ODT3 driver for the Intel EtherExpress PRO/100B, PRO/100+, PRO/10+. KEYWORDS: opendesktop 3.0 ODT3 eeE pro100b TX T4 pro100+ PRO/100+ PRO/10+ intel etherexpress ethernet adapter drivers bus pci ftp downloadable network part number pila8465b pila8475b pila8460 pila8500 pila8520 RELEASE: SCO Open Desktop 3.0 or SCO UNIX 3.2 v4.2 SCO TCP/IP Runtime System 1.2.1l HARDWARE: EtherExpress PRO/100B TX, PILA8465B EtherExpress PRO/100B T4, PILA8475B EtherExpress PRO/100+, PILA8460 EtherExpress PRO/10+, PILA8500 EtherExpress PRO/10+, PILA8520 NOTE: The compatible bus type for this driver is PCI. PROBLEM: What drivers are available for the Intel EtherExpress PRO/100B, PRO/100+, and PRO/10+ NICs? SOLUTION: This driver is available at the following URL: ftp://ftp.sco.com/pub/drivers The floppy label for this supplement should read as follows. eeE LLI Driver Intel PRO/100B, PRO/100+, PRO/10+ type ku386 rel 1.3.1 date 16 Oct 98 media 135dshd sum 11848 vol 1 of 1 To install these drivers, take the following steps: - Log in as root. - Download the image to a floppy. - Run 'custom' and install the driver. - Complete the installation and exit custom. - Install the network adapter hardware into your computer. - Run 'netconfig' and configure the new adapter.