please insert the fd(x)pkg volume and press : The system prompts for and extracts the contents of the package. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE If you are installing the IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Adapter/A host adapter, you will be asked if you want to replace the old IBM hf driver. You should reply yes to the question. _________________________________________________________________________ 5. boot(HW) performs the linking of the extracted drivers into the kernel in core and may require more information for the extracted drivers. If the system prompts you for more information about configuring in these drivers, refer to the boot(HW) section in Operating System Administrator's Reference Volume 2 in this documentation set. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE If there are any errors during this extraction (linking) process, the process is aborted and you are forced to reboot. _________________________________________________________________________ 6. After a series of messages culminating in a message such as: arad: Driver "arad" successfully loaded you will see a message prompting you to insert the N2 (filesystem) disk. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE If, during the series of messages, the message: ... Characteristic 'h' not supported; is displayed, you can safely ignore it. _________________________________________________________________________ The BTLD package has been installed; you should now return to the installation procedure in the installation guide for the operating system that you are installing. During the installation of whichever of the products listed in "Installation requirements" you are installing, you will be asked whether you want to customize your operating system. At the very least, you must install the SCO UNIX Run Time System (RTS) and the BASE and LINK packages of the SCO UNIX System V Extended Utilities. Installing BTLDs after initial installation To install the SCO BTLD package when one of the products listed in "Installation requirements" already installed, follow these steps: 1. Log in as root. 2. If you have not already done so, use the following command to bring your machine into system maintenance mode: /etc/shutdown -i1 _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE shutdown -i1 safely shuts down networking services before allowing you to enter system maintenance mode. For more information on the shutdown command, see the shutdown(ADM) manual page. _________________________________________________________________________ This section describes how to add your BTLDs into the kernel using the Link Kit; this action is performed on your already-installed system. installpkg(ADM) is used to perform this installation. 3. At the system prompt, enter installpkg. 4. The screen displays the following messages: Confirm Please insert the floppy disk. If the program installation requires more than one floppy disk, be sure to insert the disks in the proper order, starting with disk 1. After the first floppy disk, instructions will be provided for inserting the remaining floppy disks. Strike ENTER when ready or ESC to stop. Insert the requested disk containing the required driver packages and press Return. 5. After a message informing you that installation is in progress, the system lists all the packages on this BTLD disk and prompts you for your required package(s) on a screen display similar to the following: The following packages are on this disk: NAME DESCRIPTION alad Adaptec AIC-7870 Chipset Host Adapter Driver arad Adaptec AIC-7770 Chipset Host Adapter Driver dptr SCSI Host Adapter update with RAID support ncr SCSI Host Adapter Driver for NCR Microchannel Systems xhf IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Adapter/A in SCB Locate Mode Please enter the names of the packages you wish to install, or q to quit: If you want to install more than one package, you should enter the name of each package on the same line separated by a space. If you already have a similar driver installed, you may be asked if you want to replace it with the new driver. For example, if you already have an IBM hf driver installed and you select the xhf driver for installation, you will be prompted as to whether you want the hf driver replaced. Normally, you will answer yes to the question. After some messages, the system prompt will be displayed. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE If you are installing the Adaptec 2740W or 2940W cards and you are adding a disk that has an ID of more than 7, you will need to enter the ID manually into the /etc/conf/cf.d/mscsi table. To do this, you should first enter the command: mkdev When mkdev prompts you to enter an ID number, you should enter a free ID number that is less than 7. Then use your editor to edit /etc/conf/cf.d/mscsi; change the ID of the device to the real ID (an ID greater than 7) of the device, save the change and continue to the next step (linking the kernel). _________________________________________________________________________ 6. To make use of the drivers, you must relink the kernel by entering this command at the system prompt: /etc/conf/cf.d/link_unix You will then be asked whether you want the new kernel to boot by default and whether you want the kernel environment to be rebuilt. Normally, you will answer yes to both questions. The installation procedure is now complete. 