SCO Multiprocessing Drivers Release 3.4.0 Release and Installation Notes O 1983-1994 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. O 1980-1994 Microsoft Corporation. O 1989-1994 UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, nor translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., 400 Encinal, Santa Cruz, California, 95060, U.S.A. Copyright infringement is a serious matter under the United States and foreign Copyright Laws. The copyrighted software that accompanies this manual is licensed to the End User only for use in strict accordance with the End User License Agreement, which should be read carefully before commencing use of the software. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. SCO Multiprocessing Drivers is commercial computer software and, together with any related documentation, is subject to the restrictions on U.S. Government use as set forth below. If this procurement is for a DOD agency, the following DFAR Restricted Rights Legend applies: RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. Contractor/Manufacturer is The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., 400 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. If this procurement is for a civilian government agency, the following FAR Restricted Rights Legend applies: RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: This computer software is submitted with restricted rights under Government Contract No. __________ (and Subcontract No. _______, if appropriate). It may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed by the Government except as provided in Paragraph (g)(3)(i) of FAR Clause 52.227-14 or as otherwise expressly stated in the contract. Contractor/Manufacturer is The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., 400 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. SCO, Open Desktop, The Santa Cruz Operation, the Open Desktop logo, the SCO logo, SCO Open Server and SCO MPX are registered trademarks or trademarks of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. in the USA and other countries. All other brand and product names are or may be trademarks of, and are used to identify products or services of, their respective owners. Date: 16th September 1994 Document Version: 3.4.0A Contents of the SCO Multiprocessing Drivers package ................. 1 New features in this release ........................................ 2 Typographical conventions ........................................... 2 Installation requirements ........................................... 2 Installation procedure .............................................. 3 Removal procedure ................................................... 5 NCR 3360 and 3430 ................................................... 6 Distributed interrupts ........................................... 7 Compaq ProLiant 2000 and 4000 ....................................... 7 Wyse 7000i model 740, 760 and 765 ................................... 7 Known limitations ................................................ 7 SCO APIC MP driver .................................................. 8 Implementation ................................................... 8 Olivetti LSX LSX5030/40 and LSX5050 Series Drivers .................. 8 Additional software requirements ................................. 8 These Release and Installation Notes document the SCOO Multiprocessing Drivers Release 3.4.0. This package contains drivers for the following platforms: + NCR 3360 and 3430 + Compaq ProLiant 2000 and 4000 + Wyse 7000i model 740, 760 and 765 + Multiprocessing machines using the Intel Multiprocessing Specification (MPS) Version 1.1 (SCO APIC MP Driver) + Olivetti LSX5030, LSX5040 and LSX5040E + Olivetti LSX5050 Contents of the SCO Multiprocessing Drivers package The package contains the following: + one disk containing the custom-installable MP software + these Release and Installation Notes After some introductory notes, this documentation describes the installation and removal procedures for the SCO MP package; these procedures are followed by release notes for each of the drivers. The release notes list supported hardware and known limitations. New features in this release This release of the Multiprocessing drivers package contains the following new drivers: New drivers SCO APIC MP driver Olivetti LSX 5030/5040 MP driver Olivetti LSX 5050 MP driver Wyse Series 7000i GPI (Updated to support multiple Pentium processors) Installation requirements Before installing the multiprocessing drivers, you must have one of the following platforms installed: + SCO MPX 3.0 with SCOO UNIXO System V Release 3.2 Version 4.2 + SCO MPX 3.0 with SCO Open Server Enterprise System Release 3.0 + SCO MPX 3.0 with SCO Open Server Network System Release 3.0 You can install in either of the following two situations: 1. Install on a clean distribution (SCO MPX 3.0 and no MP Drivers). 2. Install on a distribution which already has a vendor EFS (it is not necessary to remove the EFS (Wyse, NCR or Compaq) prior to installing the SCO Multiprocessing Drivers Release 3.4.0). + The NCR driver name is ncrmp; installing the SCO Multiprocessing Drivers Release 3.4.0 will supercede the installed NCR EFS. + The ProLiant driver supports the ProLiant and SystemPro/XL platforms. In the SCO MPX 3.0 release the SystemPro/XL driver was called sysproxl. In the Compaq EFS (1.7 and 1.8) the ProLiant Driver was called sysproxt. The new ProLiant driver supercedes the SCO MPX 3.0 sysproxl driver, thus making the Compaq EFS sysproxt driver redundant. