Welcome to the Advanced Hardware Supplements (AHS) 3.4 Area ----------------------------------------------------------- This area contains new peripheral device support for SCO UNIX 3.2 version 4.2 and SCO Open Desktop 3.0. The disk image files in this area are for 3.5" size floppies. See the AHS/3.0/sco/3.4/96 directory for the 5.25" disk image version of the AHS 3.4. What to do once the files have been downloaded to your local machine: The files ending in .Z have been reduced in size using the compress utility. These files must first be unpacked using uncompress(C). Files ending in .ltr or .doc are cover letter and installation instructions for the corresponding supplements. The cover letters assume you have received the supplements on diskette. To install a supplement, you must first transfer it to a diskette using the following procedure: 1. Request the file and cover letter/documentation via your favorite file tranfer protocol. (Note: if transferring to a DOS based machine you will need to transfer the files to a SCO UNIX machine before proceeding to step 2) 2. Unpack the files as necessary using uncompress(C). 3. Use the dd(C) command to transfer the supplement file to the diskette. For example, if the supplement file is "aga" and is in the /usr/spool/uucpublic directory on your system, and the diskette is 3.5-inch, 1.44M, the command would be: dd if=/usr/spool/uucppublic/aga of=/dev/fd0135ds18 Substitute the appropriate device name for "dev/fd0135ds18" if transferring to a diskette of another capacity. The diskette must be formatted using the format(C) command before the data can be transferred. 4. Follow the installation instructions given in the cover letter, README, or documentation file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description of available Advanced Hardware Supplement files File name Size in bytes Description (checksum) aga 1474560 (19539) 3.5" AGA disk image agadoc.Z 36635 (52182) AGA documentation btld.Z 1014151 (40247) 3.5" BTLD disk image btlddoc.Z 11703 (51930) BTLD documentation lli.Z 1041225 (56402) 3.5" LLI disk image llidoc.Z 61025 (24558) LLI documentation mp.Z 99697 (42136) 3.5" MP disk image mpdoc.Z 8541 (23568) MP documentation