7. To activate the new kernel, you must reboot the system. Adaptec AIC-7870 Host Adapter Driver The Adaptec AIC-7870 directly supports the AHA-2940 and AHA-2940W host adapters. Configuration feature Host adapter configurations may be changed by editing the space.c file. This file is located under the appropriate host adapter driver; in the case of the AHA-2940x, the relevant entry is in the directory /etc/conf/pack.d/alad. You can alter the value of a number of parameters including the SCSI ID, I/O port address, scatter/gather, tag queuing and connect/disconnect. Multiprocessor support Although the Adaptec AIC-7870 driver is designed to support a multiprocessor system, it has not been tested by SCO on such a system because of the unavailability of the necessary hardware. Adaptec AIC-7770 Host Adapter Driver The Adaptec AIC-7770 directly supports: EISA Bus AHA-2740/2742 (Single channel) AHA-2740/2742 A (Single channel) AHA-2740/2742 T (Twin channel) AHA-2740/2742 A-T (Twin channel) AHA-2740/2742 W (Wide channel) VL Bus AHA-2840/2842VL (VL Bus) This driver also supports the AIC-7770 chip in SCO Certified System platforms. Please reference the Hardware Compatability Handbook to determine the support status of your host adapter or contact your system supplier. Configuration of twin channel adapters If the adapter supports more than one SCSI bus (that is, you have one of the twin channel adapters), you must ensure that all installation devices are on the primary bus. To use the secondary bus channel after installation, it must be configured as an additional SCSI host adapter. Note that there are only two channels (A and B) on the Adaptec 2740/2742T and 2740/2742AT cards. BIOS notes The following notes apply to the Adaptec host adapter BIOS. + If multiple 2740T host adapters are being used, under certain conditions, all BIOSs must be disabled except for the boot host adapter. + If the BIOS of the 2740T/2742T/ or the 2740A/AT/2742/A/AT is disabled, the driver will use the default setting configuration. Configuration utility notes The following notes apply to the card's configuration utility. + You must save the configuration information before attempting to use the configuration utility. + When termination on Channel B is not set up properly or if the 2740T/2740AT/2742AT is not seated properly in the EISA slot, the configuration utility might falsely detect those adapters as 2740/42 or as 2740W/2742W host adapters. The following general notes apply. + The AHA-2740T/2742T and the 2740A/AT/2742A/AT do not support a synchronous rate lower than 3.6MB. + The system will display a warning message if you try to do a fresh install of the driver at IRQ 10; this is because of the possibility of an interrupt collision. Do not use IRQ 10 for a fresh installation. The IRQ can be changed to 10 for a driver previously installed. When adding a host adapter, the lowest BIOS address must correspond to the lowest EISA slot. + Some hard disk drives which initiate synchronous negotiation will not be installed during BIOS scan when synchronous negotiation is disabled on the host adapter. It is recommended that synchronous negotiation be left enabled (default) for hard disks. SCSI Adapter Driver for NCR Microchannel Systems This driver is NCR's implementation to support the following hardware: Platforms NCR 3320 (PC 386SX/20 MC) NCR 3325 (PC 486SX/33 DX33 DX266 MC) NCR 3335 (PC 486SX/20 MC) NCR 3345 (PC 486SX/33 MC) NCR 3350/3355 (PC 486SX/25/33/66 MC) NCR 3360/3430 (PC Dual Pentium/60 MC) NCR 3445 (PC 486SX/33 MC) NCR 3447 (PC 486SX/50 MC) The following tables list SCSI devices that have been tested with SCO UNIX Release 3.2 Operating System Version 4.2 with the NCR components of this product. The Hardware Compatability Handbook lists additional supported hardware that was not tested with NCR systems. Host adapters NCR 53C90 (Micro Channel Bus) NCR 53C94 (Micro Channel Bus) NCR 53C700 (SFB Bus) NCR 53C710 (Micro Channel Bus) Internal disks Conner CP30540 545 MB 31/2" DEC DSP3105 1.05 GB 31/2" Maxtor 7213S 213 MB 31/2" Maxtor LXT213S 213 MB 31/2" Maxtor LXT340S 340 MB 31/2" Maxtor LXT535S 535 MB 31/2" Maxtor XT8760S 670 MB 51/4" Seagate ST4767N 670 MB 51/4" Seagate ST41600N 1.37 GB 51/4" Seagate ST3390N 340 MB 31/2" DEC DSP3210 2 GB 31/2" DEC DSP3107L 1 GB 31/2" Quantum RR170S 170 MB 31/2" Quantum LPS270S 270 MB 31/2" Tape drives Wangtek 5525ESES 535 MBxi QIC Exabyte 8200 2.3 GB 8mm Wangtek 6130FS/HS DAT 1.2 GB DAT HP 35470A 2.0 GB DAT TEAC MT-2ST/N70 200 MB Cassette CD-ROM drives Toshiba XM3301B 600 MB Toshiba XM4101B 600 MB Sony CDU-561 600 MB IBM hf SCSI adapter The driver extends IBM SCSI host adapter support to include the IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Adapter/A. This driver is a slightly modified version of the existing IBM hf driver which handles a new version of the adapter in IBM PS/2 Model 85 and IBM i PS/2 Model 95. The PS/2 Model 85 has the adapter integrated on the planar/motherboard; the PS/2 Model 95 uses the adapter installed in a microchannel expansion slot. Known limitations Under SCO UNIX, this adapter does not support SCB Move Mode. This means that it is restricted to supporting seven target IDs and that it cannot use the tagged command queuing features of the host adapter. DPT SCSI Host Adapter Driver update with hardware RAID support This driver updates all DPT drivers for SCSI host adapters and adds hardware RAID levels 0, 1 and 5 on the following DPT SCSI host adapters with the DM4000 (Disk Array Module) and CM4000 (Caching module) with at least one MB of caching memory. The SCO DPT RAID driver (dptr) will support all SmartCache III products and SmartCache Plus products. If you plan to set up a RAID configuration on your system, you will need a caching module and a RAID module for your host adapter. You should also have a firmware revision of 5C or greater, and a SmartROM revision of 2D or greater. For technical support, upgrades, purchases, or product information, you can contact DPT at (407) 830-5522. Currently there is not a version of Storage Manager available for SCO UNIX, but it is under development. Until it is available, you will be able to configure and monitor your RAID system using Storage Manager version 1D or greater, available for DOS, Windows, and OS/2. Once you have configured your RAID system using Storage Manager, you can add RAID to an existing system or install RAID on a new system using the dptr driver. 16th September 1994 AJ07615P000