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE The installation of the Compaq MP component of the SCO Multiprocessing Drivers package relies on the fact that the sysproxl driver has not been removed from the SCO MPX 3.0 distribution. _________________________________________________________________________ + The Wyse driver name is wyse; installing the SCO Multiprocessing Drivers Release 3.4.0 will supercede the installed Wyse EFS. + The APIC driver name is apic; installing the SCO Multiprocessing Drivers package will supercede the installed APIC EFS. + The Olivetti 5030/5040 driver name is olimpx; installing the SCO Multiprocessing Drivers package will supercede the installed Olivetti LSX Series MP driver EFS (EFS 133). The Olivetti 5050 driver name is olimpxp5. The SCO Multiprocessing Drivers package can be removed and any vendor EFS/SCO MPX 3.0 files will be restored (if you want to save them). Once the SCO Multiprocessing Drivers package has been installed, removal of the Wyse or NCR EFS or the Compaq MPX 3.0 driver will cause the Compaq and Wyse drivers installed by the SCO Multiprocessing Drivers package to be un-installed. Installation procedure To install the SCO Multiprocessing Drivers package on your system, follow these steps: 1. If you have not already installed SCO MPX 3.0, please install it now. See the SCO MPX Multiprocessor Extension Release 3.0 User's Guide for instructions. 2. Log in as root. 3. If you have not already done so, use the following command to bring your machine into system maintenance mode: /etc/shutdown -i1 _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE shutdown -i1 safely shuts down networking services before allowing you to enter system maintenance mode. For more information on the shutdown command, see the shutdown(ADM) manual page. _________________________________________________________________________ As root, you have access to all the system files so be careful not to overwrite, delete or corrupt any files by accident. 4. Run custom from the command line by typing custom and pressing Return, or from sysadmsh by making the following sysadmsh selection: System -> Software 5. Choose the Install option, followed by the A New Product option from the custom menu. 6. At this point, you are prompted to choose either: Entire Product, Packages or Files. Select Packages. 7. You are now prompted to: Insert the requested volume and press to continue the installation. Insert the disk labelled SCO Multiprocessing Drivers EFS Release 3.4.0 and press Return. 8. A copyright notice will appear, and then the following messages: Please note that this product contains device drivers intended for the following multiprocessor platforms: NCR 3360 and 3430 Compaq ProLiant 2000 and 4000 WYSE 7000 model 740 and 760, 765 SCO APIC MP Driver Release 1.1 Olivetti LSX 5030 and LSX 5040 OLivetti LSX 5050 You should not install this product on other machines. Continue with the installation?(y/n) Enter y to continue. 9. You will then see the following message: Select package(s) from which to choose files and press The displayed options are ALL, NCRMP, SYSPROXL, WYSE, APIC, OLIMPX and OLIMPXP5. The example below covers the installation of NCRMP, but you will see similar messages if you select any of the other options. You should not select ALL because you will not need to install all drivers on one platform. If you select NCRMP you see the following: Insert the requested volume and press to continue the installation Press Return. The following messages appear: Extracting files... Executing SCO Multiprocessing Drivers EFS Release 3.4.0 Init Script Do you want to install SCO MP Driver for NCR 3360 and 3430 platforms?(y/n) 10. If you select y then you see the following message: Installing SCO Driver for NCR 3360 and 3430 platforms...Done. The kernel link kit has been modified. You must relink the kernel to receive the new functionality. Do you want to relink the kernel at this time ? (y/n) If you answer y, the standard kernel rebuild cycle will begin. You will be asked whether you want this to be the default boot kernel, and whether you want the kernel environment rebuilt. Reply y to these questions. 11. The following prompt will appear: Press any key to continue After you press a key, the system will check file permissions. You will then return to the custom menu. 12. At this point, exit custom and reboot to acquire the new functionality. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE If you choose to install a single multiprocessor driver, custom will report that the entire multiprocessor driver package is installed. This is an error; the report is wrong. Only the driver that you chose to install will have been installed _________________________________________________________________________ Removal procedure To remove the SCO Multiprocessing Driver package, follow these steps: 1. Log in as root. 2. If you have not entered System Maintenance mode, use the following command to do so: /etc/shutdown -i1 _________________________________________________________________________ NOTE shutdown -i1 safely shuts down networking services before allowing you to enter System Maintenance mode. For more information on the shutdown command, see the shutdown(ADM) manual page. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. When you see the INIT: SINGLE USER MODE message, enter the root password. 4. Run custom and select Remove. 5. Next, select SCO Multiprocessing Drivers Release 3.4.0. 6. At the next prompt, you can select individual packages to remove, or remove all installed SCO Multiprocessing Driver packages. The options are ALL, NCRMP, SYSPROXL, WYSE, APIC, OLIMPX and OLIMPXP5. If, for example, you selected NCRMP you will be asked to confirm the removal of the NCRMP package. Enter yes. Executing SCO Multiprocessing Drivers EFS Release 3.3.0 Removal Script Removing SCO MP Drivers ncrmp...Done The kernel link kit has been modified. You must relink the kernel to receive the new functionality. Do you want to relink the kernel at this time ? (y/n) Reply y to this prompt. The kernel rebuild cycle will begin. 7. You will be asked whether you want the kernel to boot by default, and whether you want the kernel environment rebuilt. Reply yes to both these queries to complete the removal procedure. 8. After you have responded to those prompts, you will see the following: Press any key to continue After you press a key, you will return to the custom menu. 9. At this point, exit custom and reboot to install the new kernel. NCR 3360 and 3430 The NCR MP Driver provides the following features: + support for the NCR 3360 and 3430 machines + support for two Pentium processor boards + dynamic routing of distributed interrupts + CPU activity levels favoring auxiliary CPUs for interrupt distribution + supports either processor as the base processor, as configured with the NCR setup disks Distributed interrupts The NCR MP Driver and SCO MPX 3.0 can dynamically reassign distributable multi-threaded device interrupt handlers among the available CPUs. Interrupts are routed to the most available CPU, based on the current interrupt mask and the activity level of the CPU. Since single-threaded drivers, or those which have not been expressly modified to run in a multiprocessing environment, will execute on the BASE (usually BOOT) processor, the activity level of the auxiliary CPUs is set to receive the majority of interrupts available for distribution. This leaves the BASE processor with more opportunity to service non- distributed interrupt handlers, thus allowing for more evenly distributed interrupts. Compaq ProLiant 2000 and 4000 The Compaq ProLiant 2000 and 4000 vendor file (/etc/conf/pack.d/sysproxl/Driver.o) is used in conjunction with SCO MPX 3.0 to activate the features of the ProLiant 2000 and 4000 and the SystemPro/XL machines, and to allow them to utilize all of their processors. This vendor file is based on the SystemPro/XL vendor file that ships with MPX 3.0. Enhancements have been made to recognize the new four processor machine from Compaq. It replaces the existing MPX 3.0 /etc/conf/pack.d/sysproxl/Driver.o which only supports SystemPro/XL. The sysproxl driver can cohabit with the Compaq EFS sysproxt driver, but to ensure that the correct driver is used on ProLiant machines only one of the sysproxl and the sysproxt drivers should be configured at any time. Wyse 7000i model 740, 760 and 765 The Wyse MP Driver (named wyse) is added to the kernel to support the Wyse 7000i model 740, 760 and 765 Multiprocessors. Known limitations Occasionally a soft reset will fail and cause the system to hang after the following prompts: ** Safe to Power Off ** or ** Press Any Key to Reboot ** This problem typically occurs during a system reboot immediately after you have installed a new package and rebuilt the kernel. When a failure occurs, the screen will normally clear after a key is pressed, but will remain blank because the system is stuck in powerup diagnostics mode. This problem can be avoided if you press the reset button and do a hard restart instead of doing a soft reset. Do a hard reset if your system has hung in this manner. SCO APIC MP driver The SCO APIC MP Driver provides support for new multiprocessing machines implementing the Intel Multiprocessing Specification (MPS) Version 1.1. The MPS specification supports many types of multiprocessor machines including dual-Pentium machines and systems utilizing PCI and EISA or ISA buses. Implementation The SCO APIC MP Driver Release 1.1 requires that your system be running in multiprocessor APIC mode. This may require you to run the configuration utility supplied by your manufacturer. Refer to your manufacturer's documentation for details. Olivetti LSX LSX5030/40 and LSX5050 Series Drivers The LSX 5030/5040 driver (olimpx) supports the following platforms: Platforms Olivetti LSX 5030 Olivetti LSX 5040 Olivetti LSX 5040E The LSX 5050 driver (olimpxp5) supports the Olivetti LSX 5050, a Pentium multiprocessor system. All of these machines may have up to four CPUs installed. Additional software requirements This note applies to both the LSX 5030/5040 and the LSX 5050 drivers. EFS 126, the Olivetti LSX5000 Series Supplement, must be installed to provide a multithreaded host adapter driver. EFS 126 consists of two disks: a Driver Floppy (BTLD volume) and a N0 replacement floppy. The BTLD volume contains the multithreaded ESC/EFP host adapter driver. The release notes that accompany EFS 126 explain how this driver should be installed. EFS 126 is obtainable through SCO's normal distribution channels. The N0 replacement floppy is necessary for those LSX5030/5040 systems which have revision 2.0 or revision 3.0 CPU cards (CPU-2, CPU-3). There is an incompatibility between these systems and the boot program used for installation of SCO operating systems based on the SCO UNIX Operating System Release 3.2 Version 4.2 kernel (for example: SCO Open Server Network System Release 3.0). The N0 replacement floppy is a bootable disk which provides a modified boot program. Please refer to the release notes that accompany EFS 126 for installation instructions. 16th September 1994 AJ07616P000